extra grammar practice a4 - mcurie.edu.it · 1 completa le frasi con il past continuous dei verbi...

Post on 29-Aug-2019






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Past simple

1/you/he/she/it/we/ played.


1/you/he/ she/ it/we/ did not/didn't play.


1 Completa la tabella con il Past simple dei verbi.

go wen·~ 8 run

1 have 9 get

2 do 10 take

3 come 11 make

4 see 12 say

5 buy 13 eat

6 write 14 give

7 read 15 put

2 Complet a le frasi con il Past simple de'i ve rbi nel riquadro.

arrive dose finish live open play start stay study travel walk

watch werle visit

Last year my dad 'l .-r!~e.:;.; fora travel company.

1 The party at seven o'clock and _____ at half past ten.

2 Ten years ago, my aunt and uncle _ _ _ _ _

in a flat in Rome.

3 We at home yesterday because it was a school holiday.

4 We lake Garda last summer. 5 l a good film on N last night. 6 My brother computer games for

three hours yesterday. 7 They English in a language

school in london.

D id 1/you/he/she/it/we/ play?


Yes, 1/you/he/ she/it/we/ d i d.


No, 1/you/he/ she/itlwe/ didn't.


8 Sam _ _ __ at the train station at half past four.

9 Yesterday the supermarket at 8am and at 8pm.

1 O They to New York by aeroplane.

3 Usa le parole date pe r formulare domande e dare risposte brevi.

You/study/last weekend? (~)

.:ld vou 5tl'.1tlast weeKend? t lo l diè;-,'t (/)

1 You/watch/a good film last night? (.t) _______________ (we

2 You/play/volleyball yesterday? (~) ______________ (/ 3 Susie and Tom/have/a party for their birthday:­


4 lt/rain/at the weekend? (~)

5 Tommy/wear/a suit to the wedding? (./)

6 Ellie and Holly/pass/the English test? (.t')

7 Your dog/eat/my sandwiches? (.t') _ ____ _ _ _ _____ (he)

8 School/close/early yesterday? (1)

4 Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi.

l aura: Hi Mikey! What did vou do (youldo) yesterday?

M ikey: 11 (stay) at home.

Laura: 2 _____ (youlstudy) for the

exams? Mikey: No l didn't, l 3 (watch)

DVDs with my sister. Laura: 4 (you/see) any good films? M ikey: No, we didn't. My sister s ____ _

(not want) to watch my adion films, so we 6 (watch) some terrible romantic films!

Laura: Hahaha! Mikey: 7 (you/go) out in the

evening? Laura: Yes, l did. Sami and 1 8 -----

(decide) to go to the cinema, but we 9 (not like) the films, so we 10 (walk) in the park for an hour.

5 Completa le domande e le risposte con il Past simple.

What ., te "P.:' (you/get) for your birthday? l ~?t a new MP3 player.

Where (youlgo) on holiday last year? We _____ to Paris.

2 What (you/eat) for dìnner last night? We _____ fish and chips.

3 Which film (they/see) at the cinema? They _____ the new James Band film.

4 Who (Anna l meet) at the station? She _____ her cousin.

5 Why (she/ leave) early?

She early because she was tired. 6 What time (you/have) breakfast

this morning? l breakfast at seven o' dock.

7 When (you/buy) those trainers? l them last week.

8 What (theyl make) in the kitchen? They __ ...r._ __ a chocolate cake.

6 Completa le frasi con la forma negativa del Past simple dei verbi nel riquadro. Poi riscrivi le frasi usando le informazioni tra parentesi.

become come create sing win writ~

David Beckham ::!n't ?la rugby for England. (footbal()


1 ltaly _ ___ the world cup in 2005. (2006)

2 Shakespeare _____ in ltalian. (English)

3 Michael Jackson ____ heavy metal songs. (pop)

4 Barack Obama _____ President of the USA in 201 O. (2008)

5 John Lennon _____ from London. (Liverpoof)

6 J K Rowling _____ The Simpsons. (Harry


1 Completa i minidialoghi con i pronomi e i verbi tra parentesi.

A Where ..1lç 1 .;o (youlgo) on holiday last summer?

