fcic centre review 2009-2012

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FCIC Centre Review for 2009 - 2010.



Centre ReviewCentre ReviewCentre Review   200920092009‐‐‐201220122012 


ContentsContents The Evolu�on of Flinders Centre for Innova�on in Cancer .................................................................................................................................... 2

Message from the Director ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Governance ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4

Research Overview .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6

Key Success Factors

Encourage, support and expand research in cancer control especially mul�disciplinary research and transla�onal research. ............... 8

Expand infrastructure and capacity for cancer control research. ............................................................................................................. 16

A-ract funding for research and development from a range of sources. ................................................................................................ 18

Develop and maintain a produc�ve and s�mula�ng research environment, and network of collaborators and partners. ................... 22

A-ract and graduate high quality HDR students. ...................................................................................................................................... 25

Demonstrate impact and leadership in cancer control na�onally and interna�onally ............................................................................ 27

FCIC in the News .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29

Appendices ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 30


The Evolu�on of Flinders Centre for Innova�on in CancerThe Evolu�on of Flinders Centre for Innova�on in Cancer In 2006, Cancer was iden�fied as an Area of Strategic Research Investment (ASRI) at Flinders University, bringing together a

group of 70 cancer focussed researchers and clinicians across the Flinders and Repatria�on General Hospital campuses as the

Flinders Cancer Control Alliance. This strategic grouping requested and was granted Centre status, becoming the Flinders

Centre for Cancer Preven�on and Control (FCCPC) in 2009.

Led by Professor Graeme Young and Professor David Watson, Flinders Centre for Cancer Preven�on and Control’s vision was

to reduce the impact and burden of cancer on the Australian community through excellence in research and successful

transla�on into clinical prac�ce, focussing on cancer preven�on, early detec�on and survivorship.

A broad-based mul�-disciplinary cancer research centre

Since its incep�on, FCCPC has grown to the current size of more than 100 members from Flinders-associated campuses. All

members have a common interest in cancer and cancer-related research, and membership includes staff from the Facul�es of

Health Sciences, Science and Engineering, and Social Sciences with exper�se across a range of disciplines including medicine,

surgery, nursing, molecular and cellular biology, psychology, pharmacology, public health, medical oncology, social work,

epidemiology, nutri�on, informa�on technology and nanotechnology.

The FCCPC formed the research base for a joint venture between Flinders University, Southern Adelaide Local Health Network

(then SAHS) and Flinders Medical Centre Founda�on to establish Flinders Centre for Innova�on in Cancer (FCIC), a

comprehensive cancer centre where research and care are integrated. Under the leadership of Professor Graeme Young as

Director of Development for FCIC, the project moved from concept to reality.

An integrated centre for cancer research and care

In August 2011, with the appointment of Professor Ross McKinnon as Strategic Professor in Cancer and incoming Head of

FCCPC, together with the imminent comple�on of the flagship FCIC building, the FCCPC Execu�ve endorsed a

recommenda�on from members that Flinders Centre for Cancer Preven�on and Control adopt Flinders Centre for Innova�on

in Cancer as its name. This was welcomed by the FCIC Steering Commi-ee, the then governing commi-ee represen�ng the

joint venture partners, Flinders University, Southern Adelaide Local Health Network and the Flinders Medical Centre


This document reports the achievements and highlights of FCCPC from 2009-2011 and its evolu�on to Flinders Centre for

Innova�on in Cancer.


Message from the DirectorMessage from the Director 2012 is truly a landmark year for the Flinders Centre for Innova�on in Cancer with

comple�on of our iconic headquarters facility on the Flinders Medical Centre campus,

posi�oning us at the forefront of South Australian cancer research and care. The �ming of

this landmark is cri�cal given the rapidly changing cancer research landscape in South

Australia, par�cularly the emergence the South Australian Health and Medical Research

Ins�tute and an increased focus on transla�onal research and state-wide collabora�ve

projects. Our integrated facility provides a unique research environment, ideally suited to

facilita�ng the transla�onal research outcomes increasingly demanded by consumers and

funders. Successful transla�onal research is of course not new to FCIC with many of our

members already playing key roles in major na�onal collabora�ves to tackle colorectal

cancer, oesophageal and prostate cancers as outlined in this report.

Importantly, the new FCIC flagship facility provides a focal point for our increasing

membership, regardless of their loca�on across the Flinders campuses along with

excellent external profiling opportuni�es. This promises greater cohesion in our cancer

research effort at Flinders and offers significant benefits in terms of enhanced

collabora�on and increased u�lisa�on of the many resources established by Flinders

researchers as outlined in this report. These include significant databases and

bioresources along with core enabling infrastructure facili�es.

Strategically, FCIC is now strongly posi�oned for future growth in cancer research and

increasing na�onal prominence. It is widely acknowledged that the future health research

will focus heavily around preven�on and early interven�on of disease including cancer

and FCIC’s established leadership in this arena posi�ons it ideally for the future. Our

increasing profile and aspira�onal focus on survivorship research and care also aligns with

an emerging priority in cancer likely to a-ract significant funding and community


Ross McKinnon

Director, Flinders Centre for Innova�on in Cancer


Governing CouncilGoverning Council

DirectorDirector Execu�veExecu�ve


Preven�on &

Early Interven�on

Op�mising the

Cancer Journey



FCIC Governing Council

Professor Graeme Young,

Eminent person (Chair)

Professor Paul Worley,

Dean of the School of Medicine, Flinders University

Dr Chris�ne Dennis,

CEO, Southern Adelaide Local Health Network

Ms Deborah Heithersay,

CEO, Flinders Medical Centre Founda�on

Professor Ross McKinnon,

Director, FCIC (non-vo�ng member)

Governance StructureGovernance Structure


The Flinders Centre for Innova�on in Cancer is a partnership of Southern

Adelaide Local Health Network, Flinders University and Flinders Medical Centre

Founda�on and comprises a world class facility enabling mul�-disciplinary

teams to work collabora�vely and develop and deliver the most effec�ve

services for cancer preven�on, early detec�on and treatment.

