families of exponentials: the method of moments in controllability problems for distributed...

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FAMILIES OF EXPONENTIALSThe Method of Moments in Controllability Problems

for Distributed Parameter Systems

SERGEI A. AVDONIN SERGEI A. IVANOVSt. Petersburg State University St. Petersburg State University



Published by the Press Syndicate of the University of CambridgeThe Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1RP

40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA10 Stamford Road, Oakleigh, Melbourne 3166, Australia

© Cambridge University Press 1995

First published 1995

Printed in the United States of America

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Avdonin, Sergei A.

Families of exponentials : the method of moments incontrollability problems for distributed parameter systems / Sergei

A. Avdonin, Sergei A. Ivanov.

p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references.

ISBN 0-521-45243-0

1. Fourier analysis. 2. Moments method (Mathematics)3. Exponential functions 4. Control theory. 5. Distributed

parameter systems. I. Ivanov, Sergei A. II. Title.QA403.5.A93 1995

515'.2433 — dc20 94-40490CIP

A catalog record for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN 0-521-45243-0 hardback



Acknowledgments page xi

Notation xii

Introduction 1

I Elements of Hilbert space theory 17

1 Families of vectors and families of subspaces 171.1 Orthoprojectors and angles between subspaces 171.2 Skew projectors 201.3 Families of Hilbert space vectors 231.4 Families of subspaces of Hilbert space 301.5 Invariance of family properties under mappings 311.6 Minimality of families of elements and their

projections 322 Abstract problem of moments 34

II Families of vector-valued exponentials 39

1 Hardy spaces and operator functions 391.1 Hardy spaces 39

1.1.1 Definitions and Hilbert structure 391.1.2 Relationship between 11 2(91) and Hi_(91)

spaces 401.1.3 Calculation of Cauchy integrals by means

of residues 411.1.4 Simple fractions 411.1.5 Paley—Wiener theorem and connections

between simple fractions and exponentials 411.1.6 Decomposition of the space L 2(11) and the

Riesz projector 42


vi Contents

1.2 Inner and outer operator functions 421.2.1 Definition of inner functions 421.2.2 Classification of scalar inner functions 431.2.3 Factorization of scalar inner functions 431.2.4 Classification of inner operator functions 441.2.5 Factorization of inner operator functions 441.2.6 Scalar outer functions 451.2.7 Factorization of scalar functions 461.2.8 Outer operator functions 461.2.9 Factorization of strong functions 471.2.10 Semisimple zeros 471.2.11 Existence of the Blaschke—Potapov product 47

1.3 Nagy—Foias model operator 481.3.1 Subspaces Ks 481.3.2 Definitions of model operators in D and a„ 491.3.3 The spectrum and eigenfunctions of model

operators in C.. 491.3.4 The spectrum and eigenfunctions of model

operators in ED 501.3.5 Discrete spectrum subspaces of model

operators in C., 511.3.6 Invariant subspaces of a model operator in D 511.3.7 Countable sets in the upper half-plane 521.3.8 Indications for a set to be Carlesonian 521.3.9 Separability of simple fraction families 541.3.10 Minimality and the Blaschke condition 551.3.11 .29-basis property of simple scalar fraction families 561.3.12 ..r-basis property of simple fraction families

and Carleson constant 561.3.13 Carleson—Newman condition and simple

fractions 561.3.14 The inequalities for exponential sums on an

interval 571.3.15 Property of functions from the subpsace K 581.3.16 Isomorphisms transferring exponentials into

exponentials 581.4 Entire functions 59

1.4.1 Entire functions of the exponential type 591.4.2 Growth indicator and indicator diagram 591.4.3 Functions of the Cartwright class 60


Contents vii

1.4.4 Zeros of Cartwright-class functions 601.4.5 Summability and growth of functions on the

real axis 611.4.6 Functions of the sine type 61

Vector exponential families on the semiaxis 612.1 Minimality 642.2 The basis property 67Families of vector exponentials on an interval 743.1 Geometrical indications of minimal and basis

properties 743.2 Minimal vector families and the generating function 803.3 Hilbert operator and exponential families on an

interval 903.4 Indications for Hilbert operator to be bounded 94Minimality and the basis property of scalar

exponential families in L2(0, T) 994.1 Minimality 994.2 The basis property of family {e'^`} 1014.3 Basis subfamilies of {e'^`} 1074.4 Algorithm of a basis subfamily extraction 1104.5 Riesz bases of elements of the form is e"' 1134.6 Complementation of a basis on subinterval up to a

basis on interval 1144.7 On the families of exponentials with the imaginary

spectrum 115Additional information about vector exponential theory 1175.1 Relationship of minimality of vector and scalar

exponential families on an interval 1175.2 Perturbation of basis families 1205.3 Exponential bases in Sobolev spaces 1295.4 Relationship between minimality of exponential

families of parabolic and hyperbolic types 133W-linear independence of exponential families 1366.1 Dirichlet series 1376.2 Parabolic family on an interval 1386.3 Hyperbolic family on the semiaxis 1396.4 Hyperbolic family on an interval 1406.5 w-linear independence in L 2 (0, T) 1416.6 Excessiveness of the exponential family arising in

the problem of controlling rectangular membraneoscillation 142


viii Contents


III Fourier method in operator equations and controllability 146types1 Evolution equations of the first order in time 1462 Evolution equations of the second order in time 1543 Controllability types and their relationship with

exponential families 161

IV Controllability of parabolic -type systems 1731 Control with spatial support in the domain 175

1.1 Infinite dimensional control 1751.2 Finite dimensional control 1781.3 Pointwise control 180

2 Boundary control 1812.1 Infinite dimensional control 1812.2 Finite dimensional control 1862.3 Pointwise control 187

V Controllability of hyperbolic-type systems 190I Control with spatial support in the domain 190

1.1 Infinite dimensional control 1901.2 Finite dimensional control 1941.3 Pointwise control 197

2 Boundary control 2052.1 Infinite dimensional control 2052.2 Finite dimensional control 2112.3 Pointwise control 214

VI Control of rectangular membrane vibrations 2161 Boundary control 216

1.1 Regularity of the solution 2161.2 Lack of controllability 2211.3 Estimate of the Carleson constant 2231.4 Pointwise boundary control 226

2 Initial and pointwise control 2282.1 Principal results 2282.2 Initial controllability 2292.3 Lack of pointwise controllability 2322.4 Construction of basis subfamily 233

VII Boundary control of string systems 2381 System of connected homogeneous strings controlled

at the ends 238

pa am so Imo MIN INN MI SIM III/ MB

Contents ix

2 System of strings connected elastically at one point 248

3 Control of multichannel acoustic system 264

4 Controllability of a nonhomogeneous string controlled

at the ends 283

References 290





We are very grateful to B. S. Pavlov for the many years of attention andsupport he has given to our scientific work.

Various aspects of this study were discussed with C. Bardos, N. Burq,H. 0. Fattorini, E. M. Il'in, I. JoO, V. A. Kozlov, J. E. Lagnese, G.Leugering, S. N. Naboko, V. G. Osmolovskii, D. L. Russell, G. Schmidt,T. I. Seidman, and V. I. Vasyunin. Their comments were greatly appreciated.

We would also like to thank A. S. Silbergleit for his great help in thetranslation of the book.

At the final stage of the preparation of this manuscript, we obtainedvaluable support from the Commission of the European Communities inthe framework of the EC—Russia collaboration (contract ESPRIT P9282ACTCS). Our research was also supported in part by INTAS (grant 931424), the International Sciences Foundation (grants NSI000 and NSI300),and the Russian Foundation of Fundamental Research (grant 95-01-00360 a). We express our deep gratitude to these foundations.




M, card M — number of elements of M if M is finite andco if M is infinite

9(971, 91) — angle between subspaces—7 — weak convergence of elements of a Hilbert spacecodim 8 — dimension of orthogonal complement of a linear

set E, or dimension of the space orthogonal toall elements of family

•, • > — scalar product in auxiliary Hilbert space 91

' >> — norm in an auxiliary Hilbert space 918(o-) — Carleson constant(A 2 ) — Muckenhoupt conditionKs — a subspace

11 2+ (9) e SH+(91) tf E +POI f 1 SH+(91))Ka — a subspace IC with S = exp(ika)1,? — Hilbert space of sequences with the norm


IlCllr = [ «)rn=1

—Hilbert space of functions E cn cp,, with then=1

norm Ilf Ilwr — 11{41,—Hilbert space Gk., , 0 kV,

—Hilbert space of series E c„p„ with the normn=1

(E ICnI 2Pn2 )1/2

gyp„ — eigenfunction of operator A— eigenvalue of operator A or a point of

spectrum of exponential family




Notation xiii

—eigenfrequency of operator A—multiplicity of eigenvalue 2„ of operator A— exponential family {e„}, with elements

en exp(iAn )tin , where r in belongs to an auxiliaryHilbert space

— exponential family {rn en } 163, 170— exponential family {pn en } 163, 170

Im A 1fraction 41— simple x,t (k) =

it k - 2— family of vector simple fractions {xpi,} Aecr 47— family biorthogonal to the family Xri— family biorthogonal to the family Pe gii


Cl, C1H — closure of a set in the norm of space HLin E-7, — linear span of family E.,

— direct sum of linear sets

Va — closure of the linear span of family E



— set of real numbersR — set of positive numbersO — set of rational numbers

— set of integersft< — set of nonzero integers

— set of positive integersC — set of complex numbers (complex plane)C" — Cartesian product of n complex planesC, (C_) — open upper (lower) half-plane, i.e., set of complex

numbers with positive (negative) imaginary partED — open unit disk in C with the center in originlT — unit circle in C with the center in origin

Y) — set of linear bounded operators acting from space Xinto space Y

D(A) — domain of operator ADE - domain of operator of the problem of moments

with respect to family







xiv Notation

R, — image of operator of the problem of momentswith respect to family E


Ker A — null space of operator A


orthoprojector on subspace 919" skew projector on subspace 971 parallel to

subspace 91

20identical operatoroperator of the problem of moments with respectto family "E

Ps projector onto subspace Ks 48

Pt projectors onto subspace HI


Conditions on countable sets of the upper half-plane

(B) — Blaschke condition 43(R) — rareness condition 52(C) — Carleson condition 52(CN) — Carleson—Newman condition 52

Property of families of elements or subspaces of a Hilbert space

EE (LB) — family E., forms a Riesz basis in closure of itslinear span 26, 30

'E' E (UM) — family E of elements is *-uniformly minimal orfamily 'E of subspaces is uniformly minimal 26, 30

E E (M) — family E is minimal 25, 30E (W) - family 'E is W-linear independent 24

Types of controllability

B controllability 162, 169E controllability 162, 169UM controllability 162, 169M controllability 162, 169W controllability 162, 169




Cancellations— Riesz basis in closure of linear span— Blaschke product— Blaschke—Potapov product— distributed parameter system— entire singular (operator) function— sine-type function— generating function 80,








At= B or B ==. A — object A is equal to object B by definitionf(x) X g(x), x e X — this relation means that there are positive

constants c and C such that for all x E Xthe inequalities cg(x) f(x) Cg(x)are valid

f(x) g(x) or g(x) >- f(x), x E X — this means that there exists apositive constant C such that for all x e Xthe inequality f(x) Cg(x) is valid

111111 OM 111111 Ili Will MIN MIN MIS 111111


This book deals with the controllability problem in distributed parametersystems (DPS). As the following chapters explain, one way to handle thisproblem is to reduce it to the problem of moments and to study theresulting exponential families Spar = {q„ C nt 1 (the "parabolic" case)

or 61„ frin e±07.`It (the "hyperbolic" case). Here, {AO is thespectrum of a system, and vectors lb, belong to an auxiliary Hilbert space91, dim 91 co, determined by the space of control actions.

Over the past twenty-five years, DPS control theory has been developingrapidly, both because of its important technological applications and itsusefulness in resolving a variety of mathematical problems. Indeed, thetheory has been described at length in various monographs (Butkovskii1965, 1975; Lions 1968, 1983, 1988a; Lurie 1975; Curtain and Pritchard1978; Egorov A. I. 1978; Litvinov 1987; Lagnese and Lions 1989; Krabs1992).'

The controllability question occupies a prominent place in DPS controltheory for a number of reasons. First, many practical problems in variousfields of engineering, physics, and chemistry are formulated as control-lability problems, that is, as questions about how to describe reachabilitysets. Second, it is essential to have some insight into controllability inorder to resolve DPS optimal control problems. Furthermore, control-lability plays a vital role in the stabilization and identification of DPS.Recent studies have demonstrated its profound connection to the classicalinverse problems of mathematical physics, for example (Belishev 1989;

The first version of this book was published in Russian in 1989 (Avdonin and Ivanov 1989b).For the present edition, the book has been thoroughly revised and new results were added.

'Since the number of publications pertinent to the subject of this book is enormous, we areunable to present an exhaustive list of references; an extensive bibliography may be foundin Fleming (1988).



2 Introduction

Avdonin, Belishev, and Ivanov, 1991a). Note, too, that DPS controllabilitystudies have brought to light a host of interesting and complex questionsin several branches of mathematics, such as PDE theory, operator theory,the theory of functions, and the theory of numbers.

The various techniques used to investigate DPS controllability can bedivided into three fundamental approaches. The first one is based ontheoretical operator methods (see, e.g., Fattorini 1966, 1967; Tsujioka1970; Fuhrmann 1972; Weiss 1973; Triggiani 1978; Nefedov and Sholok-hovich 1985; Sholokhovich 1987). These are rather general methods thatmake it possible to treat a broad range of systems described by equationsin Hilbert and Banach spaces; however, they are not always effective inaddressing concrete problems.

The second approach employs a specific technique of the theory ofpartial differential equations. This technique has been the subject ofconsiderable research and has such broad applications that we canmention only a few of the works that have focused on it.

D. L. Russell (1971a, 1971b, 1972, 1973) and J. E. Lagnese (1983), forexample, apply the method of characteristics for hyperbolic equations andthe Holmgreen uniqueness theorem (see also Littman 1986).

J.-L. Lions (1986) suggested the Hilbert Uniqueness Method, which isbased on the duality between controllability and observability and ona priori estimates of solutions of nonhomogeneous boundary valueproblems. This method was developed by L. F. Ho (1986), P. Grisvard(1987), E. Zuazua (1987), A. Haraux (1988), and I. Lasiecka andR. Triggiani (1989). A number of searchers (Chen et al. 1987; Leugeringand Schmidt 1989; Schmidt 1992; Lagnese, Leugering, and Schmidt 1993)have applied the method to networks of strings and beams.

Bardos, Lebeau, and Rauch (1988a, 1988b, 1992) have developed anapproach to the controllability problems for hyperbolic equations usingmicrolocal analysis and propagations of singularities. This approach madeit possible to solve the problem of exact controllability in cases wherecontrols act on a part of the boundary or on a subdomain. See alsoEmanuilov (1990).

The third approach, which reduces the control problem to the problemof moments relative to a family of exponentials, is known as the momentmethod. It is a powerful tool of control theory in that it provides solutionsto many kinds of problems. N. N. Krasovskii (1968) applied the methodto the systems described by ordinary differential equations. It has alsobeen used in DPS control theory to investigate optimum time controlproblems (Egorov Yu. V. 1963a, 1963b; Butkovskii 1965, 1975; Gal'chuk

Introduction 3

68; Korobov and Sklyar 1987) and to solve optimal problems with thetic quality criterion (Plotnikov 1968; Egorov A. I. 1978; Vasil'ev,

shiniikharnetov, and Potanov 1989). In addition, this method has been‘e'd in combination with the Pontryagin maximum principle to addresseioPtimal boundary control problem to parabolic vector equations

enkov and Plotnikov 1989), and to study some bilinear controlrOblems (Egorov A. I. and Shakirov 1983), as well as observationroblems in parabolic-type equations (Mizel and Seidman 1969, 1972;

idinan 1976, 1977).n:investigations of DPS controllability, the moment method has mosted,been used for systems with one spatial variable and for a scalar

control function (see, e.g., Russell 1967, 1978; Fattorini and Russell 1971;CovskiT 1975; Reid and Russell 1985). Work has also been done on

cOntr011ability problems associated with several control actions (Fattorini

968 .; Sakawa 1974).The moment method has also been used to analyze controllability in

.systems permitting separation of spatial variables. Here, the method has.

ide it possible to reduce the controllability problem to a series of scalarroblems (see Graham and Russell 1975; Fattorini 1975, 1979; Krabs,

ugering, and Seidman 1985). For the exponential family 6° arising inthe. transition from a control problem for a moment one, the role of

auxiliary space 91 is filled by the space to which the values of control

actions belong. In the case of a single control action dim 91 = 1, the usual"scalar"-families of exponentials appear. If there is a finite number N of

ar,control actions, then dim 91 = N, and a family of vector exponentials

th ,the .values in a finite dimensional space arises. A string vibration

nation with the control actions at both boundary points serves as an, .example (where N = 2). If, for instance, a control acts on the boundary

of a multidimensional spatial domain f2, then it is natural to chooseas 91, whereupon dim 91 = co.

The solvability of the resulting problem of moments, and hence of theprimary control problem, depends on the properties of the correspondingexponential family. The study of scalar exponential families (nonharmonic

ourier series) dates back to the 1930s (Paley and Wiener 1934) and sinceen has become a well-known branch of the mathematical analysis. Thus,

questions concerning the completeness, minimality, and basis property ofsuck families in space LAO, T) have been investigated in some depth

ngham 1934; Levinson 1940; Duffin and Eachus 1942; Duffin andSChaffer 1952; Levin 1956, 1961; Kadets 1964; Redheffer 1968; Katsnelson1971; Young 1980). In addition, B. S. Pavlov (1973, 1979) has suggested a

II SIM 1■111 NMI MI MI 11111111 —

4 Introduction

geometric (in a Hilbert space sense) approach that has provided a basisproperty criterion. (For a detailed exposition of this approach and itsrelation to other problems connected with the theory of functions, seeHrushchev, Nikol'skii, and Pavlov 1981.) We use Pavlov's geometricalapproach in this book to develop a theory of exponentials in a space ofvector functions. This work has also enabled us to shed new light onscalar families and thus is proving to be useful in DPS control problems.

In fact, DPS control problems were the very reason that we decided toinvestigate exponential families. Without the results that we have obtainedon vector exponential families, it would be very difficult to apply themoment method to problems that cannot be treated in the terms of ascalar exponential family or a series of stioh families of simple enoughstructure. In other words, the extension of the moment method to a widerclass of DPS is one of the principal objectives of this book.

The book consists of seven chapters, each of which is divided intonumbered sections, which in turn contain enumerated assertions (remarks,theorems, corollaries, and so on). When referring to a statement or aformula within a chapter section, we omit the number of that chaptersection (e.g., we refer to Proposition 17(a) rather than PropositionI.1.17(a)). When referring to a formula of another section, we add thenumber of that section. Sections are divided into subsections. Althoughthis arrangement may seem unwieldy, it is difficult to treat this complexsubject in any other way.

Chapter I presents the basic information needed to understand projectorsin Hilbert spaces, families of elements, and families of subspaces, as wellas the problem of moments. Although we cannot claim to be presentingoriginal results (except, perhaps, for some assertions on the problem ofmoments solvability) or to have made any methodological discoveries, wehave brought together for the first time all basic information concerningthis subject.

The discussion opens in Section I.1 with the geometry of Hilbert spaces.For two subspaces 9:11 and 91 of a Hilbert space 5, we introduce theconcept of an angle 9(931, 91) between them,

4o(9X, 91) = arc cos sup 1(m, 01 memne% IlmII 11n11

In terms of the angles, we elucidate the properties of operators Pm I gt(orthoprojectors on 911 restricted to 91). In particular,

[P93z = 1 /sin 9(5 e 931, 91).

11111111 ENO MO OM NIG 1111111 MIN MI NMI MI

Introduction 5

Skew projector y r from the direct sum 931 + 91 to 9N parallel to 91

is studied further:

.9L91(m + n) = m Vm e 931, n e 91.

This projector is bounded if and only if c,9(9:2, 91) > 0. Such projectorsplay a central role in the investigation of exponential families in L 2(0, T).

Next, we study families E. = {„} of element (and families of subspaces)from the perspective of the "degree” of their linear independence. Thelinear independence of any finite subfamilies of 2, is the weakest one. Welet it be denoted by E E (L). The next step is to introduce W-linearindependence (notation E, E (W)). This property, in somewhat simplifiedterms, means that the weak convergence of series E c„,, to zero implies

that all coefficients c„ are zeros. A stronger property is minimality

(E. e (M)). It means that for any n, element does not lie in the closureof linear span of the remaining elements. To put it another way: thereexists a family E' { called the biorthogonal family, such that

= 67

If, along with this, are jointly bounded, then the family is said to bes-uniformly minimal (notation E e (UM)). For the almost normed familiesMa X 1), the (UM) property is equivalent to

49 (., V bm � 6 > 0.m#n

A family for which the latter relation holds is said to be uniformly minimal.The strongest property, which is the 2'-basis or Riesz basis property

in the closure of the linear span of the family, means that family E is animage of an orthonormal one under the action of some isomorphism; wewrite E e (LB) in this case.

Families of subspaces are classified by similar definitions. Thus thehierarchy of the "independence"

(LB) =. (UM) (M) (W) (L)

is established.In Section 1.2, we turn to the problem of moments. For a given family

E and some element c E e2, one has to find f e 5 such that {( f, „)} = c.Operator

fE: fH 1(f fl)} (1)

is called the operator of the problem of moments. We focus our attentionon the "quality" of the solvability of the moment problem or, more

MS INN 11111 MS IMO 1111 an me ea am6 Introduction

precisely, on the image R, of operator A. The solvability of the problemof moments is directly associated with "the degree of linear independence"of family In particular,

E (LB) = 5, R5 = 5 E, E (UM),

C10.7 = 5 e (W).

We also prove that R,. is closed if a Riesz basis can be found in E.Chapter II examines the properties of family of vector exponentials

in L2 (0, T; 91),

87' {enInel, en.= e Lir"' q„, Im An > 0,

in detail. Here, tin E 91, dim 91 < co, T < co. By the Paley-Wiener theorem,the inverse Fourier transform turns L 2(0, oo) into Hardy space H_2„ whichconsists of analytic functions in the upper half-plane C, whose traces aresquarely summable over the real axis. Here, the exponentials turn intosimple fractions x„(k) = (k — A,,) - belonging to In ._ for Im 2„ > 0. Thismakes it possible to invoke the powerful theory of Hardy spaces in thestudy of exponentials. Section II.1 explains these spaces and simplefraction families. It should be pointed out that the reader will requiresome knowledge of the basics of the Hardy space theory in order tounderstand the theory developed in this book.

To begin with, one needs to be familiar with the concepts associatedwith inner-outer factorization. Consider, for simplicity, the case offunctions bounded in C + . If such functions have a unit absolute valuealmost everywhere on the real axis (and are analytic in C ± ), then they aresaid to be inner functions. Among them, Blaschke products (BP), B(k),are recognized,

B(k) = enk — An

2Im „ > 0,„ Ez k — An

where r,, are the phase factors, IE„I 1, and numbers An - the zeros of theBP - satisfy the Blaschke condition

Im „

ne z 1 + 12.


„1 2

Functions exp(ika), a > 0, are obviously inner functions as well; incontrast to BP's, they have no zeros at all. Such functions are called entiresingular inner functions (they have the essentially singular point atinfinity). Functions bounded and analytic in C + possess factorization

< CO. (B)


Introduction 7

f fife in which fi is an inner function and .fe is an outer function of the


with h(t) = loglf(01. Outer functions have no zeros in C + . In contrast

to entire singular inner functions, they cannot decrease exponentially at

Im k + co.Section II.1 introduces the concepts of inner and outer functions for

analytic operator functions with the values in finite-dimensional space 92,along with the Blaschke—Potapov (BPP) product, which is the analog

of BP, and the entire singular inner operator function (ESF). Matrixexponential exp(ikQ) with nonnegative matrix (operator) Q is an ESF.

Without going into detailed definitions here, suffice it to say that anoperator function belongs to the corresponding class if its determinant is

a function from a similar scalar class. For analytic operator functions F

bounded in C, there also exists factorization

F II0F: ,

where ri is a BPP, 0 is an ESF, and F e+ is an outer operator function.Consider now the exposition of the known results on the properties of

families X of simple fractions x„(k), n E Z. It appears that for the

minimality of. (on 1-1..) the validity of Blaschke condition (B) is necessary

and sufficient.The criterion of uniform minimality of X is the Carleson condition

inf flmEi n,n � m

2,, — > 0. ( C)

2„ — 2 e,

This condition is well known in the theory of interpolation of boundedanalytic functions. Normalized families of simple fractions exhibit asurprising equivalence between the uniform minimality and the ..2°-basisproperty: that is, the Carleson condition proves to be the 2'-basiscriterion. In the strip 0 < c < Im k < C, condition (C) transforms into the

separability condition (inf„, � „IA„, — 2„1 > 0). Recall that these properties

of family X are equivalent to similar properties of an exponential familyin L2(0, co).

In Section 11.2, minimality and .29-basis criteria are given for family 6%,of vector exponentials. For family Sce to be minimal in L 2 (0, co; 91), it is

necessary and sufficient that 2„ satisfy the Blaschke condition, so the finite

i f h(t) fe(k) = exp dt

ir k — t


8 Introduction

dimensional case has no specific character of its own, in comparison withthe scalar one.

The situation is more complicated when it comes to the .29-basisproperty. If one takes two Carlesonian sets a, and cr,, then theirunification may be not Carlesonian (in contrast to the Blaschke con-dition, the Carleson one is not "additive"). Consequently, scalar family

will not yet be an '-basis. At the same time, vectorexponential family

{eutP11}A..,1 V {ewt12}.I.6,2

evidently constitutes an 2'-basis if r1 i and 17 2 are linearly independent. Itis known that 21-basis family d'oo allows a splitting into dim 91 subfamilies,each of which has a Carlesonian spectrum. This single condition is notenough for the ..29-basis property of go,. To obtain the .29-basis criterionit is necessary to demand in addition that every group of "close points"A has vectors r1 z , which are "linear independent" uniformly in groups.The exact formulation of the criterion is presented in Subsection 11.2.2.

A criterion for vector exponential family 6', to form a basis in spaceL2(0, T; 91) is established in Section 11.3 in terms of the generating function(GF).

The GF concept was formulated some time ago (Paley and Wiener1934) and since then has been widely used (see, e.g., Levin 1956, 1961)for the investigation of scalar exponential families {e 11^`} in L 2 (0, T). TheGF is constructed by its zeros A„ with the help of the following formula:

f (k) = e ikTI2 fo, fo p v. ri (1 — kI2,,), (2)

under the assumption that f, has the same exponential type T/2 both inthe upper and the lower half-planes. Later, we assume that the spectruma = {A„} lies in the strip 0 < c < 1m A„ < C; note that the shift 2„1-.- 1,, + i(5does not change the minimality and 2'-basis properties of the family. Byemploying the GF, B. S. Pavlov (1979) managed to obtain the basiscriterion: family {e il"`} constitutes a Riesz basis in L 2(0, T) if and only if

(i) {1„} is separable and(ii) If(x)1 2 satisfies the so-called Muckenhoupt condition

sup —1

If(x)I 2 dx —1

f If (x)1 - 2 dx < oo ,1I1

where .% is the set of intervals of the real axis.


Introduction 9

Condition (i) is equivalent to the s-basis property of family {e'^`} inL2(p, co). Condition (ii) leads to several equivalent statements. One ofthem, which has just appeared in the Pavlov approach, requires the

Hilbert operatoru(t) dt

(Hu)(x) = 1 /Iv .It X - t

to be bounded in the space of functions squarely integrable on the line

with the weight I f(x)I 2 .Extending this approach, we obtain the necessary and sufficient con-

dition that the vector exponential family forms a basis (see Section 11.3).

We find that GF f from (ii) may be defined as a function fulfillingfactorization conditions

f(k) = B(k)f: (k), k e C + ,

f(k) = e,krf (k), k e C_ .

Here B is the BP constructed by {fi n } while fe are outer functions in C,and C_, respectively. These are precisely the relations that provide thegrounds for the definition of the GF in the vector case. Entire operatorfunction F with a factorization

F 11F;F eikTF; (4)

is said to be a GF for family e'T {e"-.`n „} in L 2 (O, T; 91). Here, FQ areouter operator functions in C ± , and II(k) is the BPP constructed by

and tin (i.e., the determinant of H is the BP with zeros t,, and

tin E Ker 11*().„)). Family eT is shown to form a Riesz basis in L2 (O, T; gt)if and only if (i) family forms an 2-basis on the semiaxis, and (ii)the Hilbert operator (3) is bounded in the space of vector functionssquarely summable on the line with the matrix weight F*(x)F(x).

Properties of scalar exponential families are examined in Section 11.4.The known results concerning the minimality and basis property arediscussed first, and then some new findings presented. For example, it isnow thought that sine-type functions play a significant role in exponentialfamilies. Entire function f of the exponential type is called a sine-typefunction if its zeros lie in the strip urn kj < C and if both f and 1/f arebounded on some line parallel to the real axis. The proximity of numbers#1.„ to the zeros of some sine-type function is the known sufficientcondition for family {e".^`} to be a Riesz basis. The converse statement



10 Introduction

is also proved to be true, and this fact is used to demonstrate the followingresult.

If family ST = {e"-^`} forms a Riesz basis in L2 (0, T), then for anyT' < T there exists a subfamily S' c ST constituting a Riesz basis inL 2 (0, T'). We also elaborate an algorithm for the construction of such asubfamily.

In the same section, we prove that statements similar to the oneformulated above are valid for families of a more general form:

{tr" m = 0, 1, . . , r„, n e Z.

In Section 11.5, we look at vector exponential families further. We show,for example, that when family ST = {e'n'n„} is minimal in L2 (0, T; C"),then scalar family {e iAnt} generally is not minimal in L2(0, NT), butbecomes minimal after N arbitrary elements are removed from it.

Another assertion we make there deals with the stability of the basisproperty. If ST forms a Riesz basis in L2 (0, T; 91), then E > 0 may be foundsuch that any family e of the form {e"^tii,,} is also a Riesz basis inL 2 (0, T; 92) as soon as

'An — nnl + — ILO < E.

Chapter II closes with a discussion of the conditions that provide theweak convergence in L 2 (0, T) to zero of series E a„ e - "^` (the "parabolic"case) or E a y, en"' (the "hyperbolic" case), which implies all the coefficientsto be zeros. In the parabolic case, it takes place under very weaklimitations on {it„}. However, to make this implication hold in thehyperbolic case, stringent restrictions on {a„} have to be imposed. Asbecomes clear later in the book, differences in the behavior of theexponential family lead to a qualitative distinction in the controllabilityof parabolic and hyperbolic systems.

Evolution equations of the first and second order in time

(t) + Ax(t) = f(t), (5)

3(t) + Ax(t) = f(t) (6)

are treated in Chapter III. Here, A is a self-adjoint, semibounded-from-below operator in Hilbert space H; operator A cc .= A + al is positivedefinite. We assume A to have a set of eigenvalues {).„}7 3_ 1 with corre-sponding eigenfunctions cp y, forming an orthonormal basis in H.

We introduce a scale of Hilbert spaces Ws , s e R. For s > 0, 147, is thedomain of operator /C."; for s < 0, W, = W'_, is the space dual toW-5 with respect to inner product in H, Wo H = H'.

1.01111118--111•1 INS MIN MI Ilea MI NMI r INN

Introduction 11

We use the Fourier method to construct generalized solutions to

equations (5) and (6), which are continuous functions in time with thevalues in one of the spaces from the above scale. That is to say, wedemonstrate in Section III.1, that for f E L 2(0, T; ,) and initial

condition x(0) = x o e W., equation (5) has the unique solution of class

co, n; W,.). In Section 111.2, we arrive at a similar result for equation

(6): with f from the class under initial conditions x(0) = xo

X(0) x i e „ equation (6) has a unique solution x such that

x e T]; Wt.), z e C([0, 7]; Wr 0. It is convenient to write the latter

inclusions in the form (x, E C([0, T]; -1,K)r/5 r = Wr 0 Wr — 1• Note that

these results are sharp ones.Next, we consider controls systems

5c(t) + Ax(t) = Bu(t), (7)

(t) + Ax(t) = Bu(t). (8)

Here, control u belongs to space all := L2 (0, T; U), where U is a Hilbert

space, and B is a bounded operator from U to Wr _ 1 . With the help ofthe Fourier method, control problems for systems (7) and (8) are reducedto the problem of moments. Namely, reachability set R(T) of system (7)

in time T (for x(0) = 0) is shown to be isomorphic to the image of operator(1) of the problem of moments for family

spar{0, + cor/2 e --Â n tB* 90 oil.

For system (8) with initial conditions x(0) = (0) = 0, reachability set

01(T),(T) {(x(T), (T)) u c all},

is isomorphic to the image of the operator of the problem of momentsfor family

r — 1 (An + a) 2 e ± Ls/Anti cohyp = { J n = l•

(For the sake of brevity, we assume here that numbers An are separated

from zero.)Section 111.3 then relates the questions of controllability for systems (7)

and (8) to the properties of family 6' in space qt. Previous studies have

focused mainly on two types of DPS controllability: the exact one, whenthe reachability set includes some explicitly described space, and theapproximate one, when the reachability set is dense in the phase space ofthe system. From a practical point of view, the distinction between thepossibility of getting exactly into some state and the possibility of finding


12 Introduction

the system in its c-vicinity of this state is not too significant. The behaviorof the control norm when c —+ 0 is important, however, as is the stabilityof the controllability type under small perturbations of the systemparameters. We suggest a new classification of controllability types thatrefines the common one by taking into account both of these points andrelates the "quality" of controllability directly to the properties ofexponential families.

Suppose that in system (7) H0 is a Hilbert space densely and continuouslyembedded into W., which comprises all the eigenfunctions (p„ (in particular,H, may coincide with W.). The conventional definition of the exactcontrollability (we call this property E controllability relative to H0 intime T) means that R(T) Ho . It is natural to extract the case of theequality, R(T) = H0 , which we call B controllability (relative to H0 intime T). In this case, the final state x(T) may be achieved with the helpof control u, whose norm is equivalent to that of x(T):

Ilx(T)60 X II

The approximate controllability (we called it W controllability in time T)means that C1,,,R(T) = W, . It makes physical sense to distinguish thesituation when reachability set R(T) contains all (finite) linear combinationsof eigenfunctions co n . This type is called M controllability.

Similar definitions of controllability types are also introduced for asystem of the second order in time. For instance, system (8) is said to beM controllable in time T if ✓ (T) contains all linear combinations of statesof the form (cp„, 0) and (0, cp,,).

Many studies dealing with the proof of the approximate controllabilityfor DPS of this or that kind, have demonstrated their M controllability.D. L. Russell (1978: 699) has recognized this case and called it the eigen-function controllability.

Next, concentrate on the spaces H0 of a more special type, such as Wfor system (7) or spaces Yr: for system (8). From the isomorphicity ofreachability sets to the image of the moment problem operator, one is ableto relate controllability types to the properties (types of linear inde-pendence) of vector exponential families.

Suppose that in system (7) H0 = W.. Then it follows that

(a) the system is B-controllable relative to H0 in time T if and only if gearforms an .'-basis in qi;

(b) the system is M-controllable in time T if and only if i-par is minimalin qi;


Introduction 13

(c) the system is W-controllable in time T if and only if Opar is W-linear

independent in V;(d). the unification of sets R(T) in T > 0 is dense in W. if and only if

family 6.'4, is W-linearly independent in 6/40 .= L 2(0, co; U).

uite similar assertions are correct for system (8) when Op., is replaced

and W,. by -11/:.Y' The discussion then turns to an abstract version of the Hilbert

Uniqueness Method suggested by J.-L. Lions (1986) for systems (7)

.la'd (8).-.Chapters IV and V are denoted to controllability in systems described

differential equations of parabolic and hyperbolic types. These problemsare discussed in the framework of Chapter III, in which A is, an ellipticdifferential operator of the second order in a bounded domain LI c 111N . In

this case, spaces 147,. are related to the Sobolev spaces by the following

inclusions:Ha(T) c w, c 1-F(S2), r E [0, ro],

where rc, depends on the smoothness of operator coefficients and thebOundary T of domain C2.

Operator B has various forms, depending on the kinds of controlactions. We first discuss controls entering the right-hand side of thedifferential equation (controls with a spatial support in domain C2). If, forinstance, a control is of the form u(x, t) and its x support lies in a

subdomahi ST, then B is the operator of multiplication by the characteristic

function of SY and U = Off). If the control is finite-dimensional, thatis, the right-hand side is E7= 1 bp (x)up (t) (functions by are specified), then

U = C'" and

= E ri p bp (•): Cmp=

In particular, functions by may be generalized functions, for example,,bp'(x) = O(x — xp ), xp e n. In the latter case, we speak about pointwisecontrol.. .

Within the framework of the same scheme, we also consider boundarycontrols that enter the boundary conditions of the corresponding initial

• boundary-value problem. So, for a boundary condition acting on a part'a the boundary in the Dirichlet problem U = L2(F') and the value of

functional Bri, n e L2(F') on element 9 is given by the formula

<11q, 9> = ri(s)09(s)


MI MI IIIIII • MI MI =II OM MI OM14 Introduction

(a derivative along the conormal stands under the integral). For classicalsolutions of initial boundary-value problems, the formula is obtained by;means of integration by parts. For the generalized solutions concerned,just the specification of operator B allows one to actually assign a rigorousmeaning to the initial boundary-value problems in question. For controlswith both spatial and boundary support, one is able to distinguish thecase of finite-dimensional, particularly pointwise, control.

In Chapters IV and V the unified approach (see Chapter III), is usedto investigate a variety of control actions, and a number of new findingsare reported. In addition, further information is provided on the propertiesof exponential families. Note that in some cases the clarification of therelationship between DPS controllability and exponential families permitsus to use results on the controllability provided by other methods (notassociated with the moment approach) to establish new properties ofvector exponential families.

To mention some of the more interesting results concerning parabolicsystem controllability (Chapter IV), consider a system controlled over apiece F' of the boundary (F' is relatively open and nonempty). ForU = OF') a parabolic system happens to be W controllable in any time.Moreover, the same fact takes place for a narrower class of controls:

u(x, t)1 .„ Er = f(x)g(t),

where f runs through LAP), while g — through LAO, T).For any kind of finite dimensional controls for dim S2 > 1, the system

proves to be not M-controllable in any time. Lack of M controllabilityimplies a lack of E controllability relative to Sobolev space with anyexponent. Simultaneously, the W controllability is equivalent to theso-called rank criterion; when the latter is broken, the exponential familybecomes linearly dependent.

Hyperbolic system controllability (Chapter V) has, on the one hand, agreat deal in common with the controllability of parabolic systems underthe same types of control actions. So, for any kind of finite-dimensionalcontrols, the system is not M-controllable. On the other hand, hyperbolicsystems are boundary controllable only for large enough T (it is associatedwith the finite propagation velocity of perturbations). Furthermore, inmany cases when the corresponding parabolic system allows for onlyM controllability, the hyperbolic system tends to be B-controllablerelative to certain phase space 11/,... According to our approach, thedistinctions are due to essentially differing features of exponential families

MN MINI 01111 NS OM MN 11111 MINI

Introduction 15

with real (in the parabolic case) and imaginary (in the hyperbolic case)

exponents.Chapter VI turns to boundary, initial, and pointwise control problems

of the vibrations of a homogeneous rectangular membrane. These problemsdemonstrate clearly the advantages of the moment method. In particular,

in Section VI.1, we arrive at a sharp result pertaining to the smoothness

of solution to the wave equation in rectangle 12 = (0, a) x (0, b) with anonhomogeneous Neumann boundary condition of class LAO, T; OF))and a zero initial condition. We prove that relation

(z, i) e C([0, 71; 1-1 314(C1)®

hblds for solution z of the problem.The chapter also presents interesting negative results that prove the

lack of approximate controllability. In Section VI.1 we consider the caseof boundary condition u, (03,10v) = b(x)u(t), with a fixed function b. InSection VI.2 we deal with the problems of initial and pointwise control.We find any number of membrane points can be made to have arbitrarytrajectories, if the initial conditions are appropriate. This problem is dual

to the problem of pointwise control. We show that for any T > 0 andany number of pointwise controls, reachability sets .R(T) are not densein the phase space of the system.

The following conjecture therefore seems reasonable. For a hyperbolicequation in an arbitrary domain n c RN, N > 1, the system reachabilityset under a finite-dimensional control of any kind is not dense in the phasespace of the system for any T > 0.

Chapter VII considers boundary control problems connected withhyperbolic systems for vector functions with one spatial variable. Withthe help of the moment method, we reduce the problems to the study ofvector exponential family with the values in a finite-dimensional space.The theory developed in Chapter II is particularly relevant to this case,and the reduction to the moment problem allows us to investigate systemcontrollability properties in a comprehensive fashion.

The kinds of problems found in this chapter can be illustrated first bya network of connected homogeneous strings controlled at the nodes. Weprove the system to be B-controllable (in a large enough time) if the graphrepresenting the network is a tree. In the opposite case, the system maybe M-controllable if there is no cycle of strings with commensurableoptical lengths. If such a cycle can be found, however, the system is notW-controllable.


16 Introduction

We also treat a control problem for a multichannel acoustic system

{Q(x) 82Y = 82Y , 0 < x < 1, 0 < t < T,ate ax e

y(0, t) = u(t), u c L 2 (0, T; CI ),

y(I, t) = 0.

Here, Q is a positive definite matrix function. The system B controllability inspace L2 (0, 1; cN) e I-I - 1. (0, I; cN ) in time T � To, To := 2 .110 II Q(x)11 212 dx,is proved. In this problem, as well as in other problems of this kind thathave a clear physical meaning, one manages to construct a generatingmatrix function (4) for the family of vector exponentials, as expressed viasolutions of the corresponding Helmholtz equation, and then to describethe properties of the vector exponential family that appears.


IElements of Hilbert space theory

To understand the theory put forward in this book, it is necessary to befamiliar with the following concepts:

(a) Skew projectors and angles between subspaces.(b) Families of elements of Hilbert spaces: W-linear independence, mini-

mality, and Riesz-basis property.(c) Solvability of moment problem in Hilbert space.

Throughout this chapter, 5 denotes separable Hilbert space, and 9; 12and 91 are subspaces of 5 (a subspace is any closed linear subset of 5).

For a linear span of the elements e 5 or subspaces E, we writeLingil(Lin{Ei}). A closure of a linear span is denoted by

C15 Lin{}(C15 LinfEl),

or simply by V{ i}(V{E;}) if it is clear in which metrics the closure istaken. If 902 and 92 are two subspaces of 5, then 9321 and 92 1 refer totheir orthogonal complements in

V{912, 92} = 9J2 V91.

The notation Pan is reserved for the orthoprojector on a subspace 932in 5. In what follows we denote by AI R the restriction of (acting inHilbert spaces 5 operator A on set B c 5). Notice that we distinguishoperators [P931 1 91 : 92 1--+ 5] and [P9R 1 9.1: 931].

1. Families of vectors and families of subspaces1.1. Orthoprojectors and angles between subspaces

Let 9112 and 92 be two subspaces of 5.


MI MI NM NM OM IMO MIN NM mg gm1 8 1. Elements of Hilbert space theory

Definition 1.1.1. A number 9 = '5 (911, 91), 9 e [0, i/2], is said to be anangle between the subspaces 911 and 91 if

l(rn, cos 9 = supme9M, ne91 IIMII lln ll

If 931 is a one-dimensional subspace, we usually write 9(m, 91) insteadof 9(932, 91), with m E 931, m 0.

For two one-dimensional subspaces, the definition coincides with theusual one for an angle between the straight lines. On the other hand, thisdefinition differs from that of an angle between planes in R 3 (in our sense,the angle between two planes equals zero, since they contain a nonzerocommon element).

It is evident that if 931 and 91 have nonzero common elements, the anglebetween them is zero. However, it is possible that 9(931, 91) = 0 though912 n 91= 101.

Example 1.1.2. Let In iEN be an orthonormal basis in .5,

:= V M - 11 ,je N910:= Lin{0_ 1 + V?.;}, 91 = C191 0 ,

where e, > 0, j e N, and ei 0. Then 931 n 91 = {0}, but 9(931, 91) = 0.1 •-• co

Let us check whether 931 and 91 do not have nonzero common elements.In fact, let a sequence {f„} ne IN be found, with the elements from 91 0 , whichconverges to f E 931. If

fn = E C;n)(V2),, + EA),

then, obviously, sequence {c (1 ) } converges to some cj , that is,

f = E civ2);_, + E

Clearly, f E 972 if and only if all c; = 0, that is, when f = 0. On the otherhand,

KM-11 1 +0 EA)12cos t 9(932, 91) cos 2 9(V23; _ 1 , + Ei0i ) —

= (1 + c2)-1 ____+ 1 ." 1— co

R I3j- 111 2 N?j-1 ej2j112

11E1 Ell MI 1111111 MINI MIMI OM NM

1. Families of vectors and families of subspaces 19

Lemma 1.1.3. Let dim 931 < co and 9(932, 91) = 0. Then 9J1 and 91 have anonzero common element.

pROOF. Since the angle between the subspaces is zero, sequences

{rrij} EN c 931 and {ni } iEN c 91 of elements with unit norms may be found

such that(m• 1.

J •J

Then II inf — nf 0. Since the dimension of 931 is finite, one can choose

a subsequence Imir l converging to some m e 931. One has lint II = 1, and

the subsequence Inir l also tends to m. The lemma is proved.

In the next lemma, the angles between subspaces are related with the

orthogonal projectors on them.__—

Lemma 1.1.4. The following formulas are valid:

(a) cos 49(971 , gl) = 11 Pml 9111 = II P931 1'9111 ,(b) sin 9(9311 , 91) = I [Pox 91]

(c) sin 9(9:11, 91) = inf II m — nII.mcm, limit =1; nE 9?


(a) Directly from the definition of an angle the relation follows

cos 9(931, 91) = supmeErt,n€91,m � 0,nt0 XI Dill

= I(rn, —n)I IIP9nn11 sup sup sup

ne91,n*0 meTZ,mt 0 IImII Ilnll ne911,n* 0 Ilnll

(b) [139N19-1] 2 = inf 114011 2 = inf ( 1 — IIP 1nII 2)negt, = 1 n€91, = 1

= 1 — sup 11P9il in11 2 = 1 — 11P9n119 -211 2 .11n11 =1

Now (a) implies (b).

(c) inf urn — nI1 2 inf 11Pglm + Pgl im — n11 2me932, = 1; ne91 m€972. Ilmil = 1; nEgt

inf 11P9-t im11 2

= 1 — sup 11P9Irn11 2 .me931, = 1

Formula (a) provides (c). The lemma is proved.

1 II 1 ,

1(m, Pwi n + P9jt 1n)1

NIB MI 01111 10111 111110 MIMI MIN

20 I. Elements of Hilbert space theory

1.2. Skew projectors

An algebraic sum of two linear sets and X is said to be their directsum .11 + ,A1 if n = {0} holds.

Definition 1.1.5. Operator = 9,V acting from the direct sum di +according to the rule


is a skew projector on .1/ parallel to ,i11 .

Obviously, the definition is reasonable and 9 is a projector, that means,= 9. It so happens that any projector has the form of 9 1j.

Lemma 1.1.6. Let 9 be a projector in $ (i.e., 9 2 = 9). Then .9 = ,where = Im 9 , .A1 = Ker 9.


(i) Let us first establish that .11 n = {0}, that is, operator .9 Ijfis defined properly.

If 1e .11 n N, then 1 = 9'w for some w E 9(9) and P1 = 0. Then,/ = 9'w = .9 2 w = .9(9w) == 0.

(ii) Since 9 2 = c 9(9).(iii) Let us verify that

I 11.4r-it+ i.e., .9 .

Actually, for m e .11, n e we have

.9(m + n) = gm + g'n = 9m.

Further, 9(m — 9m) = 0, so that m — 9m e . It is clear thatm — 9m e Al'; hence, according to (i), m — 9m = 0, that is, 9(m + n) = m.

Let us now take some arbitrary I e (9) and m := .91 e .11. Then9(1 — m) = 9l — 9 2 1 = 0 holds, which means n 1 — me.Al. In thisway, the opposite inclusion, it + .A1 9(9), is obtained which com-pletes the lemma.

By means of the representation, we establish the form of an operatoradjoint to a projector. Recall that 972 and 91 are subspaces.

111111 r MI MI INN NM MI

1. Families of vectors and families of subspaces 21

Lemma 1.1.7. The operator 9a* = [49 ]* coincides with the operator

.= ggi1.11

PROOF. We have

9011 n 911 {m e 9)1 V 91 I m 1 9J1, m 91} = {0} .

Therefore operator a' is defined correctly.

(i) Let us check thatc

that is, for any 1 = m + n E g(9a) and arbitrary w = m 1 +

(ni e 9)1, n e 91, m1 e 9) -", n1 e 911 ) an equality

(.91, w) = (1, 'Ow)


(.9(m + n), w) = (m, + n 1) = (m, n') = (m + n,

(ii) To show that g* is a projector, let w E g(g)*), that is,

(911, w) = (1, g*w) Vi e ✓ (g).

Hence, for every 1 e g(.9), the equality is true:

(91(911), w) = (gl, g*w).

As .9 2 = g,(91(911), w) = (1, Y*w).

Comparing the right-hand sides of the two latter equalities, one findsthat g*w e 2(91*) and g*(g*w) = g*w.

By the force of Lemma 6 for X = Im = Ker g* one has


If one demonstrates that di c 911 , 9:111, then the assertion of ourlemma will follow from (i). Let 1 E g(Y*). Since 0 = (gn, 1) = (n, 9a*1),for n e 91 one finds Y*1191, so that dl = Im g* c 9t'. If 9a*1 = 0,

• then for m e 932 0 = (m, 9a*1) = (91m,1) = (m, 1) and .K = Ker g* isorthogonal to 9R.

The lemma is proved.

We now establish a relationship between skew and orthogonal projectors.

1111 NM 011 OM Mil 1111 MO OM

22 I. Elements of Hilbert space theory

Lemma 1.1.8. Operators .9 = .9 and := [1391 11 9] -1 P%1 exist simul-taneously and are equal.

PROOF. is defined correctly if and only if P91 11 933 is nondegenerate,which is equivalent to the equality 971 n 91 = {0}, since for Pin = 0,n E (91 1 )1 = 91. In turn, the equality is equivalent to the existence of theskew projector .9.

We check an inclusion

(i.e., g(9) C g( 9) and ' -. 6 (g, ) = P1).If I = m + n, m g31, n e 91, then Pgz i.1 = Polim and -91 = m = .91.Let / .g(0). Since g([P91 , 11(1] = Im(P91 19x) = P911932, P9111 = Pgzim

for some m e 971. Therefore, Pgl i(/ — m) = 0 and, consequently, 1—m=ne91.Thus, g( .g(g), which completes the proof.

Lemma 1.1.9. Assume that 971 n 91 = {0}. Then:

(a) operator AT is bounded if and only if 9(931,91) > 0 and in this case

11 ,9 &91 = sin 49 (931 , 91); (1)

(b) linear set 912 4- 91 is closed if and only if 9(9J1, 91) > 0;

(c) 9(9J1, 91) = 9(9J11 , 911 )•



III 1 11 - 1 =Ilrn — n11 = inf Ilm — nll

Ilgr (m — 011 m.n Ilmll

From Lemma 4(c) one obtains assertion (a).(b) If 931 -j- 91 is a subspace, operator gr is defined on a closed set. It

is not difficult to show that the operator is closed; thus it is boundedaccording to the closed graph theorem. From (a) it follows that9(971, 91) > 0.

Conversely, if angle 9(971, 91) > 0, then, by the force of (a), operatorglr is bounded. Therefore, the convergence of sequence {n +

E 931, nj a 91, implies the convergence of A 19/91 (mi + nj) = n . Since932 is a subspace, then m1 converges to some element of 972. Thensequence {nj} converges to an element of 91 as well; that is, 972 4- 91is a closed set.

Assertion (c) follows from (a), Lemma 7, and the fact that the normsof an operator and its adjoint coincide. The lemma is proved.

NM NMI INN OM MI Mill I= MO •1. Families of vectors and families of subspaces 23

In Chapter II, exponentials on an interval are considered projection(restrictions) of exponentials on the positive semiaxis. The properties ofsuch an operation are studied in the next lemma, which applies to thegeneral situation. Notice that along with operator P9N 1 91 acting from 91into .5 we consider operator [P I : 1-4 931] acting into 931. The operatoradjoint to the last one is expressed in a simpler form.

Lemma 1.1.10.(a) Projection operator Pm contracted to 91 is an isomorphism onto its image

if and only ifgo(9311, 91) > 0. (2)

(b) A relation is true

[139x 1 91 : 91 1—■ 9J1]* = P9-1 1 9N : 9321—■ 91. (3)

(c) Operator P991 1 91 : 91 931 acts as an isomorphism of subspaces 91 and 9JI

if and only if (2) holds and

(19(971, 91 1- ) > O. (4)

PROOF. Part (a) of the lemma follows immediately from Lemma 4(b).Assertion (b) is a direct consequence of an identity

(P n, m) (n, Pgt m), m e 901, n e 91.

With regard to (c), operator PER : 91 931 acts as an isomorphism ofsubspaces 91 and 931 if and only if it is an isomorphism onto its image,and the image coincides with 931. The image of this operator is densein 9:11 only in the case where the adjoint operator is invertible. From(3) one finds that the invertibility of [P: 91 1—* 931]* is equal to911 n 931 = {0}. Hence, operator Pte : 91 F-4 931 is isomorphic only when(2) and 911 n 971 = {0} hold simultaneously. Under condition (2), sub-space 91 1 V 931 coincides with 931 V 91 (otherwise a nonzero element of9311 n 91 would be found). Therefore, from Lemma 9(c) it follows that(2) and 911 n 931 = {0} are simultaneously correct if and only if both (2)and (4) hold. The lemma is proved.

1.3. Families of Hilbert space vectors

Let E = {';} ;EN be an arbitrary family of elements (vectors) of Hilbertspace 5. In this section we define various types of "independence" for theelements of E.

MI NM I= MI IIMI NM MI I= • I=24 I. Elements of Hilbert space theory

Definition 1.1.11. Family E is W-linearly independent if there exists nononzero sequence {ai} e e 2 such that for any element f e 5 satisfyingEr= , 1(f, )IZ < co series EA, ai(f,) converges to zero. The propertyof 8 to be W-linearly independent is denoted as E e (W).

We consider primarily the situation with Er-1 1(f 2 < co fOr anyf E 5. In this case, the W-linear independence means the uniqueness ofthe weak sum E

E la < 09, E = 0 weakly in 5 {a. = 0 W}.{= .i=1

In the literature (see Gokhberg and Krein 1965), one may find thefollowing concept of co-linear independence:

E lai i2 < co, E aA=i=i J=1

It is easily seen that the property of W-linear independence that has beenintroduced is not weaker than co-linear independence. The example showsthat W-linear independence is, in fact, stronger.

Example 1.1.12. Assume that family El3 = ic. forms an orthonormalbasis in 5. Let us settle

:= a; j = 2, 3, ...

and demonstrate that the family E = Rd ." is co-linearly independentbut not W-linearly independent.

Suppose that series EA, cA converges to zero. Then multiplying it bye

7 one arrives at

(j + 1)co. 1 = jc; = const.

Hence, the partial sums of the series may be written as


E cA= ciEa + - a) + • • + (a - SR-1)] = C1SR (5)j= 1

So, series ET cA converges to zero if and only if c 1 = c2 = • • • = 0, thatis, E is co-linearly independent.

Series ET ( .i/j) converges weakly to zero, since E ll= 1 ( ilj)= a. ThusE (W).

1,111111 1•1111 11111 INN MO OM I= MI I= =I

I. Families of vectors and families of subspaces 25

Dtfinition 1.1.13. Family E is minimal (notation E c (M)), if for any j

clement does not belong to the closure of all the remaining elements:

V (6)

E (M), there exists family E' R'd, which is said to be biorthogonal

to E, such that

= = {1 i =


The biorthogonal family is specified by formula (7) up to any elements

from the orthogonal complement to VE. Condition 4j e VE, extractsbiorthogonal elements with minimum norm.

According to Lemma 3, condition (6) is equivalent to the property of

angles (p( .i , EP), j = 1, 2, ... , to be positive. That is why in the subspace

V there exist bounded operators

II F.(i)g.;

and, as is easily verified,

!I'= 9 J J

j II II 2and

= ,It follows that

= KikIII; IIHence for the biorthogonal family elements from Lemma 9(a) an equalityfollows

Example 1.1.14. Let E = ftilr 0, 5 = L2(0,1). Then E e (W), but 'E (M).

The family of polynomials P„(t), n > 0, is dense in L2(0,1), and the sane

is true for polynomial family tR {P„(t)}, where R e N is fixed. Therefore,

the family {t R , Rt. + 1 .} is complete and t E Vi„ tj; that is, (M)(details may be found in Sadovnichii 1979). Let us prove the inclusion



11;1111i = [sin (P(;, E (m )] 1.) (10)


26 I. Elements of Hilbert space theory

e (W). Let fs be the characteristic function of segment [0, s]. Then

sj+ 1


E Kfs, ti)1 2 < 00.= 0

Suppose that E (W). Then function F(s) = (fs ,Ejt o eiti) turnsidentically into zero for some nontrivial sequence {ci} et'. By the forceof (11), F(s) takes the form

F(s) = E= 0 j + 1

f(fs, ti )L2 ( 0,1 ) = t dt =o j + 1 .

oo s j + 1

and therefore is analytical inside the unit disc. So ci = 0 for every j.

Definition 1.1.15. Family E is *-uniform minimal (notation 8 e (UM)), ifthere exists a biorthogonal family with uniformly bounded norms ofthe elements.

Recall that under a uniformly minimal family (without *), such aminimal one is meant, for which the numbers gi ll gni are uniformlybounded, or for which (p( .i , Eci) ) > c > 0. The above definition is moreconvenient for our purposes. For almost normed families (i.e., under thecondition X 1), the definitions coincide.

Definition 1.1.16. Family E-"- is said to be an '-basis or a Riesz basis inthe closure of its linear span (notation E (LB)), if is an image of anisomorphic mapping V of some orthonormal family.

is said to be a Riesz basis, if E E (LB) and E. is a complete family:


Operator V 1 is said to be an orthogonalizer of the family E. In whatfollows, we always use the term "basis" to mean Riesz basis.

The introduced properties of the families are interrelated in such a waythat every property is implied by the next one:

(LB) (UM) (M) (W) (co-linear independence)

(linear independence).


of vectors _ and families of subspaces 27

Proposition 1.1.17 (Bari theorem, Bari 1951; Gokhberg and Krein 1965;

ikol'skii 1980).

) If E. gi ly°_, a (LB), then the biorthogonal to E family E' = R117_,such that c VE is also an 2-basis. In addition, E' is expressed

via the orthogonalizer of family 'E and the orthonormal basisEo r 1 , = of the space V- '(VE) by the formula

(V')*V-1 .

(b) E a (LB) if and only if for any finite sequence {c i} an estimate holds

2E IC .1 2 .


In this case, each element f e V'E has a series expansion

f= M.j= 1

Example 1.1.18. Let E° = {Mr„, 0

= :=-- + 1;) . Then

(a) E is a complete family.(b) E E (UM).(c) E tt (LB), but its biorthogonal family E' is an 2-basis.(d) Projection of element a on any element of the (complete) family

parallel to the closure of the linear span of all the remaining elementsof the family equals zero.

Let us check these assertions.

(a) If f 1 VE and f = Er=, cA?, then by means of scalar multiplicationby j with j > 0, one finds c, + c; = 0. So c; —c0, je N, and forco 0 0, {ci} ct ( 2 .

(b), (c) It is easy to see that E' = { y}7 1 . If one takes a sequence{c/ } E e2v1, then the series ET cA diverges in 5 since

Ec; = E ci0 +(Eci)a1 1

and the Bari theorem (Proposition 17(b)) provides E, (LB).From (9) it follows that the skew projector has the form

= (*, > 1 ,

which produces an equality gia = 0 for all j e N.

E J1 = 1

be an orthonormal basis in 5 and

■ MI INN NM MI • 10111

28 I. Elements of Hilbert space theory

We now introduce a subject convenient for the description of properties .

of elements belonging to some family E' = where X is asubset of N.

Definition 1.1.19. A matrix with elements

ri; = 0 ; i,jeXc N

is called the Gram matrix of the family 'E' =

For a countable family E (i.e., for X = N) the Gram matrix is infinite,whereas for a finite one (X = {1, 2, ... , N}) it has N 2 entries. A familyof elements is determined by the Gram matrix up to unitary equivalence.The bilinear form of the Gram matrix reads

(c, rd) = (Fe, d) = ( E cA, E dA) (12)5i=1 i=i

00 co

(for the case X = N). This form is defined over the elements c, d e e 2

such that the series E cA and E dA converge.

Theorem 1.1.20. The following assertions are valid.

(a) The square form of the Gram matrix is positive if and only if the familyE is co-linearly independent.

(b) The bilinear form of the Gram matrix generates a bounded andboundedly invertible operator F if and only if E e (LB).

(c) If 21,7 e (LB), then the Gram matrix for family E' is the inverse matrixto the Gram matrix for

(1-1 )i; = (13)

PROOF. Assertion (a) follows from the equality


(Fe, c)e 2 = J J

and the definition of co-linear independence.Assertion (b) follows from (12) and the Bari theorem (Proposition

17(b)). For (c), set I' -1 1C; = , xj = {x;;}f= 1 , where {C}r 1 is the standardbasis in e 2 . Then

(r Ci)e2 = (i)e2 =

For family it means thatC 0

E aiii(f, = 0j = 1

for any f such that

E .;)12 < 00.j = 1


29I. Families of vectors and families of subspaces

On the other hand, (12) implies

(rxi, Ci)t2 = xi14,, biJ ,n

and we obtain= E X I, n •


g5, ;)t, = (E E x!,„) = xi),„ = xi)n 5

= I— 'CO = (i)ii =The theorem is proved.

Relation (13) is valid for a minimal family E, if belongs to the imageof operator F. However, it is possible for the family E, to be minimal while

the basis vectors C.; do not lie in the domain of the operator F -1 . As canbe seen from (13), it happens when

> = 00.

We now prove the lemma on the conservation of the W-linearindependence property for the families whose elements differ by scalarfactors.

Lemma 1.1.21. Suppose that the families E.7 = and LT = aim , arerelated by the equalities = aA, where loci ! -< 1 and ai 0 0 for each j. If

e (W), then also E e (W).

PROOF. Assume {cif} e e 2 and Er= 1 cii(f,Z;)= 0 for any element f satis-fying condition

E Icf, < 00.i= 1


30 I. Elements of Hilbert space theory

Particularly (14) is true for all f such that E i j(f, 01 2 < co. Therefore,using property E a (W), we obtain = 0 and, consequently, ai = 0 forall j. The lemma is proved.

