fall discipleship classes septemberseptember · resolving personal conflict it might dwell in us...

Post on 19-Jul-2020






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“Let your light so shine “Let your light so shine

before men, that they before men, that they

may see your good works, may see your good works,

and glorify your Father and glorify your Father

which is in heaven.” which is in heaven.”

Matthew 5:16Matthew 5:16



Inside this issue:

From the Pastor’s Pen

Worship and Music

Ministry Update

Youth Group News

Update from the Jane



Men’s Ministry

Operation Christmas Child

Memorials &


Thank You’s

Unity Corner




ETC Schedule

Crafters for Christ

Tabernacle Preschool

Financial Report

Stewardship Report

Read Thru the Bible Facilitated by Sam Dotson

Sundays at 9:15 am located in Class across

from Adult 2 Join us as we go through the Bible: Currently we are

studying the Book of 2 Chronicles

The Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide to

Resolving Personal Conflict

By Ken Sande Facilitated by Diann Bucher

LADIES Study on Mondays from 7:00 pm -

Beginning September 12 Experience the healing power of biblical

peacemaking as you learn to apply scriptural

principles to conflict in the world around you. Parse

the elements of arguments and begin to see that

there’s not really any difference that can’t be

overcome with the right perspective. Practical

guidance for resolving all types of conflict and

hope for relationships you thought were


1 Corinthians

By John MacArthur Facilitated by Bobbie Downing

Mondays at 6:00 pm

Beginning September 26 at 5012 Lakeshore Dr. The apostle Paul is under mounting pressure to

provide doctrinal direction to maturing churches

before they go astray. The Corinthian church refused

to separate themselves from their old, pagan ways,

and their worldliness was affecting the church’s

priority of spreading the gospel. Paul gives Christians

black-and-white boundaries in a gray world. As he

explains doctrinal truths directly relating to sin and

righteousness, he outlines a foundation

for godly behavior.

I Thessalonians Facilitated by Margie Castleberry

LADIES Study Tuesdays at 12:30-2:30 pm in

Adult II

Beginning October 11th "Let the Word of Christ richly dwell within you..."

Colossians 3:16

Come join us as we study God's Word together so that

it might dwell in us and transform us...so we can know

Him and make Him known. Paul wrote this letter to

strengthen the Thessalonian Christians in their faith

and give them assurance of Christ's return. It is a

letter of exhortation and comfort. He challenges them

to please God in their daily living and comforts them

by reminding them of the hope of resurrection. He

warns them to be prepared at all times for Jesus

Christ's return. It is a letter of practical advice for

Christian living. We would love for you to join us!

True Woman 101: Divine Design:

An Eight-Week Study on Biblical

Womanhood By Mary A. Kassian and Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Facilitated by Courtney Rhodes

LADIES Study beginning September 21st

on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm Dig into the heart of true manhood and womanhood,

and discover the beauty, joy, and fulfillment of being

exactly who He created you to be. If you’re tired of

cliched advice, shallow caricatures, and cookie-cutter

solutions--then this eight-week Bible study with

foundational teaching and insight from God’s Word by

Mary A. Kassian and Nancy Leigh DeMoss is for you!

MEN’S Bible Studies:

Meets Tuesdays at 6:30 am at Country Biscuit

on Broad Street - Facilitated by Denny Bucher

Meets Tuesdays at 6:30 pm in Youth-Middle

School Classroom - Facilitated by Jimmy


Meets Thursdays at 7:00 am at Country Biscuit

on Broad Street - Facilitated by Leroy Alligood




(252) 637-4166 * FAX (252) 637-0436

Coming soon… Tabernacle Preschool’s 20th Anniversary!

Join us for worship on Sept. 11, when we will have our annual

prayer of dedication for the coming school year, and see lots

of faces from the past! Following the worship service, plan to

join us for a spaghetti lunch to help support the preschool

ministry. Advance sign-ups appreciated, but not necessary.

Call the church office (or preschool office 636-0680) to sign up.

Fall Discipleship Classes

Signup Lists are located on the

organ side by the doors to the



Ephesians 4:11-16 says,

“And he gave the apostles, the proph-

ets, the evangelists, the shepherds and

teachers, to equip the saints for the

work of ministry, for building up the

body of Christ, until we all attain to

the unity of the faith and of the

knowledge of the Son of God, to ma-

ture manhood, to the measure of the

stature of the fullness of Christ, so that

we may no longer be children, tossed

to and fro by the waves and carried

about by every wind of doctrine, by

human cunning, by craftiness in de-

ceitful schemes. Rather, speaking the

truth in love, we are to grow up in

every way into him who is the head,

into Christ, from whom the whole

body, joined and held together by eve-

ry joint with which it is equipped,

when each part is working properly,

makes the body grow so that it builds

itself up in love.”

