fall of spain

Post on 15-Sep-2015






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Transcript of lecture by Saeed Ali


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    Revised transcript from the lecture of Shaykh Sad Al

    All praise belongs to Allah, the one whom no one else has the right to be worshipped. May the peace and blessing

    of Allah be upon the Imm of the Mujhidn, Muhammad, the slave and Messenger of Allah. He who Allah

    guides, no one can misguide. He who Allah misguides will never find the straight path, except as Allah wills. We

    seek refuge in Allah from the evil within ourselves and from our actions, and we ask him to keep us firm and

    steadfast upon the straight path.

    Dear brothers and sisters in Islm. Today Insh Allah, I will address a crucial topic, a topic that is so vital yet

    have been forgotten by many Muslims, their scholars and leaders alike. The topic of today is the importance of

    studying past history and the lessons that should be learnt from it. Todays lecture is based on a great lecture

    delivered by Shaykh Nsir al Amr. I will take deliberately to expand on the issues mentioned by Nasir al Amr.

    The fall of Spain, formally known as Andalus, will be used to illustrate the striking similarities between the

    conditions that existed some 500 years ago, which led to the fast disintegration of the Islm in Spain and the

    conditions that exist now in all Islmic countries. The current condition could lead to the total destruction and the

    total eradication of the Muslims around the world unless something is done and is done now.

    Allah allows us to the importance of studying past history, to find out what happened to the people of past.

    Listen to what Allah says. Sura 12, verse, 109. Have they not traveled in the land and seen what was the end of

    those who were before them? And verily, the home of the hereafter is the best for those who fear Allah and obey

    him (by abstaining from sins and evil deeds, and by performing righteous good deeds).do you not then

    understand Listen to Allah in Srah 16 (Al Nahl), verse, 36; So travel through the land and see what was the

    end of those who denied (truth).Have they not traveled through the earth and seen what was the end of those

    before them? Allah destroyed them completely, and a similar (fate awaits) the disbelievers. that has been the

    way of Allah already with those who passed away before, and you will not find any change in the way of Allah

    This disaster of Andalus repeats itself in the Muslim world, day in and day out. Muslims have witnessed what

    happened to their brothers in Palestine. Muslims all over the world are watching the great conspiracy against

    Muslims in Afghanistan, Eritrea, Philippines, Somalia, Bosnia, Lebanon, and Kashmir to name a few. Millions of

    Muslims are living in a state of hibernation, total ignorance and more seriously they have abandoned their basic

    duty, they have abandoned some of their most basic duties such as, jihad, enjoying good and forbidding evil.

    Islm entered in Spain by Trik Ibn Ziyd, and Musa Ibn Nusair. Islm has remained in Spain for eight centuries,

    800 years of strong Islm in Spain. It is sad to say that if you would visit Spain you will see little if any signs of

    Islm or Islmic heritage. Isnt that strange that countries like France, Italy, Britain and the US, each have more

    Muslims and more mosques far more than Spain has. Did you ever wonder why? Why Islm was uprooted and

    completely destroyed after flourishing for 800 years in Spain (Andalus)? Andalus was previously known as

    Spain. Its reasonable to expect the downfall of any system as a result of weak leadership or careless individuals.

    However its surprising to see a system that has been in place for 800 strong years being completely destroyed

    beyond recognition. There had to be reasons, there has to be causes.

    Spain has been handed over to the Christian kings according to an agreement. This agreement was drawn by the

    kings of Christians and the King of Garnata([Abu AbdAllah Muhammad Ithna Ashr(The 12th) Ibn-ul Ahmar,

    Emirate of Garnata (i.e. Granada)]) the Muslim leader. This agreement contains 67 articles. All of them are in

    favor of Muslims, and assuring their safety, security, freedom to practice religion etc. Only seven years later,

    seven short years, Christian kfirs violated the agreement and totally threshed that agreement despite the fact

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    that the agreement was signed by all Christian kings and was ratified and approved by the pope of the Christian.

    But as you see now the first lesson from the fall of Andalus. The Christians from the pope all the way down to the

    lowest individual on the face of the earth are filthy kfirs and should not be trusted. This is the first lesson friends,

    brothers and sisters.

    Christians began a relentless process to dismantle Islm and eradicate all Muslims. The purpose was one simple

    purpose. The purpose is to wipe out all Muslims at any cost. Courts were set up to try and convict Muslims.