Oversight of FCIC is the responsibility of the Governing Council, which has

responsibility for developing and seEng the overarching vision and strategy for

the Centre.

The Director is appointed by the Governing Council to provide leadership for

Flinders Centre for Innova�on in Cancer (FCIC) to ensure the strategic direc�ves

and ini�a�ves of the FCIC Governing Council are implemented. The Director’s

responsibili�es include: prepara�on and implementa�on of the strategic plan,

once approved by the Governing Council; building and maintaining rela�onships

with stakeholders external to FCIC, including SAHMRI, the Beat Cancer Project

and others; and to ensure the vision of FCIC is realised, par�cularly around the

research/clinical interfaces to achieve integra�on and cohesion and s�mulate

effec�ve collabora�on.


FCIC Infrastructure Commi,ee 2012

Dr Michael Michael (Chair)

Professor Ross McKinnon

Alison Richards

Professor Pam Sykes

Dr Damian Hussey

Dr Robyn Meech

Dr Rebecca Keough

Public Health Rep (TBA)

FCIC Management Commi-eesFCIC Management Commi-ees

FCCPC Execu�ve Commi,ee Members 2010/2011

Professor Graeme Young, Head FCCPC

Professor David Watson, Head FCCPC

Professor Lynne Cobiac (un�l end 2010)

Prof Carlene Wilson (from Jan 2011)

Professor Bogda Koczwara (from July 2011)

A/Professor Bryone Kuss

Professor Peter Mackenzie

A/Professor Pam Sykes

A/Professor Chris Karape�s

Ms Jane Upton

Dr Ben Blyth

Dr Michael Michael

Dr Rebecca Keough, Execu�ve Officer

FCIC Research Management Commi,ee

(To be convened)

FCIC Research Training Commi,ee

(To be convened)


Research Research Research in Flinders Centre for Innova�on in Cancer spans the four Na�onal Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) pillars of basic science, clinical science,

public health and health services research. We encourage a mul�-disciplinary, collabora�ve approach to research and research transla�on. We foster linkages with SA

Pathology, CSIRO, Southern Adelaide Local Health Network and other key bodies, including industry and government, to ensure our research has real health outcomes.

The key research strengths of our Centre are highlighted below. However, other key programs that complement and underpin our strengths include the biology of

cancer, development of cancer diagnos�cs and new therapeu�cs, and the public health aspects of cancer.

Research Strengths

• Cancer Preven�on and Early Interven�on

We have interna�onally recognised research programs in the areas of colorectal cancer screening (including behavioural research, public health, popula�on screening

programs and test technology development), early detec�on and interven�on to prevent oesophageal cancer, diet, lifestyle and environmental approaches to cancer

preven�on, and low dose radia�on research.

The Australian Cancer Research Founda�on Cancer Preven�on Unit, the first of this kind in Australia, will open in early October in the FCIC building.

• Building on strength in Pharmacology

The discipline of Pharmacology at Flinders is world class, achieving a ra�ng of 5 in the ERA 2010 assessment. Several key FCIC researchers, including Dr Robyn Meech

(ARC Future Fellow), Professor Peter Mackenzie, and Professor Ross McKinnon work within this discipline in the cancer field, while Dr Chris Karape�s is a leading clinical

triallist with an emphasis on newer targeted therapies. The future will see increased ac�vity in the area of cancer drug discovery and development, innova�ve

therapeu�cs, personalised medicine and the long term effects of cancer drug treatments.


Developing Strengths

• Cancer Survivorship

Cancer Survivorship is an emerging area of research across the western world, and is a developing research strength at FCIC. The Flinders Cancer Survivorship Program,

led by Professor Bogda Koczwara, has research interests that include the development of models of survivorship care delivery, integra�on with primary care, cancer

rehabilita�on, nutri�on and exercise, fer�lity and cancer, cancer and suppor�ve care and psycho-oncology.

FCIC is hos�ng the first na�onal survivorship conference which will be held in February 2013. h-p://www.fcic.org.au/

Focus on Research Transla�on

Research transla�on is a strength at FCIC, with numerous examples of our research informing policy, prac�ce and technology in the colorectal cancer screening area1,

clinical prac�ce in upper gastrointes�nal cancer2 and treatment strategies in medical oncology

3 at an interna�onal level. In addi�on, our excellent clinical longitudinal

databases and �ssue banks underpin much of our current transla�onal research and provide a key resource for expanding our capacity in this area. Our new Director,

Professor Ross McKinnon, has vast experience in transla�onal research rela�ng to medicines and infrastructure including the development of Therapeu�c innova�on

Australia as a catalyst for successful transla�on of basic science discoveries.

