f-dtn-m-fmfb electrical engineering paper—ii...(b) a three-phase, 66 kv/ 11 kv transformer is...

Post on 08-Feb-2020






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Time Allowed : Three Hours

Maximum Marks : 300


Each question is printed both in Hindi and in English.

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the Admission Certificate.

Candidates should attempt Question Nos. 1 and 5, which

are compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions

selecting at least one question from each Section.

All questions carry equal marks.

Marks assigned to each part of the question are indicated at the end of the respective part.

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Important Note : Whenever a question is being attempted, all its parts/sub-parts must be attempted contiguously. This means that before moving on to the next question to be attempted, candidates must finish attempting all parts/ sub-parts of the previous question attempted. This is to be

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tm : ar srl fr-t rYVcV.fit4 p4-crq rcr-o- ovr ti


1. (a) Identify the correctness of the following statements. Justify your answers :

(i) The root locus gives idea about system's transient behaviour. 3

(ii) For an inherently stable second-order system, all the coefficients of characteristic equation are of the same sign. 4

(iii) A critically damped system has sustained oscillations. 3

(b) (i) In 8085 microprocessor, what is the advantage of multiplexing the address bus with a data bus?


(ii) Write an assembly level program of 8085 microprocessor to exchange the contents of DE register pair with that of HL register pair, using only PUSH-POP instructions. 5

(c) (i) The transfer function of a thermo-couple relating output voltage to temperature is given by

0625 x10-4 V

s + 0 • 125 °C

Put the transfer function in standard format and find the values of characterising parameters of the thermocouple.



1. () IM(Ja TV-di l kicior arfitTiftd 3/4ctr-- 1

3/4cr4 ariii 3/41 att Ift *iv

(I) To -N-17[4, 3/4 awr3/4C--63/4 oia6 k *t


(ii) ateTho Firth Mtzr 3/41ft 3/4 3/4 feR

3-TfirdiaT wflobtuf TO# ijuitT k*I-r

tig 3/4 6latt 4

(iii) 3-1-41:Rd a-Tram 4(.1 t 611

I 3

(a) (1) 8085 HIV') SI N, 34 -*71 cif{

wco7 it ce-ir -r3T t?


3/4-qa Ics4-301c-1 (PUSH-POP) 31#4

v3/47 3/4-f 7 8085 Hizsin)sW fc

DE liNM-1 f~f~dl 3/4r HL if r

3/4 Pi6c-ii farrwt 3/4 rc-K

Al -rq fFruR1


(IT) (1) 3/4,07 tJ fl-r 3/4 s&o-licikur f-44-14

c.3/4-7a-ffr 3/4 kriT-tT 1 dig 4 Riffr-dr %,

faN tc4 4 04th f3/43/4r ,itor

0625 x10-4 V

s+0-125 °C

tc‘Lii 4. r tb- 17 3/41 Hlaat MW1Tl 310%7

3/44r argffal-rq3/4 3-TriTRifur3/4vra3/41-3/4 HI411

al rl tir-A71

F-DTN-M-FMFB/ 12 3 [ P.T.O.

Determine the thermocouple output voltage at t = 8 s, when the thermo-couple kept at ambient temperature of 20 °C at t = 0 s is taken to a water bath kept at 80 °C. 3+4=7

(ii) Comment upon `linearity' and `sensitivity' of thermistors in comparison to thermocouples. 2

(iii) Why is 'lead wire compensation' not required for thermistors? 1

(d) (i) What is the impedance of the ideal load connected to an HVAC trans- mission line?


(ii) What is the nature of the load of an HVAC transmission line by itself, capacitive or inductive?


(iii) Which electrical quantity measures the magnitude of electrical load in a system? What is generally the nature of the load current, capacitive or inductive, in the power system?


(iv) Under which condition is the receiving-end voltage higher than the sending-end voltage in a trans-mission line? Explain with the help of a phasor diagram. 4

(e) Describe the essential features of protective relay. 10

F-DTN-M-FMFB/ 12 4

t = s 41:07 --4:1QT-Cdr T ;-11d

"14 Th"TkR7 T4-1 41, f74 t = 0 s vi 1:INT c114 20 °C -4*(5r rtzrr t, -) 80 °C

A ,y1icirt1 3+4=7

21-RITth 1144,(11' MIT 4#11:Ede Tikg T4 rit ut fa-ccaft*rfA71 2

(tit) 2.1-RW ‘°1 dR 11-d4211'

amFF*7r -0 ftt t? 1

(7) (i) HVAC kit4tuf. (.114 4 km airci

tft cH4r AfdarTg7 tt-di t? 2

(ii) HVAC kitRur citv tau MTs a to nu

Uri 6Tht t, m-r? 2

(iii) i 4kca tt iiar at

Foy, 4-t-4`t 4f4-r

7rk 4 srrzt: gra T +cReN %w cif

t, vritffr zrr Ica *7?