    Investigatives and secret forces followed Muslims everywhere. Muslims were arrested by the thousands and

    were subjected to the most cruel and vicious tortures in history at the hands of the Christians. Even when Muslim

    attempted to keep a low profile they were not safe. Because they were carefully watched, by the blood thirsty

    Christians. And if the Christian saw a man taking a bath on a Friday he was presumed to be a Muslim. And they

    killed him. And if a Christian observed a man wearing nice neat clothes on the day of Eid which is a Muslim

    holiday, he was presumed to be a Muslim and he was taken and killed. There, the Muslims lives were ended

    every turn of the clock. Muslims were taken and their limbs were cut one by one, and finally after unbelievable

    degree of torture, they were killed. All the mosques in Spain were converted to churches. For 300 years,

    Christians continued their crusade against Muslims, their wives, children and property. For 300 years Christians

    relentlessly pursued Muslims everywhere until millions of Muslims were totally wiped out from the face of

    Spain. Within 300 years Christians have slaughtered millions of Muslims, men women and children, many

    Muslims so no way out. So they openly denounced Islm and embraced Christianity and raised their children as

    Christians while hiding their Islm in their heart thinking that they will be saved. They were wrong, they were

    dead wrong. Because the blood thirsty Christians were following them everywhere. They underestimated the

    viciousness of Christian kfirs and their hate for Islm. Christians were watching Muslims very closely to the

    extent that they undressed all the males and if the male was found to be circumcised he was presumed to be

    Muslim and was killed immediately along with his wife and children. No wonder if you go to Spain now, you

    will not see any sign telling you that Islm dominated that country for 800 long years.

    History repeats itself. What happened to Muslims in Spain some 500 years ago is happening to Muslims in other

    parts of the world right now as I speak, and could happen to you any time. Are you going to wait? Brothers in

    Islm! Are you going to wait until a filthy kfir comes to you and checks your genitals? Are you going to wait

    until you are killed like a dog? Isnt it time for you to wake up? Isnt it time for you to rise and perform your duty

    and go for jihad to restore the Islmic Izzah and dignity? The Andalus disaster did not take place overnight,

    however what took place (was) according to the Allahs standard practice that will never change and that was

    referred to earlier. And it should have been predicted.

    Let us now go into the causes of the fall of Andalus. Lets first get some facts straight. Islm entered to Spain in

    the year 93 Hijrah. Within 3 years Islm became very strong and continued to get stronger and stronger. Islmic

    government was implemented. Sharah was implemented. Khalifa system was installed. Governors were

    appointed. Everything was done according to Islmic Sharah. Thats why Islm was very strong in Spain. When

    on the year 420 Hijrah, divisions and disagreements became way of life. Factions and splinter groups appear on

    the scene. This was the beginning of the end of Islm in Spain. Division and faction and every group was out for

    itself. The main duty of Islm was forgotten. The last act before the fall was the introduction of kingship, instead

    of the caliphate system. The kingdom of Garnata was created and lasted only a short period until Andalus, Spain,

    was handed over by the king of Garnata, Ibn-ul Ahmar to the Christians in the year 897 Hijrah.

    The first cause for the fall is weakening of the Aqdah and drifting away from Sharah. This is the first cause and

    it actually has implication of every other cause that led to the fall of Spain. This cause, weakening of Aqdah and

    drifting away from Sharah led immediately to the second cause for the fall of Andalus. And that is the alliance

    with the Christians. Loving them, complimenting them and giving them and giving aid to many Christian

    traditions and way of life. Muslims have completely reversed their Al-Wal and al-Bar. The crucial word here

    is al-Wal and al-Bar. Love and hate for Allah and only for Allah. Love and hate for Allah is so crucial that its

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    one of the seven conditions of Shahdah in other words, your Shahdah is not complete and therefore may very

    well be nullified if your love and hate is not for Allah. Allah made it very clear to us in Holy Qurn as to who are

    the enemies and who are the brothers and sisters in Islm.

    Christians and Jews were clearly identified for us as enemies of Allah and enemies of us. Listen to Allah in Srah

    Mumtahinah, verse 1 : Oh! You, who believe, take not my enemies and your enemies as (that is disbelievers and

    polytheists) as friends, showing affections towards them, while they have disbelieved in what has come to you of

    the truth (that is Islmic monotheism, this Qurn and Muhammad ( ). Its clear evidence that,

    brothers and sisters: that Christians and Jews are the enemies of Allah and enemies of us, and we should not at no

    circumstances we should take in as friends or protectors. Listen to Allah again in Srah Al- Midah, verse 51 Oh

    you who believe take not the Jews and Christians as Auliy (helpers, protectors, supporters, they are but Auliy

    of each other. And if any amongst you takes them (as Auliy), then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides

    not those people who are Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers, and unjust) this yah is extremely important

    because when Allah says if anyone turns to them becomes one of them. And we know that Christians and Jews

    are kfirs. Therefore any Muslim who takes a Christian or a Jew for a friend or a protector has apostated from

    Islm and therefore became a kfir even though he has a Muslim name. This has happened in Spain. And it is

    happening now. This yah also is a good evidence that if you reverse your Wal and Bar, if you reverse your

    love and hate for Allah and you make love and hate for other than Allah you will nullify your Shahdah. Prophet

    ) says None of you will have mn unless his love for Allah and his messenger ( ) )

    exceeds his love for anyone or anything else.Never will the Jews nor the Christians be pleased with you (O

    Muhammad ) till you follow their religion. Say: Verily, the guidance of allah (that is Islmic

    monotheism) that is the (only) guidance. And if you (O Muhammad ) were to follow their (Jews and

