factors that influence children's vocabulary development

Post on 29-May-2018






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  • 8/9/2019 Factors That Influence Children's Vocabulary Development




    The study has been done at Tadika Kampung Ketoyong. Four samples, children between 4 to 6

    years old have been taken for this study. The researchers try to investigate factors that influence

    vocabulary development in the children between the age of 4 and 6 years old. Two methods have

    been used for the data collections. The methods for data collection are interview and observation.

    It is found that age, institutional, familial and environmental factors influence childrens

    vocabulary development. It is suggested that parents and teachers be taught how to promote

    healthy emotion and disposition among the children. It is also suggested that bigger samples

    should be used to provide with sufficient data for a more reliable generalization if a further study

    are to be carried out.


    Childhood is one of the important phases in ones life. In the phase, they learn and absorb new

    things from their surroundings and people around them. This includes the vocabulary that they

    acquire. However, the difference in the development of vocabulary in children shows that there

    are certain factors that influence the acquisition and perception of meanings of word in them.

    Thus, there is a need to study these factors as this will be helpful for their parents and teacher to1

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    60 months

    Can use many descriptive words spontaneously-both adjectives and adverbs

    Has number concepts of 4 or more

    Should be able to define common objects in terms of use (hat, shoe, chair)

    Should know his age

    Should have simple time concepts: morning, afternoon, night, day, later,after, while

    Tomorrow, yesterday, today

    6 years

    old Speech should be completely intelligible and socially useful

    Should be able to tell one a rather connected story about a picture, seeing

    relationships between objects and happenings

    Most of the studies only focus on the vocabularies that children get in the kindergarten. There are

    not many studies being carried out to study the factors that influence the development of

    vocabularies in children especially in Malaysian setting. Thus there is a need for a study to be

    carried out about childrens vocabulary development in Malaysian setting.

    Statement of Problem

    Past researches have shown that childrens vocabulary develops stage by stage. Children begin to

    develop their language skills the minute they are born. As they progress through the stages of

    infancy into toddlers, their vocabulary development grows at a rapid pace. Ultimately, children

    go through four stages of vocabulary development, not counting the preverbal stage. By the end

    of the fourth stage, they will have developed their main vocabulary skills (Reed, 2009). However

    from our observation, we found that some children develop their vocabulary faster than the

    others. It is believed that there are certain factors that influence the rate of vocabulary


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    development in the children. Thus, the study tries to investigate factors that influence childrens

    vocabulary development.

    Data Collection


    The sample of the study is comprised of four kindergarten students. The particulars of the

    students are as follows:


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    The data for the study is collected by using two methods which are interview and observation

    during their learning session in the class. The questions that were asked during the interview are

    as follows:


    Student Particulars

    Name: Muhammad Abqary

    Age: 4 years old

    Fathers occupation: Taxi driver

    Mothers occupation: Housewife

    Name: Arif Firman

    Age: 5 years old

    Fathers occupation: Lorry Driver

    Mothers occupation: Working at Proton

    Name: Tevayani

    Age: 6 years old

    Fathers occupation: Working at Bank Rakyat

    Mothers occupation: Housewife

    Name: Ahmad Hakimi Irfan

    Age: 6 years old

    Fathers occupation: Working at Proton

    Mothers occupation: Sells nasi lemak

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    Childrens Background (The questions were asked in Bahasa Malaysia)

    What is your name?

    How old are you?

    What is your favourite food?

    What is your favourite cartoon?

    How does it look like?

    What is your favourite colour?

    What is favourite game?

    What is your fathers name?

    What is your fathers occupation?

    What is your mothers name?

    What is mothers occupation?

    In the future, what would you like to be? (Teacher, Doctor, Lawyer etc)

    Besides questions regarding their background, the researchers also used a stimulus (a picture

    refer to Appendix A) to observe the vocabulary that they have in English Language. The

    questions that were asked are as follows:

    What animal is this?

