famous people · 2020-06-14 · 1. how many different famous people can you name? have a...

Post on 18-Jun-2020






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Famous People YEAR 4

Summer Term Week 8

(15th June)

Here is this week’s work – full of ideas and choices for you to pick and choose from

throughout the week.

REMEMBER to upload examples of your work onto KidBlog


Maths to be completed every day.

1 Times tables Rockstars/Numbots - Work on your number facts everyday – by doing

these 5 times a week you will get better and better!

2 Hit the Button - Play on Hit the Button each day, working on your number bonds,

doubles or times tables!

3 Daily task – Choose from one of the tasks which have been attached separately.

Please write your answers in your exercise books. Remember how to set out your work

neatly and date it.

Use it or lose it! Keep your brain exercised!


Do you know of any famous mathematicians? A mathematician is someone who uses an

extensive knowledge of mathematics in their work, typically to solve mathematical problems.

Mathematicians are concerned with numbers, data, quantity, structure, space, models, and


Do you know any square numbers?

1) 1 x 1 = 6) Which number when multiplied by itself gives you the answer 100?

2) 2 x 2 = 7) Which number when multiplied by itself gives you the answer 64?

3) 3 x 3 = 8) Which number when multiplied by itself gives you the answer 81?

4) 4 x 4 = 9) Which number when multiplied by itself gives you the answer 49?

5) 5 x 5 = 10) Which number when multiplied by itself gives you the answer 64?

Einstein probably remains most famous for his 'theory

of relativity' and perhaps the most famous

mathematical equation ever written, E = mc² – which

means Energy (e) equals mass (m) times the speed of

light, squared (c²).

Squared simply means

a number which is

multiplied by itself!

Spellings Try to complete one every day if you can.

Prefix or suffix? Add a prefix, suffix or both to each root word to make a new word. Don’t

get tricked because some root words don’t have a prefix or suffix!


Beat the Parents – Once you have made your list of prefixes and suffixes,

challenge your parents to do the same. Time them – maybe give them one minute

to think of as many as they can. Did they manage to find all the ones you listed?

Prefix Root word Suffix EXAMPLE: unbelievable, disbelieve believe unbelievable, believed, believing,







Spelling Detective

Correct the spelling mistakes – Write the correct spellings in your book.

Why is Martin Luther King famus? Martin Luther King Jr woz an American campaigner for the fair and equal

treatment of all peopel and an end to racial discrimination. He was a brilliant, brave man and a brilliant speaker

and he was the youngest-ever purson to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

Martin Luther King’s speach ‘I have a Dream’ was delivered to a croud of more than 250,000 people. It was one

off the most famous speeches in history.

Sum inspirational lines from Martin Luther King I have a dream speech:

“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these

truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the

colour of their skin but by the content of their character.”

Challenging vocabulary of the week – Look up the words campaigner, creed and nation to

find their meaning.

Practise year 3 and 4 statutory spelling list below:

Reading Weekly reading tasks. Aim to read for 15 minutes every day and complete one activity from

the list below per day.

1 Your weekly reading comprehension task - Complete the weekly comprehension

activity attached to the email.

2 Recommend to a friend - Read for pleasure. It is a great way to relax. Write a book

review and post it on KidBlog

3 Famous Authors - Who is your favourite author? Research them on the internet and find out as

much as you can about them. How young were they when they wrote their first book? What inspired

them to write? How many books have they written? Were they good at reading and writing at school?

Were they ever rejected by any publishers?

Here are some links for authors you may like:






4 Word detective – our word of the week is EQUALITY. What does it mean?

Which famous people have campaigned for EQUALITY?

5 Famous Book Characters - Who is your favourite character? Why? Ask your family to tell you

their most famous book characters. Make a list of the top 10 famous book characters in your family.


READ ABOUT FAMOUS PEOPLE – This is Nelson Mandela and he lived a most fascinating life. Find out why

Nelson Mandela went to prison, but then went on to become President of South Africa!

Follow this link to find out about Nelson Mandela


Follow this link to read even more!!




Weekly tasks. Aim to do one a day.

1 FAMOUS PERSON BIOGRAPHY – Research a famous person and write their biography.

Mrs Pimm’s writing group wrote a biography about John Cadbury! You could choose from:


2 BECOME A REPORTER – Imagine you are an English reporter from the 1940’s and you visit

South Africa during the time of the apartheid. You have been sent to write a report about

Nelson Mandela and his campaign against apartheid. What is apartheid? Why was there

apartheid? Who was campaigning against it? How did they campaign? What happened to Nelson


Follow this link and it will help you write your report.


3 POETRY – Write a poem entitled - I have a Dream

4 FAMOUS PERSON FACT FILE – Pick a famous person from the

past or present. You could pick someone who inspires you because

of the great things they have achieved such as an athlete, artist

or a great leader. You may pick a charitable person who has

worked to help others or a great inventor. It is your choice! Find

out as much as you can by researching them on the internet. After

that, create your own fact file all about them. You could add

drawings, with labels or captions. Don’t forget your headings and

subheadings. Add some Fun Facts or Did you know?

REMEMEBER to read your work to check it! It is a good idea to reread every sentence when

you have finished writing each one.

We would love to see your work on KidBlog

Diary Write your own diary entry and try to include the success criteria.

Returning to work five mornings a week has been positive, but quite tiring. It has been good to get

back into a normal routine. During the lockdown period I went to bed later than usual because I did

not need to wake up early for work and it was sunny late into the evening. However, the weather has

completely changed since returning to school, which has been a great thing for our animals. After

having such a long, dry spell of sunny weather, our fresh, spring water had completely dried up and we

had almost used up all the water we had stored. Luckily, the rain finally came! Our original source is

still dry, but my children discovered, just by chance, another water source. Shilo and Lara were

walking among the tall trees and prickly brambles when Shilo tripped over a large stone.

