f80 - the offical program for the fat loss...

Post on 03-Aug-2018






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© 2012 F80 by Leigh Peele

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Before starting any new diet and exercise program please check with your doctor and clear any exercise

and/or diet changes with them before beginning. Read the full disclaimer for all health and medical

information. This material is for educational and entertainment purposes only.


All information is intended only to help you cooperate with your doctor, in your efforts toward

desirable weight levels and health. Only your doctor can determine what is right for you. In

addition to regular check-ups and medical supervision, from your doctor, before starting any

other weight loss program, you should consult with your personal physician.

All information is generalized, presented for informational purposes only, not medical advice,

and presented “as is” without warranty or guarantee of any kind. Readers are cautioned not to

rely on this information as medical advice and to consult a qualified medical, dietary, fitness or

other appropriate professional for their specific needs.

This information has not been evaluated by the FTC, FDA or any other government agency and

that this information is not intended to “diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”

A Federal Trade Commission (FTC) study by a panel of experts concluded the following: That

proper weight loss is achieved by reducing caloric intake and/or increasing physical activity.

Individuals maintaining weight losses over the long term do so by changing their diet and

changing their physical activity.

Although there are common characteristics among the relevant population, there is not a single

cause of overweight or obesity. In some people, the cause may be more closely linked to genetic

factors while in other instances, the principal causal factor may be environmental. Moreover, it

should be obvious that diets, metabolic rates, and levels of physical activity vary from one

individual to another and that weight loss levels will vary. Weight loss results for one individual

are not to be viewed as typical for another individual.

Rapid weight loss may also be associated with some medical problems. Individuals undergoing

weight loss can experience physical changes in the body (dizziness, interruptions in the

menstrual cycle, hair loss, for example) that may indicate more serious conditions. People

noticing such changes should be advised to talk immediately to their primary care physician.

Children and adolescents, pregnant or breast feeding women, and people with significant health

problems such as bulimia, heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes or psychiatric disorder, should

not begin this program without written authorization by their primary care provider.

People under treatment for other conditions or taking medications prescribed by their health care

provider should tell their providers that they have begun this diet because, in some cases,

adjustments to medications or modifications to the weight loss program may be appropriate.

This is not a custom weight loss program. This is merely material designed for discussion and educational

and entertainment purposes. In no way should any of this material be used in place of a program from

your doctor or registered dietitian. The information in this document is supported by research by various

government and regulated organizations and peer reviewed studies.

The Fat Loss Troubleshoot isn't technically a diet or training program. It is an educational system

to make sure any diet or training system you use, works to its fullest extent. With all that being

said, I still want to supply you with a program that will help you achieve your goals as

intelligently as possible.

Fat loss isn't about training you for a marathon. It isn't about conditioning you for the 1st draft

pick. It isn't about damning one food item or picking the perfect timing window. It doesn't take

beating up on someone as hard as you can or restricting everything until all they have left is

spinach and almonds. Somewhere along the line, people forgot that fat loss should be the focus

of a fat loss program. Everything else is noisy chatter.

The purpose of this program is to do the following:

1. Provide you with a program that provides a logical training system.

2. Provide you with a program that doesn't require abnormal equipment not supplied by most


3. Supply you with some tips and "tricks" that make fat loss go faster and easier.

This information may go against a lot of the dogma you hear being shouted right now. It is

current popular trend to train you into the ground or avoid a specific macronutrient in order to

achieve your goals. This doesn't match up with morals or science, and leads to poor or short-term


Have an open mind, mostly to receive the instructions of good ole fashioned focused work.

Smart focused work, but work it is.

What is F80?

F80 stands for "Free the 80." It's a little geek and science humor. An adipose tissue is made up of

roughly 80% fatty acids. The rest is water and a little protein. The number value can actually

alter, some estimates reach as high as 87% and others as low as 65%. It varies, but an average of

80% has been a general consensus. Plus, it's a nice round number. Your job during this program

is to free the fatty acids from storage, release the liquid into energy usage, and expel the excess.

The end result is a leaner you.

