faith; its winning attributes

Post on 17-Jan-2015






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United Church of God Global Ministries Inc.Camp meeting 2011



Faith: Its winning attributes___________

Dagiti agballigi a wagas ti pammati


By: Bro. Villiamor Mostrales Jr.




Horoscope/ hula

Isias 41: 27-29

27. Siak ni Yahweh, ti immuna a mangipadamag iti Sion. Mangibaonak ti mangipakaammo ti Jerusalem. Sumangpet dagiti tattaom, addadan! 28. Idi kitaek dagiti didiosen, awan ti nasao ti uray maysa kadakuada; awan ti nakasungbat dagiti saludsud ko. 29. Awan serserbi amin dagitoy a didiosen; pulos nga awan maaramid da nakapsut ken awan ti mabalin dagitoy nga aramiden.

“Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead … Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect? … You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only … For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” (James 2:17-26)

1. Moving/ Addaan panaggunay

a. 2 the shield of faith

a.1 wearing the armor of the Lord.

a. protecting one’s faith

b. moving together







The flock moves as a single unit.The flock moves as a single unit.• There is safety in numbers• Predators prey on the isolated• There is safety in numbers• Predators prey on the isolated

Wing movement is synchronizedWing movement is synchronized

• There is strength in harmony• There is strength in harmony

Everyone keeps the paceEveryone keeps the pace•There is momentum in consistency•There is momentum in consistency

b. moving higher

2. Enduring/ Addaan panangibtur

• 150- 250 kg.

• 30 full grown tooth

• Carnivorous

• Easily gets hungry

• although strong, they stay in groups.

“While the lion chases the antelope, it does not look back”.

II Timothy 4:5

But you must keep control of yourself in all circumstances; endure suffering, do the work of a preacher of the good news, and perform your whole duty as a servant of God.

II Timothy 4:5

But you must keep control of yourself in all circumstances; endure suffering, do the work of a preacher of the good news, and perform your whole duty as a servant of God.

Read II Timothy 1:5

Isias 40: 31

Ngem dagiti agpannuray iti Apo mapabarunto ti pigsa da. Agtayab danto a kasla agila; saandanto a mabannog nu agtaray da, Saandanto a kumapsot no magnada.

“But He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold.”

(Job 23:10)

“Nu pay kasta, ammo ti Dios ti amin nga addang ko; nu padasennak masarakannanto a nadalus ti biag ko.”

(Job 23:10)

Hebrews 12:1Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.

3. Firm/ Natibker

Exodus 14:13

And Moses said to the people, Fear not, stand firm and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again.

Put three pots of water over the fire.Put three pots of water over the fire.

The carrots went in hard. They are now soft.The carrots went in hard. They are now soft.

The eggs went in soft inside. Now they are hard inside.The eggs went in soft inside. Now they are hard inside.

But the water has the color and the wonderful

smell of coffee.

But the water has the color and the wonderful

smell of coffee.

The coffee powder has disappeared.

The coffee powder has disappeared.

Nowthink about the pots.Nowthink about the pots.

The boiling water is like the problems of life.

The boiling water is like the problems of life.

We can be like the carrots.

We can be like the carrots.

We go intough and strong.

We go intough and strong.

We come out soft andweak.

We come out soft andweak.

We get very tired.We lose hope.We give up.

We get very tired.We lose hope.We give up.

There is no more fighting spirit.There is no more fighting spirit.

Don’t be like the carrots!Don’t be like the carrots!

We can be like the eggs.We can be like the eggs.

We start with a soft and sensitive


We start with a soft and sensitive


We end up very hard and

unfeeling inside.

We end up very hard and

unfeeling inside.

We hate others.We don’t like ourselves.

We hate others.We don’t like ourselves.

We become hard-hearted.We become hard-hearted.

There is no warm feeling, only bitterness.

There is no warm feeling, only bitterness.

Don’t be like the eggs!Don’t be like the eggs!Don’t be like the eggs!Don’t be like the eggs!

We can be like the coffee beans.

We can be like the coffee beans.

The coffee powder changes the water!The coffee powder changes the water!

The water does not change the coffee powder.

The water does not change the coffee powder.

The water has become different because of the coffee powder.

See it.Smell it.Drink it.

The hotterhotter the water, the betterbetter the taste.

The water has become different because of the coffee powder.

See it.Smell it.Drink it.

The hotterhotter the water, the betterbetter the taste.

We make something good from the difficulties we face.

We make something good from the difficulties we face.

We learn new things.We learn new things.

We can be like the coffee beans.We can be like the coffee beans.

We make the world around us better.

We make the world around us better.

Only Jesus…

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