1.4. Families of subspaces of Hilbert space

Let j e N be subspaces of Hilbert space 5 and E = {EJ}%EN• Definefor the family E properties similar to those of families of elements.

Definition 1.1.22. Family E is minimal (notation E a (M)), if for any jthere exists a bounded skew projector gi on the subspace parallell to7.3u) Vi � j -E i . Family E' of subspaces El .= YTE; is said to be biorthogonalto E.

Family E is uniformly minimal (notation E a (UM)) if -< 1.Family E is said to be a Riesz basis in the closure of its linear span (an

2-basis, notation E a (LB)), if there exists an isomorphism V such thatthe family of subspaces { V'Ei} is orthogonal: V -1 ;1;1 i j.Operator is called an orthogonalizer of the family E.

Family E is a basis, if E. a (LB) and E is complete: VE = 5.

Remark 1.1.23. Sometimes it is convenient to abandon the restriction thatthe biorthogonal to E, family must lie in VE. Therefore, we call any familyof subspaces {El} such that

P -7f 771 11 EU) \ kr, ,__,• v

biorthogonal to E.

Definition 22 is consistent with the corresponding definitions forfamilies of elements in the sense that when choosing in every subspace EJan orthonormal basis Ri,„I ndifiEJ, one gets a family of elements { j ,„} j,„ withthe similar property.

We now give an analogy of the Bari theorem (Proposition 17) for afamily of subspaces.

Proposition 1.1.24 (Nikol'skii 1980: lecture VI, sec. 4). The followingconditions are equivalent:

(a) E a (LB),(b) in the subspace VE the norms II 11 5 and [Er.._ 1 • 11 21 112 are equivalent:


X E m ej=1

I 11111111 MIN MI MI =I ISM I= NM NM MN

1. Families of vectors and families of subspaces 31

> 0 may be found, such that for any partition of the family E. in two

subfamilies E r and (E 1 u EII = EI n = 0) we have

9(VEI, VE It) > E.

Note that its turn condition (c) is equivalent to the uniform boundedness

of all the projectors

and in such a case one easily finds that



,9)1/V E 1.I

1.5. Invariance of family properties under mappings

Theorem 1.1.25. Let 11 be an isomorphism in 5 and E = be a family

of subspaces. Then E has any of the following properties: (a) minimality,(b) uniform minimality, (c) an ..r-basis, and (d) a basis, if and only if a

family 11E = { LIEJ} has the same property.

PROOF. For properties (d) and (c) the results are obvious. Indeed, if V -1

is an orthogonalizer for the family E, then operator V = V - 1 U -1 is an

orthogonalizer for 11E, and vice versa.

To prove conservation of minimality and uniform minimality properties,we need the following proposition.

Proposition 1.1.26 (Pavlov 1971). If 931 and 91 are subspaces in 5 and U is

an isomorphism of the spaces 5, then

sin (p(11911, 1191) _� II II sin 9(931, 91).

PROOF. The formula is implied by inequalities


Ilumlland Lemma 4(c).


1111'11 m

n > 111111'1111 -1 II

nmli II m II II um II

Assertions (a) and (b) of our theorem now follow from the definitionsand Proposition 26.


32 1. Elements of Hilbert space theory

Remark 1.1.27. A similar statement is true not only for families osubspaces, but also for families of elements. For the latter, it is not difficulto demonstrate that the property of W-linear independence also surviveunder an isomorphism.

1.6. Minimality of families of elements and their projectionsLet E , be a family of elements in Hilbert space 5 and 971== \ /7.v —Assume 91 is a subspace of 5 and P91 E. is a family of projections on 91 ofthe elements from E. Let E' = be a family biorthogonal to E, and71;1 = , be a family biorthogonal to PP E (we suppose thatfamilies and Pte , are both minimal). Let us assume that biorthogonalfamilies E' and E lie in the subspace 931 and 91, respectively. In thissection, we present a number of results on the properties of P 9z 2,, whichare needed to study exponential families in the space L2 over an interval:the exponentials over an interval will be considered projections ofexponentials over a semiaxis.

Lemma 1.1.28. Let a family of elements PEE be minimal (P92 E, is *-uniformly minimal, PE E E (UM)). Then 8 is also minimal (E is *-uniformlyminimal, E c (UM)), and for the elements of biorthogonal families E' andE.,791 a relation holds:

Part .t, = (15)

PROOF. The first assertion of the lemma follows immediately from formula(15). For the latter we have

= P9&) = = (Pwg;1,1,where 5 is Kronecker's delta. The lemma is proved.

Remark 1.1.29. If PgI E is a uniformly minimal family of subspaces or P9,Eis a uniformly minimal family of elements (without *), then the familymay not be a uniformly minimal one, as an example shows. Assume{0} .71 0 to be an orthonormal basis in 5, and 91 to be a subspace of allthe elements orthogonal to a. Set ccia, + j > 0, where oci oowhen j —> co. Introduce a family E of one-dimensional subspaces spannedover the elements 1 . Since P91 E is an orthogonal family of subspacesspanned on 0 , P9 E (UM). But the angle between the subspaces Ei and8 t tends to zero with j -4 oo. Such a difference in properties of thefamilies of elements (Lemma 28) and the families of subspaces is associated


1. Families of vectors and families of subspaces 33

with the fact that our definition of *-uniform minimality depends on the

:normalization of the elements.

A biorthogonal family E' may be incomplete in 931 = V. (see Example8). Let us give a criterion for a biorthogonal family to be complete in 931.Tri order to do this, consider in Hilbert space 5 an operator V defined

n the span of an orthonormalized basis E ° = fmr=, and set E. =


Lemma 1.1.30. If a family a" is both complete and minimal, then the

biorthogonal family E ' = r= is complete in the space 5 if and only if

operator V allows a closure.

PROOF. The condition for E to be minimal implies e g( V*) and

0. Indeed, for x = c; ;° one has (Vx, = ci = (x, M. The

assertion of the lemma now follows from the fact that operator V* is

densely defined if and only if V allows a closure (Birman and Solomyak

980; chap. 3, sec. 3, th. 7).

Theorem 1.1.31. Suppose that families E and PT E are minimal, family PT E.

complete in 91, and family E' is complete in 931:

VE" = VE '931- (16)


(a) operator P9x 1 91 is invertible and has a dense image;

(b) if a family E is a unification of a finite number of 2'-basis subspaces,

= U7= E (LB), then the family biorthogonal to P91 E is complete

in the subspace 91.


(a) Operator P9119A: 9711--■ 91 adjoint to P9g,I 9,: 911-+ 931 has a dense imagesince subspace 91, according to the condition, is a closure of the linearspan of the family P9,21 Therefore operator P9j,I 9, is invertible. From

(15) and condition (16) it follows that operator P93,1 1 91 has a dense

imageVP93A,i VE" = m.

(b) Denote {0} an orthonormal basis in the subspace 991 and, just as in

Lemma 30, set VO = Let us check that under the condition (b)

of the Theorem 31 operator V is bounded.


34 I. Elements of Hilbert space theory

Represent family j , j = 1, . . . , N, in the form

= {1;„}„ E -AP ')V.I N •

Let V.I 1 be an orthogonalizer of the family Ej :

= n e -N.

Since Ei E (LB), V is an isomorphism of the spaces V{1 n° },, e ,,vi andHence operator V = II is bounded. The bounded..

ness of V implies the boundedness of the operator Paz V transferringorthonormal basis Ryl into family P91 E.

Assertion (b) now follows from Lemma 30.

2. Abstract problem of moments

We now move to the investigation of the abstract problem of moments,that is, the problem of moments in relation to an arbitrary family ofelements of Hilbert space. In this investigation we explain which propertiesof the family influence the solvability of the problem of moments, and inwhich way.

Let E = , be an arbitrary family of elements of separable Hilbertspace 5. We introduce the operator of the problem of moments : 5 e2according to the rule

.fEf = {(f,

The domain Dom fr. of the operator that is, the set {f e 5 I f e e2we denote by D. and its image Im fr. by R te . We recall

c; = (f, N,

the moment equalities, and we refer to the problem of determination off by Af as the problem of moments.

One can easily see that operator is closed. Indeed, if fn —■ 0 andfr. f„ -.eee2 for n co, then / = 0, since any component (fn , of theelement AL tends to zero.

If family FE, is not complete in 5, which means that the span closureVZ.-: does not coincide with 5, then operator / has a nontrivial null-space5 e VE Let / be a restriction of on VE: fg = AvE . Operatorji) is nondegenerate and, evidently, the images of andd ,f2 coincide.Therefore, in order to study the solvability of the problem of moments it


2. Abstract problem of moments 35

sufficient to consider the invertible operator A. The operator (A.) ) -1

averse to the closed one is also known to be closed.

eorem 1.2.1. The following assertions are valid:

) Operator A is an isomorphism between vz: and ( 2 if and only if

E e (LB). In particular, E e (LB) RE = e2e2 E (UM).

E (M) (2 basis vectors belong to

(4) a RE e 2 E (W).) Assume family E to be represented as a unification of two families E. 0

and E i such that Eo e (LB) and E I c VEo. Then the set R. is a (closed)

subspace of e 2 and codimension of is equal to the number of elements

of E 1 (the dimension of the space orthogonal to all the elements of

family E is called the codimension of E).

PROOF. Let be the standard basis in e 2 .

a) A is an isomorphism, then family {(11) -1 Ci} jeN is a Riesz basisin VS by definition. Let us show that the family is the biorthogonalo E family:

{((i2) -1 Cf, i)b}ierkl — cfE(/ 2) -1 C; — /2(12) -1 (i —

So by the force of Proposition 1.17(a), 5 is a Riesz basis (in VE).If 8 is an Y.-basis, then /2 is an isomorphism according to

Proposition 1.17(b).(i3;) Since RE = e' 2, the elements (fr?)- exist and in such a case,

is demonstrated earlier, form a biorthogonal to the F., family. By theclosed graph theorem, operator (1-°) - 1 is bounded. Therefore,

sup II II(i2)-111 sup = 11(i2) -1 11 < co.

(c) The assertion follows from equality (7), Section I.1

= O ip

(d) Let E (W); i.e., a nonzero vector a = {an } e (2 may be chosen suchthat for any f E DE


a,4,) O.N coJ = 1


36 I. Elements of Hilbert space theory

Then a I RE : indeed, for every f e DEN N

(/ f, a) = lim > (jEf)y dy = urn E (f,N.-. co j=1 N j=1


= lirn (f, E aA)=o.N--• co j=1

These arguments may be easily inverted.(e) Set = RopIr= e (LB) and E, = { ;, 1 }7 1 , w co. Denote MA,

the family biorthogonal to Eo, which belongs to VE0. Expand theelements of family E, over the basis Eo ,


j=1and denote by bi sequence {( m , :; )}„`"'=1 . Since { .;} is an .'-basissimultaneously with e e'2 *

For an arbitrary element f e DE , its image Ai' lies in 1 2 wheree' = C 2 for w = co and e' = IC' for w = N < oo (the first componentcorresponds to family Ec, and the second — to E r ). At the same time,if f has the form f = E cA; then A ./ has the form of the orderedpair {c, Bc} with c = {cj} E e2, while operator B: C 2 -+ 1' acts accordingto the formula

Bc = {(c, by)e 2}7 1 .

From this it follows that set R.:, consists of all the ordered pairs{c, Bc}, c E C 2 . That is why the closure of RE is equivalent to the factthat B is closed. But operator B coincides with the operator of theproblem of moments for the family {bi }7 1 and, hence, is closed.

It remains only to prove formula codim RE = card E l . Let usestablish that every pair = (by, — Cy) is orthogonal to set R. Andin reality, the scalar product of the pair K j and any element (c, Bc) ofset RE is

(by, c)(2 — (Bc); = (by , c) — (c, b.) = 0.

Since the set of pairs {K;}7, is linearly independent, assertion 5, andwith it our theorem, are proved.

Example 1.2.2. For the operator of the problem of moments concerningthe family E involved in Example 1.18, DE = {f I f Thus, we havean example of a non-2-basis family with an always solvable problem ofmoments.


2. Abstract problem of moments 37

Another example of this kind gives any orthogonal family with element

norms approaching infinityAn example of the nonminimal family for which the problem of

moments is solvable over a dense set, serves, by the force of assertions

(d) and (e) of the theorem, any nonminimal but W-linearly independentamity, say, the one from example 1.14.

It is not difficult to see that for a minimal family E a formal solution

to the problem of moments fr. f = {at} reads f = E aA. In the followingtheorem we ascertain when an informal meaning may be attached to this


Theorem 1.2.3.

a) Suppose E e (M) and a = {a.;} EL'. Then inclusion a c R. is equivalentto the following: there exists an element f e 5 such that

NE g)

N -+ coJ = i

(f, g) (1)

for each (finite) linear combination g = E cAi of elements from 'E.

(b) If RE = e2, then series E aA"; converges for any a = {a;} e e2 to some

f e 5 and fEf = a.

PROOF. (a) Let a e RE , which means that there exists f e 5 such that

a = Af. Set g = E cA, were c is an arbitrary finite vector. Then for large

enough N,


E aA, g) = > (IA= E (f, Oesi = (f, E cA)=(f, g).N N N N

j =1 j = 1 j=1 j=1

Conversely, let relation (1) be valid for some f E 5 and any finite linear

combination g = E cAl . Taking element „ for g and observing that for

N � n (E7,... 1 aA; , „)b = an , one gets (f, „) = a„. Hence a E RE .Assertion (b) of the theorem follows immediately from that proved in

Theorem 1(b) boundedness of operator (f2) -1 , since


(A) -1 {ai}7=1 — E aAi-; = 1

The theorem is proved.

Remark 1.2.4. As the theorem shows, if series Er_ 1 aA; converges weakly,

its sum serves a solution f of the problem of moments fEf = {a.}.

2NE a.(1") ;

MI NM MI MI MI 11111111 NM ill MO

38 I. Elements of Hilbert space theory

Theorem 3 allows us to produce some rough tests for a problem ofmoments to be solvable based on the norm estimates of the elements ofa biorthogonal family. Let us bring in two statements of the kind.

Corollary 1.2.5. Let E E (M). Then the assertions are true:

(a) if a E e 2 and ET=11a;11111 < co, then a e(b) if there exists a e e2 such that j la;1 2 11;11 2 = 00, then R. e 2 .


(a) Series Er=, aA; converges in the norm and the more so, weakly. ByTheorem 3(a), a a RE.

(b) By the Orlichz lemma (Nikol'skii 1980: lecture VI), there may befound for any N vectors far ) }.17_ 1 such that larl = 'ai l and

If = e2, then operator (12) -1 is bounded. Therefore2 N N= 11(A))- 1 { a (N)}112 E lary = E Ia./ 2 _< 011 2 .j=1

The obtained contradiction just proves the second assertion.


11111111 1111111 MN MI • • IIIIIIII

IIamilies of vector-valued exponentials

1. Hardy spaces and operator functions

In this section we set forth the theory of vector and scalar Hardy spaceswithout the proofs. We then describe the properties of both the innerand outer operator functions and the shift operator. Other sourcesshould be consulted for the scalar theory of functions in Hardy spaces(Privalov 1950; Hoffman 1962; Duren 1970; Koosis 1980; Nikol'skii 1980;Garnett 1981) and for the theory of vector spaces and shift operators(Helson 1964; Sz.-Nagy and Foias 1970; Nikol'skii 1980). Needless to say,any pertinent details that have not yet found their way into the literatureare explained wherever necessary.

The symbols C and C_ denote, respectively, the upper and the loweropen half-plane. l is the unit disc: l = {z I 1z1 < 1}, and T = {z I jzj = 1}.91 means an auxiliary Hilbert space, dim 91 .̂ co. In the space 91 we specifyan orthonormal basis {4}, p = 1, 2, ... , dim 91. The scalar product andthe norm in 91 are < • , • > and << >>, respectively.

1.1. Hardy spaces

1.1.1. Definitions and Hilbert structure

Definition 11.1.1. Hardy space H 2(91) of 91-valued functions is a Hilbertspace of analytical in D functions of the form,

F(z) = E F„z",n=0

where Fn (Fourier coefficients) belong to 91. The scalar product in H 2 (91)is given by

(F, G)H2(91 ) = E <F,,,n=0

111111 • MI MI 11111111 1111111

40 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

It follows from the definition thatCO

0'0,2mo = E <<F„>> 2 < con=0

and that the family g pc'e 1, p = 1, 2, ... , dim 91; n = 0, 1, 2, ... forms anorthonormal basis in H 2(91).

It is known that F(z) may be identified with its boundary values F(e l )by means of the limits along a nontangential to the unit circle paths (thoselimits exist almost everywhere by the Fatou theorem). The correspondingscalar function <<F(e)>> is then squarely summable on the unit circle T.

Definition 11.1.2. Hardy space 11.(91) [1/(91)] of 91-valued functions in[C_] is the set of functions f analytical in [C_] and such that

sup J <<f (x + iy)>> 2 dx < CO,

where the sup is taken over all y > 0 for II.T_(91) and all y < 0 for 1-1(92)Along with it,

II f likm= <<f(x)>>2 dx.

In the scalar case (91 = C), we write Hf instead of 111(C). Note alsothat for any e > 0

If(x + iY)I •\/ 2/nY II f II I I (%), f E y (1)(see Nikol'skiI 1980: lecture XI, sec. 1, formula (4)).

As in the case of Hardy space in the unit disc, functions fe H_2,(91)(f e H_2 (91)) are identified with their boundary values belonging to thespace OR; 91), and the scalar product in I/1(91) is determined by theformula

(f, = i < f(x), g(x)> dx.

It is evident that for f e (90, functions f (k) and f(— k) belong tothe space H_2_(91).

1.1.2. Relationship between H 2 (91) and fli.(91) spacesHardy spaces in 13 and are related by a unitary mapping U:

H2(91) a f(x) 1-4u 1 1 f(x — i.

) e H_2,(91)..1Tr x-Ft x-Ez


1. Hardy spaces and operator functions 41

ere, k 1—* (k — i)/(k + i) is a conformal mapping of C, on El), and a

faCtor 1/[‘fr(x + i)] corresponds to a transformation of Lebesgue measureson the unit circle and the real axis.

1.1.3. Calculation of Cauchy integrals by means of residues

f E Hi(91) and A E C+ , the relations

f(k)Jas (k — 1.)dk = 2rcif(),),

R (k —

f(k)- dk = 0


1.1.4. Simple fractions

Simple scalar (x l and ) and vector (x ln and e 91) fractions playan important role in what follows:

lIm A 1xA (k)= H_ e

k — Ae C+ , = 1,

— IpI 2 1 1 e H2, E 11) , = 1 .

These fractions are interrelated by a transformation U:

= cp xA ,1—i + il1 ,1 = 0)(2) =

A + ic

p + i

Simple fractions constitute a complete family in Hardy space:

Vx ), =AEC+

see also Subsection 1.3.10).

1.1.5. Paley—Wiener theorem and connections between simplefractions and exponentials

Simple fractions are generated by exponentials by means of the Fouriertransform.

Let denote the inverse Fourier transform of functions f fromL 1(1 + ) n L2(R„), R+ := {x I x > 0}, by a formula

1(.97i3.1‘) f(t) e tktdt.

v 2n o

NM MI • IIIIII • 1111111 1111111111 1110111

42 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

According to the Paley-Wiener theorem (Paley and Wiener 1934),mapping is extended to unitary mapping of LAIR 4.) onto g(%). Bythe mapping, exponentials transform into simple fractions:

(—i /2 Im el] xA ;

1.1.6. Decomposition of L2(P) and the Riesz projector

If, as already mentioned, one identifies functions from Hi(91) with theirboundary values from OR, 91), then

L 2 (11, 91) = 11_2,(91)(i) H 2 (91).

Orthoprojectors PI from OR, 91) on Hi (91) are expressed via the Hilbertoperator le,

(f1 u(t)

eu)(x):= p.v. dt,R x — t

according to the formula

P± = 14201 , 91) ± -2


These projectors are called the Riesz projectors.As an exercise, one can check this formula first for rational functions

from L2 (91) (representing them as a sum of two functions with poles inC, and C_) and then for arbitrary functions from L 2 (R) approximated byrational ones.

1.2. Inner and outer operator functions

1.2.1. Definition of inner functions

Definition 11.1.3. The analytical operator function S bounded in C. [C_]is called an inner function in the upper [lower] half-plane if for almostevery k e S(k) is a unitary operator in 91. Functions of the form§(z) = S(co - '(z)) = S[i(1 + z)/(1 — z)], where S is an inner function inC+ , are inner functions in ED.

Note that if S is an inner operator function in C.„ then S(— k), S*(k)are inner operator functions in C_. Inner operator functions satisfy arelation

S* (IC) = S '(k),( )


I. Hardy spaces and operator functions 43

which is obtained with the help of analytical continuation from the realaxis into a complex plane.

1.2.2. Classification of scalar inner functions

Definition 11.1.4.

(a) An inner function of the form

k — A.

B(k) = n je k —

is said to be a Blaschke product (BP) constructed by the zeros Ai e

j , e IN. Here, a e R, ti are phase factors with unit modulus and are such:.that each cofactor ei(i — — 2j) in BP is positive at the point k = i.

(b) For a > 0 and a E R, function exp(ika + ia) is said to be an entiresingular inner function.

(c) Function Ssing of the form

expn3 (1 + 1 dp(t) + ial;_ k — t 1 + t2

a E R

is called a singular inner function, where dp is singular over the axismeasure such that r- dp(t) < 00.

_ 1 t2

< 00 . (B)1=1 1 + 12) 1 2

Under the mapping of to H 2, the difference between singular andentire singular functions can be seen in a (singular) measure with loadsin T \ i corresponds to a singular inner in D function, while a measurewith a single load at z i corresponds to an entire singular one.

1.2.3. Factorization of scalar inner functionsAny scalar inner function f in C., may be represented as a product ofthree factors: BP B(k), entire singular function e t" (or unitary constant),and singular inner function Ssing :

f(k) = B(k) e ik° Ssing(k).

Note that singular inner functions have no zeros in C, and that for theconvergence of the Blaschke product it is necessary and sufficient for zeros

to satisfy the Blaschke condition

Im /1;

OM NM MI NM 11111111 MN NM MN UM

44 11. Families of vector-valued exponentials

1.2.4. Classification of inner operator functions

Further, in Subsections 1.2.4-1.2.11, let be dim 91 < co.

Definition 11.1.5. Inner operator function S in C, is called a BlaschkePotapov product (BPP), entire singular function (ESF), or singular innefunction if det S is a Blaschke product, entire singular inner function, 0singular inner function, respectively.

We denote BPP by a and so on, and ESF by 0, 6, and so onFollowing are some examples of entire singular inner functions. O f

these, the simplest meaningful function is 0(k) = exp(ikA), with A beina nonnegative operator in 91. Taking eigenvectors of A as a basis of 91we get A = diag[ap], ap � 0, and then

0(k) = diag[exp(ikap)],

det 0(k) = exp(ik Tr A).

More complicated examples of ESF are finite products [j"= 1 exp(ikAp)A � 0.

The general form of ESF may be described by the following proposition(Potapov 1955).

Any ESF 0 is the value at t = 1 of the solution of equation

dt Y(t, =

ikA(t)Y(t, k),

with some nonnegative summable operator function A(t). The solution issingled out by a condition Y(0, k) = V, where V is a constant unitaryoperator. Along with it,

det 0(k) = c exp(ik I Tr A(t) dt),o

Idl = 1.

1.2.5. Factorization of inner operator functions

Every inner operator function S may be factorized by a BPP, an ESF,and a singular inner function, in any order.

It then follows that the zeros of an inner function (the zeros of det S)satisfy the Blaschke condition.

Definition 11.1.6. Inner operator function S is a left divisor of inneroperator function S if function S .= [S]" IS is an inner one. In other words,

L 1 + t

h(t)2 dt < 00.


I. Hardy spaces and operator functions 45

may be represented in the form

S = SS.

So, for instance, if BPP II(k) has a zero at point A and Ker = 912,then II is divisible from the left by the (elementary) inner cofactor

k — A

k —+ (191 —

ere b A is the orthoprojector in 91 on 91 1 .

1.2.6. Scalar outer functions

"Definition 11.1.7. Scalar function fe is called an outer function in if it•

can be represented in the form

fe(k) = exp[.1tk


1 t t2 h(t) k e C+

R —

'Scalar function fe (k) is called an outer function in C_ if fe (—k) is an

outer function in C+ .• Outer (in C+ ) functions have no zeros in C + and almost everywhere


logife(t)1 = h(t)•

For Im k > 0, function logife (k)1 is a Poisson integral of function h(t):

logife (x + iy)1== 1 h(t)h(t)Im 1

dt — J

h(t) .Y dt

II Ft t - X - iy it R (X - 0 2 + y2

This formula implies that

1 logIL(x + iy)I 0. (4)y

`,:,Note that function 1/fe is an outer one for any outer fe .

46 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

1.2.7. Factorization of scalar functions

Let f be a scalar function analytical in C for which

logif(x)1 dx < 00.

1.2.8. Outer operator functions

Definition 11.1.8.

(a) Operator function F is said to be strong if

<<F>> 2e L_ (01).1+1k1

(b) Operator function F is said to be a strong H.2,— [11i.—] function

for any ?I e 91, F(k)n I (k + i) e [F (k)g I (k — i) e(c) A strong Hi — (operator) function is said to be outer

C, [C_] if det F is an outer function in C+ [in C_].

It follows by definition that an additional condition (5), which is absentin the scalar case, is imposed on outer operator functions. As in the caseof inner functions, functions outer in D are defined as images of the onesouter in C under conformal mapping o.)(k). Strong H+ functions aretransformed by it in functions F satisfying the condition

P(z)ri € H 2(9l), V,/ e 91.

It is known (Nikol'skii 1980: lecture I, sec. 6) that a strong H+ functiois an outer one if and only if

V {F(k)(k — 1 11 "= n(91).k+i k+i

For strong operator functions in D, this condition may be written inmore natural way:

V {P(z)z"77} = H 2 (9l).


JR 1 + x 2

Then f may be represented by a product of an outer function fe and innerfunction

It means that the family of functions P(z)Pn (z), where Pn (z) is an 91-valuepolynomial, is dense in H 2(91). We denote functions outer in C as F


1. Hardy spaces and operator functions 47

1.2.9. Factorization of strong functions

F be a strong H _2, function and det F # 0. Then F may be represented

as a product of an inner and an outer operator function taken in any order:

F = SP: =

S and g are inner and F: and F: are outer operator functions.) Here,

and F: are bounded in if and only if F is bounded.

1.2.10. Semisimple zeros

Definition 11.1.9. Let operator function F(k) be an analytical in thevicinity of 2 e C and det F(A) = 0. We consider A to be a semisimple zero

of F(k) if for any vectors tio e Ker F(A), n o s 0, and ti e^Lorr., •::

F'(A)g c, + F(2)11 0 0.

n other words, for any analytical vector function (p(k) such that cp(A) 0 0,

ector function F(k)9(k) does not have a second-order zero at A:

F(2)w(2) = 0 —dk [F(k)9(k)] Ik=a 0 0.

In a scalar situation, a semisimple zero is a simple one. In a finite-dimensional case, A may be a semisimple but not a simple zero, as, forinstance, for a function

F(k) = (k — 2)6 + (191 — 6),

with 6 being an orthoprojector in 91, dim 691 > 1.

1.2.11. Existence of the Blaschke—Potapov product

Proposition 11.1.10 (Potapov 1955). Let a be a countable subset of C,satisfying the Blaschke condition (Subsection 1.2.2), and let {91,}", be aamily of subspaces in 91. Then BPP II(k) may be found such that the set

zeros of function det II(k) coincides with a, the zeros of 11 are semisimple,and. Ker II*(2) = 91 A , 2 e a.

Later we characterize a family of subspaces of simple vector fractionsxx 91A } A .„, x,1 91A, c H.i.(91) under the condition a e (B) by Blaschke-otapov product II and denote it as lip This operator function 11 isled BPP, generated by the family {x191,1}",.

1011 • r - WIN III NM 11•111

48 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

If o• (B) (does not satisfy the Blaschke condition), then BPP does notexist. However, we preserve the notation XII for families (x l 91A } A ., ofsimple fractions in such a situation as well, and also for the case of infinitedimensional space 91.

1.3. Nagy-Foias model operator

1.3.1. Subspaces Ks

Definition 11.1.11. Let S be an inner function in C. Let Ks be a subspace

H.i.(91) e SH.i_(91) = {f E in(91) I f 1 Sig(91)}.

Ps is the orthoprojector from M.(%) (or from L2(ffl; 91) on Ks. IfS(k) = exp(ika)/91 , we write K. and Pa instead of Ks and Ps , respectively,

For orthoprojector Ps a formula is valid

Ps = - SP,S*. (6)

(Orthoprojector P+ : L2(01; 91) 1-+ H 2,(91) is introduced in Subsection 1.1.6.)Note that in the case S(k) = exp(ika) only functions that exponentially

decrease with Im k co enter subspace SH.(91).It is not difficult to establish that

Ps = pm 1 - S(k)S - '(2)

For S = exp(ika), we get

'Im Al - exp(ia(k - ;1)) .Pa x ). =it k -

The Paley-Wiener theorem (Paley and Wiener 1934) implies that

.FL2 (0, a; 91) = Ka .

If 0 is an ESF, all the elements of subspace Ke are entire functions.For 0 = exp(ika), it follows immediately out of (8) that any elementf e Ka is expressed via some function cp from LAO, a) by a formula


f = I exp(ikt)(p(t) dt.

IC k - A •




1. Hardy spaces and operator functions 49

1.3.2. Definitions of model operators in D and C,

Definition 11.1.12. The operator of multiplication by z is called a shiftrator o in H 2 (91):

co co112(91)9 f= E fit z.► E fne+

n=0 n=0

As is easily proved, the adjoint operator is

(S* f)(z) f(z) — f(0)


efinition 11.1.13. Let S be an inner function in ID,

Pg. PK:0 Ks== H2(R) e gH2(91).

Operators PgeIKs and [PgSl in]* = S* IKI are called Nagy—Foias modeloperators in ED (in H 2 (91)).this

Generator As of semigroup Ps eul ic, and operator A's' (generator ofthe adjoint semigroup) are called Nagy—Foias model operators in C, (inH.1(50). Here, S is an inner function in C.

Note that the Kelly transform of operator As is the image of the modeloperator PsSI K., under the mapping U of Hardy space H 2 (91) to Hi.(91)(Subsection 1.1.2). Here, S(k) = S(z), z = w(k).

1.3.3. The spectrum and eigenfunctions of model operators in C,The eigensubspaces of As and AS operators corresponding to the eigen-values A and A are, respectively,

S(k) 91,k —)

1k — A

91x , 911 := Ker S*(A). (10)

dim 91 < co, the discrete spectrum of operator As coincides with theset of zeros of function det S.

Le t dim 91 < co and an inner function S be a BPP, S = II; further, leta be a set of zeros of det H, where the zeros are simple and n1 e Ker 11*(A),gth>> = 1. Following formulas (9) and (10), let us find a family Xi /xk lh E „ biorthogonal to the family of simple fractions XII .= {m A } AE „.

921:= Ker S(R), (9)


1 = (42,2, XAA)Hi- 01) = ccAtm f <ll(k)e, 1z> dk

it (k — 2) 2

Im , 276 res

<II(k)e,ir z (k — .1) 2

As one easily checks,

d ri(dk

k)1 k =


111-12 Im -

P —

p -=


/MI NM MMI MMI 1111 1.1 MEN50 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

From (9) and (10) it follows that biorthogonal elements x z are of thform

AA (k) = a,

II(k) 113

k —

Now calculate coefficient ct A :

trt E Ker <<e>> = 1.

Im (— = q A -dkThus

Im A qdldk) 11(k)1k= ?I A r i>

In the scalar situation, we can now calculate the norms of elements of thebiorthogonal system:

Ilx'A Ilk = locAl2(k

n(k)n(k)k)— 2)(k — 2) dk

1= ICCAI2 (k 2)(k — dk = laAl2 Im A •


2"-1.3.4. The spectrum and eigenfunctions of model operators in 1)Let :S." be an inner function in 13. Then the eigensubspaces of modeloperators P and S*1 1,1 corresponding to # and ft are, respectively,


91" := Ker g(p), (13)§(z)

z — p

1 91

1 — fizKer :S."*(p). (14)


1. Hardy spaces and operator functions 51

Remark 11.1.14. Associate (root) functions of operator e*I Ks are rationalunctions with multiple poles. (For the scalar case, root subspaces are

described in Nikol'skii 1980; lecture IV; for the vector one, Buslaeva 1974and Ivanov 1987.) In transitting from Hardy space to the space L2 (0, oo; 91),one obtains families of the form {P„(t) exp(b1„t)}, where Pn (t) is an

-valued polynomial. To make our exposition as clear as possible,we omit the details of root subspaces.

1.3.5. Discrete spectrum subspaces of model operators in

Let dim 91 < oo and S be an inner function with factorization

S = HO' =

Further, let o-d (A s) be the discrete spectrum of operator A s , £d and .57,be subspaces of the discrete spectrum of model operators As and —AS,

respectively. Then

S(k)91 A = @KR-,

e a(A s ) k — 2

1= V L,

A- — 291 — K


From these formulas and (9) and (10), it follows for S = II that the family

{4, 2 } biorthogonal to the family {x,1 91 A } of simple fractions is complete

in the subspace Kn and K,-,=xAq1...2= V41, A.

1.3.6. Invariant subspaces of a model operator in D

Proposition 11.1.15 (Nikol'skii 1980: lecture I, sec. 6). A subspace

G c H 2 (91) is invariant with respect to operator e* (i.e., *G c G) if and

only if G is of the form

G = 1-1 2 (91) e YH 2 (91 1 ),

s)94"" where 91 1 is a subspace of 91 and <99 is an analytical in ED operator function,

SP(z): 91 1 r. 91, which is an isometric operator for almost all z a T.

For orthoprojector PG: 11 2 (91)1—* G, a formula holds (Nikol'skii 1980:lecture H, sec. 4) similar to formula (6) (see Subsection 1.3.1).

PG = I I H 2{91) — -9°154Y*- (15)

Here, /34. = Pn2,910 is the orthoprojector from the space L2 (T, 91 1 ) on

subspace H 2 (91 1 ), while „9' and .90* are multiplication operators by Y(•)

and Y*(•), respectively.

MI =II IMO NM MI NM MI NM52 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

For dim 91 < oo, isometric operator 99(z) is a unitary mapping if andonly if 971 1 = 91. In this case 6P is an inner function and subspace G hasthe form Ks (the symbol Ks is used when S is an inner operator function(Definition 11)). Therefore, in the scalar case, any e*-invariant subspacedifferent from H 2 and {0} has the form Ks .

We now present two assertions concerning S*-invariant subspaces.

Proposition 11.1.16 (Nikaskii 1980: lecture I, sec. 1).

(a) If G is an invariant subspace of operator S* and for some inner operatorfunction S there is the embedding G e Ks, then subspace G is of theform Ks , where S is also an inner operator function.

(b) If Kg, c Kg2 , then inner operator function S i is a left divisor of inneroperator function S2.

1.3.7. Countable sets in the upper half-planeLet a = {2..d ieN be a countable set in C+ . Then introduce a number ofclasses of such sets. Their meaning for a family of eigensubspaces of the'model operator will shortly become clear.

Definition 11.1.17. A set a is said to be separable if ,„„.3 t f0ilil7i ..,),...,

r I__ ---A set a is called a Carlesonian one if

b(o-) infj fl; — > 0. (C)

For such sets we use the notation a e (C). The value b(a) is called aCarleson constant of set a.

If a is a finite unification of Carlesonian sets, we say that a satisfies theCarleson—Newman condition (notation a E (CN)).

A set a is said to be rare (notation a e (R)) if

inf R(2, > 0, R(A.,e a, .1. �

1.3.8. Indications for a set to be Carlesonian

The following relationship exists between the introduced properties of sets:

(C) a (R) & (CN). (16)

inf 12 — pi > O.e

—— p (R)

11•1111111111111111111•1111•111111111=111111111111•11. Hardy spaces and operator functions 53

or us the case is significant when a lies in a strip parallel to the real axis

0< inf Im A < sup Im A, < co .Aea Aea

en the separability of a is equivalent to its rareness and to its


o- (C) <t> (R) inf IA — /LI > O.E cr,A*

xample 11.1.18. The sets a {2ri}rEz and a = {r + ib. ci are Carlesonian.

• In the following lemma we obtain an estimate of the Carleson constant

for sets that often arise in applications.

Lemma 11.1.19.

(a) Let R,}„ Ez be a separable increasing sequence of real numbers:

inf(A.+ — ).n ) > d > 0.

Then the set a .= {v}„ Ez , vn := A n + i/2, is a Carlesonian one and

log C := I log(1 + 2) dy < co.1 C 1

6(a) d' o Y

(b) For the set a ° := {nd + i/2},, c1 and for d 0

Clog 1 = (1 + o(1)).

6(a) d

PROOF. From the definition of Carleson constant we have

= sup log 1JmcZ m,nt.

An,— 'fl 1=sup E log(1 +

1 2 mom*. IA„, — An1 2I•mZAn,— A„ + i

The separability condition for the set {.1,,} implies

— A.1 In — mid,

and we deduce


p=1log — sup — E log(1 +

1 1 1

ö(a) me z 2 ,,,,n � „ (n — m) 2 c/ 2

1 log(1 +



54 II. Families of vector -valued exponentials

For the set a° , the inequality turns into equality

log 6(1 E log 1 + ,,o\

p=1 p2 2d


So we arrive at the relations

1 `x) ( 1 1 (17)

log — E log 1 + log .b(a) p=i p2d2 o(co)

Estimating sums by integral, we obtain

E log(1 + 21 2) fP log(1 + 1 dxp= P d / p-1 p2d2

< fP log(1 + x21d2

)dx = f° log(1 + 1 )P= 1 p-1 X2d2

__•= 1 r .,0 (i+ d j d


1P+1 log(1 + 1 dx

P1E log(1 + j

p2d2 p=1 p p2d2

> "1 log(1 + 1 dx lc° log(1 + 1 )dxP=1 p X2d2 X2d2

- Y2= -

(11 f c° log(1 + —)dv• (19),

Formulas (17), (18), and (19) complete the proof.

1.3.9. Separability of simple fraction families

Later we will need some estimates demonstrating that separability in Hi.of a simple fraction family

inf — xp .2 > 0A,pecr,A*11

is equivalent to the rareness of set a.

Lemma 11.1.20. For 2, p e C+ inequalities hold

2 R(1, ^ 11x2 — x, ii 5 R(2, p). (20)


55I. Hardy spaces and operator functions

PROOF. From Subsection 1.1.3,

(xi , xp ) = xi(p) = 2i Om A ,./Im

— 2 •

o, using the identity Re(i/z) = Im z/jz1 2 , one finds

2,11m Im gam + Im it)]"xi — x, 11 2 = 2(1 — Re(x i , xp )) = 2[1

lit — Al 2

1_ [(Re A — Re ti) 2 + (Im + Im p)(\/Im — 1)2]

lit — 2 1 2

(Im + Im it)(Im — Im p) 2 1 .= _

- 212 [(Re A Re /1) 2 + (✓IM I + .\/Im 11) 2

1 (Im + Im ,u)(Im — IM /2) 2 < 1,

2 (,/tm A +

(20) follows from the equality

1_ [(Re 2 — Re 11) 2 + (Im 2 — Im p) 21 = R 2 (2, y).

The lemma is proved.

1.3.10. Minimality and the Blaschke condition

Scalar family X, =L EU x, = 1m (k — ;1)' ,

is minimal if and only if o- e (B) (satisfies the Blaschke condition, see (B),Subsection 1.2.2). Along with it, V iE ,, xi = Kip where

II(k) =k — A.

;EN k — Ai

If a (B), then ViE , xi =In Section 2 we prove a criterion of minimality for a vector family with

dim gt < co:Xn e (M) • • (B).

I - 21 2


56 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

1.3.11. LP-basis property of simple scalar fraction families

As one sees from (12) (see Subsection 1.3.3), the Carleson condition is thcondition of *-uniform minimality (Definition 1.1.15) of a scalar family

{ .)CA}leo•

A remarkable fact is that *-uniform minimality of is an equivalento .2-basis property (Nikol'skii and Pavlov 1970):

n E (LB) a ,i"n e(UM)r>vE(C).

In the vector situation, uniform minimality also implies an 2-basisproperty for dim 91 < oo (see Section 2; also Treir 1986).

1.3.12. .29-basis property of simple fraction families and Carleson constantIf {x,}, E , e (LB), then, according to Theorem 1.2.1, the operator of theproblem of moments of family {x1 } ). E, is an isomorphism of spacesVt ea X1 and ( 2 : Elea l(f , x A )I 2 X IIf Ilk. Let us use the values for theconstants in these inequalities expressed in terms of the Carleson constant6(0) (Nikol'skii 1980: lecture VII, sec. 2). For f E VIE ,7 x 2. , inequalitiesare valid

Ilf E l(f,x,)1 232(1 + 2 log I II f 1111232[1 + 2 log(1/6)]


± (21)

1.3.13. Carleson—Newman condition and simple fractions

Inequalities (21) imply that for a e (CN) an estimate holds

E 1(f, x1)1 2 Ilf f e (22)Aeo

It so happens that the converse assertion is also true; that is,

a e (CN) <=> E Kf,x,.)1 2

f eAea

Later, we will need the following assertion.

Lemma 11.1.21. Let set a belong to a strip urn kl S const and be a_unification of a finite number of separable sets. If vectors ri l e 9t().e a, dim 92 < co) are also bounded in the norm, then for any functionf e L2 (0, T; 92) inequality holds

E l(f, e ilt )1,2(O,T; 92)1 2 -̂ CTIlf 111.2 (0, T;91)•Ae a

MEI ME MN MIS NE aniI. Hardy spaces and operator functions 57

gooF. Without sacrificing generality, one may assume that set a is situ-

ated in the strip 0 < c Im k C < oo. Indeed, mapping tp(t)H-+ e't tp(t)v't

is'Etn isomorphism in L 2 (0, T; 91) that transforms function ri,t e into

function n, e i(l+wt, and therefore the shift of the spectrum a 1--* a + is in

may only change constant CT .

Now exponentials e lAr belong to space L2 (0, oo) and are almost normed

10111 INS

1II L 2(0, co) = X 1.

/2 Im 2

ence, setting f = 0 for t > T, we have 2

E 1(f, nA eut )L2(0, r ; 9i01 2 Elea lea

(f e"- `

-\/2 Im 2iL20, co; 91

let us move to the Fourier representation and verify an inequality

E KI,n,x,)Hil 2 f E 11 -2J91)lea

frOm which the statement of the lemma follows.

We use fp (k) to denote coordinate functions of vector function f(k) in

. the orthonormal basis g p° 1 of space 91. From the explicit expression for

a scalar product (see Subsection 1.1.3), we derive

E Kf, rilx,1)4(9n1 2 E i(U), x.t)H2,(c)12Aso lea

47c E Im A.K.N.),t09,12 E <<f()>> 2lea lea

dim% dim%

= E E Ifp())i 2 = E E En 2.) -1 1(fp, x,)p=1 1E6 p= 1 Aca

The conditions of the lemma imply that a e (CN). Applying estimate (22),

we then finddim% dim%

E E E — 11111121+(%)•

p=1 lea p=1

The lemma is proved.

1.3.14. The inequalities for exponential sums on an interval

Proposition 11.1.22 (Meyer 1985). Let T > 0, {w 1.,- n,neZ be a strictly in-

creasing sequence of real numbers, and {p„}„ ez be a nonnegative sequence

at I= as IIIn r r r a= ma58 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

such that p = pa and co _„ = —co„ for n e N. Then the inequality2

E a,,p„ exp(iwn t)ne7L

^ CT EL2 (o.T) neZ


is valid with some constant CT < co if and only if

supneZ n ^ cor <n+1

2< co

1.3.15. Property of functions from space K a

Lemma 11.1.23. Let 0 be an ESF, a > 0, and let the embeddi0 -1 K, c W.(%) take place. Then 0 = const.

PROOF. A consequence of formula (7) is that functions

(k — '1) -1 [1 — exp(ia(k — ,1)]n

lie in space Ka for all e C+ , ri e 91. If vector n runs through aorthonormal basis in 91, for the elements [0 -1 (k)] ci of matrix functio0 -1 (k) we get inclusions

(1 — e ia(k— A)Co - e _2,; i, j = 1, 2, ... , dim 91.(k —

Together with the estimate (1), the inclusions provide


ikl1[0 1 (k)] u] +

11, Im k > E > 0,

which in turn implies that function det 0 -1 (k), with Im k co, is notgrowing faster than a polynomial.

Function det 0(k) is, by definition, an entire inner scalar function. Thatis, for some fl > 0, an equality det 0(k) = c efl, Icl = 1, holds. From therepresentation of ESF (see Subsection 1.2.4), one easily deduces that 0 isa unitary constant (a constant unitary matrix) if and only if = 0.Evidently, function exp(—ikfl) may not grow faster in C., than apolynomial except when /3 = 0, which proves the lemma.

1.3.16. Isomorphisms transferring exponentials into exponentials

In the space L 2(0, co; 91), the following mapping is an isomorphism:

f(t) 11 .1' e't f(t); a E 111, Ita e i 't liz = e" +")` q A . (23)


1. Hardy spaces and operator functions 59

in the space ‘97 'K9 , particularly in L 2 (0, T; 91) for 0 = exp(ik T), there

also an isomorphism

f(t)rt- e'i f (t), a e it„ e i 'tt th. = e iGt + icOt n„. (24)

Mappings (23) and (24) shift the spectrum a of the family of exponentials

em Ecr and (along with Theorem 1.1.25 and Remark 1.1.27) can beused to identify their basis, uniform minimality, minimality, and W-linear

independence properties.

1.4. Entire functions

We now present some information on entire scalar functions of theexponential type. These functions are of interest because they play animportant role in the investigation of minimality and basis properties offamilies of exponentials (see Section 3). Demonstrations of the givenassertions may be found in Boas (1954), Levin (1956), and Nikol'skii


1.4.1. Entire functions of the exponential type

Entire function f is called an entire function of the exponential type if

there exist constants C and T such that If (k)1 < C eT i k i for all k c C. The

smallest of constants T is said to be the exponential type of the function.

1.4.2. Growth indicator and indicator diagram

2x-periodic function on gl defined by the equality

1hf (co)= lim sup — loglf (r e hP)1

r - CO r

is called a growth indicator of exponential-type function f. The indicator

diagram of function f is a convex set Gi such that

h f(9) = sup Re(k e - "P ) .keGf

Example 11.1.24. Let f = eialc a, 13 > 0. Then

h f (c) =/l sinsin ce,

—a sin ce,

cp E [0, n]


and G f = [—

111111 11•11 INNI MB ION AI MIN SIM MI60 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

1.4.3. Functions of the Cartwright classEntire function f of the exponential type is said to be a function of theCartwright class if

I max{logi fdx < co.

J R 1 + X2

In particular, function f of the exponential type satisfying condition

rR 1+

I (x)I 2 dx < coJJ

belongs to the Cartwright class.The indicator diagram of a Cartwright-class function is an interval

[ia, i13], a fl, of the imaginary axis. Its length is called the width of theindicator diagram.

1.4.4. Zeros of Cartwright-class functions

Proposition 11.1.25. Let f be a Cartwright-class function with the width Tof the indicator diagram, and let a be the set of zeros of f, where any zerois simple and f(0) 0 0. Then

lim n ± (r) T =

+co r 27r

n + (r):= card{A e cr Jill < r, Re A 0},

n_(r) .= card{A. e a HAI < r, Re 2 < ;

(b) a limit exists

fa(k) = p.v. fl (1 — k/I) = lim fl — kla);A ea co lal<r•Aeo

(c) indicator diagram fo is [—iT/2, iT/2], and for some a and 13 we have

f (k) = fa(k) exp(ika + 13), a a IR;

(d) f has a factorization

f (k) = exp(— ika + )n ± (k) f ; (k) = exp(ika_)n -(k)f (k),

in which fe are outer functions in C± , respectively, ir± are Blaschkeproducts (in C ± ), a ± a R, and a + + a_ = T.



MI MIN =I MIN IMO2. Vector exponential families on the semiaxis 61

1.4.5. Summability and growth of functions on the real axis

roposition 11.1.26 (Nikol'skii 1969). Let f be a Cartwright-class function

and e LP(R), p > 1. Then

f(k) k 0.

1.4.6. Functions of the sine type

efinition 11.1.27. An entire function f of the exponential type is said to

be of the sine type (STF) if

) the zeros of f lie in a strip {k EC' I yi h, k = x + iy} for some h > 0;

(b) there is y o e ill such that If(x + iY0)1 1 holds for x e IR Note that

(a) and (b) imply If(x + 0, 1)1 X 1 for any y 1 , 1)1 11 > h.

Proposition 11.1.28 (Levin 1961). If f is a sine-type function, then its setzeros is a finite unification of separable sets.

2. Vector exponential families on the semiaxis

In this section we consider a family of subspaces n = flA I AE „, where XI

are subspaces of simple vector fractions .fix = (k — '91 A ; 91 A are

subspaces of an auxiliary Hilbert space 91, 91, = (5,,91; and 8 A is an ortho-projector in 91 (dimension of the auxiliary Hilbe. space 91 can be infinite).For a finite dimensional case, we produce the necessary and sufficientconditions of minimality (Blaschke condition) and of Y-basis propertyfor family .Tri . Recall from Subsection 1.1.5 that the Fourier transformtransfers the fraction family .irn into family {exp( — at)91,1 Aec, of vectorexponentials, which is more frequently met in the applications; thisexplains the section title.

Although it is quite natural for the Blaschke condition to be requiredif .Tri is to be minimal in a finite-dimensional case, the condition hasnot yet been demonstrated in the literature.

The basis property of vector exponential families was first studied byNikol'skii and Pavlov (1970), who established that decomposition intoan asymptotically orthogonal series was a sufficient condition. It hasalso been established that the spectrum of an 2'-basis family canbe decomposed in not more than dim 91 Carlesonian sets (Vasyunin 1976).Treil' (1986) has proved that for a finite dimensional case, as well as forthe scalar one, uniform minimality of family Xn implies the basis property.


( )


62 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

We first prove simple facts concerning the relationship between theproperties of scalar and vector families of a general form (not necessaril y

of exponentials).In the space 91 we choose an orthonormal basis {V,',} dp il.",91. Let 5 be

some Hilbert space (the space of scalar functions). Let 5(91) denote thespace of 91-valued functions F = E, fx, fp e 5, with scalar product


dim 91

G)5(91) = E (fp , g P)5' G E 9pP, 9p


P = 1

Space 5(91) is commonly said to be a tensor product of an91 : 5(91) = 5 0 91.

Lemma 11.2.1. Let {fi }7= 1 be a family of nonzero elements of 5{9MT-1 be a family of nonzero subspaces in 91, with J1 and .K subsets ofN. Then

(Pboi)( V fm's`, V L 91) = 95( V fin, V fn),m e .11 ne.Ac m e...il ne ..Ar

95(91)( V ./. 91., V L 91) -�- 95( V fm, V fn),mode ne...ir mod/ ne.Ac

CCI (9t)( V Ligl. , V f, 91) � (Pb( V 91. , V 91n).mode ne.Af mede ne ✓4c


(a) From Lemma I.1.4(c) one derives, by expanding vectors ri; over anorthonormal basis in 91, ri = Ep ny4o,

sine 95(94 V fm 91, V fn 911)

me.11 ne ✓r


infe 91. 11.E =1

E fon,— Emod/ nerr b(91)


= infE;-- =

infp = 1 IlEfmng,11 2 =qp.ngicC,47,'Ec

E E fniifit E.4,`

co•= lnf E qp

2 sin2 (Pb( V fm, V f,,)ET,. = 1 p = I mE.11 ne.A'

= sin 2 (195 ( \/ fm, V .0.me de ne.Ac

MIN r MINI MIMI all 111111 111111 INN MINI2. Vector exponential families on the semiaxis 63

n view of Lemma I.1.4(c), the value

sin' 95(1)( nyii nv Mtn)

may be written as an expression similar to (2), but with the additional

condition nn, e 9/„„ m E .11; E 91„, n e Al. Since the infimum is taken

over a smaller set, this, along with (a), proves (b).Inequality (1) is demonstrated along the same lines as those in (b),

since subspaces 91; and elements fi enter (1) symmetrically. The lemma

is proved.

orollary 11.2.2.

) An almost normed family of scalar functions c 5 possesses any of

the following properties: minimality, uniform minimality, and the 2'-basis property if and only if the family of subspaces {491} c 5(91) has

the same property.(b) Let the family of subspaces {I/ 91} have some of the following properties:

minimality, uniform minimality, and the 2'-basis. Then the family of

subspaces {fi 91;}, where 92; are nonzero subspaces of 91, has the same


' These statements are implied by the fact that each of the family'sproperties may be expressed in terms of positiveness or uniform bounded-ness away from zero of the angles between subspaces (see Chapter I,

Subsections 1.2, 1.3).Let us introduce a family E = of vector functions f c 5, ni e 91,

and a family of vectors E {nj}r= ,; F and F denote Gram matrices

of families E and Egi , respectively. The following assertion allows one toarrive at an estimate of the Gram matrix norm of family E by the norm

of F.

Lemma 11.2.3.

(Fe, c)1 2 .̂ 2 inf 11411W91 c, c, e 2jE N

2(F9-t)> CI1 2 supIlf — fn(Is,,j,n

C e ( 2 .

PROOF. Let us take an arbitrary element fjo . Then for any finite element


64 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

c E e2 we have

(Fc, c)e2 =coE cifi ti;


=oo co

E cifoi+ E ci(4 - 40)n;2

j= 1 b(91) 1 =1 j= 1 501 )



The first term may be estimated as


E cf(fi — 4074j= 1

<2 E=1



40( E Cfli)I=


b(01 )


E cc,E cifioth



5(%) -= = 11.6011,

= 11.6.111(r91c, )c, e2.

In order to estimate the second one in (3), choose an orthonormal basis{l;n° }:°- 1 in space 5 and expand all the elements g; = 4-40 over it

fi _ E glocv ) .n= 1

Then inequalities are true

2 >>2= E E cinigin )

b(91) 12 = 1 1

0.= >2 <r9,{cinigin)}, {Cif tiginq>

n= 1

CO co

>2 <<r9,>> >2 Icigr)1 2n=1

= <0-51>> J=1

sup llf, —.fi llt<<rb>>11c02.


E cini(4—.60j= 1

The lemma is proved.

2.1. Minimality

Here we prove that for dim 91 < co the Blaschke condition on thespectrum a c C+ (see Subsection 1.2.2, condition (B)) is necessary for the

MIN MS OM MN NM -2. Vector exponential families on the semiaxis

nimality in L2 (0, co; 91) of the family of vector exponential subspaces

g texp(-1,10911},E,, c C+ , 91 1 c 91.

Obviouslis cannot take place for dim 91 = co, since the minimalitYd eveny, y, th

orthogonality of g may be gained only because of subspaces 91 A

Ihout any restrictions on the family spectrum.

eorem 11.2.4. If dim 91 < co, then g E (M) if and only f a a (B).

ii0OF. If a e (B), scalar family gsc = {exp(- i;11)}, E , is minimal, since

iSamily t(k - ;1.) -1 1,E„ related to gsc by the Fourier transform, is minimal

see Subsection 1.3.10). By Corollary 2, 6 E (M).

Let g (M). We pass to the family in 11 2 (91) related to family g by

the Fourier and U mappings (see Subsections 1.1.2-1.1.5):

•= tkImEce, — (1 — Az) -

= (0(4 et:— {(0(.)}1•

•Let = ti".'0,ed denote the family that is biorthogonal to

and lies in

subspace G :-= Vff.

Subspaceconsists of eigenfunction of the operator S* (adjoint to

shift operator S) corresponding to eigenvalue (see Definition 1.12 and

Subsections 1.3.2-1.3.4). Indeed, for f (z) (1 - fiz) i n, n E 91, we have

(a*f (z)) = f (z)z f (0) = (1 —An = fif(z).

It follows that G is the discrete spectrum subspace of model operator e*1 G

and thus G is invariant under operator S*. Therefore, Proposition 1.15

provides us with a representation

G H 2 (91) e H 2 (91 1 )

Y(z): 91, -4 91 is an analytical in ID

for almost all z E T.Section II.1 for orthoprojector PG

PG = /1 1/ 2 (9-0 - 943 .4. 99 * .

Here 15, is the orthoprojector from L 2 (T, 91 1 ) to H 2 (91 1) while ' and

.9'* are multiplication operators by 9'(•) and 9'*(.), respectively. Since )t,

is the eigenfunction of operator o- *1 G , element of biorthogonal system

in which 91 1 is a subspace in 91,operator function, being isometric

We now exploit formula (15) in


66 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

is the eigenfunction of adjoint operator PG SI G:

PG Z (Z) = 1.4.k;(Z) .

We now prove that

re, Ker Y(µ),z — ,u


as for an inner operator function S (as for 92 1 = 91). With the obtainedrepresentation for PG we get the relations

(z — = 9(p,„ (pm.= 13± 9.zn.

Now, expressing n from the first equality,

n = (z — p) -1Y94 (5)and introducing it into the second one, we have

= 13,Y* z Ycop = 15, 9p•z — z —

Actually, multiplication operators by scalar function z/(z — p) andby operator function .99 commute, and for isometry Y(e) formula9*(e i°)Y(e i8)= /191i holds.

Let us prove that the solution go,, of (6) is a constant vector. Vectorfunction ap,,(z)/(z — p) may be represented in the form

z (P,, (11) + z [9, (z) — MP)] Z9µ \11)

+ 1,(P)Z


— p — p z

+ (cu (z) — 91,( 1)). (7)z —

The second and third items in expression (7) lie in the space H 2 (91 1 ). Thefirst one is orthogonal to H 2 (91 1 ) in L2(T, 91), since it may be representedin the form E n-_ 1 c,,z - ^, c„ e 92. Therefore (6) takes the form

9,(z) = Cop (I-L) + z (9A (z) — Mit)),Z — ft

whence cpii (z)= goii (p). We proved the representation (4).Since .)2/,' is analytical in 03, Y(p)re = 0. Evidently, ,99(z)ii" # 0, because

Y(z) for almost all z e T is an isometry of spaces 91 1 and 91. Therefore,

IMIN 111111. 1•1111 MIN 111111 MIS NIB

2. Vector exponential families on the semiaxis 67

there exists a minor of the order dim 91 1 of matrix function .99 (z) (in some

oasis) that is not an identical zero. This minor tends to zero in the pointsbtspectrum a. Because is a bounded matrix function, the minor is alsobounded in ED. Hence, the set of its zeros satisfies the Blaschke conditionsubsections 1.2.7, 1.2.3, and 1.2.2). The theorem is proved.

Remark 11.2.5. From the theorem it follows that for a minimal family ofexponentials or simple fractions (in the case dim 91 < co) there exists a

BPP generated by family Ix 2 91„1,1E , (see Subsections 1.2.11 and 1.3.5),

and \h.ecr {OW =

2.2. The basis property

In a scalar case, the .-basis property of an exponential family or a simplefraction family is equivalent to its uniform minimality and is expressed

via Carleson condition (C) on the family spectrum (Subsections 1.3.7,

1.3.11). From Corollary 2, one thus finds that the Carleson condition issufficient for a vector family of exponentials or corresponding simplefractions to be an 2'-basis. In a vector case, however, the Carlesoncondition is no longer necessary for an -B-basis property of a family.

Example 11.2.6. Let a l and a 2 be two close Carlesonian sets in the

sense that a1 L.) a 2 (C). For instance, one may set of {n + il,, EN ,

a2 = In + i + 1/n},,, N . Let 91 1 and 91 2 be orthogonal in 91 subspaces.


{X.1911}Aeo-i {x2 912}AE,2 E (LB).

For dim 91 < co, it seems natural that the spectrum of an 18-basis familycannot be too "thick." Indeed, the following facts take place.

Proposition 11.2.7 (Vasyunin 1976; Nikol'skii 1980: lecture VII, corollary

2). Let family 6 = {exp(i.1091 2 },te , form an.-basis in space L 2 (0, oo; 91),

dim 91 < oo. Then its spectrum a is a unification of not more than dim 91

Carlesonian sets.

Proposition 11.2.8 (Treir 1986). Let family {(5 2 }„ Ea of orthogonal projectors

b x in 91 be relatively compact (any infinite sequence contains a converging

subsequence), and let t have the form 6° = lexp(),06,911 2 „. Then family

g is an _99-basis if it is uniformly minimal.

MI MI MIN MI MS MO INOI INN68 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

If dim 11 < oo, then family {6 1} is always relatively compact. So,Proposition 8 extends the equivalence of the basis property and uniform.minimality to a finite dimensional case. For dim 91 = oo one should not,apparently, expect such an equivalence to be present. Consider thefollowing example.

Example 11.2.9. Let dim 91 = co and set = + e? where {„°}„EN isan orthonormal basis in 91. Then (see Example 1.1.18) family

{„}„"- 2 isa uniform minimal one but not an 2-basis one in 91.

Let us take a sequence of points A n that converge to a point 20 Eand consider a family of vector simple fractions {x 2* By the forceof Corollary 2, this family is uniformly minimal. In order to demonstratethat it is not an ..r-basis, we take a sequence {c„} of positive numbersbelonging to e2 \el . Since simple fractions x,. converge in Hi. to function

and since vector series

. .3E c„„= E cn c + E Cn) ?

n= 2 n= 2 n= 2

diverges, it is not difficult to show that series 7,....:— 2 Cn XA also diverges

in space 11_2,(91). From the Bari theorem (Proposition 1.1.17) it thenfollows that {x,.„} 0 (LB).

We will need a test for a family of simple fractions to be a basis. Firstwe give another definition.

Definition 11.2.10 (Nikol'skii 1980: lecture VII, sec. 3). Hyperbolic metric 'in C, is a function p(A, p) such that

tanhlp()., p) = R(., p) =


1 + R(A, p)p(A, p) = log

1 — p)

Let Dp (A, r) be "a circle" of radius r and center in this metrics.

Let o c C+ . Denote G„,(r), m = 1, 2, ... , connected components of setG(r), with G(r) being a unification in A e r of the circles Dp (A,r). WriteA,n (r) for the set of points from o lying in G„,(r): A„,(r) = a n G„,(r) and


A — p

— ft'

IMP. MN MB MB IMO MIN 1111111 MI MB MI2. Vector exponential families on the semiaxis


L„,(r) for subspaces of simple fractions with spectra Am (r):

Lm(r) := V (k — 2) -1 .AcA„,(r)

Proposition 11.2.11 (Vasyunin 1977; Nikol'skii 1980: lecture IX, sec. 5).