B We 1 (go) to Paris. lt 2 - ---(be) amazing.

A What 3 (you/see)?

B We 4 (see) the Eiffel Tower, and the Sacre Coeur. We 5 (notlvisit) the Louvre because it was dosed. Oh, and we 6 (have) a trip on the river.

A What1 (you/eat)? B We 8 (eat) baguettes with

delicious French cheese. We 9 -----(noti ha ve) snails*!

A When 10 (you/come) back? B Yesterday. We 11 (arrive) at the

airport at half past three, and we 12 (take) a taxi home.

*snails = lumache

Past continuous vs Past simple

Past continuous

1/he/she/it was wait ing at the bus stop.

you/we/you/they were waiting at the bus stop.

1/he/she/it was not (wasn't ) waiting at the bus stop.

you/we/you/they were not (weren't ) waiting at the bus stop.

i!1t.:!rrogativa l Was 1/he/she/it wait ing at the bus stop?

Lw ere you/we/you/they wait ing at the bus stop?

Yes, 1/he/she/it was. Yes, you/we/you/they were.

No, 1/he/she/it w asn't. No, you/we/you/they weren't.

Workbook lpp.136-137

1 Completa le frasi con il Past continuous dei verbi del riquadro.

do eat listen play read shout write

When the teacher entered the classroom, Sally was ~tzvi 10 games on her mobile.

1 Thomas a packet of crisps. 2 Jake and Callum to their MP3

players. 3 Annie _____ an email to her sister. 4 Jenny and Karen their

homework. 5 l _____ a magazine. 6 Our teacher at us!

1/you/he/she/it/we/you/they wait ed at the bus l stop.

1/you/he/she/it/we/you/they did not (didn't) wait at the bus stop.

Yes, 1/you/he/she/it/we/you/they did. No, 1/you/he/she/it/we/you/they didn't .

High Spirits Digitai 2, Workbook ;pp!140 & 14 ~

2 Completa le f rasi con il Past continuous dei verbi fra parentesi.

Tanya and Susie weren't stud tina (study), they were watc.1inq (watch) lV.

1 Max (not watch) a film, he (watch) a documentary.

2 They (not download) music, they (p/ay) computer games.

3 She (not do) her homework, she (text) her friends.

4 Da d (not read) the newspaper, he (s/eep) in the chair.

5 The dog (no t eat), it __ _ (play) in the garden.

6 lt (not rain), it ____ _


3 Completa le domande con il Past continuous dei verbi fra parentesi.

Why ~~as H~ :JOL . (he/go) to the station at lunchtime?

Who _____ (youltalk) to on the

phone yesterday? 2 Which film _____ (you/watch) when

l called? 3 What _____ (heldo) al9 o'clock last

night? 4 _____ (itlrain) when you got there?

5 Where (theylgo) when you saw them?

6 Why _____ (she/cry)this moming?

7 (Matt /do) his homework when you spoke to him?

8 What (they/talk) about?

4 Scegli la parola corretta.

When/~we were watching the film, my sister fell asleep

1 What were you doing when/while Aunt Jess cali ed?

2 What did she say when/while you told her? 3 When/ While l was trying to study, Alice was

chatting to her friend. 4 They were enjoying the party when/while the

music stopped. 5 Sam broke his leg w hen/while he was

snowboarding. 6 Mum cut her finger when/while she was

making dinner. 7 When /While l was working on my history

project, the computer crashed. 8 When/While Henry was cleaning the kitchen,

l was tìdying my bedroom.

5 Completa le frasi con un verbo al Past simple e un verbo al Past continuous.

break+ski eat+tell have+start have+do have+walk snow+arrive tidy+anive

wait+call watch+call

Mum and dad . e e:: ~a~. dinner when l t ,,d them my exam results.