    Christians) desires after what you have received of knowledge (i, e: the Qurn), then you would have against

    Allah neither any Wali(protector or guardian) nor any helper. Very serious yah, this yah clearly shows that if

    a Muslim thinks, that by taking a Jew and a Christian as a friend or a protector he will be safe or have a real

    peace. He will be mistaken if he thinks so. Because a Christian or a Jew will not rest until you follow their way of

    life. And if you are not convinced listen to Allah again in Srah Al Baqarah, verse 217 : And they will never

    cease fighting you until you turn back from you religion (Islmic monotheism) if they can. And whosoever of you

    turns back from his religion and dies as a disbeliever, then his deeds will be lost in this life and in the Hereafter,

    and they will be the dwellers of the fire. They will abide therein forever.

    In a great display of Al-Wal wal-Bar, love and hate for Allah, brothers and sisters, Umar bin al-Khattb (

    Listen to Allah in Srah Muhammad verse, 10. Here is the yah and you have the Hadhis that tells you where

    your Wal and wal Bar should be. Listen to Allah in Sura Al-Baqarah verse, 120. you see now, Allah has also

    made us aware of a standard practice of his, in order for us to make accurate predictions or of the final outcome

    of certain state or affair. And to foresee whats coming. Listen to Allah in Srah al Fath 48, verse, 23, )

    killed his own uncle in the battle of Badr. Ab Bakr As-Siddq swore he would have killed his own son had he

    come face to face with him on the battlefield. Musab Ibn Umair tied his own brother real good. And he told his

    guard because his brother was taken as a prisoner in the battle of Badr he personally tied his brother real good

    and told the Muslim guard: Dont let go of him, my mother is a rich woman and she can pay very handsome

    ransom for him. His brother was stunned to hear that and he said to Musab, You are my brother, how come

    you are saying that. I cant believe you saying that. He said No you got it all wrong these guys and he

    pointed out to the Muslims these guys are my brothers, you are not, because you are a kfir.

    Lets now examine the history of the leaders of the Andalus to see, where they stood with regard to Al-Wal and

    al-Bar love and hate for Allah. Many leaders became very close to their Christian counterparts. Muslim leaders

    followed the footsteps of their Christian counterparts and made many concessions to them at the expense of

    Muslims. For example, a sad example indeed: A man named Ab Zaid, he was a governor of Panacea, was so bad

    a leader that the Muslims in his governorate rose up and tried to remove him from power. Ab Zaid went to the

    Christian king and signed an agreement. In this agreement Ab Zaid agreed to the following listen carefully

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    brothers and sisters listen and feel free to cry for Islm that has vanished from Spain because of the leadership

    Because of what the leadership did back in and Insh Allah I will show you that the present leadership is doing

    exactly the same but even more (the point of the agreement were) :

    1. Abu Zaid gave to the Christian king part of the Muslim territory,

    2. and imagine I know you can say that cant be true, but it is true, (the) Muslim leader, Ab zaid agreed to

    pay Jizyah to the Christian king! Can you imagine the Muslim leader who used to collect Jizyah from the

    Christian now is paying Jizyah to the kfir? He is giving it instead of receiving it!

    3. He himself, (i.e.) Ab zaid became a Christian and participated with Christians in battles against


    Sad one indeed and when you see this you can see that when Allah says that he has a practice that will never

    change. And Allah wanted us to watch for causes that will tell us the outcome without having to wait.

    Another example, Ibn-ul Ahmar, the king of Garnata, signed an agreement with the king of Castile, another part

    of Spain. According to this agreement:

    1. Ibn-ul Ahmar will govern under the direct rule and supervision of the Christian king, the kfir king.

    2. Ibn-ul Ahmar once again will pay Jizyah to the Christian king.

    3. Ibn-ul Ahmar will cooperate and help the Christian king against his enemies whether they are Muslims

    or Non-Muslims. And will provide him with unspecified no of soldiers to fight with the Christians

    against Muslims.

    4. Ibn-ul Ahmar will attend the Christians governing body regular meetings all the time.

    Now brothers and sisters, you see from just these 2 examples, how pathetic the Muslim leaders were and how

    their Al-Wal and al-Bar love and hate was completely reversed. And their love and hate was for the

    Christian kfir. Ibn-ul Ahmar handed over several key Muslims territories to the Christian king to prove his

    loyalty. He wanted to show good intention. He wanted to please the kfir. And his way of pleasing the kfir and

    his way of showing good intention was to give up some territories. Does that remind you about with any current

    leader, yes a clown called Ysir Araft!

    When the Christian king, the kfir surrounded the Muslim town of Ashkaliyyah, Ibn-ul Ahmar sent a division of

    his best armies to help the kfir and secure his victory over the Muslims. Isnt it pathetic, isnt it sad? But the most

    important thing is, if a leader is behaving that way, where are the Muslims? Where are you and I? Brothers and

    sisters! This dunya is not worth anything another time one more time once more. Im saying to you: Isnt it time

    to wake up and look around you? Isnt it time to see whats happening around you? Isnt it time to wake up and

    look around you? Isnt it time for you to realize that you are the captives? All of you are captives of the Christians

    and Jews (captives) of all these kfirs. They have no goal but to wipe you out completely.

