fareham flyer - june 2012

Post on 30-Mar-2016






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The monthly journal of the Rotary Club of Fareham



Dear fellow Rotarians,

Having just returned from a

delightful touring holiday in

Georgia and the Carolinas, I

am rather short of inspiration

for this month’s offering.

However, with the sun shining

through the window and

temperatures equal to that in

Atlanta, I shall now make a

brave start!

The holiday started well, when

the kindly check-in staff of

British Airways, noticing that

it was Kay’s birthday, gave us

upgraded seats for the outward


Whilst in the USA I wore my

trusty Rotarian cap, (borrowed

from Tony at a KidsOut day- I

promise I’ll keep it clean for

next time Tony!), and this

brought immediate notice from

our tour manager, Ms. Jane

Smart, a Rotarian from the

Rotary Club of Sherborne,

Dorset. This is the second

holiday where our tour

manager has been a member of


The second Rotarian whom I

met was a member of the

Rotary Club of Dallas, Texas,

District 5810. He too was on

holiday, but much nearer to his

home than Kay and I.

I usually look out for signs of

local Rotary activity when

travelling, and this trip I found

the Rotary Clock in Savannah,

Georgia. It is situated in the

beautiful market place in the

centre of the town.

The other Rotary contribution

we noticed was in the lovely

city of Charleston, where in

the local park very smart bag

dispensers had been provided

for dog owners to scoop poop!

These were suitable identified

with the Rotary roundel.

I’m afraid I wasn’t allowed to

take a photo of those!

Anyway, life goes on, and now

it’s back to business!

Thanks to Mike Swinburne,

who pointed out that in my

article on Ernie and Enid’s

wedding I gave the year as

1938. This is clearly wrong, as

Ernie would only have been 11

years old! It should of course

have been 1948. Apologies to

Ernie and Enid.

When Lions meet Rotary

President Linda, Mike Hurley

and Rebecca all got glammed

up to go to Ferneham Hall on

Saturday 12th May 2012 to be

part of Fareham Lions 50th

Charter Anniversary.

In attendance were the Mayor

of Fareham, Dennis Steadman

and Mayoress, MP Mark

Hoban and his wife Fiona.

Mark Hoban is a member of

the Lions. He started his

Lion’s life in Fareham, and

then transferred to the Lions

Club in Westminster.

A total of 97 people were

there to join in the celebrations

and to enjoy a splendid meal

comprising tuna nicoise salad,

chicken wrapped in bacon on a

potato rosti with red wine

sauce served with bowls of

fresh vegetables, lemon tart

with creme fraiche, followed

by tea or coffee.

Entertainment followed, with

dance music provided by “The


Now a brief history of

Fareham Lions by Fareham

The Fareham Flyer President Linda Ingram

Service above Self Bulletin Number 347 JUNE 2012 www.farehamrotary.com

Lions President 2011/2012

Ernie Howard:

The idea of having a Lions

Club in Fareham was raised in

1959, and a first informal

meeting was held on 26th

November that year. These

informal monthly meetings

were held until October 26th

1960, when the club consisted

of 5 members who set to work

with help from Portsmouth

Lions (who were their

sponsors) to find more


The first formal meeting was

held on 16th November 1960

with 6 members. These

members started by delivering

logs to old people and

providing parcels to the needy

at Christmas.

The Club then took over from

Portsmouth Lions the running

of the firework display at St

Edith's Children’s home at

Wallington. This continued

until the home was closed,

when the building became

what is now the Roundabout


The club started Bingo which

was held every Tuesday to

raise funds from which the

club was able to purchase a

Guide Dog for the Blind and

build a scented garden at the

Blind Home, Mansfield House,

Lee-on-the-Solent. These

activities were being reported

in the town and people started

asking "who are the Lions".

By November 1961 the club

had grown to 16 members and

it was decided to become a

Chartered Club. The Charter

presentation was held at the

Tower Ballroom on the pier at

Lee on Solent on 8th February

1962. Following this, more

people started to attend

meetings and the club was able

to expand its activities.

At this time donations and

help were given to Portchester

and Fareham Youth Clubs and

the club took an active part in

assisting these clubs.