    What does the animal eat?

    Do you like rabbit? Why?

    Do you have ant pets at home?

    Do you take care of it? (bath, food, walk etc)


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    The researchers also observed the children during their learning session. Among the things that

    were observed are their interactions with their friends and the teacher.


    Data from the interview

    From the interview that was carried out, the researchers found all of the children except

    Muhammad Abqary know the concept of colours, numbers, shapes, name of animal and fruits in


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    English language. They also understand researchers questions in English although sometimes

    the researchers need to help their understanding using Bahasa Malaysia. The children acquire the

    vocabularies of colours, numbers, shapes, name of animals and fruits in English language from

    the learning sessions that were carried out by the teacher in the kindergarten.

    From the interview, the researcher also found that all of the children know about

    occupations and the importance of money. However, they also know how the money is spent.

    This is shown as follows:

    Dialogue 1Researcher: Ayah Abqary kerja apa?

    Abqary: Bawa kereta!

    Hakimi: Ayah dia dia kerja teksi.

    Researcher: Kerja teksi banyak tak dapat duit?All: Banyak!

    Researcher: Dah dapat duit, duit tu kita guna buat apa?

    Arif: Beli mainan.Hakimi: Beli la apa-apa yang patut!

    Researcher: Apa yang patut? Apa dia apa-apa yang patut tu?

    Arif: Kerusi ke, meja ke.Hakimi: Ala, kalau ada duit apa-apa pun boleh beli. Makanan boleh, mainan,

    Researcher: Teva, ayah Teva kalau ada duit beli apa?

    Tevayani: Maggi

    Dialogue 2Hakimi: Saya punya duit raya dapat RM100

    Researcher: Pastu duit simpan kat mana?

    Hakimi: Saya nak beli PS6 (Playstation 6)Arif: Saya nak simpan dalam akaun bank

    Researcher: Akaun bank apa?

    Hakimi and Arif: Bank Rakyat!Researcher: Tevayani dapat duit raya tak?

    Tevayani: Dapat (shy)

    Researcher: Dapat berapa?

    Tevayani: RM 100


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    Researcher: Siapa yang bagi?

    Tevayani: Cikgu

    Hakimi: Cikgu, dia bukan dapat RM 100. Dia dapat RM 1 je. Dia kata nak mengarut.Researcher: Abqary dapat duit raya tak?

    Abqary: Dapat!

    Researcher: Dapat? Berapa?Abqary: (no answer)

    Researcher: Dapat duit warna apa?

    Abqary: Warna biru, merah.

    From the first dialogue between the researcher and the children, it is clear that they grasp the

    concept of money from their observation of how their parents use the money. While, Dialogue 2

    shows that some of the childrens parents teach their child to keep their money for savings.

    Based on the finding, the researchers believe that parents also play an important role in

    childrens vocabulary development. Besides the conceptions of money, they are also exposed to

    certain occupations by their parents. This somehow influences them and makes them set certain

    ambition to be working in certain fields that interest them. This is evident in the following


    Researcher: Oh. Bila besar nanti Hakimi nak jadi apa?

    Hakimi: Proton.

    Researcher: Proton tu buat apa?Hakimi: Bekerja. Waktu rehat balik rumah.

    Researcher: Oh. Arif pulak nak kerja apa nanti?

    Arif: Kerja polis.

    Researcher: Sebab apa nak kerja polis?Arif: Nak tangkap orang.

    Researcher: Tangkap orang apa?

    Arif: Tangkap orang jahat.Researcher: Orang jahat buat apa?

    Arif: Curi beg orang.

    Researcher: Teva nanti nak jadi apa?Tevayani: Tutor, UPSI.

    Researcher: Tutor tu apa?

    Tevayani: Mengajar

    Researcher: Abqary nanti nak jd apa?


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    Abqary: Bawak kereta.

