fahad alosaimi md psychiatry & psychosomatic medicine consultant assistant professor ksu

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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Fahad Alosaimi MD Psychiatry & Psychosomatic medicine consultant Assistant professor KSU Slide 2 Case of Mr.A He is an older man in his late sixties and was a bit disheveled in appearance. He came to ER accompanied by his neighbour. The neighbour tells you that he found him earlier this evening trying to enter his apartment door. He was sweaty, his eyes where dilated, and his hands were trembling so badly that he could not get the key in the door. He kept calling his neighbour by another name and saying he was trying to get into his office to do some work though he retired years ago. He can correctly identify himself but, also appears confused & unable to tell you the month or season. His demeanor is polite and apologetic to you and the staff. He tells you he has never had a problem with ???? but scored high on the ???? assessment test. He then admits to an occasional ???? every now and then. Slide 3 Case of Mr.B 26 year old male. He came to ER with a runny nose, stomach cramps, dilated pupils, muscle spasms, chills despite the warm weather, elevated heart rate and blood pressure, and is running a slight temperature. He has no other adverse medical problem and no psychological problems. At first he is polite and even charming to you and the staff. Hes hoping you can just give him some meds to tide him over until he can see his regular doctor. However, he becomes angry and threatening to you and the staff when you tell him you may not be able to comply with his wishes. Slide 4 Questions What preliminary diagnosis would give each of your patients and why? What, if any, medical danger(s), do you see or should you consider for either patient? Why? Management? Slide 5 Slide 6 1. , . 2. 2014 2013 41401215 . 3. : 13 15 . . Slide 7 Slide 8 What is addiction? In Aug 2011, The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) has officially recognized Addiction as mostly: a) a social problem b) a moral problem c) a criminal problem d) a primary chronic brain problem e) a behavioral disorder occur as the result of other causes such as emotional or psychiatric problems. Slide 9 What is addiction? Addiction is not a choice, but choice still plays an important role in getting help. Slide 10 Terminology Substance use disorders: DSM-5 term. Abuse: old DSM-IV term, self-administration of any substance in a culturally disapproved manner that causes adverse consequences. Dependence: old DSM-IV term, the physiological state of neuroadaptation produced by repeated administration of a drug, necessitating continued administration to prevent the appearance of the withdrawal state. Substance induced disorders. Addiction: A nonscientific term that implies dependence. Intoxication: Withdrawal: Tolerance: Slide 11 Substance Use Disorders (DSM -5) A problematic pattern of use leading to significant distress or impairment as manifested by at least 2 of the following occurring within a 12 month period: 1. Taking the substance in larger amounts or for longer than was intended. 2. Persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down using the substance. 3. Spending a lot of time getting, using, or recovering from use of the substance. 4. Cravings and urges to use the substance. 5. Recurrent use resulting in a failure to fulfill major role obligation in work, home or school. 6. Continued use despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by the use of this substance. Slide 12 Substance Use Disorders (DSM -5) 7. Giving up important social, occupational or recreational activities because of substance use 8. Recurrent use of substances in situation s in which it is physically hazardous. 9. Continuing to use, despite the knowledge of having a physical or psychological problem that could have been caused or exacerbated by the substance 10. Tolerance by either: needing more of the substance to get the desired effect; or diminishing effects with continued use of the same amount of the substance. 11. Withdrawal by either: having characteristic withdrawal syndrome of that substance ; or this substance is taken to relive or avoid withdrawal symptoms. Slide 13 Slide 14 Photo courtesy of the NIDA Web site. From A Slide Teaching Packet: The Brain and the Actions of Cocaine, Opiates, and Marijuana. Slide 15 Slide 16 Slide 17 Classes of Substances Alcohol Sedatives, hypnotics or anxiolytics Inhalants (Volatile Solvents) CNS depressants Amphetamines, Cocaine Khat (Qat) Caffeine, Nicotine (Tobacco) Cannabis Opioids Hallucinogens, Phencycldine CNS stimulants Slide 18 Common Routes of Substance Abuse Route substances Oral alcohol hypnotics - sedatives stimulants hallucinogens Injections Opioids stimulants Smoking cannabis PCP Sniffing cocaine volatile substances Slide 19 Slide 20 Assessment History: Pattern of Abuse: What? (type, dose, route, effect: nature and duration). How? (frequency, duration, how long, source, and situation, money spent Source of money ) Why? (? psychosocial problems). Dependence? Withdrawal