Recognising our exper�se, we would like to use this knowledge to facilitate a broader program of effec�ve transla�on throughout our research programs; this includes

be-er integra�on of health economic analyses into our research streams, and the use of behavioural science to facilitate effec�ve transla�on outcomes. To ini�ate this

process, we have established a core group of CIs from Flinders, Adelaide and Melbourne universi�es to ensure cross-disciplinary engagement in these areas in our 2013

NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence bid. We also aim to enhance our transla�onal research infrastructure with a focus on clinical trial infrastructure and facilitated

drug, diagnos�c and device development pathways.

Central to our strategy for transla�on will be the appointment of a Transla�onal Research Fellow. FCIC has the ability to undertake transla�onal research across the full

con�nuum from basic biosciences, molecular biomarker discovery, descrip�ve research, clinical trials, and implementa�on research of best evidence-based care into

prac�ce. Much of this research is already underway on a project by project basis. The Transla�onal Fellow’s role is to develop and co-ordinate this research into the

transla�onal research program of FCIC and iden�fy new opportuni�es for transla�on and collabora�on across the Centre and with other organisa�ons. We have

secured ini�al funding for this posi�on and expect an appointment will be made in early 2013. 1. See Selected Research Highlights below.

2. Professor David Watson is principle inves�gator for 15 randomised trials which represent the world’s largest contribu�on to the evidence base underpinning surgery for gastro-oesophageal reflux.

3. Associate Professor Chris Karape�s was principal inves�gator for the Australasian Gastrointes�nal Trials Group (AGITG) for the CO.17 clinical trial, leading the K-ras study which has impacted on prac�ce globally.

Selected Research Highlights

• Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) 2010 report rated Flinders’ research in the Cancer field (Oncology and Carcinogenesis) as ‘above world standard’.

• Professor David Watson is part of a new NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence, PROBE-NET: The Progression of Barre-'s Esophagus to Cancer Network.

• Development of new blood-based popula�on screening technologies for the early detec�on of colorectal cancer. This research spans the con�nuum of basic

laboratory science through to transla�on into a public health cancer screening program, and involves a mul�-disciplinary team that includes popula�on screening

experts, behavioural scien�sts, molecular biologists, and industry partners.

• Evalua�on of the Na�onal Bowel Cancer Screening Program by FCIC researchers has demonstrated that colorectal cancers diagnosed in people who had been

invited to the program were diagnosed on average at a significantly earlier stage than those diagnosed in people not invited to the program. Thus, the screening

program works in prac�ce and can be predicted to lead to a reduc�on in colorectal mortality. This work was presented by Professor Graeme Young and team at

Diges�ve Diseases Week, the world’s largest gathering of physicians and researchers in the fields of gastroenterology, hepatology, endoscopy and gastrointes�nal

surgery, in 2012.

• Awarding of a pres�gious Australian Research Council Future Fellowship to Dr Robyn Meech.


1. Encourage, support and expand research in cancer control especially mul�disciplinary research and

transla�onal research.

We have taken several approaches to build our cancer research capacity and to foster mul�-disciplinary and transla�onal research within our Centre and the State.

These include: new, key leadership appointments; support for new funding ini�a�ves such as the Beat Cancer Project; forma�on of an NHMRC Centres of Research

Excellence bid team, led by Professor David Watson; and engagement with important external networks, par�cularly SAHMRI and SAHMRI-led ini�a�ves.

New AppointmentsNew Appointments Professor Ross McKinnon was appointed as a Strategic Professor in Cancer and FCIC Director of Research in August 2011. A

pharmacist, he has worked in a variety of community, hospital and academic pharmacy seEngs. He was awarded his PhD from

Flinders University in 1993 and then, as an NHMRC CJ Mar�n Fellow, worked in the Centre for Environmental Gene�cs at the

University of Cincinna�. Returning as a lecturer at UniSA in 1995, he established a molecular pharmacology research group which has

made major contribu�ons to the in silico predic�on of drug metabolism, par�cularly glucuronida�on, and structure/func�on

rela�onships of drug-metabolising enzymes.

In 2005, Professor McKinnon was appointed as inaugural Director of the Sansom Ins�tute (for Pharmaceu�cal and Biomedical

Research). He is a co-founder of PharmaQuest, which is advancing clinical trials of a novel skin cancer chemopreven�ve and is co-

inventor of other intellectual property including the isola�on novel an�-inflammatory compounds and genotyping soOware. He has

published over 110 research papers since 1991 in interna�onal peer-reviewed journals, 45 scholarly book chapters/manuscripts and

more than 200 conference abstracts. His research has a-racted more than $17 million.

In 2012, Professor McKinnon was appointed Director of FCIC by the FCIC Governing Council and is also holds the Founda�on SAHMRI

Beat Cancer Professorship at Flinders University.

Professor Pam Sykes was appointed as Strategic Professor in Preven�ve Cancer Biology in mid-2011. Professor Sykes has an

interna�onal reputa�on in the area of Low Dose Radiobiology and heads the only Australian research group in this field. She has

received interna�onally compe��ve funding for 10 consecu�ve years from the United States Department of Energy Low dose

Radia�on Research Program (>$US 2.5m).

Professor Sykes has a PhD in Gene�cs and has worked in the area of molecular gene�cs in Australia and the US over the last 25 years.

Prior to her appointment as a strategic professor, Professor Sykes was Department Head of Molecular Pathology at the Flinders

Medical Centre, overseeing SA Pathology’s gene�c diagnos�c service. In 2010, Professor Sykes was appointed as a Founding Fellow of

Faculty of Science, Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia. In 2012, she was appointed to the Australian Radia�on and Nuclear

Safety Agency (AINSE) Specialist Commi-ee, Biomedical Science and Biotechnology.