    On the other hand, the dialogues also picture the different level of vocabulary

    development in the children. It is found that Muhammad Abqary, who is 4 years old, lacks the

    vocabulary that hinders him from speaking fluently compared to the other children. The finding

    shows that age is also one of the factors that influence vocabulary development in children.

    The children also talked about few television programme that they like to watch. This

    includes cartoons like Ben10, Upin dan Ipin, and Malay drama series like Jangan Pandang

    BelakangandNur Kasih. They also repeated the word that is common in the cartoon series like

    Betul, betul, betul! which they imitate from the cartoon Upin dan Ipin. Besides, the children

    also acquire words like steering, monster, PS3, PES6 and Counterstrike (name of a Playstation

    game) from the Playstation game that they play at home. This proves that mass media provides

    opportunities for the children to learn new things and enhance their vocabulary development.

    It is also found that one of the children in the classroom curse using words like babi

    and anak anjing during the observation. The teacher then scolded him and warned him not to

    do it again. When he was asked about the person that he learn the cursing words from, he replied

    by saying that he heard it from his friends. This finding shows that children also learn words

    from people around them. They sometimes say certain word without realizing how bad the words




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    The level of vocabulary development of healthy toddlers in the samples is on the high side. It can

    be concluded that there are four factors that influence the development of childrens vocabulary.

    This includes institutional (the place where the children studies), parental (the childrens

    parents), age and environmental (mass media and friends) factors. It is suggested that

    kindergarten teachers and parents should pay attention to the toddlers' language development.

    The toddlers' parents and caregivers should be taught how to interact with and talk to their

    children and how to promote children to develop healthy disposition and emotion.

    Since the study only involves a small number samples, the findings cannot be generalized

    to all children outside the kindergarten. Thus, bigger sample is needed to provide with sufficient

    data if any further study are to be carried out.


    Appendix A


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    Appendix B


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    Verbatim of the Interview.

    The part where the children talk about computer games and television programmes is lost due to

    virus infection. Thus, the verbatim of the part cannot be presented in this report.

    Part 1

    Researcher: What is your name?

    Hakimi: Saya tau cakap ni... My name is Hakimi.

    Researcher: Oh. Hakimi. Yang ni? (pointing to second boy)Arif: Arif.

    Researcher: What is your name? (asking the girl)

    Tevayani: Tevayani.

    Researcher: How old are you?Hakimi: I am six years old.

    Researcher: How old are you?Arif: LimaResearcher: How old are you?

    Tevayani: Enam.

    Researcher: Enam apa dalam Bahasa Inggeris?Tevayani: Six.

    Hakimi: Kalau nak cakap dua ringgit, two ringgit.

    Researcher: Kalau tiga?

    Hakimi: Three ringgit.Researcher: Ok. Cikgu nak tunjuk gambar ni. Cikgu nak tanya dalam Bahasa Inggeris.

    Boleh tak?

    (They answer: Boleh.)Researcher: What is in this picture?

    (They answer: Rabbit.)

    Researcher: Ok. What colour is the rabbit?Hakimi: White.

    Researcher: What colour is the rabbit?

    Arif: White.Researcher: What colour is the rabbit?

    Tevayani: Biru.

    Researcher: Teva kata biru. Betul ke biru? Is it blue?

    Hakimi: Tapi biru ni cair sikit.

    Researcher: So the colour is blue. What is this?Arif: Oren.

    Researcher: Betul ke oren?Tevayani: Oren.

    Researcher: Pasti?

    Hakimi: Oren.Researcher: Ok. The colour is orange. What is that?

    Tevayani: Green.


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    Researcher: Ok. The other colour is green. But what is this thing? Sayur apa?

    Hakimi: Carrot.

    Researcher: Yes. It is a carrot and rabbit. What does rabbit eat?Arif: Biru.

    Hakimi: Arnab makan biru?

    Researcher: Arnab makan apa?Tevayani: Carrot.

