fch dadikowa success story

Post on 19-Nov-2014






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FISH FARMING ( Success story)


Francis, O., Gurama, A.U., Abdulkereem S., Yahaya A., Magaji H.

Federal College of Horticulture Dandikowa PMB 108 Gombe State


1.0 BACK GROUND / TECHNOLOGY APPROVED. Creating jobs and overcoming poverty in Nigeria is a challenge affecting Nigeria government.. To fight this problem, the agricultural research council of Nigeria( ARCN) introduced the concept of adopted village and school with the aim of improving the economics status and livelihood of students and farmers of the selected school and villages. The enterprises chosen on which technologies developed were applied are Fish and poultry farming. . Two communities and two secondary schools selected were Hinna village, Baure village and Government comprehensive secondary school Dadinkowa, Government science secondary school Hinna respectively.. The adopted communities and secondary schools are within the radius of 20km from the college and all are in yamatu Deba local Government area

2.0 OBJECTIVES The general objective is to improve the economic status and the livelihood of the selected villages and schools and to catch the secondary school children young in Fish and poultry Farming. The specific objective are:-1. To enhance job and self employment opportunities for youth and women 2. To empowered resource- poor farmers participating in the program.3. To ensure food security.

2.1 Adopted villages/schools sites(A)Villages Hinna Baure(b) Schools Government science secondary school Hinna Government comprehensive secondary school


3.0 ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT.Most of the activities proposed during the period , a lot have been achieved, and these include:-- Ensuring the completion of our demonstration plots the fish pond and poultry houses.-Ensuring successful brooding and other good poultry management practices-Stocking of pond and managed pond with farmers and students.-Establishment of vegetable garden s where water from the fish pond and poultry dropping are used for watering and manuring.--Linking farmers to source of input e.g. day old chicks , feeds, consultancy services, poultry equipments, Drugs, and market.-Women were encouraged to participate in all aspects of poultrymanagement.(B) Adopted Secondary school.- Conducting student’s excursion to well established poultry farms and fish

ponds within Gombe town.- Completion of poultry houses in the secondary school.- Practical demonstration of good fishry/ poultry management practices.- Organizing extra-moral classes for agric . Students.- Organised qiz competition for students especially on poultry hygiene .

4.0 ACHIEVEMENT/ SUCCESS STORY OF THE ADOPTED VILLAGES/ SCHOOLSThe result obtained from activities executed during the period was enormous. This has brought a lot of changes and transformation to the farmers and students of the concerned schools. The achievements includes:

300 farmers were trained in poultry house construction, brooding of day old pullets, settling of day old chicks in the brooding house, cleaning of brooding house before the arrival of birds, feeding and water programmes, other management practices like de-worming, general sanitation of poultry house.Seven farmers reared broilers to maturity during sara festiivalSFacilitating the construction and operation of 4 individual poultry farm using all the information given to them through our activities Brooding and rearing of birds was successful and this has given the farmers positive signs that the enterprise is viable.Frequent meetings held during the period resulted to awareness creation on sensitive issues like the responsibilities of official and association and conflict resolution4.1 ADOPTED SCHOOLSStudents were trained on poultry and fish pond management and including farm sanitation.Students were made to know how to carry out feeding of birds, know vaccination programme, know when to change different types of feed and at what age feeds are changed e.g from growers mash to layers mash. The students are eager to start fish and poultry farming.

There is great interest among the students to start poultry/fish farming at the completion of their studies. Already two students have been reported having 50 birds each. The young farmers club were strenghthen through regular meetings held every week150 students were given extra -moral classes for senior students especially on Agric Science.


1. Difficulty in movement of staff and materials (feeds) to sites

2. Farmers attitude

3. Inadequate materials for establishing more adopted villages/

schools as being demand from neighbouring villages.

4. Trespass by other farmers who are not members of the society

5. Weather condition

6. Theft cases


Federal College of Horticulture should be given approval to establish more adopted schools and villages around Gombe State.

There is need for pick up vehicle for materials and staff movement to sites.

Provision should be made to fence sites in order to prevent trespassing which could result to theft cases.

Management of adopted village Baure

At One of the meetings held on group dynamics

Facilitators and Coordinator giving briefing on group dynamic and extension methods

Men seen listening to lectures on poultry and fish hygiene at Hinna

Women also participated in the training [ poultry/fish hygiene]

Youths using poultry droppings and water from fish pond for vegetable farming

Vegetable farming by youth using poultry droppings

Training on fish and poultry hygiene at Baure

A cross section of training on fish and poultry management at Baure

Students of comprehensive high school Dandikowa during excursion

Students of Govt. Comprehensive high school dandikowa during excursion

Students during the excursion watching cashew seedlings produced with poultry droppings.

During the vaccination of birds in one of the centres

During the vaccination of birds in one of the centres

Vaccination programme

Vet. Doctor performing vaccination of birds while youths watch.

Birds are led into the rearing house after vaccination

Fingerlings selection and subsequent stocking into pond

Rearing fish pond at Hinna

Completed poultry house and fish pond

During the brooding operation in one of the centres

Clay pot introduced to farmers for brooding instead of using stove

Facilitator discussing good management practices in poultry and fish farming

Farmer seen carring out his daily routine practices

Youths seen feeding and giving water to birds

Birds seen in one of the centres

Facilitator with students during training on poutry and fish management

The home maker section during the training on fish and poultry management

A woman teacher also participated in the training excercise

A cross section of facilitators during the training

S tudents practical day in our poultry farm.

Students practical day in our fish farm

farmers seen spreading the wood shaving

Farmers are seen participating in drug administration

Women are seen participating in settling day old chicks on arrival

Farmers at the fish pond for practical demonstration

Farmers at the fish pond for practical demonstration

Farmer at the poultry farm to feed the birds

Women participation in poultry and fish farming training.

Thank you

Thank you

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