eyeon pid 2013 magazine

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eyeon planning inspiration day 2013

eyeon planning inspiration day 2013

More than 250 participants converged on the IGLUU meeting centre in Eindhoven on Thursday 7 November for the EyeOn Planning Inspiration Day 2013.

We brought together the highest concentration of forecasting and planning knowledge, experience and creativity in the region. Senior managerial representatives from more than 100 large companies in the High-Tech, Food & FMCG, Process, Life Science and Healthcare industry attended the event.

Business cases and solutions were presented in more than 30 sessions during which delegates met their

peers to exchange ideas and thoughts on how to improve forecasting and planning performance. In between sessions, EyeOn planning and forecasting specialists were on hand to assist and advise anyone with a major forecasting and planning challenge.

We made this magazine for you to remember this inspiring day and hope to welcome you again on one of the future network meetings, expert sessions or master classes.

Check our website regularly to find out when they will take place!




Over 30 sessions throughout the day on November 7th, 2013. What were they about?

The keynote session with mountaineer Wilco van Rooijen

Eye on participants: What did the participants think?

Croy Castle: Extraordinary meeting location for rent!

Support Simavi: Drink from a dopper!

eyeon planning inspiration day 2013

eyeon planning inspiration day 2013

Kick off & Q-resultsRoderik van Grieken opened the PID 2013 in the crowded arena of Igluu Eindhoven.

Seminar financial planning in the health care sector

Who? Freek AertsenAbout? This session explored practical ways to improve the (financial) planning process in hospitals, from cost budgeting to results planning. Guidelines based on experiences in hospitals and in industry were presented by Freek Aertsen.

New product forecasting in the pharmaceutical industry

Who? Eckhard Scheufler (Janssen Pharmaceutica) & Loek Lemmens (EyeOn)About? Eckhard Scheufler provided an overview of the pharmaceutical market and its most important players pertinent to forecast models. Participants were guided through the most relevant aspects of new-product forecasting. Topics included: data and information typically available, choice of modeling approach, forecast benchmarks, market modeling and simulation, and how to handle uncertainty.

Cisco: from repair services to value recovery

Who? Marco van Duijnhoven (Cisco Systems)About? Participants heard how Cisco has enabled technical services worldwide with an infrastructure of global repair facilities supporting its customers in different technologies. How it scales these operations up and down to meet rapidly changing customer demands and increasingly faster technological / economical changes was also presented.

Round table on social forecasting

Who? Ieke le Blanc (EyeOn)About? Social forecasting is a hot topic. Social media is everywhere and has become a big source of consumer data. Participants heard how big data can be exploited for demand planning purposes and how this adds value with new, innovative products where there is either limited or no previous history of this. Practical examples were given and experiences and learning shared.

Regression forecasting

Who? Dennie van den Biggelaar and Stijn Rutjes (both EyeOn).About? Dennie van den Biggelaar and Stijn Rutjes presented an approach and forecasting model that allows companies to identify future changes in market developments for specific geographical market segments. Participants were shown how Rockwool is applying this model in their demand planning and budgetting processes.

Workshop ‘Financial model creation - Cloud based’

Who? Ron Owen & Balraj Dard (both Adaptive Planning)About? Participants experienced the ease of use of adaptive planning by creating a simple financial model in a cloud-based planning environment. Based on a parameter-driven model and supported by extended graphical functionality, participants were shown how to forecast various different scenarios.

Patient connected planning: Driving efficiency & responsiveness in the end-to-end supply chain - from supplier to patientWho? Joost Rongen (EyeOn)About? Manufacturers and distributors of medicines and medical supplies tend to have limited insight in the actual demand, consumption and inventory in hospitals, pharmacies and at other care providers. This results in unbalanced inventories across the chain causing availability issues, delays in surgeries and treatments, high inventory costs and obsolescence. A key enabler for improvement is the exchange of information upwards in the supply chain. More detailed information is required to accurately forecast and follow the demand of patients and care providers. This session explored the opportunities and the pragmatic steps required to set this up, increase transparency and collaborate with all partners in the end-to-end supply chain.

eyeon planning inspiration day 2013

EventCasting: Promotional and NPI planningWho? André Vriens (EyeOn)About? This session dealt with the concept where events like promotions and new product introductions are forecasted through the entire value chain, from consumer to supplier. Participants saw that by using statistical models, creating more transparency and facilitating cooperation in the chain, a better forecast accuracy leads to improved on shelf availability and lower costs.

