facebook marketing basics

Post on 10-Nov-2014






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This slideshow is the Facebook Marketing webinar that I give to small business owners.


Why Facebook Marketing?

• 400 Million people login to FB every day.• Serves as a live database of prospects.• Allows you to bond with target market.• Helps to keep connected.• Facilitates viral word-of-mouth marketing.• Allows us to listen to marketplace.• Less expensive than other marketing.

3 Important Facebook Pages

Facebook Business Profile

• Business Page• Show Photos• 25% Rule • Chat, Email & Wall• Cold Friending• Your “Store Front”• Most Personal & Social

Facebook Fan Page

• Can be found in Google• Needs lots of keywords• Can be used for ads• Suggest to Friends• Engagement • Still must be personable• More business items• Can be fed into Twitter

Home Page / News Feed

• Shows Friends Posts• Friend Lists• Events• Make Comments• Review “Most Recent” • Review “News Feed”

7 Steps to Social Media Sales Success

7 Steps for Social Sales Success

1. Define your brand.2. Locate your audience.3. Attract audience.4. Captivate attention.5. Bond with audience.6. Convert into clients.7. Engage continuously.

Captivating Your Audience

Your Lure (Bait) is Your Content

Viral Marketing

Viral Marketing Components of Facebook

• Share Button• Comments• Tagging• Suggest to Friends• New Like Button• Contests• Social Ads• Notifications

Connect the dots with…

•Social Media Coaching•Social Media Webinars•Social Media Monthly Tasks•Social Media Consulting•Website Design•Wordpress Blogs•Lead Generation

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