faster fluency conversation club guidebook · the first topic in this guidebook is dedicated to...

Post on 14-Mar-2019






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Faster Fluency Conversation Club Guidebook

Welcome to the Faster Fluency Conversation ClubThe place to boost your English conversation confidence

You’ve made the right decision!Practicing is the best way to improve your English. You know that already - but sometimes, it’s hard to find opportunities and a motivating, no-pressure environment. On your own, without a system to support your motivation, your personal momentum often fades away. And if you want to improve and learn from your mistakes, but don’t want to make mistakes in front of your colleagues...or your boss, the Faster Fluency Club is the perfect safe space.

Thanks to the Faster Fluency Conversation Club, you’ll get:

• 10 to 12 hour-long conversation practice sessions. Attend as many as you want!

• Regular practice to help you become more confident speaking English• More vocabulary, so you don’t search for your words or hesitate • The support of our specially-selected Fluency Club Leader, Cara

What’s in this guide?

First, I strongly suggest you save this guide on your computer, so you can easily find it before your Fluency Club sessions.

Here, you’ll find a guide for 16 weeks of conversation. That’s corresponds to 4 months of participation in the Faster Fluency Conversation Club! Every week, you’ll find a new topic, a question to start the conversation with your partners, and questions to develop the conversations further. By email, you’ll receive online resources selected by Christina, to give you the vocabulary and grammar you’ll need to discuss the topic of the week. One of the great things about the Faster Fluency Conversation Club is its flexibility. So these topics are simply suggestions. Feel free to skip the

questions you don’t like, change the topic of the week, or talk about some-thing totally different. The important thing is to have fun making conversation, and to become more confident speaking English.

And if you have suggestions for other topics you would like to see in this guide, let me know at I’m always open to suggestions from students!

Meet Cara, your Faster Fluency Conversation Club Leader

In each session of the Faster Fluency Conversation Club, our club leader Cara Leopold will take care of you. Cara is the creator of the popular listening site, and founder of the Movie Mindset Shift, a 30-day challenge to use movie clips to build your lis-tening skills.She’s an expert in helping advanced English learners who love TV and cinema fall back in love with their favourite films and series by getting subtitle free, and at Speak English with Christina, we’re excited that she has joined our team to lead the Faster Fluency Conversation Club.

Your conversation partnersIt takes 2 (or more) people to have a conversation! In the Faster Fluency Conversation Club, you’ll meet people from all over the world. This is one aspect of the program that past students appreciated the most.

This means that your conversation partners will have different accents, different ways of life, and perhaps even different beliefs from you. Please be respectful of these differences and keep an open mind. We’re all one big Fluency Club family!

What to expect Each week, there are 3 conversation sessions on the same theme. You can come to all sessions if you are available, or only one, if your time is limited.If you have to miss a week from time to time, that’s fine too. Just remember that regular practice is the key to becoming confident in English!You’ll be in a group with other members of the Faster Fluency Conversation Club. In each session, you’ll go into smaller virtual rooms, with 1-2 other peo-ple. This way, you maximize the opportunities to speak.

Your Club Leader will also join you from time to time, to make corrections, answer questions, and offer feedback, so you progress.

Getting the most from the Faster Fluency Conversation ClubHere are 5 top tips for getting the most out of your club experience, based on feedback from past students:

1. My mom always said “Don’t talk to strangers.” During your first session, take some time to introduce yourself to your conversation partners. This way, they get to know you, and you get to know them. Over time, other Conversation Club members will become familiar faces! The first topic in this guidebook is dedicated to introducing yourself.

2. Don’t worry about making mistakes. The objective is to practice fluency and develop your reflexes in English! There’s no judgement in the Club. Everyone has their own level. You’re not in competition with others. You’re only in competition with yourself, to improve your current level.

3. Make sure that you have earphones or a headset. It will be easier for you to hear others, and others will hear you better when you speak.

4. If your internet connection is slow, turn off (deactivate) your video. This will make the connection better in 90% of cases.

5. Take some time to prepare before to get the most out of your conversation sessions. Each week, you’ll receive links to resources to help you prepare. To be sure you practice what you prepared, don’t hesitate to tell your conversa-tion partner “I prepared the lesson on XXXX. Can we talk about that topic for 10-15 minutes?” Of course, if they make the same request to you, it’s only fair to say “Yes.”

IMPORTANT: The logisticsFor updated information about dates, times, and the theme of the week, check this page regularly. You’ll also find the link to connect to the Faster Fluency Conversation Club sessions.

I recommend you bookmark that page so you can find it easily in the future.And if you have any questions about the Club, Marica, our assistant will be happy to help! You can write to her at Cancelling your membership

Your membership in the Faster Fluency Conversation Club renews automati-cally each month, on the date you joined. For example, if you joined on January 7th, your membership renews on February 7th, March 7th, etc. until YOU cancel your membership.