Shared services 2.0

Who? Bram de Vries (Perlat)About? Companies that have taken their first steps to set up a shared services environment are pondering the next step. The question of whether they expand the range of tasks within their shared services organization, choose dedicated outsourcing, or a hybrid solution were addressed by Bram de Vries. He brought participants up to date with the latest developments and challenged them to find a solution that fits their situation.

Tender management

Who? Bram Bongaerts (EyeOn)About? An increasing part of the business of life-science companies comes from tenders. Special tender desks are setup to capture tender sales information, but the forecasting process and integration with business planning remain a challenge. Bram Bongaerts investigated the key traits of tender demand and showed how a tender demand management process blueprint is created and linked to regular S&OP.

eyeon planning inspiration day 2013

Keynote Planning for survival

Who? Wilco van RooijenAbout? Professional adventurer Wilco van Rooijen spoke to a packed house on the subject of Planning for Survival. The leader of the first successful North Pole expedition has spent the best part of his life doing difficult things. For instance, reaching the South Pole using only solar power and climbing K2, where 1 in 4 expedition members will die. He says it all starts with a vision and asking yourself why you are doing the things you do. From then on it’s about controlling things, including emotions, when life is in danger. Key to survival is working as a team because together everyone achieves more. Trust between team members is vital because they rely on each other and have the power to inspire each other every day, whether they are friends or not.

The ‘together is more’ concept was tested to the extreme on the North Pole expedition where the icecap is continually drifting. “We had a plan, stuck to it and took personal responsibility to achieve team goals,” he explained. But on his first, ill-fated, South Pole expedition, things didn’t go to plan.

Why? “A 3,000 metre high ice plateau is literally and metaphorically another level,” he says. Lessons leant? “Be flexible, abandon non-essentials, make every day count, turn negatives into positives, use milestones (step-by-step approach) and motivate others to reach the next step. His tips after climbing Mount Everest include, be prepared to make your own decisions, but know your limitations and understand the impact of your actions on the team and your goal. Lessons: continuing will at least give success a chance, but also consider the long-term investment required.

On K2 (read ‘Killer Mountain’) he explained how your team members can be ‘life savers’. And how, when lives are in danger, survival can be achieved by analyzing the risks and objective dangers, e.g. weather and avalanches, as well as the subjective dangers, e.g. psychological stress. “The bigger the dream, the bigger the risks,” he points out, “But never give up because people and teams make the difference, so rely on your team and make sure it has the right people.”

“How to become successful in S&OP? Answers to the 100 most asked questions”

Who? Freek Aertsen (EyeOn)About? S&OP is accepted as the process to synchronize demand, supply and finance. Over the past decades companies have launched implementation and improvement projects to grasp its benefits. Based on these experiences, this session provided answers to the 100 most asked questions about how to become successful in S&OP.

Optimizing your NPI’s: A tool for 1st supply order calculation

Who? Paul Husslage & Emile van Geel (both EyeOn)About? One of the main challenges in managing cost-effective supply orders for NPI’s is determining the first order quantity, the risk of obsoletes and the lost sales that are lurking around every corner. In this session, challenges and solutions were shared along with the possibilities for automating this process.

Implementatie Acute Opname Afdeling (AOA), Atrium MC

Who? Paul Kuipers (Atrium Medical Centre)About? Paul Kuipers presented his experiences with setting up an A&E department and explained how to ensure that maximum benefits are achieved, while avoiding any disadvantages.