Let set a be a unification of N Carlesonian sets op Then

(a) for any r > 0, the family of subspaces {Lm (r)} forms an 2-basis;

(b) for r < ro 1/(2N) mini p(1, p), the dimension of Lm (r)

is not more than N (card Am(r) N).

The proof of assertion (a) is presented in Vasyunin (1977) and Nikol'skii

(1980) for only r = := r0 /16. However, it is true for smaller r as well.

For r > r* we have

Gm (r* ) U 1),(2, r,p) c U Dp(A , r).AeA„,(r.) leA,,,(r*)

It is clear that the latter unification is connected and so for any m,

lies in some component Gn (r). Therefore, subspace L„(r) either coincides

with the subspace Lm (r*) or contains this subspace along with other


L„(r) V L„,j (r* )•

Since the family of subspaces {L„,(r*)} constitutes an 2-basis, the sameis true for the family of subspaces {L„(r)}.

In other words, assertion (a) means the following. Under the conditionsa e (CN), a (C), the simple fraction family {x I } lec, is not an .2-basis in

However, joining simple fractions corresponding to "close" points ofthe spectrum in groups, one finds the subspaces spanned over those groupsof fractions to form the 2-basis.

Proposition 11 enables one to obtain a criterion for a family of vectorexponentials to be an 2-basis, if a satisfies the Carleson-Newmancondition (CN). (The condition was formulated in Ivanov 1985.)

Theorem 11.2.12. If o - e (CN), then the family An = {(k — :1) -1 91 2 }, E „,

forms an 2-basis if and only if for some r > 0 an inequality holds

inf min 9 91 (91 1 , V I > 0.m AeA,,,(r) licA,,,(r), tt* A


( )

.41 MI IMINI 1111111111 MI MI MI fall MI,

70 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

Roughly speaking, condition (8) means that in each group A m the familyof subspaces {91,} AGA,,, is an .0-basis in 9t, and this property is "uniformin groups (i.e., with respect to m).

PROOF. According to Proposition 11, scalar subspace family

{ileA ,,,(r)V 0C

is an .0-basis. The same is true for family {4} (Corollary 2a)

:= V (k;1) - 1 91,.A EA„,(r)

Let 1„, be a projector in Hi (91) on ..9;„ parallel to V„,„, The .0-basisproperty of 2„', is equivalent, in views of Proposition 1.1.24(b), to theestimates

14112 ki E 119m9112, Wm =VAn.

Let us write gm , 2 for the projector in on (k — 1) - 1 912 parallel to

V (k it) - '91A.

It is evident that

Y.= E g).„)YmleA„,(r)

and that Ym , i M is the projector on (k — ;1) - 1 911, e Am (r), parallel toA (k — rt) - 1 911,• That is why the .0-basis property of family .1, / is

equivalent (Proposition I.1.24(b)) to the estimates

E lig.,A9.911 2 , 9 6 VXn. (10)

From a comparison of (10) and (9) it follows that the 0-basis propertyof Xri is equivalent to the estimate uniform in m and cp.

11(p11 2 x E (p m e (11)AeA„,(r)

Since for r < ro sets Am (r) contain not more than N points, (11) i

— MU MI 011111 MU UM Mill MI MI

2. Vector exponential families on the semiaxis 71

equivalent to the estimate

sup max 11.97n,11 < Go. (12)m AE Am(r)

By Lemma I.1.9(a), condition (12) may be written in the form

a(r):= inf min 91.1 24(go x2 911 A , > 0. (13)m AeA rn (r) A.eA,,,(r),g#

So, we just proved the following lemma.

Lemma 11.2.13. For r < r0, condition (13) is equivalent to the 22-basis

property of family alp

Let condition (8) be valid. By Lemma 1(c),

(PHi.(97)( xAgIA. , V xA 91 .1) inf (Pgt(91A, v 921AcAm(r),F* A m,1 1€A,(0,14#1

Then Lemma 13 implies that family is an .-basis.Suppose that condition (8) is not true for all r. Let us show that then

(LB). The idea of the demonstration is that for small r "almost"linear dependence of subspace family I 1 vEA„,(r)dependence of simple fraction subspaces {x v 91v} veA m (r)*

So, by the force of the suggestion, for each r, 0 < r < r0, and every e > 0,

a point A. e Am (r) may be found there along with vectors e 911 ,

<00> 1, e 91i2 , E Am (r), 0 A., such that

(K ?i, + E < e•itE Am (r),11*

In each subspace 92v , v e Am (r), let us now choose an orthonormalbasis {r4(P ) }";= 1 , ri„ = dim 9I,. We denote Gram matrices of family

{x,11;f)}1;1:7",v.A.„(r) H Z (92) and family 1 71 P) } 1;,:rri",veA,n(r) bY F andTgt , respectively.

Expand vectors n, over this basisn,

c (q v = E vP) (P), ,

p= 1

and consider vector c = Ic v(Pr---1 (as an element of ( 2). Since

E le(vP)1 2 =EE ic?)1 2 = E <07v>> 2 ,v, p v p

implies "almost" linear


we have ilell e2 > 1.

NM • ONII MI Mil MN MN72 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

Inequality (14), in terms of rgi, means

2(r9-1C, = + E 70) < c.

veA„,(r), v

Then Lemma 3 provides an estimate

(Fc, c) 2c + 211F91 1111c11 2 max 11x1— 111e, (15)A, ite A„,(r)

Let us now prove that for r < ro

111-91 11 N, (16)and that

max 11x 1 — xo 11,1i ^ Nr. (17)A, ii E A,(r)

We first check inequality (16), and for this we take an arbitrary vectord = {dnf, : niv,ven.,.(r); then

(r9id, d) _ <<E,,„ df,PV,P)>>2 — <<EvEA_,(r) tiv>> 2

II d11 2 Ev,„ Id? ) 1 2 EvEA„,(,) <07v>> 2 'where

E 4'41?) •P=1

An obvious inequality

N 2

E zp ^ N E opgp=1 5 p=1

and relation (18) produce inequality (16).To justify inequality (17), note that between two points v, pc e Am (r), a

path exists running through the centers of circles Dp (2,r) (Gm is aconnected set). There are not more than N circles; hence, p(it,v)< Nr7

Using as well the estimate from Lemma 1.22, we arrive at the inequality(17).

The proved inequalities (16) and (17) produce

(Fc, c) 2(c + N 3r2 )1Ic11;2.Since the numbers a and r may be infinitesimal, the last inequality isincompatible with the 2-basis property of family Xri : if Xn a (LB), thenby Proposition I.1.20(b) operator F has a bounded inverse. This completesthe proof of the theorem.

( 8)



2. Vector exponential families on the semiaxis 73

In a finite dimensional situation, one can relax the requirements of'Theorem 12 exploiting Proposition 7 to some extent.

Corollary 11.2.14. If dim 91 < cc, then XII E (LB) if and only if for some

fcondition (8) holds.

1' The exponential families arising in control problems for string net(see Chapter VII) have asymptotically serial structure. In this case, theconvenient sufficient conditions of basis property may be given.

efinition 11.2.15. Family {(k — ).„) -1 6,1.911 4„, where are ortho-

projectorg in 91, is said to be a Carleson series C(6), if o - e (C) and

----+8 for some orthoprojector 6 in 91.n-.00

Corollary 11.2.16. Let I”, be a unification of Carleson series C(8 )• and

family {8;91} of subspaces be an 2'-basis. Then .1",,e (LB).

In the following examples the spectrum lies in a strip parallel to thereal axis and the hyperbolic metric is equivalent to the Euclidean one.

Example 11.2.17. Set

Arn := {(k — 2n + i) -1 6 1 91}„ Ez u {(k — 2n + 1 + i) -1 5 2 91},,, z

u {(k — n — + i) -1 6 3 91}„ Ez , 0 < ly„j ^ y < 1/2.

Here, S i , 6 2 , and 6 3 are distinct one-dimensional projectors in C 2 , gn

is a unification of three Carleson series in C 2, and Corollary 16 is inappli-cable. Nevertheless, the family spectrum is a unification of only twoCarlesonian sets am = + i}„ez and (7 (2) = + y„+11„, j . For r < 1/2 — y,not more than two points fall in A„,(r), and not more than one from eachof the sets am and a (2). Therefore the angles in (8) take only one of threevalues

cp(6 1 91, 6 291), cp(6 1 91, 6 391) and cp((5 2 91, 6 3 91)

and are bounded away from zero. Hence, e (LB).In Chapter VII, which focuses on the controllability of a system of

strings, a family also appears with a number of Carleson series greaterthan the dimension of space.


74 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

Example 11.2.18. Set

= {(k — n + innez u {(k n — y„ +

where 0 < ly„I y < 1/2 and

(1) =_ (sin )

cos an tin —

(2) (sin(an + 13n


cos(an + 13)

The behavior of vector n;," is disordered, but for any n

(Pk.", ?/;,2) ) — /3

e E, 70.

and E (LB).

3. Families of vector exponentials on an interval

In this section we consider families of projections of simple vector fractions

Pe {Pe(k — ;1) - ' 91 .tIAE,

for dim 91 < co. Here, O is an ESF (an entire singular inner operatorfunction in C+ ) a c C, is the family spectrum satisfying the Blaschkecondition (B), and 91 A are subspaces of 91, dim 91 A =: nA . We provide asimple fraction family with subscript II corresponding to BPP II generatedby the family: a is the set of semisimple zeros of H and Ker I1*(2) = 91

Family Xn is a Fourier image of exponential family 6° = {e '91 A} cLAO, co; 91), and for 0 = exp(ikT) family Pe is a Fourier image of family

= tXT e w 9IA I AE , c L2(0, T, 91) (characteristic function n, of interval(0, T) is usually omitted). Everywhere in this section, dim 91 = N < coand orthonormal basis Mil_ , is specified in 91. At times it may seemmore convenient to pass from the family of subspaces en to the family ofelements choosing an orthonormal basis {n( ) }, j = 1, . . . , nA , in 911 foreach 2. The family of normalized elements {x,,,Ai%, A, where

x A (k) = 1 H_

k — E C+, IkailH 2+ = 1,

is denoted by .1",, along with the family of subspaces.

3.1. Geometrical indications of minimal and basis properties

Lemma 11.3.1. For any ESF 0 and each BPP II, there may be found anESF O and BPP lI such that

1-16 = = s (1)

3. Families of vector exponentials on an interval 75

Ks =Kn © HK®= K® OOKn (2)

KrI V K, = K, (3)

00F. Let a number a be large enough for function

0 1 (k) = exp(ika)0'(k)

be bounded in C, (and thus to be an ESF). Define functions 02 (an

.ESF) and n (a BPP) from the factorization problem

O,II = fie2 (4)

and set 0 := OZ ' exp(ika).Functions and 11 satisfy an equation


and to check (1) it remains to show that O is an ESF. One may see from

the construction that 0 is an entire function unitary-valued on the realaxis. It is an ESF if it is bounded in C ± . From (4) we obtain

0;- =

which impliesO =

This relation may be written as

O = I-IOU/clef II, (5)

where ft is the matrix function composed by cofactors of matrix H. Since

det II = (det is a BPP. Take an arbitrary element cm ; of matrix

fIefi, which is evidently bounded in C. As 0 is an entire function, (p i.;

has to contain an inner factor det H:

(pi; = fi; det II

and fii is an analytical and is bounded in the C, function. From formula

(5) it follows that fi; is an element of the matrix 0.To verify equalities (2), we exploit the following: if 5, is a subspace of

Hilbert space 5 and 5 2 is a subspace of 5 1 , then

5 e = E5 e5i] ,o [bleu. (6)





76 //. Families of vector-valued exponentials

Using this, we find that

Ks = H.i.(91) e lle5H.i. (91) = [I-n(91) e 111-1.i.(91)]

e (i) e öin(91)].

Similarly, replacing II by Co and fl by 45, we get

KS = e efun (9) = [H+() e eln(9.0]

0[1-n e

and formulas (2) are proved.Let us demonstrate that (3), (2) imply Kn V Ke c Ks. Since any

subspace of the form Kk is invariant under action of the operator e*, then,according to Proposition 1.16, subspace Kr/ V Ke has the form Ksi , whereS, is an inner operator function dividing S from the left:

S = S 1 S2

(S2 is an inner operator function in C + .) Since subspaces Kn and Ke liein Ks , = K11 V Ke , the same assertion implies that II and CI are divisorsof S:

S1 = IIS1T = OSe ,

where Sr, and Se are inner functions.Now formulas (1), (7), and (8) produce the equalities

sns2 =

Se S2 =

Let us show that the equalities are correct only if S = const (i.e., thegreatest common divisor of BPP II and ESF (75 is trivial). Consider thedeterminant of the first equality in (9). Taking into account that the"determinant of an ESF is by definition of the form c exp(ikfl), 13 > 0,lel = 1, we have

det Sn det S2 = c exp(ikfi). (10)

Similarly, taking the determinant of the second equality in (9), we get

det Se det S2 b, (11)

with b being a Blaschke product. From (10) it follows that a scalarfunction det S has no zeros, while (11) implies that it has no singularcofactor as well. Therefore, det S = const and hence S = const. The lemmais proved.

3. Families of vector exponentials on an interval 77

a 11.3.2. For an ESF O and a BPP II, the relations

K0 n KA- = 01/_2(91)

cp(Ke , KA) = go(OH _2 (91), IIITi_(91)),

Ke n KR = Ctin(91) (91),

cp(K4- , IC H ) = cp(OHi_(%), (91))

e true with subspaces KA- and K,4- being orthogonal complements in

subspace KrI V K0 to Kr, and K0 , respectively.

PROOF. For any inner operator function Ks. in C+ , an equality holds:

SoH 2_ = Ks. e H 2 (92). (12)

Indeed, the operator of multiplication by S o is unitary in L 2 (R; 91) andthat is why

SoL2(R; 91) = L 2 (R; 91).

Representing the space L 2 (R; 91) as a sum of Hardy spaces for the upperand lower half-planes, we obtain

So (91) 0 SoH2(91) (91) e 11_2 (91). (13)

If one now subtracts subspace Sofli.(91) from both sides of the equality,one arrives at (12), which implies the useful relation

Ks. = SoH 2_ (91) e H2 (91) .

It is then easy to check that the right-hand side coincides withSoH_2 (91) n (91). So we have

Ks. = SoH 2_(91) e H_2 (91) = SoH2(91) n 1/3 .,(91). (14)

Using (12) for So = 0, we represent subspace 01-Ii. (92) in the form

01-1 2_(91) = Ke e (15)

Let S be an inner operator function whose existence is stated inLemma 1. Then

nW_(91) = EnH.2, (9) e Sla(9 )] e sHi.(9l)= nui.2, (91) e (91)] e a (%),

78 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

and formula (2) provides

= Kn 0 SH (91).( 1§)

From (15) and (16) it follows that subspaces KA and K e differ fro1-11-n(91) and OH_2 (91) by pairwise orthogonal summands. The additionof such summands does not change both the intersection of subspacesand the angle between them.

In a similar way, from formulas

HH 2_(%) = Kn O H _2 (91), ®H+(91) = K4- S - (9)

one derives the second pair of the desired equalities and thus completesthe proof of the lemma.

To return to the family Pe gii , we denote its elements by

.4, A := Pe (k — ;1) - 1 91 A

and reserve notations X,' = {1. ,,'} andXE,' n = {.1";"} for the subspacefamilies biorthogonal to Xr, and Peen , respectively (if they exist). Walways assume X,' c Kr, but do not demand the inclusion .T 0' VP@ ri

Theorem 11.3.3. Let O be an ESF and H be a BPP.

(a) Family 139 .9rn is then complete in the space K9 if and only if

Ke n K -= {0}.

(b) If family PEA, is minimal,

(-) ICH = {0}. (18

(c) If family P9 .1n is minimal, complete in K0 , and o- e (CN), then thbiorthogonal family is complete in Ke .

(d) The family Pe E1 is an .29-basis if and only if Xr, is an 2'-basis a

cp(Kel- , Kn ) > 0. (P

(e) The family P9 .K, is a basis in K9 if and only if family X, is an Y-basisand (19) and

(p(Ke, KA) > 0hold.


(a) Let family Pea-, be complete; that is, VP01,11 = K9 . Then the imag


3. Families of vector exponentials on an interval 79

of operator Pe : K,E, is dense in Ke and hence the adjointoperator, which equals Pri l Ke by formula (3) in Section I.1, isinvertible, That is, there are no elements in Ke orthogonal to Kn .

Conversely, if (17) holds, operator PH I,e is invertible. Therefore,

Po Kr, = Ke. Since Kr, = Vgn, assertion (a) is true.Preserving the notations of the families, let us turn now to the

amilies of elements {x,e} and {Po xlel, 2 E a, j = 1, 2, ... ,from the subspace ones. We note that this family of almost normedelements and the family Pe gi-, of subspaces form an £-basis (a basis)

simultaneously.For family 11 biorthogonal to the family of simple fractions, arelation is valid

\MI = \Aril = Kn

(see Subsection 1.3.5). That is why the conditions of Theorem 1.1.31are fulfilled. Assertion (a) of this theorem states that operator Pri l m ,

:= VP° Tr, has a dense image in Kn . The same goes for the operatorpn i Ke D Prd 93,. Therefore adjoint operator Pe i „ r, is invertible, whichis just what formula (18) expressed. Assertion (b) is verified.

(c) If a E (CN), then, by definition, a is a unification of a finite number

of Carlesonian sets:

c = U c) ,

J= 1

e (C), j = 1, , M.

By Subsection 1.3.11, family {x,},„ c ,, forms an 2'-basis. Drawing onCorollary 11.2.2, we conclude that {x,,91,1 },1„, a (LB), j = 1, . . . , M.

Assertion (c) follows from Theorem 1.1.31(b).(d) If family 130 .1n is an .r-basis, it is almost normed and uniformly

minimal in Ke . Consequently, it is also *-uniformly minimal so thatLemma 1.1.28 becomes applicable to it. By the force of this lemma,the family of elements Tr, is *-uniformly minimal and, since it isnormed, Tr, is uniformly minimal. According to Proposition 2.8,uniform minimality of the simple fraction family {x,17 (2 ) } is equivalentto its 2'-basis property.

From the Bari theorem (Proposition 1.1.17) for x = c!,-nx,07(2-i),one has

NIP+ (91) ^ V tcV)1 2 . (21)


By the condition, family Pe .,„ is an Y-basis. The same theorem


01111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•11111111111180 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials


= II PDX II LT (91)HT (91)

Comparing estimates (21) and (22), we find that

Pe x (9.) x 1114 (g1) -

This means that operator Pe I Ku is an isomorphism on its image. The ]

Lemma I.1.10(a) implies (19).Conversely, let In e (LB) and inequality (19) be true. Then by the

same lemma, P0 1 „„ is an ismorphism on its image. Hence, Pe lil e (LB)(e) Family Pe .; is a basis in Ke if and only if Pe .irn e (LB) and

VPe = K,. In accordance with what has been proved, this isequivalent to the following: .irr, E (LB), Pe t Kr, is an isomorphism onits image, and Cl Po Kri = Ke . These properties of operator P,I K,, areequivalent to the fact that the operator is an isomorphism betweensubspaces Kn and Ke . From Lemma I.1.10(c) we now obtain assertion(e). The theorem is proved.

For a family E of general type (not necessarily exponential), a familyE' biorthogonal to it may be incomplete in VE (Example 1.1.18). Assertion(c) of the theorem attests that for a family of vector exponentials under.

the condition a e (CN) the completeness of the biorthogonal family takes'place. This is proved at the abstract level and with the use of only thecompleteness of the family biorthogonal to an exponential family on 'asemiaxis. For a scalar case, completeness of the biorthogonal family hasbeen proved (Young 1980) without any condition on the family spectrumby the methods of the theory of functions of the complex variable.

3.2. Minimal vector families and the generating functionWe now introduce one of the main subjects of the exponential familiestheory: the generating function containing all the information aboufamily Polii ; in particular, the zeros of its determinant coincide with thespectrum a of the family.

Definition 11.3.4. Let 0 be an ESF and II be a BPP generated by a familof subspaces .1"n = {x 1 92A } (so that a is the set of zeros of det H. The zerosare semisimple and Ker H*(A) = % A ).

Entire strong operator-function F is said to be a generating functio

E cy)Pex,76i)Z. j

A, j


3. Families of vector exponentials on an interval 81

GF) of family Pe l'n = {.14, 1 1 AG„ = Pex A 91 1 , if it has a factorization

F = FIF:" = OFQ (23)

which Fe± are outer operator-functions in C ± .

From the definition of a GF it follows that Ker F*(A) = 91 A . SetKer F(A); obviously, dim 91 A = dim gl A =: n A .

Let us impose two restrictions on functions O and IT:

1), For some p > 0, ESF O is divisible by function e lk,' (i.e., functionOp (k) = exp(— ikp)0(k) is an inner one in C + ). This condition isequivalent to the fact that Op is bounded in

<<e -il`P O(k)>> 1, k E C+ . (24)

(2) The spectrum, say a, of family X, satisfies a condition

inf Im > O. (25).1.ecr

(For an exponential family 6° (related to Pe .Tri by the Fourier transform),the first limitation means that 6° is considered in subspace 9 --• 'Kecontaining the space L2(0, p; 91). In fact, in view of the formula (6) and

is, factorization O = exp(ikp)O p , we have

Ke = Kp ® e tkPIC,

and = L2(0, p; 91). The second restriction actually means only theboundedness from below of Im A, A e a, since it may always be fulfilledwith the help of a shift a H a + is (see Subsection 1.3.6).

When the theory of exponentials is used in control problems, condition(1) implies that a control effect is acting at least during a fixed period oftime p at any point where it is "applied."

Theorem 11.3.5. Let F be a GF for family 13,X,T . Then Pe 9n E (M) and!"the family of subspaces re,„ {.1"0 , A}.ZE , biorthogonal to Pe .n has the


re , 2 = (k — ).) - 1 F(k)912 . (26)

We first prove an auxiliary assertion.

<F(2) 71 A, ?I> + <F(17)e,?1> 2 v,—v v —

<F 1(v)e, A = v,



82 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

Lemma 11.3.6. Let a family of subspaces M}, e ,, c K0 , satisfy con.ditions

Pea-g, 11 0 A, (27)

PXe.." = 9, Al (28)

where PR-®,l the orthoprojector on subspace Xe A. Then {P9 Ari } E (M) and{A} is a biorthogonal family.

PROOF OF THE LEMMA. Let us turn from the subspace family to the familyof elements {x,L}, 2 e o-, j = 1, 2, ... , n l , xg ),, := Pe xA riV ), where vectorfamily {re is orthonormalized in TA for any A. Equality (28) revealsthat for any j there exists a solution y to the equation

Px.3.J9`.(ii) = 42/114,A11 2 •Then for 2 0 1.2 condition (27) implies

(yY ), xt.!,i)e (go = 0, 0 kt. (29)

For 2 = y as a consequence of the choice of family {/4-9, one finds that

(g1.72, 4,) .1) = (41).%, 43.,) .1.)/114.1 II 2 = 6 ! • (30)

From (29) and (30) it follows that the family of elements {AP}AL' n1 isbiorthogonal to {40. The lemma is proved.

PROOF OF THE THEOREM. Factorization of a GF F gives rise to the factthat F is a strong H_2, function while 0 -1F is a strong H.2._ function. So,by (23), (26), and Definition 11.1.8, we have

.re , A c A fP(91).

Identity (15) shows that subspace .2"; 3,, A lies in K9 . We now checkconditions (27) and (28) for family 1. „ A. Taking arbitrary vectors le E 91 1,,and pi E 91 and calculating the integral with the help of residues, for v e C+ .

we get

((k — 2) -1 F(k)7e, Fe(k — 17) - 111) (91) = ((k 1 F(k)e, (k 17Y 171)H+ (91)

<F(k), le> f

dk = 2ni(k — 2)(k — v)R

<F(v)e,71>A v,

= 2ni{ v —

<F' (2)t1 2, 71>, 2 =



<F(11)tr,r1A >,(32)

11•111 • I= =I MI Ell 11=13. Families of vector exponentials on an interval 83

(we have exploited the equality F(A)nA = 0 here and F'(A):=(d/dk)F(Ol k =A).

If one sets v= yea and takes vector n e 91m , then from (31) and the

equality F*(p)q, = 0 one derives

(F(k)► a pe

k — k —

Thus, condition (27) for family {.1"6,,,} is verified. Let us check condition

(28). Subspaces X'0. , and °.,l e , are of the same dimension, since dim 92 A =

dim gt„. Therefore, it suffices to show that the projector on the subspace

0 , is invertible over .1" 9' A . Let us assume the opposite, namely,

that a nonzero vector re E 92'' may be found such that

F(k)ti A

Then (32) implies

F'(A)re E 911- := 92 e 91 A . (33)

Since 91± = [Ker F*(A)] ± = F(A)91, relation (33) may be written as

F(A)ti l = F(A)ti for some n E 9t This equality contradicts the fact that

the zeros of function F are semisimple (because the zeros of H are

semisimple and the Fe± zeros are absent). Hence, the conditions of

Lemma 6 are satisfied, and family I.T 8' A I is biorthogonal to Pe Xll . The

theorem is proved.

Remark 11.3.7. The proof of Theorem 5 does not use all the informationabout a GF. It is not difficult to find out that family PEA, tends to beMinimal if an entire matrix-function F may be found such that

(a) functions I" and 0 - '1' are strong Hi functions, respectively, and

(b) function F has semisimple zeros in the points of the spectrum a, andKer P*().) = 91 A, e a.

In such a case, a biorthogonal family is described by formula (26), inwhich F has to be replaced by F. In particular, F may have zeros outside

the.spectrum a, and the factorization of F in C. may contain an ESF.

Let us give an expression for the biorthogonal family of elements viathe GF.

Corollary 11.3.8. Let F be a GF of the family {Pe x,n,}, E ,, <01,>> = 1.

k — A1 .1',3 A — PeXATIA•



NMI NM Mil MN IMO84 11. Families of vector-valued exponentials

Then biorthogonal family {4 2 } is given by

1 F(k)x® ,, =

Im <F'(A)e, i > k —

where n A e Ker FG1), (Ort >> = 1.

Relation (34) follows from the equality (32).

Theorem 11.3.9. Suppose Po d, e (M). Then

(a) entire operator function F, F 0, may be found such that functionsII -1 F and O'F are strong Hi. function and H 2_ function, respectively.Along with it there exists a nonzero minor of F vanishing in the pointsof the spectrum;

(b) if family Pe lii is complete in subspace Ke and o- e (CN), then a GFof the family exists.

The idea of the proof for a scalar situation is in the following. Onetakes an arbitrary element xo' .0 of a biorthogonal to Pe Xn family, setsf (k):= (k — u)xe, m (k), and checks that this function satisfies the require-ments of the theorem.

In a vector situation, in order to construct an operator function oneneeds several vector functions of the form (k — 2 .;)' x/e , Al (k). So, we startthe proof with the choice of those functions.

Denote a family of subspaces biorthogonal to Pe li, as 1'0' = {1.0' , A}",and choose in every subspace ® A an orthonormal basis {xVA },."L 1 . Wewrite M(k) for the dimension in 91 of the linear span of all the vectors

e o-, r = 1, , nA . Set M = max" e \c, M(k) and suppose that thismaximum is attained on the vector family,

{4ril(k0)},I= 1 .

In what follows we assume that all the points 2 .; are different and omitsuperscript (ri). The general case can be studied similarly.

Define operator function F by its value at a point k on the vectorse 91 in the following way:

F(k)ii = E (k — A.j)<n, 1>x4, A.,(k). (35)i=1

(family {0} is an orthonormal basis in 91).

MI NU 11111 NM MN MN MIN MN3. Families of vector exponentials on an interval 85

Since at k 0 vectors x',,,,i (k o) are linearly independent, F 0. All theelements of the space K,, particularly xa . z,

are entire vector functions(Subsection 1.3.1). Therefore F is also an entire function.

Let us demonstrate that F is a strong H. function while O'F is astrong IL.2 one. We first verify F to be a strong function. From thedefinition of F one derives

<<F(k)>> < + Ji <<x j(k)>> <<x,',,,,,(k)>>.1 + lki J=1 1 + ikl

Elements xe of space Ke lie in OR, 91). Hence, F is a strong function.Let us take some vector r/ E 91, then vector function

F(k) m k — 2.11 — E 07, P>x (k)k + i ).1 k + i e. A./

belongs to the subspace H+(92), because elements belong to it whilefactor (k — A; )/(k + i) is analytic and bounded in the upper half-plane.Therefore, F is a strong In function.

From formula (15) we conclude that functions 0 - 1 .x,'„, k, lie in the spaceH 2_(91). So, as in the case of the upper half-plane, for any n E 91 vectorfunction

O'F(k) M k — A. 01, >0 2.,(k)k — i k — i

lies in H 2 (91). Thus, O -1 F is a strong H 2 function.Let us establish that

Ker F*(A)D 92z . (36)

As is easily seen from the definition of F, operator F*(k) is defined by theformula

F*(011 = E (k — Ad<ti,J=1

Take vector q„, e 91, and let it e a. Then the biorthogonality of the familiesPEgn and X,' ,n , implies

j= 1



6,2 = (Pe x,q,, )4,,,)= 2 i1m 1 01.z, x■E0,,( 2)›. (38)

Let 2 not coincide with any of the numbers j = 1, 2, ... , N. Then bythe force of (38) for e 91,, all the scalar products in (37) tend to zero.

86 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

If 2 does coincide with some Ai , then the jth summand is nullified due tothe factor (k — A; ), while the other summands are vanishing again by theforce of (38). Thus, function II -1 F has no poles in C., and is a strong11.1. function, since F is such a function.

To prove assertion (a) of the theorem, it remains only to check thatfor 2 e 0", rank F(2) < M. Assume that at some point A e o- rank F(1) = M.From the definition of F it follows immediately that 2 differs from thepoints A k, , A,. Let us choose vector ?La E 91k , which is not orthogonalto )4) , A(2). Vector family {.4.,,i(2)}M , is then orthogonal to 7 2 by therelation (38).


dim Lin{.40„(2)}jl 1 = rank F(2) = M,

dim Lin({x'e , ai(2)}i'l 1 u x'0 , 2 (2)) = M + 1.

The last equality contradicts the definition of number M, which provesassertion (a).

(b) Let us show that for the complete family Pe .TH under CarlesonNewman condition (o- e (CN)), the family of subspaces {4, a (lco)}.„complete in 91, that is, that M = N. Indeed, if M < N, vector rh o may befound orthogonal to all the vectors x,'3 , 1 (k0), which are the elemen%of subspace g.,2% A (k0). Therefore (see (38)), vector function Peoxk go isorthogonal to the biorthogonal family .11, n . On the other hand, thisvector function is not an identical zero in view of condition (24) imposedon 0. We have just found a discrepancy with the completeness of family

, n , following from Theorem I1.3.3(c).So M = N and the constructed matrix function F is not degenerate at

ko . Since II -1F is a strong function, it has a factorization

II'F = (39)

(IL, is a BPP, 0., is an ESF). In the lower half-plane, function 0 -has a factorization

0-1F= H: 1 0 -_-1 F;

(IL is a BPP, 0_ is an ESF). Formulas (39) and (40) take into accountthe fact that F is an entire operator function and hence has no nonentirsingular factor.

For the desired factorization of F, it remains only to establish theabsence of the "extra” zeros of F - the absence of II ± cofactors - and thetriviality of the "extra" singular cofactors 0 ± , that is, the equalitie0 ± = const.


3. Families of vector exponentials on an interval 87

Let us demonstrate that an extra zero of F enables one to present a

nonzero element g orthogonal to the complete family PoI'll in Ko . We

first check that det F does not tend to zero outside of a. Let v e C \ a and

e 91. Suppose F(v)ii = 0. Set g(k) = F(k)ti/(k — v). This vector functionis an entire one and by the force of assertion (a) lies in the subspace

In(91) n OH_2 (91) equal to Ko (formula (14)). Equalities (31) imply that

g IAA/ . Since family Pe 2n is complete in K9 , g = 0, that is, rl = 0.

Therefore, F has no zeros outside the spectrum a.In a scalar situation, it would now be sufficient to demonstrate that

unction f (a scalar analog of operator function F) has no multiple zeros.

3ut if 2 is such a multiple zero, then evidently f (A) = f'(2) = 0 andormula (32) would show function g(k) = f(k)/(k — A) (lying in Ko ) to be

orthogonal to the complete familyIn a vector situation, the construction of such an element g is more

complicated. Let us specify a point 2 e a and first verify the equality

Ker F*(A) = 91 A . (41)

Suppose that it is not valid. That is, by the force of (36),

dim Ker F*(2) > dim 91,. (42)

Let subspace Ker F(2) be denoted by 91 A. Then assumption (42) may be

written as

dim 91 A > dim 91 A ,


dim Ker F(2) = dim Ker F*(2).

Consider a subspace

VA .= F(k)917(k — A),

which lies in Ko and VA 1 Po .i; for /..t � A. Since

dim VA = dim 91 2 > dim 91 1 = dim PolA ,

a nonzero element g may be found in VA orthogonal to P9 T2 and, hencethe complete family Po Tn . The contradiction proves equality (41) to be

correct.0•Iow, to verify the triviality of the factors and n_ in factorizations(39) and (40), one has only to show that the zeros of F are semisimple.


88 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

Let 2 not be a semisimple zero of function F. Then, by definition, vectorsrif E 91A, rl i � 0, and n E 91 may be found such that

F'(2)/i + F(1)n = 0. (43)

Let us seek an element g of the form

g(k) = tfr(k) , 0(k) = F(k)[rit + (k — 1)(1 + tea(k — 2) 2

which is orthogonal to family Po Kn . Here, vector e E ge is "a freeparameter." From relation (43) it follows that has a second-order zeroat the point 2, and hence g E K® , since, as it was shown, F is an H2,function, and 0 -1F is an H. one. Let u 0 2, e o. Function <0(k), 710for n„e 9110 tends to zero at k = it. Therefore

( g, pc, = f <OK '0 dkk — (91) j R (k — 2) 2 (k — 1.1)

= 27ri( res <0(k), ri„> + res <0(k), ti,> _ 0k=2 (k — 2)2 (k — it) (k — 2) 2 (k — J.())

We only have to show that under some choice of vector re, function g(k)is orthogonal to subspace P0 .51'1. . Take an arbitrary element Po (k — ).) -1 111of PO x . Then

(g(k), Pok) — 2ni res (k — 2) -3h(k) = 27tih" (A) ,

where h(k).= 011(k), 2 >. For g to be orthogonal to PoXii , h"(A) = 0 isrequired for any n, e 92,. Since

h"(A) = <F"(2)rit + 2F'(2)[ +

re has to be chosen from the condition

+ 2F'(2)re 191,1 , ij .= F"(2)nt + 2F'(2)n

so that it is enough to solve the equation

P9LF (A)ri A = — Alf (44)

Lemma 11.3.10. Operator P9LF'(2) maps 91' on 91 A .

If we consider the lemma to be provisionally proved, we see that thereis a solution re E 91,1 for equation (44), and thus a nonzero element g E Kois found that is orthogonal to Pe.irn.


3. Families of vector exponentials on an interval 89

pRooF OF LEMMA 10. According to (41) the dimensions of the subspacesand 92A coincide. Therefore the operator P9LF(2)1 912 is an isomorphism

if it is nondegenerate. Let

P91,F'(2)116' = 0, pm' e 91 A . (45)

etg = F(k)qt/(k —

Then, by (32) and (45), g 1 Pe X„, from which r/6' = 0. The lemma is

'proved.We have demonstrated that in the factorizations (39) and (40), BPP

factors H ± are absent. Let us show that ESF 0 + is a unitary constant.Define ESF O and BPP H from the factorization condition

no, = CUL (46)

The biorthogonal to the Po .Yri family of subspaces, in view of Remark 7,is described by the formula

1"0 , A = (k — 2) -1 F(k)91 A .

Identity (46) then implies .1"0 ,,1 e (5,H.i._(91) and, hence,

VX'e, A c 6 4- 1a(91).

Since family Pe g", is complete in K, and a e (CN), by Theorem 3(c)we obtain

Ko c

From the condition on O (see formula (24)), we conclude thatKp c (5,11i.(91) and thus 057, 1 K, c 1-a(91). Lemma 1.23 shows that

= const. Then ESF 0, is constant as well.ESF 0_ is proved to be a constant in a similar manner. Indeed,

factorization (40) (accounting for the absence of 1 -1_) implies the inclusion

0 -1 .9" o , A c 0: 1 W.(91).

Family {1-10 , 1 } is complete in Ko . Therefore, family {0 Ire ,,} iscomplete in the space 0'1(0 equal to W_(91) ee - lw(91) by the forceof (14). (This subspace is an analog to subspace Ko for the lowerhalf-plane.) So we get an embedding

0: 1 1a(91) 1/(91) e 0 -1 1-P.(91).

Function 0 -1 is inner in C_ and is divisible by exp(— ikp). Hence

H 2 (9- ) e0-1H2 (9rt) H2 (91) e e - ikp Hz(%).


90 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

If one applies to the embedding

H 2 (91) 0 [H 2 (91) e e - ikp H 2 (go]

Lemma 1.23 formulated for the lower half-plane, one gets the triviality ofESF . Thus the theorem is proved completely.

Remark 11.3.11. If family Pail is not complete in subspace Ko , then there'may be no GF at all. As an example, let us take in L 2(0, 2n) family e of"harmonics" e' e int with positive numbers, n E

The family Po X of simple fraction projections corresponding to familyt is of the form {P2„(k — n + 0 -1 }„ Erv . If one takes a family of such'fractions for all integer n e Z, it will have a GF f (k) = e" `k sin n(k —However, for family P2,Xri there is no GF. Actually, in the opposite casea Cartwright-class function would be found with the set of zeros {n + i}„ EN .But this is impossible: the zeros of a Cartwright-class function are"equally" divided between the right and left half-planes.

3.3. Hilbert operator and exponential families on an interval

Let W(x) be a nonnegative matrix function, x e IR. Further, let a denotea space of vector functions squarely integrable over IR:

Lw = {f Ilf Ilh„:= < f(x), W(x)f(x)> dx < 04.J

In this section, we relate the basis property of a family of exponentials (afamily of simple fractions Po .Tri ) with the boundedness of the Hilbertoperator Ye (see Subsection 1.1.5) in the space 1,4, with W = F*F, whereF is a GF of the family.

Introduce the sets g ± lying in Hi(91), respectively. 3+ is a linear span(not a closure) of elements

k— i) 1" 1?le 91,m= 0,1,.... (47)

k + k+i


g_ = Lin(k + 1

qe92,rn=0,1,... — i) k — i


Elements (47) of family g, are the images of the elements zmq E H2(91)under the mapping of Hardy space in 03 on Hardy space in C + (up to a


3. Families of vector exponentials on an interval 91

constant factor). Hence, CI g+ Iii_(91) and, similarly, Cl g_ = H 2 (91).From the definition, it follows that if f E g+ + g_, then it satisfies the

estimateIf(k)1 cf (1 +10 -1 , k e 11. (48)

Let F be a GF of family Peen (thus, we assume Po .Tri to be minimal; seeTheorem 5) and F be a multiplication by F operator. Since F is a strongfunction, operator F does not lead out the functions satisfying (48) of

i,2(R, 91). Therefore operator

:=FP F'

is properly defined on a (linear) set F(° + + g_), where P_ is the ortho-projector from OR, 91) on IP_(%).

Lemma 11.3.12. Operator 9 is continuously extendable up to the skew

projector e rHIV

if and only if family Pe X„ is complete in the subspace Ko .

PROOF. Take an arbitrary element g from the domain of g: g = Fu + + Fu_,

u, e g+ , u_ e g_. Then

,fig FP_(u + + u_)= Fu_.


YlFg , =o, 9IF _ = I.

The first of the relations implies operator to be continuouslyextended by zero on the set Cl Fg + . From the second one, it follows thatoperator .96_ is continued by the identity operator to the set CI Fg_.Let us show that 9 can be continued to the set Cl Fg + + Cl Fg_ ifand only if

Cl Fg+ n Cl Fg_ = {0}. (49)

In fact, if (49) is not true, sequences un+ e g+ , u, e D_ may be found suchthat

un+ -+ u, u, u O.

Then gun+ = 0, gu„- = u and the continuation of .9 is not possible.If (49) is true, continuation of 9/ is obviously possible.Let us now show that

Cl Fg+ = Cl Fg_ = OH? (9i). (50)


92 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

We use factorization of the GF F. In the upper half-plane F = IIFMultiplication by H is a unitary operator; that is why

Cl = II Cl F:g+ .

By an outer function property (Subsection 1.2.8), Cl F: g+ =H+(fil), andthe first of equalities (50) is justified. In C_, operator function F has "a,factorization of the form F = OF; . Therefore, as in the arguments above,we prove the second equality from (50).

So, we have proved that the condition

(91) n = {0}

is equivalent to the property of operator .9 to be extendable up to a skewprojector g) = Y llfill i-(91) defined over a sete111(at)

11H.i.(91) + 01/1(91). (52)

To complete the proof of the lemma, one only has to note that (51) isequivalent to the completeness of family Peen by the force of Theorem3(a) and Lemma 2.

Lemma 11.3.13.(a) Operator is continuously extendable to the whole space L 2 (11, 91) if

and only if

9(01i1(91), 1.11-1( 11))

(b) Inequality (53) implies inequality

9(OH.2,(91), 1-11-1(91))







PROOF. First, we demonstrate that

Cl (HH.i.(91) + 01-1 (91)) = 91). (55)

Here we exploit the minimality of family AA, induced by the existenceof the GF (Theorem 5). Assume (55) to be invalid. Then a nonzero elementmay be found in the intersection of orthogonal (in OR, 91)) complements -to the subspaces M+(%) and OH 2_(91). By formulas (13), those orthogonalcomplements are equal to HI-1_2 (91) and 01/.2,(91), respectively. ButTheorem 3(b) and Lemma 2 pronounce the intersection of these subspacesto be trivial. So, formula (55) is proved.



3. Families of vector exponentials on an interval


Let (53) be true. Then by Lemma I.1.9(b)

(91) + OH? (91) = C1(11W_ (91) + 01-1(91)),

and by (55)

11W_ (91) + OH...(91) = OR, 91).

Under condition (53), relation (51) is obviously true, and accordingto Lemma 12, operator .9 is extendable up to a skew projectoryll'unm ) defined over the whole space L 2(1, 91). On the other hand,

eff (51)if g, is extendable in such a manner, then, as it was established inLemma 12, the continuation is the skew projector 9H ll491(91) ) and byLemma I.1.9(a) the angle between (91) and W11(90 is positive.Under condition (53) and taking into account (55), we can use LemmaI.1.9(c) and obtain

cp((OH_2 (91)) ± , (91))1 ) > 0.

In view of (13), we complete the proof of the lemma.

We now prove one of the main results of our book. Recall that GF offamily Pe .Tri is determined by functions O and H. It is the same for thefamily of subspaces and for the family of elements.

Theorem 11.3.14. Let F be a GF of family Pe . n . Then

(a) Operator Pe i,n is an isomorphism of spaces Kr, and Ke if and only ifthe Hilbert operator is bounded in the space L. F .

(b) The family Po li, of elements forms a basis in the space K e if and onlyif family Yr, forms a basis in Kr, and the Hilbert operator is boundedin the space Ll•F•


(a) By Lemma I.1.10(b), operator Pe is an isomorphism of thesubspaces Ke and Kr/ if and only if

cp(K4, > 0, 9(Ke , Kh) > 0. (56)

By Lemma 2, these inequalities are equivalent to (53) and (54). Thus,by Lemma 13(b), inequality (53) is a necessary and sufficient conditionfor operator Pe l Kn to be isomorphic. But (53) is equivalent to the

MIS NM Mil MIN MIS MIN MO NM 11111194 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

boundedness of the skew projector By Lemma 12, coincideswith operator 9 on a dense set. Let us use the expression for the Rieszprojector P_ via the Hilbert operator Ye, that is, formula (2) in SectionILL In this way, we find that .9 is bounded (i.e., Pe i K. is isomorphiC)if and only if operator F.rer 1 is bounded in L 2(l, 91).

Let us now demonstrate the latter operator to be isometric (unitaryequivalent) to the Hilbert operator in the weight space L.F. To dothis, we introduce an isometry

F -1 L2

by the rule (F -1 u)(x) = F -1 (x)u(x). The fact is that indeed aisometry follows from the identity

11F - l u <F'u,(F*F)F'u> dx = (u, u> dx = 1114112201.91).

Operator F./6'F' is then isometric to operator F '(F.YeiF -1 )Fin a* F. Assertion (a) is proved.

(b) If operator A' is bounded in LI,F , projector Pe I Kn is an isomorphismin view of (a). Then family P8 .C1 , which is the image of family Xn , isa basis in Ke if X, is a basis in Kn .

Conversely, if a family of elements Pe ln forms a basis in Ke , thenby Theorem 3(e) n c (LB), and (56) holds. The latter inequality isequivalent to the boundedness of ye in Li.*F •

The theorem is proved.

Remark 11.3.15. Let a condition of the semisimplicity of zeros not beimposed on a BPP H. In order for family Pe ln to form a basis, it isnecessary to consider multiple fractions (or function t' exp(— at)ri for theexponential family). Nevertheless, if there is a function F with a factor-ization of the form (23), then it is true that assertion (a) of Theorem 14remains as before. Indeed, in the proof we do not consider zeros of F tobe semisimple.

3.4. Indications for Hilbert operator to be boundedDefinition 11.3.16. The Hilbert transform of function v e L°°(l) is function

1 .v. ( 1 JR X - t

+ 1 t2)v(t) dt.


3. Families of vector exponentials on an interval 95

Note that if v e n L 2 , then V" differs from Ye'v only by a constant. The

Fterm t/(1 + ( 2) is added inside the parentheses for convergence; if the

to note that the Schwarz formula

V(k) = —1 ( 1 t )

v(t) dtR t — k 1 +ni

For a scalar case, two criteria are known for the Hilbert operator to

be bounded in space L„,2 with the weight w.

Proposition 11.3.17 (Helson and Szego 1960: Hunt, Muckenhoupt, andWeeden 1973; Nikol'skii 1980; Garnett 1981: chap. VI, th. 1.2). The

following conditions are equivalent:

.(a) the Hilbert operator is bounded in the space L,2„, w(x) > 0,

(b) Helson-Szego condition: functions v, u e L"(R), L- < n/2, may be

found such that w = exp(u + ,r5),

(c) Muckenhoupt condition:

sup( 11 1

w(x)dx- 111

1w(x)I 1 dx) < co, (A2)1

where sup is taken over all the intervals 1 = (a, /3) c R.

Muckenhoupt condition (A 2) is given in Hunt, Muckenhoupt, and

Weeden (1973) for operator Yf to be bounded in L„2 for p = 2.

Let us provide some elementary information about condition (A 2 ).

Lemma 11.3.18. Let ft , f2 G (A2). Then

(a) f1 + f2 e (A2) ,

(b) f(x):= max{fi(x), /2(x)} e (A2).


(a) By the definition of the Muckenhoupt condition there exists constant

c such that for any interval / = (a, /3)


fi (x) dx c111 2 [ (x) dx] , j = 1, 2.

tegral converges without it, the term produces a constant. It is useful

restores analytic function V in C+ by the trace of its real part v on

R: V(x) v(x) + L.-4x) under the condition Im V(i) = 0.


all MIN Mill INN OM INIM MIN MN 11111

96 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials


III1 r

f2) d III(fi + f

2 1 dx

<c f 1 1

jr(fi 1 dxJ./ dx



± 1.2) -

+ f2)_xf2- 1 dxf

SI (fi + f2 ) -1 dx± c .f.! + c 2c$1 fil dx dx

since1 1

= 1, 2.jf1 + f2

(b) Note that

-1(11(x) + f2(x)) f(x) f i(x) + f2(x) •

Assertion (b) now follows from (a) and the definition of Muckenhouptcondition (A 2 ).

The lemma is proved.

Proposition 11.3.19 (Garnett 1981). Let w e (A 2). Then

w(x)dx < cJ R 1 + x2 4).

Example 11.3.20. Let us check that function Ixr satisfies (A 2) if and onlyif < 1.

Let 'at < 1. Because function w(x) = 1x1 8 is even, we may confineourselves to intervals of two kinds: 0 < a < b and a < 0 < b with b > atFor an interval of the first kind we have

andf w dx X — c/a-El aa+ 1(c a+ 1 1),


c b/a,

dxXb'+' — -a a+1 = a-a-Fi(c-«+1 — 1).



d dxX(ca+11)(c-cc-4-1


(c — 1)2—'91(c).

MIN Ole INN MIN 1111111 1111111 MR MN MI3. Families of vector exponentials on an interval 97

t is not difficult to show function (p i to be bounded on the semiaxis [1, co).On the intervals (—lal, b), 'al, of the second kind we have for

b/I a l

w dx dx X 1 (ba+1 + 1 ) (b - a +1 + kir a + 1 )

112 (b + la1) 2

(ea' + 1)(c-a+1 + 1)

(c + 1)2= (PAO.

Function (p2 is bounded on [1, co).If tat 1, then

IR 1 + x 2

Therefore, the condition of Proposition 19, necessary for (A 2), is notsatisfied.

In a vector situation a necessary and sufficient condition for the Hilbertoperator to be bounded in the space with matrix weight W(x) > 0 is notknown. Let us prove several results in this direction.

Theorem 11.3.21.

(1) Hilbert operator ie is bounded in a if and only if it is bounded in4) -i.

(2) If .Ye is bounded in a then(a) for any vector n c 92, n � 0,

<W(')q, 11> 6 (A2) (57)

(b) <<W(')>> E (A2).(3) If

W(k) X <<W(k)>> k e 68 , (58)

then any of the conditions 2(a) and 2(b) are sufficient for operator .°to be bounded in a.

PROOF. Operator ' in L i24, is unitary equivalent to operator W1 / 2 Ye W-1 / 2

in L2 (see the proof of Theorem 14). The adjoint to the latter operator is— w-1/2.)rw1l2. (The Hilbert operator is antiselfadjoint, Ye* =as is seen from the formula for the Riesz projector P± .) And operator

w1/2 is unitary equivalent to operator Ye in L4 ) - t.

dx =w(x)


IMO NOIR NM 1111111 MS INS MIN MN98 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

(2a) For any n <00 = 1, subspace

:= {u E Lw I u(k) = f (k)q, f (k) is a scalar function}

of vectors spanned on q, is invariant under the action of ye, andsAIL. is isometric to the "scalar" Hilbert operator in L„,2 with weight

w = <W•) 11, 11>. From the boundedness of Ye in a and thecriterion for the scalar Hilbert operator to be bounded, condition(57) follows.

(2b) As has been proved, for any vector 0 of an orthonormal basis in91, function < W( • )0, 0> satisfies the Muckenhoupt condition.From Lemma 18(b) we then have

vv.(*) := max < W( •) 1, 0> E (AD. (59)1

Let us check that

wmax (k) W(k)>> Nwmax (k). (60)

The left inequality is obvious. To prove the right one we denote g(k)the normed eigenvector of (matrix) operator W(k), corresponding toits largest eigenvalue << W(k)>>. Then, expanding basis vectors 0 of91 over the basis of W(k) eigenvectors, we arrive at

<W(k) , <<W(k)>>1<0 , g(k)>1 2


1 = <<g(k)>> = l<0 , g(k)>1 2 ,1=1

max l<0, g(k)>I 2 .

Inequalities (61) and (62) imply the right one in (60). Now, (59)provides us with 2(b).

(3) Under condition (58), the metrics in spaces a and L,'<w>>j areequivalent. If the Muckenhoupt condition is fulfilled by function

W>>, then Hilbert operator is bounded in 4w>>/ . Hence, it isbounded also in L,„2 (function wmax is determinate in (59)). Frominequalities (60) it follows that functions w max and (< W>> bothsatisfy the Muckenhoupt condition or both do not. Since fromcondition 2(a) and Lemma 18 it follows that wmax e (A 2), the theoremis proved.



1111111 NM Mill MIN 11111111 SIN MN MS

4. Minimality and the basis property in L 2 (0, T) 99

Corollary 11.3.22. Let a GF of family Po l' satisfy inequalities

<<F(k)>> -< 1, <<F(k)-1>> }- 1, k e R. (63)

Then Pe I K r, is an isomorphism.

Indeed, under condition (63), F*(k)F(k) X 1 9-1 , and one should only

apply Theorem 21.

4. Minimality and the basis property of scalar exponentialfamilies in L2(0, T)

The tests showing an exponential family to be minimal or to form a basis

are formulated in a simpler and more convenient way for scalar appli-cations as compared with the vector situation. Questions surrounding thetheory of scalar exponential families are discussed in the literature (Paley

and Wiener 1934; Levin 1956; Hrushchev, Nikol'skii, and Pavlov 1981;Schwartz 1959; Young 1980). In this section, we consider several resultsthat are significant for what follows. We demonstrate only a few of themsince they are fairly well known.

Throughout the section, except in a few stipulated cases, we consider

family ST = le"-`1„ Ez in the space L 2(0, T). The family spectrum - that

is, the set {.1.„} - is denoted by a. We assume that

sup urn 2„I < co ; a.; n m..7

Re A.„ < Re 2„ +1 .

4.1. Minimality

Without sacrificing generality, one may consider (see Subsection 1.3.15)that a e C.

Theorem 11.4.1. Family ST is minimal in L2 (0, T) if and only if an entirefunction f of the exponential type may be found with the indicator diagramof width not greater than T, which tends to zero on a and satisfies thecondition


, dx < co .1 + x`J

This assertion can be found in the literature (Paley and Wiener 1934)or can be proved easily enough in a manner similar to that of Theorem 3.5


100 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

(see also Remark 3.7 and Theorem 3.9(a)). For the demonstrationintroduce simple fraction family

= {Pr(k -A) -1 }2.c,with PT being the orthoprojector in H.2_ on KT := e FainST is related to 1T by an isomorphism. In fact, the mapping g(t) 1-4turns ST into family {e -w } xe ,, which is transformed into XT by the inveFourier transform (constant factor 1/,/2n is omitted).

Let family ST be minimal in L 2(0, T). Then family XT is minimal inTake an arbitrary element x'a (k) of the family biorthogonal to XT 0easily sees that function f(k) = (k — 2)x"k (k) satisfies the conditionsthe theorem.

Conversely, let f satisfy the conditions. Then it belongs to the Cartwriclass (see Subsection 1.4.3) and allows factorization (Proposition 1.25

f = e - ika 7.c+ fe+ = e ika - f-

The assumptions made provide a + + .̂ T and n + (A) = 0 for Q. Sfo lk) = f(k) e ik"+ and let ra denote the multiplicity of the root of fo lk)k = 2. Let us check the family

2nifg.2 ) (2) (k — 41 ,,

r! fo(k)


to be biorthogonal to eTT (compare with Theorems 3.5 and 3.9). For it ep 2, we have

fo(k) 1 — res fo(k) Vk — k — P k = p (k — 2)'.(k — it)

= 0.

At the same time,

Vk — Ar' k.io(k) — 2ni res — 2ni °

k = (k — ar +1 r!fo(k) firo(2)

The theorem is proved.The following assertion contains a test for a family eT to be nonminimal.

Setn(r) card { E a 121 < r} .

Corollary 11.4.2. If

lim sup n(r)



then family ST is not minimal in L2(0, T).

NM MO OM MIN OM MS4. Minimality and the basis property in L 2 (0, T) 101

PROOF. Let ST be minimal and f be the function described in Theorem

1. Let us write a for the set of zeros of f and ii(r) ,= card {A e a I IA} < r}.

Proposition 1.25 implies

But along with it S a, and therefore n(r) > n(r), which contradicts (1).

4.2. The basis property of family {e"-•f}

The problem of how to describe the Riesz bases of exponentials has along history. The first such effort seems to have been made by R. Paley

id N. Wiener (1934), who proved that {e".^(} is a Riesz basis in L 2 (0, 2n)

if suPnez kin — ni < 7r -2 . R. J. Duffin and J. J. Eachus (1942) dun-onstrated the same statement to be valid for d < 7C- 1 log 2. The problem

was solved in these terms by M. I. Kadets (1964), who proved the result

for d < 1/4. The examples in Ingham (1934) and Levinson (1940) show

that Kadet's result cannot be improved.All the investigations just mentioned rest on the fact that {e j2^`} is close

to the orthonormal basis fe intl. An alternative approach to the description

of Riesz bases of exponentials in L 2(0, T) was developed by B. Ya. Levin

(1961). Entire function F of the exponential type, whose set of zeros

coincides with o- and the indicator diagram is a segment [—iT, 0] of the

imaginary axis, plays an important role in this approach. If F is a

Cartwright-class function, it allows an explicit representation of the form

(see Subsection 1.4.4)

F(z) = e izTI2 p.v. (1 —nel

(In the case where one of the numbers 2„ equals zero, the corresponding

factor 1 — z/.1.,, is replaced by z.)If o- e C+ and the condition

r oo IF (x)12,x , 00_031+ x 2

holds, F_ is a generating function (GF) for a simple fraction family

{PT(k — 2.) -1 }„ Ez in space KT in the sense of Definition 3.4.The foregoing provides the grounds to call an entire function of the

exponential type with simple zeros {.l„} and with indicator diagram

[— IT, 0] a generating function of family {e"^`} in L 2(0, T). This definition

is broader than the one introduced in Section 3 since it does not assume


lim n(r)/r < —T .

r-. rc


la NUN MN 1111111 INN ON PIN102 H. Families of vector-valued exponentials

ST to be minimal. That is, it does not assume condition (2) to be valid,.A broader definition of a generating function is more convenient in thissection, and we conserve notation GF for it.

B. Ya. Levin (1961) and V. D. Golovin (1964) were the first to formulatea generating function for the basis property of exponential families.

Proposition 11.4.3. Let a GF of family ST be a sine-type function (STF, seeSubsection 1.4.6), and let the set a be separable. That is, inf„ � „,R, — Ani l > 0 .

Then ST is a Riesz basis in L2(0, T).

From a contemporary point of view, this result is just a simplecombination of Theorem 3.14(b) and Corollary 3.22. Note that theseparability of a is necessary for ST to be uniformly minimal.

V. E. Katsnelson (1971) generalized Kadet's theorem for the case ozeros of an STF.

Proposition 11.4.4. Let a GF of family ST be an STF, and I'S 1.n, nebounded sequence of complex numbers such that

iRe On! d inf 1Re(2„, — A„)1, d < 1/4, n e Z.n � rn

If set {A,, + (5„} is separable, then family {ei(a- -"")i} is a Riesz basisin L2(0, T).

This theorem was strengthened by Avdonin (1974a, 1974b), whoreplaced condition (3) on sequence {(5,,} by an analog valid "in the mean.'To formulate the result, we need the following definition.

Definition 11.4.5. Let a = {An}nez, suPncz Anl < co, and {ai }iez c fl bea growing sequence such that sup siEz i. < ci. Decomposition

a = Ujei

.= {A.„ I ociRe An < j+1 },

is said to be a A-decomposition of set a.

Proposition 11.4.6 (Avdonin 1974a). Replace condition (3) of Proposition 4by the requirement

E Re (5„n: A„ecri

dip d < 1/4, j e Z,(

to some A-decomposition of set a. Then Proposition 4 remains valid.

MI VIII MIS NM MI 111111 SIM4. Minimality and the basis property in L 2 (0, T) 103

,One can easily check that conditions (4) are equivalent to the inequality

lim sup sup Ax(r) < 1/4, Ax (r) .= E Re 6,,.

r.• +co zeal 2r x—r<Re A.,,<x+r

Avdonin (1974a) also presented the following generalization of thevin—Golovin theorem.

Proposition 11.4.7. Assume that

set {fi n } is separable and urn I < h < oo, n E Z;generating function F of family ST satisfies a condition

IF(x + iY0)1 X Ixla, x e .q?

with some a E ( — 1/2, 1/2) and some yo, Iy o l > h. Then

basis in L 2 (0, T).

is a Riesz

Avdonin (1974a) demonstrated a similar statement for functions of

more general form than kr; he also showed that IF(x + iy0)1 may be

strongly oscillating.Propositions 3, 4, 6, and 7 are proved by means of the theory of

functions of complex variables and by some infinite product estimates.A criterion for the Riesz basis property of family ST was obtained by

B. S. Pavlov (1979) with the help of a "geometric" approach: for

Im 1„ > c > 0 exponential family te".1„ Ez forms a basis in L 2(0, T)

if and only if it is an 2'-basis in L 2 (0, co) and the projector from

VL2(0..) {elAl on L2 (0, T) is an isomorphism. This approach for vectorfamilies is explained in Section 3. Accounting for an isomorphismf(t) H f(t) e' of the space LAO, T) (see Subsection 1.3.16), the necessaryand sufficient conditions by which a family of exponentials constitutes abasis may be formulated as follows.

Theorem 11.4.8 (Pavlov 1979). Family {e"^`} nez forms a Riesz basis in

L2 (0, T) if and only if

(a) set {AO is separable and urn _< h < oo , n E Z;(b) for some yo , lyo l> h, function w(x),

w(x) IF(x + iYo)I 2 , F(z) := p.v. fl (1 - zR„),..z


104 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

satisfies Muckenhoupt condition (A 2) or the Helson—Szego conditio(see Proposition 11.3.17) while the width of function F indicator diagrequals T.

The following relation is useful in studying the basis property (see, e,Avdonin 1974a)

I F(x + 0'01 X IF(x + i.Y )1, X E R,

for any y l such that infnEz I'm An — y > 0. Therefore condition (b)Theorem 8 implies IF(x + iy i )I 2 e (A2). In applying this relation, it. isconvenient to assume that Im An > c > 0 and to establish the inclusion

IF(x)I 2 E (A2 ).

Propositions 3 and 7 now become simple consequences of the fact thafunction w(x) obeying the estimates

w(x)H kr, x e R, e (-1,1)

satisfies condition (A 2) (see Example 3.20).Some other known indications for a basis property of ST can be derive

from Theorem 8 (Hrushchev, Nikol'skii, and Pavlov 1981), and a criterionfor it can be obtained in terms of the function k(x),

{—cardp, I x Re ).„ < 0}, x < 0.

cardp,„ I 0 Re A„ xl, x > 0,Nn (x)

In particular, if te".1 is a Riesz basis in L 2(0, T), then functionNn (x) — (T/2it)x belongs to the BMO class. Recall that the BMO

class consists of locally summable functions f on the real axis for which

su pin


WI f (x) — dx < oo ,

i i1

f1 .= —1

IIIf (x) dx .


Here / is the set of all intervals of R.

Corollary 11.4.9. If family {e i '^`} forms a Riesz basis in L2(0, T), then11,.

sup 1,1.„ 4. 1, — A„2 I < co. (5)nel

Indeed, if (5) is not valid, then for any m e N an interval 4, of the lengthm may be found on which function Na (x) is constant. Then one easily .

11111111 S. 11111111 MIN NW4. Minimality and the basis property in LAO, T)

m111/(x) — dx = --T m

In I. 27r 4

d, hence, ti/ BMO.

