family communion minister: revd steve fisher...

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FAMILY WORSHIP - 10.30 am every Sunday

FAMILY COMMUNION - Monthly - see diary

MINISTER: Revd Steve Fisher - Tel: 01298 938831

Church Leaders:

Owen Walters (Secretary) - Tel: 01298 872294

Margaret Brignell (Treasurer) - Tel: 01298 871893

Margaret Gill - Tel: 01298 872057

Jean Jackson - Tel: 01298 872089

Paul Mount - Tel: 01298 871566

Philip Turner - Tel: 01298 871902

Ben Twelves - Tel: 01298 871161

Jill Whitnell - Tel: 01298 872596

For Pastoral care contact the Minister or any Church Leader

If any member would like Home Communion

please contact the Minister

Member of the Evangelical Alliance

Commitment for Life Church

Fairtrade Church

November 2015

We will



Rotas for November 2015

Sunday Door Stewards Flowers

Nov. 1 Sue Clarke Freda Kenworthy & Anne Hollis

8 Margaret Gill Jean Jackson

15 Val Gaffney Philip, Cath & Andrew Turner

22 Iris Broomhead Kath Anderson & Glynis Hughes

29 Jean Jackson Audrey Buckley & Jill Whitnell

Dec. 6 Paul Mount Iris Broomhead


Nov. 1 Margaret Brignell & Philip Turner

Dec. 6 Margaret Gill & Paul Mount

Sunday Morning Coffee

Nov. 1 Gill Adams & Anne Hollis

8 Iris Broomhead & Margaret Brignell

15 Paul & Judith Mount

22 Jill Whitnell & Jean Bancroft

29 Jean Jackson & Marjorie Gregory

Dec. 6 Val Gaffney & Andrew Turner

Ladies Fellowship Meeting Wednesdays 2.15 pm

Nov. 4 Jill Whitnell

11 Kath Anderson

18 Alison Bennison

25 Audrey Buckley

Dec. 2 Glynis Hughes

If any of these dates are not convenient

- please exchange with someone else on the list

From the Manse

November 2015

Dear Friends,

Over the years, the worldwide church has developed the

calendar of memorial days and festivals from Christmas all round

the year. The changes from summer to autumn, winter and spring

fit into this pattern and remind us of the relevance of God for each

season of our lives. It has particularly helped me focus for

November this year.

We start with All Saints Day on November 1st – a day of

remembering all Christians who have contributed in small ways or

great to God’s Kingdom in the past. Whether they are

internationally renowned or just local to us, the Christian family is

worth celebrating and remembering. In other parts of Europe, there

is a holiday when families return to their roots and lay flowers on

ancestral graves. It is a very positive response to grief and death.

Remembrance Sunday which follows is even more poignant

in remembering those who died so young from many different

nations to try to preserve freedom, but also many who died for

causes long forgotten. And war is still so dominant in our world,

where the innocent continue to suffer and hatred can scar so many

lives. It is a sobering thought that with all the technological and

medical advances we have made in the last 100 years, we still

cannot conquer the basic human disease of wreaking destruction

and pain often for selfish ends. We try for peace and pray for it, but

cannot seem to attain it. As autumn turns into winter in the


Diary for November 2015

Sunday 1st 10.30 am Family Communion - Steve

Sunday 8th 9.30 am Family Worship - Revd Fran Lane

10.45 am Act of Remembrance - War Memorial

Sunday 15th 10.30 am Worship for All - Steve

Tuesday 17th 2.00 pm Christmas Card folding at the Institute

Thursday 19th 7.00 pm Leaders Meeting

Saturday 21st 7.00 pm Peak Filling Station - Paul & Jeanie Benger,

Christian Life Church, Chesterfield - Calver Village Hall

Sunday 22nd 10.30 am Family Worship - Revd Adrian Perry

10.30 am “Seedlings” in the hall

Sunday 29th 10.30 am Family Worship - Local Arrangement

6.00 pm Advent Carol Service - St. John’s Church


Tuesday 1st 2.00 pm United Service - Nicholson Court

Saturday 5th 10-11.30 Christmas Coffee Morning

Sunday 6th 10.30 am Family Communion - Steve

LADIES FELLOWSHIP Wednesdays 2.15 pm

in the vestry

OPEN HOUSE Thursdays 7.30 pm

Ben & Kirstin Twelves home Holly House, Parke Road

BUSY BEES Tuesdays 10 am to 12 noon in the hall for 0-5’s & carers See - Margaret Gill 872057

PRAYER MEETINGS Fridays 10.30 am

in the vestry


following days in this country, it can feel as though the darkness is

closing in, in more ways than one.

