extinguishing the chalice as we release this flame from its faithful service today, we allow the...

Post on 01-Apr-2015






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Extinguishing the ChaliceAs we release this flame From its faithful service today, We allow the spark in each of us

To burn on; To warm our compassion, To fire our delight, To light our pathsToday, tomorrow, and always

Extinguishing the ChaliceWe extinguish this flame, but not the sparks we have received during our time together, which are a generous source of light and heat for ourselves and others. We carry and cherish this Light until we are together again.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish the light of our chalice, but not the light of life and love that lives in every human heart.

Let your light shine bright.

As we go out into the world, let us rise to life and love and hope.

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish the light of our chalice, but not the light of life and love that lives in every human heart. May our lights shine bright.

OpAs we extinguish this chalice, the

As we extinguish this chalice, the

flame of truth, the spark of divinity, the light of knowledge,

the warmth of love, and the energy of action glow on in each of us. We take our radiance to share with all the world.May it

ever be so. 

Extinguishing the Chalice

At times our own light goes out and it is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think, with deep gratitude, of those who have lighted the flame within us. Albert Schweitzer

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish the light of our chalice, but not the light of life and love that lives in every human heart. We take our energy and our love with us out into the world.

We extinguish the light of our chalice,

but not the light of life and love that lives in every human heart.  

May we be mindful of the many gifts that come into our lives and give

thanks for them. May we believe that our greatest

gift is found not in what others give us,

but in what we share with others. 

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish the light of our chalice, but not the light of life and love that lives in every human heart. ~ Let your light shine bright. ~ As we go out into the world, may we remember that we are not alone.

As we extinguish this chalice, the flame of truth,

the spark of divinity, the light of knowledge,

the warmth of love, and the energy of action

glow on in each of us. We take our radiance

to share with all the world.  

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