
Post on 09-Nov-2015






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Factions1. Elvesa. The Elves have a council of elders who rule under their King. Their old ties to magic have been lost over the ages and no attempt has been made to rekindle the old ways, preferring to rely more and more on new technology. But even in this regard they are more graceful than the other races, relying on bows and ranged weapons over the Radeon Crystal weapons of the humans. They are on the edge of war with the human Federation and prefer to keep to themselves. b. Our heroes would find themselves applying to be members of the kingsgaurd, an elite section of their army that does the work no one else is capable of both on the battlefield and on their own lands.

2. Humans (Federation)a. The human Federation has recently undergone a shift in power, after the sudden death of the last prime minister two opposing forces were vying for the position, Eldaren one of the last lines of human mages and Richter the head of the federation army. Of the two that were openly lobbying for the position a third won the seat. His name is Druzel, and he was chosen as a compromise candidate, the only strong beliefs he holds are his animosity towards the Sages, which is universal in the federation. The only fighting that is going on is with the rebel bands from the Southlands. b. Our heroes would find themselves as Federation soldiers fighting on the front lines of the Southland armed forces. The tides are turning and things are changing on both sides, you have heard rumors of new weapons coming in and that Druzel is looking for recruits for something big.

3. Humans (Southlanders)a. The Southlanders have been fighting the federation since the first battle on the Precindorin, where the Sages stepped in and helped them cement their stronghold on the Dragon Teeth mountain range. This stronghold consists of a floating city made of warships, barges, and skifs, all powered by Radeon Crystals.b. Our heroes would find themselves as a small band of Rebel fighters fighting against the constant onslaught of The Federation. News is they are bringing something big, its our job to make sure that doesnt happen.

4. Sagesa. The Sages have found themselves hated after the last great war, that beings said, they have not stopped doing their job, which is hunting down magical artifacts and trying to use them to better all the races. One of the Sages who was scouring the elven histories came across something that could change the face of history, the only problem is its past the blast line.b. Our heroes will be sages recruited before the Grand Sage went into her great sleep, they have been tasked with going and helping the Sage who made the discovery home as she has been attacked twice already.

5. Dwarvesa. The Dwarves are ruled by a strict social hierarchy where one does not make any move without considering the consequences, that being said a new path has opened in the depths. This means there may be old world tech town there, and more than anyones fair share of danger.b. Our heroes find themselves tasked to explore the depths in hope of finding something big, something that could help bring them into the power struggle that rages on the surface.

6. Gnomesa. The gnomes are live in the land between the Federation and anyone they try to conquer, wandering with the armys and stripping the victims of everything and, when business is bad they make a living hijacking and capturing wandering trading vessels and selling them back to the federation.b. Our heroes find themselves given a skiff of their own with one goal, in a months time prove themselves and take something big from someone. If this is not accomplished they will be dishonor and shame upon their family name.

Elves everyone starts with a d4 in marksman Humans Federation starts with a d4 in weird science (Radeon Crystals) Humans Rebels starts with a d4 in sneak Sages everyone starts with a d4 in magic Dwarves everyone has darkvision Gnomes you start with a skiff and a d4 in weird science (flying)

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