And then, in the midst of the very darkness itself, we come to

Advent. ‘The people walking in darkness have seen a great light,

on those living in the land of deep darkness, a light has

dawned.’ (Isaiah 9: 2). This is not some Disney-style version of

Christmas where we all escape the darkness with some cartoon

make-believe. But into the very heart of the darkness comes God’s

hope made real in Jesus. The importance of Advent is that it

grounds Christmas in the darkness of human failure and difficulties.

It begins where we are, not in some pretend theme park world. (I

am doubtless being a bit unfair to Disney and the huge pleasure

that they give to many, but you get my point!) Just when life seems

to be at its lowest ebb, God intervenes by sending Jesus, light into

darkness. And in the words of John’s gospel ‘the darkness has

never put it out!’ (John 1: 4)

Christmas needs the preparation Advent brings of moving us

into hope, helping us to understand the frustrating failures of the

human condition and God’s answering salvation. It cannot just be

switched on like the tree lights! So our walk through November is

given purpose and direction by this calendar of events. ‘Even

though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear

no evil’, says David, famously in Psalm 23. Join with God’s people

in that walk this month and discover its truth and hope as we let the

real light of Christmas dawn in our darkness!

With love,


Saturday December 5th 10 to 11.30 am in the hall

Cakes - Books - Bric-a-Brac etc Please bring your gifts for the stalls

Come along and help!

David Suchet reads the Bible - Actor David Suchet has

recorded the whole NIV Bible for Torch International. It is for

people with sight loss, and is now available on Megavoice and DAISY.

David Suchet commented: "In the preparation of my reading my eyes

were opened because I couldn't pick the Bible up and just read it,

because that would have been immature and wrong. So I had to study

each book as to when it was written, who may have written it, what

was its purpose, who were they writing for, and putting it into its

context before recording one word of each book. So I gave myself a

complete Bible course as well as recording it."



have offered us a fundraising opportunity for Fountain Square Church buildings

“LIVING STONES” project by having the main stall

at their charity Coffee Morning on MONDAY 11th JANUARY 2016.

I am willing to organise this but will need a couple of people to help 'man' the stall.

We can sell: home-made cakes and jam, books, good quality 'bric-a-brac',

plants (though doubt there'll be many in January!)

The COFFEE MORNING runs between 10 am and 12 noon

I mention this now before I forget to pass it on! I was collecting a few bits for a car boot sale,

but will now put them on this stall.

We can perhaps advertise for home-made cakes in due course.

We can select some books from our collection, and perhaps you could think about collecting other

items (such as unwanted Christmas presents!)


P rayer at Remembrance Time - Loving Father, when

we watch the news or read the papers, we can feel

overwhelmed by the tragedy of lives lost or affected by

war or terrorism. And our Remembrance Day Services

and anniversaries just seem to emphasize that

continuing suffering.

Help us Lord, to switch our focus from what self-centred people do in their

pursuit of power, to what you have done in Jesus, who gave his life so that

the brokenness of creation might be restored to wholeness - and that we

might have your peace in our hearts, even while the world rages about us.

Help us to remember the important thing – to put our trust in Jesus, your

Son. In His name we pray. Amen. Daphne Kitching

A t Advent we should try the key to our hearts’ door. It may have

gathered rust. If so, this is the time to oil it in order that the hearts

door may open more easily when the Lord Jesus wants to enter at

Christmas time! Lord, oil the hinges of our hearts’ doors that they may

swing gently and easily to welcome your coming.

Prayer of a New Guinea Christian

C ontinue to pray for the “Living Stones” project - those seeking and

those giving grants and those fund-raising locally, both in our church

and in the community.

P ray for “Busy Bees” and “Seedlings” and their helpers - Margaret G,

Margaret B, Barbara, Ben & Kirstin and Sam & Rosie. Inspire them

and encourage them as they show and teach the youngsters the good

news of Jesus.

October began with an excellent coffee morning with

our special ‘pickles and preserves’ table a strong

feature. A total of £230 was raised for church funds.

We have also seen several fund-raising opportunities

generated from the ‘£10 talent’ scheme launched in September ranging

from crochet work to high-class tea parties! For my own part, £1 will buy

you a brain-chewing quiz about towns called ‘To Derbyshire and beyond’ –

there are some in the church entrance.

We are pleased with the start of Seedlings’ a new ecumenical event for

pre-school children and their carers which is meeting on the second and

fourth Sunday morning of each month at Fountain Square hall. For more

details contact Rosie Clements or Kirstin Twelves.

Applications for funding for our ‘Living Stones’ project have been going

forward and we have just heard that the Sheffield District of the Methodist

Church have got the ball rolling and made us a grant! More details will be

available next month.