Here’s how to cancel your membership if you decide to leave the Club: Email with “FFCC membership cancellation” in the subject line

Tell us why you want to cancel if you want to, but there’s no obligation. Feedback helps us improve the program for future students.

We’ll cancel your membership and stop your payment within 48 hours.You’ll continue to have access to the Fluency Club until the end of your pay-ment period.

1. Introduce yourself2. Hobbies and passions3. Your pet cause4. An old story5. Goals and tips6. Matchmakers7. Finding an old friend again8. Last session!9. Family10. Influences11. Culture and entertainment12. Work!13. Being happy14. Thrills and adventures15. Books & magazines16. Favorite foods17. The perfect Future

Table of Contents

Homework for next time :

New expressions I learned :

I made these mistakes. Here’s the correction :

11. Hello!

Say hello to each other!

Who are you?

Introduce yourself in a few sentences: your name, where you live, your job...

Don’t worry, today we’ll help you get the ball rolling – then you’ll get to know other members of the Faster Fluency Conversation Club as you participate in the sessions.

Breaking the ice

Here are some questions you can use to break the ice and start the conversation:

• Have you ever been part of a program like this before?• How did you first hear about Speak English with Christina? • What are your main difficulties with the English language? • What do you want to improve?• When do you need to speak in English?

For all of the other conversation topics in this guidebook, it’s similar: You have a few suggested questions to start the conversation, but then the con-versation will develop naturally.

Our questions are just here to help you find a place to start, if you want to use them.


Watch the Speak English with Christina episode “How to introduce yourself” to prepare your introduction!

Introduce yourself

21. What you do in your free time

Board games, cooking classes, juggling kittens, acrobatic knitting… People sometimes have strange hobbies – but they’re always fascinating! Often, people tend not to talk about it in day-to-day conversations. Today is the opportunity to share your passion for basket-weaving!

What are your passions? What do you do in your free time?

2. Further questionsWhat’s your secret talent?Which club did you last join?

Talk about a hobby you’ve abandoned.Talk about a hobby you’ve started lately.

Hobbies and passions

31. An idea you hold dear

We all have a favorite cause. Personal ideas on how to make things better. A suggestion to change the world, or a daily action that can have great effects. Volunteer work, donations to charity, a striking documentary… Now is the time to talk about it.

Which underrated cause or idea do you defend ?

2. Further questions

Have you ever volunteered?What’s a news story that people are talking about in your country, that prob-ably wasn’t reported in other countries?

Which piece of news made you smile this week?

Your pet cause

41. A story from your childhoodSharing stories is pretty cool. Remember a joyful moment, when you were a child, and share it.The question can open on revelations about your surprising past – as an actor’s child or heir of billionaires. Or maybe on meditations about what hap-pened since. Or simply a good story.

Which happy story from your childhood can you share?

2. Further questionsWhere did you grow up?Which fantastic teacher made the greatest impression on you?

If you could go back in time, what would you tell to your ten-year-old self?


Watch the Speak English with Christina episode “3 Past Tenses for Telling Stories” to get some grammar help!

An old story

61. Your current goalsThe to-do list is always too long. Some of these objectives are important to you – but sometimes, the daily tasks prevent you from achieving your lon-ger-term goals.(While other imperatives of yours are important and urgent, yet you’ve been neglecting them for too long. )

Tell us: big or small, what are your current goals?

2. Further questionsDo you use productivity tips? Which ones? A technique, an app…

Which small objective are you proud to have accomplished, in the last week?

3. Homework: accountability partner

Progress booster: Get an accountability partner

An accountability partner helps you keep your resolution. You share with them a goal you want to achieve, and at a given date, you tell them if you achieved your goal or not.

In reality, this means setting a deadline for yourself, and reporting your work to someone. This gives you additional motivation, because you don’t want to disappoint your accountability partner by not doing your work!

Which goal do you want to achieve by next session? Ask one of your conver-sation partners if they will contact you on the day of your deadline to check your progress.

You can exchange emails, tag each other in the Speak English with Christina Student Hangout, or agree to meet at a specific session of the Faster Fluency Conversation Club.

Goals and tips

71. Back to last week

Did you achieve the goal you set for yourself last week?

2. MatchmakersIt’s always nice to introduce two people to each other. Maybe two acquain-tances of yours have good ideas and complementary skills – and together, they’ll start a new project that wouldn’t have been made without you. Or sometimes, you know that two of your friends will get along – and you start a new friendship between them. Or, who knows, a new relationship!Which people got to know each other thanks to you?Who would you like to introduce to each other?

Who would you like to be introduced to?