1 Sally an accident while she to school.

2 l for the bus when my mum me an my mobile phone.

3 While we ______ our picnic it _____ to rain.

4 They a DVD when you ____ _

5 l ____ _ a glass ot orange juice while l my homework.

6 While l my room, my grandma

7 lt _____ when we _____ in

the mountains. 8 My dad _____ his leg while

he m the Alps.

6 Completa il dialogo con il Past continuous o il Past simple dei verbi fra parentesi.

Dad: Adam, what w.::re vu c/. , (you/do) in your room last night?

Adam: We 1 (p/ay) computer games. Why?

Dad: You 2 (make) a lot of noise. l 3 (hear) a terrible bang!

Ada m: Oh yes, Josh 4 (fam off his chair while we 5 (p/ay)! lt 6 (be) really funny.

Dad: (be) he ok? Adam: Yeah, and fortunately he 8 ___ _

(break) the console. Dad: Fortunately? Adam: Yeah, because he 9 ____ (win)

when it 10 _____ (happen), so then 111 ____ (win)!

Dad: 12 (helfix) the console? Adam: Yes, he 13 ____ _

.E 0'1 ·a;

f -c c: ro o ~ o c: ::::> r:. o ~


going to, will e Present continuous con significato di futuro


l'm going to leave

you/we/you/they're going to leave

he/she/it's going to leave

l'm not going to leave

you/we/you/they aren't going to leave

he/she/it isn't going to leave

rma-intérrogatìvà. · ~ "

l Am l going to leave?

Are you/we/you/they going to leave?

t ls he/she/it going to leave?

ill:j • oJ..· .. u-ll!,'r~

Yes, l am. No, l'm not.

Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn't.

Yes, you/we/you/they are.

No, you/we/you/they aren't.

1 Decidi se le frasi si riferiscono al presente {P) o al futuro {F).

Tlhey're going on holiday next week. L 1 We're leaving at 2 o' dock this afternoon. _ 2 They're having their lunch at the moment. _ 3 What are you doing for your birthday? _

4 l'm meeting Ben after school. _ 5 Jodie isn't textìng, she's playing a game on her

phone._ 6 What's your dog playing with? _

7 Are you going to the cinema tonight? _

8 The children are watching lV in the living room.

2 Completa il dialogo con going to e i verbi del riquadro .

be not be (x2) do §e not go help look for speak study tell

A: Are you going t o go (you) to university af1ter


will: futuro

1/you/he/she/it/we/you/they will ('Il) win

Yes, 1/you/he/she/it/we/you/they will.

No, 1/you/he/she/it/we/you/they won't.

Workbook pp.108-109

Present continuous

B: Yes, l am. l 1 _____ 1aw. Then 1

z a lawyer. How about you? What 3 (you) ?

A: l don't know exactly, but l 4 to university. l 5 a job.

B: What kind of job? A: l don't know. B: lt 6 easy. A: l know, and my parents 7 happy. B: When 8 them?

A: Tonight. My brother 9 to them too. He 10 me find a job.

3 Riscrivi le frasi alla forma negativa e alla forma interrogativa.

Hannah and Jo will be late for their lesson. Hannah and , }o won't be late for their lesso li Will Hannah anà Joe be late for their lesson2

1 There will be live music at the party.

2 lt w111 be wet and wmdy at the weekend.

3 Your mum will be really angry.

4 She'll have fun on holiday.

5 They'll pass their exams without problems.

6 David will invite ali his friends to his party.

4 Decidi se le frasi sono piani già organizzati (A arrangements), previsioni (P predidions) o intenzioni (l intentions).

l'm playing tennis with my brother at half past tour this atternoon. _

1 Jess is going to study Medicine at university. _

2 Where are you going on holiday? _

3 lt'll probably rain on Friday. _

4 Look at the su n! lt's going to be a beautiful day!_

5 Adam's parents are going to give him a tablet tor his birthday. _

6 My parents are taking us to an adventure park on Saturday. _

7 The maths exam won't be very difficult. _ 8 Tickets for the concert will be very

expensive. _

5 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei

verbi fra parentesi: Present continuous, be going to o wi/1. Usa i suggerimenti alla fine della frase.