We are all pleased that Owen is making good progress following his

recent operation and also delighted to report that Ben Twelves, assisted

by Kirstin, has been elected by the Leadership team as Church secretary

for a 6 month period during Owen’s recuperation. Kath Anderson is also

making steady progress following her hip replacement in October.

Malcolm and Alison Bennision are enjoying their stay in Malta after a few

initial hitches. We continue to pray for both of them with the various health

issues they have. Our love and prayers go out to all who struggle with

health issues this month.

Churches Together in Tideswell

Sunday November 29th 6 pm

St. John’s Church

The Advent Calendar

By Steven Croft, DLT, £9.95

When Alice’s Uncle Sam brings home a mysterious calendar that’s

short on chocolate but big on surprises, she is thrown into an

Advent she never dreamed of. Codes arrive by text message and

open the doors in the calendar, drawing Alice and Sam into

fantastical new worlds. Accompanied by famous figures from the

Bible, they explore the great themes of Advent and Christianity and

find that life will never be the same again.

In addition to Bibles, the Society gave out clothes, blankets and

shoes, donated by staff and local churches. The team also spent

time talking to men and women in the camp and praying with

those who requested it.

The camp is currently home to around 3,000 men but also 333

women and 123 children.

A professional theatre group, New Perspectives, are performing a play

called ‘He wore a red hat’ on December 12th in the church and through

TCP, are donating some of the profits to our building Fund. More details

will be available soon. Steve Fisher

Thank you.... from everyone at High Peak Foodbank for the

donations you have given and continue to give during this

Harvest Season. These are used to make sure the needy in our

community don’t go hungry.

Because the foodbank is now well stocked as a result, this

month,rather than ask for food, the foodbank is asking for

donations of money to help with their substantial running costs.

The great news is that if you donate up to £10 to High Peak

Foodbank at between 13th October and

18th November, it will be matched, doubling your donation at no

extra cost. If you set up a monthly gift, this will be matched for

three months (up to £10 a month).

If you can, please help your local foodbank to continue to

provide emergency food for local families, support to resolve the

issues that cause them to need a foodbank and help to get jobs.

Asylum seekers in 'The Jungle'

given Bibles in their own language

Staff from the Bible Society have recently given out Bibles to

asylum seekers in 'The Jungle' in Calais, as part of the society’s

response to the refugee crisis in Europe. The team gave out over

500 New Testaments, gospels and Bibles in Amharic and Arabic.

The Bibles were given to the leaders of St Michael's makeshift

church to distribute in the camp. Iraqi Christians took the Arabic

Bibles and Ethiopian and Eritrean Christians were given the

Amharic texts.

Eating Curry for Heaven’s Sake! By Barbara Glasson, Kevin Mayhew, £12.99

Never was there a more important moment for inter-

religious engagement, yet never did it feel more

difficult. But with this book in one hand and a freshly

cooked chapati in the other, the first steps will seem


Divided into six short study chapters and interspersed with

recipes, questions, reflections, stories and lots of practical

suggestions, Eating Curry for Heaven’s Sake is an invaluable

resource for Christians of any age, either as individuals or in a

group. It encourages honest and open dialogue, challenges us to

name our fears, and prompts even the most rural church

communities to engage. As Barbara Glasson says, ‘There’s no such

thing as an expert, but no excuse for ignorance.’

Suitable for house groups, youth gatherings, student discussions or

focused engagement during Lent or Advent, this book will help

ordinary Christians to become more confident and resilient. It

names what’s unpalatable but also relishes the rich diet of

multiculturalism. So, let’s Eat Curry for Heaven’s Sake!

Sunday November 22nd FAMILY WORSHIP

10.30 am Preacher:

Revd Adrian Perry Come along and welcome

Adrian, our new Superintendent Minister on his first visit

to Fountain Square Church

Churches Together in Tideswell

Play & Praise for pre-schoolers

0 - 4 & their carers

Sunday November 22nd - 10.30 to 11.15 am

at Fountain Square Church in the hall

Crafts, Singing, Playing, Stories, Praying & Snacks

When they talk about austerity now…

This year we have marked the 70th anniversary of VE Day and VJ

Day, memorable days of celebration as the Second World War came

to an end. What some of us are now remembering, however, is what

followed. It was certainly no instant transfer from the arduous years of

war to the joys of peace. Indeed, for many ordinary people in Britain

the immediate post-war years were times of acute struggle. It was

lovely to welcome back the men and women who had served in the

Forces, but – speaking as a teenager at the time – the fruits of victory

were hard to identify (though we did get our first bananas!).