    Another yet sad example:

    When the king of Castile surrounded the Gibraltar trying to take it over, Allah send a disease that wiped out a

    lot of the Christian kfirs and they had to go back. They were weakened and they lost their leaders including the

    King and they had to go back. On their way back they had to go through Garnata, which was controlled by

    Muslims, by Ibn-ul Ahmar. And you may think that, now here is a Christian army went to take over a Muslim

    territory, Allah tala prevented that from happening, they were coming back weak and tired and going through

    a strong military post belonging to the Muslims, you would think the Muslims will punish these guys. But NO, if

    you think so you are wrong again! Because Ibn-ul Ahmar who was the king of Garnata gave them a safe

    passage instead of fighting them because they were trying to take a Muslim territory. Not only that, but many

    Muslims in Garnata showed sympathy to the kfir by wearing black garments! It was a tradition to signify

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    sadness over dead people. Can you believe this? Can you imagine the day that Muslims would wear black clothes

    because they have sympathy for the dead kfirs? For the Kfirs? How sad that was.

    To see for your selves Muslim brothers and sisters, how the Muslim leaders some 500 years ago reversed their Al-

    Wal wal-Bar love and hate for Allah and their action meaning reversing their Al-Wal Wal-Bar brought

    disaster to Islm and resulted in the wiping out of millions of Muslims.

    Now we should ask ourselves, a question, are current Muslim leaders doing anything similar to the past leaders

    of Spain? Sadly enough the answer is yes. To start off, you are probably aware of the fact that only one Islmic

    government is implementing Sharah at this point ([This lecture was around 1995 CE.]). So the leaders of all other

    Islmic governments have apostated from Islm. These leaders are not implementing Sharah and they have

    therefore apostated from Islm. Why would we say they have apostated from Islm? These leaders apparently

    have rejected part of the Qurn. And if they have rejected part of the Qurn they have essentially rejected the

    entire Qurn. And if they have rejected the entire Qurn they became like Jews and therefore they are kfirs. So

    what part of the Qurn that the Muslim leaders have rejected except one government, except the Afghan

    government? Listen to Allah in Al-Midah, Srah 5, Verse 44 : And whosoever does not judge by what Allah has

    revealed, such are kfirun (i.e.: disbelievers-of a lesser degree as they do not act on Allahs law.

    And in same Srah 5, Verse, 45, And whosoever does not judge by that which Allah has revealed, such are the

    Zalimun (polytheists, wrong-doers of a lesser degree).

    Same Srah 5, Verse 47 And whosoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed (then) such (people) are the

    Fasiqun [the rebellious i.e.disobediant (of a lesser degree)] to Allah.

    And in the same Srah 5, verse, 50 Do they then seek the judgment of (the days of) Ignorance? And who is better

    in judgment than Allah for a people who have firm faith. One more time this yah is extremely important Do

    they then seek the judgment of (the days of) Ignorance? And who is better in judgment than Allah for a people

    who have firm faith.

    Allah made it very clear that His law is the law that should be used to govern on the earth. When those leaders

    elect to choose some other laws even if they implement part of the Sharah, and they leave off some, they have

    indeed apostated from Islm and become kfir.

    Now take a look at some of the acts that were committed by some of them. King Fahd for instance, allowed half a

    million U.S. troops on the holy land. In doing so, King Fahd has clearly rejected the part of the Qurn addressing

    Al-Wal wal-Bar as I referred to earlier. King Fahd also has rejected the prophet ( ) hadth saying

    No two religions should exist in the Arabian peninsula. King Fahd has apostated and therefore he is a kfir.

    Take another leader, president of Egypt Husni Mubarak. Allying himself with the west with the U.S. in

    particular, supports the U.N. against Iraq, relies on and supports the U.N. which is controlled by kfirs Husni

    Mubarak, kills and tortures Muslims brothers every single day for no reason other than those Muslim brothers

    demand the implementation of Sharah. Mubarak security forces raid Muslim homes all the time, raping women

    in presence of their husbands and fathers or brothers. His security forces chase down people or Muslims with

    beards, now listen to this: people or Muslims with beards. They are chased down everywhere in Egypt because

    they are presumed to be terrorists. Can you imagine the day have come when a bearded Muslim is labeled as a

    terrorist? Husni Mubarak is proud of saying that he is the head of the national Democratic Party, so Egypt is

    ruled by the national Democratic Party right there even before you go any further; you can simply say that

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    Husni Mubarak is a kfir. He is apostated from Islm because he adopted democracy as a way of governance

    instead of the Sharah of Allah. And it doesnt take a genius to realize that since democracy stands for governing

    people by the people for the people of the people it doesnt take a genius to say democracy is governing people,

    by the people, for the people, not by Allah. So when an Islmic country governs the people the Muslim people by

    any system other than Allahs, the leaders have apostated and they are kfir and they should be toppled down by

    any means.