1;41 (i-44,14 144 -41tPA 4Thlt TM

r 3-Try

nt k* afitu l *i6vidi 4 0411941

1 4

O Fke - 34-77:rT 7.-Tun a clu 4 41f-471 10

F-DTN-M-FMFB/ 12 5 [ P.T.O.

(t) N A binary PCM system uses a uniform quantizer and an 8-bit binary encoder. If the bit rate is 100 Mb/s, what is the maximum bandwidth for which the system operates satisfactorily? Determine the output signal to quantization ratio when full-load sinusoidal modulating wave of frequency 1 MHz is applied to the input. 5

(ii) A discrete memoryless source is described by the alphabet X = I x1, x2 , • • •, x81 and the corre-sponding probability vector

P = {0.2, 0•12, 0.06, 0.15, 0.07, 0.1, 0•13, 0-17}

Design a Huffman code for this source; find L, the average code-word length for the Huffman code; and determine the efficiency of the code. 5

2. (a) For the control system, shown in the following figure, determine the steady-state error for a unit step input in terms of K and K1, where E (s) = R (s) - C (s). Determine the value of K1 , when steady- state error is zero :


R(s)—> Ki —kr> K

s(s+10)(s+12) C(s)

F-DTN-M-FMFB/ 12 6

ct) t-311t1th PCM

8-1-4z t-aTtvrket r m- at t zrft

fisi 7 100 Mb/s t, c14 anla5z

79T-07 rc-R 41-4-r war t?

Act 1 MHz 311-4ffi 1 Ti-lirt ,r+.4

f-4-71 at dirt t, (tit 1-44TE

qni-cflcbor arftra. 5

faf-a a)d, 31E7

X = {xi , x2 , --, x8 }.Wt thTFft

qa, Ftr74t

P = {0-2, 0.12, 0.06, 0.15, 0.07, 0.1, 0.13, 0.17}

it Mar i

TEE rcv La aTr-H--*- FoR

TOR v.* a L1 E

pia I ctj *1 ztar liatf771

2. (T) <~ faa ft CrTiT fat4T

Coq, K -d24T K1 Era 14, 3R-11-aTi k

Flici *1177, E(s)-- R(s) - C(s) I zvst

W9--A fL t,cTd E1 4-H-t


R(s)----> K $22> s(s+ 10)(s+ 12) ---•—>C(s)



F-DTN-M-FMFB/ 12 7 [ P.T.O.

(b) A three-phase, 66 kV/ 11 kV transformer is connected in star/delta. The trans-former is protected by Merz-Price circulating current system. Protecting current transformers on the low-voltage side have a ratio of 250/5. Find the ratio of the current transformer on the high-voltage side. 20

(c) For 8085 microprocessor, explain the CALL instruction, showing the details of main memory and stack. 20

3. (a) (i) Draw power triangles showing the three types of power and their units for—

(1) inductive loads;

(2) capacitive loads. 10

(ii) A single-phase, 240 V a.c. voltage is applied to a series circuit whose impedance is 10Z60° Q. Find R, X, P and Q, and also the power factor of the circuit. 10

(b) The equivalent model of a piezoelectrical crystal is shown below :

Derive the transfer function relating output voltage (17,) to input displacement (x,). Arrange it in standard form and identify the

F-DTN-M-FMFB/ 12 8

(a) k* 4-tor, 66 kV/ 11 kV 4ftuui4a dRI/

WCri (.1411;Icr t 1-1$f-Aria 27.1-dt turf (14 TraTh. t I ttalt 1:1 4-4-ra• is 774 aST 37 rd250/5 6)cif t I VITT 'Akin IR-14 a r ,37:4-q)Td• T L1PA 31-14ra tr--4 20