F80 is an eight-week program. This program consists of three main focal points:

1. Deficit

2. Resistance Training

3. Cardio/Low Grade Activity

Deficit for F80

You will need:

A. The ability to track movement or an appropriate assumption of your caloric expenditure. I

have provided formulas and a quiz in the FLT.

B. A food measuring system (ideally a food scale). Portion or point systems will do.

C. A journal or some sort of tracking system to account for caloric deficit achievement.

Step 1: Determine Daily Maintenance Calories

Refer back to the FLT chapter titled " The Technical Section for Fat Loss: Formulas and

Figures". You can also utilize your activity monitors or be advised by an assessment of a

professional in your area.

Step 2: Determine Your Daily Deficit And Macros

You can use two methods:

1. The F80 Calculator for your deficit

2. Select a deficit from your own choosing based on the FLT section listed above.

There is no right or wrong answer here.

Step 3: Determine Your Break Time

This program is a straight deficit program. There are not pre-set refeeds or cycles. I personally

feel people are getting a little soft when it comes to dieting down and need to embrace longer

stints of time to achieve the mental gratifications they need in order to keep going. It also teaches


This isn't to say cycles are bad for fat loss. There are major benefits to both. Technically, this can

be a cycle plan as well (see below).

The F80 program assumes a 90% compliance rate. This means for the next eight weeks, you get

roughly six days where you can be non-compliant to the program in a dietary manner.

If you refer back the FLT, I talked about breaks and cycles. I discussed how breaks should be

taken in longer spans at a time, versus shorter. If you are an individual who has a sensitive

hormonal system or adapts faster to a deficit state, you may benefit from putting your six days

together at the end of your first four weeks. It would look something like this.

Days 1-28: Deficit

Days 29-34: Maintenance Break

Days 35-56: Deficit

Day 57: Maintenance Break/Finish

If you do it in this manner, your straight deficit only lasts four weeks at a time.

Using Your F80 Calculator

If you love gadgets and instant gratification, then you will love the F80 calculator. The calculator

is designed to determine what your "debt" payment is based upon the body fat you want to lose.

Its formula is unique as it takes into account variables such as metabolic adaptations and

potential loss of LBM.

Every day, you will enter in your deficit achievement. It will automatically deduct the amount

you enter from your overall goal, leaving you a remaining balance. It can also add back to your

debt, if you have a day where you eat over. Simply add a negative number to the chart in order

for this to take place. Full instructions are written in the calculator file.

The calculator is great for providing you real time visuals for your efforts, even if the scale isn't

showing anything yet. I feel this is a fun component that helps aid in compliance. So often, we

lose sight of the big picture. This literally puts all the numbers right in your face. It also can help

you see how "off" days can affect your overall goal a lot easier than you might have expected.

What If I Can't Use Excel?

First, make sure to try a lot of the free resources that allow for viewing and using excel files like

Open Office or Google Docs. Still, if the calculator isn't for you, you can do it the old fashioned


1. Determine the body fat number you want to lose.

2. Take that number and times it by 3500. This will give you a rough total debt number.

Example: 20lbs x 3500 = 70,000kcals

3. Using a journal, log your daily deficits and subtract from your overall total when desired.

Week 1:








A total of 2700 towards debt

70,000 – 2700 = 67300.

You would continue from there until you are finished with your fat loss.

Really, Calories? Everyone Knows Calories Don't Count.

I have already provided plenty of data in the FLT. There is even more in *new book title*.

Research has never faltered on this issue, and all deficits have to be achieved in order to lose

body fat. The truth is, you have to be in a deficit. If you want to do it by watching portions or

removing food groups, great. For me, this is a system that gives you ultimate accountability and

teaches you how to understand your energy system while not living in denial on either side. This

is science and hard cold data at work.

The truth is, even if your numbers are off a little bit, you will still achieve results at the end of

eight weeks. If it is slower than desired, use the FLT or *new book title*to aid you further. 99%

of the time, FLT will answer your question.

If you are monitoring activity and intake, it's a brilliant and beautiful system.

In the end, the will and choice is yours. Do what you desire, but this works.

What Deficit Should I Choose?