l'· . · 1 •• J~cm e (become) a doctor. c s


1 (mobile phones/ be) more expensive in the future? (predict;on)

2 Maisie's mum and dad (have) a barbecue in the garden on Saturday.

(arrangement) 3 What (youlwear) to the school

party next weekend? (intention) 4 What time (we!leave) on the

school trip? (arrangement)

5 l think that film (be) reany funny. (prediction)

6 They haven't done their homework. Their teacher (be) very angry.

(prediction) 7 Liam (not help) me with my

homework. (intention) 8 You (not need) to take an

umbrella tomorrow. (prediction)

6 Scegli la forma corretta del futuro per completare le frasi.

Sally will/~become a teacher after university.

1 Take a jumper with you. lt will be/is being

cold in the mountains. 2 My dad will/is going to buy a new car next

weekend. 3 Look at the sky! l think it will / is going to

rain. 4 You won't have/aren't having any problem

in the exam.

5 l'm going to text/'m texting Luca after this

lesson. 6 What ti me are you meeting/will you meet

your friends tonight?

7 Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta del futuro dei verbi fra parentesi.

Justin: Hi Lucy. What are;~o .. ~o .g (you/do) on Saturday?

Lucy: l 1 ____ (go) shopping with my mum. l 2 ____ (buy) some new


Justin: Really? lt 3 (be) very busy on Saturday, because they 4 ___ _

(open) the new computer games shop. Lucy: Oh yes! My brother 5 (go).

6 (you/go) too?

Justin: Yes, l am. 17 (meet) Rob




there at 3 o' dock. We 8 (try)

to win a games console. Oh well, good luck!

Thanks. We probably 9-~--(not win), but it 10 (be) fun!

Have a good time!

"' .s c:

~ "C c •v


Present perfect :.

1/you/we/you/they have ('ve) visited

l he/she/it has ('s.)_ v_i_si_te_d ________ __/

1/you/we/you/they have not (haven't) visited

he/she/it has not (hasn't) visited

1 Completa la tabella con il participio passato

dei verbi.

be bee n speak 10

go make 11

h ave 2 give 12

know 3 think 13

write 4 meet 14

do 5 see 15

eat 6 steal 16

drink 7 take 17

rea d 8 le ave 18

buy 9 keep 19

2 Completa le frasi con il Present perfect dei

verbi fra parentesi.

l'm hungry! l 1a '~ · e<'. ~.e 1 today. (not eat)

1 We (see) two films on lV this

afternoon. 2 l _ ____ never ___ _ _ London.

(visit) 3 My uncle _ _ _ _ _ (trave!) around the


4 l ----- (not finish) my homework. 5 My dad (start) English lessons. 6 They (not study) for their exams. 7 My grandma never ____ _

(work). 8 Sa m ____ to school today. (no t be)

Have 1/you/we/you/they been to New Zealand?

Has he/she/it done a bungee jump? ..;__.;..~-----l

Yes, 1/you/we/you/they have. No, 1/you/we/you/they haven't.

l Yes, he/she/it has. No, he/she/it hasn't . J

3 Scrivi domande e risposte brevi con le parole date.

your sister/finish/her homework? (.f) p c. s .

-- l es ~ s 1 you/ever/meet/a famous person? (~)

2 your grandparents/ ever l use/ a computer? (.l')

3 you/tidy/your bedroom? (~)

4 the children/go/to the park? (.1')

5 you/see/ Alessia/today? (1)

6 Sara/text/you? (.1')

7 the dog/eat/ìts food? (~)

8 her teacher/ever/give/her/10/10? (.f)

4 Been o gone1 Scegli il verbo corretto.

My tooth hurts. Have youe1/gone to the dentist?