States. Complications Medical Psychological Social Crime Collateral history. Physical /mental state exam/ investigations: Urine screening tests. blood screening tests (alcohol, barbiturates). Slide 21 Management of Substance use Patients Short-term: Physical examination Investigations Admissions Precautions for abuse related medical diseases. Detoxification. Long-term: Biopsychosocial plan Rehabilitation and after care Slide 22 Alcohol Slide 23 Laboratory Tests Identify acute and/or heavy drinking (> 5 drinks/day): Blood Alcohol Levels (BAL). Gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGTP > 35 IU/L) Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin (CDT > 20 IU/L) Erythrocyte mean corpuscular volume (MCV >91.5 3 ) High AST/ALT *** CDT + GGTP best diagnostic combination. Slide 29 Alcohol intoxication Ethanol plasma concentrations Vs. CNS effects Ethanol plasma concentration (per mill) Effect 0.2 Feeling of relaxation 0.3 Slight euphoria 0.5 Slight motor incoordination 1ataxia 3stupor >4>4>4>4 Coma, death due to the respiratory failure Slide 30 Alcohol withdrawal 70 % of AD patients & Rate in the elderly. No gender/ethnic differences 85% mild-to-moderate 15% severe and complicated: Seizures Delirium Tremens Features : Tremulousness (hands, legs and trunk). Nausea, retching and vomiting. Sweating, tachycardia and fever. Anxiety, insomnia and irritability. Cognitive dysfunctions. Thinking and perceptual disturbances. Slide 31 Course of AW Stages I (24 48 hours): II (48 72 hours): III (72 105 hours): IV (> 7 days): Symptoms Peak severity at 36 hours 90% of AW seizures Most cases self-limited Stage I symptoms Delirium Tremens Protracted withdrawal Slide 32 Delirium Tremens Features: delirium. gross tremor. autonomic disturbances. dehydration and elecrolyte disturbances.. marked insomnia. Course : peaks on third or fourth day, lasts for 3 5 days, worsens at night, and followed by a period of prolonged deep sleep, Complications : seizures. chest infection, aspiration. violent behaviour. coma. death; mortality rate: 5-15%. Why ? Slide 33 Complications of chronic ETOH abuse MedicalpsychiatricSocial Neurological Cerebellar degeneration Seizures Periphral neuropathy Optic nerve atrophy head trauma Alimentary Tumours (oesophagus, liver..) gastritis, peptic ulcer Pancreatitis hepatitis, cirrhosis Others: cardiomyopathy anaemia obesity impotence gynaecomastia amnesic disorder delirium dementia psychosis depression reduced sexual desire insomnia personality deterioration suicide morbid jealousy social isolation job loss marital conflicts family problems legal troubles social stigma others Slide 34 Treatment Treating Alcohol Intoxicated Patient: Conscious : supportive, antipsychotic if agitated. Unconscious: ABC Treating Alcohol Withdrawal: Supportive, thiamine & long acting BDZ (Why?) anticonvulsants for seizure. Maintaining Abstinence: Medciations: Disulfiram blockade of aldehydedehydrogenase cummulation of acetaldehyde - nausea, flushing, tachycardia, hyperventilation, panic Naloxone reduces alcohol-induced reward. Acamprosate anti-craving effects. Psychological: group Tx, AA, relapse prevention. Slide 35 Sedatives, Hypnotics, and Anxiolytics Similar clinical manifestations to alcohol. withdrawal from short-acting substancet (e.g. triazolam) can begin within 4 - 6 hours. Alcohol and all drugs of this class are brain depressants any risk?, are cross-tolerant and cross-dependant. withdrawal can be accomplished safely using diazepam, phenobarbital, and pentobarbital, dose reduced in steps (about 1/4 - 1/10 of daily benzodiazepine dose, every two weeks). BDZ have a large margin of safety & less addiction potentials. Flumazenil is a BDZ receptor antagonists used in BDZ overdose. Slide 36 Inhalants (Volatile Solvents ) Examples : Lighter fluids,Spray paints,Cleaning fluids,Glues,Typewriter correction fluids,Fingernail polish removers. The active compounds : acetone, benzene or toluene. brain depressants, effects appear within 5 10 minutes and may last for several hours. Common among adolescents in lower socioeconomic groups, usually as occasional experimentation. features of recent abuse : unusual breath or odour, rashes around the nose and the mouth or the residue on the face, hands or clothing. Slide 37 Inhalants Acute effectsLong term effects Euphoria excitement disinhibition **High dose: disturbed conciousness perceptual disturbances Impulsiveness Assultiveness impaired judgement Sedation slurred speech nystagmus, ataxia, incoordiantion nausea, vomiting. Irreversible multi-organ damages (brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, muscles, peripheral nerves and bone marrow). Psychological dependence. Death because of: respiratory depression asphyxiation aspiration of vomitus cardiac arrhythmia serious injury *Course of abuse: short * Treatment : supportive. Slide 38 STIMULANTS Enhance DA & NE, sympathomimitics peripherally. amphetamine, Khat (Qat), caffeine, cocaine & nicotine (tobacco). Therapeutic uses : ADHD, narcolepsy,depression & obesity. Abused by students, long distance drivers..etc. Crack ( smoked, cocaine ) is highly addictive