The following Christmas the

first sleigh was built. The Club

supplied the Christmas tree to

go outside Westbury Manor,

which was then the Council

Offices, and the first street

collections were started. These

Christmas collections have

continued ever since and

together with our involvement

in the Stubbington Fayre and

Donkey Derby have provided

funds for the majority of our

service activities.

Our annual Senior Citizens

Easter Party with its Bonnet

competition is always a

favourite and never fails to

please the people who attend.

This was held in the church

hall in St Michael's Grove,

Fareham - all the food was

prepared by Members of

Fareham Lions and their

partners. It is now held at the

Palmerson Indoor Bowels

Club, Palmerston Drive,

Fareham, and they now

provide the catering as well as

the hall.

Each Senior Citizen attending

is given a bag of goodies

(basics such as tea, coffee etc.)

at the end of the party. This

originally started life as a

Christmas Party but was

moved to Easter some years


As well as supporting

numerous local organisations

and individuals, we have given

support to many international,

multiple District and District

projects over the years and

have awarded four Melvin

Jones Fellowships Awards.

One of the aims of the Lions

Clubs is to extend, and

Fareham has sponsored Clubs

in Gosport, Cosham, Meon

Valley, Swanwick, Swanage

and most recently, Crofton..

At present Fareham Lions has

8 members, but is always

looking for more!

A Report by Rebecca – many


President Linda and Lions

President Ernie Howard.

The Cardiologist and the Motor Mechanic.

A motor mechanic was removing

a cylinder head from the motor of

a BMW M3 when he spotted a

well-known cardiologist in his


The cardiologist was there

waiting for the service manager to

come and take a look at his car

when the mechanic shouted

across the garage, "Hey Doc,

want to take a look at this?" The

cardiologist, a bit surprised

walked over to where the

mechanic was working on the


The mechanic straightened up,

wiped his hands on a rag and

asked, "So Doc, look at this

engine. I opened its heart, took

the valves out, repaired or

replaced anything damaged, and

then put everything back in, and

when I finished, it worked just

like new. So how is that I make

$100,000 a year and you make

$1/2M when you and I are doing

basically the same work?"

The cardiologist paused, leaned

over, and then whispered to the


"Try doing it with the engine


Thanks to Mike Eastwood.


t was a greyish day by the

beach at Stubbington on

Sunday 20 May but this did

not deter the kite surfers,

strollers, dog walkers, and

other folks taking the air –

which is a good thing as it

ensured a good number of

visitors to the Wheelhouse

where the Rotary Clubs of

Fareham and Fareham Meon

held an Open Day.

Members from both Clubs got

together, in shifts, to show off

what Rotary does, locally and

world-wide. There was plenty

of promotional material, a

film, and people to chat with


Free refreshments were

available and, over a cup of tea

or coffee, there was the

opportunity to tell more about

Rotary’s causes and activities.

This was not a fund raising

event but a good chance for

awareness raising.

The opportunity was taken to

couple this with a Know Your

Blood Pressure event,

promoted by RIBI in

association with the Stroke

Association. In fact, having

Geoff Hillam, Jill Newby, and

Duncan Colin-Jones,

positioned near the open door

with the appropriate machine,

and a member or two outside

to invite people in, it meant

that there was a steady trickle

of visitors throughout the day.

Thanks are due to the thirteen

or so members from both

Clubs for making this a

worthwhile endeavour. It is

likely that we will do this


Thanks for the report Linda

One unfortunate visitor really

did require a medical check –

up. Ken Trowbridge took a

tumble after tripping over his

dog’s lead. He headed for the

Wheelhouse, where with all the

medical expertise on hand he

was soon assessed as’ fit to

travel,’ luckily having suffered

nothing more severe than a

few cuts and bruises. I hope

Buster had his bone ration

reduced as punishment! Ed

Don’t forget the Soberton Gala-3rdJune

It’s that Green Thing

Checking out at the shop, the

young cashier suggested to the

older woman that she should

bring her own shopping bags in

future because plastic bags

weren't good for the environment.

The woman apologized and

explained, "We didn't have this

green thing back when I was

growing up."

The cashier responded, "That's

our problem today. Your

generation did not care enough

about the environment to save it

for future generations."