Our cities were pockmarked with ugly bomb-sites. There was still

rationing of food, clothes and ‘luxuries’. Sir Stafford Cripps,

Chancellor of the Exchequer, could promise no immediate relief – he

was dubbed ‘Austerity Cripps’. Fuel was often in short supply, and we

had a couple of very cold winters. If this was what it was like to be the

winners, how must it have been for the losers? We learnt later the

answer: no worse, and in some cases a bit better!

When politicians speak now of ‘austerity’, we children of the post-war

age are tempted to reply: ‘You don’t know what austerity is’.

David Winter

The tragedy of war is that it uses man’s best

to do man’s worst. - Anon

Churches Together in Tideswell SERVICE Tuesday December 1st at 2 pm Nicholson Court Lounge - all are welcome

Remembrance Sunday November 8th

Family Worship 9.30 am led by the Revd Fran Lane

Act of Remembrance

10.45 am at the War Memorial

Time for Remembrance

If you would like to pay your own personal tribute to the soldiers

who died during the First World War, then why not consider

participating in a very easy project being run by the British Legion?

Not only is it commemorative, but it is one which will yield big

results for your garden next year!

It is the Centenary Poppy Campaign, in which the Royal British

Legion has joined forces with B&Q to encourage the public and

local authorities to plant Flanders poppy seeds on their own land.

The Flanders poppy seeds can be purchased from B&Q, where a

donation of £1 will go towards the work of the Legion. Just visit

your B&Q for more details.

If you don’t have time to look up the bIble references and are a

really impatient cook you will find the answers

at the bottom of the page...........

Biblical Cooking

If you can prepare this dish without looking up the references in

the Bible, you should be on Mastermind! It is suggested the

Authorised Version is used.

Ingredients :

1. ½ lb of Judges 5:25 (end);

2. ½ lb of Jeremiah 6:20;

3. 1 tablespoon of 1 Samuel 14:25;

4. 3 of Jeremiah 17:11;

5. ½ lb of 1 Samuel 30:12;

6. ½ lb of Nahum 3:12 (chopped);

7. 2 oz of Numbers 17:8 (blanched and chopped);

8. 1 lb of 1 Kings 4:22;

9. 2 Chronicles 9:9;

10. a pinch of Leviticus 2:13;

11. 1 teaspoonful of Amos 4:5

12. 3 tablespoons of Judges 4:19


Mix 8, 9, 10 and 11, and put them aside. Beat 1, 2 and 3 to a

cream. Still beating add 4, one at a time. Then add 5, 6 and 7 and

beat again. Then add 12. Bake in a low oven for 1½ hours

(Answers to Bible clues: 1 butter; 2 sugar; 3 honey; 4 eggs;

5 raisins; 6 figs; 7 almonds; 8 flour; 9 spices; 10 salt; 11 Leaven

may be taken as baking powder or as yeast; 12 milk)

The Last Post We have all heard the haunting song ‘The Last Post’

It’s the song that gives us a lump in our throats and usually

tears in our eyes.

But do you know the story behind the song?

If not, I think you will be interested to find out about its

humble beginnings.

Reportedly, it all began in 1862 during the American Civil War,

when Union Army Captain Robert Ellicombe was with his men

near Harrison’s Landing in Virginia.

The Confederate Army was on the other side of a narrow strip of

land. During the night, Captain Elliconbe heard the moans of a soldier

who lay severely wounded on the field. Not knowing if it was a Union or

Confederate soldier, the Captain decided to risk his life and bring the

stricken man back for medical attention. Crawling on his stomach

through the gunfire, the Captain reached the stricken soldier and

began pulling him toward his encampment. When the Captain finally

reached his own lines, he discovered it was actually a Confederate

soldier, but the soldier was dead.

The Captain lit a lantern and suddenly caught his breath and went

numb with shock. In the dim light he saw the face of the soldier.

It was his own son. The boy has been studying music in the South when

the the war broke out. Without telling his father, the boy enlisted in

the Confederate Army. The following morning. heartbroken, the

father asked permission of his superiors to give his son a full military

burial, despite his enemy status. His request was only partially

granted. The Captain had asked if he could have a group of Army band

members play a funeral dirge for his son at the funeral.

The request was turned down since the soldier was a Confederate.

But out of respect for the father, they did say they could give him

one musician. The Captain chose a bugler. He asked the bugler to play

a series of musical notes he had found on a piece of paper in the

pocket of the dead youth’s uniform. This wish was


The Haunting melody we now know as ‘The Last Post’ used at military funerals was born.

The words are:

Day is done. Gone the sun, From the lakes, From the hills, From the Sky. All is well, Safely rest. God is nigh.

Fading light, Dims the sight. And a star Gems the sky Gleaming bright. From afar Drawing nigh. Falls the Night.

Thanks and praise, For our days, Neath the sun, Neath the stars, Neath the sky. As we go, This we know. God is nigh.

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