    Take president Assad of Syria. President Assad and his Bath section or his Bath party is total kufr. He chase

    down anybody who belongs to Ahul Sunnah Wal Jamaah, those Muslims who abide by the holy Qurn and

    Sunnah. So he too has apostated. Same goes for Saddm Hussein, another Bath leader. Same goes for King

    Hussein who as of recently died (even) kingship is not part of Islm.

    All these Muslim leaders allying themselves with the kfirs allying themselves with the Jews and Christians

    (do this) at the expense of Muslim brothers. Can you imagine when millions of Muslims are starving, when

    millions of Muslims in places of the world are being tortured, are being killed, are being raped, are being thrown

    out of their homes specially in Bosnia millions of them, and we have head of states and Amrs and ministers, they

    spend their money in gambling, they spend their money on prostitution? They spend their money giving it away

    to Nicaragua or any other system that U.S. suggests to give money to instead of spending it on the Muslims.

    Allah says It is never the wish of those without faith among the people of the book nor of the pagans that

    anything good should come down to you from your lord. But Allah will choose for his special mercy, whom he

    will. For Allah is Lord of grace and bounty

    All of you leaders should look seriously into these yahs. My advice to you and probably all the Muslims will

    advice you, to repent and go back to the Sharah. All of you leaders, death is inevitable. You will not live forever.

    When death comes, your soul will be snatched away from you. Your own assistants, your sophisticated army,

    your security forces, will not do you any good. You would be all alone. And when you go into that grave all your

    deeds will be showed to you in the grave. And your place is in hellfire. Your grave actually will become a part of

    your place in the hellfire. Are you prepared for that day? If you are not, repent and repent now!

    All of you Muslim leaders, Allah is talking to you. You may wonder or you may have forgotten. Yes indeed Allah

    is talking to you in Srah Nis verse, 60 because some of you say we are Muslims we pray, we believe in Allah

    we dont believe anything other that Allah hear what Allah is saying to you: Have you not seen those

    (hypocrites) who claim that they believe in that which has been sent down to you, and that which was sent down

    before you, and they wish to go for judgment (in their disputes) to the Tght (false judges) while they have been

    ordered to reject them. But Shaytn (Satan) wishes to lead them far astray. Sura Nis verse, 60.

    So they were ordered to reject him meaning rejecting the Tght any system that is far away from the system of

    Allah. But Satan wishes and his main purpose is to lead them astray. Now all of you leaders if you are saying you

    are Muslims, then you have to reject the Tght system. And you have to reject man-made systems. And you

    have resort to the Sharah and the only law, because it was given by the only Law Giver. Allah says Allah is the

    best law giver. All of you Muslim leaders think again and ask yourself this question: why whenever a scholar or

    anybody speaks up or speaks the truth, you either kill him or lock him up to silence him? What wrong have they

    done? Why you put them in jail? Why you kill them? Why you turn their wives into widows? Why you turn their

    children into orphans? What makes you think that you will not be asked about that? What makes you think that

    you will get away with it? Think again and make it part of your repentance. Get these people out. They are not

    evil. They are Muslims; they have great jealousy for their Din. All they want is implementing Sharah. All they

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    want is to restore the Islmic Izzah and Islmic dignity. Repent and repent now!

    Now back to the Andalus leaders. Another reason why what had happened in Andalus: Muslims set aside their

    Dn and became pre-occupied with their own desires. They were busy constructing buildings busy working in

    ranches busy doing trade and making money, busy following the Shaytn, following the evil desires. Money, sex,

    wine everything that has to do with dunya, and nothing that has to do with the judgment day. A historian,

    actually a Christian, put it very eloquently: He said: When Muslims abandoned their main message they fell

    below the lowest level. And that is very true. When Muslims abandoned their main massage, when they

    abandoned Al-Wal Wal-Bar, when they abandoned Jihd, when they abandoned Sharah they became

    disgraced and they were humiliated by their enemies by the kfirs and (now the) history repeats itself.

    The story about Ibn Hr, one of the leaders, Ibn Hr was one of the Muslim kings and one of his ministers both

    were competing for a girl. Can you believe that? They were not competing for who would know the best

    interpretation of an yah, or who would wake up in the middle of the night and pray more than the other, or

    anything that will please Allah and would elevate in the eyes of Allah. But, they were competing not just a girl

    but for a Christian girl that was so beautiful. That she got them both going crazy over her. Ibn Hr ended up

    losing his life; he was killed by his minister because his minister could not stand that Ibn Hr might snatch that

    girl from him. All that was happening! All the singings, all the dancing, all the sex life! All the buildings, all the

    fancy things! The Muslim women became obsessed with fancy things; and fancy jewelries and they took off their

    Hijaab! All these things were happening; all these corruptions were taking place while the enemy is working very

    hard to take over every Muslim city and every Muslim neighborhood. And they did (so).