I can't tell you that. The choice is yours. I have provided advice in the book and will do the same

here in this manual. I think for most, going outside two pounds of pure fat lost a week is hard

physically and mentally to achieve. Weight loss, isn't the same thing. Sure, you can manipulate

carbs and water to see faster rates, but it will return. I am about pure fat loss. And pure fat loss,

takes time and is hard. It takes daily work. It takes consistency. I am not sugar coating a thing for

you. When you choose your deficits and goals, choose wisely. Don't pick something so far

outside your zone that a binge is waiting on the other side for you.

F80 Resistance Program

With this program, you will only lift two times a week. That's it.

For those of you who are more focused on serious weight training and protection of muscle

mass, this may seem scary. The truth is you can't have it all. Unless you are at the end of your fat

loss and are already achieving true bodybuilding manipulations and training, this is all you need

to maintain your mass and focus on losing the body fat.

I will never understand why people think it is more important to maintain weak levels of strength

progression and minor to nothing of fat loss numbers, so that they can lift more. What are you

achieving? All you are doing is constantly floating in a land of mediocrity on both sides of the

fence. You don't eat enough to push your strength or hypertrophy gains, and you don't restrict

enough to ever finally be done with the fat loss.

Can there be some who defy this advice. Sure, but they are the exception to the rule.

Take my advice, take these eight weeks to focus on losing fat. You are not going to atrophy your

muscle away. You will lose some glycogen and pump, yes. But the moment you refeed and go

into maintenance and lifting again, all that "muscle" you "lost" will be right where you left it, or


For those of you who don't desire much muscle at all, and want to work body mechanics or

general health, I have provided a program for you as well.

Program Template

Every basic program should have this template:

1. Warm-up (3-5 Mins)

2. Dynamic Stretching/ Low Grade Tissue Release (3-5 Mins)

3. Progressive Overload/Dynamic Fillers (Varies upon program, but generally 20+ Mins)

4. Static Stretching/Heavy Grade Tissue Release (4-8 Mins)

This is a simplistic look at how a program structure can be laid out. I should note, this is not set

in stone. Static work can come before lifts and training depending on the client. However, if you

are following consistency in your training, you can utilize a safer method of placing static work

at the end of the session.


The warm-up seemed to have died sometime back in 2002. This is my attempt to bring it back to

life. The warm-up is for a very simple, but important purpose – to help you warm-up. Blood

flowing, body temperature rising, and better muscle conduction are the name of the game. While

warming up the body can mix with dynamic stretching or movements, the most important thing

to understand is you are going from cold to warm.


Jog in place


Light Paced/Weight Free Box Squats

Punch Crossovers

Jumping Jacks

Dynamic Stretching/Mobility Exercises

Dynamic Stretching takes warming up to the next level. The purpose of dynamic stretching is to

help increase range of motion in movement. You are not looking to press the boundaries of

comfort or get jerky with your range of movement, but it should be explosive and testing the

limits of your active range of motion.

I have supplied you with four movements to utilize during your training sessions in the program


Progressive Overload/Exercises

The purpose of all lifting programs is to progress to a new level of strength or to maintain the

peak level of strength you have achieved. To say that progressive overload and new PR's are

going to be set for the rest of your life is telling tales out of school. There are also some

individuals who want to work more towards endurance strength versus absolute strength.

Remember, this program is to help aid in fat loss and provide you a course to follow for eight

weeks. Providing you did everything you were supposed to do nutritionally, you will be leaner

and more defined.

After eight weeks, you are more than welcome to repeat the program and continue to progress

further in your lifts.

F80: The Programs

I have provided two separate programs. The first program assumes low to moderate experience

and equipment access. In short, you could do this program at a basic gym like Planet Fitness or

even some apartment building gyms. You could also make substitutions or do it at home. If you

need help with substitution ideas hit up google or stop by my members forum.

The second program assumes a moderate to advanced experience in lifts. In short, you would

need a fully supplied gym (or home gym) with racks, barbells, and the ability to actually lift


Note: I have provided a print friendly version of everything at the end of this document.

