eye care problems their solution

Post on 20-Jul-2015



Health & Medicine



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Eye Problems & their solution

Eye a blessing from God

Not everyone is blessed with perfect eyes, we are lucky we have vision, we should thank god for the blessing he has showered on us, we can understand those with no eyesight must be going through hell.

At some stage we also face eye problems, but that does not matter because there are many ways to fix vision defects, such as glasses, contacts or surgery. These defects usually occur due to stress, lack of sleep, nutritional deficit, genetic problems etc.

Eyes are your body's most highly developed sensory organs. In fact, a far larger part of your brain is dedicated to the functions of eyesight that to those of hearing, taste, touch or smell.

We tend to take eyesight for granted, yet when vision problems develop most of us will do everything in our power to restore our eyesight to normal

Eye is a camera of your body

The eye functions much like a camera. Light passes through the cornea and the lens of the eye and is focused on the retina in much the same way that an image is focused on the film of a camera

Symptoms of Eye Problems

Occasional Headache Blurred vision Swelling, watering of eyes Irritation, itching, redness in the eyes Tiredness, fatigue Throbbing, deep pain in the eyes Seeing dots, web in front of eyes(floaters) Night vision Double vision

Common Eye Problems Nearsightedness and farsightedness, astigmatism, presbyopia Allergies to dust, pollution gases, pollen etc. Infection of eye lids like stye, chalazion Squint Cataract Glaucoma Tumors Age related macular degeneration Diabetic and hypertensive retinopathy Optic nerve related disease

Causes of Eye Problems

Our mental stress affects the muscles & nerves of the eye

Reading in insufficiently low dim light or in excessively high density light

Watching television excessively Work for long hours on the Computers Poor diet (Lack of nutrition / lack of vegetables) Over exposure to sunlight or glary lights Lack of sleep Cataract, muscular degeneration, retinal problems,

Glaucoma, infections etc. Hypertension / Stress Age - With advancing age eye health is affected

Tips for Eye Health

Sit in proper position in front of the computer. After every 20 mins. Turn your head and try to look at any object kept 20 feet away – a must-do for tired eyes.

Try and blink your eyes for 20 times in succession. Try to walk 20 paces after every 20 mins. Splash water on your face that will give relaxation to eyes Drink lot of water, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables Use sunglasses to protect eyes from Sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays Avoid watching TV continuously Have your eyes tested regularly Avoid stress and get enough sleep Detox your body regularly with the help of herbal products

Herbal Ayurvedic Remedies

Consume Natural Herbal products such as Amla, Triphala, Carrots & Ghee formulations

Amla is the highest natural source of Vitamin C and is powerful antioxidant. It has proven its effectiveness in lever related disorders, premature graying, hair loss, improves eyesight

Triphala is an important herb for improving eyesight. Triphala Ghruta is indicated in diseases of eye. Triphala nourishes the nerves and tissues of the eyeball.

Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which the body converts to Vitamin A – a crucial nutrient for maintaining proper eyesight.

Spinach contains antioxidants, as well as provitamin A and vitamins C and E. Spinach are rich in glutathione, ferulic acid, caffeic acid, beta-coumaric acid and carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin. These fibers are very important compounds for eye health.

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