She was of course right: The

older lady’s generation didn't

have the green thing in its day,

back then, they returned milk

bottles, pop bottles and beer

bottles to the shop. The shop sent

them back to the factory to be


washed and sterilized and refilled,

so it could use the same bottles

over and over again – they really

were recycled. They also refilled

writing pens with ink instead of

buying a new pen, and replaced

the razor blades in a razor instead

of throwing away the whole razor

just because the blade got dull -

But they didn't have the green

thing back in their day.

Oh, they also walked up stairs,

because they didn't have an

escalator in every shop and office

building. They walked to the

corner shop and didn't climb into

a 300-horsepower machine every

time they had to go two blocks -

But she was right, they did not

have the green thing in their day.

Back then, they washed the

baby's nappies because they didn't

have the throw-away kind. They

dried clothes on a line, not in an

energy gobbling machine burning

up 220 volts -- wind and solar

power really did dry their clothes

back in the early days. Kids got

hand-me-down clothes from their

brothers or sisters, not always

brand-new clothing - but that

young lady was right. They didn't

have that green thing back in their


Back then, they had one TV, or

radio, in the house -- not a TV in

every room. And the TV had a

small screen the size of a

handkerchief (remember them?),

not a screen the size of the county

of Yorkshire. In the kitchen, they

blended and stirred by hand

because they didn't have electric

machines to do everything for

them. When they packaged a

fragile item to send in the post,

they used wadded up old

newspapers to cushion it, not

Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap.

Back then, they didn't fire up an

engine and burn petrol just to cut

the lawn they used a push mower

that ran on human power. They

also exercised by working so they

didn't need to go to a health club

to run on treadmills that operate

on electricity - but that young

lady was right. They didn't have

that green thing back their day.

They also drank water from a

fountain or a tap when they were

thirsty instead of demanding a

plastic bottle flown in from

another country. They accepted

that a lot of food was seasonal

and didn’t expect that to be

bucked by flying it thousands of

air miles around the world. They

actually cooked food that didn’t

come out of a packet, tin or

plastic wrap and they could even

wash their own vegetables and

chop their own salad - but that

young lady was right. They didn't

have that green thing back then.

Back then, people took the tram

or a bus, and kids rode their bikes

to school or walked instead of

turning their mothers into a 24-

hour taxi service. They had one

electrical outlet in a room, not an

entire bank of sockets to power a

dozen appliances and they didn't

need a computerized gadget to

receive a signal beamed from

satellites 2,000 miles out in space

in order to find the nearest pizza

joint. But isn't it sad, the current

generation laments how wasteful

old folks were just because they

didn't have the green thing back


Please forward this on to another

selfish older person who needs a

lesson in conservation from a

smart-ass young person!

Remember: Don't make old

people mad, as they don't much

like being old in the first place

........ so it doesn't take much to

hack them off! My thanks to George Cantrill.

What do you call the first

Afghan off the boat?

Amhere! What do you call the second

Afghan off the boat?

Amhere Azwel! What do you call the third

Afghan off the boat?

Amhere Azwel Azhim!

Mayor visits the Club.


On Thursday 17th

May, the

newly installed Mayor of

Fareham, Cllr Dennis

Steadman, accompanied by his

wife Carole, honoured the

Club with the customary

official visit at the start of the

term of office.

The Mayor spoke about the

new Eclipse Bus Service from

Gosport and the preparations

being made for the Olympic

Torch Relay through Fareham

on 15 June. He also mentioned

the four recreation grounds

(the first in the country

apparently) which have been

designated for the Jubilee as

Queen Elizabeth II Playing

areas permanently protected

under the Queen Elizabeth II

Playing fields scheme -

Seafield Park Recreation


Bath Lane Recreation Ground.

Allotment Road Recreation

Ground at Sarisbury and the

Wicor Recreation Ground at






By Mike Swinburne. At the Club meeting held on

Thursday 24th

May, Mike

Swinburne raised the question

of membership, with particular

reference to our own Club.