Low to Intermediate Intensity/Experience

Mobility/Dynamic – Weeks 1-8

Plank Salutes 1x20 (Alternating)

Leg Swings 1x20 (Alternating)

Hip Circles 1x14

T-Swings 1x20 (Alternating)

Strength – Weeks 1-4

Straight Sets

Rest: 90 Secs

75-80% RM

Step-Ups 3x16 (Alternating)

Single Leg Deadlift 3x16 (Alternating)

Standing One-Arm Cable Row 3x10x2 (10 Each Side)

Alternating Neutral DB Press 3x14 (Alternating)

Cable Chops 3x8x2 (8 Each Side)

Strength – Weeks 5-8

Straight Sets

Rest: 90 secs

75-80% RM

Goblet Squat 3x8

Suitcase Deadlift 3x10

Pronated Lat Pulldown 3x12

Incline Neutral DB Press 3x10

Ab Snails 3x10

Moderate To Advanced Intensity/Experience

Mobility/Dynamic – Weeks 1-8

Plank Salutes 1x20 (Alternating)

Leg Swings 1x20 (Alternating)

Hip Circles 1x14

T-Swings 1x20 (Alternating)

Strength – Weeks 1-4

Straight Sets

Rest: 90 Secs

75-80% RM

Front Box Squats 4x6

Trap Bar Deadlift 4x8

Seated Cable Row 3x10

Incline Neutral DB Press 3x8

Ab Snails 3x12

Strength – Weeks 5-8

Straight Sets

Rest: 90 secs

75-80% RM

Bulgarian Split Squats 4x8

Hip Thrusts 3x10

Pronated Lat Pulldown 3x12

DB Floor Press 3x8

Ab Rollouts 3x10

Static Stretching

Static stretching consists of stretching a muscle (or group of muscles) to its farthest point and

then maintaining or holding that position. Static stretching should be slow and held at an end

position for up to 30 seconds. Static passive stretching uses an external force to hold the stretch

in position. The goal of static stretching is to release tension and increase range of motion and

flexibility over time.

Movements Examples:

Doorway Chest Stretch

Calf Stretch

Quad Stretch

Placement of static stretching is best left at the end of your training program as part of your cool

down. Placing it at the beginning of your program has been shown to decrease balance, power,

and overall force production. But again, these rules aren't always set in stone.

Maintaining flexibility and using a proper warm up and cool down in your program is going to

strongly decrease your chance of injury. Less injury and a more able body means better fat loss.

Don't look at it in the manner of preventative. As human beings we think we are immune to

anything before it happens anyway. Look at it more as taking your fat loss further and the look of

your body from basic to extraordinary.

F80 Cardio & Low Grade Activity

Despite what you are being told all across the internet, activity in any form can help aid your fat

loss. Granted, the deficit must still be there and no activity is going to "make up" for a

maintenance or surplus diet.

It can be a lot easier to hit your deficit when you activity is high enough to make it to where you

don't have to starve in order to meet your deficit. For example, if your daily activity only reaches

roughly 1800 calories a day, in order to lose a pound a week, you still need to eat 1300 calories a

day. That is assuming a perfect deficit of measurement and removal of fat only, which isn't

possible. More than likely, to achieve a full pound of fat lost per week, you would need 1150 of

1200 calories a day, consistently.

For a lot of people, that could be too little food for them to comply with, especially for a pound a

week. If you are one of them, you may find you respond better to raising your caloric

expenditure a little higher, to say 2000 calories a day, allowing yourself to eat closer to 1400

calories a day.

Working Within Your Natural Burn

We all have a natural burn "setpoint" our life creates. Different points in our lives will create

different sets. What your job, school, or home life consists of in an activity is what determines

this. Subconscious movement and non-intent effort is thought by our brains to be easier. Think

about a time or events in your life when you were moving more. Maybe you were a waiter or

waitress, maybe you walked a lot around your campus or went out dancing a lot with your

friends. Perhaps you ran around a lot taking your kids to different activities. Whatever it is, think

about how easier it is or isn't to get low grade activity in your life.

When you determine that and perhaps even test it via an activity monitor, it good to test out

working within a 20-25% range of increase from that level. Doing this will generally lead to less

energy and less increase of hunger pangs during a deficit. If we take the example from before of

1800 calories per day, a 20% increase would lead to roughly 2100 calories a day. This increase

during a deficit is minimal enough to still provide adequate recovery in nutrition.