I like it when things are simpli-

fied. Like most people, I appreciate being

given the bottom line. This is especially

helpful in a world that seems to grow more

complicated and complex. Perhaps this

explains why I gravitate to passages in

Scripture that offer a clear summation of

what’s expected of believers and churches.

The text above gives it to me straight. For

all that we think church should be or could

be, Paul offers a clear picture of what it

must be. It is designed to be a gathering of

God’s people serving in accordance with

God’s giftedness in order to build mature,

Christ-like men and women of faith.

Starting this month we begin a

new church year. Most people think of this

only in terms of a new budget or new com-

mittees or new Sunday School classes for

the kids. It certainly includes those things

but it is more than that. It is an opportunity

to think about where we’ve been and where

we’re going. Such language is often fol-

lowed by an impassioned plea to get a

grand vision from God and to dream big.

That’s not what I’m getting at. Instead, it’s

an opportunity for us to look at passages

like Ephesians 4 and ask, “Are we at least

doing this?”

Of course, you may ask, what is it

that this passage tells us about church life?

I’m glad you asked. Note some important

features. First, Paul makes it clear that

there are people whom God has placed in

positions of leadership in order to equip

others to build up the body of Christ. This

means that leaders are not to be doing min-

istry for you but with you. Second, notice

the goal for us as a church. We are working

together so that we have a unity in the faith

and maturity in the faith. This is summa-

rized as the “stature of the fullness of

Christ.” Understand that such a statement

asserts that a church’s central objective is

to make disciples. Are we becoming more

like Christ? And let me ask a question

that’s been rolling around in my mind for a

few months. Does God trust our church

with His people? Does God see our church

as a church where disciples are made?

Let me point out a third issue.

According to this passage, an important

part of growth in church life is a fierce

commitment to truth. If a church is not

intentional in developing theological ma-

turity then people will be tossed around

from one false teaching to another. This, by

the way, describes what’s happening in too

many evangelical churches. A shallowness

of doctrine results in confusion and stunts

growth. Therefore, Paul concludes that we

speak truth in love in order to cooperate

with what God’s doing to build the body of


Church family, I am convinced

that Tabernacle is poised to be a powerful

witness to God’s gospel and for God’s glo-

ry in this city. God has blessed us with

leadership that is dedicated to seeing God’s

Word stand as the only meaningful vision

for the church. As we move forward in this

new church year, will you be a part of ful-

filling God’s design for His church?

I love being your pastor


I am honored and excited to begin serving

with you at Tabernacle! It has been a very

busy few weeks as we have moved and

started to get settled into our new home of

New Bern. We especially want to thank

everyone who has served us so generously

in the transition process: so many have

welcomed us, helped us move and unload,

and managed other details that made our

transition as smooth as possible.

Thank you as well, church family, for your

patience and encouragement in adjusting to

a new worship leader! Changes are always

stressful, and it is always hard to manage

expectations. You have been gracious and

encouraging, and I feel like we are off to a

great start together! But most of all, thank

you for your participation on Sunday morn-

ings. Congregational singing is the heart of

church music—without your voices, we

would just be putting on a show. I’m

thrilled God called me to such a singing


I want you to know what a gifted and godly

team of musicians and servants you have to

serve you every Sunday! I am so grateful to

have the privilege of serving and leading

such a wonderful group. Any time you see

someone you recognize from the platform

on Sunday, or up in the tech booth, be sure

and thank them for their hard work and

their example of godly attitudes and team-


Finally, I want to update you about the

various music groups and activities that

will be happening and how you can get


Sanctuary Choir Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 p.m.

This is our main vocal ensemble and it is

open to anyone in the church. We lead

worship and present anthems on Sunday

mornings three-to-four Sundays a month.

Worship Band/Vocal Teams

Tuesdays 6:15-7:30 p.m.

The worship band includes all the instru-

mentalists that lead on Sundays, and the

vocal teams are the folks you see with mi-

crophones helping lead the singing. These

groups are more selective, so if you’re in-

terested in getting involved, contact me

(John) for more information.

Joy Choir Wednesdays, 10:00-11:00 a.m.

This is our senior adult choir, led by our

organist, Martha Alligood. The Joy Choir

leads in morning worship one Sunday each

month and presents a Christmas musical in


Preschool & Children’s Choir Wednesdays 6:00-7:00 p.m.

The preschool and children’s choirs meet

on Wednesday evenings and present a

Christmas program in December and a

spring program in May.

Lighthouse Ringers – Resumes in January

Our handbell choir has been on hold during

the interim period, and will resume in


Tech Team

Our technical ministries include audio,

computer, camera, and lighting. Training

and/or previous experience may be re-

quired to serve. Contact Scott Wilson or

me (John) for more information.