End-to-end planning in the cloud

Who? Bram Bongaerts & Bart Paridaen (both EyeOn)About? The big challenge for large supply chains, such as pharmaceutical change chains, is to have end to end visibility on demand, supply and inventory. This visibility can reduce the bullwhip effect and can make the supply chain much more responsive to operational changes. Bram Bongaerts and Bart Paridaen, showed a recent implementation of net requirements planning using the cloud tool Anaplan, which makes visible actual demand at all nodes in the end to end supply chain.

eyeon planning inspiration day 2013

With a broad scope of responsibilities and around 300 people in his planning team, Daan Boersma, Senior Director Supply Chain at Famar was one of the participants particularly interested in strategic-supply-chain aspects of EyeOn’s Planning Inspiration Day 2013:

“Being one of Europe’s leading providers of Contract Development and Commercial Manufacturing services to the pharmaceutical and personal care industries, we traditionally focus on established products, which present a business opportunity for us. But the only constant in life is change and in a more dynamic industry we are always on the lookout for new ideas and innovations arising outside our company. I first came into contact with EyeOn at a similar conference two years ago and we attended today’s event with a view to further exploring how we could expand our service offering. The sessions I attended were very much to the point and there were many relevant items covered. Forecasting accuracy is never really under control, but one way of dealing with it is by focusing on flexibility.”

Eye on participantsWhat did the participants think about the EyeOn Inspiration Day 2013 and what did they learn?

Koen Schouten is Supply Service Director at leading confectionary company, Cloetta, with which EyeOn has been working together for a number of years: “EyeOn is a very professional and reliable partner with whom we have had a couple of successful projects running over the past two years connected with our stock-reduction programme and the Sales & Operational Planning process. One of the main issues that we are now dealing with is event forecasting around promotions. We are currently implementing a software tool for this, but I was inspired to see what new ideas I might find by looking at best practices in other business areas. This inspired me to attend two of today’s sessions. I was particularly interested to learn more about the various aspects of social media, which is a new area for me and is becoming increasingly important to forecasting. The amount of data available for processing is increasing rapidly, so we need to do something with it. I am keen to learn more about best practices at future events.”

Rob Mollen is Global Account Logistics Manager at world-leading mobile phone supplier, Nokia: “I first attended an EyeOn conference one year ago and was inspired to attend today’s event for a number of reasons. Basically, we have some challenges to address in the area of smart phones. One in particular is regarding the stronger demand we are experiencing for products in more vibrant colours. The session I found particularly relevant to this was the round table on Social Forecasting. This dealt with a number of aspects that will help us to build on the new ideas we have found thanks to a recent project with EyeOn. I am very interested both in the sources used for demand prediction and in the use of statistical modeling for predicting the future. For this reason, I would like to see more on this at a future event.”

Ron Diebels is Sales & Operational Planning Manager at NXP Semiconductors, which creates high-tech solutions for a smarter world: “We have a long-term relationship with EyeOn that goes back eight years, during which time we have worked together extensively on various projects. Events such as this planning and inspiration day are important for meeting up with industry peers and exchanging new ideas. If you are struggling to get S&OP implemented, or are challenged by consistency problems, or are interested in the area of statistical forecasting, this is the place to be. My special interest for future events would be in learning more about the integration of management and departments such as sales and finance, with the S&OP process.”

Saskia de Theije is Supply Chain Manager at DSM Dyneema, world leader in life protection materials and high performance fibers: “Although I haven’t yet worked together with EyeOn personally, I came here today because it is good to benchmark outside your company and EyeOn inspires people to get together and show what they are doing around the world. My special interest is in tender management, which is all about making the right decisions at the right moment, and for which no perfect solution exists. Thanks to EyeOn, I have met a lot of people who are facing the same challenge, some of whom I was able to enlighten by passing along my own tips. But, personally, I came away with more ideas than were on my own ‘found’ list, so I really appreciate the format of the event and EyeOn’s efforts in organizing and hosting it.”

Guest speaker, Paul Kuipers, responsible for capacity scheduling at the Atrium Medical Centre in Heerlen, Netherlands, described his experiences during the setting up of an accident and emergency department at the hospital. “I have attended EyeOn networking meetings in the past and therefore know about their capabilities and what to expect, particularly with respect to process optimization. This inspired me to return, not only to learn more, but also to speak about our experiences in a world where people tend to look at things purely on an annual basis. With the focus on integrating financial and capacity planning, representatives present from the healthcare sector learned of the many benefits to be gained by integrating the different types of planning, which is currently not standard practice in hospitals. My presentation was about executing capacity planning and scheduling, and about picking the low-hanging fruit for which EyeOn and the Atrium medical Centre have made even better tools.”