For more obese individuals, you may want to work at a lower end that allows more diet to be at

the core of your work. For example, if your BMR and NEPA activity leads to roughly 3000

calories a day, 15% may be plenty. If you are a larger athlete with training, then the previous

statement would fit fine. Remember, it's always relative.

I want to state it doesn't mean activity can't get slightly higher, but if you find yourself with

stalls, lots of water retention, and having to contemplate the "*new book title*" manual, it might

be a sign you are trying to run your body too hard on too little of fuel.

F80 Cardio Stations

The point of these stations is the following:

1. They make the time fly by. For those who find cardio to be as fun as a root canal, this can be

important to compliance.

2. They provide you with great activation drills, muscle endurance work, and coordination skills.

3. They are easy to control in pace and intensity.

4. In the future, you can change up the drills and stations allowing a constant change of pace and

intensity level.

To be clear, you don't have to do these stations and can take part in other cardio activities. I

believe in compliance, so if doing Dance Central or a group class instead makes you comply,

great. The intensity level is important, so make sure you are selecting an intensity level that will

match your recovery needs and deficit selection.

Choosing a Cardio Intensity Level

I am providing two different cardio station routines. Technically, either can be performed at a

lower or higher intensity rating. The first has easier movements to perform. The latter, provides a

slightly enhanced challenge to the actual movements.

When performing the routines, keep in mind you need to pace yourself. The purpose of these

stations is not to go all-out with intensity. You have to perform these stations in five rounds.

Meaning, you will perform five sets of these exercises in a circuit style with only one minute rest

at the end of each circuit (or as needed). Think as if you were trying to maintain a run for thirty

minutes, you wouldn't try to sprint the whole time. While it should be focused, it shouldn't be

aggressive or else you will burn out in ten minutes.

How Cardio Stations Work

Step 1: Choose your experience/intensity level.

Step 2: Look over the movements, pictures, video, and anything else you need to perform the

movements properly. Do a test prior to your training session to make sure you have the

movements down.

Step 3: For your workout, use a timer to go off at minute intervals.

Step 4: Start with your first exercise and perform it for a minute straight, resting only when you

need to. Remember, this should be a moderate intensity pace, because you should be able to

complete all five rounds.

Step 5: Move through each exercise until all have been completed.

Step 6: Take one minute break at the end of the first round of exercises.

Step 7: After your break, complete each round again until you have done a total of five rounds.

Remember to take one minute break after each round of exercises is complete.

Note: I have provided a print friendly version of everything at the end of this manual.

Cardio Station #1 - Low/Intermediate Intensity

Jog in Place – 1 min

Prisoner Squats – 1 min

Lying Elbow to Knee Crunch – 1 min

Elevated Glute Bridge – 1 min

Bodyweight Step-Ups – 1 min

Split Jacks – 1 min

Rest – 1 min

Repeat for a total of 5 rounds

Cardio Station #2 - Intermediate/Advanced Intensity

High knee jog in place – 1 min

Reverse pistols – 1 min

Floor Hops – 1 min

Bird Dog to Floor – 1 min

Single Leg Glute Bridge – 1 min

Burpees – 1 min

Rest – 1 min

Repeat for a total of 5 rounds

F80 Low Grade Activity

Extra activity is going to vary. Some individuals may need none, while other will benefit from

including it. While it isn't a requirement, if you are looking to increase the results of your fat loss

while diminishing the negative effects of too much training, low grade activity is for you.

What is Low Grade Activity?

You are looking for the same intensity level you would get walking around an amusement park

with your friends or family. This is not a sweating game. This is literally, walking, light level

elliptical work, stationary bike, etc. You could not only carry on a conversation while doing it, it

could literally be talking and walking on the phone.

Now, I know in this day and age we are supposed to loath the individual that walks on the

treadmill with a magazine or watches the TV. The truth is when it comes to racking up a few

more calories for the day, it works great. Should it be the core of your training program? No. Can

it help you add to your overall daily deficit? Absolutely.