September Beginnings Our new church year begins with the

changing of the SS classes. All the children

from 6th grade down to babies get to move

up. It is a perfect time to start attending

Sunday School. We have classes for every

age group. So different when I was a kid

and all the kids were in a room together

where an elderly lady would teach us. I say

elderly, she was probably 50 and I thought

she was old. My how my perspective has

changed. I would love to be 50 again.

Awana is starting the year with a hot dog

supper on Sept. 11! Please invite your

friends and family to attend and sign up for

the upcoming year. It is a great program

and Laura and David Cole are so passionate

about Awana that they work all year on this

program to ensure that it is the best it can


Children’s Choir will begin Sept. 7 with a

new director. Mrs. Jessica Strickland will

be teaching the children this year. She is

awesome. Bring your children for a fantas-

tic hour of music training. It will be well

worth their time.

Of course Mrs. Gayle Daras will begin her

Preschool Choir also. Gayle works very

hard to make this a terrific 30 minute pro-

gram for the preschoolers, 4years-


I am curious to what time you arrive for

Sunday School?

Ms. Peggy in the baby nursery is usually at

church by 8! When asked why she comes

so early, “Someone may need me.” What a

sweet attitude. She is faithful in her service

not only to our babies but to all the parents

who bring those babies to our church.

Nothing rattles her. She is always ready to

comfort and rock our babies.

Good work Ms. Peggy! We sure are thankful you are there every


I still need help in the nursery on Wed.

nights and Sunday nights. HELP!

I love my job and you,


The beginning of

the new school year

is upon us. After

teaching for the past

eight years, I under-

stand that this time

of year is one that is

often filled with a mix of anticipation and

dread. Students are often torn between the

excitement of revisiting friendships and

taking certain classes in specific fields or

with preferred teachers, and mourning the

loss of “freedom” and the return to the

drudgery of a daily routine of hard work.

Teachers are excited to meet their new

students and yet fear having to incorporate

new curriculum or enforce new policies.

Parents may be happy to enjoy more quiet

at home (though perhaps not for home-

school families), but they worry about

their child’s grades or whether they will fit

in socially with their peers. For all alike,

whether students or parents or teachers,

there is at least a hint of trepidation as we

consider the school year before us because

we know that assuredly there will be situa-

tions that arise that we did not anticipate,

or challenges to face that we are not pre-

pared for. Love it

or hate it, the be-

ginning of school

means that change

is in the air, and we

are powerless to

stop it.

Although God’s Word tells us that there is

a time for everything under the sun

(Ecclesiastes 3), we don’t always like

change, or appreciate the changing of the

seasons in our lives. As human beings, we

are often creatures of habit, who prefer for

circumstances in our lives to remain con-

stant and predictable so that we know what

to expect. This fear of change may even

cause us at times to resist positive change

because it upsets the delicate balance

we’ve sought to establish in our daily rou-

tine and draws us out of our comfort zone.

We dread the perception that we have lost

control over the circumstances of our life.

However, change should help us to realize

this very point: you and I are not the ones

in control of our lives in the first place, no

matter how much we may try to convince

ourselves otherwise. There is one God and

Father, and He alone controls the destinies

of men (Isaiah 40:21-23). And praise be to

God, for we know that for those of us who

love God and have been called according

to His purpose, He promises to work all

things for our good, that we might be con-

formed to the image of His Son and attain

the joy of our salvation (Romans 8:28-30).

In the midst of the change that is all

around us, we must not forget that we

serve a God who does not change-not His

nature (Malachi 3:6), nor His purposes

(Isaiah 46:9-11), nor His promises

(Numbers 23:19), nor His Word (Isaiah

40:8). Nor do His purposes for us change,

either as individuals, or corporately as the

church. So as we begin this new school

year, let us remember the immutable truths

of the Gospel and of our commission to

make disciples where He has planted us

(Matthew 28:18-20). Let us resolve to cast

out our fear of changing circumstances and

unforeseen troubles and to trust in the

goodness of our Savior who has saved us,

is transforming us, and is sending us as His

ambassadors to share the essential truths of

the Gospel to all those we encounter. Ra-

ther than fixating on situations we cannot

foresee nor circumstances we cannot

change, let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the

author and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews

12:2). To Him be the glory!


Helpful Resource: Each month, I will

endeavor to point out a resource that may

be of help to parents as they seek to disci-

ple their teens, and/or to teens, as they

strive to grow in Christlikeness. This

month, I want to encourage you to explore

Defending Your Faith by R.C. Sproul. It

is a deep, thought-provoking book for old-

er teens and parents who desire to under-

stand that the Christian faith is both rea-

sonable and logically sound rather than the

product of “blind faith” as detractors often








WMU Spotlight – Brenda

Wood/Hilda Corey

“Serving One Another In

Love” (Gal: 5:13)

Women’s Retreat Reminder!

