factual writing

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Factual writing

Leaflet Leaflets are used to inform the public about a service or event that’s going on and what you can do to be a part of it. Leaflets typically have a bold and large title to try and grab the readers attention and inform them about what’s inside. Inside the leaflet, each page includes a specific part of the topic and will sometimes have an image on to show that they’re talking about.

Leaflets are written formally and are accurate and concise with the information that they present. The leaflets also present the evidence for their claims and note the sources so that people can look them up if they’re not sure.

Most leaflets are unbiased, but there are some that will be bias because of the people who wrote them rather then because of the topic.

Leaflets will probably have a specific colour scheme for them depending on what the subject is.

Instruction manual Instruction manuals are uses to help people putting something together or learning how to operate something. Instructions use both images of what it is that you’re using and written instructions telling what you need to do.

The instructions will also be split up into sections so that the user won’t become confused about what to do next, they also list any items they will need and how many. It will also list the tools needed and what size, which can help whoever’s using them because it takes out the guess work of trying to figure out what you need next.

Manuals can also show video game controls, in case the player is confused about which button does what, or if the controls have been changed.

Video game guide booksHow to guides can be for a wide variety of things, such as video games guide books. These guide books help the player learn how to complete certain parts of the game, find hidden areas or help the player reach 100% completion. Depending on the type of game, the book will either have 2 full pages on a certain part of the game, filled with everything that could possibly be there, like Pokémon. Or they could have 1-2 pages about a certain level and only include screenshots of the collectables and places of interest, like Halo. No matter the game they’re based on, the page will also include a list of the collectables throughout the level.

Guide books also have a glossary and index in them if the reader needs to find something specific in the game and needs to know where it is in the game.

Guide books are written quite formally and are always accurate because they’re made the same company that makes the game(s) that the book goes with, which means there’s no legal issues with them.

Journalism Journalism involves people researching and writing stories about specific topics. Journalists will go to locations and fact checks their stories to make sure that what they’re writing about is accurate and not full of false information.

Most journalists will credit their sources to give their stories/reports creditably, in case that some people try to claim that their work is false.

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