facit calculator stories

Post on 07-Jul-2015






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Stories and memories of Facit from all around the world.


Christian Sandström holds a PhD from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. He writes and speaks about disruptive innovation and technological change.

Facit was a manufacturer of…

… mechanical calculators…


… And office furniture…

Once upon a time, the Facit wizard

smiled all over the world.

Kids played with them, and they were

seen everywhere along with the


Today, Facit is history.

In 1971-72, the electronic

calculator put an end to 50 years of


However, a lot of people still have a relationship to the


Memories do not fade away.

I have collected a few stories from all

around the world...

The user ‘Broad-banned’: “We used them in first year Physics in 1967 - before that

it was slide rules and log tables. They used to jam up frequently so very frustrating to use. Division was a

matter of turning the handle forward till the bell rang, then back one turn, then on to the next column.

Calculating variances took forever.”

The user ’Woodag’: “In 1967 I had the dubious honour of being in the last group at my uni to do a numerical analysis

course using Facit machines like that…

“Besides the bell which indicated the result had gone negative when dividing, they were far from

silent. A whole room full of students working away with them produced quite a racket.”

In a newsletter from the Chemistry department at the University of Sydney, the following could be read

about a professor back in those days:

“Le Fèvre preferred the Swedish Facit

calculator, a mechanical

gadget which he still used to

calculate student exam averages in

the late 1960s. (Division was

done by rotating the handle until

the bell rang and then racking back

a notch, as I recall.)”

Larry Perkins: “I bought a Model 2251 calculator exactly 30 years

ago today. I still use it frequently, as I prefer a ‘substantial’ calculator on my desk, as opposed to

the small, light, hard-to-handle electronic units, which are fine for most other uses…

… And I admit that, having spent my career in the development of large-scale but largely silent

computer systems, the FACIT emits certain comforting, old-fashioned mechanical sounds, as it goes flawlessly

about the business of showing how devastating the recent economy has been to my retirement funds…

In the event, let me say that this little Swedish machine has never failed me, its ubiquity allows me to still get supplies for it, and it has not yet outlived its utility. It is a triumphant demonstration of good

engineering, great marketing, and an incredibly clever "no language" user's manual design.”

Trevira on Flickr about the wizards:

”These chaps are

my constant companions - not just for Christmas.

I've no idea what they're about or

where they come from, but I'm

guessing they're 1960s. Any


“My dad died shortly after he

left the company, and my sister and I played with the orange facit doll

all the time!“

// Cathy

It’s great to see how those memories of Facit remain.

And some of those stories illustrate how fantastic Facit was at marketing.

Mechanical calculators, Facit wizards and memories spread out all around the world – that’s what remains from a company that Sweden was proud

of 40 years ago.

Thanks to:

Everyone who’ve shared their Facit stories Åtvidabergs Bruks och Facit Museum, Sweden http://brukskultur.atvidaberg.se/index2.html Åssa Industri och Bil Museum, Sweden http://www.assamuseet.se/

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