    Islm has entered in Spain when Triq Ibn Ziyd, during his crossing of the ocean and his soldiers were chanting

    Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar. Islm remained in Spain and remained strong in when Abd Al Rahman Al Dakhil kept

    it that way. Abd Al Rahman Al Dakhil (once) was offered wine by some people; they were trying to test him out.

    He was offered wine and his response was I need something that will increase my mental capacity not

    something to lower it. And the people who offered him the wine realized that the man is serious. The man is for

    real. Then they resolved to the oldest threat ever, sex. They offered him a very beautiful girl. And listen to what

    Abd Al Rahman Al Dakhil says: he says: This girl is so beautiful, and certainly the heart and the eyes will be

    attached to her. If I get busy performing my duties for the Muslims. And I ignore her; I will be doing her a

    disservice. However if I get busy with her because she is beautiful, I will be doing my Muslims a disservice. And I

    cannot afford that, so please take your girl and leave. That is how we kept Andalus! That is how Islm remained

    in Spain!

    Now look how Islm disintegrated in Spain. Islm disintegrated when they were singing instead of chanting

    Allah Akbar. They were singing an Arabic poem. Meaning of the poem goes on Prepare the music instrument,

    and bring the glasses and drink the wine and smell the fresh flower. Look at the difference between a man who

    is chanting: Allah Akbar and a man who saying I cant afford to get busy with the beautiful women and not

    perform my duties for the Muslims and the Muslims who says later: bring me the wine, and bring me the

    instrument to sing and bring me singer and lets go smell the fresh flower. What a pathetic thing to be. So no

    wonder they lost Spain.

    The other reasons for losing Spain is when the caliphate system had no Khalfa, when the caliphate system was

    abandoned, when divisions and disagreements took place between leaders and followers. When this happened,

    they apparently forgot what Allah says in Srah, 3, verse 103 : And hold fast, all of you together, to the rope of

    Allah (i.e.: this Qurn) and be not divided among yourselves.

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    This yah is extremely important. Because we have seen it all over we have seen it many times in history:

    whenever Muslims are divided they lose everything. And Spain was lost because they got divided and they

    abandoned the caliphate system and they abandoned the Sharah. And they did away with the Khalfa and they

    installed kingdom. Kingship has no place in Islm. Allah says in Srah al Naml: Kings when they enter a place

    they corrupt it and they make the dignified people and the noble people, they humiliate them and disgrace

    them. Ibn Hazm said this about the leaders of the Andalus. He says I swear by Allah! If they (leaders of

    Andalus) felt worshipping the cross will help them (in) conducting their business better, they would indeed have

    gone for it. Imagine Ibn Hazm was a scholar at that time. And he was disgusted and he was sick of the behaviors

    of the leaders of Andalus. And he was saying if they see or if they saw worshipping the cross will help them out,

    they would have done that. So they have completely apostated from Islm.

    The next cause for the fall of Andalus was the Muslim scholars at that time. And watch and listen carefully

    brothers and sisters. Because what the scholars were doing at that time is no different, in fact it is even less than

    what the scholars nowadays are doing to the Muslim Ummah.

    The scholars abandoned their duty. They were too busy with personnel affairs. To the extent that Muslim cities

    and neighborhoods and degradations were falling constantly to the Christians, to the Christian kfirs, and the

    scholars would not say one word about this in the mosque. Imagine entire cities are falling, thousands of Muslims

    were killed and hundreds and thousands of killed, thousands of women were raped. And when the scholars go to

    the mosque for the Jumah prayer, they talk about other things and they do not mention one word about the

    falling cities. They have completely abandoned their duties. The scholars got tangled up in minor issues and left

    major ones. Scholars no longer talked about Jihd, scholars no longer talked about Al-Wal wal-Bar, just like it

    is today. That was repeated shortly after that.

    We are all aware of the time when the French invaded Syria. Now you may not believe this but it is true, when

    the French invaded, Syria the scholars instead of talking about this issue of the French occupation of Syria and

    how to deal with it, they were busy debating whether or not a man belong to the Shfi madhhab marry to a

    women belong to a Hanaf madhhab. Can you believe this? The whole country is under the seizure of the

    occupation of the kfir French. And the major scholars of the country were trying to decide on an issue: can a man

    from Shafi madhhab marry a women from Hanaf madhhab! Scholars in Muslim countries these days, they have

    abandoned their duties (i.e.) the majority of them.

    In one Arab country, while the citizens were being tortured and killed, some of them, those who were asking for

    the return of the Sharah they were killed and tortured and their families were harassed by the apostated leaders,

    and the scholars were debating on another minor issue: that minor issue is this: If the woman grows hair on her

    face, should she shave it or not? What a shame on you scholars! What a shame on you! I say this to you: Death

    is near and you too would face death. What are you going to say to Allah when he asks about the knowledge you

    have and the knowledge you have concealed from the Ummah? You have concealed the knowledge from the

    Ummah and from the Muslims. Listen to what Allah says: Relate to them the story of the man to whom we sent

    over signs, but he passed by, so Satan follows him up, and he went astray.