Mike has asked me to record

the following points:


When I spoke to the Club on

Thursday the 24th

May there

were 14 apologies i.e. nearly

32% of the Club. Members

should be reminded that

attendance at Club meetings is

obligatory and not an option

(Article 9 Sec.1 Standard RIBI

Club Constitution). Not long

ago I remember the Club used

to issue details of Attendance

and anyone falling below the

require 60% would get a quiet

word from the President and

told to improve. Some of our

members fly south with the

swallows and these can apply

to the Club for Leave of

Absence (which is never

refused!) I think some of our

members must be well below

the 60% minimum. May I

suggest that at the end of the

year these statistics are


Another suggestion which I

should like to put to the Club –

If a member in aggregate has

more than 85 years of age and

membership, he should be

excused the current attendance



We are an aging Club with a

large proportion of the

membership over the age of 80

years or fast approaching that

Golden Age. The whole Club

gets older each year and we

must make a conscious effort

to find new younger members.

We have not had a new

member for more than 2 years,

when Betty Evans joined us.

As the Club gets older it

becomes less attractive to

potential new younger



If all of our 44 members

turned up for lunch it would be

near impossible to seat them.

The upper room is fast

becoming not an option as a

number of our members find it

extremely difficult in getting

up the stairs. Can we have

another approach to Cams to

see if a lift could be provided?

I think there is space for one

and if it is only a matter of cost

the Club could help provide

the funds. The food, staff and

car parking are excellent and I

would hate to move but we

must have a Plan B.

I hope the Club and Club

Council will take these items

on board.

Wishing Well collection –


99p store --- £32.85p




On Monday 4 June 2012, from

12.00 - 4.00pm Fareham

Borough Council, Fareham

and Crofton Cricket Club and

ASDA Active are hosting a

special Diamond Jubilee


The event will be held on Bath

Lane Recreation Ground, Bath

Lane (Lower) Fareham and

will not only celebrate the

Queens Diamond Jubilee, but

Bath Lane Recreation Ground

being secured as a Queen

Elizabeth II Playing Field as

part of the Fields in Trust


At 1.00pm a special dedication

and plaque unveiling will be

made by Cllr Mrs Hockley to

celebrate Bath Lane

Recreation Grounds new status

as a permanently protected

Queen Elizabeth II Playing


Executive Member for Leisure

and Community, Councillor

Connie Hockley said, “I am

really pleased I am able to

unveil the plaque at this Queen

Elizabeth II Playing Field.

This special event will provide

the ideal setting for friends and

families to celebrate the

Queens Jubilee in the great

outdoors with lots of fun

activities that everyone can

enjoy”. To make this day even

more enjoyable, a range of

activities will also be

available, including the ASDA

Active Zone which will consist

of lots of fun and healthy

activities and taster sessions,

including Zumba, a tombola

sponsored by the ASDA

Fareham store, live music by

Threepenny Bit (a local folk

band), bouncy castles, face

painting, the Fareham Play

Rangers making Jubilee

themed arts and crafts,

inclusive sports equipment and

soft play apparatus. There will

also be traditional games

including a coconut shy and

egg and spoon races, and the

Fareham Sea Scouts in stocks,

along with much more for

children, young people and

families to enjoy.


On Saturday 2 June 2012, from

10.00 - 4.00pm Fareham

Borough Council in

partnership with Jubilee 77

Youth Football Club is hosting

a special Diamond Jubilee


The event will be held on

Seafield Park Recreation

Ground, Illustrious Way, Hill

Head and will not only

celebrate the Queens Diamond

Jubilee, but Seafield Park

Recreation Ground being

secured as a Queen Elizabeth

II Playing Field as part of the

Fields in Trust Challenge, the

Jubilee 77 Youth Football

Club will also be celebrating

35 years of delivering and

coaching youth football.

At 1.00pm a special dedication

and plaque unveiling will be

made by the Mayor and

Mayoress of Fareham to

celebrate Seafield Park

Recreation Grounds new status

as a permanently protected

Queen Elizabeth II Playing


In addition to a special Jubilee

77 Youth football tournament,

there will be a range of

exciting activities, including

bouncy castles, face painting,

the Fareham Play Ranger Zone

with Jubilee souvenir craft

activities, inclusive sports

equipment and soft play, egg

and spoon races, beat the

goalie, stocks and much more

for children, young people and

families to enjoy.

