fateh makkah the great victory

Post on 19-Jul-2015






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Fateh Makkah:The Great Victory

The Prophet’s love for peace

Allah and his messengers wanted to avoid bloodshed in Makkah.And even they wanted all the peoples of quraysh and arabia to open their hearts and minds to the true faith of islam.Allah had sent an ally which means a person or country that cooperates with other in the person of Al-Abbas, he is a mediator whom both sides would listen for respect.On a morning of Tuesday in 20th Ramadan of the 8th year after hijrah, the prophet ordered entry into makkahHe also ordered that no fighting should take place unless it is avoidable.Abu sufyan went to makkah and called the people to surrender and not tot fight. He also told them that whoever stayed at home and masjid could come to the house of sufyan and could be safe.

Suhail Ibn Amr, Ikrimah Ibn Abi Jahl, Safwan Ibn Umayyah and a few other people promised (vowed) to fight, but most of the people were not in agreement and did not rally to their call.It came to ears of Prophet that Sa’d Ibn Ubada had said to Abu sufyan that: ”Today is the day Malhamah, or slaughtering. Today makkah will be ransacked”. The prophet said: “He lied. Actually today Allah will glorify the Ka’bah and the Quraysh will be respected.The Prophet responded to Sa’d by immediately removing the standard from him and giving it to his son, Qays instead. And the prophet was not going to allow any excuse for wide blood-shed.Rasoolullah (SAW) marched on until he reached Thee-Tuwawhere he could see makkah lying from him.While marching he stopped and on his mount and thanked Allah for having opened the gates of makkah for him and also for allowing him and his companions to enter in peace.

The muslim army moves into Makkah

The prophet enters Makkah

The Prophet (S.A.W) sat near the tombs of Abu- Talib and Khadijah(R.A) and remembered the childhood days, youth and his call of prophet hood in he Cave of Hiraa’. He recalled the movement when Khadijah (R.A) comforted him when he returned afraid from the cave Hiraa’ and believed in him. He thought all Allah’s promise is being fulfilled in the world and more to be follow in the hereafter. He forgot all the bad deeds done by the people to him. On the 20th day of Ramadan in the 8th year after Hijrah, Prophet (S.A.W) entered Makkahwith the she camel Al-Qaswa’. While making seven cirles (Tawaf) around the Ka’bah, using his bow he pushed down the idols and statues around it. The main purpose of his visit is to remove all the idols in this place.

There were 360 idols around Ka’bah and many Sahabah went around Al- Ka’bah to purify it by Removing idols. He sent Khalid Ibn-ul-

Waleed to destroy Al-Uzza the main idol of Mudar clan, amar ibn-ul-Aas to destroy Suwaa’, the main idol of the Huthayl clan, Sa’d Ibn Zaidto destroy Manaat.Prophet (S.A.W) wanted to clean Makkah from the

virtuals of idolatory and Shrik. The time had come for Makkah to enter an era of Islam with the help of prophet and he recited the

Ayah 81 of surat-ul-Israa at Al- Masjid-ul-Haram:

Prophet Muhammed prays inside Al-Ka’bah

When prophet(S.A.W) finished making tawaf, he asked Uthmanibn talhah to open the door of ka’bah. Ten years earlier,Uthmanhad refused to allow the prophet to pray inside ka’bah when he expressed his dislike of praying near the idols.Uthman,nowwillingly gave the key of ka’bah when he converted to islam at the time of fateh makkah.As he was exiting the ka’bah, Ali ibn Abi Talib approached the prophet and asked if he can keep the key of ka’bah. Prophet refused to do so and he asked Uthman to keep the key. Today,Bani Shaybah clan in makkah still keeps the key of ka’bah.

Rasoolullah speaks to the people in Makkah

The people of Makkah gathered around the Prophet (S.A.W) in the mosque as he deliveredan address:

“There is no god but Allah. He exists by Himself without a partner. He has fulfilled His promise and Helped his servant; He alone defeated the tribes. All pride, all ancient custom of revenge, and all feudal fights are under my feat (i.e, are abolished.) Nothing remains except the custody of the Ka’bah and supplying water to the pilgrims”.

“Oh, you people of Quraysh! Surely Allah has removed from you all pride of the time of Jahiliyyah (ignorance) and all the pride your ancestory. All the men are descendents from Adam, and Adam was created from dust (or earth).”Then he recited ayah 13 of Surath-ul-Hujurat.

Then he recited ayah 13 of Surath-ul-Hujurat.

“oh mankind! We created you from a single pear of a male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is he who is the most righteous of you.” (SURAT-UL-HUJURAT 49:13)

The Prophet pardons the Quraysh

After he had finished his address he looked at the Quraysh and asked: “Oh you people of quraysh! What do you think I am going to do with you?” They said : “goodness. You are a noble brother and son of a noble brother.” he said : “no blame on you today. Go away , you are free.

The victory of Allah

Bilal calls the first athan in MakkahThe Prophet ordered Bilal to climb to the roof of ka’bah

and call the athan.From that day,the athan had been repeated 5 times a day in Masjid-al-Haram.

Some of the leaders of Quraysh felt offended when they saw Bilal on the top of ka’bah.To them he was a

slave who use to sleep in the stable.however,tomuslims he is considered as a great sahabi.

This day,Allah revealed to His great messenger the great surat-ul-nasr:

Abu Quhafah enters Islam

• Then Abu Bakr led his blind,aged father Abu Quhafah by the hands and brought him to the Prophet. When the Prophet saw the old man he said : “Shouldn’t you have let the old man stay in his house and I would come to him.”

• Then he sat him beside the Prophet, and the Prophet passed his hand on his chest and said: “Embrace Islam.” and Abu Quhafah did.

Makkah made Sacred Forever

The pledge

•The Prophet gathered everyone to pledge, they all promised to the Prophet that they would worship Allah alone and never associate others with Him,

nor to steel, nor to commit adultery, nor to kill their children, nor to claim baby’s to other than true father, and finally, never to disobey the Prophet

when he orders them to do a good deed.

•The Prophet also forbade the people from selling idols, wine, pork and other prohibited items.

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