The Women’s Retreat is almost here la-

dies! Tickets may still be purchased

through Sept. 2nd from Missy (Church

Office) or from Brenda Wood 670-3652

and the cost is $15 per person which in-

cludes a continental breakfast and lunch!

Ladies will be delighted listening to praise

and worship music provided by a re-

nowned Christian artist, Beth Greer from

Lexington, SC. In addition, our guest

speaker will be Cindy Finley of Raleigh,

NC – co-founder of an international or-

phanage, who will be speaking about

“The Secret of Making a Lasting Impact

for Christ”. The event will take place on

Saturday, Sept. 10th from 8:30am-4:30pm

in the FLC. Fun, fellowship, food, door

prizes, souvenirs, and complimentary

childcare will be provided. Come help us

worship & praise Jesus!

Over 90 women have already signed up

and many ladies will be attending from

other churches in our Association includ-

ing, FBC-Havelock, Sea Level Missionary

Baptist, Oriental Baptist, Temple Baptist,

Reece’s Chapel, Cherry Point Baptist,

Bayboro Baptist and Atlantic Missionary

Baptist! A great event for meeting new

Christian friends and building up the body

of Christ through the Atlantic Baptist As-

sociation of churches! And what a beauti-

ful fellowship hall TBC’s gym turns into

for such an event for women! Dave

Phelps, ABA’s Director of Missions will

be speaking as well. Please keep his wife

in your prayers as she continues battling

the cancer in her body. Afternoon break-

out sessions will be taught by both Beth

Greer and Cindy Finley. It took WMU

one year to book Beth Greer to come to

TBC! Remember, WMU is not a social

club of ladies – it is a ministry for GOD

and this event promises to bring much

honor, glory and praise to our Lord and

Savior - Jesus!

Millenials & WMU

According to an article in the National

WMU Mosaics Magazine by Wanda Lee,

Executive Director of WMU, millennials

(individuals currently in their 20’s and

30’s) are leaving the church in droves.

Nearly 6 out of 10 (or 59%) of young peo-

ple who grew up in churches, end up

walking away! Millennials are often con-

fronted with many extra-curriculum activ-

ities as well as facing an all-time diverse

and daily differences and opinions about

the validity of God, or they look at their

faith through something or someone else.

They are in great need to talk to trusted

Christian adults and pastors for mentoring

as they may be unable to distinguish real

truths compared to their own generated/

created beliefs. Therefore much prayer,

discipleship, spiritual instruction and rela-

tionship building is vitally needed. The

article also stresses the importance of mis-

sion involvement for youth at churches so

they learn and grow in assisting to the

needs of others and not just themselves.

WMU is therefore planning on cranking

up in regards to its involvement and rela-

tionships with our youth! WMU’s nation-

al goal is to engage people of all ages in

understanding and being radically in-

volved in the mission of GOD!

Therefore it is my prayer as TBC’s direc-

tor of the WMU that Tabernacle’s WMU

move forward towards interaction and

involvement the church’s youth! Ideas

could include – first, much prayer – pro-

gressive dinners, mission outreach trips to

New Bern Towers or New Bern House,

youth sharing parts in the Lottie Moon

Brunch as well as the Annie Armstrong

Afternoon Tea, Spaghetti Fundraisers for

OCC, etc. We would love the youth

praise choir to sing at one of these WMU-

sponsored events. So WMU – let’s get

intentionally missional with our church’s


“Yarn Ministry”

Girls/ladies of all ages who love to knit or

crochet are invited to join a new missions

group that will begin on the fourth Thurs-

day of each month with the first one being

planned on Sept 22nd at 10am. The group

will meet at the home of Candace Frey at

715 Plantation Drive in in the River Bend

community. Light refreshments will be

served. Our first finished items will be

given to the children of Unity as Christ-

mas gifts as well as items for OCC’s

Shoeboxes! If anyone needs a ride or has

questions, please contact Candace Frey

(631-1203) or Diann Bucher (639-9906).

If you cannot attend the monthly meet-

ings, feel free to make items for this min-


As iron sharpens iron, so a friend

sharpens a friend. (Prov. 27:17)

Guys, it’s been a couple of good years

for our Men’s Ministry, but it is time for

a change in leadership for this great pro-

gram at Tabernacle. By the time you

read this, I will probably be at our farm

in Texas. As most of you know, Emily

and I came to New Bern in 2010 to be

with her parents during their times of

sickness. Well, both have now passed and

our mission here in New Bern is complete.