why? Mild w/drawal Sx : low mood and dec. energy. * In severe cases : depression, anxiety, lethargy, headache, sleep disturbances & craving. Slide 39 STIMULANTS (Clinical effects) Psychological Physical Enhanced cognitive functions Elevated mood Hyperactivity Over-talkativeness Increased confidence, self-esteem Insomnia. In high doses / prolonged use: Restlessness, irritability Paranoid psychosis Aggressiveness, hostility Reduced sense of fatigue Reduced appetite (anorexia) Dilated pupils Tremor In high doses / prolonged use: Nausea, vomiting, cardiac arrhythmia. hypertension, CVA, seizures, dizziness, hyperthermia, respiratory distress, cyanosis. rebound rhinitis, nose bleeds & perforated nasal septum(cocaine snorting) Treatment * Intoxication: supportive ( sedation, antiarrhythmic drugs, Antipsychotics & urine acidification why? * Planed Withdrawal : counseling,sedatives & Antidepressants if needed.. Slide 40 Other stimulants Khat: * The fresh leaves are chewed for their stimulant effect( Cathinone ). * Chronic use : infection & loss of appetite. Caffeine * Intoxication >250 mg. : restlessness * excitement * agitation insomnia * diuresis * GI upset tachycardia * muscle twitching * flushed face * Withdrawal (after prolonged use and abrupt cessation) headache * nausea * vomiting * anxiety dysphoria * fatigue * drowsiness Slide 41 Nicotine CNS stimulants,agonist at the nicotinic subtype of Ach receptors and activating DA and NE. & a skeletal muscle relaxant. Why people like smoking? improved attention, learning, reaction time, and problem - solving ability. Withdrawal features ( peak in 1-2 days, few weeks): irritability * frustration * poor concentration insomnia * dysphoric mood * increase appetite. Smoking causes cancer of the lung, upper respiratory tract, bladder, pancreas, oesophagus and probably kidney and stomach. Cigarette smoking can induce liver microsomal enzymes and reduce plasma concentrations of antipsychotic agents. Slide 42 OPIOIDS This group include: heroin morphine codeine pethidine methadone. The medical use of opioids ( e.g. pethidine) is mainly for analgesia. They are abused for their powerful euphoriant effects. Tolerance develops rapidly & diminishes rapidly which is serious why? Opioid Withdrawal: flulike Sx, craving.. They are very distressful but not serious medically. including: lacrimation muscle and joint pain cold and hot flushes nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea piloerection Slide 43 Opioids ( clinical effects) PsychologicalPhysical euphoria relaxation hyperactivity drowsiness analgesia reduced sexual desire small pupil bradycardia reduced appetite constipation respiratory depression I.V use: *AIDS * hepatitis * endocarditis * septicemia * Acute local infections Treatment: *Opioid overdose : supportive +naloxone *Opioid Withdrawal: symptomatic treatment, Counseling, individual or group therapy * Harm reduction strategies: methadone,buprenophine Slide 44 CANNABIS (clinical effects) PsychologicalPhysical sense of well being euphoria relaxation enhancement of aesthetic experiences through hightened perceptual awareness impaired memory impaired psychomotor performance. dysphoria, depression anxiety, panic attacks amotivation syndrome ? (chronic use) psychosis (risk factor for SCZ) tachycardia reddening of the conjunctiva dry mouth respiratory tract irritation increased appetite Slide 45 CANNABIS The active ingredient 9-tetrahydrocannibinol (THC). With high dose & prolong abuse, tolerance psychological dependence may occur. Withdrawal from high doses gives rise to a syndrome of nausea, anorexia, irritability and insomnia. Chronic use of cannabis can lead to a state of apathy and amotivation (amotivation syndrome) but this may be more a reflection of patients personality structure than an effect of cannabis. Treatment : Symptomatic, support & counseling. Slide 46 HALLUCINOGENS (clinical effects) PsychologicalPhysical marked perceptual distortion ( changing shapes, colours) hallucinations ( visual, tactile ) false sense of achievement an strength depersonalization, derealization euphoria, anxiety, panic paranoid ideation homicide and suicide tendencies flashbacks after abstinence Delirium PCP euphoria and peaceful floating sensations. delirium agitation and aggressive behaviour. tachycardia hypertension cerebellar signs wide pupils hyperemic conjuncitva blurred vision hyperthermia Piloerection PCP hypertensive crisis status epilepticus malignant hyperthermia Slide 47 HALLUCINOGENS Hallucinogenes can be natural, e.g. Psilocybin (magic mushroom) or synthetic, e.g. Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). Phencyclidine(PCP) is a dissociative anaesthetic with hallucinogenic effects (a separate category in DSM IV). Tolerance develops rapidly& reverses quickly in few days. Abuser can develop a psychological dependence. Treatment: Supportive & symptomatic. Slide 48 Questions What preliminary Axis I diagnosis would give each of your patients and why? What, if any, medical danger(s), do you see or should you consider for either patient? Why? Management? Slide 49

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