Professor Ross McKinnon

Key Success FactorsKey Success Factors

Professor Pam Sykes


Professor Robert Fraser was appointed as Chair in Gastroenterology at Flinders University and Director of

Gastroenterology and Hepatology for Southern Adelaide Local Health Network in July 2012. Prior to this

appointment, Professor Fraser was Director of the Inves�ga�onal Procedures Unit at the Repatria�on General

Hospital. Professor Fraser has an outstanding research track record, with broad diges�ve health interests,

including cancer. His research team pioneered novel approaches to providing nutri�on in cri�cal illness that

have been successfully translated into standard care interna�onally.

Following specialist training as a gastroenterologist, he completed a PhD examining novel approaches to

treatment of gastrointes�nal (GI) motor disorders, was the 1991 Gastroenterological Society of Australasia

Young Inves�gator, and worked as a postdoctoral scholar in Lausanne, Switzerland. On return to Australia he

was appointed the Gwendolyn Michell postdoctoral fellow at the University of Adelaide from 1992-2001. In

addi�on, Professor Fraser has ongoing interests in the adverse effects of radiotherapy on GI func�on, and the

effect of ageing on GI disease. He has also had a major role in ensuring the ongoing provision of endoscopic

and colonoscopic screening and surveillance programs in Southern Adelaide and was a founding member with

Professors Watson and Young in the establishment of a program for screening for Barre-’s oesophagus.

He is a member of the Advanced Training Commi-ee for Gastroenterology for the RACP, serves on the South

Australian Steering Commi-ee for the Na�onal Bowel Cancer Screening Program, and is a member of the

Clinical Senate of South Australia. Professor Fraser has authored >110 peer reviewed papers, 25 invited reviews

and 7 book chapters. Since 1994 he has a-racted peer-reviewed funding totalling more than $6,000,000,

including 9 NHMRC Project Grants and a Clinical Research Excellence grant focused on Nutri�on.

Dr Olga Sukocheva was awarded the inaugural Catherine Marie Enright Kelly Cancer Research Fellowship in

2010, supported from the endowed research fund, to establish new cancer research laboratory inves�ga�ng

role of steroid hormones in preven�on and control of oesophageal cancer. Since her appointment, Olga has

been successful in winning funding from the Beat Cancer Blue Sky ini�a�ve and has published several papers in

collabora�on with Professor David Watson, Dr Damian Hussey and others in this area.

Professor Robert Fraser

Doctor Olga Sukocheva


New Ini�a�vesNew Ini�a�ves SAHMRI, SA Cancer Research Alliance/Beat Cancer Project

The establishment of the SA Health and Medical Research Ins�tute (SAHMRI), and the announcement of cancer as one of its core themes in 2011, has provided a

number of new opportuni�es for capacity building and growth for cancer research. FCIC is ac�vely engaged with SAHMRI and our rela�onship will be formalised

through a memorandum of understanding, which is currently being draOed.

SA Cancer Research Alliance/Beat Cancer Project

SAHMRI, Flinders University, UniSA and the University of Adelaide, Cancer Council SA (CCSA) and the SA Health formed the SA Cancer Research Alliance to increase

cancer research capacity in South Australia. The Alliance, now known as the Beat Cancer Project, will fund future cancer research infrastructure, fellowship and grants

programs through a $20 million commitment from CCSA and SA Health over 5 years. Many of these compe��ve funding schemes require matched funding, increasing

the funding pool for cancer research. FCIC members have been pro-ac�ve in sourcing matched funds for these compe��ve applica�ons. A number of successful Blue

Sky grants have already been awarded to our members (see funding sec�on), and several infrastructure applica�ons and fellowship applica�ons are pending.

Professor Ross McKinnon has been appointed as the Flinders University Beat Cancer Professor, and forms part of the Beat Cancer Project Research Leadership Group,

responsible for the strategic alloca�on of funds for cancer research in SA.

FCIC/SAHMRI Drug Discovery Network

FCIC, jointly with SAHMRI, is establishing a drug discovery and medicinal chemistry network in South Australia, with a view to interfacing with na�onal infrastructure.

The focus of this group is the screening/medicinal chemistry aspect of the drug discovery and development con�nuum as this area has not been well served by other

forums which have been heavily focused on the preclinical/pharmacology areas.


NHMRC Centres of Research Excellence Scheme

An FCIC-led team has been formed to bid for a Centre of Research Excellence in Gastrointes�nal Cancer Preven�on, a core research area of FCIC. Under the leadership

of Professor David Watson, a team of 10 CIs and 12 AIs from Flinders, the University of Adelaide, the University of Melbourne and CSIRO, their 2012 applica�on was

selected for interview by the NHMRC panel, but narrowly missed funding, with a score of 5. The team are refining their bid for a 2013 applica�on, which will provide

new funding to embed a mul�-disciplinary, transla�onal research program across all aspects of the highly successful GI cancer research projects.

Developing workforce capacity in cancer preven�on

Professor Carlene Wilson has developed a new research framework with Public Health through a program to address increasing the workforce capacity in cancer

preven�on and control through contribu�ons to professional training and supervision of HDR students.

Individual Pa�ent Data Collabora�ve

An interna�onal individual pa�ent data collabora�ve is being developed to be led by Professor Ross McKinnon from Flinders. This project will provide incen�ves for

study authors to provide data, and enables study authors to provide feedback on differences between studies, the meaning of results and to iden�fy addi�onal studies.