On Sunday 3rd

June a special

Service of Thanksgiving will

be held on the village green,

commencing at 10:30 – all



On Sunday 3 June 2012, from

12-4pm Fareham Borough

Council in partnership with

AFC Portchester is hosting a

special Diamond Jubilee

Celebration 'The Big Jubilee

Lunch'. The event will be held

on Wicor Recreation Ground,

Cranleigh Road, Portchester.

The celebrations will be for

both the Queens Diamond

Jubilee, and for Wicor

Recreation Ground being

secured as a Queen Elizabeth

II Playing Field as part of the

Fields in Trust Challenge....


Sunday, 3 June 2012 - noon to midnight Recreation Ground, Soberton Heath

“Swing through the Royal Decades”

11.00 Thanksgiving Service in

the Marquee Led by Rev.

Sandra Beavis

11.45 Opening of new Pavilion

and unveiling of Guide Hut

sign featuring the

Junior Acapella Choir

12.15 You are welcome to

Picnic on the Rec

2.00 Opening Ceremony by

Frank Pearson, Mayor of

Winchester and our oldest

resident, Win Sparks (102)

2.10 Newtown Soberton

School dancing.

2.20 3 Ps Children’s Games

(Registration during lunch)

3.45 Children’s Jubilee Tea

and Magic Show

4.30 End of afternoon


7.30-Midnight – dancing.


Saturday 2nd June

Children’s party: 2-5pm, Parish

Rooms, entertainment, tea.

Sunday 3rd June

• Church Service: 11 am St

Peter’s Church with Evangelical

Church and Titchfield

Community Choir. All welcome.

• Big Lunch: 12 noon Community

Centre,-Tickets £2

Large TV screen relaying

national events

• BBC Radio Solent Live


•50’s Dance: 7.30pm,

Community Centre,

Tickets £5, Bar.

Monday 4th June

• Jubilee Jamboree:

2-5pm, Barry’s Meadow. Music,


Children’s entertainment and

Rides, face painting. Treasure

Hunt, stalls.

Entrance is free.

• Strawberry Teas:

2-5pm, Parish Rooms.


• Lighting of the TBBS Beacon

(in line with National Beacon

Lighting) with entertainment and

food at West Hill Park School.

Tuesday 5th June

• An attempt to ring a peal of

5040 changes:

10 am, St Peter’s Church Bell


• Open Gardens: 2-5pm

• Jubilee Dog Walk

Titchfield’s Diamond Jubilee


Flower Festival in St Peter’s

Church; Exhibition of Titchfield

over 60 years in The Garage,

Community Centre, and Poetry.


PP Jill Newby recently

entertained guests Joelle from

Inner Wheel, Chateauroux,

together with Ursula and

Roger Esnault, for dinner at

her home.


Birthdays for June









Also 28TH







7TH Speaker meeting –

Norman Chapman


14th Speaker meeting- Tom

Churchill 19

th Club Council –Joint

meeting 21

st Business & Fellowship

meeting 28th Changeover Night

(Partners & Guests 30

th District Council meeting

During this hot spell, I thought

the following might ensure a

harmonious BBQ.

It is important to refresh your

memory on the etiquette of this

sublime outdoor cooking activity

... When a man volunteers to do

the BBQ the following chain of

events are put into motion:


(1) The woman buys the food.

(2) The woman makes the salad,

prepares the vegetables, and

makes a splendid choice of


(3) The woman prepares the meat

for cooking, places it on a tray

along with the necessary cooking

utensils and sauces, and takes it to

the man who is lounging beside

the grill - beer in hand.

(4) The woman remains outside

the compulsory three meter

exclusion zone where the

exuberance of testosterone and

other manly bonding activities

can take place without the

interference of the woman.

Here comes the important part:



(6) The woman goes inside to

organize the plates and cutlery.

(7) The woman comes out to tell

the man that the meat is looking

great. He thanks her and asks if

she will bring another beer while

he flips the meat




(9) The woman prepares the

plates, salad, bread, utensils,

napkins, sauces, and brings them

to the table.

(10) After eating, the woman

clears the table and does the


And most important of all:

(11) Everyone PRAISES the

MAN and THANKS HIM for his

cooking efforts..

(12) The man asks the woman

how she enjoyed 'her night off '

and upon seeing her annoyed

reaction, concludes that there's

just no pleasing some women!

Many thanks to all contributors











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