1 Tom's been/gone to the park. He's coming back at four o' dock.

2 Can you help me with these bags? l've bee n/ go ne to the supermarket.

3 Charlie isn't here. He's been /gone to his friend's house.

4 Have you ever been/gone to France? 5 A: Where's Holly?

8: She's been/gone to the cinema. 6 A : llike your haìr!

B: Thanks! l've been/gone to the hairdresser's.


Present perfect

5 Completa i dialoghi con la forma corretta del Present perfect.

1 Ben: Mum. 1avevo.1seen (you/see) my white

shirt? Mum: Yes. 11 . 1 2 ____ _

(wash) it, but l 3 _____ (not iron) it.

2 Alice: 4 _____ (you/do) the History

homework? Cassie: No, l 5 and l 6 ____ _

(/eave) my book at home!

3 Matt: We can't goto the concert, because

they 7 (sei!) ali the tickets. Jordan: Il (you/look) online? Matt: No, l 9 . My dad's

10 (break) his computer!

6 Riordina le parole e scrivi le frasi.

an/ never /h ave/ exam/They /fai led. rhey have •• ever failed a :l 8\(i:hri.

1 from/We/returned/holidays/have/our/just

2 already /They l their l h ave l breakfast/ h ad

3 that/yet/haven't/1/f ilm/seen

4 met/famous/never/person/She/has/a

5 tidied/yet/Susie/her/Has/room?

6 exam/an/in/ever/Have/cheated/you?

7 the/just/library/seen/in/1/Carrie/have

8 have/homework/finished/We/ our l already

7 Scrivi frasi con just e le espressioni del

riquadro al Present perfect.

eey-tickcts fer#le-fffial eat some chocolate finish have an acddent

have a shower pass our exams run a marathon wake up win the lottery

Harry and Matt are excited. They've :ust bouo 1t tL kets i~or· ·the fina!.

1 He's very tired. He _________ _

2 We're really happy. We _ ______ _ 3 They're rich! They _ ________ _

4 Cali an ambulance! Mark ______ _ 5 l'm not hungry. ! _________ _

6 Lisa's in bed, she _______ __ _ 7 Jamie's got wet hair. He _______ _

8 You're late! The film---------

8 Riscrivi le espressioni in grassetto aggiungendo yet o already.

1 A: Would you like to stay for dinner? 8: No thank you, l 've eaten.

2 They left two hours ago, but they haven't arrived.

3 Have you f in ished? We finished hours ago!

4 They moved here a month ago and they've made a lot of f riends.

5 lt's only 7 o' dock. l haven't had breakf ast.

6 lt's late! Have you phoned Sam?

9 Decidi quali espressioni di tempo richiedono for [F) e quali since [S].

half past ten _2_ 1 two weeks ago _ 2 five minutes 3 three days _ 4 last month 5 my birthday _ 6 aweek_

7 Christmas 8 ten years_

9 2010 1 O last summer _ 11 Saturday _ 12 yesterday _

13 an hour 14 last night_

1 O Riscrivi le frasi con il Present perfect dei ve rbi e foro since.

Matthew started work at the newsagent's last Saturday. (worklsince) : . . aithew's wcrkeà at the ·,ewsa ~e t's s .. ~--e ·a~~ Saturà.?.v.

1 l met him six weeks ago.

(knowlfor) ------------2 My mum started English lessons last year.

(studylsince) -----------3 They moved to London in January.

(Hvelsince) ------------4 My dad stopped smoking two years ago.

(not smokelfor) ----------5 Mum and dad gave me this mobile phone on

my birthday.

(havel since) ------------6 l started playing the drums six months ago.

~~y/fury _ __________________ __

Present perfect vs Past simple 11 Scrivi domande con le parole date e

completa le risposte. Fai attenzione a quale t empo usare nella risposta.

Vour mum/speak to/Mr Thomas/yet? rl.o!:' 101.1 . ~ , a;~-.-'<e. ,to . . . - l.vr1as Jfr:-1

Ves, she _2o;J<e to him yesterday. 1 they/ever/visit/Dublin?