The collabora�ve will par�cularly study data not yet published and will focus on targeted therapy in cancer.

FCIC Research Grant Round

In 2011, FCIC secured $200,000 from the Flinders Medical Centre Founda�on for a compe��ve, peer-reviewed funding round for cancer research projects for our

members. These funds were used to support research that would deliver outcomes such as papers and compe��ve external funding, ensuring a good return on this

investment. We have a commitment from FMC Founda�on that similar funds will be available in 2012.

Transla�onal Research Funding Successes

Professor David Watson is also a chief inves�gator for two na�onal collabora�ve

clinical trials assessing treatments for oesophageal and gastric cancer. David is also a CI

on a successful NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence undertaking transla�onal

research in the area of Oesophageal cancer and pre-cancer.

Professor Carlene Wilson was awarded an ARC linkage grant in 2010 and Professor

Graeme Young, Dr Michael Michael, Stephen Cole and Professor Jonathan Gleadle were

awarded an NHMRC Development grant in 2010. Both funding schemes are focused on

research transla�on.

Professor Ross McKinnon secured funding from BioInnova�on SA for further product

development of novel an�-inflammatory compounds isolated from Australian plants.

Dr Michael Michael


Transla�onal Research InfrastructureTransla�onal Research Infrastructure The Joint FMC/RGH Tissue Bank:

This ac�ve biobanking and database resource was established to facilitate cancer research across the Flinders campuses, with collec�on

nodes at FMC, RGH and Flinders Private Hospital. The �ssue bank is currently collec�ng colorectal, gastric / oesophageal, pancrea�c and

renal tumour �ssue and matched non-tumour samples.

The Tissue Bank has collected �ssue from 659 consented pa�ents in the period 2008 - 2011. There has been a 46% increase in collec�on from

2008 (124 cases; 10.3 cases per month) to 2012 (105 cases up to end July; 15 cases per month).

Current Funded projects supported by this resource include:

• Protein Markers that iden�fy colonic adenomas – Chief Inves�gators Dr Rob James, Professor Graeme Young (Gastroenterology, Flinders


• Development of a be-er screening test for bowel cancer (BiBCoN study) – Chief Inves�gator Professor Graeme Young (Flinders


• Human XenograO Models – Chief Inves�gators Dr Lorraine Mackenzie (vivoPharm, Kent Town SA), Professor David Wa-chow (Flinders


• The Molecular Pathology of Pancrea�c Cancer incorpora�ng the Australian Pancrea�c Genome Ini�a�ve (APGI) – Principal Inves�gators

Professor Andrew Biankin, Dr Mark Brooke-Smith (Garvan Ins�tute, Darlinghurst Sydney, NSW)

• Plasma, Urine and Tissue Micro-RNA Measurements in pa�ents with renal mass or cyst for par�al or radical nephrectomy – Chief

Inves�gators Dr Jordan Li and Professor Jonathan Gleadle (Southern Adelaide Health Services / Flinders University, SA)

• Molecular and cellular analysis of the progression of upper gastrointes�nal tract cancers – Chief inves�gator Dr Damian Hussey (Dept of

Surgery, FMC and Flinders University)

• Prognos�c factors in oesophageal cancer – Chief Inves�gators Dr S Thompson and Professor David Watson (Flinders University)

• Measuring Gene Expression in colorectal cancer – Chief Inves�gator Dr Michael Michael (Gastroenterology, Flinders University)

Transla�onal Research Infrastructure Policy

Professor Ross McKinnon was invited by the Federal Department of Innova�on, Industry, Science, Research and Ter�ary Educa�on (DIISRTE)

to par�cipate in Joint Infrastructure Policy workshops with both the USA and European Union in 2011 and 2012. He delivered presenta�ons

on research infrastructure rela�ng to clinical trials and therapeu�c innova�on in cancer. He has been invited to a summit rela�ng to

biobanking infrastructure in Brussels in February 2012.


Longitudinal Transla�onal Cancer Preven�on Research Programs

Clinical programs were established previously for high-risk colorectal and oesophageal cancer pa�ents: Southern Coopera�ve Program for the

Preven�on of Colorectal Cancer (SCOOP) and Barre-’s Oesophagus Surveillance System (BOSS). Clinical and administra�ve structures are in

place for these programs and include the genera�on of detailed databases, and �ssue and blood bio-banking (SCOOP). These programs are a

valuable resource for studying clinical outcomes and the effec�veness and cost-effec�veness, of surveillance programs, behavioural research,

and screening test development. These programs form a key transla�onal plaUorm for FCIC.

Barre2’s Oesophagus Surveillance System (BOSS)

The BOSS Program aims to monitor pa�ents at risk of oesophageal cancer and iden�fy problems early so that cancer can be either prevented

or iden�fied at an early, more treatable stage. The program currently operates from Flinders Medical Centre, Flinders Private Hospital and

Repatria�on General Hospital, and includes approximately 1,000 at risk individuals.

The BOSS team is led by Professor David Watson, Associate Professor Peter Bampton, and Professor Robert Fraser. BOSS co-ordinators are

Ann Schloithe (FMC), Jeff Bull (RGH) and Keith Willis (Southern Gastrointes�nal Services).

BOSS program research outcomes:

Program data have been used to determine the effec�veness of endoscopic surveillance and for developing health economic models of

treatment cost effec�veness. Add-on research projects provide an opportunity to iden�fy biomarkers of cancer progression risk in high risk

individuals. This program provides an on-going resource for these projects.