We have nine grandchildren in Texas

waiting for Nana’s homemade cookies and

tractor rides with grandpa.

Hopefully, by this time also, the Men’s

Ministry will have a new leader to keep

the program rolling down the road

smoothly. It has been an honor to lead

this ministry for the last two years, but I

am confident that whoever assumes the

role next will keep the program active

and vibrant. Remember, this is a program

exclusively for adult men and young men

7th grade and above. We had a number of

activities where we all shared our love

for each other and God through meals,

programs and work days. I hope all of

you will continue to push the program

forward with the same enthusiasm you

had over the last two years.

If you are coming

through east Texas

heading for Dallas

any time in the future,

please give us a call

at 903-767-5330.

We would love to have

you as our guest at the farm and show you

some good ole Texas hospitality.

Your friend in Christ,

Ron Attaway



It's hard to believe that we are now in the

last month of our 7-month long collection

season. This year has really flown by in

a hurry. National Collection Week is only

10.5 weeks away!

September is a great time to get

school supplies on clearance since most

stores are wanting to unload to make room

for Halloween items. We are still in need

of crayons, sharpeners, and pencil bags,

so if you see any of these items at a

discount, we could really use more!

This month, we are


-reusable tote bags

-bar soap

Fundraising updates:

A HUGE thank you to all who gave

so generously at the OCC Wed. night

dinner on August 10th! Over $1,000

was donated!!!! We are still awestruck

at God's faithfulness and your steadfast

commitment in furthering God's work

through the ministry of Operation

Christmas Child. Many thanks also

to Tom and Maudith Elam who prepared

the delicious grilled pork loin that even-

ing. Thank you, Tabernacle family!

Our biggest shipping fundraiser of the

year is in just a few weeks and we are

excited! The deadline for sponsorships

is Sept. 9 and for team entries is Sept.

16. Please help us spread the word and

involve more of our community in helping

us raise the funds we need to ship our box-

es this year!

The Frank Wilson Memorial Golf

Tournament benefitting Operation

Christmas Child*

Saturday, September 17 @ 1:00pm

The Emerald Golf Club

$60/person or $220/team

Please make checks payable to TBC and

mail to Stephanie Seymore

*We are in need of sweet and salty snack

items, gum, hard candy, bottles of water,

etc. for the tournament players. If you

are able to provide any of these, they may

be dropped off in the OCC collection box

in the FLC foyer. THANK YOU!

Golf tournament benefitting Operation

Christmas Child at Tabernacle Baptist Church

SATURDAY, September 17th, 1:00 PM at the EMERALD

$60 per person $220 for full team Make checks out to Tabernacle Baptist & Mail to:

Stephanie Seymore 3007 River Lane

New Bern, NC 28562

Player #1 Name______________________________________


Player #2 Name______________________________________


Player #3 Name______________________________________


Player #4 Name_____________________________________


Contact Person phone & email ________________


Please cut this out and mail with check


Memorials and Honorariums

Deepest Sympathy to the Family and Friends of Charles Bratton & Lydie Boyd

Contributions have been made to the

Capital Improvements Fund

in honor of: Arlene Philippi,

George Parson & Judy Wilson

Good Stewards Class

Contributions have been made to the

OCC Shipping Fund in memory of:

Charles Bratton

Paul & Ginny Jambor

Contributions have been made to the

Building Fund in memory of:

Donald & Pauline Waters

Leo Waters

Charles Bratton, George Williams,

& Jack Wright

TBC Deacon Ministry

Contributions have been made to the

Discipleship Fund-Monday Night

Bible Study in honor of:

Virginia Ballard

Roy & Judy Holton

Contributions have been made to the

Music Ministry in honor of:

Martha Alligood &

The Sanctuary Choir

Roy & Judy Holton

Contributions have been made to the

Discipleship Fund-Tuesday Morning

Ladies Bible Study in honor of:

Margie Castleberry

Roy & Judy Holton

Contributions have been made to the

Building Fund in honor of:

Jane Ferguson & Glenda Canady

Ellie Hudson

Contributions have been made to the

Flower Ministry in honor of:

Jim Thompson

Randy Quidley

Dear Prayer Gram Ministry Members,

Your continued prayer for me humbles me more than I can

say. I am so grateful and overwhelmed that all of you who

signed the prayer grams have sent prayers up on my behalf.

Your commitment to serious, faithful prayer is a comfort for

me and for, I am sure, everyone on your prayer gram. I know

that God has heard the voices of His Children. I am in awe of

our dedication, love, and submission to following God’s

Word. Tabernacle Baptist Church is a place of joy for me.