How Do I Determine the Amount I Need?

Like I said, it is optional. Mostly, it depends on how aggressive your goal is for the next eight

weeks. The other factor is how much activity you already get in a day. If you work in an office

at a desk all day and barely reach five thousand steps-a-day sans training, then you may greatly

benefit from a good 30-45 minute walk. This could be the case outside of fat loss too. General

activity helps create a momentum that is contagious.

If you are already running around all day and racking up a ton of steps, then chances are your

manipulations will land more in controlling your diet only and resistance work to maintain

muscle mass.

Training Frequency and Layout

As I stated, cardio and low activity are not required for fat loss, but they certainly help aid it.

Frequency of both will move your results along. When determining how much you are going to

partake in, it is important to take into account other factors such as nutrient quality, job/life

demand, and timing.

Generally speaking, a minimum of 3 days a week, mixed with your resistance work, will help aid

in promoting greater fat loss. Keep in mind how your daily activity (or lack of) will change

things. If you don't move at all, you may need a "7 day" program of low grade activity because

you don't get any at all. Others may need only the cardio program and resistance training. Here is

a look at a few different schedules:

Schedule A – Low Natural Activity (Desk Job/Sedentary Lifestyle)

Mon – Low Grade/Resistance

Tues – Low Grade/Cardio

Wed- Low Grade/Cardio

Thurs- Low Grade/Resistance

Friday- Low Grade/Cardio

Sat- Low Grade

Sun- Low Grade

Schedule B – Moderate Natural Activity (Light Job/Moderate Active Lifestyle)

Mon – Low Grade/Resistance

Tues – Low Grade/Cardio

Wed - Cardio

Thurs- Low Grade/Resistance

Friday- Low Grade/Cardio

Sat- Off


Schedule C – High Natural Activity (Moderate/High Job and Lifestyle)

Mon –Resistance

Tues /Cardio



Friday- Cardio

Sat- Off

Sun- Off

You don't have to follow the exact days. For example, you can do your training on weekends or

cardio, etc. The scheduling merely shows you an example of layout based on your lifestyle and


You might be thinking "That's a lot of work!" if you are someone who gets little activity. But, if

you are getting that little of activity, it may be precisely why you are having such a hard time

losing weight. And remember, effort we expend unnaturally, feels more intense in effort overall.

This is why it can feel like such a weight on your shoulders. I encourage you to embrace a less

dramatic and intense outlook at these situations. The "spoon full of sugar" approach, if you will.

Putting It Together & Closing Statements

With these steps, over the next eight weeks you should achieve the goals you set for yourself.

Remember, the intensity of your goal is of your setting. Compliance is the most important factor

of the next eight weeks. Being steady allows for an easier showing of progress. Log those

numbers, do your time, and you will come out the other side happier for what you have done.

I have put links to movements that are performed by some of my favorite trainers and friends in

the industry. These are quality instructions and will lead you to a better performance. Remember,

nothing replaces hands on training, so to get the best experience seek a professional to aid you.

Warm Up/Mobility

Plank salutes - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKZ8e00hXAA

Leg Swings - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeoz0uoESoE

Hip Circles - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpGWg-aQCGs

T-Swings - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1nq6PQahP8

Resistance Exercises

Ab Snails - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjmiOqz52q4

Cable Chops - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4TjIXqIKyY

DB Press Neutral Grip Alternating – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjXjhTf728w

Front Box Squat - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYsXYDkHrqc

Goblet Squat - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJLLUznADwk

Incline DB Press Neutral Grip - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tY-zE9pXu5U

Pronated Lat Pulldown - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26hf-w9KA7U

Single Leg DL - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHJTNa6R9RA

Single Leg DL Assist - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twqklW8L0cI

Standing One-Arm Cable Row - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fH-iklUV7T8

Step-Up Tutorial - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4AA5d5mInQ

Suitcase Deadlift - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcszt2oEU0A

Trap Bar Deadlift - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDtMJ5PYWAM

F80 - #1 - Weeks 1-4 - Straight Set 75-80% RM


Exercise -Substitution Example

Sets Reps Rest Notes

Weight Reps Finished Rest Time Needed Cues

Step-Ups - N/A

3 16 (Alternating)