Key Publica�ons:

• Bampton PA, Schloithe A, Bull J, Padbury RTA, Watson DI. Improving surveillance for Barre-’s oesophagus. Br Med J (2006) 332;1320-


• Bright T, Schloithe A, Bull JA, Fraser R, Bampton P, Watson DI. Outcome of endoscopy surveillance for Barre-’s oesophagus. ANZ J Surg

(2009) 70;812-816.

• Bampton PA, Schloithe A, Oliver J, Lewis H, Bull J, Fraser RJ, Watson DI. Psychological aspects of Barre-’s esophagus surveillance. Clin

Gastroenterol Hepatol – In Press


Southern Coopera�ve Program for the Preven�on of Colorectal Cancer (SCOOP)

SCOOP was established in July 1999 with the aim of improving the coordina�on and management of people considered to be at moderate to

high risk of developing colorectal cancer due to a family history or personal history of neoplasia. SCOOP now has almost 10,000 ac�ve


SCOOP program research outcomes:

Research Projects

• SCOOP provides the clinical resource plaUorm for the following research projects:

• NHMRC 480428 Understanding re-par�cipa�on in colorectal cancer screening: Behavioural outcomes and predictors. Project Grant,

2008-2010, $AUD 687,438

• NHMRC 1006242 Evalua�on of blood-based screening tests for bowel cancer, Project Grant, 2011-2013, $AUD 742826

• NHMRC 1017083 Biomarker expression in circula�ng tumour cells, Development Grant, 2011-2013, $AUD 489,000

• NHMRC 593505 Development and evalua�on of an internet-based Personalised Decision Support (PDS) aid for screening for CRC.

Project Grant, 2010-2011, $AUD 476,633

• The value of interval faecal occult blood tes�ng in colonoscopic surveillance programs for those at above-average risk for colorectal


• Improving par�cipa�on in colorectal cancer screening through the use of faecal immunochemical tests.

• The rela�onship between faecal haemoglobin levels and colorectal pathology.

• Detec�on of haemoglobin variants by faecal immunochemical tests.

• The significance of family history and adenomatous polyp characteris�cs in determining risk for future colorectal neoplasia.

Key Publica�ons:

• Joanne M Lane, Elizabeth Chow, Graeme P Young, Norm Good, Alicia Smith, Jeff Bull, Jayne Sandford, Joylene Morcom, Peter A

Bampton, Stephen R Cole. Interval fecal immunochemical tes�ng in a colonoscopic surveillance program speeds detec�on of colorectal

neoplasia. Gastroenterology 2010, 139:1918-26.

• Smith A, Young GP, Cole SR, Bampton P. Comparison of a brush-sampling fecal immunochemical test for hemoglobin with a sensi�ve

guaiac-based fecal occult blood test in detec�on of colorectal neoplasia. Cancer 2006; 107: 2152-9

• Bampton PA, Sandford JJ, Cole SR, Smith A, Morcom J, Cadd B, Young GP. Interval faecal occult blood tes�ng in a colonoscopy based

screening program detects addi�onal pathology. Gut 2005; 54: 803-6.

Other outcomes:

The SCOOP database has been a resource for student-based projects. An Honours project co-supervised by Graeme Young, Carlene Wilson

and Kathryn Jackson and performed by Karen Saxty examined health promo�on strategies around SCOOP.


Merging Surveillance Databases (MSD) project

The Royal Melbourne Hospital runs a similar high-risk colorectal cancer surveillance program to SCOOP. CSIRO joined with leading

researchers from each program (Professor Graeme Young, SCOOP, and Professor Finlay Macrae, Royal Melbourne) to merge the two

databases to create a vital research resource with the ability to address a range of research ques�ons about high risk surveillance and to

establish data linkage capabili�es so that data from the two sites could be combined, analysed and linked to the Australian Cancer Biogrid.

Research Outcomes:

This project is ongoing and the results from the project will inform clinical prac�ce by providing addi�onal evidence to strengthen the

ra�onale behind surveillance intervals. There is con�nued in-kind support from CSIRO in the form of mathema�cal modelling and sta�s�cal

support (Norm Good, CSIRO).

Adelaide Colorectal Cancer Consor�um

The Adelaide Colorectal Cancer Research Collabora�ve (ACCC) is comprised of researchers from CSIRO and the 3 Universi�es to jointly tackle

the issues and ques�ons surrounding bowel cancer screening. It undertakes collabora�ve research into the rela�onships between risk and

par�cipa�on in screening for colorectal cancer, as well as the addi�onal psychological endpoints needed to evaluate screening for colorectal

cancer. Members of the collabora�ve from Flinders Centre for Innova�on in Cancer include Professor Graeme Young, Professor Carlene

Wilson and Mr Stephen Cole, world leaders in the bowel cancer screening field.

Transla�onal Outcomes: (Impacts on health):

Work undertaken by ACCC to date has resulted in real health outcomes that include:

• Economic modelling4 undertaken for CSIRO suggests that the federal government’s recent u�lisa�on of ACCC research, which has

demonstrated improved par�cipa�on associated with the receipt of an Advance Warning le-er before the offer of an FOBT, has the

capacity to impact significantly on deaths from CRC. Specifically, the 10% improvement in par�cipa�on is associated with between 415

and 778 deaths averted, depending upon the nature of the screening program supported by the government.