    Researcher: Yes. Selain carrot rabbit makan apa lagi?

    Hakimi: Sayur-sayuran.Arif: Buah-buahan.

    Researcher: Buah-buahan dalam Bahasa Inggeris panggil apa?

    Arif: Sayur-sayuran.

    Researcher: Bukan. Sayur-sayuran dalam Bahasa Inggeris apa? Ve... ge...Tevayani: Vegetable.

    Researcher: Ha... Teva tau. Kalau buah apa dalam Bahasa Inggeris?

    Arif: Vegetable.

    Researcher: Bukan. Vegetable sayur. Buah kita panggil apa?Arif: Fruit.

    Researcher: Hakimi, what are the fruits that you know?Hakimi: Oren.

    Arif: Nenas.

    Researcher: Ok. What do we call nenas in English? Nenas kita panggil apa dalam

    Bahasa Inggeris?Arif: Nenas. Pisang.

    Researcher: Pisang kita panggil apa dalm Bahasa Inggeris?

    Arif: Cempedak.Researcher: Itu dah buah lain. Kita panggil pisang apa dalam Bahasa Inggeris? Ba...

    Hakimi: Banana.

    Researcher: What colour is the banana?Hakimi: Yellow.

    Arif: Yellow.

    Hakimi: Saya cakap dulu yellow.Researcher: Teva, pisang warna apa?

    Tevayani: Putih.

    Researcher: Yang mana satu putih? Bila kita buang...

    Arif: Kulit dia.Researcher: Yes. Bila kita buang kulit dia jadi putih. Whta do we call putih in English?

    Hakimi: White.

    Researcher: Yes. Do we have green banana?Arif: Ada.

    Researcher: Kamu suka makan apa?

    Hakimi: Popia. Sedap...Arif: Saya tak suka makan.

    Tevayani: Carrot.

    Researcher: Hakimi, do you like carrot? Tau tak like?

    Hakimi: Tak.


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    Researcher: Like tu suka. Do you like carrot?

    Hakimi: Yes.

    Researcher: Do you eat carrot? Eat tu apa?Hakimi: Suka.

    Researcher: Bukan. Cikgu cakap apa tadi eat?

    Arif: Makan.Researcher: Ya. Makan. Do you eat carrot?

    Arif: Makan.

    Hakimi: Saya suka makan carrot.

    Part 2

    Researcher: Sapa ada bela kucing kat rumah?Tevayani: Tak ada.

    Arif: Dulu abang arif ada bela burung tapi burung tu dah mati.

    Researcher: Oh. Burung dalam Bahasa Inggeris kita panggil apa?

    Arif: Bird.Researcher: Ha... Bird. Bird kat rumah Arif kaler apa?

    Arif: Kaler pink. Dengan hijau.Researcher: Hijau apa dalam Bahasa Inggeris?

    Hakimi: Green.

    Researcher: Hakimi ada ble binatang tak kat rumah?

    Hakimi: Tak ada. Ada kucing saya ingat nak bela tapi mak saya tak bagi sebabnanti takut dia berak dalam rumah. Saya ingat nak beli sangkar kucing tapi

    duit mak saya x cukup.

    Researcher: Sebab apa tak cukup duit?Arif: Sebab mak dia simpan duit.

    Researcher: Sebab apa dia simpan duit?

    Arif: Sebab nak beli barang.Hakimi: Saya punya duit raya dapat RM100

    Researcher: Pastu duit simpan kat mana?

    Hakimi: Saya nak beli PS6 (Playstation 6)Arif: Saya nak simpan dalam akaun bank

    Researcher: Akaun bank apa?

    Hakimi and Arif: Bank Rakyat!

    Researcher: Tevayani dapat duit raya tak?Tevayani: Dapat (shy)

    Researcher: Dapat berapa?

    Tevayani: RM 100Researcher: Siapa yang bagi?