Worshiping with you and hearing the Word from the pulpit

has enriched my life and the lives of so many, and continues

to be a source of the absolute truth. For some time I have

been praying for you as a collective group. I pray that God

will keep you in His Word, and that he will bless you richly

for your faithfulness, and that your families will be kept from

all harm and become mighty warriors for the Lord.

Your sister in Christ,

Kay Townsend

Dear Wednesday Night Prayer Service Members,

Bless you and thank you as you prayed for our mother, Sally

Anderson. She would keep your prayer gram in her Bible or

under her pillow. Thank you for all your love and cards. May

God bless you as she was blessed by your prayers.

The Family of Sally Anderson

Tabernacle Family and Friends,

Thank you so much for your many acts of kindness during and

after my surgery. Your prayers, meals, flowers, cards, phone

calls, and visits were greatly appreciated. I feel blessed to be

a member of Tabernacle Baptist Church.

Your sister in Christ,

Margaret Bass

Dear Tabernacle Family,

Your loving concern and prayers have kept us going. We

have received calls, flowers, cards, visits and food treats too.

Dr. Gleason and our deacon have kept watch over us. Even

some new ones who we had not met before. We have come

through some very hard days and nights but knowing you are

praying for us makes things bearable.

Thank you all so much,

Sanford and Mary Stallings

To all the Wonderful people of

Tabernacle Baptist Church,

Thank you so much for your wonderful prayers for my grand-

son, Logan Paul Turner. His leg is fine, he healed very quick.

He still needs some therapy. He is a little afraid to put weight

on it. Thank you again for your prayers!


Paulette Stansel

Dear Family & Friends at Tabernacle,

Thank you so much for all of your prayers, cards, gifts, calls,

hospital visits, home visits and meals during my back surgery

in July! Your outpouring of love was very much appreciat-

ed!!!! Thank you again for all of your prayers, physical help

and monetary help that was offered to Dale and myself during

my leave of absence and our move because of Dale’s decline

in health! Please continue to pray for us!


Arlene Philippi

New Address:

105 Woodcrest Circle

New Bern NC 28560

Ph. 252-675-5761

The next Hearts of Joy

Luncheon will be Sept. 19

@ 11:30 am. Cost $6

Sign up by Sept. 14th on the

bulletin board or in the church


Upcoming Luncheons

October 4

ABA Fall Senior Adult Rally at

Cape Carteret Baptist Church

November 21

Thanksgiving Luncheon

December 19

Christmas Luncheon




Dr. Scott Gleason

Senior Pastor

Mrs. Jane Ferguson

Director of Children

Rev. Aaron Allen

Minister to Students

Rev. John Strickland

Minister of Music



9:15 AM Sunday School for the Whole Family, Discipleship


10:30 AM Morning Worship Service

6:00 PM Evening Service, Parents/Youth Christian


Monday: 5:00 PM Unity Meal

6:00 PM Discipleship Class-5012 Lakeshore Dr.,

7:00 PM Ladies Bible Study


6:30 AM Men’s Bible Study @ Country Biscuit

10:00 AM Ladies Bible Study

6:15 PM Worship Band/Vocal Teams

6:30 PM Men’s Bible Study in Youth- Middle School Rm.,

Prison Ministry

Wednesday: 10:00 AM Joy Choir

5:00 PM Family Night Supper

6:00 PM Prayer Worship Service, Preschool & Children’s

Choir, Youth Bible Study

7:00 PM Sanctuary Choir, Prayergram Ministry


7:00 AM Men’s Fellowship Breakfast @ Country Biscuit

9:00 AM Quilters

5:00 PM Unity Meal

The following birthdays are people who are members of Tabernacle Baptist Church or are enrolled in Sunday School.

If we have omitted someone, please contact the church office. Birthdays

this month

Unity Corner…

For the month of September we are asking for the following items to replenish our Food Pantry:

Spaghetti Sauce



Salad Dressing



Panera Bread and Food Lion continue to donate food weekly to our ministry so please take a minute to thank them this

month! During August we had the privilege to pray with several of our guests and I ask you to join us in praying for their

physical and spiritual needs.

Finally, I want to thank the many individuals and Sunday School classes that have continued to faithfully serve.

If you are interested in joining us, Monday or Thursday, please speak to Jim Jackson or Michelle Smith.