Remark 11.4.10. With the help of Pavlov's approach, a necessary andiufficient condition was obtained (Hrushchev, Nikol'skii, and Pavlov

1981) for family

/1„jei'^`}„e z

' with semibounded spectrum (infnez Im > — co or sup„ ez Im /1„ < co)

is a Riesz basis in L 2 (0, T). The constraint for the spectrum to be semi-bounded was removed by Minkin (1991).

Let us prove the stability of both minimal and basis properties ofexponential families under the perturbation of a finite set of their elements.

Lemma 11.4.11. Let .Ar be an arbitrary finite set of integers,

n tAnIneZ\rir = 0) PA 0 Pm, n 0 m.

Then the replacement of {).„},, Edv- by {,u„}„ Ex. violates neither the minimal

nor basis property of family ST .

PROOF. Without a loss of generality, we are able to consider that

inf Im > 0, inf Im > O.n€7 ne.N"

Let ST be a Riesz basis in L 2 (0, T) and F(z) be its GF. By Theorem 8,

IF(x)1 2 E (A2). Function

P(z).= F(z) E Z-

ne .Ar Z —

is a generating function for family

:= {e iAnt }nEzvAr {e iPin.x. •

It is easy to see that

n x-µ„ 1, x

ne X X — /1.„

That is why IF(x)1 2 e (A 2), and, hence, family 4 is a Riesz basis.

ecks that

SO Mk NM WIN OM am gm an106 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

The same arguments prove the implication

e (M) iT 6 (M).

One only has to refer to the function introduced in Theorem 1 instead othe GF F.

Theorem 8 and Corollary 9 enable one to prove that the proximity ofthe set {.1.„} to the zeros of an STF is not only sufficient but also necessaryfor family ST to form a basis.

Proposition 11.4.12 (Avdonin and JoO 1988). Family {e"-`}„ Ez forms aRiesz basis in L 2 (0, T) if and only if

(a) set {2„} is separable and supnez lim 2„1 < oo;(b) there exists an STF with an indicator diagram of width T and a set o

zeros {tin } such that for some d e (0, 1/4)

d Re(An _ i — 2„) Re(x, — d Re().„.„ 1 — 2„), n E Z.

The latter inequalities may be replaced by the equivalent ones:

Re(µ„ _ 1 — /2„) Re(.1.„ — Re(µn, - /In ), d a (0, 1/4).

Proposition 12 leads directly to an assertion about the stability of thebasis of exponentials under small variations of its spectrum.

Proposition 11.4.13. If family {e j"^`}„ Ez constitutes a Riesz basis in L2(0, T),then there exists e > 0 such that for any sequence {2„}„ ez satisfying12„ — 12„1< e, family {e i l^t}nez is also a Riesz basis in L2(0, T).

In Section 5 (Theorem 5.5) a similar statement is proved for a familyof vector exponentials.

Remark 11.4.14. Since a perturbation of a finite number of exponentialsdoes not violate the basis property (Lemma 11), conditions 12„ — /1„1 < ehave to hold only for large

The following simple consequence of Proposition 12 concerns the basisproperty conservation under the variation of Im 2„.

Corollary 11.4.15. Let family {e l '^`} nez form a Riesz basis in L2(0, T) alet {SO be a bounded sequence of real numbers. If set {.1.„ + ib„} is separablethen family (exp(i(2,, + ib,,)t)}„ Ez is a Riesz basis in L 2(0, T).

111111 111111 111111 111111 111111 MIS 111111 1101111

4. Minimality and the basis property in L 2 (0, T) 107

The geometric approach turned out to be useful for studying not only

exponential families but also other function families. Bases from repro-.. ducing kernels were considered by Hrushchev, Nikol'skii, and Pavlov

(1981) and bases from Mittag—Leffier functions by Gubreev (1987) andHrushchev (1987).

4.3. Basis subfamilies of te"-`1

The following result is useful for describing properties of reachability sets

for the systems of hyperbolic type, but it is of interest for other reasons

as well.

Theorem 11.4.16. If family fe"-`1„ Ez forms a Riesz basis in L 2 (0, T), thenfor any T' e (0, T) there exists a subfamily S' constituting a Rieszbasis in L2 (0, T').

Avdonin (1977b: p. 98) discusses this statement for the case An =TI(27c)n + o(1), as does Ivanov (1983c). Avdonin, Horvath, and Joe) (1989,see also Theorem 25 below) prove the existence of a basis for the uniformdensity of the distribution of subfamily and Avdonin (1991) provesTheorem 16 in the given formulation. All these authors exploit theconditions for er as a basis stated in Proposition 6.

To prove Theorem 16, we start by clarifying uniformity in the distri-bution of STF zeros.

Theorem 11.4.17. Let F be an STF with the indicator diagram of the widthT and the set of zeros {).„} nEz . Set

N(x, r) cardR, I x Re 2„ < x + r}, x r > O.

ThenN(x, r) T

r 27z

uniformly relative to x e R.


PROOF. Let us consider the types of F in the upper and lower half-planesto be T/2. This may always be achieved by multiplying by e iYz, wherey e [— T/2, T/2]. Let h:= suPneillin 2.1, H > h. In the half-plane Im z > H,choose a single-valued continuous branch of arg F(z). Levin and Ostrovskii


108 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

(1979: lemma 3) have shown that

arg F(r + iH) — arg F(iH) = —nN(0, r) + 0(1).

The same arguments lead to the equality

arg F(x + r + iH) — arg F(x + iH) = —7rN(x, r) + 0(1). (7)Here, 0(1) denotes a bounded function on r and x. Set

t(z) = cF(x + iH) e iTzl2 ,

with the constant c e C chosen in such a way that OW > 0. From formula(7) we get

arg t(x + r) — arg (I)(x) = —nN(x, r) + rT/2 + .

On the other hand, since function log t(z) is bounded in C andIm = 0, functions arg D(x) and log 4:0(x) are related by (see Hrushchev,Nikaskil, and Pavlov 1981: p. 234)

arg t(x) = ep" (x) := — p.v. [ 1 + t _11)(0 dt,xt l+t`


9(x) := log1(1)(x)1,

we assume that arg (I)(i) = 0. Therefore, to prove the theorem it is enoughto show that

1 coco [ 1 ]9(t) dt 0— p.v.

x + r — t x—t

uniformly in x e Fl.Since F is an STF, function cp(x) is bounded over the real axis. From

Levin and Ostrovskii (1979: lemma 3) it follows also that its derivath%ecp'(x) is bounded on R. Therefore (see, for instance, Avdonin and JoO1988: p. 8),

r — t x—t

1 1)(0 dt = 0(1),


B(x,r)={teRlIx+r—tj< u{te11111x—ti< 1).

The fact that

..1__. 0R\B(x,r) Ix — ti Ix + r — tl r —• °°

19(t)i dt

p.v.1 1

te B(x,r)[x +


4. Minimality and the basis property in L 2 (0, T) 109

:qiniformly in x ell follows immediately from the boundedness of (p.Theorem 17 is proved.

Theorem 11.4.18. Let { ).„,1„ Ez be a sequence of complex numbers such that

sup IIm < co, jai. IA. — > 0neZ n*m

and let corresponding function N(x, r) satisfy condition (6) uniformly inxe R. Then for any T' a (0, T), family le ia '`I nEz contains a subfamily S'that forms a Riesz basis in L 2(0, T').

PROOF. We construct family 6" as a perturbation of the orthogonal in

L2(0, T) basis fe j(2 g/r)m t l,,, ez . Let / = [0c, (3) be an arbitrary interval of" the real axis. Set

Mi ={meZ'

—2Tc mei}, N, = fneZIReil„e/I,

m 4, = mintm I m e 114/ 1, n * = min{n I n e Nr },

m* = maxtm I m n* = max{n I n e Ni },

and construct mapping Q * : M1 1-4 1 as follows:

Q* (m*) = n* , Q * (m* + 1) = n* + 1, Q * (m* + 2) = n* + 2, ....

Sequence {b„,'} is specified for m a M1 by the equalities

27z=m o.(m) — T' m-

Similarly, we define the mapping Q*: M1 r--∎

Q*(m*)= n*, Q*(m* — 1) = n* — 1, Q*(m* — 2) = — 2, ...;

and the sequence {6;0


2,„ = — m,

T'ma M1.

According to the condition of the theorem, the density of set {Re A,,}is more than the density of {27rm/T}. Therefore, if interval I is largeenough, it can be proved that the inequalities are valid

-c ^ E Re Sim 0, 0 > Re c5;',, c. (8)meMt


110 11. Families of vector-valued exponentials

Mappings Q. and Q* can be constructed for any interval. Sin,condition (6) is uniform in x E GI, inequalities (8) are valid for interythat are long enough, and constant c depends only on the length.

Accurate calculations show that for the validity of (8) it is sufficientthe length R of 1 satisfies the inequality

R> 2T

• ri.T — T'

Here, r, is found from the conditions


N(x, r) —r 2n

< O• T T'


for r > r, > 2n/T, x e R, for some S e (0, 1).Let us now take any interval I, of length lR, I e N. Using mappings

and Q* on subintervals of length R and taking into account (8), we canconstruct mapping Q: M11 1—■ 7L such that corresponding sequence {.5„,}

2n61" = Aom) —


satisfies the condition

E Re Sm c (10)me nit, IR

Let us take Ito be large so as to provide c/IR < 1/4. Since inequality (10)holds for any interval of the form UR, (j + 1)1R), j e Z, by the force ofProposition 6 family texp(i,),2( ,, ) 01„, ez constitutes a Riesz basis in L 2 (0, T').The theorem is proved.

Remark 11.4.19. The proof of Theorem 18 shows that its conditions maybe sharpened in the following way. If condition (9) holds for all sufficientlylarge r, then there exists a subfamily of forming a Riesz basis inL2(0, T').

Theorem 16 is a direct consequence of Proposition 12 and Theorems17 and 18.

4.4. Algorithm of a basis subfamily extraction

In the optimal control problems for DPS (see Avdonin, Ivanov, andIshmukhametov 1991), it is useful to have a simple algorithm for the

MIN INS 1•1111 1111111 INS MI Me

4. Minimality and the basis property in LAO, T) 111

extraction of a basis exponential subfamily. In contrast to the more

general situation described in Theorems 16 and 18, sequence {A„} in suches has a known asymptotic behavior. To illustrate this, let us consider

exponential family eT = {e ±i2„t },, EN with a separable sequence {A„}

tisfying an asymptotic relation

An = 4 o(1), = —27r

(n — 1/2).

,Let T' E (0, T). It is necessary to construct an algorithm of extraction of

t; basis in the L 2(0, T') subfamily.We try to construct such a basis as a small perturbation in the mean

in the sense of Proposition 6) of the orthogonal in L 2(0, T') basis

{e±`"`} ME■. ,

2rc(rn — 1/2).

We define sequence {n m } in the following manner. For each m E N we findan integer rim from the conditions

(i) — l2ml = min lAnci — PnEN

(ii) for the set of such m to which each of the two points of set {A,?}„, z

closest to pm correspond, the signs of differences 4, — pm are inter-changing.

Note that condition (ii) becomes necessary when the numbers T andT' are commensurable; that is, T/T'

Theorem 11.4.20. If sequence {n rn } is constructed by the algorithm (i), (ii),then family g' forms a Riesz basis in L 2 (0, T').

PROOF. By Proposition 13 and Remark 14, it suffices to show that family= {ei2^-`} is a Riesz basis in L 2(0, T'). It is convenient to perform the

change of variable ti—■ (21t/T)t and move on to the case

T 2n, 2,? = n — 1/2, pm = a(m — 1/2), a > 1.

Setµm —Consider first the situation when a is rational; that is, a = p/q; p, q E N.

In accordance with Definition 5, let us construct A-partitioning of set


112 I/. Families of vector-valued exponentials

cr { ± kt„,}„, e by setting aj = 2jp, j e Z. So,

= U Qj , aj = {Pm I m = 2qj + 1, 2qj + 2, . . . , 2q( j + 1)},ieZ

Since both sets aj and A .;',

Ay = {A,?, I n 2pj + 1, 2pj + 2, ... , 2p(j + 1)}

are symmetric in relation to point (2j + 1)p, we have

E = 0, j e Z.17t:

Therefore, by Proposition 6, family ro is a Riesz basis in L 2 (0, T').Now let a be an irrational number. In this case, one .5„, is able to write

bm = — [PA —

where [p.m] is an integer part of number (if a is rational, such arepresentation takes place for noninteger Let us establish that thevalue

1 p+1 1 1S 1:= E - [Ai) - -

2 = —

1 E


tends to zero with 1 —■ co uniformly in p. Then Theorem 20 will followfrom Proposition 6. In other words, roughly speaking, one has to provethat the fraction parts of sequence {a(m — 1/2)} are 1/2 in the mean. Polyaand SzegO (1964: v. 1, part 2, chap. 4, secs. 2, 3) proved the following closeresult: if for sequence {x, n }„, E xm E (0, 1), a relation

1— E e2xiixr" 01 m=1 co

holds for any integer j, j 0, then

1- E x,„ --+ 1/2. (11)1 m=1 I — c°

For x„ = p.„ — [it,,] it is not difficult to check the equalities

p+ 1e 2icijx,,‘


^ di , j 0.

Using this, we can prove the assertion about uniform convergence of Spi

to zero in the same way as (11). The theorem is proved.

Ili OM 11111111 MI III! MIA IIIIII

4. Minimality and the basis property in LAO, T) 113

4.5. Riesz bases of elements of the form ts

hen the moment method is applied to the investigation of DPSescribed by non-self-adjoint operators, families of functions appear (see

Avdonin 1977b, 1980):

4 = fe iAnt , t en"`, , t in" — 1 e'^`}nel (12)

in space L 2(0, T), as well as their vector analogs in L 2 (0, T; (En.properties of such families may be studied by the scheme from Section 3,by means of a GF with zeros of points A n of multiplicity m„. Because itsometimes requires rather cumbersome constructions to account formultiple zeros in a vector situation, we focus here on some results onthe basis properties of scalar families of the form (12) and omit theproofs.

Definition 11.4.21. Generating function of family^T (if it exists) is an entirefunction of the exponential type with the indicator diagram [— iT, 0] andthe set of zeros {1„} of corresponding multiplicity m n .

Theorem 11.4.22. Family 4 forms a Riesz basis in L 2 (0, T) if and only if

(a) sup IIm < co, sup m„ < co, inf 12,, — A t > 0,nEZ nEZ n � j

(b) for some yo e R, 13,0 1 > h, function w(x) IF(x + iyo )1 2 satisfies con-dition (A2 ).

Here F is a GF of family 4.

The theorem is proved according to the scheme of Section 3. Sedletskii(1982) shows the conditions to be sufficient for to form a basis. Theirnecessity may be demonstrated by noting that the family 4 is almostnormed if and only if

sup IIm < co,nEZ

sup m„ < 00.nEZ

The corresponding generalization of Propositions 6 and 12 reads asfollows.

Theorem 11.4.23. Family 6°T forms a Riesz basis of L 2(0, T) if and only ifset R,}„ Ei is separable and an STF exists with the set of zeros {PA}nez of


114 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

multiplicity m„ such that


sup 1 6.1 < co,neZ

lira sup sup lAx(r)I <icEZ 2r

an = Arn — Ax (r)= E m„ Re :5„.x—r<Reg n <x+r

This theorem may be made more precise. Namely, points tin may bechosen in a way that for some d e (0, 1/4)

d Re().„- — A.) Re01 . — d Re(A•.+ — A.), n e Z.

Avdonin, Horvath, and JoO (1989) have proved the sufficiency part of thetheorem. To demonstrate the necessity, one ought to modify somewhatthe proof of Proposition 12.

Theorems 23 and 17 imply the following corollary.

Corollary 11.4 .24 . If family 4 forms a Riesz basis in L2(0, T), then forany E > 0, r(e) > 0 may be found such that for all r > r(e) and all x E 11 aninequality holds:

E Mn) --27cr x ^ Re An <x+r

< E. (13)

From this the following analogs of Theorem 16 are obtained along thelines of the arguments of Theorem 18. For the specific case when sequence{A„} satisfies condition (13), these results are proved in Avdonin, Horvath,and JoO (1989).

Theorem 11.4.25. Let family form a Riesz basis in L 2 (0, T). Then forany 7- a (0, T) there exists a subfamily 0 1 c e, constituting a Riesz basisin L2(0, T'). Moreover, family ei may be of the form

te iAnt, t , t'n" -2 e l2"`Inel(r)'

where Z(T') is a subset of Z.

4.6. Complementation of a basis on subinterval up to a basis on interval

Theorem 11.4.26. Let family e = {e"-^`}„ Ez form a Riesz basis in L 2(0, T).

Then for any T1 > T a family go = {ei°^`}„ ez may be found such that familyeo is , a Riesz basis in L 2 (0, T1).

4. Minimality and the basis property in L 2 (0, T) 115

_e pitooF. Without sacrificing generality, one may consider the set a = {a.„}

io lie in the strip 0 < c z < C. Since 6" is a basis, then by Theorem3.9(3) one may find GF f of family

f(z) = b(z)f z = e' f e (z),

where b is the BP constructed for set a. By the force of Theorem 3.14(b)and Proposition 3.17, function I f(x)I 2 satisfies condition (A 2).


p„ = - + tot,T1 - Tfi _

27(a > C,

and consider family so {ei"1}„ Ez . In space L 2 (0, T, - T) this familyevidently has GF fo :

fo(z) = sin[43(z - ia)] = b o(z)feri:0 (z) = e 2KiPz f

which obeys the estimate 1.fo(x)I X 1, x ELet us consider family Si = u So . In space L 2(0, T) the latter family

possesses GF f,:

fi= ffo = bbofe+ fe+,o = iezTife-

From the behavior of functions f and f„ on the real axis we concludethat I (x)I2 e (A 2).

Since is a basis, set a is separable. Then set a u {p,,},, Ez is separableby its construction. Therefore, by Proposition 8 (or Theorem 3.14(b),family is a Riesz basis in L 2 (0, T).

Seip (1995) investigated the more general complementation problem ofan 2'-basis from exponentials to a basis.

4.7. On the families of exponentials with the imaginary spectrum

Let us present several facts regarding the properties of exponential familiesof the form

ST = { . 21.in e -11^`}„ EN L 2(0, T),

0 < < 11 2 < • • --■ 00 (14)Since

IT 1 lie -P"' lif,2(0,T) = 0 e 2,4„( =dt (1 - e -2"°`),_ - _


family ST is almost normed.


116 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

Lemma 11.4.27. If er E (UM), then

• lin +1 lim inf > 1.n- +co fin

PROOF. Let the lower limit in (15) equal 1; that is, a relation

lini+t 1

will be valid for sequence {ni}. Set vi = pni , i7j =check that

One can easily

1— c(vi±'7i)Tcos (pL 2 (0 , T)(e – "J r, e - "i t ) =

v.; + .11 — vi T —

In view of (14) and (16), the right-hand side of the equality tends to unitywhen j -+ co. Therefore

(p(e- Anit,e '1^J* it) 0.

Hence, er 0 (UM), which completes the proof.

Proposition 11.4.28 (Schwartz 1959). If a,. e (M), then the orthoprojector,

from L2(0, co) on L2(0, T) is an isomorphism of spaces

C1L 2 (0 , 0, ) Lin{e -144 }neNand

C1L 2 (0 , 7) Lin{e -"tIne

Corollary 11.4.29. The norms of elements en' of the biorthogonal to 8, family

satisfy the estimates

II en II L 2 (0 .T) C T en II L 2 (0, co) = Cr flnt*n

Nnt + —

in which {e;,} is a family biorthogonal to go, = 112pin e - "II in space

L2 (0, co).

The estimates follow directly from Proposition 28 and formula (11) inSection Hi.

In a special, but significant case of power asymptotics of p n one is ableto give explicit estimates for the norms of a family biorthogonal to 6'0,.

5. Additional information 117

Proposition 11.4.30 (Fattorini and Russell 1971). Let

tin M(n + fi)a, a> 1, /3 e M > O.

00 t 1/aL20,09) = exp(co + o(n)), c c,:= 2 p.v. fo t2 1 dt.

For more general assumptions on tptn I, Fattorini and Russell (1974),Avdonin (1977a, 1977b), and Hansen (1991) obtained estimates of

Ile;II L2co. 00 r

5. Additional information about vector exponential theory

5.1. Relationship of minimality of vector and scalar exponentialfamilies on an interval

Theorem 11.5.1. Let the family of subspaces S = te lAn t l.EN, gt.dim 91 = N, E E+, be minimal in space L 2 (0, T; 91) and all the numbers

{an}neN be different. Then scalar family {e" -^r}„'„__ N+1 is minimal in L 2 (0, NT).

PROOF. By Lemma 1.1.28, family 6' is minimal in space L 2 (0, oo; 91).According to Theorem 2.4, its spectrum satisfies the Blaschke condition.

,Let H denote a BPP generated by family {(k — 191n 1riN and applyTheorem 3.9(a) to family PTXn. Let F be a matrix function constructedin this theorem while F is its identically nondegenerate M x M submatrixwhose determinant turns into zero at the spectrum points. The latter callsfor the following factorization

=fis + F:

where S ± are inner, Fe± are outer functions, and II is a BPP whosespectrum coincides with set

Functions S ± , in their turn, may also be presented in a factorized form

St = n,o, (2)

with n, being BPP, 0 ± being ESF (since F is an entire function, it hasno other singular cofactors).

Let us now pass to scalar functions, and to do this, introduce notations

b ± :=det H ± , fe± := det Fe± , b:= det

= e ikT s: 1F; (1)

118 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

and numbers a I determined by

det 0 ± = exp(ika ±).

(We include a unimodular constant to the other factors.) From formulas(1) and (2) giving F factorization, we derive a factorization of scalarfunction det F:

det F = bb e+ ikMT b= 1 e - fe-

For function

f (det i')b _ exp(— ika + ),

we get out of (3)

f = bb_b + fe+ = e ika fe' S:-= MT — a_ — a + < MT < NT.

It is evident that f is an exponential-type function and the width of itsindicator diagram is not greater than NT, and that f equals zero at thepoints of the spectrum. We now demonstrate f to have only power growthon R, and, by dividing it by a polynomial with zeros A i , /1 2, , Am , wearrive at the function legible for the minimality criterion (Theorem 4.1).

Lemma 11.5.2. For R > M + 1 functionif(k)1 2/(1 + k 2)' is summable overthe real axis.

PROOF OF THE LEMMA. Since P is a strong function according to Theorem3.9, for any matrix element fi; of matrix F, function Ifii 1 2/(1 + k2) issummable on R; fi; is an entire function of exponential type, and if it hasno zeros, then log fi; is also an entire function increasing no faster thanIkl. So has to be of the form exp(iak + fi), a e R. In this case fu isbounded on R. If ft.; is a zero of fu , then the entire function f;/(k — Au)of the exponential type is squarely integrable; and it is bounded on R(Proposition 1.26). In any case,

ifij (k)I-G 1 + ikl, k e

Therefore, Idet P(k)I -< (1 + k 2)m / 2 and function f differ from det F by afactor whose absolute value equals unity almost everywhere on R. Thelemma is proved.

PROOF OF THE THEOREM. Introduce function f := (k — 2) with afactorization

f=b7:= e ika fe


SIN NM INN 11111 11111 111111 1111 UN MI

5. Additional information 119

in which -6 is a BP and f e are outer functions. It is clear that S > 0because for 0, f must be a polynomial. According to Lemma 2,function 111/(1 + lk1) is squarely integrable on R. Theorem 4.1 then impliesminimality in L 2(0, (5) of the exponential family fe j" ( 1, where {µ„}i arethe zeros of I. Now, family t 1 is obviously minimal in L 2 (0, NT),s ince RA„) 0 for n > N. This completes the proof of the theorem.

Example 11.5.3. Generally, minimality in L 2 (0, NT) of the whole familyof scalar exponentials {e". ^`}„ e NI does not follow from the minimality ofthe vector family (of elements) = eun t }„ € C L2 (0, T; (EN), r7„ E C”.To get a minimal family, one has to discard several exponentials. ByTheorem 1, it is enough to throw out N exponentials, but this amountmay be excessive.

Let us consider family 6' u g2 of vector exponentials of the form


{en - 4) ( 0u)1

kn neZ , := 1(11-3" ) `(7)}.E7

62„ = sign(n)/3, 2 n + 1 = 0,

5o = 1/6; 32„ = 0, n 0,

32n+ 1 = s ign(2n + 1)/3.

Each of scalar families

glc fe" — j" ) t(0)}nez, fe"-3-)`(?)Inez

is a basis ih L 2 (0, 2n) space. Actually, let us take A-decompositions forthe spectra of families 6'sic and gle by setting oci = 2j + 1/2, j e Z (seeDefinition 4.5). Then, as one can easily see, the points with the numbersn = 2j 1 and n = 2j enter the same group o-j , while the sums of Re 6,,and Re (5„ are not greater than one-third by its absolute value. The steps

of the decomposition equal 2, and therefore Proposition 4.6 is applicable,which guarantees Cc and 1f to be bases. The basis property of thesefamilies implies that vector family 4 is a basis: subfamilies S I and S2 arebases in orthogonal subspaces of L 2 (0, T; C 2) spanned over the functionsof the form

f (O(o), f(t)(?), f e L2 (0, T),

respectively.Consider scalar family Pc := u ry. If element e - ` 3°` is thrown out


1111111 MI NM ill ill MN MS MI OM

120 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

of it, the remaining family takes the form

fe i(n/2+3,,)(1IneZI

Stn = 0, 3 2n + 1 = sign(2n + 1)/6.

The latter forms a basis in L 2(0, 47c), since the unperturbed harmonicsfamily is a basis, and the points with numbers n = 2j and n = 2j — 1 fallin the same group under A-decomposition by points ocj = j — 1/2. Andthe conditions of Proposition 4.6 are now fulfilled: representing the sumof shifts as

1/6 =15 2J - 11 = dip

we haved = 1/6 < 1/4, = 1.

Hence, 6' is a nonminimal family in L 2 (0, 4n): element e - `3°' may beexpanded in a converging series of other elements of [CSC.

5.2. Perturbation of basis families

We noted (Theorem 4.13) that for the scalar family any point of thebasis family spectrum may be "s-shake" without any loss of the basisproperty. We now demonstrate the basis property stability for family eT

of vector exponentials, er = 1eriErk1 C L2(0, T; 91), e„:= E 91, under

a perturbation of both the spectrum points ).„ and vectors Yin . The assertionconcerning the stability when 1„ are perturbed was obtained in collabor-ation with I. Joel and used by Avdonin, Ivanov, and Jo6 (1990). First, weneed the following definition.

Definition 11.5.4. Let family = gn I nEN form an .9-basis in Hilbertspace 5. The best values of constants c and C in the inequalities


C{ EneN

'12E c„„ <C E Icn1 2

neN 5 lneN

are said to be basis constants of family F. and denoted by q(E) and Q(E,),

respectively (for {c,,} E e 2 the inequalities are valid with some c, C in view

of the Bari theorem).

One easily verifies the expressions of the basis constants via orthogonal-izer 17. of family 'E (see Definition 1.1.16):

q(E) = 11 17-1 11 -1 , Q(E) = II.


5. Additional information 121

Theorem 11.5.5. Let family gT form an -basis (Riesz basis) in LAO, T; 91),dint 91 = N < co, and let vectors ti n be almost normed. Then e > 0 may befound such that any family

4 = {en} tIENI c L2 (0, T; 91), en = rin e i L t ,

also forms an $f-basis (respectively, Riesz basis) in LAO, T; 91) as soon as

n — ii„>> < e and IA„ — < E, n e

We give the proof for ?i n and An perturbations separately:

R91 : tin en"' 1-4 „ e L1 ^`, R" : Fi n ei:1"`

One shows that operators R 91 and R6 transforming the elements of theunperturbed family into corresponding elements of the perturbed oneare close to the identity operator for small E and are therefore iso-morphisms. Under such a separate treatment of perturbations, one shouldpay additional attention to the uniform estimate of basis constants.

We first consider the perturbation of vectors. Without sacrificinggenerality, one can assume that Im An > c > 0, n e N. Let en, denotea family of exponentials e„ = ti n e 1 '^` over a semiaxis (in the spaceL2(0, oo; 91)). According to Theorem 3.3(d), family 409 forms an .'-basis.

On the linear span of family &, define operator R9 :

R91n,e„ = en .= fin e"-^f e L 2 (0, co; 91).

Set ygt := sup,,<<q„ —

Lemma 11.5.6. For a small enough y5t , operator R910° may be continuouslyextended to the whole subspace Vdlo , so that an inequality holds:

11 11T, — 1 4° 11 91

for some K > 0 independent on yN .

PROOF OF THE LEMMA. As noted in Proposition 2.7, the spectrum a of the.-basis family en, is a unification of not more than N = dim 91 ofCarlesonian sets

a = U a'1

Gri = {A„},, E.A.; e (C); j = 1, 2, ... , M, M < N .

N11(1 — RT,)f 1112(0, co:91) — E

P = 1N


E cnoin — fln, 4) >encneNM

E E cn<nn — flne 4°>e:cj = 1 ne.,41


L 2 (0 oo)


. (4)L2(O. co)


122 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

The 2'-basis property of 'T together with the fact that the set {q„} i s

almost normed implies that a lies in the strip 0 < c Im z C. That iswhy each of the scalar families g = {e n"}ne.,1,;, en" := e il^` forms an

families and 6V, respectively. Let us take an arbitrary finite sequence.-basis in L 2(0, co). We write q,Q and qi , Q; for the basis constants of

c {c,,} and for f :=Ene N c„e„" estimate the value 11(.1 — lec,)f II by meansof the expansion of vectors tin — fin over the elements of an orthonormalbasis {41 of space 91:

Exploiting an elementary inequality (19) of Section 11.2 with

z; E cnoin— ?1,,,neM

from (4) and the basis constants definition, we deriveN . M 2

11(1 — E E E Cnob,—p=1 j=1 ne.41

N M-̂ ME EWE ICn<nn 4)>I2

p = 1 j= 1 ne.Afi

M max Q .? E Ej p=1 neZ

_̂ N max QT E ic„12<<nn — fin >>2j neN

N max Q •2 ygt 2E icni _̂ (N max i2 3.q' f 11 2 •


The lemma is proved.

Let us return to the family gr. From Theorem 3.3(d) and LemmaI.1.10(a) we conclude that operator

P: Velco a f 1—* PL(0 , T2 ; TO f

is an isomorphism on its image. It is easy to see that operator

R9T1 := PREP-1


5. Additional information 123

turns family eT into family^T = {Fin ei"'"`}nerkl E L 2(0, T; 91). From Lemma 6it follows that

R97-111 KY 91 ,R:-=kIIPII IIP 1 11 (5)

Let us choose a small enough y 91 to make Ry 9.1 less than unity. Theninequality (5) provides operator R 9,1 with the property of being anisomorphism on its image, and, for a basis family er , , the image coincideswith the whole space L2(0, T; 91). Family ST is thus an s-basis (or a basisfor basis er ). Let us estimate constants 4 and Q for family ?T . If 77-7- standsfor the orthogonalizer of family eT , then the orthogonalizer for 4 is.KART.) - . Estimating 11411 and 11(R 9T1 ) - 1 11 with the help of inequality(5), we arrive at

11RTIl ^ 1 + RYgi, 11(RT) -1 1 /( 1 — RY91)•

From here4 > q/(1 Ry91 ), Q/(1 — ky 5t )•

That completes the case of vector th, perturbation, and we can now dealwith the case of ).„ perturbation. On the linear span of 4, we defineoperator IV77. by a formula

R;é„ = =

Succeeding the scheme of the previous case of R 91,0 operator, we take afinite sequence {c„} and estimate 11(/,'?„_ — R;.) f 11 for (5„ := — + A n andf := E cn en

E c„ e iAnt(1 — e`6"` )nE N


L 2 (0, co; 92)

k Ex cn tin ev- (i6n )k tn= 1 k=1 k ao tk -E E cn en (ib,i )k

k= 1 k! n=1

TkEk=1 k!


E cn (ian )ken



Tk 112Q E E ic.6:1 2

k= 1 neN

Yo suPnEN 1 2n — ;1:„ I and again using the definition of the basis


124 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

constants, we write

(Ty )1' 1/2


I1L 2 (0, co; 91) ^ E [ E ic.1 21=1 IC! nerd

= :0(eTY-- 0( E )cnI 2nerd

- (e 1.7" — 1 )4 -1 11f11.This inequality allows us to conclude that for a small enough value of .

y„, operator lq is an isomorphism on its image that, for a basis family,IT, coincides with LAO, T; 91). The theorem is proved.

Remark 11.5.7. The assertion of Theorem 5 about the basis propertystability under vector perturbations is of a rather abstract nature. Forinstance, let family R„If_ I be a finite unification of 2-basis (basis)families in Hilbert space 5 and for vector family {n,},r= 1 , nn e 91, dim 91 < co,let family {n„ „}„c°= 1 form an 2-basis (basis) in the space of vectorfunctions ,(91). Then e > 0 may be found such that any family 0„5„1,,`°_ 1also forms an 2-basis (basis) as soon as <<n„ — Fin >> < e, n e N.

So, Theorem 5 remains to be true for dim 91 = co, under the extracondition a. e (CN), because the finite dimension of 91 is not involvedin the proof of stability under the spectrum perturbation.

Remark 11.5.8. In a scalar situation, the substitution of an element of thefamily {x,,,}1°„ 1 by some other element (outside the family) cannot leadto the loss of the basis property (see Lemma 4.11). This is not so in thevector case. If family Pe lii = {PexAi rii }it i forms a basis in Ko , then aperturbed family

Peen = {Pox,A1 t.) {Po x2Jrar= 2

may be both not complete and not minimal (even when y {A,i ) 13). Theminimality (completeness) of a perturbed family is equivalent to

PexpnA Et V PexMl.i-i>1

This relation, in turn, is equivalent to the fact that element Po xp n,, is notorthogonal to the subspace

Ke e V Pexopp.1



5. Additional information 125

which is one-dimensional and spanned on the element xe A i of family .re,,biorthogonal to Pexn . Basis family /134 .1-n possesses a GF, so that

expressing element xe ,z , through F (see Lemma 3.5), we arrive at the

following criterion of the perturbed family minimality:

(Pe x, k(k)

K2+ (91 ) � 0,Fry i


where n i e Ker F(2 1 ), ;7, 0. Since

kF(k)ii i)e (91) =

271i<ib„ F(y)t71> 1

— —

one can contest the validity of (6) by means of only a rotation of vectorlb, (operator F(y) is nondegenerate in 91).

In practice, it is often the case that the investigated family of vectorexponentials is asymptotically close to the basis in L 2(0, T; 91) unperturbedfamily (see, for instance, Sections 2 and 3 of Chapter VII). From Remark 8,we know that in such a case the perturbed family may be both incompleteand nonminimal in L 2(0, T; 91). However, the perturbed family happensto be complete in L 2(0, T — s; 91) and forms an s-basis in L 2(0, T + e; 91)for any E > 0. These facts are demonstrated in a more convenient way inFourier-representation, when simple fractions, rather than exponentials,are studied.

Suppose now that ESF 0 satisfies condition ,24) of Section 11.3 andthat numbers 2„ lie in the strip parallel to the real axis:

0 < inf Im sup Im 2 , < . (7)nCN nEN

Let us take e > 0 and set Co ± e (k) for functions e' 0(k). For e < p(p is taken from relation (24) in Section 11.3), 0, is an ESF.

Theorem 11.5.9. Let family Pea' = {Pe x,,n ib,}:1 1 ,71„ E 91, dim 91 < co, formsa basis in Ke , while family Pea" = {Pe xL77,,},71., is linearly independent andasymptotically close to Pe.T in the following sense

lAn — ;Int °, n n>> 0 .n co n co (8)


(a) for any a > 0 family, Peg constitutes an 2-basis in Ke ; what is more,

111•I NMI =I 11111111

126 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

when complemented by any finite family

P0 ,T° = {Pe x„nY}j I, with titj }:7,. 1 n Cl„br,. 1 = 0,

it forms an .'-basis.(b) For e < p, family Pe _' is complete in Ke _; what is more, under the

removal of any finite set of its elements, the completeness survives.

PROOF. Introduce familyPe.i.m .= PO 4, J Pek in ,

:= fx).)1.M-1, {x1„71. 1:°=m+1,consisting of M first elements of the unperturbed family and elementsnumbered M + 1, M + 2, ... of the perturbed one. Condition (8) andTheorem 5 reveal that for a large enough M family, Pe i' is a basis inKe . Later in the proof, we consider this to be true. Basis family Pefmpossesses, by Theorem 3.9(b), a generating function, which we denote byFm (k). In order to prove assertion (a), let us complement the family byan infinite family preserving the basis property K e, (for a scalar case, theconstruction is implemented in Subsection 4.4).

Setfc(k):= e""12 sin{e(k — ai)/21,

where a > sup Im An . Function f, is obvious to satisfy the estimate

I f(k)1 X 1, k e R,

and has a factorization= f!,b = e ikE f e_,

with fei being outer functions, and b being a BP with zeros

a(b) {2nnie + ai}„ Ez .

Therefore, function FE , f,Fm is a GF for family

P ee 'm :=Pe H M V 113,1c , 1,:= txAn=i,Aea(b)j = 1, N, is an orthonormal basis in 91). Using Theorem 3.5, we

conclude that family 139,.IT is minimal. Elements of a biorthogonal family,corresponding to PeA, are given by a formula (see formula (26) inSection 11.3),

Fe(k)= a k — 1

(az j are constants).

E o-(b), j = 1, . . . , N , (9)

IOW Min Mil Mil Mil Mil

5. Additional information 127

We now turn directly to the proof of assertion (a). Consider a family

Pe rt u P% .Y ° , X° = {X iii 711} 11=1 ,

which is a unification of .-basis family Pes i' m and a finite family

pe (41 u .T °), where family X,„,, has the form {x /. 17,,}„m_ 1 . Since familype i'm is an ..?-basis and family PE,(Xm L.) ./.°) is the finite one, then eitherthe whole family Pe 1'M u u 1.°) forms an .99-basis and assertion(a) is proved, or the angle between subspaces VP,-„,i'm and VP,9,( m L.) X °)is equal to zero. In the latter case, we again use the finiteness of family

u X°). Applying Lemma 1.1.3, we conclude that there exists

elementg V 136,:i" 14 r-) V Pe. (i'm u g 0.

Since Pe,i'm a (LB), this means that element g being a linear combinationof elements of P,9 (X,, L.) ./"°),

R M xg = E c„13€0,?/(k — fi,,) + E 5„PeJ7„/(k — 2„),

1 1

can be decomposed in convergent series in elements of the family

g = E e„PeA,/(k — An ).M +

Multiplying these equalities by elements (9) orthogonal to Pej'm , weobtain


c„< 11,?, Fe(lin) — 2) + Fc()l.)0>/(2,, — = 0, (10)

A a o-(b), j = 1, , N .

Introducing rational vector functionR M

gf(k).= )] h„/(1.1„ k) + h./(An k),n=1 n=1

h n'= Cn F:( -in) rin° h. '="--

we find from (10) that 4e(2) = 0 for 1a c(b). A rational function hasan infinite number of roots and thus is identical to zero; hence, h,, = 0,n= 1, , R, and = 0, n = 1, , M. If also c„ 0, then q,, e KerThis means that element coincides with some of the elements offamily Pe,Xm, which is impossible by the assumption of the theorem. Soc„ = 0. By analogy, 5„ = 0, n = 1, , M, and we have g = 0. Assertion(a) is justified.


128 11. Families of vector-valued exponentials

With regard to (b), let us demonstrate family to be compietin K9 _. Supposing the opposite, we take a nonzero function g E K,orthogonal to VP8 _,i'm. Now, g 1 PePi. Indeed, for any h e Pearwe have

(g, h) = (P,9 _,g, h) = (g, _h) = 0

since Po _,h eRecall that family Po .tm = Poem v Pe i'm forms a basis in Ko , and

that FM is a GF of this family. The biorthogonal to family Po i' is of theform (see Lemma 3.5)

Fm (k)gnim u Fm (k)

k — 1' 1 — ;In n J n=M+1 '

where n" E Ker Fm (A„), e Ker Since g _L Pe i M, g belongs to thelinear span of the first M elements of the biorthogonal family. Therefore,

g = Fm (k)11"/(k — An ) = Fm (11)n=1

where we setM

= E WV( — An).n=1

By the force of (11) and factorization FM = OF,- , we have

saFe j e K0 _,.

Since (see formula (14) in Section 11.3)

0* e' Ke _.= TP_ (91) e e. e' W(91),

(12) implies an inclusionelks F; e H? (R'1). (13)

But we can show that the latter is impossible for g 0. We rely here onthe fact that outer operator functions and rational function a. cannot fallexponentially with Im k —co while e ike grows exponentially in C_.

Lemma 11.5.10. Let F; be an outer in C_ operator function. Then for anyx E R and (5 > 0, there exist q > 0 and constant Cs such that for y > q anestimate holds

<<{F; (x — iy)} -1 >> Cx ear

PROOF OF THE LEMMA. Element ij of matrix {Fe (x — iy)} -1 is a ratio ofthe algebraic complement 90 of ij entry to scalar outer function det F.


5. Additional information 129

Since an outer operator function is, by definition, a strong one, function

F;(0),j/(k — i) lies in H. Hence, for Im k < -K < 0, this function isbounded (see formula (1) in Section El), so that an inequality

Const(1 +

is valid. For algebraic complements from here, we conclude that

kp ii (k)1 Const(1 +

To complete the proof of the lemma it remains to look at restriction (4)in Section II.1 on the growth of the scalar outer function 1/det F.; .

PROOF OF THE THEOREM. For large Iki there is an obvious estimate

<<g(k)>> r Ikl m •

So for large y, one has

<<e" -l* F e- (x — iy)Xx — iy)>>

e"(<<{f (x — iY)} -1 >>) -1 <<g(x — iY)>>

>- e Yt(x 2 + Y 2 ) - mi2 (<<{F; (x — iY)} 1 )>) -- •

If we now use Lemma 10 with 6 < E, we end up with the unbounded

function e' F e- g for large Im k. On the other hand, from (13) and relation(1) in Section I.1 it follows that the same function is bounded forIm k < — K. This contradiction proves assertion (b). The theorem isproved completely.

5.3. Exponential bases in Sobolev spaces

Any family of scalar exponentials that forms a basis in L 2 (0, T) is

incomplete in Sobolev space Hs(0, T), s e IN. This assertion followsfrom Proposition 12 given below. We now illustrate it by the followingexample.

Example 11.5.11. A family of harmonics {exp(int)}„ Ez joined by elementsinh(t) forms a complete orthogonal family in H 1 ( — 7C, 70. The fact thatthis family is orthogonal is checked directly; let us demonstrate that theorthogonal complement to the family of harmonics is one-dimensional.

130 11. Families of vector-valued exponentials

Let g be orthogonal in (-7r, 7r) to e l' for each n e Z. Then

0 = f rz

ing'(t) dt + J g(t) dt

fx ir=

+ n2 e`"` g(t)gk ) dt + ing(t) e int11,, + ei" g(II

= in( -1)"[g(x) — g( — x)] + (1 + n 2)g(t) dt.

Writing g„ for the Fourier coefficients of g in space L 2, we find

0 = in(-1)"[g(n) — g(-7)] + g„(1 + n 2), n e Z,

so that g„ = c(-1)nn/(1 + n 2). Thus, the family deficiency is one-dimensional. Hence, by adding function sinh(t) to it, one makes it bothorthogonal and complete in I1 1( it).

We now formulate D. L. Russell's result about exponential bases inH 5(0, T). For the basis properties in Sobolev spaces with noninteger.exponents, we refer to Narukawa and Suzuki (1986).

Proposition 11.5.12 (Russell 1982). Let family {e"-t} xe , form a Riesz basisin L 2(0, T) and points Pi, 112, , its be different and not lying in o. Thenfamily

few/(1 + l 2 l s )1A.,7 u {e im };=1forms a basis in H 5(0, T) space.

We need a generalization of this statement for the subspaces formedby groups of exponentials.reason for the differences in particle size of the drug -polymerTheorem 11.5.13. Let .5° be a family of subspaces

50 {5,2}:3=1, where 5.2= V ell-" t,


and let 5 0 be an s-dimensional family

s50.=V etiqt with {pf}1., n {2..}f2117.=1 = 0-

If 5° forms a Riesz basis in L2(0, T), then family {bolo u 50 is a Rieszbasis in IP(0, T).

r NO. r r r r MI MI MN •

5. Additional information 131

00F. The proof consists of three steps:

The family 6° forms a Riesz basis in the closure of its span in Hs(0, T)

(say, ..T-basis). It is Lemma 14.) The subspace 50 has no nonnull elements in common with subspace

six Clus(0,T) Lin 5° (Lemma 15).in) The family 5° u 5 0 forms a Riesz basis in the Sobolev space

Hs(0, T).

We introduce the operator A

Af = fl(d— — iit)fdt

with D(A) = Hs(0, T) and the operator 61 Aj oH . where

011 5 .= {f e H 3(0, T )1 f (0) = f ' (0) = • • • = f -1)(0) = 0}.

Notice that Ker A = 50 and Ker Jai = {0}.

.Lemma 11.5.14. The family 5 ° forms an 2i-basis in Hs(0, T).

PROOF OF LEMMA 14. In Hs(0, T) there exists the equivalent norm

Ilf Ilf 1122 + IlAf1122, f e Hs(0, T).

Let f be a finite sum of elements h„, h. e 6„, n e NI. We have

E h„2


E hn


L2E Ah„


X E + E EL 2 n

Indeed, the operator A takes subspace 6„ to itself, and family 5 ° is aRiesz basis in L 2 (0, T). Thus the assertion of Lemma 14 follows from theBari theorem (Proposition 1.1.17(b)).

Lemma 11.5.15.

50 n C1H . Lin 5° = {0}. (14)

PROOF OF LEMMA 15. Let h0 e 50 and h0 e Clip, Lin 5°. By virtue ofLemma 14,

ho = E hn , h„ e 5n , (15)

where the series converges in Hs(0, T). Acting on both sides of (15) by

11111111 OM .111 ROM MIS

INN OM INNII MN NMI NM132 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

the operator A, we obtain

0= Aho = E Ah„

in L2 . From the fact Ahn a $„ and basis property, we have Ah„ = O. Thefor any n a J , h„ = 0, since p o t).„,„}7„,.,,. Lemma 2 is proved.

Lemma 11.5.16. The family {s1 -1 .5„}T forms an 2'-basis in Hs(0, T).

PROOF OF LEMMA 16. It is sufficient to prove that operator d is anisomorphism 0H 3 and L2. The boundedness of follows from theexpression

f (t) = f chi e"i"'" ) f dt2 eiA2(ti — f2) To

0 0

• • • dts e ig. ( t. - i - to g(t3 )




0dt2 e 4-0 2+A3 )t2... 0 dts e -41 .4. g(t)

t ti= e ii"` dt, e i(- gl

(16)for the solution f of the problem

.3:41 f = g L 2(0, T).

Lemma 16 is proved.

Lemma 11.5.17. The family of subspaces

50 u {.91-15.1T

forms a Riesz basis in H 5(0, T).

The fact that

5 0 n Clip Lin {si '$3°} = {0}

may be proved completely analogously to (14). The lemma now followsfrom the equality

dim[Hs e °Fp] = s = dim $30and Lemma 16.

We can now finish the proof of Theorem 13. The subspace .91 -1 5„ issituated in 5 + 5„, which is easily obtained from (16) for g(t) =So the subspace family 5 0 L 5° is complete in H 5 in view of Lemma 17.Theorem 13 follows from Lemmas 14 and 15.

ti ts- I

MIN NMI NMI Pall 11111111 —5. Additional information 133

Remark 11.5.18. Russell (1982) has also shown that a basis from expo-

Deatials in LAO, T) has an excess in H'(0, T) equal to s. Note thatproposition 12 is specific for exponential functions. For instance, aolynomial family, which forms a basis in the 00, T), is complete in Hs

for any integer s > 0, but the basis property is lost there.

Remark 11.5.19. Proposition 12, as well as Theorem 13, does not allow

a direct generalization for vector exponential families. The situation hereis similar to the replacement of exponentials in LAO, T; 91). For scalars,it is possible to substitute any exponential for any other one (Lemma

4.11) conserving the basis property; one only needs to check on the linearindependence of the family. At the same time, with vectors there exist, for

any 12, exceptional directions n(1 ,) such that the replacement of 17,1, e"1 by

n(p) e i"` leads to the loss of both minimality and basis properties (see

Remark 8).

5.4. Relationship between minimality of exponential families ofparabolic and hyperbolic types

Let K denote the set Z\{O}, let numbers con , n E K, be real, and letcon —con . In addition, let /1„ := con, n E rki. Consider two exponential


'hyp = {nn ek°"t }nEK , 'par = t'i"n nE

tin = n_„, n n e 91, dim 91 < co.

The first family we call the hyperbolic type, the second one the parabolictype. The names derive from the fact that the Fourier method forhyperbolic and parabolic problems gives rise to the ehyp and Spar families,respectively (see Chapter III).

We prove here minimality of family Spar under the condition ofminimality of ehyp. The space 91 may be infinite dimensional.

The proof consists of an extension to an abstract situation of D. L.Russell's (1973) proof of a similar assertion valid for particular exponentialfamilies arising in the boundary control problem.

Theorem 11.5.20. Let family Shyp = {e„} net( be minimal in space L 2(0, T; 91),

and let Ayp :-= {e„}„ ci< be a biorthogonal family. Then family spar is minimalin L2(0, T; 91) for any t > 0 and the norms of elements "e„ of the biorthogonal


134 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

to gpar family satisfy an estimate

II e'nll L 2 (0, s; 91) ^ C0)11 e;IIIL2 (0,s; 91) e fl/11" I )

where C(r) and /3 are positive constants.

PROOF. Introduce for m e N entire operator functions


d„,(z):= e -izt e.(t)dt, z E C,0

and set 5„,(z):= Gm (z) + d„,(—z) (d,,, is the doubled even part ofThe estimate is obvious:

<<&(z)>> ^ "tam elzIT, an, := 114, II r}(o,T; 91 )• (17)

Let us check the equality

01., G.(0 n)> = 6 ,71 , m, n E N. (18)

Indeed, from the definition of Om we have

j‘ T01n, dm(Wn)> = <n„, e -- "I` e.> dt = (en, e;,,)1,2(0,v ; 91) = am01n,o

<n,,, dm( --(0„)> <n„, e',„> dt (e_„, e„,)L 2 (0 , T. ; 91) = 0.0

By adding these equalities, we get (18).We have to relate the minimality of two exponential families with

spectra {con } and {i4}. It is therefore natural to pass from functions ofvariable z to functions of z 2 :

(1)„,(z 2 ) Gm(z), m N.

Since ön, is an even function, it may be represented in the form of a seriesin even powers of z, and (D m are entire functions.

Introduce functions Q„,(z):= Om ( — iz). Then Qm (iz 2) = (1).(z 2) = Gm (z)and Q.(k) = ön,(,/k/i). (Q„, does not depend on the choice of the squareroot branch.)

Let us rewrite relations (17) and (18) for functions Q„,:

<<Q„,(k)>> exp(T\AkDoc„„ (19)

01., 'MAO> = 57, (20)

NM Ili MIMI 1 VIII INN NM ION5. Additional information 135

Functions Q. generally may be increasing on 11. To make the inverseFourier transform possible, we multiply Q„, by function E(z), decreasingon the real axis whose existence and properties are described by the•following statement.

Proposition 11.5.21 (Fattorini and Russell 1971). For every T > 0 theremay be found a function E(z) of the exponential type such that its zerosare real and differ from zero; E is real on the real axis and

(i) 1E(s)exp(,/rsi T)I c,(r)/(1 + s e T1,(ii)1E(—is)j ^ c 2 (r) exp(rs), s 0,

(iii) 1 lE(is)1 � c 3 (r) exp( iqfs), s > 0, /3 > 0, c 3 (r) > 0.

Let us take arbitrary T > 0 and, using E(z) (corresponding to this valueof t), set

G„,(z).= E(z)Q„,(z),

e;, (t) 1 f e 1" G.(s) ds, m e N . (21)27tE(i),„,)

Let us first verify vector functions em to be properly defined. Frominequality (19) and the first property of function E, we derive for s a 11the estimate

<<Gm(Z)>> = IE(s)I<<Q.(s)>> a„,1E(s)lexp(isT)

a„,c (OM + la (22)

Therefore, Gm (s) a L2(R, 92), and the inverse Fourier transform is correct.

Lemma 11.5.22. Functions "e„,' have the properties

(a) supp [0, 'a

(b) L.2(o,r;91) c(t)cc,,, exp(ai,1„,).

PROOF OF THE LEMMA. Estimates (19) of the norm growth of operatorfunctions Q. testify that G. are functions of the exponential type zero.Then from estimates (i)—(iii) of Proposition 21 it follows that for any e,0 < E < T,

ei" G.,(z) belongs to Hi_ and

e t(- ' + '>z Gm (z) belongs to H 2 ,

gm am MN NM UN lin NM NO136 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

and thus e izc Gm (z) E K. Now the Paley-Wiener theorem implies thasupp e'm c [ — e, i — e]. Since s is arbitrarily small, the first statement 0our lemma is valid.

Formulas (21), (22), and the third property of E function provideestimates

dem' 4 2 (0, s; 91)

IIE IlL2(R, ITei(x)ct„,

.\/27.clE(iilm )1 jr 1E - 1 (i4)1

T ci(r)am exp(fl

c 3(r)

The lemma is proved.

Let us now check whether {F„,} is a biorthogonal in space L2 (0, t; 91)to family spar . Expressing Gm via 4 and using Lemma 22(a), we get

Gm (s) = E(am ) e;„(t) dt = E(i2„,) J 4 (0 dt.0

So for elements "en of family par we find

(em en)L 2 (0,s; 92) = (e„, (t), e -2"` „> dt = 2'(t) dtm n0 0

= (Gm(i/113 tin) = <Gm(a.), tin>E(i2)

From (20) we conclude that

(4, en) = 6:1 ;

that is, family {JO is biorthogonal to {em ). The estimate for the elementsof this family is obtained in Lemma 22. The theorem is proved.

Remark 11.5.23. A small modification of the proof enables one to obtainthe same result when several of the numbers co n are imaginary.

6. W-linear independence of exponential families

In this section we examine the conditions providing the uniqueness of aweak sum of series E an en t in L2(0, T) or L2(0, co). We also prove the"excessiveness" of a particular exponential family arising in the problemof boundary control of rectangle membrane vibrations.



6. W-linear independence 137

6.1. Dirichlet series

ormal series of the form En°1- 1 an e'^` considered in C are called

irichlet series, and for their theory we may refer, for instance, to Leont'ev(1976). We treat them for positive and prove the uniqueness of the

eak series sum. In view of their applications to the DPS control problem,it is sufficient to consider ,%, growing faster than log n with n.

Proposition 11.6.1 (Leont'ev 1976). Let 0 < <)t 2 < • • and

lim An /log n = co. (1)n co

If series f(z) = LT= 1 an '''"z converges for z t o E R, then it converges

absolutely and uniformly in the half-plane Re z > t o + e for any E > 0,

where it represents an analytical function. In this half-plane, function f(z)

is bounded and decreases exponentially when Re z + co:

if (z)1 e - "e z 6 > O. (2)

PROOF. Convergence of the series at to implies that its general term is


I anl 44' < C.

Let us take e > 0 and let Re z > t o + E. Then

co e_A„„ e —A„(Rez — to) < C e Ian C A" z 1 = E lani

n = 1 n=1 n = 1

From (1) it is seen that for large enough n, an > 2 log n. So

E la„ C E e -21°g n C E 1/n 2 < co,n = N n N n = N

and the series of analytical functions converges uniformly. Hence, it

represents an analytical function.Let us establish exponential decay of f. Represent f in the form


f(z) = 2 'z E an e (A " — li)z •

n = 1

The Dirichlet series in this formula evidently satisfies the conditions ofthe proposition. As proved, its sum is bounded for Re z > t o + E. There-

f is exponentially decreasing: estimate (2) is valid for 0 < b _<


138 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

Corollary 11.6.2. Let sequence {A n } obey the condition of Proposition 1be an arbitrary positive number, and series Ea). 1 an e -2^` converge to zero ointerval (to , to + c). Then all the coefficients a n equal zero.

PROOF. From Proposition 1, Dirichlet series f (t) En°°= a„ e —Ant is analyti-

cally continued to the half-plane Re z > to . Hence, f (z) 0 for Re z > tSuppose that not all the coefficients an are zeros, and let a; be a nonzero

coefficient with the smallest number. Write f in the form

f(t) = a; e - kit (1 + E an l a; e - 2.i ) `).n = j + 1


Dirichlet series

E an /a; e - 2 -1) `n=j+ I

satisfies conditions of Lemma 1 and, consequently, exponentially decreaseswith t co. Therefore, equality f(t) 0, t > to, is impossible for a; # 0

6.2. Parabolic family on an interval

Theorem 11.6.3. Let 0 < Al < 12 < • • • and condition (1) be valid. If seriesf(t) = En°1 1 a„ e -2.` converges weakly to zero in L 2 (0, T), T > 0, then allthe coefficients a n are zeros.

PROOF. If partial sums of Dirichlet series E nc°= an e -2^` weakly convergeto zero in L2(0, T), then they are bounded in the norm. Hence, the normof any term of the series is bounded uniformly with respect to n. Sincefor A > Ao > 0

(1 —e -1`11.1.2(o, T)

21 X,1

-1 ,


lanl/r2,,-< 1, n (3)

Let us demonstrate that in such a case Dirichlet series convergesabsolutely for t > 0 and uniformly for t to > 0. From estimate (3) wehave

E lani e -A^t En=1 n=

„ e In: = E ,/,1„ exp( — An t) e 4(12 .

Function A e' is bounded for t > to > 0 and A > 0. So this inequality

MIMI INN IIIIIII MN VIII =II MI US6. W-linear independence 139

E lan l e'^` E en=1 n=1

If t > to > 0, then for n N(to) estimates ,1„t/2 > 2 log n follow from

,condition (1). Then00 CO CO

E lani e - A n t E e- 12 og n = E 1/n2 <n=1 n = 1 n=1

Uniformly convergence of the Dirichlet series implies convergence in

L2 (to, T). But then the weak limit of partial sums of the series equalsthe limit in the norm, and the Dirichlet series turns to zero for t E [t o, T].The assertion of the theorem follows from the uniqueness of the Dirichletseries with real .1.„ (Corollary 2).

6.3. Hyperbolic family on the semiaxis

Theorem 11.6.4. Let sequence fw n,ne7, K =1\{0}, be strictly increasing

and 1(0.1>- Inl a, a > 0. Then for any R > 0 and any E > 0, condition

Ianl InI R and weak convergence to zero in L 2 (0, co) of partial sums

of series

E a,,ei(wn±i')`neK

imply that all coefficients a„ equal zero.

PROOF. Let vn denote numbers con + ie, and with the help of the inverseFourier transform, turn from exponentials to simple fractions in the Hardyspace H.

Weak convergence of the exponential series to zero turns into theequality

E an f(vn ) = 0,neK

which holds for any function f from Suppose cl; 0 0. Consider afamily of sample functions

fN (k)=-- (2ie)N /(k — j is fixed, N = 1, 2, ... ,

so that fN (vi) = 1 and for n j

fN(v.) --- [(con — w;) + 21e] N 2ie

— [1 + ——N

•(2 ie)N


140 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

It is clear that fN (v„) —•-4 0 and that an estimate follows fromN oo

condition on co„


Since a„ are of not more than power growth, for large enough N, sereE an fN (vn ) converges to zero uniformly in N. All the terms of the serieexcept the jth one, tend to zero with n -4 co; therefore aj = 0. The theoremis proved.

6.4. Hyperbolic family on an interval

Theorem 11.6.5. Let {co„} ncK be a strictly monotonic sequence, sgn con

sgn(n), and

wn lim — + oolog Ini

Then for any T > 0 and e > 0 condition, {an } c 1 1 and weak convergenceto zero in space L 2(0, T) of partial sums of

E an -1 °^ 16 e iVneZ

imply that all a n are zeros.

PROOF. Introduce function

F(z)= E an etwnzne IK

For IIm zl < c, exponentials ei"^z are bounded by unity in theabsolute value and therefore the series converges uniformly; that is, itrepresents an analytical in the strip jIm zj < c function. From weakconvergence to zero in L2(0, T) one obtains then that F(z)..-=._ 0 forlim zI < e. Consider functions

F+(z)=-- > e'"z, (4)n=1

F_(z) = — E an e - l'nle e'"z


The first of them is analytical in the half-plane Im z > —e, and the second

6. W-linear independence 141

one in the half-plane Im z < e. Since

0 = F(z) = F+ (z) — F_(z),

they coincide on their common domain. Hence, F, and F_ are analytically

e' r.x tended to the whole plane and coincide everywhere, F+ (z) = F_(z).l3v Proposition 1, function F, is bounded at Im z > —6 and

F+ (z) • 0.z

imilarly, F_(z) is bounded at Im z < e. According to the Liouville

theorem, Ft (z) = 0. Set z = i(x — 6) in (4). Then

E an exp( = 0.n=1

Using Corollary 2, we find that an = 0, n > 0. Analogously, an = 0 forn < 0. The theorem is proved.

6.5. w-linear independence in L2(0, T)

Theorem 11.6.6. Let family e" = {e tAt}" A possess a subfamily So = letAILEA°being a Riesz basis in L 2 (0, T), with set A\ A o containing not less than s + 1points, s �_ 0. Then there exists a nonzero sequence {a,}, cA such that series

EleA a, exp(i2t) converges to zero in L 2(0, T) and EA c A ja,121Al2, < co.

PROOF. Choose subset A, of set A in a way that contains A, and s extrapoints. Then by Proposition 5.12 family

s etiAEA,

is a Riesz basis in Hs(0, T) (for A = 0 we take unity instead of '1' in thedenominator).

Expand function e iA°`, Ao e A \ A l , over this basis:

e iAc't = E b AS.AEA,

then L E A, lbAl 2 < CO. Setting a,:= b,/,1s for .1 e A 1 , a,.:= — 1, and a,:= 0for other cases, we obtain the assertion of the theorem.

Remark 11.6.7. From the theorem, the larger the "excess" of family g, the"smaller" the coefficients a, that may be taken in the series E a, exp(W)converging to zero. But by Theorem 5, they cannot be exponentially small;otherwise the W-linear independent family will appear.

mg am ale MIN Sill MN Mill MIN INS142 II. Families of vector-valued exponentials

Remark 11.6.8. When studying the controllability of distributed paramesystems, one may face families in which, along with the exponentialsterm {t} is present (see Section 111.2). It is not difficult to showTheorems 3 and 5 concerning the uniqueness of a weak sum on an interemain true with the addition to the series of term ao t.

