fashion and the zodiac – why sagittarians like to keep it versatile and unique

Post on 11-Jan-2017






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Fashion and the Zodiac – Why Sagittarians like to keep it Versatile and Unique

If you were born somewhere between 22nd November and 21st December, you came into the world with an innate passion for fashion. Sagittarians are fashionistas at heart, whether they showcase it to the world or not. Deep inside they love dressing up, throwing on the most unique looks together and giving the world the finest appearances with their attire.

Are you a Sagittarian who loves to dress up?

Here’s what makes you who you are!

Sagittarians are known for their positive outlook towards life; their optimism, creativity and fervour is infectious and also gets rubbed on to their fashion choices. Their outspokenness makes Sagittarians chic individuals who love making a statement with their fashion choices, although not to grab attention but only to please themselves. Sagittarian women especially love experimenting and taking risks when it comes to fashion.

A Sagittarian’s Sense of Style

Easy to describe, a Sagittarian’s sense of style is simple and sophisticated. Sagittarians are easily attracted to shades of maroon, crimson, blue, purple, beige and yellow. But creating their own style mantra is what they do best. So whether it is mixing and matching the most vibrant hues or looking their finest best for every occasion, you know it’s a Sagittarian’s hand at work.

Style Tips for the Style Conscious Sagittarian Woman

Looking for some unique and versatile inspiration? Show off your appealing Sagittarian side with these tips.

1. Keep it simple yet sophisticated with casuals; and what better way to do so than with a white top and jeans?

2. Complement dark and bold hues with neutral accessories and elegance simply follows.

3. Sagittarians like being prepared for everything and a large bag to hold everything you need will get you through whatever the day might bring.

4. Sagittarians are comfortable in their own skin. For them, fashion is skin deep and even if they’re wearing a cropped tee, flats or flip flops, they know how to rock the outfit.

5. The archer, the dominant symbol for Sagittarians, makes itself quite prominent in fashion. Look for necklaces and earrings with arrows on them and wear your star sign with pride wherever you go.

Are you or do you know of a Sagittarian who loves dressing up? Do you have any more Zodiac specific style tips to share with us? Do leave a comment and let us know!

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