• Outcomes from tests of the efficacy of our decision support tool suggest poten�al improvements in uptake of screening of about 6%.

This represents an addi�onal 252 to 458 deaths averted. These data were presented to the Department of Health and Aging Screening

Sec�on in 2011. 4.

Paula CRONIN et al, Centre for Health Economics Research and Evalua�on “The impact of improving screening par�cipa�on rate on colorectal cancer detec�on”

SA Prostate Cancer Clinical Outcomes Collabora�ve

The SA Prostate Cancer Clinical Outcomes Collabora�ve (SA-PCCOC) was established in 2010 to oversee the SA Prostate Cancer Clinical

Outcomes Database (PCCOD). The database, established in 1998, is managed by a team at the Repatria�on General Hospital (RGH) led by Dr

Carole Pinnock, and is an ongoing collabora�ve venture of Flinders University, Repatria�on General Hospital, Royal Adelaide (RAH), Queen

Elizabeth (QEH), and the University of Adelaide.

The Database follows men with prostate cancer treated at the three major metropolitan hospitals: the Royal Adelaide Hospital, the Queen

Elizabeth Hospital, and Flinders Medical Centre/Repatria�on General Hospital. Pa�ents followed at a number of private prac�ces are also

included. The database, one of the largest and most significant in the world, is a valuable resource for Prostate cancer research.

Research Outcomes:

• Tamblyn, D. J., Chopra, S., Yu, C., Ka-an, M. W., Pinnock, C. and KopsaOis, T. (2011), Compara�ve analysis of three risk assessment tools

in Australian pa�ents with prostate cancer. BJU Interna�onal, 108: 51–56. doi: 10.1111/j.1464-410X.2011.10687.x


2. Expand infrastructure and capacity for cancer control research.2. Expand infrastructure and capacity for cancer control research.2. Expand infrastructure and capacity for cancer control research.

The Flinders Centre for Innova�on in Cancer building

Construc�on of the $30 million flagship FCIC building commenced in August 2010 and the building was commissioned in April 2012. It is the first integrated cancer

research and treatment centre in South Australia, co-loca�ng outpa�ent cancer care and research facili�es, and designed to create an interac�ve, s�mula�ng and

collabora�ve environment.

The building houses state-of-the-art laboratory facili�es and clinical trials facili�es, including the LIVESTRONG Cancer Research Centre and the Australian Cancer

Research Founda�on Cancer Preven�on Unit, and enhances our ability to increase cancer research capacity at Flinders. Importantly, the building provides a focus for

cancer research ac�vi�es across the Flinders and Repatria�on General Hospital campuses, both within Flinders and for the broader community.

In addi�on, the Flinders Medical Centre Founda�on secured $450,000 from the Fay Fuller Founda�on to provide new laboratory equipment, including frontline

technologies such as a Nanosight (capable of detec�ng par�cles such as exosomes that are produced at high rates from cancer cells) and an Incucyte (providing real-

�me videos and analysis as cells grow in culture).

Flinders Genomics, Proteomics and Microscopy Facili�es

The Flinders Genomics Facility was established in 2012 with the purchase of an Ion Torrent Personal Genome Analyser as an addi�on to the Applied Biosystems Open

Array machine and the pending acquisi�on of an InCell 1000, a high throughput imaging equipment. This capability, together with the Flinders Proteomic Facility and

Microscopy Facili�es, provides vital infrastructure underpinning the gene�c, molecular and cellular biological aspects of cancer research. FCIC has also purchased a top-

of-the-range fluorescence microscope and camera, the first Olympus BX63 microscope in South Australia, adding to our imaging infrastructure. (This was purchased

from funds raised by the FMC Founda�on).

We are currently planning to extend our genomics capabili�es to include a high throughput screening capability, facilita�ng func�onal genomics approaches, which will

allow tes�ng of genes and gene products iden�fied using genomic and proteomic approaches (see FCIC Infrastructure Commi-ee below).

Cancer BioBanking Facili�es

In addi�on to the BOSS, SCOOP and Joint FMC/RGH �ssue banks described previously, Flinders hosts a number of other cancer biobanking programs, including

haematological cancers and hepatocellular carcinoma, and the Centre for Neuroscience is building a brain tumour bank to complement its non-tumour Brain Bank.

These biobanks provide an invaluable resource for FCIC researchers.

FCIC Infrastructure Commi2ee

The FCIC Infrastructure Commi-ee, chaired by Dr Michael Michael, was established in 2012 to iden�fy the current and future infrastructure needs of the Centre and

ensure FCIC well-placed to respond strategically to calls for infrastructure funding, both within the University and externally. This facilitates a coordinated and strategic

approach to infrastructure funding, par�cularly important for large, mul�-ins�tu�onal applica�ons, and is aimed at increasing the compe��veness of bids at state and

na�onal levels.

The Beat Cancer Project opened a rolling funding round for state-wide cancer research infrastructure in mid-2012. FCIC has applica�ons in mid-2012 for three major



1. The purchase of a research-dedicated X-ray machine. This is essen�al for the growth of Professor Pam Sykes’ Low-dose Radia�on Program, but will also establish

an accessible X-irradia�on facility for more than 15 research projects across the School of Medicine, providing core infrastructure essen�al in a modern medical

research environment.