Robert Coenraad, Vice President, Supply Program Office at Philips Lighting, has worked together with EyeOn for many years. “EyeOn has done an excellent job helping Philips Lighting to set up statistical forecasting and increase our forecasting knowledge. This has helped us to achieve service-level improvements that have enabled us to extend our relationships with customers. There are a few aspects of our service level performance and of the forecasting area in general where we can still improve, but our customers already appreciate the good progress we have made. This is the first Planning Inspiration Day event that I, together with fifteen other colleagues, have attended. And it has been most inspirational for improving the forecasting and planning processes at Philips Lighting. The session on regression forecasting was especially interesting for me. As a short-order company, the case in question perfectly reflected our own environment, and the approach and tools used were quite new to me. We will be setting up a new meeting with EyeOn to discuss this subject in more depth.”

United colours of change management

Who? Tinka Stertefeld & Danielle KlaassenAbout? This session was about thinking in the colours of Caluwé to better understand and improve future change journeys, such as, integration, professionalization of project management and planning and forecasting. The presentation was based on personal experiences in different companies.

TV production: from high-end / consumer oriented to extremely lean

Who? Leon Bouwman (TP Vision)About? The Television industry has changed dramatically over the past years and has become a commodity market with an ongoing pressure on pricing. Leon Bouwman, business process owner finance at TP Vision during this process of change, shared his experiences while managing such major projects.

Disrupting the enterprise software market with innovative cloud and in-memory modeling and planning solution for operations and financeWho? Marco van Oosterhout & Mark Deprez (both Anaplan)About? Participants heard how data from across an enterprise can be made to tell a consistent story; how management can easily test scenarios before choosing a plan and how changes to the plan were driven by real-time forecasts from the field. Also, how anyone without technical skills can collaborate from any device, anytime, anywhere. All thanks to Anaplan and a rapidly expanding library of applications and enterprise-wide solutions. Participants were shown how and why the enterprise software market is being disrupted with this innovative cloud and in-memory modeling and planning solution.

Robust optimization

Who? Dennie van den Biggelaar & Stijn Rutjes (both EyeOn)About? The most optimal solution is often not the best solution. Dennie van den Biggelaar and Stijn Rutjes showed it is more important to find the most robust model because robust solutions will remain attractive even though the input parameters like the demand forecast might deviate in reality. They demonstrated via a short supply chain game and in a company show case the added value of robust optimization.

Driver based financial planning

Who? Marco van Alfen & Loek Lemmens (both EyeOn)About? Organizations base their financial forecasts on what is driving the numbers. These key drivers can be found in the organization’s internal environment and in operational drivers, but also outside the organization, such as in macro-economic indicators. Marco van Alfen and Loek Lemmens showed how it strengthens an organization’s performance management by providing better insights on what really matters.

Masterclass: Do’s and don’ts of statistical forecasting

Who? Martijn van de Waarsenburg & Renske Munsters (EyeOn)About? During this session participants first explored the theory before hearing about the implementation and subsequent experiences within a large Food and FMCG company.


Who? Marco van Alfen & André Vriens (both EyeOn)About? The integration of typically supply chain driven S&OP and financial forecasting and budgeting is referred to as Financial S&OP, or Integrated Business Management. Marco van Alfen and André Vriens showed how it plays a pivotal role in optimization of top-line revenue and integral profit while addressing uncertainty and risk.

eyeon planning inspiration day 2013

Driver based planning using leading economic indicatorsWho? Loek Lemmens (EyeOn)About? Demand forecasting is more difficult in markets with high volatility. Trends in economic indicators might provide a better and faster insight in the development of future demand than bottom-up account forecasts. Loek Lemmens facilitated an interactive discussion on which and how such leading indicators can be used to forecast future demand as a basis for bottom-line scenarios, and how these are applied in the planning processes. Examples of driver based planning were also presented.