    Listen to what Allah says, O you scholars, listen to what Allah says in Srah al Baqarah, verse 159: Verily, those

    the clear proofs, evidences, and the guidance, which we have sent down, after we have made it clear for the

    people in the book, they are the ones cursed by Allah and cursed by the cursers.

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    Listen to Allah again in Srah, al Baqarah, verse 174: Verily, those who conceal what Allah has sent down of the

    book, and purchase a small gain therewith (of worldly things), they eat into their bellies nothing but fire. Allah

    will not speak to them on the day of resurrection, nor purify them, and theirs will be a painful torment.

    Now some scholars these days have committed very serious crimes and they need to repent and they need to do

    it now.

    This question is Sheikh bin Bz, how could you with all the knowledge that Allah gave you, how could you know

    in quite well Al-Wal Wal-Bar, how could you know in quite well what the prophet ( ) said about

    that no two religion should exist on the holy land, how could you, with all these, you pass a fatwa allowing

    500,000 U.S. troops to enter the Arabian Peninsula?! How can you justify that? How can you justify that? How are

    you going to answer Allah when he asks you about this? Arent you the same person who gave a fatwa to a

    Muslim man when he asked you about whether or not it is right to get a servant, a non-Muslim servant because

    he could not get a Muslim one, and you were very adamant about telling him that he cannot use a non Muslim in

    anything and (that) it is a sin and Allah will not approve of that? How could you advice a Muslim man not to get

    a non-Muslim servant in the same time you advised your master, yes your master King Fahd to accept 500,000

    kfirs with all the filth, with all the paganism, with all the destruction that come with them to the entire Muslim

    Ummah? Do we have an answer from you? Obviously no at this time. ([Shaykh Ibn Bz was not dead at the


    To the other scholars, Shaykh Tantv may Allah curse you forever! Because you are a kfir. You are the one

    who knows exactly that your master president Mubarak rules by the Democratic Party not ruled by the Sharah.

    You know that he tortures Muslims you knows he kills them and you get up on TV and make Hall Harm. And

    you know what the minister of information is doing in corrupting the Muslim minds of our children in Egypt.

    And you know the (filthy) programs on TV and you say nothing. Not only that, but you advocate bridging the

    gap between Muslims and the Christians! And you know quite well that there is no such a thing as bridging the

    gap because the Muslims are guided by Allah and the Christians are totally misguided and they are pagans they

    are kfirs. They need to come to Islm Islm doesnt have to bridge any gap between them and between

    Muslims and Christians.

    Those scholars need to think hard about the questions Allah will ask them, about the knowledge they concealed

    and the knowledge they had and did not deliver it to the people and concealed it from the people. I say to all the

    scholars, scholars of Islm, I say to all of you, how come no one is talking about Jihd? How come no one is

    talking about Al-Wal wal-Bar? How come none of you is making Takfr on your leaders and masters? You

    know they are not abiding by the Sharah. You know that they are not implementing Sharah. What excuse do

    you have for concealing the knowledge from them or from the rest of the Muslims? What excuse do you have for

    not standing up and rallying Muslims around the world to take down any government that is not implementing

    the Sharah of Allah? What excuse do you have for going on the Mimbar and talking about every little things and

    a big thing except Jihd against the enemies of Allah? And the enemies of Allah starts right in your back door!

    The enemies of Allah are not far from you. The enemies of Allah are your masters. Are you worried about your

    salary? Are you worried about your position? Are you worried about your family? None of that will help on

    judgment day. When you go the grave you will be all alone with your deeds only. Nobody will be able to save

    you. You must know that you are doing, your fellow Muslims, a big disturbance; you must know that you are

    misleading millions of Muslims and you will carry the burden at the Day of Judgment. Now, you know by

    abandoning the Sharah and you know by going against Jihd or not saying anything about Jihd, youre actually

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    rejecting what Allah commanded us to do in the holy Qurn and you are actually rejecting what prophet (

    .said (

    Let me remind you, all of you with what Allah says in Srah An-Nis, verse 115: And whoever contradicts and

    opposes the messenger ( Muhammad ) after the right path has been shown clearly to him, and

    follows other than the believers way, we shall keep in the path and he has chosen, and burn him in hell-what an

    evil destination.

    It is you scholars that on your own have elected not to talk about Jihd, not to talk about alWal wal-Bar, have

    elected not to make Takfr on a kfir leader. You have elected to deviate and disobey the prophet ( ).

    Again in Srah 4, verse115: And whoever contradicts and opposes the messenger ( Muhammad )

    after the right path has been shown clearly to him, and follows other than the believers way, we shall keep in the

    path and he has chosen, and burn him in hell-what an evil destination.

