fact and opinion fourth grade unit 2 week 4 by kristi waltke

Post on 27-Mar-2015






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Fact and Opinion

Fourth Grade

Unit 2 Week 4

By Kristi Waltke

Facts A statement of fact can be proved true

or false by looking in a reference book, asking an expert, or using your own knowledge and experience.

Monkeys are mammals.

Mercury is the planet closest

to the sun.

Opinions A statement of opinion cannot be proved

true or false. It is a belief or judgment. It often contains a word of judgment, suchas best, should, or beautiful. It may beginwith the words In my opinion or I believe.

She is the coolest girl in


Bananas are the best fruit on a summer day.

It seemed for a moment as if the horses were keeping time to the music.

Is this statement from the story a fact or an opinion?

It cannot be proven true or false. It uses “seemed” which is a judgment word.

Waking lumberjacks is a more difficult job than keeping up with a payroll.

Is this statement a fact or an opinion?It cannot be proven true or false. It involves a belief or judgment. It may be true in Marvin’s case, but that is not what

it takes to make it a fact.

Marvin of the Great North Woods is a biography.

Is this statement a fact or an opinion?This can be proven. A person could use

knowledge of what a biography is to prove that this story is a biography.

Here in the great north woods all was still and white.

Is this statement a fact or an opinion?This can be proven. A person could be in the great north woods and check to see if

it were still and white.

The great north woods was the best place for Marvin.

Is this statement a fact or an opinion?It cannot be proven true or false. It

involves a belief or judgment. Notice that “best” is one of words that signals an


As you read, try to distinguish facts from opinions.

Remember how to figure out if a statement is a fact or an opinion.

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