Planning solutions benchmark

Who? Martin Daudey (KeyOn)About? There are many planning solutions available from many different software vendors. This session gave an insight into and a comparison of the latest planning solutions.

The ABC of APS

Who? Niek van de Crommert & Stijn Rutjes (both EyeOn)About? EyeOn has extensive experience in the selection and implementation of Advanced Planning Systems (APS). In this session EyeOn consultants Niek van de Crommert and Stijn Rutjes shared with participants what can be expected from APS and what not. They shared the benefits offered and looked at some of the pitfalls that they encountered during deployments, concluding with a roadmap that EyeOn has created to serve as a guideline for selecting an APS.

Forecast services: The best possible forecast!

Who? Freek Aertsen (EyeOn)About? A good forecast drives an efficient supply chain and improves service levels. It requires specific skills and tools to generate a high quality forecast for statistical baseline, promotions and new products. An increasing number of companies are deciding to centralize and outsource their forecast generation. Joost Rongen and Freek Aertsen told participants learnt what benefits this might bring them.

Idealab: ‘Batch sizes optimization’

Who? Bart Paridaen & Dennie van den Biggelaar (both EyeOn)About? When optimizing production batches, companies often struggle with the methodology to use. In this session participants were challenged by Paul Husslage and Dennie van den Biggelaar to choose what would be the best approach for their company from three totally different approaches, ranging from a simple EOQ formula up to lean optimization. This session was all about interactivity, and bringing together experiences and (new) ideas, which is why it was called an idea lab.

Towards full cooperation and planning in healthcare

Who? Edward Versteijnen (EyeOn)About? As the pressure on the cost of care continues to increase, more and more healthcare organizations realize that an integral view on the care processes is necessary. Not only between the healthcare organizations themselves, but within them, where it is often it is still in its infancy. A hospital game was played so that participants could experience the benefits of integrated planning and collaboration across departments.

Inventory health: How do your peers manage their inventory?

Who? Emile van Geel (EyeOn)About? A new way of inventory health measurement was presented and reviewed. Best practices were shared on topics, such as, NPI, mature products, EOL, promotions and inventory parameter setting.

eyeon planning inspiration day 2013

Croy Castle: Extraordinary meeting location for rent

Looking for a special location for a business meeting? Come to the rural, monumental Croy Castle in Aarle-Rixtel. This beautiful castle, outside of a national monument, is decorated in a modern office environment. With extensive facilities for meetings, brainstorm sessions, management meetings, workshops, training, presentations etc.

The castle has several meeting rooms with good facilities. The entire building is equipped with wi-fi, there is a cozy lounge with a bar and a beautiful garden. The castle is located just north of Helmond, 15 km from Eindhoven.

EyeOn is the proud inhabitant of this unique location and we invite our relations to rent a room in the castle for a business meeting. In return we contribute to the fund for Alpe d’Huzes.

And that’s a nice win-win situation: you have a beautiful location for an inspiring meeting and KWF a contribution for research to fight cancer!

For more information please contact:Freek Aertsen (freek.aertsen@eyeon.nl)Andries Mulder (andries.mulder@eyeon.nl).

eyeon planning inspiration day 2013

EyeOn offers their guests a Dopper bottle with fresh tap water to support their health, the environment and Simavi.

The Dopper is an initiative to promote the use of local tap water and reduce the big amount of plastic waste. It’s produced in an environmental friendly way, free of BPA and contributes to drinking water projects in Asia and Africa: five percent of the net Dopper revenue will be donated to Simavi.

Dopper app for your mobile phoneWith the Dopper app you can find free water tap points all over the world. You can also find stores, offices and private residences that allow you to fill up. Download the app for your phone and start to refill!

More information: www.dopper.com

Support Simavi; Drink from the Dopper


For more information about EyeOn, check www.eyeon.nl.

Concept magazine: Ono OnoText: Paul Levitt (Moscom Communications)Photography: Martine Harmeling (EyeOn)Design: Martine Harmeling (EyeOn)

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