    Tevayani: Cikgu

    Hakimi: Cikgu, dia bukan dapat RM 100. Dia dapat RM 1 je. Dia kata nak mengarut.Researcher: Abqary dapat duit raya tak?

    Abqary: Dapat!

    Researcher: Dapat? Berapa?

    Abqary: (no answer)


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    Researcher: Dapat duit warna apa?

    Abqary: Warna biru, merah.

    Hakimi: Ayah saya punya handset nokia jugak. Tapi ayah saya punya handset tubukannya canggih.

    Researcher: Oh. Kamera ada tak?

    Hakimi: Ada.Researcher: Oh. Cikgu ada ajar nyanyi tak?

    Hakimi: Ada.

    Researcher: Nyanyi lagu apa?Hakimi: Negaraku.

    Arif: Negeri Perak. Tadika Kemas.

    Researcher: Lagu orang putih ada tak? English?

    Arif: Tak ada.Hakimi: Ada.

    Researcher: Twinkle twinkle little star?

    (They answer: Ada.)

    Researcher: Sapa tau nyanyi?(They sing wrongly...)

    Researcher: Kalau lagu Negaraku?(They sing...)

    Researcher: Ok. Ayah Teva nama apa?

    Tevayani: Kannan.

    Researcher: Ayah arif nama apa?Arif: Raimi.

    Researcher: Ayah Hakimi?

    Hakimi: Firdaus.Researcher: Ayah Hakimi kerja apa?

    Hakimi: Proton.

    Researcher: Ayah Arif keja apa?Arif: Bawak lori ais.

    Researcher: Ayah Teva kerja apa?

    Tevayani: Bank Rakyat.Researcher: Ayah Abqary kerja apa?

    Abqary: Proton. Bawak kereta.

    Researcher: Banyak tak dapat duit?

    Abqary: Banyak.Researcher: Duit dah banyak lepas tu beli apa?

    Arif: Beli mainan la...

    (They laugh...)Researcher: Mak Hakimi nama apa?

    Hakimi: Lizawati.

    Researcher: Mak kerja tak?Hakimi: Kerja jual nasi lemak dengan aiskrim.

    Researcher: Mak Arif kerja apa?

    Arif: Murni. Kerja proton.

    Researcher: Mak Teva nama apa?


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    Tevayani: Kamala.

    Researcher: Kerja apa?

    Tevayani: Kerja rumah.Researcher: Oh. Suri rumah. Mak Abqary nama apa?

    Abqary: Nama mama.

    Researcher: Oh. Mama... Mak Abqary kerja apa?Abqary: Masak.

    Researcher: Oh. Bila besar nanti Hakimi nak jadi apa?

    Hakimi: Proton.Researcher: Proton tu buat apa?

    Hakimi: Bekerja. Waktu rehat balik rumah.

    Researcher: Oh. Arif pulak nak kerja apa nanti?

    Arif: Kerja polis.Researcher: Sebab apa nak kerja polis?

    Arif: Nak tangkap orang.

    Researcher: Tangkap orang apa?

    Arif: Tangkap orang jahat.Researcher: Orang jahat buat apa?

    Arif: Curi beg orang.Researcher: Teva nanti nak jadi apa?

    Tevayani: Tutor, UPSI.

    Researcher: Abqary nanti nak jd apa?

    Abqary: Bawak kereta.



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    Hart, B., & Risley, T. (1995). Meaningful Differences. Baltimore: Brookes Publishing Co.

    Biemiller, A. (2001). Teaching Vocabulary: Early, direct, and sequential. The American

    Educator, 25(1), 24-28.

    Myers, R. 2009. Language Development In Children. Retrieved from

    http://www.childdevelopmentinfo.com/development/language_development.shtmlat 8.30

    p.m. on 26th September 2009.

    Reed, J. 2009. Vocabulary Development in Toddlers & Infants. Retrieved from


    8.30 p.m. on 26


    September 2009.



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