fast easy ways to make money online

Post on 17-Mar-2016






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2 - Niche Selection

a) Simpler than You Think

Ok so now with the basics out of the way – let’s get to step one in our

process –

Step #1 - Niche Selection/Doing Your Research

Step #2 - Targeting “Buyers” First

Step #3 - Expanding the Business

So the way that I do my Niche Selection and Research is possibly a bit

different than what you may hear elsewhere.

Some people tell you to go after markets with little to no competition, or

the little known golden nuggets out there…whatever…I don’t believe in

that, it takes WAY more sweat and tear necessary to make that line of

thinking profitable for you…

I want the easy route instead…

This is basically what it comes down to for me –

Leverage the Success of Others.

I like to promote what is ALREADY doing well.

For example if I’m promoting an offer through, I’m going

to choose one of their most successful offers to promote.

Learn to WELCOME competition. If a lot of other people are also

promoting a product or services it means that it must be working well

for them – and this provides a huge OPPORTUNITY for us.

Particularly with the way that I’m going to show you how I drive large

amounts of TARGETED traffic. ;-)

I hear a lot of people say in business that you should ‘pick something

your passionate about’

….like that’s the standard business mantra or something.

And I do agree with that phrase…but I must clarify one thing…

It helps to be interested in the area you’re promoting, because it can be

more fun that way


What I think is even more important than the subject matter of the

niche you’re promoting, is to be passionate about the PROCESS.

It’s the PROCESS behind your ACTIONS that are the biggest factor to

your success.

To be honest, I’ll promote products in markets I have no personal

interest in whatsoever….in fact, the products and services themselves

could actually pretty boring to me! :-P

But that’s not the part that gets me excited, it’s the PROCESS behind

what I’m doing! That’s the part I love!

I love going into new niches, targeting the buyers within that niche (like

I’m about to show you how to do), and repeating the process over and

over to grow my business and cash in.

So let’s get to it!!

b) How to Approached Different Markets/Niches

To me, there are three main “Superniches” that will never ever go out of


They are – Health, Wealth, and Relationships

And these categories don’t fail no matter the state of the economy,

people are ALWAYS interested in these categories (it’s not something

like ‘dining out’ or ‘movie rentals’ that people usually will cut back on in

hard economic times)…

But speaking of dining out, what would be a good idea would be to sell

‘how to save money dining out’ or ‘how to save money taking a girl out

on a date’….something like that….I’m just brainstorming now

But anyway, back to my point…

These ‘super’ niches can be broken down into subniches – For


Health can be things like –

a. Fitness

b. Weight Loss

c. Lower Cholesterol

d. Improve your Golf game (like targeting athletes).

Wealth can be –

o Making More Money

o How to Save Money (like get cheaper insurance, or credit cards)

o Coupons (for deal shoppers)

o Job Searches

Relationships can be –

o Dating Advice

o Personal Growth/Life Fulfillment

o Hobbies

o Travel/Gifts

The reason that I even mention the idea of “Superniches” and

“Subniches” is that this is the way I think of everything that I promote

online, no matter how large or small the market is.

It helps me really drive deep into the market and find more traffic and

more money.

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