falling in love with change

Post on 29-Jul-2015






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The way things areThe way things are

The world is in danger of unprecedented conflict and we, the people, are being called upon to make a decision.

To change our minds and build a better future for all or to destroy our world through conflict and wars designed to maintain the status quo which serves the few.

Most people are afraid because they lack the confidence in our collective ability to make the change because we have been educated to believe that we cannot change our world.

What we know about our educationWhat we know about our education

We have been educated to see divisions between people as normal, natural and the only way to live.

The philosophy of survival of the fittest was designed to reinforce this thinking and has been used for the last two hundred and fifty years to divide people across the world, in order to control us.

But we know in our hearts that we are happiest when we are having fun with others, sharing things we have in common and enjoying our differences; when we want the best for others and know that others want the best for us.

What we know about our educationWhat we know about our education

This contradiction between what we are taught to feel and how we really feel is at the heart of much of the mental and emotional anguish in the world today. This is driving so many of us to spend hours on the sofa talking to all types of psychotherapists and counsellors.

On men and womenOn men and women

Women, we are taught, are designed to be mothers and to look after the home. Men are hunters who provide for the family. 

We know that this is not true. There are women who want or needmore than to care for their children and men who would like to spend more time caring for them.

Images from Images from scx.huscx.hu

ImageImagess from from googlegoogle

Given the opportunity most men and women would like a balance between their relationships, family or community and their individual potential to express themselves creatively and serve their world.

On skin colourOn skin colour

We are told that 'white' people are superior because of their skin colour and 'black' people are inferior for this reason.

We now know that this is not true. Peoples abilities and potential are not determined by their skin colour.

On skin colourOn skin colour

Skin colour or eye colour or the shape of our noses... do not influence our behaviour.

It is our education and the environment in which we are nurtured in that influence our thoughts and our actions and what type of people we become.

ANCIENT AFRICA - SOUTH OF EGYPTImageImagess from from googlegoogle

On being rich or poor

We are told that the rich are blessed and the poor are not; moreover, that "only the poor will be saved".

If that were true, then we must ask the question... why do people tend to have more fun dancing, singing and smiling in countries considered as poor and why are the 'rich' as vulnerable, or perhaps even more vulnerable, to drug and other addictions, depression and loneliness than those who are not rich? 

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& & WisdomWisdom

We know that our sense of well being comes from who we are from the inside out (our character, our values and how we treat ourselves and others) and not from what we own or what we do.

On God and religionOn God and religion

We are told that certain religions are good and civilised and that others are not. 

We know that over the last thousand years men and women have fought and murdered each other to prove that their God is the better God. And, that, the narrative about who is civilised and who is not tends to be determined by those who have power.

More importantly, we know that anyone who is truly civilised will not kill another for his God be it through warfare, punitive traditions or economic policies that hurt the many to provide for the few.


Our education and our conditioning, especially over the past two hundred years, has been based on the deliberate misinformation and in the miseducation of people across the world to keep them divided, confused, ignorant and hateful.

It is a strategy that worked for a long time and enabled the forces behind this thinking to maintain tight control over global affairs, until now. 

Image Image from from googlegoogle

Due to the advances in technology and alternative thinking, and the globalisation of both, for the first time in two hundred years, they are at risk of exposure for the fraud and crimes that they have committed against humanity. 


They know and understand this and are working harder than ever to intensify the divisions and hatreds to maintain the status quo.

But many of us know in our hearts, that this historical cycle of manipulation that played its role perfectly in bringing the world together has reached its sell by date, its end.

The world can no longer continue on this path. But most are afraid of what it means for them and what it will mean to change the path we are on.


And yet, because of the knowledge and technologies that are now available to us, we, the people are better equipped than ever to make a conscious choice about where our world is headed.

And, the choice we make will determine what type of future we have and what type of legacy we will leave behind for our children and the children of our children.

This choice does not mean having to give up the good things we have become used to having in our lives.

It simply means deciding whether we will continue to have these good things in a way that hurts others or to find alternative ways of living our lives in a way that empowers others to have the same..

The OptionsThe Options

We have the choice to do something or nothing.

To do nothing simply means more competition, more injustice, more pain, more anger, more frustration, more hatred and more hopelessness and the addictions, aggression and violence that accompany them.

To do something simply means changing our attitudes towards each other. Once we recognise that our happiness depends on other peoples ability to be happy, we automatically provide the foundation for change.

We give ourselves permission to begin to develop solutions for an alternative world based on different values to what we are used to.

The OptionsThe Options

To do something means we can begin to make simple choices such as these in our daily lives:

1. To choose peace over conflict and stand up for it.2. To choose love over hatred and practise it.3. To choose an open mind and wisdom over narrow thinking

and ignorance. 4. To choose human values over material values. 5. To choose abundance over scarcity. 6. To choose generosity and creativity over selfishness and

servitude. 7. To choose courage over fear. 

Creating a better future for allCreating a better future for all

As we give ourselves permission to be open to finding solutions for a better world and fall in love with the desire for a change, we give those who are pioneering alternative ways of living the permission to forge ahead, to create the new products and services of the future that are based on human values. 

These people are already on the ground working for change.

Images from:Images from: ecofriend,com designlaunches.combuscut.blogspot.com.es longviewsystems.com greenoneventures.com 1stclasscleaningnyc.com igreenspot.com mariposachic.com

Creating a better future for allCreating a better future for all

If we support them with our thinking and feelings en masse, and if we can, our actions, we can begin to do something than nothing at all.

In this vision being proposed it requires nothing else.


As more and more people unite to fall in love with change, to feel the change and make positive choices over those we have been taught are normal, we automatically and naturally give way to a new world.

Sooner or later, the forces behind the "old corrupt world" will lose their power over us and they will be forced to change or expire.

Image Image from from googlegoogle

What Next?What Next?

Our solution for change is one of many that will emerge as people turn their backs on the old world model. 

1. It is free from ideology and is human centred. 2. It focuses on creativity and generosity and the balance

between the individual and the community. 3. It places priority on the conscious mind and heart as the

currency for change and treats money as one of many tools that can bring about the change.

4. It promotes cooperation between people and emphasises abundance, fun and enjoyment as a human right.


Images fromImages from googlegoogle


ImageImagess from from googlegoogle


Images fromImages from googlegoogle

What Next?What Next?

5. It requires one simple step of agreeing to engage with the issues by subscribing to Read and Transform our world and leaves subsequent decisions on how to exercise their vote to influence developments, to the individual.

6. It treats everyone as equal. No individual has any more influence or power over another. Everything created by and for the community belongs to the community.

7. It begins with those who are conscious and ready to make the journey (1%), in order for change to take place as quickly as possible.

8. It gives people the confidence to give only that which they have to give and nothing more.

What Next?What Next?

If you think you are ready for this vision for change all you need to do to start the process is support us by subscribing to Read & Transform.

This entitles you to membership of Kosmo People community. Then stay in touch via our weekly updates on developments.

If you wish to be more active, you can join our Change Makers collective by registering to use your skills or your influence.


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