(IT) 1r Tift Mil 4-T *7 faaar tL, 8085

4401 Siltlat CALL alTaT •T17144*1171 20

3. (i) 51-WR -RUM. 7

krf*f--iFeiRAcr * Fc-R a 10

(1) c.-Lg

(2) Witdi

(ii) can 7-*- r-- dr, 240 V Nftlickff tim q)-(27- T kon off 4fa94 sra-rfo t, ft-4131%-4TUT 10Z60° R, X, PHWT Q

*rD-R ea 4ftcr2T *r 9rf ucir* WT taTtR 10

(a) ci.r-fawd, f *r k* u sift-4-4-1 old Rum JR{ t

1-44-4 altar (V0 ) 4r f Yi 1-42444 (xi )

A TrieT- TJT- k,41.-cp,crT tb—d-R•

*91-- Tcr-* HI-fch t=o-r 4 &r-I-Pas trr-A7

F—DTN—M—FMFB/ 12 9 [ P.T.O.

expression for characterising para-meters. The charge developed in piezoelectric crystal is related to xi by a constant kg . 10

(ii) "Piezoelectric transducers cannot be used to measure static displacement." Comment upon the statement. State the reason based on the transfer function derived in Part (Q. 2

(iii) If the lower range of frequency for displacement measurement is 5 kHz with 5% inaccuracy, what is the lower range of frequency for 2% inaccuracy?


(c) (i) Explain ASK, FSK and PSK modulation schemes used for transmitting the data. Draw clearly the block diagram for coherent detection and non-coherent detec- tion of FSK modulation scheme. 10

(ii) A (6, 3) systematic linear block code encodes the information sequence X = (x1, x2 , x3) into code word C= (c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6) such that c4 is a parity check on c1 and c2 , to make the overall parity even, i.e., c1 8 c2 S c4 = 0. Similarly c5 is a parity check on c2 and c3, and c6 is a parity check on c1 and c3 .

(1) Determine the generator matrix of this code.

F-DTN-M-FMFB/12 10

afffiroterrr vraal otith srur

4 ac al*R1 xi 14 7T

W211k kg apf 1111:-4a•


fit sranrr fTzfr ficbcif tl"

1sf TRT49i fZuTuft A-Nql chituf 1-11/1

(Alp f 1 EFFq 37TgIT1 111 WE

(iii) eir4 5% ainfc f4Wrcr4

au-0 7,T f4R WM 5 kHz t, W4 2% 3T fi air0 TE•ft1R111114 aar 61.ir?

(Tr) (i) 31-W *fur 3/4 frii -spi ASK, FSK

MTT PSK zn-Awrail a1 WE ti-41

FSK Tit R•1 fittch 719 74

311414 ticc41 114E sfile41 31140 apiw(1 10

(6, 3) rararRiffif lu ar It ch fo-if

31TP1 X =(X1, x2, x3) i of)44 WC

C= c2, c3, c4, c5, c6) 4 I-a-A-UR'

5F+7 =mot c4,c1 c2

f4fre flak fop-Rit t

339-11-4,c1 e c2 9 c4 =O. iff SW{ c5 , c2

MTT c3 i fp-p-mf - N• I c5, c1 MIT C3 tr fiff111 4ta Ii

(1) wit obls aii 'i.it rcd1131Id'‘If-A71




F-DTN-M-FMFB/ 12 11 [ P.T.O.

(2) Find the parity check matrix for

this code.

(3) Using the parity check matrix,

determine the minimum

distance of this code.

(4) How many errors of this code

are capable of correcting?


4. (a) (1) Under which different conditions a generator or a number of generators together may lose synchronism or fall out of step in an inter-connected power system? Explain in brief. 10

(ii) Relating the torque angle and the rotor angular displacement (electrical) of a synchronous generator, derive the 'swing equation' taking into consideration the inertia constant of the machine. Make suitable assumptions. 10

(b) For an 8085 microprocessor, write an assembly level program to transfer the contents of the stack pointer register to the output ports A 0 and Al . Write comments with selected instructions. 20

(c) (i) Some control systems have more than one inputs applied at different points in the system. How do we find the response of such systems, using block diagram algebra? Illustrate your answer with the help of a simple example. 10