6.6. Excessiveness of the exponential family arising in the problemof controlling rectangular membrane oscillation

Let us apply Theorem 5.13 about a subspace basis in HS to'thinvestigation of a particular family. Set

A„,„ sgn(n),/ce 2 m2 /320n. —I 1/2) 2 ; a, /3 > 0, m e N, n e 1.

Theorem 11.6.9. For any R > 0, T > 0, there exists sequence Ic.„1. EN, ..such that

(a) series E„,,„ c„,„ exp(iAmn t) converges to zero in LAO, T),

E.,n < co,(c) for some m0 and m �_mo , c,,,„ = 0.

Here is the plan of the proof. Family {,1.,„„} is naturally decomposedseries, namely, sequences mn n (with fixed m). Consider M seriescorresponding to m = 1, 2, ... , M. At n + co the series points clustearound Rill — 1/2). The sequence of exponentials corresponding to anyof the series forms a basis in L 2(0, To), To := 27E113. However, the exponentialsequence of even two series is not uniformly minimal in L 2(0, T) for everyT. Therefore, one has to examine linear spans of groups of exponentialsIt so happens that they constitute a basis in V(0, MT). By taking aqualified (see (7) below) nearness of the spectrum points inside the groupsinto account, it becomes possible to proceed from the series in exponentialgroups to the series of individual exponentials. Using the infinite excess of{),„} and Theorem 6, one is then able to obtain assertions of the theorem.

Let us assume there are no coinciding values among {A„,} (it takes placewhen a 2//32 0; the theorem is trivial in the opposite case). Specify R, Tand choose integer M such that T < MTo . Evidently, it is enough to checkthe assertion of the theorem for T = MTo . Further, consider, instead of{Anus }, points shifted to the upper half-plane by the value i/2: v„,„ := ,1„,„ + i/2.If the theorem is proved for {v„,,,}, it is also valid for {A,,,,,} because

E Cm. e iv„,„, = e —t/2 c„,„ e il-"`

and the series converge in L 2(0, T) simultaneously.


6. W-linear independence 143

t an, n e K, denote the set {v„,,,}„,"= „, and let (T o denote the set {/..ti }} = ,,here vivf +1,i are the "first" s points of the series with number M + 1.t 6 := Unez Un and suppose s to be large enough; for instance, s > R + 2M.

5,, — vvEG,„ exp(ivt), n E Z. Write 5,, for the Carlesontroduce subspacestistant of set o-„.

ma 11.6.10.

Family of subspaces {S.5„}„ EK forms a Riesz basis in the closure of itslinear span in L 2 (0, oo).Orthoprojector Pr from CIL 2 (0 ,,o) Lin{„}„ K on L 2 (0, T) is an isomor-phism.c > 0 may be found such that for any n e K an estimate

holds for all v E

We first prove the theorem and then demoristrate the lemma.From (a) and (b), it follows that {„}„ Ek is a Riesz basis in L 2 (0, T).

Then by Theorem 5.13, family {5,,}„ Ez is a Riesz basis in lis(0, T). Expandelement exp(iv o t), vo := not entering {5a}nE on this basis:

e ivot = E h„, h„ = E by eivtE 5„•neZ year/

Series Enez lin converges in space Hs(0, T) and, according to a Riesz basisproperty, we have an estimate


Clt) n

So assertion (b) of the lemma implies


2< c.

L 2 (0, T)

09> E.ci

E b y (iv)s e i"VEan

E bv (iv)s e i v`VE a„


>- EL 2(0,T) neZ


1, 2 (0, a) )

If we apply estimate (21) of Section II.1 to each of the inner sums, withthe assertion (c) of the lemma we arrive at

co > E E Ibvi 2 1 ,1 2s >._ E E lb , 1 2 1ws-3m„E, 32(1 + 2 log 1/ vea„ nel vea,,

_ E E Ibvl z lvl zRnEZ vea,,


144 H. Families of vector-valued exponentials

Thus, series e iv°` — hn is shown to satisfy the conditionstheorem.

Let us now check the statements of the lemma.

(a) Denote S; := {v;„ } „EK;j=1 m-• Numbers yin lie on the straightIm k = 1/2 and are separable for a given j. Therefore, each setis Carlesonian. Since at n co, we have diam 0 and th1.5n I nc K e (LB) by Proposition 2.11.

(b) To prove the basis property for family {6„}„ EK in L2 (0, Twe construct a GF of the family (more precisely, GF of famil

{Pr(k Af).

Following Fattorini (1979), set

Fm (z):= cos .,/n 2z2 / )3 2 — kt.

This function is of the exponential type, and its indicator diagram is easilyseen to coincide with segment [— iT0 /2, iT0/2].

For = p.m := m2 n 2 a2 , n2 3p the zeros of function Fmm (z — i/2) are pointsvm„. From estimates

IFF,(z)1 X cos(-7CZfi

+ 0(1/Z)) X 1, for Tm z = —1/2,

it follows that on the real axis Fmm (x — i/2) and F;,,,l (x — i/2) are boundNow introduce function

MF(z) , =__ e izmT0/2 n Fiinjz — i/2).



m= 1

From the foregoing it is clear that FM is a GF for family

{P (k — -1-rrtn)}mAl=1,neK•

Formula (6) and Corollary 3.22 thus imply assertion (b).

(c) From the explicit form of A,„,„ for r m we derive theestimate:


l Amn A.rni'mn Ant

This, by means of the identity

cx2on2 r2)

ilrfm Arn

1>- —In I




Z1 — z2 2 IRe z 1 — Re Z21 2for Im z 1 = Im z 2 = 1/2,

1 + IRe — Re z212'21. - 2-2

MIR MS al ON6. W-linear independence



2 1


Vmn — Vrn

n 2 'm r.

Vmn — Vrn

m=minf Vmn — Vrn In I ' 1 _� In '

r=1 M m=1,m*r Vmn — Vrn

or points v„,„ of one group o-„, the estimates I v„,„I Ink neZ,,1,...,M is evident. Therefore, assertion (c) of the lemma is

proved, and the proof of Theorem 9 is also completed.

MI MO NM 1111 MN MO 11111 1112

IIIFourier method in operator equations

and controllability types

1. Evolution equations of the first order in time

1.1. Let V and H be Hilbert spaces, V being dense and continuouslyembedded in H. Identify H with the space dual to it and let V' denotethe space dual to V. Then H may be identified with some dense subspacein V' in such a way that the embedding H c V' is continuous (Lions andMagenes 1968: chap. 1). Let a[9, i/i] be a continuous symmetric bilinearform on V,



tP] = 49, tG] + a(9, t//)H,

Suppose that for some y > 0 an estimate

;UP, Y P lly

a > 0.


holds. Then a self-adjoint semibounded from below operator A uniquelycorresponds to the form a (see, for example, Birman and Solomyak 1980:chap. 10)

22(A) c V, (4, = a[9, &P]; (A), c e V.

In turn, the form ac, corresponds to self-adjoint positive definite operatorA cc = A + al �_ vl, v > 0, = 0(A). The norm generated by form ;is equivalent by the force of (1) to the norm of space V. Therefore (Birmanand Solomyak 1980: chap. 10),

g (A 112) = V,

(A." 2 (P, Al l2tP) = ;[rP, 0]; (p, e V. (2)


dt + Ax(t) = f(t),dx(t)


1. Evolution equations of the first order in time 147

e assume that operator A has a set of eigenvalues n E N, and eigen-

unctions {con } that form an orthonormal basis in space H. This assumption

valid in the following chapters, where the theory developed in ChaptersIII is applied to control problems for equations of mathematical physics.One can associate the following spaces used constantly below with

Aerators A and k: spaces e ,.2, r E ER, of sequences c {c„}, n E N, with

he norm

ilc11,=[ E Ic„1 2 (A.„+c)ri ,n=1

and corresponding to them spaces W.,

Wr=ffIf= cn9„, IlfIlwr— 11{c.}11,< co}

(the latter are understood as the completion of finite sums of this type inthe norm II '11w,). Spaces e r2 and Wr become Hilbert spaces after thestandard scalar products are introduced.

For r > 0, spaces Wr coincide, by the spectral theorem, with the domainsof powers of operator k, namely, Wr = g(A,C12). It is evident that W, = H.We have just identified this space with the dual one. We shall write Wrfor the space dual to W. and reserve the notation <f, (p>,, for the valueof functional f E W'r on element cp E Wr . It is easy to verify that W'r =Note also that (2) implies W. = V.

Later in the chapter, we shall work with operators in the entire scaleof spaces W,.. We use the same letter A (no ambiguity will appear) todenote a bounded operator acting from Wr +2 to Wr according to therule: A(En"L 1 cn tp„) = c,, 9„ . A similar extension is considered foroperator A c, as well:

A„( E c„9„) =n=1

Obviously, f II ?yr = Ilf1.2. Consider a differential equation

0 < t < oo, (3)

with the initial condition

x(0) = x 0 . (4)

co 1/2


(.1n + a)c,,9„•n=1


148 III. Fourier method and controllability types

First of all, we have to state how one should understand the solutioto the problem (1), (2), as well as to the other initial and initial boundavalue problems treated below. To do this, let us introduce spacesL 2(0, T; W,) of measurable functions g: (0, W, such that

T110 — 2 (0 , T; : 1161(011W, dt < co ,

and also spaces C(0, T; W,.) of continuous functions on [0, T] withthe values in W.. Let g(0, T) be a space of basic functions, that is, ofinfinitely differentiable and finite scalar functions on (0, T). For a functiong e L2 (0, T; Wr) we define its generalized derivative as an element of2'(g(0, T); HO as follows.

Function g e L2 (0, T; Wr ) may be represented in the formoc,

g(t) E gn (t)9„, g„e L2(0, T), E + cx)r < co.n= 1 n = 1

Setdg dg„9, dg (0) = dg„ (to 9„dt dt dt dt

where ti e .g(0, T), dg„/dt is the generalized derivative of g„. Since

dg„ (to = dtk)gn i = fT gn(t)c(t)dt,

dt dt ) 0then


22 2

dt- gn II L 2 (0, T) II H L2 (0, T)•

From this one easily sees that dg/dt is actually a continuous linearmapping from g(0, T) to W, and that it satisfies the equality

dg (to_

dt dt )

We shall be interested in a continuous (with respect to t) solution ofequation (3) in which the values belong to one of the spaces TV,.

Let f E L2(0, T; X() E W,. Function x from the space C(0, T; W,.)is said to be a solution of equation (3) with initial condition (4) if thesum (dx/dt) + Ax belongs to the space L2(0, T; W,_,), (3) is valid as theequality of the elements of this last space, and condition (4) is understoodas the equality of the elements of space W.

MIN 1111111 In INN ow an

I. Evolution equations of the first order in time 149

Theorem 111.1.1. Let f a L 2 (0, T; PK— 1), x 0 a Wr . Then there exists a

unique solution of problem (3), (4), and mapping ff, x0 } x of space12(0, T; 1 ) x W. to C(0, T; Wr ) is continuous.

ROOF. Let us represent functions f and x, as

f(t) = E L(t)(p., x0 = E Xr? (Pn ,

n=1 n=1


II II -2(o, r ) (A. + c)r < co, E 141 2 (An c) r cc,n=1 n=1

while we write the sought-for function x in the form

00x(t) = E x„(t) 9„. (5)


Inserting these expansions into (3), (4) and equaling the coefficients at 9 n ,

we getYcn(t) + An x„(t) f„(t), x„(0) n E N. (6)

From this,

x„(t) = x °, C A"' + e - 2 " ( ` - ' ) fndt,er) di n a N.1 (7)o

Let us check that the function x constructed by these coefficients is reallythe desired solution to the problem (3), (4). From (7) we derive

lx„(t)I 141 e -1"` + II e - A"" - ' ) 1100, 0 II fnand then using the estimate (1 — e - 2^')/A„ + ot)' we obtain

lx„ (t)1 2

14,1 2 + 11./.111,20 ,,A + a) -1 , n E N, t E [0, T].

Multiplying the latter relation by 0, + a)r and summing up over n,we obtain

II xo II + IIf II b ( 0 ,), t E [0, T]. 1 (9)

Thus we have demonstrated that for all t E [0, T], function x constructedby formula (5) with coefficients (7) obeys inclusion x(t) E W,. Moreover,series (5) converges in this space uniformly in t, t E [0, T]. It follows fromestimates (8), (9) and the Weierstrass theorem. Therefore, function x iscontinuous in t in the norm of

Equality (3), as equality of elements of L 2(0, T; Wr _ I ), and equality (4)in W, follow directly from (6).


in OM MO ale SIM

150 III. Fourier method and controllability types

To prove uniqueness, let us note that if x is the solution of problem(3), (4), it is represented by definition in the form (5). Then equality(3understood as such of the elements of L 2(0, T; W,._,), together with (4leads to (7).

Estimate (9) implies

11X111(0,T; Wr) IIX 0 arr. ± Ilf .}(0,T; - i) •Theorem 1 is proved.

Note that the theorem is precise in the following sense. If A., —> co, thenfor any p > r, one is able to find f e L2 (0, T; ,) such that x(T) wp.

This may be easily obtained by setting f„(t) e- A (T - t) in (7) With

appropriate yr,.Later, we will also need a solution of problem (3), (4) in space X,(0, T

r E IR, wheredg

Xr (0, {g I g e L 2 (0, T; - e L 2(0, 7'; Wr - 1)}dt

HUH X r (0, T) 118'11 2L2 (0, T; Wr + 1) +




L2 (0 , T; Wr- 1)

It is known (Lions and Magenes 1968: chap. 1) that when any functionfrom the space X,(0, T) is changed, if needed, on some set of the zeromeasure, it is a continuous function on [0, T] with the values in W. Thisfact may be written in the form of an inclusion

X,(0, T)c C(0, T; 14).

Theorem 111.1.2. Under the conditions of Theorem 1, the solution to the

problem (3), (4) constructed there belongs to -space X,(0, T), and themapping {f, x0}1-4 x of space L2 (0, T; Wr _ i ) x IV, to X,(0, T) is con-


PROOF. Let us show that the solution constructed in Theorem 1 belongsto space X,.(0, T). Suppose first that functions x„ are real. Multiplyequality (6) by x„(t)(A„ + oc)r and integrate the result in t from 0 to T. Then

aniXn(T)1 2 — IX n (0)1 2] + /1„(A„ + cc)r lx„(01 2 dt

= I. T (2. + GO(r - 1)/2f.(0(An + CC)(r + 1)/2x „(t) dt.

MINI MIMI NMI mom WWII Mow amemp

1. Evolution equations of the first order in time 151

Adding a(,In + ay po- lx„(t)1 2 dt to both sides of the equality and usingCauchy inequality with e > 0, we have

An + anlx.(T)1 2 — ix„(0)1 2] + GI. + ar 1 11x,. II i_2(0, T)

a(A„ + °) r lix„1112(o,T) + (/ln1 Ilf.11ZE.._z(0,T)

, +in it— (/1„, T),2n c

Performing the summation of these inequalities in n and transferring the

terms containing x„(T) and x„(0) to the right-hand side, we obtain

x L 2 (0, T; Wr + i) II f 111,2 ( O T W - i) + XII C2 (0, T; W-)•

In the complex case of the derivation of estimate (11), one should multiply(6) by x n (t)()„ + (x)r, then multiply the conjugate to (6) equalities byxn (t)(2„ + a)r, and put together the resulting expressions. The othercalculations remain unperturbed.

Now, using Theorem 1 from estimates (10), (11), we conclude thatX E L2(0, T; Wr+ i ). Equalities (6) then imply dx/dt E L 2 (0, T; ,). Finally,we arrive at the estimate

t(o, T) 11 X011 124' f Ili,2 ( 0, T; Wr-i)• (12)

Theorem 2 is proved.

Remark 111.1.3. Theorems 1 and 2 may be extracted from the theory ofnonhomogeneous boundary-value problems developed in Lions andMagenes (1968: chap. 3). In our case (under the assumptions aboutoperator A), there is no need to apply the general theory, because it israther easier to present a direct proof by means of the Fourier method.Equalities (7) and estimates (10) and (11) produced during the demon-stration will be exploited later in the study of control problems. Thisremark also pertains to Theorem 2.1 proved in the next section.1.3. Let U be a Hilbert space, ou = L2 (0, T; U), and B be a linear boundedoperator acting from U to E4/,._ r E R. Consider a control system


+ Ax(t) = Bu(t), 0 < t < T, u Ell , (13)

with the initial condition

x(0) = x o , x0 E Wr . (14)




fas me we sum am am am me152 III. Fourier method and controllability types

I From Theorem 1 it follows that for a given control u e ail, there existsa unique function x( , u, x0) E C(0, T; TV,.) satisfying relations (13), (14) .

This enables one to define correctly a reachability set R(T, x0) of sYstem(13) in time T from the state xo as the set of the final points of phas etrajectories under all possible controls:

R(T, xo) = {x(T, u, .X0) E W. u e41,

Relations (7) and (9) imply operators

S(T) e Y(Wr , W.) and K(T) W,)

to exist such that

x(T, u, x0) = x(T, 0, x 0) + x(T, u, 0) = S(T)xo + K(T)u,


S(T )x o) x o = E (xn° e ) „n=1

K(T) = ln(r (Bu(t))„ dtico n .ii n=1[1.094.

Here, functions (Bu(t))„, n e N, are the "coordinates" of the elementBu(t) e

Bu(t) = E (BU(t))„9n . (18)n=1

We are interested mainly in the set R(T) := R(T, 0) which is the imageof operator K(T). Set R(T, xo) is obtained out of R(T) by a shift S(T)x0 .

As already mentioned, spaces Wr and W„ (r e ll1) are dual, and theelements of one may be treated as the functionals on elements of the other.We have decided to denote the value of functional f E W on element

E W, as <f, '>*. If

CO co

f = E cn cp„, tfr = E bn9n, then <f, = E cn bn .n=1 n=1 n=1

Using operator B e Y(U, W;-.1), let us define operator B* e U)by an equality

<Bv, = (v, B*Ou , v E U, ,li e „ (19)

in which (• , • )u denotes the scalar product in space U. Now, functions(Bu(t))„ (see (18)) may be represented as

(Bu(t))n = <Bu(t), cp„> = (u(t), B*9 n )u . (20)




111111 IMPS MO NW ON MB 1111111 OM awe1. Evolution equations of the first order in time 153


x„(T, u, 0) = <x(T, u, 0), 9 „> ,,, x(T, u, 0) =-- E x „(T, u, 0) 9„.n=1

Since IIX(T, U, 0)11w, = II{ Xn( T, 14, 0111r, reachability set R(T) c W,. is iso-

metric to the set R(T) of sequences Ix n (T, u, 0)} scanned in space C; while

control u is running through the whole space V.Formulas (17) and (20) yield



Xn (T, u, 0) = (u(t), e'n (T - `) B* 9 „), , n E N. (21)o

The right-hand sides of relations (21) may be rewritten in the form of

scalar products in space L2(0, T; U):

x,,(T, u, 0) = (u, e- (T -I) 9n)au, n E N. (22)

Let us introduce a family of functions 6°

= {e„}, n E N, e„(t) = 1"` (23)

Sometimes, for brevity, we call family 4' and the other families of this kindvector exponential families, on the grounds that each function e n consistsof two cofactors, one of them being a scalar exponential functionfrom the space L2(0, T), while the other is a vector from the space U. Notethat space U connected with specific control problems may be either finitedimensional or infinite dimensional. In this and the following chapters weestablish the relationship between the "quality" of the system's control-lability and the properties of the corresponding vector exponential family.Furthermore, we study these properties and present our conclusionsregarding the controllability of systems described by parabolic andhyperbolic equations under various kinds of control (distributed, bound-ary, and pointwise).

By changing a variable t' = T — t in formula (21) (or in (22)) we nowcomplete the reduction of the problem of reachability set description forsystem (13) to the problem of moments with respect to family S. We canstate the result of our arguments in the form of a theorem.

Theorem 111.1.4. Reachability set R(T) c W. of system (13) is isometric toset R(T) c e2 where R(T) coincides with the set of sequences c = {c,,},n e N, for which the problem of moments

c„ (u, e„)v , n E N , (24)

has the solution u E e.

MO all MO MO 111111 111111111 111111111

154 III. Fourier method and controllability types

When solving the problem of moments, it is convenient to transfer fromspace e', to space ( 2 . Let {x„} e C, . Set 5-c,, = + ar2, = enR + ari

R(T) = {{20 e ( 2 {x„} e k(T)}.

Corollary 111.1.5. Set R(T) c e2 coincides with the set of sequences {for which the problem of moments

= (u, en )q,, ne FJ, (25)

is solvable in space ill.

2. Evolution equations of the second order in time

2.1. Let operator A be defined as in Section 1. Consider a differentialequation

+ Ay(t) = f(t), 0 < t < T,dt 2

with initial conditions

y(0) = Y0, 3)(0) = Y1 (2)

Expression d 2y/dt 2 is meant in the sense of the distributions (generalizedfunctions) with the values in the scale of spaces W,..

We can define the solution of the problem (1), (2) in the same way asfor problem (3), (4) of Section HU. Let f e L2 (0, T; yo e W- r+19

y1 e W,.. Function y is said to be a solution to equation (1) with initialconditions (2) if

(i) y e C(0, T; W,. +1), y E C(0, T; W.);(ii) the sum 9 + Ay belongs to L 2(0, T; W.) and (1) is valid as an equality

of elements of this space; and(iii) conditions (2) are understood as the equalities of the elements of

spaces Wr+ 1 and W, respectively.

Theorem 111.2.1. Let f e L2 (0, T; W,.), {y o,)Yi, GI6+1, 0̂7,41:=Wr+1@Wr.Then problem (1), (2) has a unique solution, and the mapping

ff, Yo, {Y,

of space L 2 (0, T; W,.) x 11;4i to space C(0, T; "07,:+1) is continuous.

d2y(t)( 1 )

+ f L sin

(T)An (t — r) di

o /in

for An > 0, ( 7)


2. Evolution equations of the second order in time 155

rgooF. As in the proof of Theorem 1.1, we use the Fourier method here.


{f(t) = E fn(t) 1P(19 nrn=1

Yo = E YnCI(19n ,


Y1 = E Yrl9n1n=1

E fnil n(A. (x) rn=1


E ly0 1 2 (An +(x)r+1 < con=1

E lyni i2

(An c) r co.n=1


Ve search for function y in the form

AO= > YnW (19 n• (4)


Substituting these expansions to (1), (2), we obtain

9 n(t) AnYn(() = L(t), (5)

Y„(0) = MO) = n E N • (6)

The solutions of equations (5) with initial conditions (6) are

sin 2„ ty„(t) = y,? cos ,r2„ t + y 1


Yr,(t) = y,? cosh \/-1„ t +

+ it Ler) sinh (t —di for 2, < 0,

J 0 An (7 ')

y„(t) = + Ynt + MT* — dt for A n = O. ( 7 ")0

From here

sinh An t


s ,(t) = — y t + cos t

+ f fni (r) cos A n (t — t) dr for 2„ > 0,


156 III. Fourier method and controllability types

y„ (t) = — y° sinh,/-1„ t + cosh .\/— A.„ t

+ J f„ (T) cosh \/--- (t — or) ch for A. < 0,

Mt) = Yn + I ' MT) dr0

for An = 0.

Treating functions cos At and sin .1;1 t/,/ functions of complexargument and setting

sin .\/;1. t— t for = 0,

one is able to combine formulas (7), (7'), (7") into one formula (7), and(8), (8'), (8") into one formula (8). These understandings are also usedbelow.

Let us show that the function constructed by formulas (4), (7), and (8)is the desired solution to the problem (1), (2). At first, on the basis ofequality

coily(t)114,„, = E iy.(t)1 2(2„+ a)r+1 ,


we check that y(t) E W,.+ 1 for all t E [0, T]. Using the estimate

sin .1,i, t 2+ -< 1

for A e (—a, co), t e [0, T], we find from (7) that

I Y.(01 2R, + -< Y?1 2 (2n + 1 + + cc)r

+ Ilf„V,2(0,T) (1n

Summing up these inequalities over n, we get

Y(t)ii .W,,, -< + T; WO)

Moreover, equalities (8) provide

9.(t)1 2 (1. + oc)t IY,?1 2 (1„ + oc)r lAn + IY,1,1 2 (2n + oc)r

t e [0, T]. (10)

n er' , t e[0, T].

+ ( + n E r , t e [0, T]. (11.)

$1111111 SIMI MO IMO MN

2. Evolution equations of the second order in time

ince 2„ + a v > 0, 1,1.„1 -< + a. Therefore, function


s)(t)— E 9.(t)conn=1

(pn (t) is determined by (8)) satisfies the estimate

15)(t)lik IlYilqv,+ II .f 11(3'_2 (0, T; Wr )

for all t E [0, T].The other steps of the proof are similar to those carried out in Theorem

1.1. In particular, estimates (11), (12) imply

{Y, 5}111N, T; 16 +1 )"‹ 11Y011►2Vr+1 11Y111;24,, Ilf 11i2 ( 0, T;

Theorem 1 is proved.

Note that the theorem is precise in the same sense as Theorem 1.1: if-+ co then for any p > r + 1 it is possible to find f e L 2 (0, T; W,.) such

that inclusion y(T) e Wp is invalid.It will be necessary to use Theorem 1 - as well as Theorems 1.1 and

1.2 concerning the solutions with values in the entire scale of spaces

147; - in our studies of control problems for systems of parabolic andhyperbolic types. Depending on the kind of control and the dimension ofthe domain, we apply these theorems with varying values of r E R.2.2. Let U be a Hilbert space, = LAO, T; U), B be a linear bounded

operator from U to W,. Consider a control system

d 2y(t)+ Ay(t) Bu(t), 0 < t < T, u e , (14)


with initial conditions

Y(0) = Yo, .1)(0) = Yi, {Yo, Yi} E


Theorem 1 allows us to define the reachability set .44T, yo, y,) of system

(14) properly:

gf(T, yo, Y1) = {{y(T), 1)(T)} 6117;4-1 I UE V).

Each element of set 9(T, yo , h.) may be uniquely represented in the form

An= E Yn(T)49.,n=1


Y(T) = E S,„(T)9.,..1

= 11{3, „ (T)} 11, + 1,

II .P( T ) II w,. = II { S,„ ( ) } 11,





158 III. Fourier method and controllability types

Therefore, set g(T, yo , y 1 ) is isometric to set 4(T, {y,?}, econsisting of pairs of sequences ({y„(T), {57„(T)}) corresponding{Y(T), 3)(T)) E ge(T, Yo,

By analogy with (15), Section III.1, we introduce operators Y(T) aX.(T) such that

(Y(T)) = <99(T)( Y°) ± X-(T)u.YI


.9'(T) E Y( 1̂17,:+1, Yt;+1), S-(T)G -r( 11/;+1).

The explicit form of these operators is easily presented by analogy witli(16), (17) of Section III.1, starting from formulas (7), (8).

As in Section 1, we are interested first in the set .91(T) = R(T, 0, 0)which is the image of operator .X -(T), and in the isometric to it, set

(T).= 4(T, 0, 0).

We use B e Ii/r) to define operator B* e .99(W_ „ U) with the helpof the relation

<By, 0 * = (v, B * IP)u, v e U, e W_,..

Formulas (7), (8) yield the elements of set (T) to be determined bycontrol u e °li according to (compare with (21) of Section III.1)

ha') = T

(U(t), sin (T — t) B n) dt (16)

MT) = J (u(t), cos 11„(T — t) B*9„)u dt. (17)0

Let us introduce in space qi families of functions g„" ) } and {(, 2) }, n e N,

w)(t) = sin t B*9n,

(;,2)(t) = cos .1.„ tB*(p,,. (19)

By changing variable t' = T — t in the integrals in (16), (17), we reducethe problem of description of the system (14) reachability set .9?(T) to theproblem of moments relative to the family of functions t(;, 1) } u {WI. Theobtained results may be formulated as the following theorem.



2. Evolution equations of the second order in time 159

Theorem 111.2.2. Reachability set .W(T), .R(T) of system (14) is

isometric to set (T) c 42, e t;, where l(T) coincides with the set ofairs of sequences ({a n }, tbn 1) for which the problem of moments

an = (u, (1) )v , b n = (u, C (n2) ),7,, n , (20)

has the solution u c 0/1.

For further investigations, it is convenient to represent moment relations(20) in a somewhat modified form. For this, we set K := Z\{0} andintroduce space er2 of sequences {c k }, k E K, with the norm

11{ck}11,.=( E Icki 2 (Alk, + c)rke K

We write

K= inf 112,,1 2„ 00},neN

{{k e I = if K>0,Ko =

{k E K I I2Ik < 1} if K = 0.

In the applications to control problems for differential equations ofmathematical physics considered in this book, 2„ + co and hence K > 0.In the case K = 0 (0 is the spectrum condensation point) in the definitionof set K 0 , one may consider inequality 12 1k1 1 < p, instead of < 1, withany positive number p.



con—I V

A n ' 2„ < 0,

2„ > 0CU_„ _—CD„, nE hi.

Associate with the pair of sequences ({a n }, {b„}) sequenceto formulas

{ck} according

(Ck = — ico k a ki + b iki

c iki = a iki , c_i k l = /NIfor k E K\K 0

for k E K 0 •(21)

One verifies directly that mapping ({an }, {b„}) 1--> given by formulas(21) is an isomorphism of spaces 1,,2, 1 0 and er2 .

Instead of the families g,,(1) } and {(„(2) }, let us consider in space all family= k E K:

ek (t) = e t"'” B*(p lki ,i k E K \ K o ,

e lki = CjI i ) , e _ iki = Cli) , k a K o .(22)

160 III. Fourier method and controllability types

Multiplying the first of the equalities (20) for n n K \ K o by +icon andadding the result to the second ones, we obtain moment equalities

ck = (u, ek )v , k K. (23)

Thus from Theorem 2 and the subsequent arguments we can draw thefollowing conclusion.

Theorem 111.2.3. Reachability set M(T) c 71/2r+ I of system (14) is iso-morphic to the set of sequences {c k } in space er2 for which the problem omoments (23) has the solution u E V.

By multiplying both parts of equalities (23) by (A iki + ar 2, as in thecase (24), (25) of Section MA we can move to the problem of momentsfor sequences from the space e2:= eg.

In comparison with Theorem 1, the peculiar properties of family 6' maysometimes provide an additional regularity for the solution to problem(14), (15). (This fact is often exploited in Chapters V and VII.)

Lemma 111.2.4. Again, let B e 2)(U, Wr) and for some p > r let an estimatebe valid

E Ku, ek)L2(o.t: tie + otY u),k. K


t e [0, u e = L2(0, T; U).

If {y0 , y 1 } E 17; 4_ 1 , then the solution of problem (14), (15) satisfies theinclusion {y, a C(0, T; Vp+ I ) and

II {Y, Si} T; 16,11) II {YO , Y1}11 .2*-p, 1 + (25)

PROOF. By analogy with formula (21), set

tzk (t) = — iwk Yiki + YIkI (0,

ziki = (0, z --ud(t) = .fiki(t),

k e K\K0

k 11(0

{4) = —icok4 1 + yjki, k e 11( \ K o,0 ,0 ,0 ‘,1

Ylkl , `— lkl Ylkl, k E K o .

Formulas (7), (8), (16), and (17) produce

lzk(t)I 2 4( 2 + ek)L2(0.t; u)I 2 , k E K, ut(r):= u(t —


3. Relationship with exponential families 161


11{Y(t) , .Y(t)}11-K,.1 Ei zk (t)12(2,,, + ay +1 E 141 2 ( „1 ,,,, +a) ,,+ikcb( k

+ E Ku`, ek)L2(0,, u)1 2 (A l k i + ,x)°+ 1k IFS

-<11{Yo, +

The continuity of {y(t), y(t)} in t in the norm of space p+ 1 is establishedon the grounds of estimate (24), as in the case of the continuity of x(t) in

eorem 1.1.

The analogous statement holds for problem (13), (14) of Section HU

as well.

3. Controllability types and their relationship with exponential families

3.1. We now return to the question of the controllability of the system

dx(t) Ax(t) = Bu(t), 0 < t < T,


U E = L2 (0, T; U), B Y(U, Wr-1),

with initial condition x(0) = 0.Our aim is to analyze reachability set R(T), which we determine to be

the image of operator K(T) (see (15), Section III.1). As shown in SectionMA, operator K(T) c Y('l, Wr ) is of the form


K(T)u = x(T) E c„(T)(,9,„ (2)n = I


c„(T) = (uT, en )q,

en (t) = B*(p„, u T(t) = u(T — t).

Let H, be a Hilbert space densely and continuously embedded into W„which contains all the eigenfunctions cp„; in particular, H 0 may coincide

with W, . Space H0 figures in the definition of controllability types forsystem (1) presented below.

MO MI On OM in M.

162 III. Fourier method and controllability types

Definition 111.3.1. System (1) is said to be

(a) B-controllable relative to H0 in time T, if R(T) = H0 ;(b) E-controllable relative to H0 in time T, if R(T) Ho ;(c) UM-controllable relative to H0 in time T, if for any n E N there may

be found a control u„ E 0/1 such that K(T)u„ = 9„ and II u„ II II con g an e N;

(d) M-controllable in time T, if for any n E N there may be found a controlu„ E Gll such that K(T)u„ 49„; and

(e) W-controllable in time T, if Cl w R(T) = W,..

Until now, two types of controllability have been most often consideredin the literature. These types are usually called ejcact ant_approxiinAcontrollability. In our terms, they correspond to E and W controllability,respectively. The suggested definitions sharpen the existing classification.With respect to exact controllability, we recognize "the best" case whenwe have a complete description of reachability set R(T) in the form of itscoincidence with the space H0. This is B controllability. For approximatecontrollability, it is physically meaningful to separate three cases:

(1) when for any n a N it is possible to transfer the system in time T fromthe zero state to the state cp„ with the help of a control, whose normis estimated uniformly in n by the "energy" norm of go„, and this isthe UM controllability;

(2) when for any n E N it is possible to transfer the system in time T fromthe zero state to the state cp„, but without the guaranteed upper boundof the control norms (M controllability);

(3) when in time T it is still possible, up to the error of an arbitrarilysmall norm, to reach any state in W,., but we cannot guarantee thatall the states cp„ are reachable from the zero state ( W controllability).

In the last case, the set R(T), although it is dense in W,., does not containthe linear span of the eigenfunctions of operator A. In our view, this casehas to be considered a nonphysical one. For instance, under finitedimensional control of the process of heat propagation in a rectangledomain, W controllability takes place depending on whether the aspectratio of a rectangle is a rational number.

Note also that the standard separation of controllability in the exactand the approximate case is somewhat conventional. For example, ifa system has the UM-controllability property relative to some spaceH0, one easily constructs space H, relative to which the system is


3. Relationship with exponential families 163

E-controllable (see Theorem 5 below). Moreover, if a system isW-controllable, it is B-controllable relative to some space Ho (Theorem 6).

However, one is far from being able to describe this space in standardterms at all times.

Further, we demonstrate (Theorem 3) that our classification of control-lability types is closely related to the properties of vector families consideredin Chapter I, which influence the solvability of the moment problem. Thiscircumstance clarifies the notations used in the definitions. In the remainingchapters, we present many examples of parabolic and hyperbolic systems"with various types of controllability.

Remark 111.3.2. It is possible to consider controllability in relation to a

space Ho nondensely embedded into ThisThis makes sense, for instance,

when R(T) is a proper subspace of W. An example of this is thereachability set for string with the boundary control at small T (Avdoninand Ivanov 1983) (for details see Chapters V and VII; see also RemarkVII.3.6).3.2. Let us establish a relation between the introduced controllabilitytypes and the properties of vector exponential families ='{e -Ant B*9„}in space 0/1 = L2(0, T; U). In doing this, we restrict ourselves to the space

1/0 of a more specific kind.Let p = fp„I nt 1 , p„ > 0. Let W(p„) denote a closure of finite sums

E cn co n in the norm (E Ic„I 2pn2) 1/2. Take H, in the form W(p n ). To make

inclusion Ho c W,. hold, let us require relation

p„ (A„ + ay, n E N ,

to be valid. Note that with the help of new notations space W; may bewritten as W(r„), r„.= + a) i 2 .

Along with the family = {e„}, let us introduce families = {r„ e n } andcfio = {lin en } differing from the first one by normalization, and considerisometric operators

( 2 pyr ,

U0 : ( 2 f-- Ho,

if(tanIr=i)= E„=1 r„

uo(lanhti)— E (Pn•n = 1 P n

Formula (2) implies immediately that operator K(T) may be representedvia the problem of moments operators „fir and leo (for the definition of


164 III. Fourier method and controllability types

the problem of moments operator, see Section 1.2):

K(T) = of-eV

K(T)1v-1 0 =- ttofeoViv-

where V is an isomorphism of space all: (Vf)(t) = f(T — t).

Theorem 111.3.3. Let Ho W(p„). The following assertions are then true.

(a) System (1) is B-controllable relative to Ho in time T if and only ifgo a (LB) in space all = T; U).

(b) If system (1) is E-controllable relative to Ho in time T, then to E (UMin V.

(c) System (1) is UM-controllable relative to Ho in time T, if and only , if.go e (UM) in V.

(d) System (1) is M-controllable in time T if and only if a (M) in qi(e) System (1) is W-controllable in time T if and only if e E (W) in all

PROOF. The assertions of the theorem follow from Theorem 1.2.1 andrepresentations (3), (4).

(a) B controllability is equivalent, since a and V are isometric, to the factthat operator afeo is defined on the whole all and its image coincideswith 1 2. By the closed graph theorem, operator fejvfo is then anisomorphism between Wo and j2, which is equivalent (by TheoremI.2.1(a)) to the basis property of go. The arguments are invertible.

(b) E controllability in relation to Ho is equivalent to the equalityRso = C2, which, by Theorem I.2.1(b), yields go E (UM).

(c) UM controllability relative to Ho means that for any n E N there existsu„ E all satisfying relations Ku„ = 9„, -< II (Pa Ho' Let 1„1 denotethe standard basis in Got. Using representation (4) and equalitytio- 1 9n = pnCn, we obtain en.linr- n-1 , = =n , vrt:= Vu„. Therefore, family{vn p„- 1 },T= 1 is biorthogonal to 4. Since

I n = 4 nilv and 119n Ha. = P., then v„p„-1 11 -<1

and hence go E (UM). These arguments are invertible.The proof of assertion (d) is contained in the proof of assertion (c).

(e) Making use of representation (3), we find W controllability to beequivalent to CI = e 2, which, by Theorem I.2.1(d), is, in turn,equivalent to the inclusion e E (W).

3. Relationship with exponential families 165

emark 111.3.4. From the proof, it is clear that B controllability of theystem relative to 11, implies the equivalence of the norms of the control

d the state x(T):

[K(T)u = x(T), u r E Ve]

,(Note that the control orthogonal to all the elements of family S transfers

the system from the zero state to the zero one.)On the other hand, if estimate 1k4 Il e X Ilx(T)11 H. takes place, operator

Aso is an isomorphism on its image. That is, R(T) is a subspace of 1/0 .Together with W controllability, this provides B controllability relative

=to Ho.

Let us present a result concerning controllability in relation to different

spaces 1/0 of the form W(p,,).

Theorem 111.3.5.

(a) Let {p„} and PO be positive sequences such that E;°_,_ p n2N- < co.If system (1) is UM-controllable in time T relative to Kig.), then it isE-controllable in time T relative to W(I3 n ).

(b) Let 6° E (M) in 1; the norms of the elements of the biorthogonal to tfamily 0 = {On } and sequence {p„} are such that sup„ EN pn-1 = co.Then system (1) is not E-controllable in time T relative to W(p n ).

(a) Let us show that R(T) D W(p„). From the proof of Theorem 3(c), itfollows that the norms of the elements of the biorthogonal to 6' family0 satisfy the estimate II 0.16 p n . Elements of family 0,biorthogonalto g = {rn en }, are of the form 0„ = r,T 1 0„, and hence Ii0„14, pn r,T 1 .

Let x = E,c,°,_. 1 x„9,, e Woo. That is, E° 1 ix„i 2A,2 < co. Let us provethat x E R(T). In view of (3), it is equivalent to the fact that thesequence {x,,r,,} belongs to the image of operator Aso . By CorollaryI.2.5(a), for the latter inclusion to be correct it is sufficient for series

En°°=1 lx„rn1 11 6.16 to be convergent. This is true, since


E ixarni 0.6 E knironr,-,-1 = E knit). = E knoonk,;'n =1 n=1 n=1 n =1

co 1/2( co1/21, 12 AZ) E 09.

Pnn=1 n=1

Ilx(T)11H0 .

ON11 MI OM MN OM MIN MIN166 III. Fourier method and controllability types

(b) Since sup„EN11 0„11eP,,-1 = co, vector a e (2 may be found such .thaE',T. 1 I a„I 2 II on P,;- 1 = co. In other words, ET 1 lan1 2 110.° 11 ,1 co, wiier{8,?},T_ I is the family biorthogonal to go . Then, by Corollary I.2.5tbRe. 0 (2, and consequently R(T) W(p,,). The theorem is prove

The following theorem implements for system (1) the Hilbert UniquenMethod (HUM) suggested by J.-L. Lions (1986).

Theorem 111.3.6. If system (1) is W-controllable in time T, then itB-controllable in time T relative to a dense space Ho in W,.,constructed in the proof

PROOF. Consider, along with control system (1), the observation systemdual to it:

d9(t)dt + A*9(t) = 0, 0 < t < T,

9(T) = E W„; v(t) = B* 94).

(We are treating A and A* as bounded operators in the scale of spacesW. Since A E 22(Wr4. 1 , W,._,), then A* e ..29(W„ 4. 1 , W,_ i ).)

By Theorem 1.2, co c L 2(0, T; ,), (d9/dt) E L2(0, T; W, _ 1 ); there-fore, A*9 e L 2(0, T; W_,-1).

Since B* G U), then v E GII = LAO, T; U) and 11v11q1Introduce space 11 as the closure of W_, in the norm 11116 := Let

us check this equality to actually define the norm, namely, that v =implies l = 0.

From (1), (5) we have

0= T (d

dt— + Ax — Bu, 9) — Kx d9

d+ A*9)* dt


-= — <Bu, 9>* dt + <x(T), 9(T)>,0

and so

<x(T), >* = (u, v)v . (6)

If v, = 0, then the left side of (6) equals zero for all u e all. Since system(1) is W-controllable, the set of all x(T) is dense in W., and therefore

= 0. (Dual system (5) is observable.) Hence, space 11 is defined properlyand 11 w_r.


OM MI INN 1111111 OM MI

3. Relationship with exponential families 167

.let us write 1/0 for the space dual to R. In view of this, Ho is denselybedded into W. Let us demonstrate system (1) to be B -controllable in

e T relative to Ho.rom (6), we have

Kx(T), O * 1 -̂114 ,11110 ,11 =

hen, x(T) e Ho for any u E 011, i.e. R(T) c Ho . Let us show that inverseinclusion is also valid.

We connect system (1) with system (5) in the following way: put in (1),

v(t). Then x(T) depends on Define operator A: H i W. according

6 the rule x(T). It is bounded by Theorem 1.1 and 1.2. From (6),

4ei,five have

<x(T), = v)v =


</V, >,K 11?4•

Therefore, the Lax—Milgram theorem (Lax and Milgram 1954) makesoperator A an isomorphism of space H on = Ho .

Equation A = x 1 has the solution e H for any x 1 e Ho . The function

v B*9 constructed by this (q being the solution to problem (5))

belongs to space V. One easily sees that function u(t) = u(t) transfers

system (1) from zero at t = 0 to x 1 at t = T. Therefore, R(T) D Ho. The

theorem is proved.

In Theorem 6, we neither assume nor state that space 1/ 0 has the form

W(p„); it is usually difficult to describe. Some positive examples arepresented in the following chapters.

Let us proceed now to describe set UT > o R(T).Consider, along with the family 1 = {e - A ^` 13* 9„}, family 4, =

4(0 = e -(1^ ." ) ` B*cp„. Since An + a > 0, L2(0, co; U) = 01/09 . Now

turn to set fi co of sequences {c,,}, n e 1J, determined by the equalities

c„ = (u, e; ,̀)4,00 , u e

In the proof of Theorem 1.1, we checked that {x„(T)} e e r2 . In exactly the

same way, one is able to show that k, c Set


R co = E c r, 9 „ Gn= 1

{c,,} E fcf.


168 III. Fourier method and controllability types

Theorem 111.3.7. Reachability sets of system (1) satisfy the relations

U R(T) cT> 0

ClW U R(T) DT> 0

PROOF. Inclusions (7), (8) are equivalent to the following relations inspaces of sequences

U ,k(T ) c R te ,T > 0

ci4 U R(T)T> 0


(u, ,L2(0, 7'; U) = (u e - eca ) T; U) ,

then for any finite T an equality takes place

R(T) = k„(T):= { {c,,} I c,, = (u, 441.

Since (u, )L2(o,T ; U) = (UT, 44,, where

UT(t) =u(t), t < T,

0, t > T,

then R(T) c R. for any T, and hence inclusion (9) is valid.To demonstrate inclusion (10), let us take an arbitrary element {c„} E

It corresponds with the element u E V., which is the solution to theproblem of moments

C,, = (4, 4)1, 0, =: /Z ) u, faV : 011.1-+

Operator /)r ) is defined on the whole space V. and, as shown inSection 1.2, is closed. So it is bounded, and therefore


E (An + (x)r I(u — UT, e:)110,1 2 L2(T, co ; u).n=1

This implies that sequence c„T .= (u T ,e,14 is converging to {c„} in aT co. By equality (11), {cnT} E R(T), which just proves inclusion (10)

Corollary 111.3.8. Theorem 7 provides Clw Ur > R(T) = Now,on the grounds of Theorem I.2.1(d), we conclude that C 1wUT>() R(T) = Wris equivalent to inclusion SI E ( W) in space 61‘..

=I INN MI INN NM MIN OM MI MO3. Relationship with exponential families 169

.3. Up to now, the arguments of Section 3 were related to the control

ss̀tetii (1). We now show that all the definitions and constructions, with

()illy slight modifications, may be transferred to the system described bythe second order in a time equation.

Let u e olt = L2(0, T; U), B e Wr). Consider system

2+ Ay(t) = Bu(t), 0 < t < T, (12)y

t 2

with initial conditions

y(0) = 0, 5/(0) = O.

Let us study the reachability set .R(T) of system (12), which is the

image of operator Jr(T). Operator .Y((T), .7f(T) e Y(01. 1r+lrl r+1 =

Wr+i e wr , is defined in Section 2.Let .moo be a space densely embedded into '#/;. +1 and containing all the

functions of the form {9„, 0} and{0, 9„}, n e N. The analog of Definition 1establishing the hierarchy of controllability types for system (12) is as


Definition 111.3.9. System (12) is said to be

(a) B-controllable relative to dro in time T, if g(T) = drip;

(b) E-controllable relative to leo in time T, if gl(T) dro ;

(c) UM-controllable relative to ./C0 in time T, if for any n E N there maybe found controls tin° and E all such that

.Y((T)u,(,) = {9„, 0}, dr(T)u,l, = {0, q,,}, (13)

0 } II,ieo , 9.111y60;

(d) M-controllable in time T, if for any n e N one is able to find controls14,3" E all for which equalities (13) hold;

(e) W-controllable in time T, if C116 . L ✓7(T) =

To reveal the association between the introduced controllability typesand the properties of exponentials defined by formulas (22), Section 111.2,we confine ourselves to the space Yeo of the form YV(p„),

p„ rn := (A„ +"fr(P.):-= + a) 112Pn) 0 PRP.),

In these notations, = 1r(rn ).


170 III. Fourier method and controllability types

Let us define isomorphism L: 42+1 r2 r2C. by formulas (21), Seca111.2. The inverse mapping is specified by the formulas

{ bn =c„ +

c_„ , naNn (K \ K 0),_

a„ = c ” — c2icon ",2

an = c„, b„ = c _„, neN n K o .

We define isomorphisms Lt: C 2 1---, -ii/r. + i and Uo : ? 2 1-, V(p„) (analogsof the operators introduced for system (1)) as

f°x.- ,) an

it: fc,IkEK H+ I, 9n,n=i rn

tto: ta „ ,

cklkeKI—' L — 9„

n, Lc° b (P.},n=1 p„ n=1 Pn

where coefficients a„ and b„, n E N, are determined via ck , k E K, byformulas (14).

Together with family S = {e k }, k E K, introduced in (22), Sectionwe now consider families g = {r iki ek } and go = {p i , ' ek }, which differ fromit by the normalization.

From the previous constructions and Section 111.2, it follows thatoperator (T) may be represented in a form identical with (3), (4):

Ar(T)=110 ,h,- V, or(T)1,,_1,0 =

On the basis of this representation, one is able to obtain the analogsof assertions 3.3-3.6. We would like to emphasize two points in particlar.

Theorem 111.3.10. Let Yeo = ir(p„). The following assertions are then true.

(a) System (12) is B-controllable relative to X:, in time T if and only fgo a (LB) in space = L2 (0, T; U).

(b) If system (12) is E-controllable relative to Ye'e, in time T, then go a (UM)in all.

(c) System (12) is UM-controllable relative to .moo in time T if and only 'f43 (U M) in 61 .

(d) System (12) is M-controllable in time T if and only if so E (M) in 611(e) System (12) is W-controllable in time T if and only if cr E (W) in all

Theorem 111.3.11. If system (12) is W-controllable in time T, then it isB-controllable in the same time relative to the dense space YC0 in Yrr-4-1

whose construction is shown below.

bn (pn,

n=1 rn

110/So VIV - I2eo•

MI MINI =I INII MINI MI MIN • OM3. Relationship with exponential families 171

The proof of Theorem 3.11 follows the lines of the proof of Theorem

6. The system dual to (12) is

d2(P(t) A*tp(t) = tP(T) = tP0 E (7') = 1Pi E W—r-dt2

v B*11/, B* e 2(W_ r ,U).

Space .Se° is defined as the closure of 1//:, = W_,, W r _, in the norm

tP1111.,t— 11 , 11e, while space 1/0 is the dual one to dit . It is verifiedthat this definition is correct, since system (12) is W-controllable in time

T, Space leo is then densely embedded into irr ± 1 , since

(Yr-r), (Kr 0 W-r-i) l = (W-r)l = Wr+i W =

The remaining details are similar to those in Theorem 6.

To describe set U„ 0 R(T), we take arbitrary 8 > ,Fc and consider,

along with the family d' = {e k }, k e K, introduced by formulas (22), Section

111.2, family 43 = {4}, 4(0 = e -6` ek (t). Since + a > 0, S6 c

L2(0, co; U). Let g o, be a set of sequences {ck } determined by

equalitiesck (u, k e K, u E

We write R oo for the set of pairs of functions of the form

{. co

Z a„ 9„, E 12.9„},„=1 „=1

with coefficients a,, and bn expressed via {c k } E 4 03 by formulas (14).The following theorem is proved in the same way as Theorem 3.7.

Theorem 111.3.12. Inclusions are true:

U .4(T)T>0

U R(T) R. ,T>0

U 4(T) D 40o;T>0

U R(T)DT>0

An analog of Corollary 8 takes place.

Corollary 111.3.13. Theorems 12 and I.2.1(d), imply the equivalence ofCl, UT>0 R(T) 71/,-. +1 and inclusion 6°6 E (W) in space

NM Me MI MI MI I= inn SIM172 11/. Fourier method and controllability types

To conclude this chapter, we would like to present one statement ab othe relationship between the controllability of systems of the first and

• second orders in time.

Theorem 111.3.14. If system (12) is M-controllable in time T, then sy(1) with the same operators A and B is M-controllable in any time

This assertion immediately proves to be correct in view of Theo11.5.14, Theorem 3(d), and Theorem 10(d).


IVControllability of parabolic-type systems

Let S2 be a bounded domain in 11 N with the boundary F. We assume Fto be regular enough to provide the existence of all the subjects consideredbelow. In some cases, the requirements for the smoothness of F will bemade more precise. Set Q x (0, T), E = F x (0, T), T > 0. Let

ao , E L'(C2), (i, j = 1, . , N), a ii = a,,, and for some K > 0 let an


E a,; (x) _� x E (0.1)

be valid almost everywhere in Q for each {} N 1e 5-8N.Recall the notations from Section III.1 and take space P(I) as !I

and HUS2) as V. Then V' is 1-1 - '(0) (Lions 1968). For yo, tfr c in(S2),we set

a[co, tlf] E ai,(x) — — dx + ao (x)90 dx. (0.2)Op 4 /

,,;=, o ax i ax;

It is not difficult to see that the introduced bilinear form a[9, ill] satisfiesthe conditions of Section III.1; one may choose any number larger than

ao L.(0) for a. We write A for the operator generated by form a[9,

Its eigenfunctions cp„, n e NI, are the solutions to the homogeneousDirichlet boundary-value problem for an elliptic equation

Ago,, AnC 0 in 0, 4 Ir=O.

In what follows we may suppose that cp,, are real. From this point on, we

use the same symbol A both for the operator and for the differential


=II MIN 11111 NM MI NM all NM MI174 IV. Controllability of parabolic-type systems

expressionN a a(,9

Acp = — E — a••(x) + ao(x)9ax;

corresponding to it.We need the additional restrictions on F and coefficients au and a

make the eigenfunctions of operator A sufficiently smooth andeigenvalue estimates


large enough n to ensure the validity of some of the results in this anthe next chapter. Conditions guaranteeing these properties may be founin Agmon (1965), Birman and Solomyak (1977), and Mikhailov (1979)Without special indications, we consider them true wherever necessary-

In Theorems 1.2 and 2.1, one also needs to demand coefficients au, -aand boundary F to be of class C'. This makes firm the result on theuniqueness of solutions of elliptic equations used there (Landis 1956Harmander 1976). The additional smoothness of coefficients is alsorequired to demonstrate those assertions in Theorems 1.3, 1.7, 2.6, an2.7 associated with the case N 1, in which the asymptotics of An areexploited.

In this chapter, we present the application of the approach developedin Chapter III concerning the controllability of systems described bparabolic equations. Section 1 treats the cases of control with spatiasupport in the domain Q, both infinite dimensional and finite dimensionalincluding pointwise. In Section 2 we investigate boundary control withspatial support on the boundary F or on a part of it. For this we use theresults of Chapter II about the properties of exponential families and anumber of specific properties of equations of the parabolic type.

To explain determination, we cite the example of the Dirichlet problemand what is reflected in taking V as space Ho()). The Neumann problemis treated similarly; one should only take V for 1-1 1 (0). The controllabilityfor some other types of boundary conditions may be accomplished in thesame way. The results of the studies for all the types of boundary-valueproblems are expressed similarly in terms of the EY,. spaces introduced inSection III.1.

For various kinds of boundary conditions, spaces W, corresponddifferently to the Sobolev spaces Hr(Q) and their subspaces Hat2).However, several common relations that also take place are describedbriefly.

An X n2 /N

SIP MN MS NM MI =I EN MI1. Control with spatial support in the domain 175

Let H(1;142)c V c H'(Q), A be a self-adjoint operator in L2 (S2) generatedy form (0.2) specified on V and A c( = A + al, 2(A! 12) = V. As inection 111.1, let W,., r E IR, denote a scale of Hilbert spaces associated with

Aerator A„, W = g(,4,72 ) for r > 0.Depending on the smoothness of boundary F and coefficients a ii , ao a

umber P is defined such that for all r E [0, f] the embeddings

1-1,S(Q) c W, c Fi r(f2) (0.4)

hold. For instance, for V = WI = 111) (12) we have

W2 = '(A) = H 2 (S-2) n 1/W2),

W4 = (A 2) = {f e H4(f) I f E In(Q), Af eHUS2)} .

or all the functions f c W,., f = cncp,„ relations

T1 2Ilf II Ilf II wr[ E lc,,1 2 (An+ a) r (0.5)

are correct. From this formula one should exclude the case of half-integer

r for which the norms of Hr(Q) and Wr are related in a more complicatedmanner (see, e.g., Lions and Magenes 1968: chap. 1).

For positive even r (0.4), (0.5) follow from formula (0.1) and thesufficient smoothness of the boundary and coefficients (see, for instance,Berezanskii 1965). For an arbitrary positive r they are proved by meansof the interpolation (Lions and Magenes 1968: chap. 1). Proceeding withthe dual spaces, it is possible to show that (0.5) holds also for r E [ — P, 0],r 0 a half-integer.

1. Control with spatial support in the domain

1.1. Infinite dimensional control

Let H = On), V = H,(S2), V = H'(f�), and U = H = L2(S2), and letB be an identity operator in H. State y(•, t) of the system is determinedas a solution of the problem


at + Ay =

y1E = o,

with the initial condition

u E = L 2 (0, T; U) = L 2 (Q),

y(x, 0) = 0 in CI (2)

in Q,(1)

Nei MIN MN — all MIN —1 76 IV. Controllability of parabolic-type systems

The solution to problem (1), (2), as well as to other initial boundavalue problems in this and the next chapter is understood withinAh eframework of the scheme described in Chapter III.

From Theorem III.1.1 (for the case r = 1) it follows that for every u ethere exists a unique solution y c C(0, T; H452)) of problem (1),:t2(we used equality W1 = V; see Section HU).

For system (1), we have

<BY, con >. = n)L2(a), v E U = L 2 (11).

Therefore, family {en}„c°.- 1 all introduced in Section III.1 by formul(23) in our case is of the form e„(x, t) = e - Ant Qn (x).

Theorem IV.1.1. System (1) is B-controllable relative to space HUQ)'`inany time T > 0.

PROOF. By Theorem III.3.3(a), the assertion of the theorem being provednow is equivalent to condition {Nen} e (LB), where P,, = + cc) 1 !2

In view of the orthogonality of {yo n } in L2(S2), families g and areorthogonal in V. It remains to check whether S'o is almost normed. Indeed

II Neal = (1„ +e - 21,,t dt = {(An + 1(1 — e 21a � 0

To a T, = 0

Hence, °Nen Vow X 1, n e N. The theorem is proved.

Consider now the case when the control acts not on the whole domainSI but only on part of it. Let n' be an arbitrary nonempty subdomain of

U = Off), all = L 2(0, T; U).

Theorem IV.1.2. For U = L2(S2'), system (1) is W-controllable relative tospace 1/,;(0) in any time T > 0.

PROOF. Operator B in this case is determined by

<By, = (v, 9),2 (f� . ) , u E L2(ff), Q e LAS)).

Therefore, family d' is written as in the previous example but with theother space all, and family c' is not orthogonal in it. Family' (defined inSection 111.3) coincides in form with eo : e = {p„ con (x)}. By TheoremIII.3.3(e), the required assertion is equivalent to the inclusion g e (W) inspace L2(0, T; LAST)) for any T > 0.

Bill — IN Mill MI OMNI MEI1. Control with spatial support in the domain 177

t us recall that we write 2„ for the eigenvalues of operator A takingto account their multiplicity, so that different elements of sequence R,}ay coincide in their numerical value. Along with this, we later use

another notation for the spectrum of A as well. Let p„, n E N, be differenteigenvalues of this operator. The multiplicity of eigenvalue y„ is denotedby 1cn and corresponding eigenfunctions by conj, = • • • , Kn•

.6 Let us rewrite family S' in the form fe nil, è„; (t, x) = r,, e - "" cp„i (x),+ c)" 2 . Suppose that for some sequence {co} e e2

E E cnien; R __o in L2(0, T; L 2 (51'))•n=1 j= 1

hen for any function f c L 2 (S2') and every g c L 2(0, T),

CO Kr,

E E Cnjrn(Tnj) f )L2(111 (C IL° , 01, 2 (0, T) = 0 .

n=1 j= 1

e - "^ t r E (co n 0n Cnj., nj, L2(fr) Ro000

n=1 j=1in L2(0, T).

By Theorem 11.6.3 and estimates (0.3) it follows that

E C„j((Pnj) = 0i =

Because f is arbitrary, we find

tfr n = E cniconi = 0j=1

for allneN.

in L 2 (12'), n E N.

Together with conditions On = µ„t/i„ in Q, = 0, this implies On = 0,in n, n e N (see Landis 1956; HOrmander 1976). Since functions Tn.; areorthogonal in L 2(C2), the latter is possible if only {c„ j} = 0.

We have demonstrated that g c (W) in L 2(0, T; Off)) for any T > 0and thus proved Theorem 2.

As can be seen from the proof, the theorem is also valid for a class ofso-called bilinear controls u(x, t) = f(x)g(t); f E L2()'), g c L2(0, T), fand g being controls, that is narrower than L 2 (0, T; L24)).


178 IV. Controllability of parabolic-type systems

1.2. Finite dimensional control

In contrast with the preceding subsection, let

U = Cm, Bu(t) X bp up (t), by e LAO), up e L2(0, T).P= 1

The system state is determined as the solution to the problem

{ ay--a-t- + Ay = Bu in Q,

yl, = 0, u e olt = L2(0, T; Cm),

with initial condition (2).In this case, <Bu(t), 9„>, = (u(t), ri n )c.,„ where rin is a vector from

Cm with the components 13„, fir,. (bp , ao,- n )L2(S1)• Therefore, family e' hasthe form

{tin exp( — An t)}, n e N.

Accounting for the multiplicity of the eigenvalues (as in Theorem 2), wewrite family a' as

{/7„, exp( j = 1, , n c N, gni c Cm,

Theorem I V.1.3. The following statements are correct.

(a) If sequence {Ku } is unbounded, then system (3) is not W-controllable forevery finite T.

(b) If sup lc K < co, then for any T > 0, system (3) is W-controllableif and only if m > K and for all n e N

rank [(bp , cio ' KM„ = Kn•

(c) For N > 1, system (3) is not M-controllable for every T.(d) For N = 1, conditions (4) (which in this case, by the force of equalities

K,, = 1, take the form 0, n e N) constitute a necessary andsufficient condition of system (3) M controllability for any T.

PROOF. (a), (b). By Theorem III.3.3(e), the W controllability of system (3)is equivalent to the property 67'e ( W). The linear independence of family

serves as a necessary condition for the latter and is equivalent to linearindependence in Cm for any n e N, of vectors g„; , j = 1, . . . , Kn , corre-sponding to a single exponential exp(— pu t). If for some n K„ > m, then

INN MIN IMO MOM MI MI Ell INS MIDI. Control with spatial support in the domain 179

these vectors are linearly dependent, and system (3) is not W-controllable

for every T.

If K„ < m, then linear independence of vectors j = 1, . . . , K„ isequivalent to relations (4). Thus, conditions (4) are necessary for system(3) to be W-controllable. Let us prove they are sufficient. For this weshow conditions (4) to provide inclusion g E (W). Suppose that for somesequence fa„1 1 E (2 series E„, ; ann; converges weakly to zero in space



0, T; Cm), e,,i (t):= (an + a) 112 ri n; e - "^`.