1. Steven Barber

3. Barbara Edwards

3. Shirley Eubanks

3. Winnifred Williams

5. Anita Boos

5. Bambi Edwards

5. Nehemiah Reyna

6. Sandy West

7. Jewely Johnson

7. Bud Devlin

8. Gail Boyd

9. Amanda McCoy

9. Susan Byrd

11. Jerry Eubanks

12. Lucas Long

12. Chesley Goodman

12. Jim Jackson

14. Glenda Skinner

14. Patrick Gaylord

15. Kathy Ferebee

15. Ronnie Pate

16. James Thompson

17. Robby Bass

17. John Thompson

18. Adam Clark

19. LeAnna Huffaker

20. Daniel Kent

20. Angela Bosse

22. Teresa Sullivan

22. Candace Frey

22. Billy Joiner

23. Crystal Cassagne

23. Dustin Snelling

23. Mike White

24. Bill Shackett

24. Eddie Daniels

25. David Thatch

26. Ainslie Guion

27. Riley Mercier

27. Tom Meutsch

28. George Parsons

28. Ginny Jambor

29. Hazel Bostic

29. Reba Heckman

29. Nannette Gaylord

29. Allen Harriett

29. Hazel Bostic

30. Tristan Klug

30. Ellie Hudson

Tabernacle Baptist Church Corner of Broad & George Street

* P.O. Box 1510

New Bern, NC 28563


U.S. Postage PAID

Permit No. 137

New Bern, NC

“Address Service Requested”

Debbie Gibson dgibson@tabernaclebaptist.com

Missy Zachewicz missy@tabernaclebaptist.com

Kenny Bell kbell@tabernaclebaptist.com

Susan Williams susan@tabernaclebaptist.com

Dr. Scott Gleason pastorscott@tabernaclebaptist.com

Mrs. Jane Ferguson jane@tabernaclebaptist.com

Rev. Aaron Allen aaron@tabernaclebaptist.com

Rev. John Strickland john@tabernaclebaptist.com

September 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Preschool Open House

2 3

4 5 Labor Day

Church Office Closed


Preschool begins


Preschool & Children’s

Choir begin

8 9 10

ABA/WMU Women’s


Youth-Kennedy Home/

Friends of Children


11 Grandparent’s Day

Preschool Dedication &


Awana Kick-Off


Shut-In Mtg.

Unity Food Pantry

Peacemaker Class


13 14 15

Deacon Mtg.

16 17

OCC Golf Tournament

18 19

Hearts of Joy Luncheon

In Search of a King

Class begins

20 21

Divine Design Class


22 23

Preschool Cook-Out


25 26

Unity Food Pantry


Gideon Mtg.

28 29 30

Staff Birthdays

15-Tyler Bell

30-Kenny Bell

September Extended Teaching Care

If you cannot serve as scheduled, please trade with someone else on this list.

Please call Jane Ferguson @ 637-4166 ext. 401, by Wednesday of the week you are to serve so she can make corrections.

Already September, kids back to school, summer

almost over, autumn....is NOT in the air. Hope

you've stayed cool during this long hot summer.

One cool place is your TBC Media Library. We

have been collecting some new books and dvds for

you this summer. Come in, cool off, and find a book

or dvd that you will enjoy. We're waiting for you!

Tabernacle Crafters For Christ

Each month we are getting closer to our goal of

making 850 dresses for our OCC packing party.

Our volunteers span a wide age range so you are

never too young or old to help us! This sweet girl in

the photo and her twin sister have made 12 dresses so

far! It has been a great time of fellowship, instruction

and service to tour ministry. For more information

about how you can be a part of this ministry, contact

Paula Gilgo at paula_gilgo@hotmail.com or (252)


Grief Share Support Group

Two new 14 week Grief Share Sessions will be starting in September at Cen-

tenary United Methodist Church at the corner of Middle and New Streets in

downtown New Bern.

The morning sessions will begin on Monday, September 12 from 10:00 am

until noon in Room 206; use entrance on New Street. For information on the

morning sessions or to register, please contact Pam Bonina at 252-497-8489 or


An evening session will be starting on Thursday, September 15 at 6:30 pm

and will meet in the Centenary Library; use chapel entrance on Middle Street.

For information and registration for the evening session, please contact Rick

Brooks, 910-389-7695 or rickdb46@yahoo.com.

Grief Share is for anyone who has lost a loved one to death – spouse, parent,

child, friend or other relative. The sessions are a combination of video content,

which will provide you with access to practical and spiritual guidance from a

variety of experts, and group discussion, where you’ll have the opportunity to

learn from and help each other. Each session is designed to provide you with the

support you need to begin to recover from your loss and look forward to re-

building your life. Sessions are led by people who have themselves lost loved

ones, understand what you are going through and want to help. You may join at

any time during the 14 weeks and at any point in your grief recovery journey.