F-DTN-M-FMFB/ 12 12

(2) r ot,1 ROL?, ‘311-4 Atiici SEW

*117 I

(3) kikIliciT \slid At*A Wr ualrt cilka

T)-z L-4-64:r ocw

(4) TFr 4,15*T47411fazilkiilt.17*kl)ii4t? 10

4. () (i) fR W`IT ErrtrWratIl A alq*

W1I*T t Vichl(Mchif zi1

Ffffilf•FIM wrffi kch-1-€11 31-du t

t? Bela A Arz *rr-q71


TrzeR ,siscer W2rd* 71 tzrm A cn)ur err tlLt

*)1YrtIk1 fdIP.ITER (tg) A Awu- PIM

rig kikiRbigr mt90:fq *117RI

3* if-A71


(N) ccb 8085 14IVI SI kik * Ric 4* of r

ffalalROW utmi A0 mu A1 Irk *

31-4 art im-Fr fatRi azifi-d

3T-on Tiro faiut*rtr--41



(i) f-4*-w3T ciAl A kr', aTru* -PUF,

faf wr-A va N4)11 tl escrich 31r1a

,st sruirr mtcl r *mr

a Z14 4,4 AM etvk t? 1;* FINTkui

ai6tur 3Tcr4 \id{ *I Are *1-D71 10

F—DTN—M—FMFB/ 12 13 P.T.O.

(ii) For the block diagram representation of the figure shown below, determine the system characteristic equation. Is the system represented by this block diagram stable?


R(s) C(s)


5. (a) (i) What are the limitations of Routh, Hurwitz and continued fraction stability criteria when used for determining system stability? What is Nyquist analysis? Where is this technique used? 6

(ii) Why are integral and derivative controllers not used in practice?

(b) Can the 8085 microprocessor be interrupted before completion of existing Interrupt Service Subroutine (ISS)? Justify your answer. 10

(c) (i) Draw the basic circuit of an analog series ohmmeter to measure an unknown resistance R. 3

(ii) If the standard resistance and meter resistance add up to 20 162, and the battery is of 2.0 V, determine the instrument indication, when R, = 0 12. 2


F—DTN—M—FMFB/ 12 14

(ii) RAC' fal• A 0,- ch antu*

3rffiT 9T acbor Ziat-Ngi TR

sdich 311/3 gio oim -Rut t?


(s+1)(s+3) —•—>C(s)

1 (s+2)(s+4) H


5. () (i) wrrzr sruT chk4 AzaT,

kidd 3471 P-firzt f9711:11 aRtr At Tr(

t? I=Ratiut m t? acorn

31:ATT ch6licbtu 'lid t?

kiLliche lir 9--e:m 1-4jr-1-4 .41,46R A tit

3-cpAr ,onk t? 4

0) TEET f*It 8085 sT)k.i< d-j1:17 TUT tlar

(BS) * of 614 A 'TO Om %-zu ri

t? a-Tc•4 wilt 3-119 clt1151


(TO (i) fTfil 31.Wff SO* R

kg-) 44uft aAwrrcrT 4t-T tfreT4

N-41W I


SiWg U21-144P4c4, srr-dAtT A-zj to4

20 k.52 afti 4EfT 2.0 V TT t, dal

aLuobtur a ripq tf-A7,Ord R x = 0 52. 2



F—DTN—M—FMFB/ 12 15 P.T.O.

(iii) What would be the resistance

value marked for 0.5 FSD (full-scale deflection)?


(iv) What component should be

connected and in which way to take care of falling battery voltage? 1

(v) When each time ohmmeter is used,

what adjustment is recommended for accurate measurement?


(d) (i) Define an electrical power grid in

one sentence. How is it achieved? 2

(ii) Write four main advantages of the electrical power grid system. 2

(iii) What is the purpose of installing a

`reactor' at a suitable location on a

long high-voltage a.c. transmission line?


(iv) Write the full form of FACTS. 2

(v) What are the advantages of

`reactive power control' installed on the transmission lines?


(e) What is circuit breaker rating? Explain the rated making capacity of a circuit breaker. 5+5=10

F-DTN-M-FMFB/ 12 16

(ill) 0-5 ii.tho Teo to (IA-

ro-R 51F-ddtT a r Tifq tit slat? 2

frail tel 7)ria-di ?Paul

* ad,* 1

(v) Wt Aa &A-Aram-- srala filart, as A21191 rot; fir (-RIN413144 l argrm


(a) crict,r A a--ird 7rk aftArlisca

*fa-RI lt-4 far ,ricir t? 2

(ii) 4qa t 411 0-ru tilt? 2

(iti) caad-r *PT

eltf * V,* 3-1: P-IF ̀arcftircii*: dai4

cSif 3-tra filar t? 2

(iv) 14,14,0 70 Ito to to (FACTS) *T tcN

1-47 I 2

(v) *PT (1154 IR T-21TriiM f+7orl A0

yrF frifT*' * Aar prat t? 2

(3) olch frgrFt air 6 t? f+ifr trfttra

Ib~l,stch fqvitta f4rriar war a r our 3,4 t? 5+5=10

F-DTN-M-FMFB/ 12 17 [ P.T.O.