90 seconds

Single Leg Deadlift - Chair Assisted

3 16 (Alternating)

90 seconds

Standing One-Arm Cable Row - Home Sub – One-Arm Bent Over DB Row

3 10x2 (10 Each Side)

90 seconds

Alternating Neutral DB Press - N/A

3 3x14 (Alternating)

90 seconds

Cable Chops - Dumbbell Woodchops

3 8x2 (8 Each Side)

90 seconds

Energy Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Workout Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mobility/Dynamic: Plank Salutes 1x20 (Alternating) Leg Swings 1x20 (Alternating) Hip Circles 1x14 T-Swings 1x20 (Alternating) Training Comments:

F80 - #1 - Weeks 5-8 - Straight Set 75-80% RM


Exercise -Substitution Example

Sets Reps Rest Notes

Weight Reps Finished Rest Time Needed Cues

Goblet Squats - N/A

3 8 90 seconds

Suitcase Deadlift - N/A

3 10 90 seconds

Pronated Lat Pulldown - Home Sub – Bent Over DB Row

3 12 90 seconds

Incline Neutral DB Press - Floor DB Press

3 10 90 seconds

Ab Snails - N/A

3 10 90 seconds

Energy Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Workout Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mobility/Dynamic: Plank Salutes 1x20 (Alternating) Leg Swings 1x20 (Alternating) Hip Circles 1x14 T-Swings 1x20 (Alternating) Training Comments:

F80 - #2 - Weeks 1-4 - Straight Set 75-80% RM


Exercise -Substitution Example

Sets Reps Rest Notes

Weight Reps Finished Rest Time Needed Cues

Front Box Squats - N/A

4 6 90 seconds

Trap Bar Deadlift - RDL

4 8 90 seconds

Seated Cable Row - N/A

3 10 90 seconds

Incline Neutral DB Press - N/A

3 8 90 seconds

Ab Snails - N/A

3 12 90 seconds

Energy Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Workout Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mobility/Dynamic: Plank Salutes 1x20 (Alternating) Leg Swings 1x20 (Alternating) Hip Circles 1x14 T-Swings 1x20 (Alternating) Training Comments:

F80 - #2 - Weeks 5-8 - Straight Set 75-80% RM


Exercise -Substitution Example

Sets Reps Rest Notes

Weight Reps Finished Rest Time Needed Cues

Bulgarian Split Squats - N/A

4 8 90 seconds

Hip Thrusts - N/A

3 10 90 seconds

Pronated Lat Pulldown - N/A

3 12 90 seconds

DB Floor Press - N/A

3 8 90 seconds

Ab Rollouts - N/A

3 10 90 seconds

Energy Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Workout Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mobility/Dynamic: Plank Salutes 1x20 (Alternating) Leg Swings 1x20 (Alternating) Hip Circles 1x14 T-Swings 1x20 (Alternating) Training Comments:

Cardio Station #1 Low/Intermediate Intensity

Date: Exercise (-substitution)

Round 1 Time Round 2 Time Round 3 Time Round 4 Time Round 5 Time # of movements completed

# of movements completed

# of movements completed

# of movements completed

# of movements completed

Jog in Place 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute

Prisoner Squats 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute

Lying Elbow to Knee Crunch

1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute

Elevated Glute Bridge 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute

Bodyweight Step-Ups 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute

Split Jacks 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute

Rest 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute

Energy Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Workout Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Comments:

Layout design credit: Karen W. forum member

Cardio Station #2 Intermediate/Advanced Intensity

Date: Exercise (-substitution)

Round 1 Time Round 2 Time Round 3 Time Round 4 Time Round 5 Time # of movements completed

# of movements completed

# of movements completed

# of movements completed

# of movements completed

High Knee Jog in Place 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute

Reverse Pistols 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute

Floor Hops 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute

Bird Dog to Floor 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute

Single Leg Glute Bridge 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute

Burpees 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute

Rest 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute

Energy Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Workout Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Comments:

Layout design credit: Karen W. forum member

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