Additional information on this program can be found at www.griefshare.org

September 4 September 11 September 18 September 25

BABIES June Harris

Michelle Smith

Beth White

Sarah Moore

Amber Purifoy

Becky Collins

Sandy Williams

Bekah Gleason

Lora Friedrick

Joyce Frazier

Courtney Rhodes

Lilly Wilson

2 YEAR OLDS Danielle Smith

Charlotte Copeland

Monica Wilson

Sandy Klingenstein

Michelle Copeland

Alyssa White

Laura Cole

Meredith Copeland

3 YEAR OLDS Josh and Jaime


Lisa Setliff



Hilda Corey

Erin Mercier

Tammy Wiggins

Gayla Hallmark



Carinna Gaylord



Lisa Mercier



Lilly Wilson



Janice Eckloff

Tabernacle Preschool Monthly News

“grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and

Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 3:18

Ways to be involved in the preschool ministry Link your Harris Teeter VIC card with our preschool. Give our number, 7047, to the cashier at checkout. When you purchase

Harris Teeter products, our preschool earns a percentage of the sales!

Consider supporting a child on scholarship. You can make a one-time donation, help on a monthly basis, or save your loose

change to turn in periodically. Several preschoolers need help to attend preschool; your financial support can make a

difference in a child’s life.

Learn more about us www.tabernaclebaptist.com/tabernacle-preschool-2

252-636-0680 susan@tabernaclebaptist.com

It’s Our 20th Anniversary! Our preschool first opened in September of

1996. We had two classes, approximately

20 children, and met three days per week.

Twenty years later we have eight classes,

can register 84 children, and are here every

day during the week. Over the years we

have had hundreds of children, and dozens

of teachers, come through our program that

have touched our lives and helped us

become the preschool we are today. It has

always been our prayer and goal for this

ministry to touch and impact the lives of

the children and families that have flowed

through our program.

On September 11, we will have a special

dedication service for our current

preschool year and staff, but we will also

acknowledge the children and staff that

have been part of us over the years.

Following the service, we will have a

spaghetti lunch and hope that you will

make plans to join us. The lunch is free but

donations will be accepted to support the

preschool ministry. Advance sign-ups are

appreciated to help us plan – call the

preschool or church office to sign up.

Worth Quoting “Play is the highest form of research.”

Albert Einstein

Check Us Out

on Facebook

Calling all previous preschoolers and former staff… If you were part of our preschool program in the past – whether it was in 1996, last year, or anywhere in between – please join us for

worship on September 11. You are a special part of the dedication of our program this year! Help us spread the word and we hope to

see you there!

What else is up? It’s time for another preschool year –

on September 6 classes begin! We

have a few openings, so give us a

call if you have a preschooler.

Our annual Family Cookout will be

Friday, September 23. This is one of

our favorite events during the year –

it’s a great time to get to know one


Teacher of the Year Mrs. Katie Coverdale

We love Mrs. Katie Coverdale! In May,

she was chosen as our preschool’s

Teacher of the Year because of her had

work, dedication, and commitment to

excellence in the classroom, as well as

her compassion and love for all her

students and their families. At our state-

wide conference last week, she was

recognized as a runner up for Teacher of

the Year for the state! We are so blessed

to have her on staff...she is awesome!



Check out the variety of

Magazines and Devotionals Tabernacle has

for you! They are located

at the main entrances of the church.

Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug.

Portion of payment from General Fund 0 0 0 2,866 1,932 2,550 0 0 0 3,470 3,586

Designated Contributions Received 29,257 14,118 13,382 14,777 16,668 16,050 23,946 16,509 16,103 10,372 11,404









FLC/Building Fund2015 - 2016 Fiscal Year

Monthly Payment $18,600

Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug.

Under Budget 13,611 15,738 1,702 0 0 23,866 16,658 18,304 345 13,179 0

Contributions Received 73,726 71,599 85,635 88,852 87,759 63,471 70,679 69,033 86,992 74,158 88,287





















General Fund Budgeted Contributions2015/2016 Fiscal Year

Monthy Amount $87,337

Tabernacle’s Goal: Tabernacle’s Goal: Tabernacle’s Goal: $9,200.00$9,200.00$9,200.00


July 1-31

General Fund Offering $ 88,286.55

Designated Offering $ 34,629.48

Total Offering $122,916.03

(September 1 through July 31)

General Fund Offerings $ 860,191.98

General Fund Disbursements $ 855,462.17

Receipts Over (Under) Disbursements $ 4,729.81

General Fund Balance—September 1 $ 16,660.71

General Fund Balance—July 31 $ 21,390.52

FLC/Building Bank Account $38,176.01

Continuing in Faith Report

Ben Jones Bank Account $25,014.32 Remaining Balance owed to Ben Jones Bank Account

$ -0-

NC MissionsAnnie

ArmstrongLottie Moon







Remainder To Be Collected 4860 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Designated Contributions Received 4340 15372 32944 25000 20000 3600 1500 1000









MISSIONS GIVING2015-2016 Fiscal Year

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