fake it while we make it (data-driven prototyping)

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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Fake it While We Make it

featuring rails-api and ember.js

“Can you make this?” Our manager slides over a screenshot from Tron/Oblivion/Any Sci-fi movie with a sticky note that says “our data here” and pitches us an idea.

We are stuck between a cool idea and tons of unknowns. We know that the availability, accuracy, and nature of our data will directly affect the quality and outcome of our project. So how do we begin developing? We fake it while we make it.

Designer, “No problem”— makes


We can too.

WHOAMIRyan LaBouve (@ryanlabouve)



Agenda: I. What & Why II. Our Toolbox III. Practical

What & WHYPart 1

a brief exploration of prototyping

“faking it while we make it”

=technical prototyping

Prototyping Defined

Prototype—Greek Derivative—

Primitive Form

Low-Fidelity = Primitive Form

We usually think of…

Old Version = Primitive Form

Smoke And Mirrors = Primitive Form

Effectively, Prototyping Can Be All Three

In the year 2000, Douglas Caldwell was successfully petitioned by his teenage son to see the film X-Men. Douglas wasn’t really a fan of sci-fi, but wanted to spend time with his son, so he agreed to go. Watching the film, he was amazed to see a solution to a 2,000-year-old problem that he dealt with every day.

As Cyclops describes the mission they are about to undertake, the map changes shape, as if it was made of hundreds of tiny pins, each rising and falling to form the topography needed (Figure 1.5).

Douglas was that he worked for the US Army Topographic Engineering Center. Part of his job was to create 3D maps and ship them to generals in the field, so they could study the theater of battle and consider tactics. These maps are called “sand tables” because they were originally created by generals thousands of years ago using actual trays of sand. Military leaders still do the same thing when they don’t have a better map on hand


Old Product Lo-Fidelity Product

Reinventing Sandtables

Smoke & Mirrors

Reinventing Lightsabers

This only kind of relates…

The Nature of Prototyping

The Goal is not to be Vague

Prototype —> Product

It focuses on the core problem and gradually moves towards

an ideal solution

Specific Goals

Catch Obvious Mistakes Early

goal 1

quickly bridge imagination to potential solutions

(aka: cheap wins)

goal 2

Reimagine the OU Site (timeline: 1 night)

Modern/Traditional Sturdy and Approachable Techie and Scientific

Classic Rock. Magazine Ready. Honest and Trendy

Modern with Traditional Roots

Actually Harvard…

Sturdy and Approachable

Actually Bates University…

Techie and Scientific

Actually University of Michigan


Actually Cornell…

Rock. Magazine Ready.

This thing…

Honest and Trendy

Australian Catholic University

Avoid Late Blow-Back from MGMT

(aka. Swoop & Poop)

goal 3

Because, why spend 6 weeks getting an idea rejected

from stakeholders?Aka…

swoop and poop—Getting Agile With—

Explore weird solutions

goal 4

Because sometimes they are radically better


“If I had asked my customers what they wanted they would have said a faster horse.”

— Probably Henry Ford

How this applies specifically to,

Application Development, API’s, and Data

Problems & Tools

Part 2

Data Tools Rails-API

activemodel adapter/serializer db seeds + faker ** (screen scraping)

(api scraping)

UI Tools Ember.js Fixtures


Even though this is my toolbox, it’s often 1-to-1 to

switch it with others

Common Problems

Data Problems I. States II. Bootstrapping III. Realistic Data IV. Scale V. Relationship VI. Variance




Flat mockup -> Interactive. 1 hour max?






Solving the Same Problem With Ember+Rails API

From `rails-api new` to running

Active Model Serializer

Active Model Serializer

Before Active Model Serializer

Add to gemfile (throwing faker in too)

Generate Serializer

(The Serializer)

Active Model Serializer

After Active Model Serializer

For the Ember Side

Proxy For Convenience

Swap Ember Adapter


Realistic Data—vs—

faker gem https://github.com/stympy/faker

From Fake Company Stuff

Fake address information and more

The faker and ffaker APIs are mostly the same, although the API on ffaker keeps growing with its users additions. In general, the

only difference is that you need to

ffaker gem https://github.com/EmmanuelOga/ffaker

Add some todos to db/seeds.rb

Seed Database

Active Model Serializer

Fancy Latin Todos

Fancy Latin Todos (in the app)



What if we do 2,000+ todos?

This will begin to change what we’re making

Impacts our Decisions Early On

Other APIs

Realistic Data—vs—

Latin Means Nothing (ad maiorem partem populi)

Instead, StackOverflow Articles Read vs. Unread

After adding HTTPart to gem file

AnswerMePlz (powered by stack overflow)

Edge Cases


Exploring Edge Caseshttp://robots.thoughtbot.com/ember-for-designers-alternate-states

Has Many


splitticket.herokuapp.comTodoList HasMany Todos

PracticalPart 3

Scenario: You are a Pug Enthusiast

And you want to bootstrap an edgy startup…

It’s like tinder meets zazzle for pug-enthusiasts



Goals: Fresh Pug Pics General App Flow

rails-api new pugmug-api

cd pugmug-api/

rails-api g scaffold --help

rails-api g scaffold pug url:string \ title:string

rake db:migrate


To Gemfile: gem 'active_model_serializers', '~> 0.8.1'

Then rails g serializer Pug url title

More Rails…

ember new pugmug-ember ember serve --proxy http://localhost:3000

ember g adapter application (switch adapter to ActiveModelAdapter)

ember g resource pugs ember g controller pugs


The End

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