(t) (0 A convolutional encoder is given in the figure below :

(1) Find the impulse response of the encoder.

(2) Find the output code word if

the input sequence is all 1's (111111 ). 5

(ii) Determine the channel capacity of band-limited waveform AWGN channel with an input power constraint. 5

6. (a) (i) What are the basic elements of a static relay? Describe the function of each element. 12

(ii) What are the advantages of static overcurrent relays over the electro- magnetic form? 8

(b) Draw a block schematic of an 8255-programmable parallel I/O device, showing all elements and control word format. For mode 0 (simple input and output), determine the addresses of its ports and of the control register. Write a control word in the control register, when port A = output, port C u = output, port B = input and port C L = input. 20

F-DTN-M-FMFB/12 18

N) (i) -ha f-e- TrR fba kch itaa-41

faun Trzu t

(1) v-A-43fT tt aTraTi fur our t?

(2) kirc -4-47 3-1-1TRIT4( 1 (111111- •),

as fa fws Ursa our


(ii) t m diir-eikcok AWGN arftl, "Ti4 -cc), fadyr 7rr- sred-tT t, 1 arf ad Aw-af

is tif-A71 5

6. () (i) Tarzfl fka (la arazra our t? sr* awry i cni4 Th-T ciu14 12

(ii) 'Rift akftwra fka rawl,11-.14,4 k,t(

al-4w Sur Misr V


8255-s iii) *11-11-licK I/O effi e.afch Nfril kcrift akazral azr1 fiirqu)

-RI < Niko-I -fturkrr TIM t I 4) 0 (11TURTIT fedt4T

fi2I1 1-4114) d rcl, 3-4 Tr4 a2I1 firitr-Am-r truf Old al A4 WTT A = 1444,

C u = TTT B =1-44`41 a2rr rt4 C L = f4"31

t, ffq -14 .) f-4-A7 7 -rePR I 20

F-DTN-M-FMFB/ 12 19 [ P.T.O.

(c) For the block diagram shown in the figure below, find the overall transfer function of the system. Verify the same, using signal-flow graph analysis : 20

R( s) C(s)

7. (a) (1) Draw the circuit diagram for a single line to ground fault on an unloaded Y-connected generator with its neutral grounded through reactance. Also draw the connection for three symmetrical component sequence networks for this case showing the currents and voltages. 10

(ii) A synchronous generator rated at 100 MVA, 20 kV has X" = X 2 = 20% and X0 = 5%. Its neutral is grounded through a reactor of 0.32 Q. The generator is operating at rated voltage without load and is disconnected from the system when a single phase to ground fault occurs at its terminals. Find the sub-transient current in the faulted phase. 10

(b) (i) Draw the neat sketch of OSI model. What is the significance of data link layer? Explain the flow-control and error-control mechanism. 10

F-DTN-M-FMFB/ 12 20

(7) -11-a f*zi-R cciTch 37-1-(3 * dc, Fah

*04i-cRuT *--d7 -et yiIAThEr771 -Aare Alth

RIYatiut 20

R(s) C(s)

7. (T) N 1m¶ f uHai1rv-uraea,iTH*T

.14.(4 srrthra IPti*u -Nisr4 ly citt all t, 1Z- ; ufrua 3111@

turf warr altar fera W2A foq, dci44 ar NA-4 4

TrAnfiTU ario:r Thd-** 10

r-IcH \s, -1a 4, f*Fth facafl

100 MVA, 20 kV %, X"= X2 = 20%

•?-11 X 0 = 5% to I -4-F1M3 1;cb 0.32 Q

* Ara-9M gAt a ti 71C-EM csi-11 1TTK 79-107 4)1 161 t '$4 Z111-4F TR W+-0-01101 (it-ltf 6-)01

t, zr6 11 311Wrtr1 t I cla art

Ildf 37- CWTlicf MI171 10

(7J) (1) « OSI Sird-C7? a 1-citt9 11MFr1 314-1T-W41 1(c1 %? avl -f-4z.173T fsbqlra th Tcri3 trrthi 10

F-DTN-M-FMFB/ 12 21 P.T.O.