“Ow, my shin hurts!” Shilo shouted, so Lara turned to see if he was ok. As she was bent down, to

check his leg, she noticed some water trickling along the dry ground. Immediately, Shilo forgot about

his leg and they went to tell their dad about the water. All three of them soon returned, with a pipe

in hand. Firstly, they traced the water source to its mouth, removed a few more stones and leaves

and then dug into the ground a little way. After that, they lay down the plastic pipe into the freshly

dug area and waited to see how much water would flow. Roughly five litres every minute was flowing,

so Shilo, who must have been feeling strong that day, dragged a bath down and placed the pipe into it.

It did not take long for the bath to fill and they were able to pump the water further up the field

for the animals to drink. Amazingly, this all happened whist I was working at Birchfield, so when I got

home I had a lovely surprise!

Here are some ideas of the things you might like to write about –

• Start by writing a general comment of how your week was

• Write about how the change in weather has affected you

• Write about a challenge you have overcome

• Write about something you are looking forward to

Success Criteria:

Punctuation: try to include speech marks “I’m so relieved!” cheered Mrs Banfield.

Compound conjunctions: (FANBOYS) for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so

Expanded noun phrases with preposition; under, behind, before, between, next to

Time connectives; then, after, when, before, while

To include ‘drop clause’ (relative clauses); ,who ,which ,where

Causal Conjunctions: because, unless, so that, otherwise, therefore, however

Hello Everyone! I hope that you have had another great week, and that you have managed to find

time to write your diary. I feel really happy that I’ve kept my diary during these unusual times. I

wonder if my grandchildren or great-grandchildren will ever read it.

Topic Learning project – to choose different tasks to complete each day throughout the week.

The project this week aims to provide opportunities for you to learn about famous people, who inspire you. It also

gives you the opportunity to reflect on what you would like to achieve in your life and the sort of person you would

like to become.

1 Famous for helping others – Have you heard of Captain Tom Moore?

It is not too late to send him a birthday card. You can follow the link below and print off a card to

colour and post or make your own and post it to the address given in this link.

Send Captain Tom Moore a Birthday card!!


2 Famous for their Art – Vincent van Gogh was a fascinating artist who became famous after he

died. He was most famous for Starry Night, The Bedroom, Irises and Sunflowers paintings. He

certainly lived a very interesting life.

Find out about Vincent Van Gogh by watching the video in this link.


Choose Starry Night or Sunflowers to draw or paint. You could display it in your window.

Thomas Moore, is a former British Army

officer known for his achievements raising

money for charity in the run-up to his

100th birthday during the COVID-19

pandemic. He walked 100 times around

garden and raised over

32 Million Pounds for the NHS!!

3 Famous for her sporting achievement – Have you heard of Dame Ellen MacArthur? Dame Ellen

MacArthur (born in 1976) is a very brave and talented English yachtswoman. She sailed all the

way around the world!!

What would you like to achieve in your lifetime? What are your hopes? What are your goals? Pretend you have

reached the age of thirty years old and you’ve achieved something incredible. Perhaps you have invented

something amazing, discovered a new species, achieved a great sporting goal or helped a person or a community.

Please draw a timeline of your life. Show how you achieved your dream!

4 Famous for her mathematics - Katherine Johnson was an

American mathematician who is famous for her contributions

to the U.S. Space Program. Katherine Coleman Goble

Johnson (August 26, 1918 – February 24, 2020) was an

African American mathematician. She finished schooling at a

very early age. Katherine Johnson was 1 of the first 3 black

people allowed to study at West Virginia University, which before, was officially racist and did

not let black people be students. She was known for her work on the United States' aeronautics

and space programs. Her work contributed to Project Mercury, the Apollo missions, and the

Space Shuttle. Project Mercury was the first human spaceflight program of the United

States, running from 1958 through 1963. An early highlight of the Space Race, its goal, was to

put a man into Earth orbit and return him safely, ideally before the Soviet Union. Mercury was

the name of the program, but they did not visit Mercury. No human has ever

set foot on Mercury. Find out all you can about planet Mercury and create

your own information poster.

Follow this link to find interesting facts about Mercury


5 Famous Person List: a) Write a letter to a Famous Author – what would you like to ask the famous author?

b) Famous Poet – write your own ‘Don’t poem’ in the style of Michael Rosen’s famous poem



c) Create a Famous Person in History Poster – e.g. Mary Anning, who we studied in Year 4!

d) Famous Olympian – this year the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 were postponed. Find a famous

Olympian to learn about.

e) Famous Person that inspires you - Musician, sportsperson, artist, inventor, teacher!

BOREDOM BUSTERS BOREDEOM BUSTER LIST – why not try your hand at one of


1. How many different famous people can you name? Have a


2. Pretend you are famous and design your own website page!

3. Keep in touch with a friend.

4. Go for a walk and see how many different types of flowers or

birds you can spot.

5. Based on what you have learnt about famous people, create a

quiz to test your parents!

6. Have a discussion – find out who your parents admire and why?

7. Play cards with your family. For new ideas visit -


8. Do some yoga, dance, or sing (loudly!!!).

9. Draw a sketch of your favourite famous person.

10 Write a letter to your favourite author and tell him/her why

you like his/her books.

Useful websites you may like to visit:

Charanga: https://charanga.com/site/

Times Table Rockstars: https://ttrockstars.com/

Here are a few websites you can practise and reinforce your Spelling





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