Introduce vectors

a„, a„ (An + a) 1/211n1

and denote the components of vector an by 4, p = 1, . . . , m. Then seriesEn e - "` converges weakly to zero in L2(0, T) for all p = 1, . . . , m.Therefore, by Theorem 11.6.3, an = 0 for all p = 1, . , m; n E

Under conditions (4) it follows that an; = 0 for all i = 1, . . . , Kn ; n c N.Assertions (a) and (b) of the theorem are proved.(c) Let N > 1 and system (3) be M-controllable in time T. Then by

Theorem III.3.3(d), family g is minimal in L2(0, T; Cm). Since mappingf(t) F-* e - a t f(t) is an isomorphism of space 0/t, family 4, := C ('''' ) `}is also minimal in V. As .1..„ + a > 0 for all n, c L 2 (0, co, Cm) andis minimal in this space. Theorem 11.2.4 then implies set YR, + a)}to satisfy Blaschke condition (B) (see Subsection ThereforeE n (An + a) -1 < oo, which is impossible for N > 1 owing to estimates(0.3).

(d) It is clear that conditions ri„ � 0, n E NI, are necessary for system (3)M controllability. Let us show that they are also sufficient. By theforce of Theorem III.3.3(d) it is enough to demonstrate that for ti n 0,n E N, family is minimal in space L 2(0, T; Cm) for any T > 0. Sincefor N = 1, 2„ X n 2 , then E n (/2„ + a) - < oo and hence set {i(2,, + a)}satisfies the Blaschke condition. Therefore by Theorem 11.2.4, familygc, is minimal in space L 2 (0, oo, Cm) and then, by Proposition 11.4.28,family gt , and with it S, is minimal in L2 (0, T; Cm). The theorem isproved.

Remark IV.1.4. Results close to assertions (a) and (b) of the theorem areput forth by Sakawa (1974).

Remark IV.1.5. For the case m = 1, assertion (d) of the theorem has beenobtained (Fattorini and Russell 1971).




180 I V. Controllability of parabolic-type systems

Remark 1 V.1.6. If conditions (4) are not fulfilled, then assertions (a), (b)of Theorem 3 may be complemented by the statement

C1L2(l2) U R( T ) L2(S2).T>0

To prove it, let us suppose that for some n E NI we have E .7z 1 ai rinj

The function f = E7•2_ 1 own; is orthogonal to R(T) for all T. Indeed, letg E R(T), then it may be represented as (see formula (22) of Section

g = E Cnj9nj ,

cni = (u, ?Li e "^ (T - ` ) )qt .n,j


(g, f )L 2 (0) = E cnj ai = u, E ay,„; e - lin(T- t ) = 0.j= 1 j=1

1.3. Pointwise control

Let the system state now be determined as the solution to the initialboundary-value problem

+ Ay(x, t) = E up (t)S(x — xp) in Q,p=1

y1 E = 0; xp eS2, u , eL2 (0, T), p = 1, . , m;

y(x, 0) = 0 in Q.

First of all, we clarify which space can be used to define this solutionproperly. To make use of the results of Section III.1, we represent theright-hand side of the first of the equations (6) in the form Bu(t),u(t) e U = Cm and find out for which q operator B: U nig is bounded.

Operator B is specified by the equality

<Bu(t), 9› * = E Up (09(Xp ). (8)

p= 1


I< Bu(t),(19 >* 1-< 11 u(t)1 1 c- 11 9 11co. (9)

Let domain S2 satisfy conditions providing the validity of the embeddingtheorem (Nikol'skil. 1969): for s > N/2 we have HAM c C(S2) and

i1911c(ri) -< II rP Hu .(n)-

111111 MI NO IBM 111111111 INS MN NMI2. Boundary control 181

Then (9) and (0.5) imply that B E Y(U, WO for q < — N/2. From Theorem

III.1. 1 we now conclude that for any function u e = L 2 (0, T; Cm) thereexists a unique solution of problem (6), (7) such that y E C(0, T; kfir ) for

< —N/2 + 1.Thus the control problem (6) may be treated within the framework of

the general scheme formulated in Chapter III. To study its controllability,we exploit the results of Chapter II. In view of (8), family S has inthis case the form feni l, e,,;(t)=- ti,,j e - P^', where n c N, are differenteigenvalues of operator A, similar to the preceding subsection, while

are vectors from Cm with the components 9„ ; (x,),ni, j = 1, • • • ,1, , rn. Family 6' (see Section 111.3) is of the form {r„e„i },(s„ + cc)r, r < — N/2 + 1.

Theorem IV.1.7. For system (6) all the assertions of Theorem 3 are validWith the replacement of equalities (4) by

rank [9nj.(xp )]P= 1 (10)

The proof of this theorem repeats exactly that of Theorem 3 and isbased on Theorems 111.3.3, 11.2.4, and 11.6.3

Remark IV.1.8. For system (6) the statement of Remark 6 remainscorrect, with conditions (4) replaced by (10). The proof runs smoothlywithout any modifications.

2. Boundary control

2.1. Infinite dimensional control

Let F, be a nonempty, relatively open subset of boundary F, F0 := F \ Fi .Set E„ = F0 x (0, T), E, = F 1 x (0, T) and consider a system



{0—+Ay=0 in Q,

YIEa = Y1E, = u;


u = L 2(0, T; U) = L2(0, T; L 2(r1 )) = L 2 (E1)•

As earlier, we take the zero initial condition

y(x, 0) = 0 in O.



11111111 11111111 MIN WIN MIN MIN MIN IN

182 IV. Controllability of parabolic-type systems

Initial boundary-value problem (1), (2) falls into the scheme of ChapIII if one specifies operator B as

(Bu(t), cp>, -= — u(s, t)09(s)

ds.r, Ov


aco(s) N a,;(s) 39(s) cos(n(s), xj),= Eav ,,J=1 ax,


where n(s) is the outward normal vector to boundary F at the point sSuch a definition of the solution to problem (1), (2) has a simple

justification. If the problem has a classical solution, then integrating byparts one can easily show that it satisfies an integral identity



+ Af)y dx dt =u f

ds dtat av

for any smooth function f(x, t) such that f(•, T) = 0, f 1,, = 0. For ageneralized solution this identity gives operator B of the form (3).

Let us find out the value of q for which B e WO. Since, by thecondition, u( • , t) a L2 (1-1 ), and, by the trace theorem (Lions and Magenes1968: chap. I) Ocp/av e L2(F) for cp a Hqn), p > 3/2, then one concludesfrom (3) that B e 2'(U, WO for q < —3/2. Theorem III.1.1 implies theexistence, for any function u e V, of the unique solution to (1), (2) suchthat y e C(0, T; W.) for r < — 1/2.

According to the general scheme presented in Chapter III, the study ofsystem (1) controllability reduces to the investigation of properties of avector exponential family. Formulas (3) and (23) of Section HU yieldfamily 4' = {en } c 0/./ of the form

en(s,t) = acp,,(s)

e -4`, n E Nav

(For convenience, we omit the sign — as not affecting the properties offamily 6 that we are interested in.) Family g (see Section 111.3) has theform {r„ e n } with rn = (1„ + a) 112 , r < — 1/2.

Theorem IV.2.1. System (1) is W-controllable in any time T > 0.

PROOF. By (e) of Theorem 111.3.3, the assertion to verify is equivalent tothe inclusion e E (W) in space L2(0, T; L2 (1-1 )) for any T > 0. Accountingfor the multiplicity of eigenvalues An (as we did in Section 1), we represent

( )


MOO MI MIR 1111111 MIN MIN MIN NOM IIIIII2. Boundary control 183

atnily r as

ferd}, e„; (s, (un cx)r/2 89nj(S)

Ovj-= 1, . . , tc,„ n c

Suppose for some sequence {c„,} G e2R K.

E cni en; 0 in L 2(0, T; L 2 (F1 ))•n=1 J=1

Then for any function f E L 2 (F1 ) and any g E L 2 (0, T)

co K / o •E E c„; (,,,n+ c)r,2 (NJ , f) (,— 1,t

g/L2(0, T) = 0.n=1 j= 1 aV L2(r1)

In other words,

R K"

E e - "" t (iin + ar 2 E cni , f(aVni

n=1 j=1 aV L2(1-1) R • oo

0 in L 2 (0, T).

By Theorem 11.6.3 we find from here that for all n e N

Kn cnic9ni , f= o.

j=1 av L2(n)

Therefore, since f is arbitrary,

(Pa nj V C„ ., = 0 in L 2 (1-1 ), n E N. (6).i=1 Ov

It is known that conditions

A9 = 29 in n, = 0,

imply 9 = 0 in O. This result had been obtained by Landis (1956) for thecase when coefficients au , ao of operator A and boundary F belong to theclass C 2 and was generalized later (HOrmander 1976) for class C'. Hence,from (6) it follows that


E Cnj(pnj -= 0j=1

in S2,nE N.

This, in view of the orthogonality of 9,,j in L2p, provides cni = 0 for allj and n. Thus, we have demonstrated that 6' E (W) in L 2 (0, T; L2 (F1)).The theorem is proved.


184 IV. Controllability of parabolic-type systems

Remark I V.2.2. It is seen from the proof that the theorem holds evena class of bilinear controls narrower than alt:

u(s, t) = f(s)g(t), f E L 2(1-1), g e L 2(0, T).

Remark I V.2.3. W controllability of system (1) is equivalent tofollowing uniqueness theorem: conditions

( )

= o.E 1


--°z + Az = 0at

zl z 0,azav

in Q

= 0, Zit e q (SI), q > 1/2,Ei

imply z = 0 in Q.This equivalence is demonstrated with the help of integration by parts

(see Lions 1968: chap. 3). Indeed, together with (1), (2) consider an initialboundary-value problem

at + Ac = 0 in Q,

1£ = 0, --, T E I// , tfr E (n), q > 1 /2 .

The following chain of equalities holds (all the further integrals areunderstood in the sense of action of functionals <•, >,„ and TheoremsIII.1.1 and 111.1.2 are exploited):

0= 1 1'19 + Ay dx dt = ---- + ,‘I y dx dtQ at 42 at

ya ds dt + y(x, T)L1/(x) dx.v


u(s, t)a(s, t)

ds dt = y(x, T)tli(x) dx.av,

Let In y(x, T)0(x) dx = 0 for all u e L2 (E 1 ). Then (8) provides


If uniqueness theorem (7) is correct, then = 0 in Q. Hence, cli = t=T = 0,and system (1) is W-controllable.

INN MR MN assa

2. Boundary control


Now, let function z satisfy the conditions stated in (7). Then, instead

of (8), we have

y(x, T)z(x, T) dx = 0 for all u e L2 (E 1 ).

If system (1) is W-controllable, this gives z( • , T) 0 and, consequently0 in Q.

Thus, our approach to the study of controllability allows us to obtainuniqueness theorem (7) as well. Theorems of such a kind have been provedby Mizohata (1958).

Remark IV.2.4. For the case when boundary F and coefficients 'g ip a,belong to the class C', the statement of Theorem 1 may be found inSchmidt and Weck (1978).

Remark I V.2.5. If set F1 is large enough, one is able to prove a "stronger"controllability for system (1). In Chapter V, B controllability is inde-pendently proved for a hyperbolic system differing from (1) by thereplacement of Dylat by 0 2y10t 2 . The result is valid if set F 1 and coefficientsof operator A satisfy the conditions of Theorem V.2.6. The other form ofconditions that provide this result was obtained by Bardos, Lebeau, andRauch (1992) and formulated after Corollary V.2.7. In both cases, itfollows from Theorem 111.3.14 that system (1) is M-controllable in anytime T > 0.

Remark IV.2.6. The result of Remark 5 can be formulated in anotherinteresting form. Let us consider system (1) with nonzero initial condition

y(x, 0) = yo in a, y c LAS2).

System (1) is said to be null-controllable in time T if for any yo E On)there exists control u e all = LAO, T; LAF,)) such that y(x, T) = 0. Areview of some results on null controllability can be found in Russell(1978), who also shows that the problem can be reduced to the problemof moments

wherec„ e " T = (u, n N,

{c„} e L 2 , en(s, t) — a9.(s) _e ^, , e = {e,,} c all.


wit I mu lei NO Ma NM OM MIN MI IN

186 IV. Controllability of parabolic-type systems

The problem of moments has the formal solution

u = E cn e .' On ,


where {On } is the family biorthogonal to e. If the conditions discussedin Remark 5 are satisfied and the corresponding hyperbolic system isB-controllable (or E-controllable relative to some *f;), then it follows fromTheorems 111.3.10 and 11.5.14 that the series converges in and so system(1) is null controllable. Note that null controllability for the heat equationy, = Ay with control acting on a subdomain c 0 or on a part ofthe boundary F, c F has been proved by Lebeau and Robbiano (1994)

For some special cases results dual to null controllability (i.e., obseryability and prediction results) were obtained by Mizel and Seidman (19691972); and by Seidman (1976, 1977).

2.2. Finite dimensional control

Consider a system described by the initial boundary-value problem


+ Ay = 0 in Q,Ot

y(s, = E up(ogp(s);p=1

y(x, 0) = 0 in a (10)

Here, up e L2 (0, T), gp E L2(F), p = 1, , m.System (9), (10) is a particular case of system (1), (2) with F1 = F,

U = Cm. Therefore, the statement of Subsection 2.1 concerning theexistence of a unique solution y e C(0, T; 14/), r < 1/2, remains to becorrect for problem (9), (10). Formula (3) for this case provides

<Bu(t), = — E up(t) gp (s) a9n(s) ds (n(t), 11.)cm ,p=i av


where g„ are vectors from Cm with the components — f3f,

( )

p =

So vector families e and on whose properties system (8) controllability

INNS OM MN NM INN 11101 111111 11111 N11112. Boundary control 187

depends, are

e = trio e -21, = {(2 + ar 2ti„ 4 '1 ,

or, with the account for the eigenvalue multiplicity (see Theorem 1.2),

e(^lnj e - 141, = {(y„ + ct)r 1217„; e - ""`1, j = 1, . . . , IC n , n E .

Theorem I V.2.7. All the assertions of Theorem 1.3 and Remark 1.6 arevalid for system (.';') providing that conditions (4) of Section IV.1 arereplaced by


rank[(gp, ni = Kn.

av L2(r) = Pc„

The proof of this theorem is similar to the proof of Theorem 1.3 andRemark 1.6.

Remark I V.2.8. It is possible to repeat word by word Remarks 1.4 and1.5 regarding Theorem 7.

2.3. Pointwise control

Let a system be described by the initial boundary-value problem

+ Ay = 0at

in Q,


y(s, t)1, = up(t)6(s — s p );p = 1

up e L2 (0, T), sp E F, p = 1, . ,m, y(x, 0) in 0, (14)

which is understood within the framework of the scheme of Chapter III.For this, we set (compare with (8) of Section IV.1 and (3))

<Bu(t),(P>.= — up(t) a9(sP ) u = Cm. (15)p av

As in Subsection 1.3, one has to find out for which q the inclusionB E 22(U, WO holds. From (15) it follows that




I<Bu(t), (P >.I ^ I I u(t)I I cm -̂ II u(t)II c.11911c iab.C(r)

SON MI MI OMB IMO NM MI MI ON188 IV. Controllability of parabolic-type systems

Just as in Subsection 1.3, we make use of the embedding theorem(Nikol'skii 1969) to estimate the right-hand side of this inequality by

11 14011 Cm 119 II HVIP 1 > 1 + N/2.

Therefore, B e Y(U, WO for q < —1 — N/2. Hence, by Theorem III.1.1,for any function u e all = L2 (0, T; Cm) there exists a unique solution ofproblem (13), (14) such that y e C(0, T; Wr) for any r < —N/2.

Formula (15) implies also the reduction of the study of system (13)controllability to the investigation of the properties of families

= { , ,,j CAntl, -65 = {(pn + a) 112 77„;

r< —N/2, j = 1, , K„, n E N,

where q„; are vectors from Cm with the components

Ocpni(sp), p = 1, . . . , m.


Theorem IV.2.9. All the statements of Theorem 1.3 and Remark 1.6, remaintrue for system (13), providing that conditions (4) of Section IV.1 arereplaced by

• s p=1arank[ 9" ( P ) = Kn .aV j=1 ..... Kra


The proof is similar to that of Theorem 1.3 and Remark 1.6.

Remark 1 V.2.10. As mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, alongwith the Dirichlet problem, one is able to treat the Neumann problem orthe third boundary-value problem (different types of boundary conditionson the different parts of the boundary are also admissible). The control-lability study for these problems proceeds just as it does for the Dirichletproblem, and the analogs of the statements proved in this chapter arevalid. In the case of Neumann boundary control, the form of family gchanges: factor 9„(s) instead of 09„(s)/av becomes involved.

Remark I V.2.11. For the case of a one-dimensional domain C2 (N = 1),operator (—A) is prescribed by the differential expression


( a(x) —


ax) — ao(x)y (17)

um am IMO MOO 1111111 AIN Ile MIMI2. Boundary control 189

(and homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions). It is also possible toconsider an operator defined by the differential expression

2ya(x) — — a o(x)y,

ax 2

which proves to be self-adjoint in space 4 a (C2). For such an operator,the assertions of this and the next chapter about the controllability ofcorresponding systems for N = 1 remain true; one should only substitutescalar products of L 2 (f2) for scalar products with the weight 1/a.

In the same way, we can replace the "models" of systems

a2yat + Ay and — + Ayat at2

by2Oy ay

p(x)— + Ay and p(x) + Ayat at2

with p E c(n) and p(x) > 0 in CI in all the problems considered in ChaptersIV and V.

Remark I V.2.12. Controllability problems for systems described byparabolic-type equations with time delays were investigated in Avdoninand Gorshkova (1986, 1987, 1992), whereas optimal control problems forsuch system were investigated in Wang (1975).


VControllability of hyperbolic-type systems

In this chapter we study the controllability of systems described by partialdifferential equations of the hyperbolic type under various control actions.The basic notations, such as n, F, Q, A, co, and 2„ bear the same meaningas in Chapter IV. We are mainly concerned with the homogeneous andnonhomogeneous Dirichlet problem: problems with other boundaryconditions may be treated similarly.

1. Control with spatial support in the domain

I.I. Infinite dimensional control

Consider a system determined by the initial boundary-value problem

0 2),

ate + Ay = u

yl E = 0, u e o/i = L2 (Q),

with zero initial conditions

y(x, 0) = yt (x, 0) = 0 in S2. (2)

Solutions to problem (1), (2), and to other problems of this chapter areunderstood as in Section 111.2. Initial boundary-value problem (1), (2)becomes immersed in the scheme from Section 111.2 if set H = L2 (S2),V = HRS2), U = L2 (S2), B being an identity operator in H. As it followsfrom Theorem 111.2.1, for any u e problem (1), (2) has a unique solutionsuch that

{y, .17,} e C(0, T; 'j = M(I) C) LAS2).

in Q,(1)


alle MIS OM MINI MI MO 111110 MIN MO MIMI1. Control with spatial support in the domain 191

Corresponding to the system (1) family of exponentials

= {e,} c 0/1 = L2(0, T; L 2 (S))), keK=Z\ {0} ,

has the form (see Section 111.2 and Subsection IV.1.1)

ek (x, t) = cp iki (x) e"kt, (C°1 = — k = WO •

The fact is taken into account here that the point zero may be, by thewell-known property of elliptic operators, only an isolated eigenvalue ofoperator A. Throughout this chapter we assume that all the eigenvalues

of operator A differ from zero. If /iv = 0 for some j E N, then terms cp iii (x)

and upui (x) are present in family e (see formulas (18), (19), (22) of Section111.2). As mentioned in Section 11.5 (Remark 11.5.8), the investigation ofthe properties of such families may be accomplished within the frameworkof the described scheme, and the assumption made does not influencethe degree of generality of conclusions about the controllability of theconsidered systems.

Theorem V.1.1. System (1) is B-controllable relative to space ^11/i in any

time T > 0.

PROOF. By Theorem 111.3.10, the assertion we are proving is equivalent

to inclusion e e (LB) in space L2 (0, T; L2 (C2)) for any T > 0. Since family19„1, n e N, constitutes an orthonormal basis in space LAO), the elements

of family e corresponding to different values of Iki are orthogonal. Forany function f e L 2(Q), representation

Gof (x, t) E fn (t) n (x),



II f Ilboo = E L IIn=1

takes place. Therefore inclusion e e (LB) is equivalent to the statement:

for any functions f„ of the form

f„(t) = e"` + o „ e -h°"`

uniform in n e N estimate II fn1122 ( 0, r) X 1;1 2 + (a_„1 2 holds. This, in turn,is equivalent to the inequality

,;)1.2(o,r)1sup + < 1, „± (t) e "nt .

MEN II n II L 2 (0, T)II II L 2 (0, T)

We denote the expression under the sign sup by d„. Since functions

and are linearly independent for any n then d„ < 1. It is easy to


MI! 111111 IMO IINI WS Ili MIS 11111111 OM MI

192 V. Controllability of hyperbolic-typ2 systems

calculate that

d = sin con T.

for A.„ > 0.co„T

By the force of (0.3), Chapter IV, ),„ oo and we obtain inequality (3).Theorem I is proved.

Now let Q' be an arbitrary nonempty subdomain of domain f2, andcontrol u(x, t) differ from zero only for x E f2'.

Theorem V.1.2. If U = L2(s2'), then reachability sets R(T) of system (1)satisfy equality

U .R(T) = (4)T > 0

Moreover, this equality is valid for a class of bilinear controls u(x, t)f(x)g(t); f a L2(s2'), g a L2(0, T) (f and g being controls), that is narrowerthan L2(0, T; L2 (12)).

PROOF. For the proof of the theorem, we need notations u n) K„, and 9,,jfor spectral characteristics of operator A (namely, the eigenvalues, theirmultiplicities, and eigenfunctions), introduced in Section IV.1 and regularlyexploited in Chapter IV. Set v„2 = an , v_„= —v„, and represent family gcorresponding to system (1) for U = L2(12') in the form

{el,;} c V = L2(0, T; Off)), ek;(x, t) = 9 1 ,0(x) e ive,

j = 1 , • • • , Kik!, k a K.

Let us also introduce family go c V. = L2 (0, co; L2(C2')) (see Theorem

111.3.12) consisting of the elements 9 1 ,0(x) e l(vic" )`, 6 > ,Tx (a is definedin the beginning of Chapter IV). By Corollary 111.3.13, (4) is equivalentto inclusion 45 E ( W) in space 02/.. Further, we follow the line of argumentsfrom the proof of Theorem IV.1.2. Suppose that for some squarelysummable sequence {cki}, any function f E V(S2') and any g E L2 (0, oo)the equality

i(Vk it3)tE E ck;(9 1 ku , f)01-1 , ,k. ,un}(0,.0)= 0keK j=1


holds. Agmon (1965) has shown that tc„ increases no faster than somepositive power of /1.„. Taking estimate X n 2 IN into account, for some

IMNS MIN 111111111 NMI 11111. Mlle 1111111

1. Control with spatial support in the domain 193

R > 0 we obtain

E ck;(91ku, f)L2 ( f2' )j.= 1

(here f is fixed). Therefore, equality (5) and Theorem 11.6.4 imply


E ck; (91kip f)11,2 ( f2' ) = 0j=1

for all k e K. As in the proof of Theorem IV.1.2, from this we derive{ckj} = 0. That is why Si e (W) in 6240 .

The proof of the assertion concerning bilinear controls can easily beobtained in the same way as the proof of Theorem 111.3.7. Theorem 2 is


Specific properties of the hyperbolic equations were almost not used inthe proofs of Theorems 1 and 2. Let us briefly describe some results ofother approaches that use these properties.

Sharp sufficient conditions of the B controllability of system (1) withcontrol on S2' have been obtained (Bardos, Lebeau, and Rauch 1988a,1988b). Roughly speaking, the system is B-controllable in time T (in space

VI ) if every ray crosses Q' x (0, T). If there is a ray that does not cross

x [0, T], then the system is not B-controllable in time T.It is easy to see that the system may not be B-controllable in any time.

For example, that is the case if A = — A, S2 is the unit disk, and K2' is asubdomain such that K2' c

As for approximate controllability, the system turns out to be W-controllable for any subdomain C2' in time T > 2T*. Here T* is the time

of filling of the domain SI by the waves from C2':

T* = inf T supp y(•, T) =ue L2 (0, T; L 2(fr))


This result can be proved with the help of Russell's result (Russell 1978)about connections between approximate controllability and a uniquenesstheorem for the hyperbolic equations. In the case of analytic boundaryand coefficients, it is the well known Holmgreen—John theorem. For thenonanalytic case, it has been recently proved by D. Tataru (1993).

The problem of M controllability for control acting on a subdomainremains open.


IMO NM WO MO MIN SIN OW194 V. Controllability of hyperbolic-type systems

Hypothesis. If system (1) with control on 12' is W-controllable in time T,then it is M-controllable in the same time.

1.2. Finite dimensional control


U Cm, Bu(t) = E bp up (t), by e L2(12), up E L2(0, T),p=1

p = ,m.

The system under consideration is described by the boundary-valueproblem

azy0t2 + Ay = Bu in Q,


YIE = 0, u e =-- L 2(0, T; Cm),

with zero initial conditions (2). For initial boundary-value problem (6),(2) the assertion of the previous Subsection about the existence of a uniquesolution

y, yi } e C(0, T;11/i)

is, of course, true.We write the family g corresponding to system (6) either as {up, ' e'kt },

k e K, or in the form

=1, • • • , k E [K,

where vectors ri„, ?Lif e Cm are the same as in Subsection IV.1.2; thecomponents of tin are (b p , „)L 2 (11) , p = 1, . . . , m.

Theorem V.1.3. The following statements are correct.

(a) For N > 1 and every T > 0 system (6) is not M-controllable.(b) For N = 1 system (6) is not M-controllable if


T < To lm, To := 2a(x)

[function a(x) is defined in Section IV.2, formula (17)). If T To /m,then for any r > 3/2 one is able to choose functions b p , p = 1, ,m,in such a way that system (6) becomes B-controllable relative to spaceYl/r. (for the definitions see Section III.3)].


1. Control with spatial support in the domain 195

(c) If conditions

rank [(b p , W nj,1, 2 (fl)] 11: 11 = x„, n E


are not satisfied - in particular, if sequence {K„} is not bounded - thensystem (6) is not W-controllable for any T. Moreover,

CI U .R(T) =T>0

(d) If equalities (7) are valid, then

Cl U ge(T) =

( 8 )T>0

(e) If equalities (7) are valid and vectors ti n obey the estimate,

11 11,,I1c- exp(— Eil w.1), n E

with some e > 0, then system (6) is W-controllable in any time T > 0.


(a) Suppose system (6) to be M-controllable for some T > 0. Then, byTheorem 111.3.10, family e is minimal in space L 2(0, T; Cm). Therefore,family 1 = ei(wk±')`1, 6 > \AC, is minimal in the same space aswell. Consequently, family go is also minimal in space L 2 (0, co; Cm).Then, by Theorem 11.2.4, set {co, + satisfies the Blaschke condition(see the definition in Subsection E (0,;-2 < co, which contra-dicts for N > 1 the estimate A„X n 2 IN .

(b) Let N = 1, T < To /m, and system (6) be M-controllable in time T.Then, in view of Theorem 111.3.10, 6* e (M) in space L 2 (0, T; Cm). ForN = 1 all the eigenvalues of operator A are simple, so by Theorem11.5.1, family E.= {e iwk 1 }, > m/2, is minimal in L 2 (0, mT).

On the other hand, eigenfrequencies co, are known (Naimark 1969:chap. 2, n. 4.9) to satisfy the relation

cok = + 0 ( 1 ).2irk

T o (9) .

Therefore, by Corollary 11.4.2 family E cannot be minimal in L 2 (0, mT)for mT < To.


MI MI MI all — Me IMO 111111

196 V. Controllability of hyperbolic-type systems

Theorem 11.4.16 provides us an even stronger statement: namefamily E can be represented as a unification E0 u E 1 , in which E 0

a Riesz basis in L2 (0, mT), card E 1 co.Now, let T > To /m. Take functions by in the form

b p(x) = 1

t =o (Im + t49 m+ p(x); P = 1 , m,

where y is an arbitrary number more than 1/2. Vectors nYti n then rucycle after cycle over a standard basis { 1,} in Cm. Family 6" falls intm orthogonal series:

= U gp , ep+ pt} (1

P=1 (1rn p)Y

The minimality of 6° in L 2 (0, T; Cm) is equivalent to the minimalityeach of the families Ep = {e''-+ Pr} iEl< in L2(0, T).

By the force of equality (9), family Ep is asymptotically close tfamily

exp[i —21t + p)t)To

The latter becomes an orthogonal basis in L 2 (0, To /m) after beincomplemented by function

exp(i. —2n


corresponding to 1 = 0. Then by Lemma 11.4.1 1 and Proposition11.4.13, E p becomes a Riesz basis in L 2(0, To /m) after any function o

the form e im , {oh„, + p } jEK is added to it. Hence, by Theorem 11.4.26Ep e (LB) in L2(0, T). Therefore, with the account for representation(10) family e is minimal in space L 2(0, T; Cm). Moreover, from (10it follows that family {11c1 7 ek}icel<5 ek E ', constitutes an .-basis inL2 (0, T; Cm). So, according to Theorem 111.3.10, system (6) is B-controllable in time T relative to space 1V(p„) for p„ = nv. One easilychecks that in the notations of Section 111.2 this space is exactly 16,where r = y + 1.

(c) If conditions (7) are not satisfied, family ' is linearly dependent inL2(0, T; Cm) for any T > 0 (see the proof of assertions (a) and (b) ofTheorem IV.1.3). Just as when proving Remark IV.1.6, one constructselement f c orthogonal to R(T) for all T > 0.


MISR BIM um vim ow imis,1. Control with spatial support in the domain 197

In view of Corollary 111.3.13, (8) is equivalent to inclusion 4, c (W) inspace L2 (0, CO; C m ), where e6 11 e i(v"" )`1, 6 > jc--(. The demon-stration of this inclusion (just as in the proof of assertions (a) and (b)of Theorem IV.1.3) reduces to the verification of conditions (7) (whichare necessary and sufficient for linear independence of the family) andthe implication

ockp e i(v,+ ib)t

k= — n


Cekp E aki(bp,91kI)L2(n);j= 1

0 in L 2 (0, co) ta kp l = 0. (11)

p = 1, ... ,m; j 1, ... k E

taki l is an arbitrary squarely summable sequence. As in the proof ofTheorem 2, one verifies that lakp l -<jkI R for some R > 0. Therefore,Theorem 11.6.4 actually yields implication (11).

(e) Let us check the formulated conditions for vectors ri n to provideinclusion e' e (W) in L 2(0, T; Cm) for any T > 0. In the same manneras in proofs of assertion on (d) and Theorem IV.3.1(a), (b), the proofof this inclusion reduces to the direct application of Theorem 11.6.5.

Theorem 3 is proved completely.

Note that assertion (e) was obtained earlier by means of some othermethod (Triggiani 1978; see also Tsujioka 1970, with a close result). Ourproof stresses the role of the ( W) property of a vector exponential familyin the study of DPS controllability.

8t 2

{ a z),

with zero initial conditions (2). As in the previous Subsection, hereU = = L 2(0, T; Cm). Let us first elucidate the space in which initialboundary-value problem (12), (2) is correct. In Subsection IV.1.3 wedemonstrated the right-hand side of the first equation (12) to be represented

1.3. Pointwise control

Consider now a system described by the boundary-value problem

+ Ay = E ti p (t)5(x — x p ) in Q,

yl z = 0; xp eS2, up e L2(0, T),

p = 1 (12)



SIMI MI INS MIN all as au198 V. Controllability of hyperbolic-type systems

in the form Bu(t), B E 2(U, WO, with q < —N/2 and

<Bu(t), cp>,, = E up (t) 9(xp ), E W_ q . (13)p=1

Therefore, Theorem 111.2.1 implies that there exists a unique solution toproblem (12), (2) such that for r < —N/2

{y, yt } a C(0, T; 1//'r+1)5 "C:+1 W+1

We now demonstrate that, making use of the specific form of operatorB, this result may be essentially sharpened. Note that the theorem statedbelow is proved by Y. Meyer (1985) for the case N = 3, and we followthe scheme invented by him.

Theorem V.1.4. There exists a unique solution to initial boundary-value(12), (2) such that {y, y,} a C(0, T; -fro - N)12). This result cannot be improvedin class C(0, T;

The proof exploits the transposition method and the Fourier method.Let T' > 0, set Q' = S2 x (0, T'), E' F x (0, T'). Let w(x, t) denote asolution of initial boundary-value problem

2a,+ Aug = 0 in Q'

Ot2 (14)

4°1E' = 0, evIt=T' = WO , 41}11t=T' = 46 1.

ma so ago am Erni no am as mil1. Control with spatial support in the domain

By means of the Fourier method we obtain

a,(x0, t) = an cos con

(T' — t) + bn sin con (T' — t)1

Con(xo)n=1 (14

Using Euler's formulas series (17) may be written as

cow(xo , t) = E Ea: + c() (1 —N" + (A„ + cx) (1- "1)14 e - k)nt]cp,,x 0 )n =1

• and, by virtue of (16), inequality

E (1«:1 2 + Icc,N 2)< con =1

is valid. Now from Meyer's theorem (Proposition 11.1.22) we concludethat the assertion of the lemma is equivalent to estimate

sup E 19.(x01 2 (2,, + cx)(l —N)/2 < CO.1EN 1 ^ 0).<1+1

Thus we have to show that for some positive constant C'

E 19.(x0)1 2 cr-i. (18)is.„<1+1

Introduce a spectral function of operator A (see, e.g., H8rmander 1968):

Lemma V.1.5. Let aio e 147(N-1)/23 (-1) 1 a Way— 3)/2/ xc,E n. Then

a)(x o, •) T')

and estimate

II60(x0, •)111,2(0,r) ■1 — 1)/2 + II 4°111(/V — 3)/21


PROOF. Let us expand terminal data ‘0 0 , eo l in series

too(x) = E an9n(x), z1(x) = E bn9n(X),n=1 n=1


IanI 2(\\2n

+ «)(N— 1 )/ 2 = I1 4°011 2(N — 1)/2 <n=1

toE Ibni 2(2.+0)(N -3 )/ 2 = ikoill(N-3)/2 < co.


e(x, x', 2) = E 9,(x)9,(X').2„<

Inequality (18) is rewritten as

(15) .1e(x0, x0, (I + 1 ) 2) — e(xo , x0 , / 2) ^ ciN - 1 (19)

It is known (Agmon 1965; Hörmander 1968; Birman and Solomyak1977) that

e(x, x, 2) = wiz + (A( - 1)12), (20)

with constant K depending on the coefficients of operator A, domain 0,and being independent of x E Q. This immediately implies inequality (19)and thus proves the lemma.

(16) AllReturning to the proof of Theorem 4, let us apply the Fourier method

to problem (12), (2). As is easily seen from (16), (17), Section 111.2, and

<Y(' T'), ee, i> + <1;1(' T'), €00* = E J.p=1 0

T 'Up (t)co(X t) dt . (24

111111 MI NS MI NO MI VIM NMI 11111200 V. Controllability of hyperbolic-type systems

(13), for T' e [0, T] we have

T) = E yn(T")9„(x), Mx, T') = E 5/.(r)Con(x), (21n=1 n = 1

m T'

yn(r) = E (P.(x,)14,(t) sin (14(T' - t)


(22n= 1 0 con

rn T'

S Jr) = E co n ocoup(t) cos con (T' - t) dt.P = 1 0

Relations (17), (21-23) together with the definition of spaces IV, lead toequality


By Lemma 5, functions w(xp , •) belong to L 2(0, T') and thus theright-hand side of equality (24) is a linear continuous functional relationto cu() E W(N— 1)/21 cut e W01_3 )/2. Hence, inclusions y( • , T') E W(3 _ 1,012,

t(* T') E W(1 —N)/2 are established. Estimate (15) also implies inequality

II {Y(', n, Yt ( T)}11(23- N)y2 -̂ Cm)

with u(t) = {up (t)}7,`,_. 1 .Pair {y(• , T'), yt (• , T')} is easily checked in a standard way using (24),

to be continuous with respect to T' in the 3 _ N)/2 metrics. Similararguments were given in detail in the proof of Theorem III.1.1.

Let us proceed with the study of system (12) controllability. Denote .j = 1, , K„, n E N, vectors from cm with the components 9„; (xp),'

p 1, , m. Formula (13) provides corresponding family e = {eki} c 6P/for system (12) to have the form ekj (t) = q iku e`°", j = 1, . . . , K iki , k e K,while family 6° (see Section 111.3 for the definition) is

rn =(lin+ oc) s,

(compare with Subsection IV.1.3).

1 - Ns -


Theorem V.1.6. For N > 1 the following statements hold.

(a) For any T > 0 system (12) is not M-controllable.(b) If conditions

rank [9„; (xp )] 11:1 x = K„, n e (25)


1. Control with spatial support in the domain


are not valid, then for system (12)

yk3 - N)/2 U MT) � 117i3 -N)12.T> 0

(c) If conditions (25) are fulfilled, then

Cl-K3-N) U MT) = "11/(3 - N)I2 •T>0

PROOF. The proof of (a), (b), and (c) is similar to that of thecorresponding assertions (a), (c), and (d) of Theorem 3.

Let us deal in more detail with the case N = 1, S2 = (0, 1).Suppose first that m = 1, that is, that there is only one scalar control

action u applied at the point x, E CI So, let the system be described byboundary-value problem

y(0, t) = y(1, t) = 0, u E L2(0, T),

a 2y a (

at2 ,Tx a(x) —ax) — ao(x)y + u(t)6(x — x 0),(26)

with zero initial conditions (2);

dxTo • 2


Theorem V.1.7. The following statements are correct

(a) For T < To system (26) is not M-controllable.

(b) If cp„(xo) = 0 for at least one value of n E N, then system (26) is notW-controllable for any T and, more to the point, Cl UT > o R(T) •

(c) If 9„(x 0) 0 0 for all n E N, then for T To system (26) is M-

controllable.(d) System (26) is not UM-controllable relative to 11/i for any T > 0.

(e) For system (26) .02(T) = .91(To) for T To .

PROOF. If cp„(x0) = 0 for at least one value of n, then family

= {cp iki (x0) e'kt1,k6K

is, evidently, linearly dependent. In such a case it is not difficult toconstruct explicitly an element orthogonal to P1(T) for all T (see Theorem1.3(c) and Remark IV.1.6). This proves assertion (b).


202 V. Controllability of hyperbolic-type systems

If 49„(x o) 0 0 for all n e N, then the minimality of family S is equivalentto the minimality of family E = {e iwk`}. By virtue of asymptotics (9) andCorollary 11.4.2, family E is not minimal in L2(0, T) for T < To . By theforce of Proposition 11.4.13, family E u {e' } (co 0 cok , k e K) is a basisin L 2 (0, To). Therefore, E is an 2-basis in L 2(0, T) for T To and g isminimal in this space.

Family S' = {4} biorthogonal to g has the form eat) = [9„(xo)] -10 (t)where {0,} is the family biorthogonal to E. That is why

114110 (0,T ) X I (Pik' (X0)1 1 .

By the force of the asymptotics (Naimark 1969: chap. 2, sec. 4.10),


9.(x)2 4 , 1 sin 2"

ds own)(27)

/To a(x) To o ✓a(s)

sequence {1 CO n (X0)1 - 1 }„E101 is not bounded. To prove this, we apply for

p —2 ix° ds=To o .N/a(s)

the following assertion (Cassels 1957: sec. I.1): for any e > 0 there maybe found m, n c N, sucn that 1#n - ml < e. So family 6 is not *-uniformlyminimal in L2(0, T) for any T. Assertions (a), (c), and (d) follow now fromTheorem 111.3.10.

Consider moment problem operator / : u 1-* {qk } keK acting from spaceL 2(0, T) to ? 2 according to the formula


qk = u(t) e kuk (r-i) dt, k e K, T > To .0

Since, as already mentioned, family {e iwki} is an 2-basis in L 2(0, T) forT �_ To , by Theorem I.2.1(a), operator / maps L 2(0, T) onto the whole(2. Set 4(T) of coefficients {cat)} (defined in Section 111.2) isomorphicto set .W(T), has the form ck (T) = tp iki (xo)qk . This just proves assertion (e).

Remarl. V.1.8. From the theory of Sturm-Liouville problems, each func-tion cp„ is known to have a finite number of zeros on the interval (0,1).Therefore, conditions 9„(x 0) 0 0, n E N, may be violated for only acountable set of points x o c (0, 1).

We can complement assertions of Theorem 7 using the following resultsof the metric theory of Diophantine approximations.


1. Control with spatial support in the domain 203

Proposition V.1.9 (Cassels 1957: sec. VII.1).

(a) The inequalitylfln — mI < (n log n) -1 has infinitely many integer solutions(m, n) for almost all fl.

(b) The inequality fin — mI < (n log 2 n) -1 has only a finite number ofinteger solutions (m, n) for almost all 13.

Theorem V.1.10. For almost all x, E (0, 1), system (26) is not UM-controllable relative to -117; for any r < 2 and T > 0.

PROOF. The theorem can be proved in the same way as assertion (d) ofTheorem 7 using asymptotics (27), Theorem 111.3.10 and Proposition 9(a).

For the case of equations with constant coefficients, when we know theexplicit form of 9(x), some positive results concerning exact controll-ability of system (26) can be obtained. We give two examples in thisdirection.

Example V.1.11. For almost all x0 E (0, 1) and any r > 2 system,


a2Y = a2 Y + u(08(x — x o ),at2 axe

y(0, t) = y(1, t) = 0, u E L 2 (0, T),

is E-controllable relative to space Ir,.. in time T > To ,= 21.

PROOF. By the force of Theorem 111.2.3, the assertion is equivalent to thefact that the problem of moments

Ck (u, ek )L 2 (0 , T) , k E III , (28)

has the solution u E LAO, T) for almost all x, 2 2r- 2

if Eke ErS Wik < CX) •Here,

ek c = {cp iki (x0 ) e2irk

K c0k To

2 2nnCon(x) , sin x.


From Proposition 9(b) it follows that for almost all x0 19 1 , 1 (x0 )1 -1 cojid

for any s > 1. As mentioned in the proof of Theorem 7, family {e'kt}, EK isan 2'-basis in L2(0, T) for T > To . Therefore, the family {0,} biorthogonalto it is also an .29-basis in L 2(0, T). Problem of moments (28) has the

UN MI MIN NMI MI MI MI MO204 V. Controllability of hyperbolic-type systems

formal solution u(t) =converges in L2(0, T),

E ickI 219k(x0)ikeg<

EkeK Ck[91kI(X0)]since

—2 _< I,L., IL- kI 2 ql 2s

10k(t). For s < r — 1 this seri

E 141 2 1 041 2r-2 < 00.keK keg<

Notice that the example was studied in fact in Butkovskii (1976).

Example V.1.12. The system

{ 0 2 0 2y

8t 2y 8x2 + u(t)3(x — 1/2),

y(0, t) = y x (1, t) = 0, u E L2 (0, T),

is B-controllable in space 1//i in time T > To •= 21.

PROOF. In this case

2n(k — 1/2)cok


2 27r(n — 1/2)9,7 (x) = sin x

N/To To

and so frp iki (//2)I = .i2/To . Therefore, family {cpiki(x0)e iwk `}kEK forms...?-basis in L 2(0, T) for T > To that proves our assertion.

Let us now dwell on the case of several control actions. Let a systebe described by boundary-value problem

0 2y a Dy\

8t2 = Yz(x) -07c) a°(x)YE up (t)(5(x — x p ),

p= 1 (2y(0, t) = y(1, t) = 0; xp e (0, 1), up e L 2(0, T).

Family 6' = {ek } c L2(0, T; Cm) corresponding to system (29) is of tform ek (t) = q k e'kt, k e K, where fik is the vector from Cm with -4components yo lki (xp), p = 1, , m.

Theorem V.1.13.

(a) For T < To /m system (29) is not M-controllable.(b) System (29) is not UM-controllable relative to space for any E;(c) Assertions (b), (c), and (e) of Theorem 7 are true for system (29)'

well with the replacement of scalars (p. (x 0) by the vectors tin.

11•11 MI — all INN IMO NM

2. Boundary control 205

The proof of assertion (a) is similar to the proof of (b) of Theorem 3.The proof of (b) is based on the following theorem (Cassels 1957: sec. 1.5):for any positive c, cc 1 , , (x„, there may be found natural numbers n,q l , . q„„ such that lapn — qp i < e. From asymptotics (27) it follows thatinfk IlekII = 0. Taking into account formula (10) of Section I.1 we concludethat family e is not *-uniformly minimal in L 2(0, T; Cm) for any T. Theroof of assertion (c) is just like that of Theorem 7.

2. Boundary control

2.1. Infinite dimensional control

s in Section 2 of Chapter IV, let the boundary of set CI be representedas a unification of two sets: r F, u 1-1 , with F1 being a nonempty,relatively open set, F0 F . Set E, = F0 x (0, T), E l = F1 x (0, T)and consider system

{ (3 2y

ate + Ay ---- 0 in Q x (0, T ),


YIE. = 0, YIE, = u ;

u E all = L 2(E 1 ) = L 2(0, T; U), U = L 2 (1-1 ).

As before, we choose zero initial conditions:

y(x, 0) = y,(x, 0) = 0 in ft (2)

An integral identity corresponding to problem (1), (2) reads



+ Af) dx dt = — u av—af ds dt


for any f e H 2 (Q) such that f(•, T) = fr (• , T) = 0, f I E = 0. This providesrlts with the grounds to treat problem (1), (2) in accordance with thescheme from Section 111.2, defining operator B by the relation

<Bv, cp>,, — v(s)a9(s)

ds, v L 2 (F1 ). (3)Ei ev

It is known (Lasiecka, Lions, and Triggiani 1986) that the solution of(1), (2) satisfies {y, y,} e C(0, T; 11;3), = L2(0) e H 1 41). From formula(3) and Section 111.2 we conclude that exponential family e {4} c

MI MI IMO 11111 MINI MI ma am an206 V. Controllability of hyperbolic-type systems

corresponding to system (1) has the form

(s) •ek (s, t) = iki e`) t, k e K.Ov

Family 65 (see Section 111.3) prescribed by family S and space Iffo (in thenotations of Section 111.2) has the form = -41 = {(A iki + a) -1/2'

(number a is determined in the beginning of Chapter IV). As in SectionIV.2, for convenience we have changed the sign (see formula (3)) ofthe members of the families and 0, which certainly does not affect anyof their properties that are pertinent to the controllability study.

For the analysis of these properties the following statement is required.

Lemma V.2.I. For any function f E L2(F) an estimate is valid


dsr Ov

(2„ + f II L2(r);

the constant in this inequality is independent of both f and n e N.

PROOF. Consider the boundary-value problem for an elliptic equation

(A + c<I)z ,----- 0 in 52, zi r = f.

A unique solution to this problem z e LAO) is known to exist (Lions 1968.chap. II) and 114 L 2 (n) -< II f II L2 (r ) •

Accounting for the equality 49,2 1, = 0, we have

ag9. 0 (A + ocI)ap„ dx = — J r z ds + z(A + al)co n dx.av

So that

„9 ds = + a) o

ap„dx.fr f 0Ov


J f dsr av -̂ + L2(0)119.11L2(0) (2„ + f II L2 (r ) .

Remark V.2.2. For the third boundary-value problem, a similar estimatewas obtained in Plotnikov (1968).

MO OM OM MI INS IIIIII MI II= MO2. Boundary control 207

Making use of the notations introduced in Theorem 1.2, we rewrite

amilies e and as

e — f acoiku(s)

}, ={., 091ku(s) ,iv,,}av


1/2 .

1= 1, . . k Efly, rk = (12 1k1 cc) —

Theorem V.2.3. For system (1) an equality takes place

Cl U g?(T) = 16.T>0

Moreover, this equality is valid for a class of bilinear controls u(x, t) =

f(x)g(t); f E L 2(F1 ), g E L2 (0, T) (f and g being controls), that is narrower

than L2 (E1).

PROOF. In view of Remark 111.3.13, the demonstrating equality is equivalent

to inclusion to E (W) in space L 2 (0, co; U) where

0,5 = {rk av

5 >eio,+ia)t

Suppose that for some sequence {c,,} e2

R Kiki

k=1 .i...1Cki aV R - . co

rk a `Plkli e i( vk +i6)t , in L 2(0, oo; U).

Then for any function f a L 2(F1 ) and any g a L 2(0, co)

E ckirk (a 9 I kij , f

) (4)Kik,

(evk -1- '6) % 9)L20, co = 0.keg< j=1 aV L2(ri)

Moreover, we would like to use Theorem 11.6.4 as applied to family

1(vk''3)1. When proving Theorem 1.2, we have noted that the growth of

K iki is not faster than some power of Iki. Since I2„I X n" it can be shown


Ivki -< Ile for some Q > 0


recall that numbers vk are different). By Lemma 1,


091ku fav L (n)

+ «)11fIlL2 (ri)•

7 Mil • • NM208 V. Controllability of hyperbolic-type systems

Taking (5) into account, we arrive at

cur,C9lkli , f) IkIRj = 1

avL2 WO

for some R > 0.Thus we have checked that the conditions of Theorem 11.6.4 hold. By

the theorem, from equality (4) we obtain

j = 1 av1..2(ro

1( 1 ,4

kj-= 0,(°91kii

k e

As function f e L2 (F i ) is arbitrary, this implies

j =1 Ckj ovlid = 0 in L2 (F1 )

for all k e K. As already demonstrated in the proof of Theorem IV.2.1the latter equality provides coefficients ck; that turn to zero for all k and jHence, -4 e (W) in L 2 (0, a); L2(F1 )).

The assertion about bilinear controls follows from the proof if we takeinto account the arguments used in Theorem 111.3.7. Theorem 3 is proved.

As in the case of control on a subdomain the stronger result onapproximate controllability takes place. The system (1) is W-controllablein time T > 2T*, where T* is the time of filling of the domain n by thewaves from F1 :

T* = inf{T I U supp y(-, T) = ^2}.ue L2 (0, T; L 2 (1-1))

This result can be obtained by Russell's (1978) approach using theuniqueness theorem proved in Tataru (1993) (cf. with the case of controlon subdomain S2' in Subsection 1.1).

M controllability in the case of control acting on a part of the boundaryin general is still an open problem.

Hypothesis. If system (1) is W-controllable in time T, then it is M .

controllable in the same time.

The hypothesis is supported by the following examples for the waveequation y„ = Ay.

OM UM =II MI MI NMI MO all =II all2. Boundary control 209

(a) C2 is a rectangle, 1) = (0, a) x (0, b), F1 = (0, a) x {0}. Here, T* = b.Fattorini (1979) proved that the system is M-controllable in time 2b.

(b) S2 is annular,

= {(x 1 , x 2 ) 1 r2 < xi + 4 < 1}, r = {(x 1 , x 2) 1 x? + xz = 1}.

Here, T* = 1 — r. Avdonin, Belishev, and Ivanov (1991b) have shownthat the system is M-controllable in time 2T*. Note that the systemis B-controllable in time 2.11 — r 2 (Bardos, Lebeau, and Rauch1992).

If set I-1 is large enough, a considerably stronger controllability ofsystem (1) takes place. For the case when operator A is (—A), severalinteresting results have been obtained by D. L. Russell (see the survey inRussell 1978 and the references therein). Our exposition is based on theresults obtained by the Hilbert Uniqueness Method suggested by J.-L.Lions (1986, 1988a, 1988b).

The system dual to (1) (see Theorem 111.3.11) is

at += 0 in Q,

C IE = 0 , (6)i(x, 0) = 0 0(x), ti/t (x, 0) 1//,(x),

e HUS1), c1 E LAO).

For an observation v, one takes 00/avi,.

Proposition V.2.4 (Lions 1983: chap. 2). There exists a positive constantC1 depending on the coefficients of operator A and domain S2 such that thesolution to problem (6) satisfies inequality


-̂ C1(11 1P0 11(11) + 1101111 2(n)). (7)

1.,2 (E)

Ho (1986) has shown that the converse inequality is correct under someassumptions as well. Let the coefficients of operator A satisfy conditions(in addition to those formulated at the beginning of Chapter IV)

•aci `i E (S1) for all i, j, k = 1, . . . , N.Oxk




210 V. Controllability of hyperbolic-type systems


fl = vrai sup Exef2 (1,j,k =1

R = sup Ix — x0J, r, = tx e F I (x — xo , n(x)) R, > 0),xef2

where n(x) is the outward normal vector to F at the point x, and x o Issome arbitrary point of space R N .

Proposition V.2.5 (Ho 1986). Let 13 < 2KIR (number K was introduced atthe beginning of Chapter IV). Then positive constants 1' and C2 dependingon A and S2 may be found such that for all T > 1" the solution to problem(6) obeys inequality


aV L2(E+) + 11g/11122A),


E + x (0, T),

So under condition /3 < 2K/R (note that it is obviously true for equationswith constant coefficients) the relation


X 1100 01 ,(0) + tfri (9)L2(2: +)

E 110(t1) ® L2 (^)))

is valid.

Theorem V.2.6. If coefficients of operator A and domain C2 are such that _condition fl <2KIR holds; and F1 F+ , then system (1) is B-controllablein time T relative to space *, = L 2 (S2) @ H -1 (S2) for any T >

PROOF. Applying to the given case the assertion and the plan of the proof ,of Theorem 111.3.11 and using relation (8), we conclude that system (1) is E-controllable relative to lico for T 1'; that is, PA(T) 16. Since, asalready noted, .P(T) c Vo for any T > 0, the theorem is proved.

Corollary V.2.7. Family 6 = {"e k }, k e K,

ek(s, t) = (1 k1 c0-1/2 Nikl(S)


constitutes an £°-basis in L 2 (0, T; L, 2 (1-1 )) for T > 1, F1 D F+ . This state-ment follows from the previous theorem and Theorem 111.3.10.




2. Boundary control 211

The most complete results on exact boundary controllability have beenobtained by Bardos, Lebeau, and Rauch (1992) with the help of microlocalanalysis. Roughly speaking, system (1) is B-controllable in time T (in spaceyro) if every ray crosses F1 x (0, T). If there is a ray that does not cross

x [0, T], then the system is not B-controllable in time T.

2.2. Finite dimensional control

Consider now a system described by boundary-value problem

a zy

at e

y(s, t)i, = E p (t)g p (S),p=1

with zero initial conditions (2). Here, u p c L 2(0, T), p = 1, , m, are thecontrol functions while functions gp E L 2 (F) are specified.

Since we are dealing with a particular case of nonhomogeneity of theform yI E = u e L 2(E), the solution to problem (10), (2) as well as thesolution of problem (1), (2) satisfies inclusion {y, E C(0, T; *co ).

For system (10), U = Cm, = L2 (0, T; Cm). Formula (3) yields (com-pare with Subsections 1.2 and IV.2.2) the corresponding family S' = tek l,k e K, of the form ek (t) = q k e lw" where 11k is the vector from Cm withthe components

(a(p l k i

P) L 2 (1)av p 1, . . . , m.

Having accounted for the multiplicity of the eigenvalues (see SubsectionsIV.1.2, V.1.1, and V.1.2), we rewrite family g as {4 ;}, j = 1, , , k e K,eki (t) = rik; e i vk t with the vector ?h.; from Cm, whose components are

(Nikii )

av V(r)

Theorem V.2.8. Let N > 1. Then

(a) for any T > 0, system (10) is not M-controllable;(b) if conditions


rank [(gp, amn)1p=

' = Kn , r%1E , (10a v =



+ Ay -= 0 in Q,



212 V. Controllability of hyperbolic-type systems

are not satisfied — in particular, if sequence {K„} is unbounded — thensystem (10) is not W-controllable for any T. Moreover,

Cl. U ✓f(T) 016;T > 0

(c) if equalities (11) are valid, then

Cl#6 U ( 1')T > 0

The proof of this theorem follows the corresponding statements ofTheorem 1.3.

Now consider the case N = 1 in more detail. Domain f2 here is asegment (0, 1) while its boundary, F, consists of two points x = 0 andx = I. That is why we have two essentially different versions for system(10): either the control is applied at one of the end points or at bothof them. Let us start with the first one. Thus, we have a systemdescribed by initial boundary-value problem

{ a 2ya ( ay—= a(x)—) —ate ax ax ao(x)y in Q,

Ylx=0 = 0, yl x =, = u L2(0, T), y(x, 0) = y (x , 0) = 0.

As in Section 1, letdx

To = 2o (.,./a(x)

Theorem V.2.9. The following assertions are true.

(a) For T To, system (12) is B-controllable relative to space*co = L2(0,1) .11— '(0, 1).

(b) For T < To, system (12) is not W-controllable. Reachability set gf(T)is a subspace of infinite codimension in 16.

PROOF. In this particular case, formula (3) looks like

<By, tp>,, = —v(1)09(1)

axand family e corresponding to system (12) is of the form



2. Boundary control 213

Family e'0 corresponding to family 6' and space' (for the definition seeSection 111.3) is

{ }(21k1 + C)- 1/2 a(p,k,(1)




Numbers a(PRI(1)10x, k E K, differ from zero, and, by the force of theknown asymptotics (Naimark 1969: chap. II, secs. 4.5, 4.10),

(11 1k1 + C)-" a(Piki(i)

ax k E K (13)

As we noted while proving Theorem 1.5, family {e.'" constitutes an2'-basis in space L 2(0, T) for T To . Formula (13) implies that family

possesses the same property. Assertion (a) now follows from Theorem111.3.10.

For T < To , Theorem 11.4.16 allows us to choose a subfamily {e' k `} kEK.

from family fe"crI kEK in such a way that it forms a Riesz basis in L 2 (0, T),and set OK \ K'l is infinite.

Assertion (b) now becomes a direct consequence of Theorem I.2.2(e)and Theorem 111.3.10.

Remark V.2.10. Assertion (a) of Theorem 9 was proved, in fact, by Russell(1967). Systems of a more general type — described by a non-self-adjointor nonregular boundary-value problem (in particular, systems withinfinite optical length) — were studied by Avdonin (1975, 1980, 1982).

Suppose now that the control actions are applied to both boundarypoints; that is, the boundary conditions for system (12) are

y(0, t) = u i (t), y(1, t) = u 2(t); u,,, e L 2(0, T).

For such a system, the analog of Theorem V.2.9 is valid with thereplacement of T0 by T0 /2,

dxT0/2 =

This statement is demonstrated in Section 4 of Chapter VII (there theequation of string vibrations is considered, but this alteration does notinfluence the essence of the problem).

11,11 ME • MO MINI MI 1111111 1.11 11.1


2.3. Pointwise control

Let N > 1 and the system be described by the initial boundary problem

{ 3 2yOt2 + Ay = 0 in Q,


y(s, = E u (t)5(s — sr ),

with zero initial conditions (2).As established in Subsection IV.2.3, such a nonhomogeneous boundary

condition is immersed in the scheme of Section 111.2 with operatorB Wq) for q < —1 — N/2.

Therefore, by Theorem 111.2.1 for any function u E = L 2(0, T; Cm),there exists a unique solution of problem (14), (2) such that {y, y t } EC(0, T; -K) for any r < —N/2.

Theorem V.2.11. The following assertions are valid.

(a) For any T > 0, system (14) is not M-controllable.(b) If conditions

rank R9,,; (sp )]y: 11 Kn, n (15)

do not hold, then for system (14)

Cl U R(T) r < — N/2.T>0

(c) If conditions (15) are satisfied, then

Cl U .W(T) r < —N/2.T>0

The proof of these statements follows that of the corresponding state-ments of Theorem 1.3.

Remark V.2.12. As shown in the previous and the present chapters,parabolic- and hyperbolic-type equations with various kinds of finitedimensional control are not M-controllable if dim SZ > 1. The reasonis that corresponding vector exponential families are not minimal inL 2 (0, T; Cm) for any m E J and T > 0, since the sets {b1„} and Icon + i}do not satisfy the Blaschke condition. By the force of Theorems 111.3.3

214 V. Controllability of hyperbolic-type systems




2. Boundary control 215

and 111.3.10, the lack of M controllability implies a lack of E controllabilityrelative to Sobolev space with any exponent. These results seem to havefirst been obtained by Avdonin and Ivanov (1989b).

Triggiani (1991) proved that the wave equation with finite dimensionalDirichlet boundary control is not exactly controllable in L 2 (0) CD 11 - 1 (e).

Remark V.2.13. In Chapter VI we prove stronger results concerning thelack of approximate controllability for the wave equation in a rectanglewith finite dimensional control. We expect these results to be valid forhyperbolic equations of the general type.

Remark V.2.14. Regarding the results of this chapter, an analog ofRemark IV.2.8 proves to be correct: instead of the Dirichlet problem, oneis able to study controllability in systems with other boundary conditionsby the same approach.



Control of rectangular membrane vibration

In this chapter we examine the controllability of a system describingrectangular membrane oscillations under boundary and pointwise controlsof some type. With the aid of the explicit form of the eigenfunctions andeigenvalues of the Laplace operator, we can now complement and sharpenseveral results of Chapter V for this particular system, namely, thosepertaining to initial boundary-value problems. We also demonstrate thatfor some kinds of finite dimensional control the system proves to be notW-controllable in any finite time.

Section 1 is based on the work of Avdonin and Ivanov (1988, 1989b),Section 2 on a detailed exposition by Avdonin, Ivanov, and Jo6 (1990).

1. Boundary control

1.1. Regularity of the solution


a, b E il:R +; C1 = (0, a) x (0, b); r = af2; I-1 = (0, a) x {0};

I', = I- \ fi ; Ei = ri x (0, T); j = 0, 1 ;

and v be the outward normal vector to r. Consider a system describedby the boundary value problem

a 2z a2z a2z+ in Q,at 2 ax2 ay2



= 0,av El

= u E L2(E 1 ),


IMO • • MI IMO INN 111111

1. Boundary control 217

with zero initial conditions

z z, = 0 for t = O. (2)

A generalized solution to initial boundary-value problem (1), (2) of class

L2(Q) is understood in the sense of an integral identity

z(w„ — Aw) dx dt = uw ds dt

(3)E i

valid for any function w E H 2 (Q) such that

wlEo = 0, Ow


The existence and uniqueness of such a solution is proved easily by thetransposition method (Lions and Magenes 1968). We now demonstratethat the solution to (1), (2) is essentially more regular.

According to the scheme of Chapter III, system (1) may be represented

in the formz„ + Az = Bu. (4)

Here, A is the ( — A) operator in space L2(Q) with the domain

g (A) = fy9 e H 2 (CI) = 0, a991,0 av =

Its eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are conveniently enumerated by meansof two indices m, n E N. It is easy to check that they are

2 ir 2

.1„,„ --= a

In) + (n — 1/2)) ,

nComn(x, =

2 sin mx cos —n (n — 1/2)y.ab a

As in the previous chapters, we let W., r E Fk, denote the space offunctions f on S2 such that

f(x, y) = E II f II E Ic„,n1 2 2.. < CO .rn, n

One is able to show that the relations

=0, w = w, = 0 for t = T.Ei

Han) c W c Hr(c), II f II wr II f Hr(S1) , (f E wr) (5)

01 MI MIN 111111 11.1

218 VI. Control of rectangular membrane vibrations

hold for all r > 0 (see (0.4) and (0.5) of Chapter IV). In the latter relationexpressing the equivalence of norms, one should exclude half-integer r.

