exploring kml transformers

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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Exploring KML Transformers and Attributes Kirsten Lawrence, GISP Senior GIS Analyst @ Caltrans

Feature Class to KML the Old Way, Before FME…

!  Several different applications were used to get from A (feature class) to B (KML)

!  KML files were manually edited in a text editor to achieve desired styling

!  A time consuming process, every time !  So many steps made it inevitable to miss one

Feature Class to KML the New Way, Using FME…

!  Just one application to get from A to B !  No manual editing of files post creation !  Time spent on developing a workspace, then just

press a button when the data needs updating !  Workflow automation minimizes errors

Project Example: Create a spatial database of Surveyed overhead signs for Caltrans District 4 and publish the information in KML/KMZ format to the web

Project Workflow

!  A python script organizes the workflow, calling arcpy and other custom functions to format and geoprocess the tabular surveyed data !  The python script runs the FME workspace that

builds out the KMZ using fmeobjects and the FMEWorkspaceRunner class

!  The script uploads the final KMZ to the web via pysftp


Workspace Snapshot

Structuring the Data: KML Folders

Create a Folder

Feature Type

Styling the Data

Create a Style Feature


Applying Styles and Assigning Data to the Folders

Creating the Navigation tree and Setting Description Balloon Content

Region Setting

Adding a Screen Overlay

Create a Screen Overlay Feature Type

The Final Product http://earth.dot.ca.gov/d4row/d04_ohs.html

Thank You!

!  Questions?

!  For more information: !  Kirsten Lawrence, kirsten.lawrence@dot.ca.gov !  Caltrans

!  http://fmepedia.safe.com/

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