Ves, they Dublin last year. 2 you/tinish/your homeworl<?

Ves, we _____ it an hour ago_

3 Ben/have/lunch?

Ves, he a sandwich at school. 4 you/see/the new James Band film?

Ves, l it at the cinema last week. 5 the school rugby team/ever/win a


Ves, they the regional championship two years ago.

6 you/ever/lose/your mobile phone?

Yes, l _____ it last month.

12 Scegli la forma corretta dei verbi per completare i dialoghi.

1 A:~~/Did you see my mobile? B: Yes:ThaVe/did. lt was/has been in the

kitchen this morning. 2 A: Have you ever been /Did you ever goto

France? B: Yes, we went/'ve gane there last summer_

3 A: Where were you/have you been at 8 o'clock last night?

B: l was/have been at home. Why? A: l've t r ied /tried to cali you on your mobile. B: Sorry. l lost/'ve lost my mobile.

4 A: l've sent/sent thirty invitations to my party. B: H ave you h ad/ di d you h ave any replies

yet? A: Ves, Maisie has replied/replied an hour


13 Completa il dialogo con il Past simple o il Present perfect dei verbi fra parentesi.

Zoe: Hi Carrie! -.- e u s __ :c5 (you/speak) to Lucy yet?

Carrie: No, l haven't but she 1 ____ _

(senci) me an email an hour ago. She 2 (go) on holiday with her family.

Zoe: Really? Where 3 ______ (theylgo)? Carrie: Venice. They 4 (/eave) two

days ago. Zoe: Wow! Carrie: Veah, they 5 (alreadylsee)

St Mark's Square, but they 6 (noti be) on a qondola

yet! Zoe: ls the weather good? Carr ie: Well, it 7 (rain) yesterday,

but it 8 (be) sunny since this morning.


shouldl shouldn't, If l were you, i periodi ipotetici di primo e secondo tipo

sbould/ shouldn't

1/you/he/she/it/we/you/they shouldn't go

Yes, 1/you/he/she/it/we/you/they should.

No, l he/she/it/we/you/they shouldn't.

Workbook p. 1~ _,

1 Scrivi frasi con should l shouldn't e le espressioni del riquadro.

go out tonight go to bed go to the police have-a-Aelieay

look for a job see a doctor tell a teacher

My dad is working 60 hours a week. He shoulo 1ave a holiday.

1 l don't feel well. 2 They've got an exam tomorrow. 3 She's really tired. 4 He hasn't got any money. 5 l 've lost my wallet. 6 Some students cheated in the exam.

2 Completa le frasi del periodo ipotetico di primo tipo con la forma corretta dei due verbi fra parentesi.

She'll help you if you ask her. (you+ask)

1 lf you me with my homework, l you my MP3 player. (help+lend)

2 You tired if you to bed early. (be+go)

3 We you if we late. (call+be)

4 tf Rob his exams, he ___ _

them again. (fail+take)

lf we study, we' ll pass our exams.

lf you don't play, the team won't win.

lf the climate changes, will ltaly become a desert?

lf l had a cold, l'd stay in bed.

lf l didn't study,

lf you ha d a lem,

l wouldn't pass my exams.

would you talk to your mum?

Workbook pp.144-145

5 Your teacher angry if you _____ your homework. (be+do)

3 Abbina la prima parte della frase (1-5) alla seconda (a-f).

lf the bus is late -L

1 lf l pass my exams, _ 2 She'd pass her

exams 3 We'll be late 4 lf the weather was

better, _ 5 lf the weather is

nice on Saturday, _

a we'll take a taxi. b if she studied more. c we'd have a picnic. d l'li goto university. e we'll goto the sea. f ifwe don't leave

no w.

4 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi del riquadro.

arrive be go have see

l'Il tell him if l see him.

lf l you, l'd speak to your teacher about the problem.

2 We by train if it wasn't so expenstve.

3 lf we leave now, we by four o'clock.

4 lf l time, l'li goto the shops.

top related