Set U = all = L 2(0, T; U). By the force of equality (3), operatorB in formula (4) is given by

<By, cp>,, = J v(s)9(s) ds (6)r,

(compare with (V.2.3)). From the embedding theorem, it follows that

1191r1 lli. 2(ro"‹ 11911w, for cp c W r < 1/2.

Therefore, by Theorem 111.2.1, the solution to initial boundary-valueproblem (1), (2) satisfies inclusion {z, z,} e C(0, T; 11/;1 ) for any q < 1/2with * = Wq Q "117. _,. So, by (5), z a C(0, T; H 9(C1)).

This regularity result is valid for arbitrary domains n c RN and ellipticoperators A (under certain assumptions regarding the regularity of theoperator coefficients and the domain boundary).

In the case N = 1, it is possible to show (Avdonin and Ivanov 1984)that

{z, zt} a C(0, T;11 1 (0) ED L2 (0)).

If SI is a ball in R N, A = —A, then

{z, z,} E C(0, T; H 213(0) II -113(0))

(Graham and Russell 1975). For our case, the following theorem is valid.

Theorem VI.1.1. For any u E L2 (E 1 ) there exists a unique solution toproblem (1), (2) such that

{z, z,} a C(0, T; H 314 (S2) e H 14(C2)).

PROOF. Set u)„,k = (sgn m E N, kaK = Z\{0}. Formula (6)implies

family g = {emk } = {B*9miki e ic'mk t }

to be of the form

2 sin 71 0k' e""

emk(x, = =Jab a

We will establish, for all u E all, t E [0, T], the validity of the estimate

E i(u, emk)L2(0,t ; u)I 2 Itümk I 1 / 2 -‹ II U 11 Z 2 (0, t; U)• (7)m,k

Mini INE

1. Boundary control 219

The assertion of the theorem will follow then from Lemma 111.2.4 and• relations (5). Note that since H'(1 -2) = Liao) for 0 < r < 1/2 (Lions andMagenes 1968: chap. I), then Wr = Hr(Q) for —1/2 < r < 1/2.

To continue the proof, we need the following assertion.

Lemma VI.1 .2. For any f E L 2 (0, T), t E [0, T], relation

E 1(f, e""")c ( 0, 0 1 2 -‹ N71 f 11,2(o.,)kE K


PROOF OF THE LEMMA. Let us fix m E NJ and decompose sequence

{(0„,k1kEIK V {C0m0} to M:=entier (lin) subsequences kr 0, nEZ1 gni = Wm,j+nM ,

j = 1, . . . , M. Elementary calculations give inequality


3 Ja2 a4/b2

For a countable set a c C + and any function g E L2 (0, oo) an estimate 2 1

(g, e i"')L2 (0, ) .\/2 Im < 32 + 64 log 1191220, co6(a)

is valid (in Subsection, the formula was cited for the case of simplefractions instead of exponentials). Let us apply it to a = {pnj + i/2}„ ER

and use Lemma 11.1.19. Continuing function f by the zero value from(0, t) to (t, cc), we arrive at

2l(f, e

i("+ I/ 2)-r)1, 2 (0,01

2C(a, 011 r L 2 (0, t)


and so

.II f II b(0.0E icf, ei"^t)L 2 (0 , 0 1 2 C(a, b)eT


for f E L 2 (0, T), t E [0, T]. Summing up these inequalities over j = 1, . , M,we obtain the assertion of the lemma.

We are now able to complete the proof of Theorem 1. Let {u„,(T)}„ N

be Fourier coefficients in the expansion of function u(x, t) over family

{ 2/a sin(n/a)mx}. Then


(u, enik)L 2(0,t; U) = .\/21b(u„„ e (8)

E ly.1 2 E Icom,m=1 ke K

1 2 p (exp(i 7E- mt), exp(ko mk t))a L2(o, T)

2. (10)


MN MN MO MI in in 1.01 MON

220 VI. Control of rectangular membrane vibrations

Using an obvious inequality Icomic,I 1 / 2 m -1 / 2 and applying Lemma 3 tofunctions u m , we find

2Kum, e'w—T)L20,,,,i 2 komk1 -112 E in -112 Eon*, ek° '"")L20,01 2

u k m, k

m- 1 / 2in„,.1/2 2

11 um II L2(0,1) = 11 14 1122 (0a; U)*

Thus, in accounting for equalities (6), we have demonstrated relation (7)and with it Theorem 1.

Let us now show that the assertion of Theorem 1 cannot be improvedin the scale of Sobolev spaces. Namely, for any p > -1/4 there existscontrol u E (it such that relation

tz(' , T), z,(• , T)} HP ± 1 (1) ED HP(S2)


holds for the solution to problem (1), (2) corresponding to this control.We take the control in the form

u(x, = E y„, sin -11 mx exp(i -11 m(T - t)),m= 1 a a


E Iv.1 2 < 00.m=1

Then using formulas (16) and (17) of Section 111.2 we have

II(z( • , T), E komkI 2Pikx, T - t), emk(x, t))1,2(O, T)I 2m, k

(exp (i a- mt), exp(iwmk t))


A simple calculation shows that

itK mk CO mk — — m.


cmk = T e -IK,„kr/2 sin(Kna T/2)

K„,,, T/2

Since for k > 0

= -n


[j 1 + (a(k - 1/2))2 < it m 1 (a(k - 1/2)y na(k- 1/2) 2

bm ) _I a 2 bm 2b2m


I. Boundary control 221

KnaT < if

k — 1/2 < / a T/2

Now from an elementary inequality

sin x 2 > , x (0, 1,

X 1l 2

we derive

ICmkI2 > ( .2T

for 1 < k < \fin + 1/2. (11)aTI2

To verify relation (9) it is sufficient to demonstrate that

(z(• , T), z i (• , T)) Wp , —1/4 < p < O.

For such p and k -< m we have

Iconal 2P >- m2P (m, k (12)

Now (10)—(12) implies

T), zr(• , T)11 2 >- E iymi 2 m 2P E ic.k1 2 >- E IY.1 2 m 2 P✓ n.m = 1 k(m) m = 1

For p > —1/4, sequence {y m } e e' 2 may be chosen in such a way that

coE iymi 2m2p+ 1 / 2 = 00

m = 1

and hence, (z(• , T), z,(• , T)) Wp .Results close to Theorem 1 and other results concerning the regularity

of solutions of nonhomogeneous boundary-value problems can be foundin Lasiecka and Triggiani (1981, 1989a), and Lasiecka, Lions, andTriggiani (1986).

1.2. Lack of controllability

Let us now proceed with the question of system (1) controllability. Fromthe results of Fattorini (1979), M controllability of system (1) followsfor T > 2b. We confine ourselves to the case in which control u isu(x, t) = b(x)v(t),b e L2 (0, a) being a specified function, v e L 2(0, T) being

a control. Thus U = C, all = L2(0, T), and corresponding family 6° (cf.


1111111 MIN Mil MIN MIN MI SIN

222 VI. Control of rectangular membrane vibrations

Section 11.2) is of the form {/3„, e l("-ki} with

= 2 b(x) sin - mx dx.o a

Theorem VI.1.3. For 011 = 00, T) and any function b E L 2 (0, a), system(1) is not W-controllable in any finite time T; that is,

• "W-- 3/4 , 16/4 '=" W314 0 W-114.

Remark VI.1.4. In Section V.2, set UT P1(T) was shown to be dense in-Irv, if and only if the "rank criterion" (V.2.11) is fulfilled. If the eigenvaluemultiplicity is unbounded, the criterion is broken and Theorem 3 followsdirectly from Theorem V.2.8. This is particularly the case for a squaremembrane. If the ratio a 2/b 2 for a rectangular membrane is irrational, thespectrum multiplicity equals unity and the rank criterion may be valid.In this case assertion (b) of Theorem 3 is not implied by the results ofChapter V.

This remark also applies to Theorem 7 and Theorems 2.1, 2.2, whichare proved below.

PROOF OF THEOREM 3. Take arbitrary T > 0. By Theorem 111.3.10, theassertion we are proving is equivalent to condition g ( W) in spaceL2(0, T). Family e' {enik } corresponding to family and space Iff3/, is

emk(t) = fimlwmkr 1/4enik (0•

If at least one of the coefficients I3„, equals zero, then family / is linearlydependent. Let fl n, 0 0 for all m E N. By Theorem 11.6.9 there exist m, E Nand sequence {Cmk } such that

(a) Ec„,k e'"'" 0 in L 2 (0, T);m,k

(b) E ic„,k i20,nk < co ;

m, k

(c) Cmk = 0 for m � Mo.

Set amk = crnkkonal lm fin, 1 . The above assertions (b), (c) imply

E lamki 2 < 00.m,k

Assertion (a) provides us with

E nti, emk = E Cmk la)mk1 /4 0.- 1P PmfrOnal e- 114 i"-k ta = 0•

m, k m, k

NM MI PIN NMI OM MIN MI NM 111•11I. Boundary control 223

So, family g is co-linearly dependent (see Subsection 1.1.2) and the moreso g (W). Theorem 3 is proved.

1.3. Estimate of the Carleson constant

A closely related problem of some interest in_ itself is to find an estimateof the Carleson constant (see Definition 11.1.17) b m of set {co„„ + i/2 }kEKdepending on m. Knowledge of 6,n allows us to estimate the norms ofelements of the family biorthogonal to {e l(ü)-k + `12) `} in space L 2(0, co) (seefor formula (121 Section ILI).

Notice that the following lemma allows us to prove Lemma 2 without•the use of Lemma 11.1.19.

1 Lemma VI.1.5. The Carleson constant of set {Wmk + i/2} kEK allows us toestimate

log m E N.

mooF. To simplify the writing, let us assume that

comk = (sgn k) ,/m 2 + k 2 .

For the case

con, (sgn k) 411 2 + (b (IOki 112)) 2


the proof needs only a few obvious alterations. We write the Carlesonconstant Sm of set {v„,,} = {conin + i/2}, neZ\{0} as

(5 m = infn Ic*n

V„,k — Vma

vm, —


log = sup E logn k*n

v,nk — vmn


Vmk — Vmr,

= sup E log[! + ((sgn k),/m 2 + k 2 — (sgn n),/m 2 + n 2 ) -2].n Ic*n

Specifically, let us consider n > 0 and estimate the sum

S„ = > log[1 + ((sgn k),/m 2 + k 2 — (sgn n).,/m 2 + n 2 ) -2 ]Ic � n


224 VI. Control of rectangular membrane vibrations

(it is evident that S_,, = S„). We can then represent Sn in the form

S„ = + +\k=-. k=1 k=n+ 1/

x log[1 + ((sgn k),/m 2 + k2 — (sgn n) .1m 2 + n2)- 2]

and estimate each sum in the right-hand side separately, denoting themby S„" ) , S;,2), and S2 ), respectively.

(1) The first sum can be estimated by a constant independing on m.

= E log[1 + (\/m2 + n2 + .\/m2 + k2) --2]k=

< log + —1

) < oo;k=1 k2

(2) To estimate the second sum

n - I= E log[1 + (N/m 2 + n 2 — N./m 2 + k2)- 2]


consider first the case n < m. Represent S„(2) as

n- 1

E log[1 + (N/m2 + n2 ‘,/n22 + (n — p2) - 2] .p=1

By means of elementary manipulations, one is able to check thatinequalities

2N/In2 + n2 Nbn2 + (n _ p)2 >



are correct. Indeed

1 < p < n < m,

Jmz +n2 N/m2 + (n _ p)2. _ 2np — p 2

/ rn2 + n2 + \bn2 (n _ p) 2

p(2n — p)>


2m2 + N/2m2 2\/2m


1. Boundary control 225


nEl logo. (N/m2 + n2 — /n12 (n — 13)2)-2]

P =

n — 1 8m2)8m2)< E log (1 + < L log (1 + 8m2) < log(1 + dxp 1 p4 p = 1 p4 1 x4

= .\F-n I log(1 + —8) dt f log

( 1 +8

4) dt



for some c 1 e (0, oo).Now let n > m. With the help of elementary calculations, one again

checks that inequalities

N/rn2 +n2 Nfin 2 (n p)2 > p 2 2

hold. So

1 < p < n — 1, n > m,

n-1 co

X log 1 +( 8

E log[1 + (.\1/4n2 + n2 N/Tn2 (n 13)2)-2 s- < co. —

P=1 p=1 p

Thus we have proved sup,, , 0 S,(, 2)

(3) For n < m sum, represent S,;' ) as

+ E )logl + (N/1112. k2 N/in2 4_ n 2)-2] . —

k=n+1 k=m+1



E log[1 + (\/m2 k2 /rn2 + n2)-2] —

k=n+ 1

m — n

E log[1 + (dm2 (n + — /rn2 + n2)-2] c2 jrnp 1

for some c 2 > 0. The latter inequality is justified in the same way as whenestimating sum S„(2) on the grounds of inequalities

N/m 2 + (n + p) 2 .1m 2 ± n 2 � P 2 ,

2.12m1 < p < m — n, n < m,

- 111111 111111 MS MN 111110 111111 NON 111141

226 VI. Control of rectangular membrane vibrations

valid. Now consider the sum

log[1 + (N/m2 + k2 — /m 2 + n 2 ) -2]k=m+ 1

= log[1 + (✓m 2 + (m + p) 2 — /m2 + n2)-2].

P= 1

It is estimated by a constant (independent of m and n) since, as canbe easily checked,

.1m 2 + (m + p) 2 — N/m 2 + n 2 > p > 1, n < m.2.\/ 2

It remains only to estimate sum S,; 3) for n > m:

log[1 + (✓m 2 + k 2 — /m2 + n2 ) -2]k=n+1

= log[1 + (dm2 + + p) 2 — v/m2 + n2)-2] < C3p=1

for some c 3 > 0. The latter inequality follows from

N/ m 2 + (n + p) 2 — m 2 + n 2 _� p

2 2p > 1, n > m.

1.4. Pointwise boundary control

Consider now the case of the pointwise boundary control of rectangularmembrane vibrations:

v e L2 (0,

ztt = Zxx + z„

Ozzl Eo = 0, avT), x o e (0,

in Q,

= v(t)(5(x — x0),Et

a), zit=o = ztlt=o = O.



Theorem VI.1.6. Initial boundary-value problem (13), (14) has a uniquesolution z e C(0, T; W112 ) for which z, e C(0, T; W_ 1/2).

Theorem VI.1.7. For V = L 2 (0, T) and any xo e (0, a), system (11) is notW-controllable in any finite time T. That is,

� Yr1/2 , "1"1/2 = W1/2 W-112.


1. Boundary control 227

The proof of Theorem 6 is arranged according to the scheme of theproof of Theorem V.1.4. One introduces the initial boundary-valueproblem dual to (13), (14),

{ezi„(p, t) = 4,o(p, t), p = (x, y) e SI, t c (0, T'),

au) (15)w1,0 = 0, — = 0,

av E,

Wit= T' = 6 W1/2, ee}tit=T' = 6°1 E W-112.

Moreover, with the help of the Fourier method, representations for z anda) are obtained in the form of a series in 9„,„. We also have

T '

<z(', T'), 0 1 >,, + <z,(', T"), wo> * = f v-(t)a}(p o, t) dt

with po = (x0 , 0). Let us verify inequality

- )ilb(0,T) C(T")[11W0III?Vi„ + 11 ( Z) 1IIL /2] ,

which is valid if and only if (see the proof of Theorem V.1.4)


E cp.2 .(po)coz,' < 00leN 1 ^ to,,,„<1+1

Since numbers

2 7C(Pmn(P0) = sin mx o

Jab a

are bounded, it suffices to show that

sup co,. < 00•lerk4

The latter inequality is easily established by the explicit expression for co„„,:

2 11/2rt 2

a)„,„ m) + — (n — D2a b2

The remaining stages are completed as in the proof of Theorem V.1.4.The proof of Theorem 7 repeats that of Theorem 3 except that it

replaces I3,„ by

2 7rsin — mx o .Jab a

} NM MO MIR MN INN MI MI MIN228 VI. Control of rectangular membrane vibrations

Remark VI.1.8. By the same method, one can prove the lack of appromate controllability for more powerful kinds of control than illustratin Theorems 3 and 7. Avdonin and Ivanov (1995) investigated the waequation in N-dimensional parallelepiped with the boundary contrequal to zero everywhere except for an edge of dimension N — 2.another case, the boundary control was supposed to be acting on a faof dimension N — 1 and depending on N — 1 independent variable(including t). It was proved that in both cases the system is noW-controllable for any T > 0.

Model problems of this kind allow us to put forward the followinhypothesis concerning controllability of hyperbolic equations of thsecond order.

Hypothesis. If a control acts on an m-dimensional part of the boundarand/or on an m-dimensional part of domain C2 and m < N — 1, or if (morgeneral formulation) a control function depends on less than N independentvariables including t, then the system is not approximately controllablein any finite time.

2. Initial and pointwise control

In this section we consider vibrations of a rectangular membrane withhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. We demonstrate that, roughlyspeaking, for any finite number of membrane points one is able toobtain arbitrary trajectories by choosing the appropriate initial conditions.

In a sense the problem is dual to the pointwise control problem. Thereachability set of the system under the action of any finite number ofpointwise controls is proved to be not dense in the phase space.

2.1. Principal results

Let S2 = (0, a) x (0, b) and A be operator (—A) with the domain(A) = 11 2(0) n H40). Let co' denote the eigenvalues of operator A,

2 2

m in) + n) ;m, n e N,

and co„,„ the corresponding eigenfunctions normalized in L 2 (C2)

2 nm nn

49.(P) = sin — x sin y, p = (x, y).

a a

As before, we introduce spaces W, = D(A'12), r > 0; W_, =


.11 NM MI NMI MN NM 111111 MO NMI NO2. Initial and pointwise control 229

Let p i , ... , p, be arbitrary (distinct) points of S2, p, = (x,, y,), T be anypositive number, Q = D x (0, T), and E = OS2 x (0, T). Consider theinitial boundary-value problem


v,, -= A: in Q,vi

vl i=0 = vo , vilt--ro = vi.

Use (I)(t, v0 , v 1 ) to denote vector function

(v(p,, t), . . . , v(p,, t)),

Theorem VI.2.1. Let r be a nonnegative integer. Then

(a) for any vector-function F E RAO, T; C") there exists initial state(vo , v 1 ) e lf; such that (Kt, v0 , v 1 ) F(t), t E [0, T];

(6) the dimension of the set of initial states (v 0 , v 1 ) E -117.,. for which(1)(t, v 0 , v 1 ) = 0, t e [0, T], is infinite.

Let us write z(p, t) for the solution of initial boundary-value problem


zj E = 0,

z„(p, t) --- Az(p, t) + E b(p — p,)u,(t) in Q,

zj t ,„, = z t j t=0 = 0.


If uk E L2(0, T), k = 1, . . . , N, then inclusion (z, e C(0, T; 1V, 12) holds.This assertion follows immediately from Theorem V.1.4 for N = 2. Notethat in our case it is possible to avoid the use of asymptotic propertiesof the spectral function by exploiting instead the explicit form of 9„,„ aswas done while proving Theorem 1.6.

Theorem VI.2.2. The reachability set R(T),

R(T):= {(z(, T), z t (• , T)) I uk E L 2 (0, T), k = 1, . . . , N},

is not dense in #/2 and codim R(T) = co.

2.2. Initial controllability

We prove here Theorem 1 concerning initial controllability of system (1).Let initial data v0 , v 1 belong to W, and W,._ 1 ,

respectively. Then expansions




vo = E am.comn, vl = E b„m cp„,„ (3)m,n nu,n

NIS 1111111 1111111 MI Sill MN IllIg230 VI. Control of rectangular membrane vibrations

take place, and

m,. lam.1 2 0.422,7, < co,

m, n

b. 2 0)2,(nr — 1) < co. (4)

The following formula is obtained by means of the Fourier method:

v(p, t) =- E„,[amn cos 0)„,„t +b„,,,

com„t19„,„(p).m, n a mn

Introduce vector functions

c,„„(t) = n„,„ cos co„m t, Smn(t) = n m„ sin w„,„t,where

ilmn (a,;.:((Pmn(Pi), • • • , (Pmn(PN)) E

and let .97 denote family {cm„, s„,„}, m, n e N. Then

(Kt, u0, u1) = E [a mn (1)-- miinC mn (t) b„,„w„,7„ 1 S mn (t)] .

(5)m, n

Lemma VI.2.3. If there exists subset .11 c N x N such that family= {c„,„, c .97 constitutes a Riesz basis in H'(0, T; C N ), then

assertion (a) of Theorem 1 holds.

PROOF. If .97,, is a Riesz basis, then function F in Hr(0, T; CT ) may beexpanded in a series

F(t) = E El nc.(t) + J mnsmn(t)],(rn, n)e .11

[(f m,,) 2(fm)n \21 < 00.

(m, n)

Choose coefficients in expansions (3) in the following way:

amn = bmn = 0, (m, n) .11, (8)

amn = fm n(nm:b bmn rnnqrin r(m, e jef • (9)

Inequality (7) implies inequalities (4), and inclusions v o E W, ll 1 E W,

are true. By comparing (5) and (6), we complete the proof of Lemma 3.



To construct basis ,F,,„ it is convenient to consider, instead of family' of vector exponentials:

g = ±femn}m,nerkl, em±„(t) = n m„

frit Mill NIS MI 111111 NM ilia IMO all MN

2. Initial and pointwise control 231

Lemma VI.2.4. Family = Ic.„, s,n„1 ( „,„)e.ii , .11 c N x N, constitutes a

Riesz basis in Ilr(0, T; C") if and only if family S, {e m±n} (m, n)e .1( is aRiesz basis in H'(0, T; CN) .

PROOF. Let so be a Riesz basis in Hr(0, T; C"). Define operator It over

the linear span of 4 by formulas

c„,„, s„,„, (n, n) c .11.

If operator U can be extended to an isomorphism of the whole H'(0, T; CN ),

then family .97„ = 114 is also a Riesz basis in H"(0, T; C").Let {a, L} be a finite sequence of complex numbers and

g — (a,„„e,-;,„ + ner;m)•(m,n)e.le

Since 4 is a Riesz basis, then

T; C") E (ia,L1 2 + I am-n12). (10)(m,n)e..,K

With the help of the Euler formula, function Ug may be expanded over

the basis e*

= E (am„c„,„ + a,;,„s„,„) = (a:ne:„ +(m,n)E (m, n) E


ia:n1 2 +Iamnl 2 1(1c1:.1 2 + lamn1 2 )•

Again, using the Riesz basis property of 4, we have


c" E (lam.1 2 +


From relations (10)—(12) we conclude that

iitt9 ?-/ C") II g IlL 2(0 , T; C")•

Therefore, operator U may be extended to an isomorphism in Hr(0, T; CN ).

The converse statement — if 97, is a Riesz basis in H'(0, T; R"), then

4 is a Riesz basis in H'(0, T; CN ) — is proved in a similar way.

Theorem VI.2.5. For any nonnegative integer r and any T > 0 there exists

family Sr c S, which forms a Riesz basis in H'(0, T; C N ), and set '\i, is



232 VI. Control of rectangular membrane vibrations

The proof of this theorem is given below in Subsection 2.4.Statement (a) of Theorem 1 follows from Lemmas 3, 4 and Theorem 5.

To prove statement (b), we introduce notation .97,. for family

= „)c,i‘ , .= {(m, n) I e e 4}.

By virtue of Lemma 3, family .9; forms a Riesz basis in Hr(0, T;It is evident that the set of elements of .97 that do not belong to <97; isalso infinite.

Let cki be an arbitrary element of .9-A.9";.. It may be represented byseries

ciao) = E [amn c..(t) + flmnsmn(t)]. (13)

(m, n)e

By analogy with (8), (9), we choose coefficients an,„, bm„ in expansions (3)in the following way:

a. = b. = 0, (m, n) X v (k, 1),

a mn — nut° ;it'bmn = &JUL- r l (m, n) e

aki — —1, bki O.

Then formulas (13), (5) imply (l)(t, v o , v 1 ) = 0, t E [0, T]. The initial data(vo , v 1 ) constructed in this manner for distinct elements from .57 Vi7,. arelinearly independent. Theorem 1 is proved.

2.3. Lack of pointwise controllability

In order to prove Theorem 2 consider initial boundary-value problem

po„(p,t) = Aa,(p, t), p e S2 , t e (0, T),

CIE = 0, ildt= T = 4V03 tI t = T = 401, (14)

coinciding with (1) where variable t is changed to T — t. Hence, on thegrounds of assertion (b) of Theorem 1, linear set

{(&)o, 400 E "VI I co(Pj, = 0, = 1, N; t [0, T]l

has an infinite dimension. At the same time, an equality takes place (seeformula (24) of Section V.1 with T' = T)


<z(', T), ev i >. + <z,(• , T),Oo) * = E 14; (0,(pi , t) dt.11:o

This completes the proof of Theorem 2.


2. Initial and pointwise control 233

2.4. Construction of basis subfamily

Let us start the proof of Theorem 5 with the verification of completeness

in CN for the family of vectors {n,,,,,}, which is obviously a necessarycondition for a basis subfamily 4. to exist.

Lemma VI.2.6. Vector family 67,mn, m2N,n= 1 is complete in C N .

PROOF. Suppose vector y ={y,},":= 1 may be found to be orthogonal to allthe vectors q„,„; m, n < 2N:

N 7C 7CE y, sin — mx, sin — ny, = 0; m, n = 1, ... , 2N. (15)

k=1 a b

Introduce notations

7rXk = — Xk, Yk = -- Yk>

a(-1 )7k= y, sin Xk sin jik .

Function sin qx/sin x is a polynomial of the degree q — 1 in cos x.

Therefore, a relation may be derived by induction from (15)

E ;, cosn - 1 54 COSm— 5,k = 0; m, n = 1, . . . , 2N (16)k=1

(one first checks this equality for m = 1, n = 1, . . . , N; then for m = 2,

n = 1, . . . , N, and so on).Let P(, 4) be an arbitrary polynomial of a degree not larger than

2N — 1 in each variable. From (16) it follows that


E yk P(cos Xk , COS Sit) = 0.k = 1

Making use of this relation for


P(, = 1I [( — cos )Z . k ) 2 + — cos 5'. k ) 2 ] ,k= 2

we obtain y 1 = 0 and hence y = 0. Equalities

Y2 = Y3 = • " = YN = 0

are obtained in a similar way. Lemma 6 is proved.

Let us choose in family nmn subfamily fiii17_ 1 , which forms a

basis in CN.

j = 1, . , N; m R, R + 1, .

j = 1, . , N; m = R, R + 1, ....






111111134 VI. Control of rectangular membrane vibrations 2. Initial and pointwise control 235:•‘•

1 Lemma VI.2.7. For any e > 0 and T> > 0 family 6' contains subfamily l', -:- . Take some integer m and define m, c N from the conditionswhich can be represented as

„,,:, 2a— m < m o < — m + Q„ (21)g. = s i u 602 u . . . u 4,N

■ 2a,

e" = frdn e±i'mit},,T=R, ,.

T Tand the equalities hold :-., Illmo2k — m' 5.c' klil < El k = 1, . . . , N. (22)

<014; q>>N <

27Cpm; — M < E,

To prove the lemma we use the following form of the Kroneckertheorem.

Proposition VI.2.8. Let , CN be real numbers such thatfor any integer n 1 , .. , nN equality

+ • • + N 0 (mod 2n)implies

flf1 + • • • + nN CN ==_ 0 (mod 2n).

Then for any e > 0 there exists a number Q E = , > 0(independent of 41) such that on any segment of the length Ilaninteger n o may be found for which

— 8, . . — <8,


The principal difference between this statement and the one presentedin Cassels (1957: sec. 111.5) is that there the number n o satisfies estimateinoi < QE . Passing from C.; to (.; — n j , n n 7, we arrive at Proposition 8.

PROOF OF LEMMA 7. Specify E > 0, j (1 < j < N) and define m', n' accordingto the conditions

= 1 m', n' < 2N.Sets

k .1. , • • • {m5z1, • • • , mjzN}

satisfy the conditions of Proposition 8. The same also goes for sets

{i)i, • •• ,.PN}, nTN}

Let 42, = max{ 02c(i1, • • • , 5‘0, '1(y1, • • • , .PN)).

Proposition 8 applied to sets (19) show that such m, really exists.Introduce function

27rg(t) =

Tm — (am

) 2 (7t—mo + —

b) 2

and define integer q = q(m, n) in such a way that g(q) = min,, EN g(n).Further, let us find n o e N satisfying conditions

q no q + Q„ (23)

IIInoYk—nykIII<6, k= 1, . . , N . (24)

Its existence follows from Proposition 8 applied to sets (20).Let us describe the procedure for all j. Thus, there is a pair of numbers

m0 , no E N that can be assigned to each j E , N} and every m c N.

Let us check vector functions

time := tim,0 e ± iwrne't

to satisfy conditions (17), (18) for large enough m. Inequalities (22),(24) imply inequalities (17) (for all m), where c should be replaced by

48,I(Nlab).To prove inequalities (18), we note that

2n , 2 )2 27tIltmj = (a m

) + n o — — m

n 22 (n \ 2 7211 '\ 2

"1°) n°) rn)

n 2 )2




mo) + (T) no + m

T2 a

2 27r ) 2trio)2


b(25 )(— no) — —


Let q 1 (m) be a positive root of function g(c). Using (21), one can easily

demonstrate that q t (m) = 0(114 It is evident that lc? i (m) — q(m, m0 )1 < 1.

als me MI MN MO MIR al OM

236 VI. Control of rectangular membrane vibrations

Therefore, (23) implies no = q 1 (m) + C(1). Substituting this into (25),we find

Ca moy no)2 (27i inY 69( jt)

) ) T )

= 2nm

Ig(q 1) + 004 = 0( 1/1–m-).

Hence, inequalities (18) are valid for large enough m. Lemma 7 is proved.

Note that for small enough c, all the elements of the constructed familyare different, as it follows from inequalities (17), (18).Consider now family

= ori e i(2.mmtily

in space L 2(0, T; CN). This family constitutes a Riesz basis, since ittransfers to an orthogonal almost normed basis

( L . -1(21rmIT)tiNe J j= 1,mel

under a mapping in C N, which transforms basis {qi}7_ 1 to some orthogonalbasis {h.,}7= 1 .

Let e > 0 be so small that any family being an e perturbation of family(in the sense of Theorem 11.5.5) conserves the basis property. Using

Lemma 7, we construct family g for such e. Then, in accordance with thementioned theorem, family

j i(2/rmaitIN= r e j=1,1ml<R

forms a Riesz basis in L2(0, T; CN ). We state this result in the form ofa lemma.

Lemma VI .2.9. For any T > 0 there exists family ft of the form (26)constituting a Riesz basis in L2 (0, T; CN ).

We are now able to prove Theorem 5 for r = 0 if it is known that familyg is complete in this case in L 2(0, T; CN ). Indeed, we are able tocomplement family up to a basis go in the following way. Let us takean element e e 0V 1. Since g is an Y-basis, family v {e} is also an£9-basis. Continuing this process and taking into account Lemma 9, weobtain, in a finite number of steps, basis family el,.

2n— mT




IN MO MI MO elle MONO SON MI MO IMO2. Initial and pointwise control 237

Let us check that S is complete. Lemma 9 and theorem 11.5.9(b) implythat d , is complete in L 2 (0, T1 ; CN ) for any T1 < T. Moreover, it is truefor family e. Since T is arbitrary, family 6' is complete in L 2 on anyinterval of 51 + .

Thus we have proved Theorem 5 for the case r 0. The proof of thetheorem in the general case runs along similar lines, but because theconstructions are cumbersome, they are not given here.

Remark VI.2.10. Lebeau (1992) has shown that the lack of approximatecontrollability for the wave equation with pointwise control takes placefor arbitrary domain S2 (dim n > 2) with analytic boundary under certaingeometrical conditions.

Remark VI.2.11. Questions similar to those discussed in this section havebeen studied by Haraux and Komornik (1985) and Komornik (1989a).In addition, similar problems Haraux and Jaffard (1991) and Harauxand Komornik (1991) investigated in the realm of plate vibrations.

-. MIN OM Mil MS OM Ali 111111 I

VIIBoundary control of string systems

In this chapter we consider boundary control in systems described byhyperbolic equations for vector functions of one spatial variable. Thestudy of controllability reduces to the investigations of families of vectorexponentials r e'^` with con being eigenfrequencies of the system and rin

being the traces of eigenfunction derivatives at the boundary points wherecontrol is applied. Section 1 shows how the explicit form of con and tin canbe used to study controllability in a system of homogeneous strings. Inthe following sections, the "strings" are nonhomogenedus, so that onlythe asymptotics of con and lb, are known, which is not always accurateenough to separate the exponentials (Riekstyn'sh 1991). In the vector case,as pointed out in Remark 11.5.8, the basis property (and then minimality)cannot be assessed on the basis of the asymptotics alone. In fact, there ispractically only one way to examine vector exponential families, that is,by constructing and studying the generating (matrix) function GF.Remarkably, the problems under consideration have some physicalfoundation and naturally give rise to the GF, since it is expressed in thefundamental solution to ordinary differential equations of the Helmholtztype. Since such solutions are known to act as functions of the spectralparameter, and the eigenfunctions of the elliptic operator of the systemforms an orthogonal basis, one is able to arrive at a conclusion about the2-basis property of the corresponding exponential family.

1. System of connected homogeneous strings controlled at the ends

Let us consider a connected network of homogeneous strings to whichcontrol actions are applied in the nodal points. Such a network may bedrawn as a graph (for convenience, we assume that it is an oriented one),whose edges correspond to strings and vertices — to the nodes of the


MIMI MINI MO MIS NMI MI 11111111 Ulla UM1. Homogeneous strings controlled at the ends 239

network. The strings are enumerated by index s, s 1, 2, ... , M, and thenodes by index p, p = 1, 2, ... , N. During the initial period, the systemremains in some excited state. We are interested in the possibility ofquieting all the string vibrations in some finite time T, independent of theinitial data, by means of the controls up (0, up E L 2 (0, T), p = 1, 2, ... , N.It is convenient to consider control actions as components of vectorfunction u of the space V := L20; T; Cr') .

Oscillations of the sth string starting at the node p(s) and ending atthe node p'(s) are described by the equation

PSOt2 Ox2

OyAx, t) ays2 (x, t)ps > 0, 0 < x < 1„ 0 < t < T, (1)

where p s is the constant density and Is is the length of the string. Theboundary conditions read

Ys( 3, t) = up(s)(t), Ys( 1, t) = up , (,) (t), (2)

while the initial ones are

ys (x, 0) = —aOt y

s (x, 0) = O. (3)

S. Rolewicz (1970) has studied the control problem associated with this

system under the assumption that the optical lengths Ls = IS ps of allthe strings are commensurable (ratios LaLs, are rational numbers). Hissolution depends on the presence of cycles in the graph representing thenetwork. If there are no cycles — that is, if the graph is a tree — the systemis controllable. When two or more cycles are involved, the system isuncontrollable. Rolewicz (1970) did not clarify the question of systemcontrollability when exactly one cycle is present, however. His statementabout controllability in this case can be proved incorrect by a simplecounterexample of the cyclic network of two (or any number) of identicalstrings (see below). In this section we give the solution to the problemsof B and M controllability of a string system without the restriction thattheir optical lengths are commensurable.

Let us treat system (1), (2) within the framework of the general schemeof Chapter III. To do this we introduce spaces L p2.(0, s), s = 1, 2, ... , M,of functions squarely integrable over interval (0, /s ) with the norm

[ .r iii2Ps19., (4 2 dx

MN OM 111111 11111111 IMO MIN MINI

VII. Boundary control of string systems240

and set

H := 1s).

!,:-.-- :31-, ie.lr,,, alle MO OW ONO 11/1 11111 VIM Ille'-..- -.,vst' I. Homogeneous strings controlled at the ends 241

...',.' • ',1,-, ..1.f

,;;'...,.' .. , Lt In order to write problem (1)-(3) in the form (12) in Section III.3, we:,. only need to define operator B. Equality (4) makes it clear that operator

1,- 4 B may be defined by the formula



We also introduce the space V c H

V,= C) HUO, Is )

and bilinear form

M j•a[9, = E 9:(x)C(x)dx; 9, e V.

s = 1 cz

The form generates operator A (see Chapter III, Section 1):

(A9, = a[9, ; 9 e (A), 9 e V.

{ 1 d 2 }M= {9s}sm 1—=1 —

Ps dx2 95

with the domain g(A) = {9,1 Cps e H 2(0, Is ) cl 1,), s = { 1, 2, ... , M}.The spectrum of operator A falls into M series IArs,1 rEN,5=1,2 M.Orthonormal eigenfunctions (Dr , s corresponding to the eigenvalue A havethe form

4)r,s = (0, 0, • • • , fir , s, 0, • • • 0))

where in the sth place the eigenfunction of a single string

9s,s(x) N/2/(9, 1s)sin(wr,sx), I).r,s = nr/Ls

is standing.

Let us write initial boundary-value problem (1)-(3) as an integralidentity. Let fs E C 2([0, IA x [0, T]), s = 1, 2, ... , M, and

f5( - , T) = Orfs (• , T) = 0.

Multiply each equation in (1) by f3 . Then, integrating by parts and taking(2), (3) into account, we find

M rf ( 82 _YS Ps -a? — dx dt

ates=1 0 0

M i'T a= E [u„,,,(0 — /so, – up,,s,(0 — fsos, tddt. (4)

s= o ax ax


<By, (a>. = E (v„,,,00) – vp,, s,c(10)•s=1Here, v e CN, cp e W2 = D(A), and operator B acts from CN to the spaceyv 2 , (For the definition of spaces W see Section 1 of Chapter III.) Notethat the space W1 coincides with (:) //4 HUO, la ). The space H is topologicallyequivalent to C)If L 2 (0, 1s). Therefore space W_, dual to W1 with respectto the scalar product in H is also topologically equivalent to the space

C)14 I,). Later in the discussion, we do not recognize the latterfrom the space W_,.

To construct a family of exponentials, we must now find vector

B*4:1)„ e C". For any element v e C N, we have

<BY, (D„>,, = vp(s)Cs(o) — vp , (s ) (Yrs(ls)•

This linear (in v) form may be written as

<By, 01)„>,,, = w„<vz lrIrs>c , ,

where vector q r., has only two nonzero coordinates: the p(s)th coordinate

equals ds , the p'(s)th one equals (-1)r ±i ds , ds z= .,/2/(p s ls ).We now have everything we need to construct exponential family eT

(family g in the notations of Chapter III; see formula (22) in Section 111.2):

67* = flWrslersIrek,s ,---- 1,2 M

ers = qrs eXP(iWrst) , Wrs = Sgri(r).JAIrls irCr/Ls ,

n ,'= nrs , r > 0.

We let a (s ) denote the spectrum of the sth string, o -(s ) := {nr/Ls } rEK .The explicit form of the set of frequencies implies that two strings have

an equal frequency if and only if their optical lengths are commensurable(i.e., their ratio is a rational number). Accordingly, we split the set of allthe strings into R classes Si , j = 1, 2, ... , R, of strings with pairwisecommensurable optical lengths. We write ai for the family spectrumcorresponding to the strings of the jth class,

Gri = tnilLsIscSj,rek U (74)seSj



242 VII. Boundary control of string systems

(By "spectrum," we mean here the set of points on the plane notaccounting for the multiplicity.)

Lemma V/I././. Solution y = (3'1,unique and

, hi) to problem (1)–(3) exists, is

{ ay, at E C(0, T, 'Y6),

= Wo [ 0 Is)] [e H 1 (0, 01o s=1 s=i

PROOF OF THE LEMMA. System (1), (2) is understood as equation (12) inSection 111.3 and, since B e ..99(CN , W_ 2), by Theorem 11.2.1 solution yexists, is unique, and

{ ay, — e C(0, T, 1 ),at

Let us show that in fact the smoothness of the solution is one unit greater.Indeed, spectrum a of the family is a unification of separable sets aj .Therefore, Lemma 11.1.21 implies an estimate

E l(f, e rS )L 2 (0, t; CN)I 2 CT II f 111,20,, CN), t < T.

r, s

What we want to prove now follows from Lemma 111.2.4.Relation (5) provides

M(T)c (6)

Note that similar statements about the smoothness of solutions arevalid for all string systems considered in this chapter.

Having established relation (6), we can study the controllability ofsystem (1), (2). Family ST, corresponding to phase space *co, is obtainedfrom family eT by multiplying by IIWrs. —

4 = {ers}reK,s= 1, 2 m.

This corresponds to the transition from family 6' to i', which in theabstract form is performed in Section 111.3. For the space Jeo of theabstract form we choose space *, so that in this case families go and 6'coincide (this coincidence takes place for all the problems treated in thischapter). Properties of family gT c L2(0, T, C"') determine the control-lability type of system (1), (2). Families of exponentials on the semiaxis

1K 1 = W 1 e fv- 2 •

1 and has the form

1111. MO IMO MO IMI) 111111111. Homogeneous strings controlled at the ends 243

are easier to study than those on a segment (there is no parameter T).That is why we reduce the study of family ST to the investigation of anexponential family over the semiaxis. Since the spectrum of family is

real, e„ L2 (0, co; CN ). To consider exponentials on the semiaxis, weproceed - without changing the notations of family and sets a, u (s )

-with the exponential family obtained from ST by the shift of the spectrum

in CN :

e rs 1—* qrs yrs = co„ + r e K, s = 1, 2, ... , M.

This transition corresponds to the mapping f (t) H f (t) e t being anisomorphism of space L 2 (0, T; CN) and hence does not change theproperties of family .4 governing the type of controllability (Theorem


Lemma VII.1.2. For some To orthoprojector To from space L2 (0, co) to

L2 (0, To) restricted to \ /v sesc, se :- {exp(01)}, E ,, (a :=U,.,,{v r „}) is an

isomorphism on its image.

PROOF OF THE LEMMA. GF of an exponential family corresponding to thespectrum of one single string (shifted by i to the upper half-plane) is of

the form f,(k) sin(L s (k - i)) exp(ikLJ (this is the STF). Consider afunction f fs. Together with f -1 , it is bounded on E and allowsa factorization

f = bf = e2tkrofe—

where b is the Blaschke product turning to zero at the spectrum points,To 2L 1 + • • • + 2LM . Then the projector from 1(,, to Km is an iso-morphism (Theorem 11.3.14). Let b denote the Blaschke product havingsimple zeros at a (b(k) possess multiple zeros as soon as optical lengthsof at least one pair of strings are commensurable). Then, obviously,operator PT0 I K E is an isomorphism on its image. Passing from the family ofsimple fractions to the family of exponentials, we obtain the assertion ofthe lemma.

Theorem VII.1.3.

(a) If system (1), (2) is E-controllable relative to vo in some time T, thenit is B-controllable relative to 1.6 in T,.

(b) system (1), (2) is M-controllable in time To if and only if family 4 is

linearly independent;

Sal NM NM SW 1111111 ea SW

244 VII. Boundary control of string systems

(c) family is linearly independent if and only if any system of stringsformed by any connected component of any class is B-controllablerelative to *co in time To .

Note that the linear independence of an exponential family does notdepend on interval (0, T).


(a) Inclusion (6) implies that under the condition M(T) 1. (i.e., underE controllability), equality gl(T) = -16 holds (B controllability).

(b) Recall that M controllability of system (1), (2) in time To is equivalentto the fact that family gm is minimal.

For 2 E a, introduce family At of vectors ti„ such that irrILs + iThen family 40 may be represented as

PTO — {4o, 2} Aecr 40,A = e"l{r/}n....ity

From Lemma 2 and the fact that a e (CN), it follows that scalar family{exp(i2t)} ie , is minimal in space L 2(0, T0). By the force of CorollaryII.2.2(a), the family of subspaces fe w C"} 20 „ is then minimal inL2 (0, To; C's'). According to Corollary II.2.2(b), the family of subspaces

fe w 9121 Aeo ,

912 — V I/

is also minimal. Now, two situations are possible: either for any 2 thefamily dt,,. is linearly independent, and then family 40 is minimal, orfor some 2 0, family Ato proves to be linearly dependent, in which casefamily gT0 , 20 and hence gm are also linearly dependent.

(c) From the considerations mentioned above it follows that family iris linearly independent if and only if each of the vector families diais linearly independent. It is evident that any lfx contains vectorscorresponding to the same class. On the other hand, vectors corre-sponding to different connected components are orthogonal. If somefamily Ato is linearly dependent, then such is the case for somesubfamily 3/A. c Ato corresponding to one connected component. Inthis case a subfamily of exponentials corresponding to the samecomponent is linearly dependent, too. It is quite clear that thecorresponding subsystem of strings is not B-controllable.

Suppose that At is linearly independent for any 2. Let am denotethe spectrum of the qth connected component of the jth class. Since


I. Homogeneous strings controlled at the ends 245

ci is a separable set lying on the line Im k = 1, o-; is Carlesonian. It is

even more so for o-m . Then family S , q of subspaces {exp(i2091„)

constitutes an'-basis in L 2(0, co; C"). Since is linearly independentfor all 2 e aj q , in 91, there exist skew projectors on every vector

G parallel to all the other ones. The whole set n.rs, reK, s= 1, 2 M

is finite. Therefore the norms of g", are uniformly bounded. Togetherwith the basis property of 4, this implies the basis property of notonly the family of subspaces, but the family of elements: family{exp(i).0 q„ 2 = nr1 + i c cr."} forms an .-basis in L 2(0, co; C").Lemma 2 and Corollary 11.2.2 imply that the family forms an .-basisin L2(0, To ; C"). The theorem is proved.

Now we are able to deal directly with the controllability of the stringnetwork. We examine three cases: the number of strings is less than, equalto, and larger than the number of nodes.

(1) The number of strings is less than the number of nodes M < N.

In this case, the solution to the problem of system controllability canbe seen more clearly in the primary formulation. The following argumentshave already been presented (Rolewicz 1970). Note that they are valid fornonhomogeneous strings as well.

The system graph is a tree. Let us call the strings starting from its rootthe first-order strings; those branching from the first-order strings aresecond-order ones, and so on. The nodes between the strings of the q and

q + 1 order are called nodes of the order q. We consider the root of the

tree to be the node of the order zero.The string of length 1 and optical length L is B controllable in

L2(0, 1) (1) H '(0, 1) in time 2L by control u e L 2(0, 2L) applied at somestring end. The result may be established exactly in the same way as thecontrollability of system (12) of Section V.2 (see also Russell 1967).

In view of the invertibility of the hyperbolic-type equations, B control-

lability is equivalent to the fact that an arbitrary initial state may betransformed into zero by an admissible control. We prove that the systemof a system of strings may be quieted down exactly in this sense.

Let the system stay at some initial state { y s°, We perform the

following procedure to quiet the strings. First, set the controls equal tozero in all the nodes except the first-order ones and quiet down all thefirst-order strings. Second, using only the controls at the second-ordernodes, we quiet all the second-order strings without exciting the first-orderones. Since the graph is a tree, we will quiet the entire system during a finite

MS IMO Mlle INN 1111111 — OM IMO

246 VII. Boundary control of string systems

number of steps. Thus, E controllability is proved, which implies Bcontrollability (Theorem 3(a)). Let us write this result accurately.

Theorem VII.1.4. If the number of strings is less than the number of nodes,then system (1), (2) is B-controllable in "fro in some time period T.

(2) The numbers of strings and nodes are equal, M = N.

In this case, the system graph consists of one cycle (extracted uniquely)and perhaps of one or more trees with roots on the cycle.

Theorem VII.1.5. If the number of strings is equal to the number of nodes,then system (1), (2) is not E-controllable in space 1K, in any time.

PROOF. Clearly, the system is not controllable if its subsystem forming thecycle is not controllable.

Consider the cyclic string system. We first assume that the opticallengths of all the strings are commensurable; that is, they have the formLs = ns it, where n s a N and the highest common divisor of {n s} equalsunity. Let us prove linear dependence of family ST (for any T > 0).

The answer to the question about linear independence of vectors n r., isgiven by the following lemma.

Lemma VII.1.6. Family 11 11,,},(2_ 1 for Q < N is linearly independent whilefor

det{16}1:=1 = C[1 — C:= E d,.s=1

The proof is produced by elementary methods.Consider the set of exponentials of family of the form e, for rs = 2ns ,

s = 1, 2, ... , N. These exponentials read as ti,„ exp(iat) for

a = nrs /(yns ) + i = 2n/it + i.

By Lemma 6, vectors In 1k,rs, sN= 1 are linearly dependent; hence, so is familyST. Consequently, the cyclic system with commensurable optical lengthsis not E-controllable nor even W-controllable.

Now let us deal with the general cycle and define for the jth class,j = 1, 2, ... , R, the number it and integers ns , s a Si , in such a way thatLs = ns iii while the highest common divisor of {n s }scsi equals unity forany j.

111111111 MIS 11111111 SIM 11•11 INN IMO MIMI MI

1. Homogeneous strings controlled at the ends 247

Suppose that the cyclic system is E-controllable. Then, by Theorem 3(a),it is B-controllable (in space d in time To). Hence 40 E (LB) and, moreso, gra E (UM). Then by Lemma 1.1.28, family = {e„} c L 2 (0, oo; C")is also *-uniformly minimal. The latter is almost normed and so isuniformly minimal (see Definition I.1.15). Therefore, by Proposition 11.2.8,ge (LB). Using the basis property criterion (Theorem 11.2.12 andCorollary 11.2.14), we now show that family cannot be an .-basis.

Let us split the system spectrum into sets A m (r) of its close points (seethe definitions in Subsection 11.2.2). Later, we consider r small enough toprovide the absence in a group A m (r) of two different points belongingto the same class (this is possible because the spectrum of strings of agiven class is separable). The group of exponentials ri , s exp(iv,t) suchthat y rs , E A m (r) corresponds to the set A,(r).

Lemma VII.1.7. For any r > 0 there may be found set Am (r) such that thegroup of N exponentials with even rs corresponds to it.

In view of Lemma 6, any N vectors with even rs are linearlydependent. The assertion of Theorem 5 follows immediately from Lemma7 and Theorem 11.2.12.

PROOF OF LEMMA 7. Let us cite one result (a consequence of the Dirichlettheorem) on the mutual approximation of homogeneous forms by integers.

Proposition VII.1.8 (Cassels 1957: sec. 1.5). For any real )6 1 , )62, • • iRand any c > 0, there exists integer n such that

min An — mi < = 1, 2, ... , R.mE7L

PROOF. Set f3i .= /..5/27r and take some e > O. Then, by Proposition 8,integers n and gi , j = 1, 2, ... , R, may be found such that 1p; n/2n — < e.Therefore the inequalities hold

— < cc, c := max {27r/iti }.j=1,2 R

Now set rs := 2ns gi , s E Si , j = 1, 2, ... , R. Group A„,(r) formed by spectrumpoints nrs /Ls + i, s = 1, 2, ... , N satisfies Lemma 7 for c < r/c. Lemma 7,and with it Theorem 5, is proved.

Let us demonstrate the lack of W controllability for a circle of twoidentical strings. Let the strings be at rest at t = O. Then for any controls

RIO MI NO 11111111 Mil Mil INN 111111111 IMO

248 VII. Boundary control of string systems

1, f2 e L2(0, T) acting at the ends, the state of each string at t = T isthe same:

3'1(' T) = .Y2(' T), T) = .0(*, T).

Thus the reachability set is

{( {g ' hh}}) g e L 2(0,1), h e 11 - 1 (0,1)}.

The orthogonal complement of 9(T) is

{g, h}g E L2 (0, 1), h E H'(0,

— 1g, 14)

(3) The number of strings is greater than the number of nodes, M > N.

Theorem VII.1.9. If M > N, then system (1), (2) is not E-controllable inspace '16 in any time.

PROOF. For any r > 0 group, /WO may be found such that M elementsrlras exp(iv,,,t) of family e correspond to it (this statement, in fact, iscontained in the proof of Lemma 7). The .22-basis property criterion thenprovides &0 (t (LB) and, hence, 6°T. (LB) for any T, since the set of vectorsri rs corresponding to Am (r) is linearly dependent (the number of vectorsis larger than the space dimension). Therefore the system is not B-controllable. In view of Theorem 3(a) the system is also not E-controllable.The theorem is proved.

With the help of Theorem 3(b), (c), the question of M controllabilityof the systems can be reduced to B controllability of any connectedcomponent of any class. It follows from Theorems 4, 5, and 9 that system(1), (2) is M-controllable in some time To if and only if the graph of anyconnected component of any class is a tree.

2. System of strings connected elastically at one pointA number of recent studies have dealt with controllability problems inmultilinked flexible systems (see, e.g., Chen et al. 1987; Leugering andSchmidt 1989; Schmidt 1992; Lagnese, Leugering, and Schmidt 1993)).The main tool used in these studies is the Hilbert Uniqueness Method.In this section we use the example of strings linked at one point to showthat the method of moments can be efficiently applied to such systems.

1111/ MO OM BIM Mt um amp Nom —

2. Strings connected elastically at one point 249

Consider a system described by the following initial boundary problem:

a'y (x, t) 0 2y,(x, t)Ps(x) at e ax2

o > 0, 0 < x < l s , 0 < t < T. (1)

ys (0, t) = us (t), us E L 2 (0, T), (2)

Yi(li, ') = Y2( 12, • ) = • • • = YN( 1N, • ), (3)

a a aax a

yi(ii, •)+ — y2(12, •) +... + ax—.1, 1,, (IN ' •)= 0, (4)

ys (x, 0) = aat

ys (x, 0) = 0, s = 1, 2, ... , N. (5)

It is assumed that ps E C 2 [0, la], p s > O. Functions u s , s = 1, 2, ... , N, arethe control actions; we consider them to be components of vectorfunctions of L2 (0, T; CN ).

Conditions (3), (4) at the linking point are implied by the requirementthat the system's energy be conserved. In Section 4, one particular stringis treated as a system of two strings joined at one point, and we provethat (3) can be used as a continuity condition at the linking point forsolution y(x, t) to the string equation. Condition (4) may be consideredthe requirement for function (a/ax)y(x, t) to be continuous at the linkingpoint.

Let us embed the classically formulated problem (1)—(5) in the schemeof Chapter III and thus attach a strict meaning to it. Let L p2 JO, is ) denotespaces of functions squarely summable on the segment [0, ls] with theweight ps (x) and, as in Section 1, set

H := 0 L,.(0, Is ).

Introduce space V

V = {v = (v i , v 2, . , vN ) I vs E H 1 (0, 4), 1),(0) = 0, S = 1, 2, ... , N,

v1( 1 1) = v 2 (12 ) = • • =

and specify a bilinear form on V

Na[cp, tk] = E coao,/,;(x) dx; cP, e V.

s o

Integrating this by parts for cps E H 2 (0, 4) and taking boundary conditions


250 VII. Boundary control of string systems

for cp, Iff into account, we have

a [Q, IP] =s= 1

f (- -1- (Pax))0 Ps

5(x) dx + ( si= 1 49;( 10) 1 0( 1.5), (6)

where g1 0 (15) is the common value of functions O s at points ls .

According to Section HU, bilinear form has to be represented asa[9, (Acp, ; that is, it has to be a continuous functional in H fora given cp from the domain of operator A. From equality (6) we thenconclude that

491(12) + (9 202) + • • • + 49n(in) = O. (7)

Therefore operator A acts according to the rule


1 1 d2,_4 (Ps(x)

p s (x)dx2


and its domain consists of sets {9 5 }s 1 of functions such that cp s a H 2 (0, Is ),

9 s (0) = 0, and condition (7) and p i (12) = p 2 (12) = (PN (1N) hold at thelinking point. For the eigenvalues and the eigenfunctions of A normed inH, we write ;t and 1,,, n a N, respectively. It is easy to see that An 0 0 forall n. From the scheme of Chapter III, operator B here acts from the spaceC" to the space W_ 2 by the rule


<Be, = vs (0)C(0), cp a W2 D(A)• (8)s=1

(The relation of operator B with problem (1)—(5) is clarified in thesame manner as in Section 1; for the definition of spaces Wr see SectionMI)

Lemma VII.2.1. Solution y tys I sN,__, to the problem (1)—(5) exists, is

unique, and


a y} C(0, 7V'Yt a

T, °)


"Vo = Wo W_ = I EB[ 0 H 0, 01.s = 1

We prove this lemma after proving Theorem 6. For the time being,note its apparent consequence: .91(T) c 16.

Mali MO NM ow um Imp

2. Strings connected elastically at one point 251

Let us introduce the optical lengths Ls of the strings:

i s

:= Ps(x) dx

and the notation To for 2 max{Ls }.

Theorem VII.2.2. System (1)-(4) is B-controllable in space '•117,1, in time To .

The plan for studying system (1)-(4) controllability is as follows. First,we exploit the standard methods (Naimark 1969). With operator A werelate an entire matrix function G whose zeros coincide with the set

{0} v { ik,}. Then, after some manipulation of function G, we producea GF of an exponential family close to one arising from the problem ofmoments. With the help of the GF, we demonstrate the .-basis propertyof the family in space L 2 (0, To ; C") and thereby prove system (1)-(4)controllability as well.

To construct the GF, let us introduce functions cp s (x, k), s = 1, 2, ... , N,as solutions to the Cauchy problem

(pax, k) + k 2ps (x)(p s (x, k) = 0, (9)

(MO, k) 0, (p's (0, k) = k.Set

Ilts (k):= (ps (ls , k), Mk):= Ic - 1 9',(1„ k), s = 1, 2, ... , N.

Since functions (ps (x, k) are entire in k and 95 (x, k)1 k= 0 = 0, tli s and ( s arealso entire functions. Moreover, equality cp s ( - x, k) = cp s (x, k) implies

tGs( — k) = = Mk). (to)

We need some information on the asymptotics of solutions cp s .

Proposition VII.2.3 (Fedoryuk 1983: chap. 2, sec. 3). Uniform in x E [0, Is ]asymptotics at 11(1 co, k e C, is valid:

cp s (x, k) [ps (x)/ p s (0)] - 114 sin(kqs (x)) + C9(k - exp(q s (x)11m ki)),

(pax, k) = [p s (x)p,(0)] - 114 k cos(kqs (x)) + (9(exp(q s (x)(Im lc())

with g s (x):=f o JPsO

Let us look for the eigenfunctions O n of operator A in the form

(D.(x) = {9s(x, con)(s)It"--


252 VII. Boundary control of string systems

where co„ := /1 > 0, while n„(s ) are complex numbers. Conventionally, we

write such a set of functions 9, defined for every s on the appropriate

segment [0, ls] as a vector function

diag[9,(x, 04)] n,,, th, = {q;,․) },N=, (11)

From the definition of functions cp s , it follows that O n satisfy the required

differential equations. Substituting O n into the boundary conditions, we

arrive at the equations

tiii(con)q„ 1) ti/2(wn)TIV ) = 0 ,

ilil(Wn)qn1) 3(a)n)112) °,

tki(con)q11) — tGN(0).)nr = 0 ,

Ci(0).)r1;,1) + (2(04)/1(23 +... + Cr/(w4) 11 (N) = 0.

It is natural now to introduce an entire matrix function

tPi.(k) — OA) 0 • 0

t/J 1 (k) 0 —1/f3(k) • 0

G(k) = i (k) 0 • N(k)

C 1 (k) C2(k) t3(k) • CN (k) /

Lemma VII.2.4.

(a) Any eigenfunction of operator A is of the form (11) with „ e Ker G(con ).

(b) Conversely, any function of the form diag[9,(x, k)]ti with ri E Ker G(ko)

and 77 0 0, ko 0 0, is an eigenfunction of operator A corresponding tothe eigenvalue


(a) Let 9„,(x) denote the components of eigenfunction (1)„(x). Obviously,

Q ns (x) satisfies equation (9) for k con and condition 9„,(0) = 0. So

9,,,(x) differs from 9,(x, con ) by a constant factor 9,,',(0)/con . Setting

lln = co; 1{9;:s(0)} E C",

we write On in the form (11). Boundary conditions for 9,,, at the linking

point imply equality G(co„)n n = 0.

UM MS MB Mil MO um am am am2. Strings connected elastically at one point 253

(b) For any complex number lc, and any ri = {q ( s ) },̂1_,, vector function

D(x, ko):= diag[T s (x, ko)] = tco s (x, ko )ri (s ) rs'=,

satisfies the equation

— (1)" = ko diag[p s ] D

and boundary condition (1)(0, k o ) = O. If, along with this, G(ko)n = 0,then the components of vector function t(x, k) also meet conditions(3), (4). If k o 0 0 and pi 0 0, (1) is an eigenfunction of operator Acorresponding to eigenvalue kj. The lemma is proved.

Let us elucidate conditions on vectors n„ pending the requirement thatthe family of eigenfunctions {(1)„} should be orthonormal in H. Let it bean eigenfrequency of system (1)—(4) (i.e., /.1 2 is an eigenvalue of operatorA), let multiplicity of it be equal to x, and 04 ,, 00 , , (1),, x be corre-sponding eigenfunctions, O m; = diag[9,(x, /2)]Ibij , go.; e Ker G(p). If we set

cos2 (x, p)p s dx,

we haveN

(CP PP' (Pmq)H = d„,n (! ) n-(s ) — (59PP --q P •


By Proposition 3, numbers dm, are bounded and uJunded away from zerouniformly in s and p:

0 < c Id,„1 � C. (13)

Now if D denotes the operator generated by bilinear form

Ndi,sq (s)(s)


on the subspace 91":= Ker G(p), then, in view of (12), operator .11)transforms the set {)1"j } j = 1 to an orthonormal basis in fr"),J}j=, of subspace91".

From (13) we conclude that family frOf., 1 is a basis in subspace 91"uniformly in it:


c E icii2 L cp,*


C E Ici i 2 . (14)

j= i=1 j=1



254 VII. Boundary control of string systems

That is, the basis constants (Definition 11.5.4) are bounded and boundedaway from zero uniformly in p.

On the basis of this study of the structure of eigenfunctions O n , letus introduce, in keeping with Section 111.3 and (8), the exponentialfamily

= {en} nEK c L2(0, T; CN ),

e„ = q„ exp(kon t), fln = Ico„ 1 101,, I (0) .

Here, we have set co_ n = — con for n E N. As in Section 1, factor ko n-1 1shows that we are investigating the set of reachability .02(T) in space Iro .As a space Yeo , we also take the space 16. From Theorem 111.3.10 we findthat B controllability of system (1)—(4) in space lico follows from theY-basis property of family ST (in L2(0, T; CN )). It is more convenient forus to deal with a somewhat modified family built by the zeros of matrixfunction G(k) := G(k — i). Let us write o- for the set of zeros of det G(k)(it is obvious that o- = {co„ + {i}, since det G(0) = 0). For any p echoose in 91" Ker G(p) orthonormal basis := dim 91", andset

:= { e ita 2 xN c L2(0, T; CN ).