3. Progress booster: Meeting somebody newAfter a certain point in life, you don’t meet new people often. There are less opportunities to talk to new people, and cultivating your existing friendships already takes time. Yet, out there, many people would like to know you !So as a homework for next week: talk to someone new! You need to come back with his/her first name and job.

How do you plan to do it?


81. Back to last weekDid you meet someone new?

Tell us who you met.

2. A friend you found againSometimes life makes close friends move away – and that’s sad. One friend followed her dreams to the other side of the world. Perhaps another got mar-ried and is less present now. Who knows? Sometimes you find them again, in surprising circumstances.

Which friend did you lose sight of, then found again?

3. Further questionsWho’s the last friend you made?Who should you call on the phone someday?

As homework, you can have coffee with someone you haven’t seen for far too long!

Finding an old friend again

101. Who are they ?Describe your family!Parents, siblings, cousins…Who are they? What do they do?

2. Further questions

Share a good memory, a happy story you’ve experienced with a family member.

What are your special family traditions?


111. Your mentorA mentor is your guide. Someone you admire. Someone wiser than you, who’s helping you move forward–personally or professionally. Someone who once reached out, and made you a better person.Who is she?

2. Questions pour aller plus loin

Which people have you helped?Which people would you like to help, around you?


121. What are you watching these days?Each year, new fantastic TV shows are come out. Movies are getting bigger and bigger. Live theater and musicals try new things. New museums open their doors…

Which show are you following, these days?Which movie or live show has impressed you, lately?What was the last museum you’ve been to?

2. Further questions

What would you air on your own TV channel, where you’d have total control?Which work of art (or exposition) would you make, if you had an illimited funding?

Bonus:Watch the Speak English with Christina episodes of “Describing Movies” and “The ‘American Dream’: My Top 3 Movies” to get some ideas for this conversation.

Culture and entertainment

131. What do you do for a living?Your work, your profession, your occupation, your activity, your job…What is it?

Share three things you like in what you do.

2. Further questions

What did you want to do, when you were younger?What else could you love to do?

Share an idea for a business you’d like to launch: an incredible start-up com-pany, a revolutionary invention, an essential service, a theme bar…

In another life you could have lived, in which profession would you have phe-nomenal success?


141. Your sources of happinessAccording to studies about happiness, to look back on the good things in life makes you happier. A good way to do it is to keep a “gratitude journal”, where you write down each day three things, big or small, that make you happy.

What are three things that give you happiness, in your life or these days ?

2. Further questions

What would you recommend, to improve well-being ?What good habits do you have?

Being happy

151. Your own adventuresYou’ve experienced something new, surprising, out of the ordinary…

Tell us an adventure of yours!

2. Further questions

Where would you like to go back ?

Share a memory: a story where you were scared–but that actually ended well.

Thrills and adventures

161. Your book of the dayDespite the wealth of available entertainment, the book keeps on rewarding its reader.

Which books are you reading, these days?Who are your favorite authors?Which book marked you especially?

2. Further questionsWhat is the worst book you’ve ever read?

In your own country’s literature:What would you recommend?What do you wish to have read?

Progress boosterChristina has some great suggestions for books & magazines in English, in the episode “My Favorite Resources for Reading in English”

Books & magazines

171. Your favorite food from your countryEveryone loves to eat, right? In every culture, food and meals bring people together. Maybe it’s a simple workday lunch, or a big family meal for a special occasion. It doesn’t have to be fancy, but food is always a fascinating topic, and a great way to literally taste another culture.

What is a favorite dish, that is typical of your country?What ingredients to you need to make this dish?

2. Further questionsDoes this dish have a special history? How was it invented?Who in your family is good at making this dish? What makes their way of preparing the dish special?Do you have a link to the recipe for this dish?

Bonus Watch the Speak English with Christina episodes “My Favorite American Dishes” and “American Food vs French Food” for some yummy inspiration!

Favorite foods

181. Dreams come true, dreams to comeThis week we’ll dream a little.

What would be your perfect future, in 15 years ?Where are you, what are you doing, with whom… ?

Describe a detailed moment.

2. Further questions

What would be your dream weekend ?Which trend would you like to start?

The perfect Future

Congratulations!Bravo! You’ve covered all of the conversation topics in this Faster Fluency Conversation Guidebook!

How has your English improved? Do you feel more confident? More fluent in everyday conversations?

If you want to continue with the Faster Fluency Conversation Club, of course, you can! You can go through the topics again with new conversation partners for additional practice, which is always helpful for becoming more confident.

You may also want to consider joining my online course Successful Small Talk, which helps you become even better with small talk in English. It gives you vocabulary, grammar, and cultural insights to help you build better connec-tions with others in English.

See you


next time!

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