    Thats what Allah tells you! You scholars! Because you know the truth and you concealed the truth. And you

    know what you are supposed to do and you failed to perform your duties. And now to you and to your leaders:

    to all of you and your leaders when I say all of you I mean those of you who elect to conceal the knowledge,

    those of you who elect not to talk about Jihd, who elect not to demand the implementation of Sharah:

    Allah says in Srah al Arf, verse 146 this is directed to the leaders and the scholars: I shall turn away from

    my Ayt (verses, of the Qurn) those who behave arrogantly on the earth, without a right, and (even) if they see

    all the Ayt (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, revelations, etc) they will not believe in them. And if they see the

    way of righteousness (monotheism, piety, and good deeds), they will not adopt it as the Way, but if they see the

    way of error (polytheism, crimes, and evil deeds) they will adopt that way, that is because they have rejected Our

    Ayt (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc) and were heedless (to learn a lesson) from them.

    thats you. I say to you again, you owe to repent and owe to do it now!

    Now I say again, to you scholars again, and to the average person as well because some of you may say well I

    cant help it : The leaders will not stand for any talk about Jihd, the leaders will not stand for any talk about Al-

    Wal wal-Bar, the leaders will not stand for any talk about the implementation of the Sharah and I only work

    for him, and I only work for somebody, I cant do much I cant do anything. I say to you: read Srah al Baqarah,

    verse 166: When those who were followed disown (declare themselves innocent of) those who followed (them),

    and they see the torment, then all their relations will be cutoff from them.

    In other words on the Day of Judgment you the scholars, or any average person cannot use this as an excuse or

    cannot say that meaning: my boss wanted me to do this or the president of the country wanted me not to talk

    about this this will not be accepted!

    Next yah, same Srah in al Baqarah, verse 167: And those who followed will say: If only we had one more

    chance to return (to the worldly life), we would disown (declare ourselves as innocent from) them as they have

    disowned (declared themselves as innocent from) us. Thus Allah will show them their deeds as regrets for them.

    And they will never get out of Hellfire. Listen carefully because this actually gives you, your actual fate

    Hellfire. So again if you just even ask for other chance to clear yourself from your masters or your leaders you

    will be told by Allah that nothing is going to work for you today. You will not come out of Hellfire.

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    Now lets go to Srah An-Nisaa, verse 76. Any leader who has people working for him and has army working for

    him, executing his orders and that leader is an apostate and that leader is a kfir. Occasionally you may hear from

    the soldiers, or from people working for him saying again, We cant help it. We follow orders Listen to Allah

    Those who believe fight in the Cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve, fight in the cause of Tght. So fight

    you against the friends of Shaytn (Satan). Ever feeble indeed is the plot of Shaytn. Now if you look at the

    leaders it is not going to be hard for you, the scholars or the average person to determine that the leader is kfir.

    As we said before all of them, except one system and that is the Afghani system all other leaders are kfir, have

    apostated from Islm because they are not implementing the Sharah and they are killing and oppressing

    Muslims. So if the leader is kfir then he is a Tght. Then all his army or anybody in his army fighting with him,

    fighting alongside with him, anybody works for him; anybody advancing the orders of this leader is considered

    kfir. According to the above yah, Allah describes you as the friends and the allies of the Shaytn! You are being

    labeled here in this yah Srah An-Nisaa. You scholars and the average person if you stand still, if you dont rise

    up and if you dont say anything about whats right and whats wrong, you are a friend and ally of the Shaytn

    and you should be fought and you should be killed and its coming to you. Unless you repent and you do it now.

    I say to you again leaders and scholars, specially leaders because you may think because you have the army

    working for you, you have the security forces working for you, doing whatever you want, killing, torturing

    people left and right, putting people in the prisons for no other reasons other than speaking the truth: Allah

    addresses you and talks to you or talks about you in Srah Ibrhm, verse 42: Consider not that Allah is unaware

    of that which the Zlimn (polytheists, wrong-doers) do, but he gives them respite up to a day when the eyes will

    stare in horror.

    And in same Srah, verse 43: (They will be) hastening forward with necks outstretched, their heads raised up

    (towards the sky), their gaze returning not towards them and their hearts empty (from thinking because of

    extreme fear).

    Thats the state or the status of those who are doing wrong and Allah is saying that he is totally aware of what

    you are doing and what will happen to you on judgment day its clearly described in yah 42, 43 of Srah


    I say this also to the widows and to the orphans and to the wives and to the parents who have lost their beloved

    ones to the torture and arrogance of an oppressive leader, remember this yah, Allah tells you that he is totally

    aware of what they are doing and punishment is coming to them, and punishment is not going to wait for them.

    Oh! Allah bestow your guidance of truth to the Muslim Ummah

    Oh! Allah, forgive any shortcomings of this Ummah and direct us to your blessed path

    Oh! Allah, give Izzah to Islm and Muslims

    Oh! Allah, give victory to the Mujhidn in your path

    Oh! Allah, strengthen the hearts of the captives

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    Oh! Allah, destroy and bring humility to the kuffr

    May Allahs peace and blessings be upon the greatest Mujhid, the prophet ( ), his companions and

    those who followed him in righteousness till the Day of Judgement.

    All the praise is due to none other than the lord of the. lamn Allah .

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