Lemma VII.2.5. If 'T E (LB), then eT E (LB).

PROOF. Family -4 differs from the family IT by

(i) the shift of the spectrum to the upper half-plane,(ii) the presence of additional elements corresponding to the point k = 0,

(iii) the different choice of vectors in subspaces Ker G(co„) Ker G(o)„ + i).

Two former differences obviously cannot damage the implication weare proving. As for (iii), we have already compared the expansions overvarious bases in subspace Ker G(con ) = Ker O(co„ + i) (see (12)—(14)).The lemma is proved.

Next we examine the controllability of system (1)—(5) in the followingway. As already mentioned, B controllability of the system is implied bythe force of the results from Chapter III, by the Y-basis property ofexponential family .4. As we have just proved, the 2'-basis property ofgr is in turn provided by the .2'-basis property of family S T constructed byzeros of the G function. The proof of the latter (in space L 2(0, T; CN))

— MS MO INS MN MI MI2. Strings connected elastically at one point 255

falls naturally into two parts:

(1) the investigation of the Y-basis property of family do, in L2 (O, co; CI')

and(2) the proof of the projection from Vi'„ o to L2 (O, co; C") to be isomorphic.

We first study the second problem, and to do this we construct a GFof family g, on the basis of the further factorization of matrix function

G. Then, using the spectral meaning of the co n and vectors ti n (see (11)), we

prove that go, forms an ..T-basis.In the following theorem the inverse means the inverse matrix function:

k)O(k) I for any k.

Theorem VII.2.6.

(a) Function a- is bounded on 02 together with its inverse.

(b) There may be found an entire inner function 0, in C. such that function

F 0,G can be factorized in the form

F = F:11 F e- 0, (15)

where FQ are outer functions in C ± , respectively, II is a BPP, and ESF

O satisfies the estimate

<<exp(ik TOO - (k)>> -< 1, k e . (16)

Let us discuss assertion (b) of the theorem. Function G, as one may

see from the asymptotics of cp s (x, k), increases exponentially in both upper

and lower half-planes. It so happens that the growth of G in C, can be

removed by means of the ESF factor eo so accurately as to produce the

operator function F bounded in C,, which has no exponentially decreasingfactor in the upper half-plane (the inverse matrix function is bounded).In the lower half-plane, F is represented by a product of an outer

function F e- and ESF 0. Out of function F we then make a GF of family

{(k — 1,0-i timi }im: (1, 2 Xn and in this context estimate (16) will

mean that the Fourier transform of space IC contains L 2 (O, T,; CN ).

Denote matrix exp(ik diag[L 5]) by 0 1 .

Lemma VII.2.7.

(a) For Im k > 1, operator-function G(k)0 1 (k) is bounded along with its

inverse.(b) For Im k < 1, operator-function G(k)0,- '(k) and its inverse are bounded.

11111! OM INN IMO 1111111 1111111 gm mei ■256 VII. Boundary control of string systems

Sublemma VII.2.8. Let matrix J be of the form

I a, 0 0

a 1 0 0

J= a 1 0 (17)

\ b, b2 b3 bN

ThenN N N

det J E bs fJ a; a,a 2 - • • aN E bslas .s=1 f � s s=1

The proof of this statement is carried out by means of the standardmethods.

PROOF OF LEMMA 7. (a) Operator G(k)0 1 (k) may be written in the form(17) with

as(k) = tfr eu", bs(k) = Cs (k)

Proposition 3 implies

as (k)= l3s e ikL` sin(kLs ) + o(1),

bs (k) = Ys eikL. cos(kLs ) + o(1), k G C-E; l3s, Ys > 0

and this ensures that G(k)0 1 (k) will be bounded in C + . Using Sublemma8, we arrive at the formula


det[G(k)0 1 (k)] = > bs(k) fl af(k)s=1

= n(N13s e ikL` sin(kLs)) E cotan(kLs ) + o(1). (18)

3=1 s=1

Let us show that

Idet[G(k)0 1 (k)]1 >- 1, Im k > 1. (19)

Since the zeros of det G(k) lie on the real axis, for Im k> 1, estimate (19)follows from the similar estimate of the main term in (18):

Ysn s eikL• sin(kLs) E —cotan(kLs )3=1 5=1 fis

> 1, Im k 1. (20)


2. Strings connected elastically at one point 257

Each of the factors e iki-sin(kLs) satisfies the equality

sin(kLs)1 1.11 —> z( 1 — e 21')

(for Im k 1).

Sublemma VII.2.9. For Im z > 6 > 0, we have

I'm cotan(z)I c(6) > 0.

PROOF OF THE SUBLEMMA. For Im z + co, we have cotan(z)Therefore, taking into account that cotan(z) is a periodic function, it isenough to establish that Im cotan(z) 0 for z R. Let

cotan(z) i(e iz + e -iz)/(e iz — e -iz) p c R.

Since exp(2iz) = (p + i)/(p — i), lexp(2iz)I = 1 and therefore z c R. Thesublemma is proved.

Applying Sublemma 9 to the sum over s in (20), we obtain

Im E Ys— cotan(kLs)

s -1 I3sE c(Ls )> 0


for Im k > 1. Hence, estimate (20), and therefore (19), is valid. The latterand the boundedness of function GO, in C, imply assertion (a) of thelemma.

To check assertion (b), let us exploit the implication

G(—k) = —diag[1, 1, , 1, —1]G(k)

of equality (10). Since OT 1 ( —k) = e 1 (k), function G(k)0i- i (k) is obviouslybounded for Im k < —1 if G® 1 is bounded for Im k > 1, as guaranteedby assertion (a). The lemma is proved.

PROOF OF THEOREM 6. Assertion (a) of the theorem follows directlyfrom assertion (6b) of the lemma, since the explicit form of functionCt i (k) exp{ik diag[LJI reveals that it is bounded together with itsinverse for Im k = —1.

We start to prove assertion (b) by obtaining a factorization of func-tion G in C. Proposition 3 gives that functions exp(ikT0 /2)0,(k) andexp(ik To /2)(s (k) are bounded in C. Therefore function exp(ikT0 /2)G(k)is bounded in C, and may be factorized as

e ikT012 0 je+ n (21)

OEM MI ill — 11111111 —

258 VII. Boundary control of string systems

with 02 being an ESF, and I being an outer operator function boundedin C, according to Subsection Set

0 0 s= e ikT0/2 %1(k) (22)

and verify that function 0, is bounded in C.,. (then it is an ESF). Thisfunction is bounded on the real axis since it is unitary-valued on it. ByLemma 7(a), function G -1 (k) is bounded for Im k > 2. Formula (21)provides 0 0 = F:1-1O -1 , so 0 0 is also bounded for Im k > 2. All thatremains is to check that it is bounded in the strip 0 < Im k < 2. Let ustake advantage of the fact that multiplication of 0, by eika with largeenough a leads to an ESF and therefore <<0 0 eu.c>> < 1. Hence, 0, isbounded in the strip.

We just proved the factorization of O in C+ .To prove the required factorization in C_, we need some statement

about the change of the factorization order.

Lemma VII.2.10. Let g ";- be an outer operator function in C_, let .97 e- and[.°7-e-] - 1 be bounded in C_, and let 0 be an ESF. Then outer operatorfunction fre- in C_ and ESF 15 may be found such that

aFe- = fre-e


PROOF OF THE LEMMA. Function exp(— ika)0(k) is bounded in C_ and sofor some a > 0 factorization

e - = 4:); (24)

is possible (0 3 is an ESF). By setting O(k) = exp(ika)CV (k), one maysee that functionse and O satisfy equation (23). Let us demonstratethat 64' is bounded in C_. From (23) we derive the equality

[0] - i = Cie J -

10-1 e

Function [.97;1' is bounded in C_ by the condition of the lemma, while.re - by relation (24) and the condition. That is why function ö -1 isbounded in C. If we now apply formula (3) of Section Ill, we end upwith the boundedness of function 0 in C. The lemma is proved.

By Lemma 7(b), function a(k)0i-1 (k) is bounded in C_ along with itsinverse. Therefore it is an outer function Pe- ; that is, F = 00F,- O i . Withthe help of Lemma 10, one is able to change the order of the first two


2. Strings connected elastically at one point 259


@or; = FE-04 (25)

and to get F = Fe- 0,0,. Thus factorization (15) is established for0 = 0401.

It only remains to check the validity of estimate (16). Since functionOi '(k) exp(ik To /2) is bounded in C ± , it suffices to prove the estimate

<<04-1 (k) eikT0/2>> k E E+. (26)

Function 0 4 appears following the change in the order of factorizationin (25). Therefore 04 1 = [Fel lo cT 1 •-•—.r Outer functions [PQ ] -1 andFe- are bounded in C_, so that instead of (26), we can verify that function00- 1(k) e ik To/2 is bounded. By the force of (22), this function equals ESF0 2 (k). Theorem 6 is proved completely.

Now it is possible to demonstrate Lemma 1. Function det G(k) is anSTF by Theorem 6. Then (see Proposition 11.1.28) set {wn }„E OS of its zerosis a finite unification of separable sets. The assertion of Lemma 1 nowfollows from Lemma 11.1.21 and Lemma 111.2.4.

In contrast to a GF, function F has inner functions II and 0 asright cofactors. To use the results from Section 11.3, let us proceed withthe so-called associated (adjoint) functions, which we will mark by thesign : I(k) = k). Function (Lois an outer function (a BPP or an ESF)if and only if the associated function Ck is an outer function (a BPP or anESF, respectively), since these properties are governed by the propertiesof scalar function det t.

Lemma VII.2.11. A factorization

= fiFe+ = Ofe-

holds with functions F and E -1 uniformly bounded on R and

11* (10 71„ = 0 , <<e- 1 (k) e ikm >> -‹ 1 , k E C, (27)

(remember, lin = con + i).

PROOF OF THE LEMMA. Functions F and F 1 are uniformly bounded onR, since it is true for functions F and F"' in the light of Theorem 6(a).Let us check relations (27). Since — = fi_„, fI*(y„) = II( ft„)By definition, —pin = q_„, so Ker = Ker 11(//,7 ).

Function exp(ik To)0 -1 (k) is bounded in C. +. by Theorem 6(b). Sincethe norm of an operator equals that of the adjoint one, associated function


It 260 VII. Boundary control of string systems

exp(ikT0)6 -1 (k) is bounded in the upper half-plane as well. The lemmais proved.

Corollary VII.2.12. Orthogonal projector from V 40 to L 2(0, To ; C I') is anisomorphism on its image.

PROOF. Using the fact that the nullsubspace of self-adjoint operator Acontains only eigenfunctions, it is possible to show that zeros of G(k) and,hence, zeros of f1(k), are semisimple. In view of Remark 11.3.15, we donot need this fact and do not prove it. Now Lemma 11 and Corollary11.3.22 imply that operator Pol io is an isomorphism of Kn and K4- . SpaceKt,- contains simple fractions (k — gn. Space K4 is contained inspace K2-0 by Lemma 12. Therefore the restriction of operator PT0 onV{oc — Vin) -1n„} is an isomorphism on its image. By the transition fromsimple fractions to exponentials, we obtain the assertion of our corollary.

Thus, we have just finished the first stage of the study of the basisproperty of family iT . Lemma 5 and Corollary 12 yield an implication

E (LB) e (LB).

To check the .0-basis property for family i'03 , we use the following idea.If tt (LB), then, roughly speaking, there are some exponentials withclose frequencies co n + i and close vectors n,,. But then, eigenfunctionsare also close, which contradicts their orthogonality in space W0 .

To implement this program, we need some estimates of solutions tosystems of linear equations. Since we are also interested in their applicationin the next section, we present them with more generality than is requiredby the problem under consideration.

Lemma VII.2.13. Let d(x) be positive definite and continuously differenti-able on the segment [0, a] matrix function, and let g(x,k) be a solution tothe Cauchy problem:

"(x, k) = — si(x)g (x, k), (0, k) = 0, g ' (0, k) = kI . (28)

Then function g(x,k) is uniformly bounded in k e R:

<<g (x, k))> -< 1, X E [0, a], k e

and uniformly continuous in k e R: for any e > 0, constant C may be foundsuch that an inequality holds

<<g(x, k) — (N(x, k)>> < Clk — x E [0, a], k E R, k e O .


2. Strings connected elastically at one point 261

PROOF OF THE LEMMA. Let us move from the second-order system (28) tothe first-order system

2" (x, k) = k.1(x)2'(x, k), g(0, k) 12N , (29)

( 0 N

0) .

Here, IN and I2N are unit operators in (E N and C 2 N, respectively.One should check whether the matrix function ff(x, k) is bounded and

uniformly continuous, since g(x,k) is the upper right N x N block of

matrix '.Set

bk := k — k , b2'(x, k, rc):= %(x, k) — .2'(x, k).


(62(x, k, rc))' k.R(x)(5 2(x, k, rc) + 8k.R(x)2(x, k), 82' (0, k) = 0

and from here

82'(x, k, lc) = J x (x, k)2° - V, k)[blc.2(02(, fc)] d . (30)

Matrix function 2'(x, k).2° - V, k) is the solution to equation (29), which

turns to I2N at the point x To estimate this function, let us make a


1 — I

Then we have an equation

= [ik (N/od

in which all the N x N blocks of the matrix equal NAci -1 (d/dx).,/s1.

Proposition VII.2.14 (Hartman 1964: chap. IV, lemma 4.2). A solution to

the vector equation

x'(x) = .4(x)x(x), x(c) = xo

is estimated by the largest, K.,(x), and the smallest, K _(x), eigenualues of





262 VII. Boundary control of string systems

the Hermitian part (4(x) + 4*(x))/2 of .R, as follows: for x >

<< (x)>> <<xo >> exp(1 K+(s) ds),


<<4x)>> <<xo >> exp x K _(S) dS),


and for x <

(<z(x)>> << ,zo>> exp( K+(s)— ,(s) dS),

<<41C)>> <<zo>> exp( — K—(s) dS).

Now we can exploit Proposition 14 to estimate .21. Apply estimate (32)to equation (31). If we observe that the Hermitian part of the matrix ofthe equation does not depend on k, we obtain matrix function ..11 to bebounded uniformly in k e R. Hence, matrix function Y(x, k).2° k) isalso uniformly bounded, and the assertion of the lemma follows from (30).

Let us now state the main result on the controllability of the system ofconnected strings.

Let us prolong the proof of Theorem 2. As already mentioned, Bcontrollability of system (1)—(4) is equivalent to the ..9('-basis property offamily iTo , which in turn follows from the £-basis property of family i'co .

Suppose that 61'03 st (LB). From the .99-basis property criterion on thesemiaxis (Theorem 11.2.12), it follows that for any e > 0 there may befound set S2, of points vf , j e .Ar c N, with the total number of points notgreater than N + 1 such that

(i) hyperbolic distance between any two points of Sk is not larger thane, and

(ii) vector family {n}ies, is almost linearly dependent in a sense that

min 49cN(1., V 11) ^ C•

Since points v; lie on the line Im k = 1, in (i), instead of the hyperbolicmetrics, one may take the Euclidean one. Moreover, (ii) implies that Grammatrix F,. is "almost degenerate." So (i) and (ii) can be replaced by

(i') Icon, — con l <s, m, n e X, and

ne.At me.Ac,m* n


2. Strings connected elastically at one point


(ii') for some c = Icni2 = 1, the inequality2

(r_N-C, := E c n t „ e

(33)ne ✓V

is valid.

Let F, denote the Gram matrix for family {1:12, ,,}„ EA, of eigenvectors of

operator A. Applying Lemma 11.2.3 to this family and using representation

(11), we arrive at the inequality

<F,c, .̂ 2 max II Cos (x, con,)12 < F7c,

s,n,s ^ N,ne,A'

+ 2<<Fdy>>.*- max 0).) (Ps(x, wn)ill,(0,/s). (34)s ^ N,m,ne.At

Using Lemma 13 (for a scalar situation) with functions co s (x, k), which

satisfy equation (9), we derive an inequality

II (Ps (x, w.) — (Ps (x, ) (0, I.) Ce, m, 1, 2, ... , N. (35)

Then (33)—(35) lead to the conclusion that Gram matrix F, of a subfamily

{(1),,} nex of family {zIcs„}„, N is "almost degenerate”: for some vector

C = { Cn}ne ,V 1 EnE✓ I Cni 2 1)

<F,c, Cie. (36)

On the other hand, owing to the orthogonality of eigenfunctions, we have


<F,c, = E cnon

ne.Ar= E ic„1 2 —1.


Constant C, in (36) does not depend on e, so we have a contradiction

and so the theorem is proved.

Remark VII.2.15. If we change variable: x H x/L s for each of the strings,

we obtain a problem for x e [0, 1] (for any s). Condition (3), (4) turns into

Yi( 1 , •) = Y2( 1 , •) = • • • = YN( 1 , •),

—aax y1 (1, .) + 12 I —y 2 (1, .) + • • • + IN 1

ax yN (1, • ) = 0. (37)


In the obtained system, energy does not conserve, since the boundarycondition (37) is not self-adjoint. This is connected with the fact thatthe operator of the change of variable is an isomorphism but is not an

• MB INS all 11E1 11111 1

264 VII. Boundary control of string systems

isometry. The differential operator that arises is similar to the self-adjointone; its eigenfunctions form a Riesz basis. The approach in Chapter IIIis also applicable in this case.

Remark VII.2.16. Formal application of the microlocal approach devel-oped by Bardos, Lebeau, and Rauch (1992) for multidimensional hyper-bolic equations to the string system (1)—(4) corroborates our result on Bcontrollability in the time To. We suppose that the result can be refinedas follows. There are sets A s c l such that E mes As = 2 E Ls and thesystem is B-controllable with supp u 5 c A. This corresponds to the factthat the indicator diagram width of det G(k) is equal to 2 E Ls . N. Burqgave some arguments corroborating this hypothesis (private communi-cation).

3. Control of multichannel acoustic system

3.1. Consider the following system of equations for vector function y(x, t):

.91 Ot2 t)



t)(x) = 0 < x < /, 0 < t < T. (1)

y(0, t) = u(t), u e L2(0, T; C ), y(1, t) = 0, (2)

y(x, 0) = —Ot

y(x, 0) = O. (3)

Here, .521(x) is a C 2-diagonable positive-definite matrix function. That is,

.si(x) = U(x) diag[p„ (x)] U - 2 (x), (4)

with U e C2[0,I]; p„e C 2 [0,1], n 1, 2, ... , N, and p„(x) > 0, for x [0,1],U being a unitary-valued matrix function.

Let us state without proof conditions which are sufficient for a smoothdiagonalization. In particular, if d(x) is analytical, it is C'-diagonable(Kato 1966: chap. 2).

Proposition VII.3.1 (Ivanov 1989). Let

(a) sal E C P [0, 1],(b) the eigenvalues p„(x) of matrix si(x) belong to CP[0, 1],(c) the multiplicity of any zero of any function R ;

Ri := E (p,(x)— pi(x)), 1 = 1, 2, ... , N,i,i*;

is not greater than r, r < p.

1111111 11. 01. MO ONN

3. Multichannel acoustic system 265

Then matrix .sal(x) is C 4-diagonable for q = p — r; that is, formula (4)

holds with U e C 9 [0,1].

Let us also demand that the following condition be valid: if at x = x o

eigenvalues p i (x) and pi (x) coincide (the so-called turning point), then insome neighborhood of the x o representation,

p i (x) — pj (x) = (x — xo)" 9(x) (5)

is true, with K = Kii(X0) e N being the multiplicity of zero of the function

p i (x) — p j(x); (x) 9,j (x, x o) is continuously differentiable about x o ,

and yo u (x0) � 0.System (1), (2) describes N wave channels interconnected by means of

the transmission coefficients siii(x). At the boundary point x 0, acontrol, u, is specified while a zero regime is prescribed at x = 1. If matrixfunction U is constant, then, after the change of variables y(x, t) = Uv(x, t),

the system splits into N noncoupled channels

0 2 v(x, t) a 2 v(x, t)diag[p n (x)] at2 = ax2 0 < x < 1, 0 < t < T. (6)

To solve a control problem for system (1), (2), we construct a GF ofan exponential family, just as in Section 2, and we study its behavior inC and demonstrate B controllability of the system for the time To

To := 2 <<.sai(x)>> 1 / 2 dx = 2 max {,/p„ dx.o n=1,2 N

If we consider system (1), (2) according to the plan of Chapter III, we set

H := L.1,(x)(0, 1; C N ), ilv II i = <d(x) v(x), v(x)> dx,

V .= H (1)(0, 1; CN ).

Determine on space V x V a bilinear form

a[9, <43'(x), tlf'(x)> dx,

which generates (see Chapter III, Section 1) operator A

(A9,0), = a[9,0]; q e 2 (A), E V

(A 9)(x) = — (x) - 1 d 2 9(x)dx

ail MN--MN an MIN IMO MO MI ■266 VII. Boundary control of string systems

with the domain H 2 (0, 1; C N ) n HRO, I; CN). We denote the eigenvaluesand the normed eigenfunctions of this operator by A„ and On , n E N.Operator B has the form

<By, 9> <v(0), Cp'(0)>, 9 c W2D(A),

(see Section 2 and Subsection 111.2.2).As in Sections 1, 2, the solution of system (1), (2), (3) satisfies the relation


y, at

y} e C(0, T; IVO), (7)

"WO Wo W I I H -1 (0, 1; C").

This fact will be verified after the construction of the STF with zeros

{±-/1.}.3.2. Consider matrix equation

— Y"(x, k) = k 2 (x)Y(x, k) (8)with conditions

Y(0, k)= 0, Y'(0, k)= kI. (9)

Set G(k) := Y(1, k), which is obviously an entire function of parameter kof the exponential type (see Proposition 2.14). In the scalar case, G(k)coincides with function 9„(x, k) (see formula (9) of Section 2) forp„ (x) = si(x). It is clear that G(—k) = —G(k) and G(0) = 0. One easilysees G(k) = kGo(k), where Go(0) is a nondegenerate matrix, so k = 0 is asemisimple zero. The following serves as an analog of Lemma 2.5.

Lemma VII.3.2.

(a) Any eigenfunction of operator A is of the form

(1).= 17(x,,g) 11„

with rin E Ker G(1.10.(b) Conversely, any function of the form Y(x, ko)ri is the eigenfunction of

operator A corresponding to eigenvalue ko if I E Ker G(10,11 0 0, andko 0 0.

If p is an eigenfrequency of system (1), (2) of multiplicity K CO is aneigenvalue of operator A), and (1),, 1 , cbt, 2 , , I are corresponding eigen-functions, then vectors qµ„, , in the representation

(I)" = Y(x, 1-1)71A.

MI MI NM 1111111 MI MI MN SIM 11•11 1111111

3. Multichannel acoustic system 267

satisfy following orthogonality conditions

f <,szi(x)(1),,„, dx = 6,T. (10)o

Let us introduce a vector exponential family

= te n } nEK C L 2 (0, T; C"), en(t) = rin exp(ito n t),

rin = (0), co„ := sgn(n)✓2 1 „ 1 •

In light of the results of Chapter III, the properties of this familydetermine the controllability type of system (1), (2) in space -w-o .

We also introduce family ST constructed by zeros of functionO(k). G(k — i):

4 :_ t e ipt tc, L 2 (0, 1; CN).

Here, a = {w„ + i) u {t} is the set of zeros of G(k), are the orthonormalbasis in Ker G(11), and is multiplicity of zero

We write / for the family of simple fractions obtained out of exponentialfamily lei/it pi)2 L2(0, cc; C" ) by the Sr- transform (see Sub-section

We need results concerning the asymptotics of G(k) for real k and thebehavior of G(k) for Im k co.

Theorem VII.3.3.

(a) For 1k1 oo a uniform in Im k, IIm const, asymptotics

G(k) U(I) diag[a„ sin(k J .N/pn (s) ds)] U'(0) + o(1) (11)o

is valid where a n are some constants and a n 0 0, n = 1, 2, , N.(b) There may be found an ESF O and an entire matrix-function X(k)

nondegenerate in C such that(i) matrix functions X(k) and X -1 (k) are bounded on the real axis,(ii) matrix function F. XG can be factorized in the form

F = F;FII = F;0, (12)

where Fe± are outer functions in C ± , respectively, H is a BPPconstructed by zeros of O, and

(iii) ESF ® satisfies the estimate

<(e'm (k)>> -< 1, k e C + . (13)



268 VII. Boundary control of string systems

The proof of Theorem 3 is found below, since it requires the detailedstudy of the equation (8) solution for Iki co.

If one considers this theorem to be valid, the further investigation of Bcontrollability almost completely repeats the one performed in Section 2for a system of strings connected at a single point. For instance, relation(7) (and hence the embedding g (T ) c 1V0) is implied by the fact that set{con } is a unification of a finite number of separable sets, since {co n } u {0}is the set of zeros of an STF det G.

Moreover, the implication

If 4 E (LB), then jT e (LB)

is demonstrated with the help of the same arguments as in Lemma 2.5with the exploitation of the orthogonality condition (10) and the asymp-totics (11).

Theorem VI I.3.4. System (1), (2) is B-controllable in space 11/ . in time To .

Remark VII.3.5. If U(x) is a constant matrix, then system (1), (2) isB-controllable in the time T1

T1 = 2 max .✓p„(x) dx To .n 0

Indeed, the change y(x, t) = Uv(x, t) yields the system (6), that is, thesystem of N disconnected strings with the largest optical length T1 /2. Sincethe single nth string of optical length .L.„ is controllable in time 2L„ (seeRussell 1967, or Chapter V, Section 2), system (1), (2) is B-controllablein time T1 . In addition, we can demand that the nth component ofcontrol v(x, t)l x " = U'u(t) be zero at

1 t > T(" ), T(").= 2 p„(x) dx .̂ T1 .

Remark VII.3.6. Avdonin, Belishev, and Ivanov (1991a) studied an inverseproblem for the equation for vector function yf(x, t)

8 21(x, t) yi(x, t) + Q(x)yi(x, t), 0 < x < co, 0 < t < T,

ate ax2

yf (x, 0) = y{(x, 0) = 0, yf (0, = f (t).

MIN Min MN Mai Mi. ION

3. Multichannel acoustic system 269

By the inverse problem data, namely, the response operator (Dirichlet toNeumann map)

f t), t e [0, 2T],

one should have to find potential Q(x) for x E [0, T]. The way to solvethe problem (see Belishev 1989; Avdonin, Belishev, and Ivanov 1991a,1991b) is to use the so-called controllability on a filled domain: theproperty

{yf (x, t) I f e L 2 (0, T; C N )} = L 2 (0, T; C N ).

(By means of the source f(t) of class L 2 , we can obtain in time T anyprofile of the wave of class L2 on the part of the axis where the wave hasalready arrived.) To solve this we proved that a system with Dirichletboundary condition at x = T

a 2y(x, t) a2y(x, t)at eaxe

Q(x)y(x, t), 0 < x < T, 0 < t < T,

Y(x, Olt <o = 0 , Y(x, 01,0 u e L 2 (0, T; C N ), y(x, t)I x _ T = 0,

is B-controllable in space L 2(0, T; CN ) (0, T; CN ) in time 2T. Fromthis it is not difficult to extract controllability on a filled domain.3.3. We now enter upon the proof of Theorem 3. At this point, we studyin detail the behavior of solutions to equation (8). We are interested intwo questions:

(1) the asymptotics of the solution with k tending to infinity in the strip

gm kI _̂ const (this is required to verify that G(k) and G'(k) are

bounded on the line Im k = const 0); and(2) the exponential growth of the solution at lIm kI co, which is needed

to extract singular factors in G.

Remark VI 1.3 .7 . Ivanov and Pavlov (1978) and Ivanov (1978, 1983a,1983b) investigated the vector Regge problem (the problem of resonancescattering) for the equation

si(x)u„(x, t) = u„,;(x, t), x E (0, a)),

with .szi(x) I for x > I. In the study of the completeness and the basisproperty of the family of the so-called resonance state, the vectorexponential family constructed by zeros of Jost function M(k) plays the

principal role (M(k) is the value at x = 0 of the solution of equation (8)obeying conditions Y(1, k) I, Y'(1, k) — ikl). The tools designed toinvestigate equation (8) in those studies may be applied to G(k) as well.

Lemma VII .3 .8 . The transformation

=(IN:<91 ij 1d)(U0 °U)zi

converts (14) into




270 VII. Boundary control of string systems

OM ISM MN ENO M■ //ii —

3. Multichannel acoustic system 271

Our treatment of solutions to equation (8) is as follows.We first transform (8) into the first-order system with the diagonal

principal part (in k) of the form

The next step consists of "splitting apart" the equation. That is, it isreduced to two equations of lower dimension whose principal parts are

±ik diag[N/p,, , N/pN]•

The splitting is accomplished by choosing a special linear transform ofthe unknown function (depending on k).

The first step in the transformation of (8) is to replace it by an equationof the first order in the standard way:

0 I

Z' = si 0 )Z, (14)

where Z(x, k) is a matrix-valued function of dimension 2N. A solution Zof this equation is related to linearly independent solutions Y, and Y2 of(8) by the obvious equality

(Z11 Z12) Yi Y2Z =

Z21 Z22 k- k-1 1'2

In particular, solution Y(x, k) of (8), (9) coincides with the block Z12 ofthe solution of (14) satisfying initial condition Z(0, k)I (1= -2N s-2N the unitmatrix of 2N dimension).

Lemma 8 is proved by direct substitution.Many studies have dealt with the analysis of the asymptotics at k co

of solutions .g(x, k) to the equation

= kg(x,k), .1(x, y) = M(x) + e(k -1 )

(see, e.g., Wasov 1965, 1985). Such analyses run into serious difficultieswhen R(x) has multiple eigenvalues. In our situation, the system matrixpossesses a characteristic structure; namely, its principal term is a diagonalmatrix with real entries, and the entries naturally fall into two isolated

groups, tip7,1 and { —./,72„}. Inside a group, coincidences of entries mayoccur. These peculiarities enable us to reveal a substitution

Z1 (x, k) = W(x, k)Z 2 (x, k), x E [0, 1], Im k > const,

such that the matrix of the equation for Z2 becomes block diagonal. We;..speak about the splitting of the system just in this sense. Note that in ourcase we manage to perform this splitting not locally, but on the wholesegment [0, 1] at once.

The standard procedure for finding W leads to the solution of anonlinear equation with a principal (in k) linear part and a quadraticnonlinearity. We shall seek W in the form

W(x k) =I V, (x, k))


V_ (x, k) I

proceeding with the requirement that equation (16) for function Z2 shouldbecome

(ikR(x) + k) 0Z'2 = )Z2. (19)

0 — ikR(x) + _(x, k)

Substitution of Z 1 WZ2 into (16) together with (19) yields four matrixequations


Zi g2 0 \

=[ik(0 —4 +

:= diagEN /P2, • • • ,

:= —111 -1 N/91 -1 (\tsi)'U

+ 1-(log ,R)' + U' U',

:= —

g±(x, k) .97-(x) + (x)17± (x, k), (20)

r± (x, k) = ±ik[V,(x, k)R(x) + .W(x)V± (x, k)] +}. (21)

+ [V± (x, k)g;(x) + (x)V± (x, k)] — V± (x, k)g(x)V± (x, k)

The matter thus reduces to the investigation of equations (21). For the

(17) entries v„„ of V± , the equations take the form of a system

(v,„„)' = ± ik(^Pm + fp,,)v„,„ — g„,„(v ± ), 1 _̂ m, n N, (22)

INN INN NMI NMI IIIIIII IIIIIIII INN MI IN272 VII. Boundary control of string systems

where v± are vector-functions „ g„,„(v) is a polynomial of thesecond degree in variables {v„,„} with the coefficients independent of k.Equation (22) can be written as a system for vector functions {v„,±,,}

(v )'(x, k) = ± ikR(x)v±(x, k) + D(x) + Q(x)v ± (x, k) + F(x, k ) (23)

in which R = diag[*Jp,„ + .,,A„] and the components of quadratic vectorfunction F(x, v) are

<F„(x)v(x, k), v(x, k)>,

with matrix-valued functions F„(x).

Lemma VII.3.9. There exist matrix solutions V.,.(x, k) and V_(x, k) ofequation (21), which are entire functions of k for any given x, for which theconditions

k) = 0,(24)

V_(1, k) = 0,

are valid, and for Im k > const and x e [0, I] we have

<<V+(x, k)>> -< 1/(1 + Ikl), << V (x, k)>> -< 1/(1 + Ikl). (25)

We confine ourselves to the solution V+ (x, k). The study of V_ may becarried out in similar fashion. The local existence and analyticity of V+follow from well-known theorems (Hartman 1964; Kamke 1959). Let usprove global existence of V+ and check the estimates (25).

In what follows we repeatedly use the formula connecting a funda-mental solution of a homogeneous matrix equation and a solution of aninhomogeneous one. If

Wo(x) = 4(x)&0 (x), det &c,(0) � 0, (26)

g'(x) = .4(x)&(x) + 99(x), &(0) = qq1 , (27)


(x) = + I X go(x)gcT (s)Y(s) ds . (28)

The formula will be used to obtain an integral equation for solving ahomogeneous equation with parameter k, if we are to extract the principalpart of the solution.


3. Multichannel acoustic system 273

Sublemma VII .3.10. For the solution of the problem

w' = (ikR(x) + Q(x))w + D(x), wl o = 0, (29)

the estimate<<w(x, k)>> -< 1/(1 + Ikl)

is valid.

PROOF OF THE SUBLEMMA. Let us consider an auxiliary problem

(ikR(x) + diag[Q„„(x)])wo, wo 1 0 0,

having the explicit solution

wax, k) = exp( j• diag[ikr.„ + Q„„] ds). (30)

Using (26)-(28) we obtain the integral equation

w(x, k) = wo (x, k)w ()T 1 (s, k)(Q — diag[Q„.])(D(s) + w(s, k)) ds

= w°(x, k) + (Kw)(x, k),

where K is the integral operator

(Kf)(x, k) = J x K(x, s, k)f(s) ds,

K(x, s, k):= wo(x, k)wo- '(s, k)(Q(s) — diag[Q„.(s)])•

We arrive at a Volterra integral equation with an operator acting inspace of continuous matrix-functions, which is bounded uniformly in k,Im k > const. To prove the sublemma we check that Iv o is "small"

<<wo(x, k)>> -< 1/(1 + lk1) (31)

(uniformly in x e [0,1] and k, Im k > const).From (30) it follows that ij-entry of w o is presented as a phase integral


K ? (x k) 9(s) ds' •

with phase

i (x, s) r<<(t) dt = p i (t) dt.s

Since p i is positive, the phase has no stationary points and therefore (31)is valid. The sublemma is proved.


274 VII. Boundary control of string systems

Let us return to equation (23). From a comparison of problems (23),(24), and

u' = (ikR(x) + Q(x))u, uio = I, (32)

we obtain an integral equation for v,

v (x, k) = (Qv + )(x, k)

(see (26)-(28)) with (nonlinear) operator Q acting in space of continuousvector functions:

(Qv + )(x, k) := x u(x, k)u - 1 (s, k)D(s, k) ds

+ J

x u(x, k)u'(s, k)F(s, v + ) ds. (33)

Here, v is a vector function in C(0, 1; fie2 ).We now prove two estimates:

<<(cv)(x, k)>> C + C211 14 2 , (34)

<((2v 1 )(x, — (nv 2)(x, k)>> S CA1)1 — v 211(11v + v 21I) • (35)

Here, v(x), v 1 (x), and v2 (x) belong to 0R N2, << >> is the norm in II1N2, and11.11 is the norm in C(0, I; RN2).

Indeed, the first summand in (33) satisfies equation (29) and thereforecoincides with w. So it has already been estimated in Sublemma 10 as0(1k -1 1). To estimate the second summand, we notice that matrix-valuedfunction u(x, k)u - i (s, k) is the solution to (32) on the segment [s, 1] withthe condition u(x, k)u - (s, k) = I. So taking into account Proposition2.14, we see that the estimate (34) follows from boundedness of F

<<F(x, v)>> <<v>> 2

uniformly in x, k.Estimate (35) is the direct consequence of the definition of quadratic

vector function F, since

<riv i , v 1 > - <rv 2 , v2> = <riv,, v 1 - v2> <ri(lli v2), v2>.

Suppose that functions v 1 and v2 are such that

<<v1,2(x)>> Calk-11


3. Multichannel acoustic system 275

and we choose C4 , proceeding with the requirement that

<<(flv,)(x, k) — (Qv2)(x, k)>> P(Ilv — v211), 0 < p < 1,

(<(nv 1,2)(x, k)>> Calk -Using estimates (34), (35), it is easy to conclude that such a constant C4

exists if jkl is large enough.So, constriction of operator SI (acting in C(0, /; (1/" 2)) on the set

{v I <<v(x)>> C4 1k -1 11 is a contraction. Therefore the solution of (22)(and consequently the solution of (21)) exists on the set and satisfies therequirements of the lemma. The proof of Lemma 9 is completed.

We now turn to the fundamental solutions of equations (14) and (19).The solutions are related by

( I —I VU OV I 17,(k)z2

sad/ 0 U)1/_(x, k) I )

(see (15) and (18)).It is also evident that the solution of (19) can be sought in the form

`1' + (x, k) 0Z2(x, k) =

0 (x, k))'

where ‘I' ± are solution of

T't (x, k) = (±ila(x) + g ± (x, k))T ± (x, k)}

`P t (0, k) = I(36)

This makes solution Z of (14) with Z(0, k) = I2N take the form

Z =

Z(x, k) =( I —I V U(x) 0

sl(x) si(x)A 0 U (x))

x I V+(x, k)(t1" + (x, k) 0

k) I 0 (x, k))

[( — I )(U(0) 0 I V,(0, k))1 - 1AO) AO)) 0 U(0)) 1%.(0, k) I )

Corollary VI 1.3.11. Solution Y(x, k) of (8) with Y(0, k) = 0, Y'(0, k) ikIN,

SIM MIMI la MINN NM NMI MI • 1111111

276 VII. Boundary control of string systems

is expressed in terms of V± , T ± by the formula

Y(x, k) = U(x) [(I — V_(x, k)'P + (x, k) + k) — 1)`Y-(x, k)


x (I — V_(0, k))].4f (0)U (0),

and for Im k < const solution Y(x, k) has asymptotics

xY(x, k) U(2i ) ['P+(x, k) — k)]R-1(0)(U'(0) + 0(1k1')).


PROOF. By multiplying matrices and carrying out elementary transfor-mations, we obtain (37). The asymptotic expression is provided by Lemma9. The corollary is proved.

Note that for N = 1, systems (36) have explicit solutions

(x, k) = exp[ ± ik ✓p(s) ds + f ± (s, k) dd.

Solution '11 , (T4 is of the exponential growth in C_ (C + ) and decreasesexponentially in C + (C_), respectively. This fact remains valid for thevector case as well.

Now we study the asymptotics of solutions 'P t in a strip parallel tothe real axis.

Lemma VII.3.12. For 1Im kl < const, functions II' ± (x, k) have the asymp-totics

'P t (x k) = 111°± (x, k) + 0(lk -1)


Y'°± (x, k) diag[.4,/ p„(x)/ p „(0) d„(x) exp( ± ik ii,",()g)] +o



d„(x):= exp(—_ r x (,- 1() u ,())„„ d,)2 0

and 1/a is the maximal order of turning points of matrix functions .rat,

1 ( xo ; j= 1,2

max Kii (x0)) ,


3. Multichannel acoustic system 277

(and ic ii (x0 ) is the exponent in (5) - the order of turning point x o or themultiplicity of zero xo of function p i (x) - pi (x)).

PROOF OF LEMMA 12. To investigate solutions `l' (x, k) we construct anintegral equation starting from equations

(11q (x, k))' = (±ik diag[1,(x)] + diag[g„, (x, k)])T1 (x, k),

V± (0, k) = N,

11n ±)rin •

Using (26)-(28) and the explicit formula

k) = exp diag(ik J .,AT)„(s) ds + J .gn„(s, k) ds) (40)

we arrive at

T ± (x, k) = (x, k) + x TI (x, k)]-

x Eg±(s, k) - diag[„, (s, k)]] ds = k)

+ exp[diag(ik f fio() + k) dO]o

x [g±(s, k) - diag[,,„ (s, k)]]`11 ± (s, k) ds,

or, in the operator form,

`11 ± = + ir±T ± . (42)

Here 1-± is the matrix integral operator acting in space of continuousmatrix functions

(.2IC ± T)(x, k) = J x exp[diag(i1c0„(x, s))].%' (x, s)P(s) ds,


(x, s) := exp [diag( k) cg)][g (s, k) - diag[„, (s, k)]],

and phase tfr n (x, s) has the form

n (x, s) = J s



278 VII. Boundary control of string systems

It follows from (42) that the "error" tY ± — PI satisfies

'F t — = } 'Ft + .YC ± (t11 ± — ‘11° ). (43)

Since Im k is bounded, operators Yi-± prove to be uniformly bounded.Now, using an estimate for Volterra equation (43), we find

— CIIY±V±11,

where constant C does not depend on x and k.We now write out ij entry of matrix Ytc ± klq. It is enough to take a

nondiagonal entry, since (.Y( ± V±' )il = 0 (see (40) and (41)).

( ± V± )(x, k) = 4 (s, k)( J o k) d + k) ck)

x exp(ik J ,/p;() + ik ck) ds

=, 5,1(s, k) e ikfil (x's ) ds.ix o

The phase of this integral is

fii (x, s) = pj() d + .

Let us show that

(.Xt ± 'F )±),; = 0(jk - s1) (44)

uniformly in x, x E [0, 1]. The decrease of (dr ± t1q) i; depends on multi-plicity of zeros of

afi .(x, s) = .1

Os6(s) — p i (s).

The multiplicity of a zero x o of the function .\/pi (s) — .\./p i (s) is equal tothe multiplicity of the zero of the function pi (s) — p i (s) and does not exceeda. By the Watson lemma (see, e.g., Fedoryuk 1977: p. 31) we obtain (44)and, in view of (43), also (38).

Let us check the equality (39). Equations (17) and (20) and Lemma 9imply

4 (x, k) = + 0(Ikl -1) = -Wog 19;(x))' — 1(U -1 (x)U'(x));; + (9(I kl -1 ).Together with (40) they give us (39). Lemma 12 is proved.


3. Multichannel acoustic system 279

By taking (39) into account, we obtain the following corollary fromLemmas 12 and 10.

Corollary VII.3.13. For gm kl < const an asymptotic expression is valid

Y(x, k) = U(x) diag[(p n (x)p„(0)) 1 /4 exp(--1 T x

2(U - '()UV)),,„ c/0]

x diag[sin(k J x fp „(0) d 1 U 1 (0) + (9(11(1) • (45)

Remark VII.3.14. Formula (45) may be obtained from equation (16) bythe same method as the asymptotics of ‘1' ± (x, k). Thus, no splitting isneeded to investigate the behavior in the strip IIrn kl < const.

Remark VII.3.15. Kucherenko (1974) has presented a particular case ofthe fact that under rather general assumptions the main asymptotic termof the equation

g' = ik.I(x)g

at IkI co, k E [FR, ./*(x) = ./(x) is independent of the change in multi-plicites of the eigenvalues of matrix R. Ivanov and Pavlov (1978) provedthis for the general situation, and it has since been reestablished at leasttwice (Rosenblum 1979; Gingold and Heieh 1985).

Having studied the asymptotics (formula (45)) and representations ofsolution Y(x, k) of equation (8) (formulas (37) and (36) and the estimates(25)) we are finally able to prove Theorem 3.

3.4. Proof of Theorem 3.

(a) The asymptotics (11) of G follows directly from (45). Note also thatthis asymptotics, as well as the absence of zeros of det (k) on [FR,implies that G(k) and O--1 (k) are bounded for real k.

(b) Let us write (37) for x = 1 in the form

G(k) = L + (1, k)R .,(k) + L _(I, k)R _(k). (46)

Here L ± and R ± are entire matrix functions bounded at Im k > constsuch that for lki —> co, Im k const, there exist the limits

L ± (k) R (k) R°± , (47)

1111111 MIN MIN MIN MEM MIN lalli MI I

280 VII. Boundary control of string systems

and constant matrices Lt and RI entering these relations are nondegen-erate.

Let us first prove the assertion about the separation of a singular factorin the solution ‘P_(1, k).

Lemma VII.3.16. There exists an ESF 0, such that operator function

:= 4.(k)T _(I, k) is an outer function in and

<<c) 1(k) e ikT0/2>> ^ 1, k e (48)

PROOF. T: 1 (1, k) is the value at x = 0 of the solution to equation (36)

with the unit data at x = I. Indeed, function k) := k) isthe solution of (36) obeying conditions (I, k) = I and 'NO, k) = (I, k).Solution ‘11(x, k) is bounded in C, by Proposition 2.14, and so T: 1 (1, k)is bounded in C. Liouville's formula for solution provides

det 1P: 1 (1, k) = exp(ik I. Tr .1f(s) ds Tr g_ (s, k) ds). (49)o Jo

Since §_(s, k) is bounded in C + , a BPP is absent in the factorization ofthe bounded matrix function 'P: 1 (1, k):

`P- 1 \l, k) = Fe+ (k)0 4.(k),

and Fe+ is bounded in C. Moreover, (49) implies that Pet Fe+ (k)I isbounded away from zero in C, and hence Pe+ := [F + ] is a boundedouter operator function.

From Proposition 2.14, the estimate in C + for the equation (36) alsofollows:

<'P: 1 (l, k)>> exp(Im k J max (s) ds) = exp(Im kT0 /2).o


<<0 1 (k) e'T°/2>> = km/ 2 <0.1 1 [Fel — 1>><OP= 1 (1, k)<<Fe+ >>- e -imkron>> .< 1 .

The lemma is proved.

Our next step is to find an ESF 0 1 such that 0 1 G is an operatorfunction bounded in C, without a singular factor (it is more convenientfor us to work with G; a transition to G will be accomplished later).

MB MI INN IMO INS =II Mill MINI MO NM3. Multichannel acoustic system


We look for 0, starting from the condition

e + L: 1 = (50)

where is a matrix function bounded in C+ without a singular factor.

If L_ has no zeros at 1m k > 0, then 0, and L are determined from theproblem of the reverse-order factorization (see Subsection andwe have

= 0 + L_. (51)

Notice that Idet L_1 = Idet L_1, and hence function I_ as well as L_, isbounded in C, along with its inverse.

Now let L_ have zeros. In view of (47), their number is finite, and oneis able, by multiplying (50) by an appropriately chosen scalar rationalfunction, to arrive again at the problem of the factorization of boundedanalytical functions.

The function 0, determined by (50) satisfies the same inequality (48)as function C),. Indeed, from (51) and (48) we have

<<01--1 (k) e ikTo/2>> = <<L, 04_1 e ikro 2 I:- t )>

<<L1 1 (1, k)>><<L - >x<0 + 1 e ik7-0/2>> 1;

that is,<00 - 1/k) e ikToi2>> .̂ 1 , k . (52)

Let us now demonstrate that matrix function T(k) := 0,(k)G(k) isbounded in C+ and has no singular factor there. Indeed, by (51) andLemma 16,

= 0,L + T + R + + L I Fe+ R_. (53)

The first summand here exponentially decreases at Im k -4 co according

to Proposition 2.14:

«'P + (1, k)>> exp( — e Im k), e := J i min I); (s) ds .

As already noted, the matrix functions L: 1 , [Fel' are bounded for large

enough k. Therefore, from relation (52) we have

det Y(k) = det[L, R det[/ + [L 1 Fe+ R 1 0(e —e Im k)]

= det[L,Pe+ R_](1 + 0(e - e lin k ))

and we conclude that T has no singular factor in C + .


282 VII. Boundary control of string systems

We now examine 0 1 ( — k)G(k) in the lower half-plane, where we exploitrelation G(k) = —G(—k). Then from (46) we have

0 I (— k)G(k) = — ,( — k)G(— k) = — — k). (54)

The above arguments about Y show that 0 1 ( — k)G(k) is bounded in C_and does not contain any singular factor there.

Now we move from G(k) to 5(k) = G(k — i). Set X(k) _= 0 1 (k — i) andcheck that F(k) := X(k)5(k) satisfies factorization condition (12) andestimate (13). First, we prove the lemma, which is needed for thefactorization of X.

Lemma VII.3.17. Let O be an ESF in C. Then for any z0 e C function00(k):= 6(k — z0) is an operator function bounded in C+ such that 0 0 and00- 1 are bounded on R. Furthermore, if (5 0-1 exp(ika) is bounded in C + ,then 00-1 exp(ika) is also bounded in C.

PROOF. Like any ESF, function (5(k) is the value at x = 1 of the solutionto the problem (see Subsection

"(x, k) ik.R(x)g(x, k), k) = I,

with a summable Hermitian matrix function .R(x). Then (3 0(k) coincideswith the value at x = 1 of the solution to the problem

'3"(x, k) = [ika(x) — iz 0.1(x)]g(x, k), g(0, k) = I.

Proposition 2.14 implies the boundedness of 00 in C+ ; that is, 00 maybe factorized in the form 00 = Pe+ a From the Liouville formula it followsthat Idet Pe+ I is separated from zero and therefore [F+ ] -1 is a boundedouter operator function in C. By means of similar arguments concerningESF 00- 1 exp(ika), we find that 0 0-1 exp(ika) is bounded and completethe proof of Lemma 17.

From the lemma it follows that both X(k) and X(k)' are bounded onP; that is, assertion (i) of Theorem 3(b) is proved.

Let us now use F(k) = Y(k — i). By virtue of Lemma 17, F is boundedin the half-plane Im k > 1. In the strip 0 < Im k < 1, the boundedness ofF is provided by the asymptotics of G(k), and Lemma 17 applied to Co,.Since det[G(k)0 1 (k)] does not contain a singular factor in C+ , the same

MN 11111111 MI MI =II MN INN MI

4. Nonhomogeneous string controlled at the ends 283

goes for det[0 1 (k — i)G(k — i)]. Thus we have

F(k) = Fe± (k)11(k)

and the factorization of F in C+ is delivered.

Let us study the factorization of F in C_. Set 0 0 (k) = 0 1 (k)0 — k).Now we proved that

(<0(-)- 1 (k) e ikT°>> -< 1 . k E C+. (55)Indeed,

<<® 1 (k) e ikT° >) <<0 1(k) e ikT012>x<0 1 (_ k) e ikT0/2>>

The first cofactor is bounded by (52). For the second one, we have, fromunitary property and analyticity of 0 1 , the relation

0 1( — k)=( 01 ( — 0) *

(see formula (3) in Section II.1). Since the norm of matrix is equal to thenorm of its conjugate, estimate (55) is true.

Function 0 0-1 (k — i)F(k) is equal to

00- 1 (k — 1)0 1 (k — i)G(k — i)= 6 1 ( — k + i)0,-1 (k — i)0,(k — i)G(k — )

0 1 ( — k + i)G(k — i)

and, according to what is proved (see (54)), is an outer operator functionFe- in C_. Referring to 0, Lemma 17, we end up with the factorization

® 0 (k — i) = 0(k)P,- (k),

where O is an ESF such, by (52), that

O-1 (k) e ikTo>> 1, k e C+

Now, F Fe- and Theorem 3 is proved completely.

4. Controllability of a nonhomogeneous string controlled at the ends

We consider an initial boundary-value problem describing vibrations ofa string:

p(x) 0 2y(x, t)

= ax2

a 2y(x, t)

'0 < x < 1, 0<t<T. (1)at2

y(0, = u 1 (t) E L2 (0, T), t) = u 2 (t) e L2 (0, T), (2)

y(x, 0) = at

y(x, 0) -=- O. (3)


284 VII. Boundary control of string systems

Here, u 1 , u 2 are the controls, and we assume p to be a positive functionof the class C 2 [0, 1]. This problem of control has been formulated byD. L. Russell. In this section we study reachability set R(T) of system(1), (2).

To bring the system into the scope of the scheme in Chapter III, we set

H:= L,.(0, 1), V:= H40,1),

aPp, s= (x)il/ (x) dx; e V.

Operator A, corresponding to bilinear form aPp, in is

1 d 2

(A9)(x)s= p(x) dx 2 40(x)

with the domain D(A) = H 2 (0,1) n HU°, I). We write 2„ and 9„, n e N,for the eigenvalues of A and its normed in 42(0, eigenfunctions,respectively.

Let us consider controls u 1 and u2 to be components of a vectorfunction belonging to the space UT = L2 (0, T; C 2) and introduce operatorB: C 2 W_ 2 by means of the formula

<By, ifr> = (0) — y2 tI1(1), e W2 = D(A) (4)

(compare it with operator B from Section 1).The eigenvalues 2„ are separable, as is well known from the asymptotics

presented below. Therefore, by the force of Lemmas 11.1.21 and 111.2.4,the solution y(x, t) of the problem (1)—(3) enjoys the property

{Y, — y} e C(0, T, Wo), (5)a t

= Wo W_„ = 42(0, 0 ED H'(0,

Theorem VI 1.4.1. System (1), (2) is B-controllable in time

To = p(x) dx0

in space *co .

Avdonin and Ivanov (1983) examined a similar problem in a systemwith the Neumann boundary control

( — ax

ax y(0, t) = u1(t), — y(1, t) = u2(0).


4. Nonhomogeneous string controlled at the ends 285

Their approach was based on the asymptotics of the exponential family,and it allowed them to obtain controllability in time T > T,. For T = T,,the system with the Neumann control is not controllable since thecorresponding family of exponentials is excessive in L 2(0, T; C 2) (for ahomogeneous string, this fact is established immediately). In the situationwe are analyzing now, the controllability of system (1), (2) for T = To

takes place, but to prove it, the knowledge of the asymptotics of ).„ andcp„ is no longer sufficient. We obtain the controllability of system (1), (2)by representing the string as two elastically connected strings, whichenables us to use the results of Section 2 regarding the controllability ofN strings connected at one point.

PROOF OF THEOREM 1. Take the point x, E (0, 1) separating the parts [0, x o ]and [x 0, 1] of the string with the same optical length T0 /2.

We introduce a unitary mapping

Q: L,;(0, 1) y (Yi, Y2) E Lp2 ,(0, xo) L,2,,(0, — x0),where

p1(x) = p(x), y i (x) = y(x), x a (0, x 0),

p 2(x) = p(1 — x), y 2(x) = y(1 — x), x e (0,1— x0 ).

The image ((p i , (p 2) of differentiable function cp under the action ofQ satisfies conditions 9 / (x0) = cp 2 (1 — xo) and (p',(x o) + xo) = 0following from continuity and differentiability c at x o . In a sense, onecan view conditions (3) and (4) in Section ViI.2 as the smoothnessconditions.

We proceed following the scheme of Chapter III, that is, in terms ofspaces H, V, bilinear form a[•, •] and operator B. We use the subscriptI to mark these and other items for the system (1), (2); the subscript IIstands for the values involved in relations (1)—(4) of Section VII.2 forN = 2. The equalities

Q1-11[ = 42171 = V r, aiPp, = arIEQ(P, On Co, tfr E V.t (6 )

follow directly from the definitions. Relation (6) implies that operatorsA1 and A 11 generated by the forms al and all , respectively, are unitaryequivalent: Al = Q*A JI Q. In particular, eigenfunctions co n , / and 9.,11 ofthese operators are also related by the Q mapping: 1.0r n11 = QPnr. Hencethe spaces W / and W,.11 generated by operators A i and A ll are relatedsimilarly:

(7)Wr,11 = QWr,1.


286 VII. Boundary control of string systems

Here, Q means an operator from W., / into W, II acting as

12(Ec„9„,/)= E enCon,11.

For r = 0, this definition coincides with the primary one. Finally, operatorsB1 and B11 acting from C 2 to W_ 2,1 or W_2 , 11, respectively, are relatedin the following way:

<Bp), cp> 4, = <Big, 129>*, v e C 2 , go a W2 , 1 = D(A / )•

The equality is the immediate implication of the definitions.The previous consideration makes it clear that if one writes systems

(1), (2), and (1)—(4) as system (12) in Section 111.3 their trajectories startingfrom zero are interrelated by y11 (• t) = Qy,(• , t). Therefore, for thereachability sets of the systems we have

RII(T) = QRAT) and so RI(T) =

In view of Theorem 2.14, the reachability set R11 (T) coincides with thephase space o./I• Using (7), we establish the assertion of our theorem.

The controllability of system (1), (2) is proved without investigating theexponential family arising in this problem (such an investigation wascarried out in Section 2). We now examine this family in order to answertwo questions:

(i) What is the set of controls transferring the system in time T To

from the zero state to itself?(ii) What is the form of the reachability set B(T) for T < To?

In what immediately follows, the subscript Tin the notations of variousfamilies indicates the space VT = L2(0, T; C") in which the families areconsidered. So, denotes the family of exponentials corresponding tothe control problem for the system (1), (2) in space Iro :

= fenInek

con = sgn(n),/.1. 1 „ 1 ,

e„ = ti n exp(iwn t),

= 1- 1( 9 1.1(°)).\ - (pii(1)

We are writing out the known asymptotic expressions for frequencies co n

and vectors ti n (Fedoryuk 1983: chap. 2, sec. 10), which are not difficult

MN MS Mlle MI MIR INN III. MI MIN4. Nonhomogeneous string controlled at the ends

to derive from Proposition 2.3 as well:

con = 2nn/To + t9(1/n),

712n = ti (i) °WO) 2„ + 1 = (2) + (9 ( 1 /n),

(1) — (2) (


1/4 (0) 2p1l4(l)

a.= fi := -

,/To ,/To

Let us now introduce the exponential family corresponding to the mainterm of asymptotics (8) and (9). It is convenient to denote this family bysome other letter, namely,

ET gn}neK , bn = 17,?exp(2int/T0),

?an '= ( 1 ), 1' C (2) := ( 1 ).1 —1

We first study the properties of family E T .


(a) Family ET, u { o}, (1(t)(1)

, forms a Riesz basis in %To'

(b) For T < To , there exists a subfamily a". (79 ) c Er that forms a Riesz basisin VT, and family :E T \F...: (,9 ) is an infinite one.

PROOF. According to the decomposition of family ET into two series

EV ) = g2nInE ET) = g 2n + lIn el,

the space a14 may also be considered split into two subspaces LT) @ Pp,with pp consisting of the elements of the form f(t)Cu ), j = 1, 2, andf e L2(0, T). Actually, we have two scalar problems for families

EVo),„ := {exp(i4nt/T0)},, EK and 2:12,„:= {exp[i(4n + 2)t/To]}nE1

in L2(0, T) instead of a vector one. The first family complemented by1(0 ,— 1 constitutes an orthogonal basis in L 2(0, T0 ), and the second oneis also an orthogonal basis in L 2 (0, T0). The families are almost normedand therefore both ET ) u {Co} and Efr20) form Riesz bases in LT), j = 1, 2,respectively. Thus, assertion (a) is proved.(b) Apply Theorem 11.4.1 8 to scalar families 2.--,; (71,), u 1(t) and EC2?„.

— al





288 VII. Boundary control of string systems

According to this theorem, there exists a subset .A 1(1) of even integers anda subset .41(2) of odd integers such that families {„}„ e ,,-(J) constitute Rieszbases in space L (1 ), j = 1, 2, respectively. In addition, the sets 2l \Aimand (21 + 1) VA1(2) are both infinite. We may assume 0 ct .N .(1), whichmeans that the additional element C o does not belong to the basis family{ „}„,,,v-0). Indeed, in the scalar case one can replace, without loss of thebasis property, the "exponential” 1(t) exp(0- t) by any other one from{ „}„,t ,,v0). Now all the requirements of assertion (b) are fulfilled. Thetheorem is proved.

Recall that the dimension of the space orthogonal to all the elementsof family E is called the codimension of

Theorem VII.4.3.

(a) For T To , family 40 is an 2-basis in aliTO of a unit codimension forT = To and of an infinite codimension for T > To .

(b) For T < To, there exists a subfamily 61 c eT such that 0? constitutesa Riesz basis in (fir and family -4\11 is infinite.


(a) For T To the 2-basis property follows from B controllability ofsystem (1)—(3) (see Theorems 1 and 111.3.10).

Let Z be an operator acting in C 2 and mapping the basis {rim, ri (2) }of space C 2 into the basis {C (1) , C (2) }. Families ET and ZOT areasymptotically close in the sense of Theorem 11.5.9:

—n i27rn/ To -----* 0, <<n,, t°>>---+ 0.

Int co Inl CO

Let T To . By Theorem 11.5.5, family { „} 1 „ 1 ,m u {Zen } ini „ At formsa Riesz basis for large enough M, inasmuch as R o l u E To forms abasis. Therefore, we are able to conclude that

codim{Zen } in! m = 2M + 1.

Since operator f(•)1-4 Zf(•) is evidently an isomorphism of 0/4.,we have

codim{e.} 1. 1 ,,,f = codim{Zen } 1 „" = 2M + 1.

Family Oro is an 2-basis; hence elements e±1, e ± 2 , , e ± m do not


I um mut wer-aur-am—umar-ssrmsorams

4. Nonhomogeneous string controlled at the ends 289

belong to Vfen l ini , m . Therefore

codim = codim V{e„} i „ i — 2M = 1.

The fact that the codimension of is infinite for T > To follows

from Theorem II.5.9(a).(b) Let ET ) = { „}„ E.A, be a basis subfamily whose existence is guaranteed

by Theorem 2(b). Along with it, the set KVAI is infinite. Family{Ze n }„ EA, is asymptotically close to 8" ) , and so, by Theorem 11.5.5,

family {,,} 1 „ 1 .,, u {Zen } 1 ,71 ,, constitutes a Riesz basis for large

enough M. Thus family {Zen }„",; ,,, i> , is an ...r-basis of a finite

codimension. According to Theorem 11.5.9(b), family Zgro is com-

plete in 674, and we can supplement family {Zen }„„,,,-, 1 ,0. A, with

Zen „Ze„,,...,ZeN, to complete it while preserving the .2'-basis

property. Then

{en} nE.Acdni > M u fen, };=,

forms a Riesz basis in QIT. The theorem is proved.

Now we are able to answer the questions about system (1), (2) posed


Theorem VII.4.4.

(a) For T > To, there exist nonzero controls transferring system (1), (2)from the zero state into itself. The set of such controls for T = T o

constitutes a one-dimensional subspace (in °11 m), and for T > To its

dimension is infinite.(b) For T < To , the reachability set is a proper subspace of '11/,', with an

infinite codimension.


(a) Control u transfers the system from the zero state to the zero one ifand only if u T u(T — t) is orthogonal to ST (see moment equalities(23) in Section 111.2). By Theorem 3, the dimension of the spaceorthogonal to is 1 for T = To and turns into infinity for T > T,.

Assertion (b) follows immediately from Theorems V11.4.3(b), 111.2.3,

and I.2.1(e).



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