(ii) Compute the CRC-4 character for the following message, using a modified divisor constant of 10011 :

10 1100 0110 1011 01

(c) The a.c. bridge circuit shown below is used to measure the excitation frequency of the source and the resistance Rx connected in arm CD of the bridge. Arm AB is parallel combination of R1 and C1, arm BC is fixed resistor R2 , arm AD is serial combination of R4 and C4 :

(i) Find the expression for the unknown resistance Rx at balance. 5

(ii) Find the expression for unknown excitation frequency (w) at balance. 5

(iii) If Rl = 200 12, C1 =1 t.tF, R2 = 400 E2,

0.5 and RQ= 2, find the value C4 Rl of R, in kE2 and frequency of excitation in kHz. 10

F-DTN-M-FMFB/ 12 22

(ii) -11a ilawr i fiu, RYTif ri falir-4T W2R-K 10011 M-1 srzrirr mtd g, CRC-4

34417 ilul-11*PA7



1100 0110 1011 01

41.4 TPTT a.c. 4g TthTP-T .Q,ch ti1A tt zt-f

32TT STrattT Rx, i Vi CD 4 t,* 4FR* ro; sreftrr 5)(11 tI 1 AB,

Rt 1?-if C, "*-1 TP-11-iT TT-ZP7q %; VT BC A Azra

SirdnIT R2 t; VT AD, R4 C4 *ft


(i) R, awff sredatT t, 06,,sten srm v41*- c T tli

#pq *t aTaRn A aTTff au-0 (w) *fo AIR 03/4RI



zrR R1 =200 Q, q =1 mF,

R2 = 400 Q, G =0.5 Wan. a = 2 t, C4

Td R, fiT liR Ici2 A nu ‘3 ,31.4 az* kHz A wa• a I 10

F—DTN—M—FMFB/ 12 23 [ P.T.O.

8. (a) What is the importance of testing of a circuit breaker? Explain different tests carried out to prove the ability of a circuit breaker. 8+12=20

(b) (i) Bring out the salient points of relation between DM and DPCM. Draw the block diagram of delta modulator and demodulator. 8

(ii) Find the capacity of an additive white Gaussian noise channel with a bandwidth 1 MHz, power 10 W and noise power spectral density

No =10-9 W/Hz 6


(iii) Explain cyclic codes. 6

(c) The circuit given below is made by three ideal operational amplifiers (op-amp)

(i) Identify the name of the circuit. Comment upon its CMRR in comparison to op-amp. 2

F-DTN-M-FMFB/12 24

8. (T) Eiftcr4 tit4Tur 1 =Ka u t? 10,

trfccm 3-1T331 -R, =1-4 * ft-1g f*q X14

Girl 384-73) TiTz ttf-4gi 8+12=20

(i) DM .Ell DPCM WRER1:11 Ft1.- *

-F33-11 mi 43 *ntr-A31 c•-dr Trip*

ANT c14-11Vit AFT sMirn 311-11N tirr 1 8

(ii) kct) tilipho /a T33141 T3 SI, fwfifr tg 1 MHz, !Tf-* 10 W nit rd

74-47Ft Era -- 31-N =10-9 W/Hz %,



PATrai vcr*rr-A31

2:cre Thetr7RI 6


4 aig741 -517E-41 (op-amp) aIkI fififff

riftu3 41,4 fctir Tray

(i) r Erftc(24 RTI:( d *1f71 TEr*

CMRR *[ op-amp ftEcruft




F-DTN-M-FMFB/ 12 25

[ P.T.O.

(ii) Find the expressions for voltages at points ®, ®, @, and O. 10

(iii) If Vl = 5 V and V2 = 5.05 V and lie (voltage at point C)) is 5 V, find

the ratio of —R

and Rr,=, when

Ry R1 overall gain is divided in the ratio of 10 : 1 between first and second stage of the circuit. 8

F-DTN-M-FMFB/ 12 26

(ii) IT( trfttrq C), C), C), 2rt

trD7I 10

(iii) T Enki44 = 5 V NT

V2 = 5 .05 V Ai Ve (N3 ® ca)Trar)

5 V dcl arffTd R T4T R2 Vcf R9 R1

, RTerr a.R.T tiTERT nwr mfr

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Note : English version of the Instructions is printed on the front cover of this question paper.

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