2. The establishment of a behavioural research facility for cancer preven�on and survivorship research. This facility, comprising a mul�purpose mee�ng room, focus

room and computer laboratory within the FCIC, will provide cri�cal infrastructure to support and grow the cancer preven�on and cancer support ac�vi�es of the

Cancer and Behavioural Science group led by the CCSA Founda�on Chair in Cancer Preven�on (Behavioural Science), Professor Carlene Wilson, and other

collabora�ve ac�vi�es undertaken at FCIC.

3. The development of a high-throughput screening facility for drug and therapeu�c discovery and func�onal genomics. This will add a new capability to FCIC

infrastructure that is currently in demand and expected to grow. (Researchers currently out-source this work to other facili�es interstate). The FCIC facility would

provide small-scale screening capability to researchers across SA, and underpin new cancer drug and therapeu�cs discovery programs (led by Professor Ross

McKinnon), func�onal genomics (Dr Michael Michael and others) and Marine bioac�ves programs (led by Professor Wei Zhang).

Infrastructure Funding

FCIC members have taken full advantage of both external and University funding schemes to support research infrastructure. The FMC Founda�on also con�nues to

provide outstanding support for cancer research infrastructure (as outlined throughout this report).

2012: Incubator for mammalian cell culture. Peter Mackenzie, Robyn Meech, John Miners, Andrew Rowland, Ben Lewis, Kathie Knights; Faculty of Health Sciences Equipment


Support equipment for the Flinders Genomics Facility. Michael Michael, Kathryn Burdon; Faculty of Health Sciences Equipment grant.

Vector NTI as a networked common DNA sequence analysis plaUorm. Andrew Dubowsky; Faculty of Health Sciences Infrastructure grant.

Research dedicated X-ray machine for cells and animal irradia�on. Professor Ross McKinnon and Professor Pam Sykes. Faculty of Health Sciences Infrastructure grant.

RamacioE Founda�on Grant $75,000.

-80 C Freezer for Dept Medical Biotechnology. Fiona Young, Chris Franco, Barbara Sanderson, Wei Zhang; Faculty of Health Sciences Infrastructure grant.

Infrastructure funding for cogni�ve laboratory equipment and manager. Professor Carlene Wilson, Dr Amanda Hutchinson, Dr Ivanka Prichard; FMC Founda�on and Tour

de Cure $178,000.

2011: Nanosight LM10-HSBF, Nanopor�cle Tracking Analyser with Fluorescence. Dr Michael Michael, Professor Jonathan Gleadle, Professor Keryn Williams; Faculty of Health

Sciences Equipment grant. $30,000

2010: Mammalian Cell Culture Equipment and CO2 Incubators; Dr Fiona Young; Faculty of Health Sciences Infrastructure grant, $18,500

xCelligence RTCA DP real-�me cell analyser, Dr Michael Michael; Faculty of Health Sciences Infrastructure grant, $40,000


3. A&ract funding for research and development from a range of sources3. A&ract funding for research and development from a range of sources3. A&ract funding for research and development from a range of sources

FCIC Research Income

FCIC has pursued a deliberate strategy based around diversifica�on of research income across categories 1 to 3. Across the review period, we have experienced

increased funding across all categories, with 2010 being a par�cularly outstanding year with FCIC members being awarded more than $11 million in research income.

Although income declined in 2011 due to comple�on of major projects, FCIC received $1 million in income from the Australian Cancer Research Founda�on for the

new FCIC building. We expect further growth in the future with the new strategic appointments.

FCIC reports steady growth in na�onal compe��ve (Category 1) funding over the period 2008 - 2011, repor�ng a 20% increase in cancer-related funding over this

period. (2008: $2,180,128.50; 2011: $2,608,120.37; see graph).

Combined category 2 and 3 funding is now the major source of FCIC research income. This has grown steadily since the forma�on of the Cancer Control ASRI, with an

18% increase in income for 2009-2011, compared with the previous 3 year period.

HERDC reportable research income data for FCIC cancer-related research is shown in the graph below. (Funding unrelated to cancer was removed from the data

generated by the Research Services Office).

Addi�onal funding not reported as HERDC income includes:

2011: $1,000,000 from ACRF for the ACRF Cancer Preven�on

Unit in FCIC.

2011: $ 133,500 from Faculty of Health Sciences grant


2011: $15,000 from Flinders Clinical and Molecular Medicine

Innova�on grant round.

2010: $ 310,500 from Faculty of Health Sciences grant


2009: $ 258,259 from Faculty of Health Sciences grant


*These figures do not include the grants awarded under this

scheme that are funded by FMC Founda�on. Those funds are

included in the HERDC figures.


Collabora�ve Funding Schemes

FCIC has achieved a broad funding base. However, one of the Centres targets was to increase par�cipa�on in collabora�ve grant funding schemes. Our members have

been ac�ve in winning collabora�ve funding, par�cularly with mul�-disciplinary teams. Grants based on successful industry partnerships include:

• NHMRC 1017083 Development Grant: Development of a blood-based screening test for colorectal neoplasia; biomarker expression in circula�ng tumor cells and

tumor-derived microvesicles, CIs Graeme Young; Jonathan Gleadle; Michael Michael; Steve Cole, 2011-2013, $489,000

• LP100200549 ARC Linkage Grant: Intergenera�onal transmission of dietary behaviour. Administering Organisa�on: The Flinders University of South Australia.

Partner Organisa�on: Cancer Council SA, CI Professor Carlene Wilson; 2011-2012; $441,769

In addi�on, Professor David Watson led an NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence bid in the area of Gastrointes�nal Cancer Preven�on in 2012, which narrowly missed

out on funding. This Centre bid brings together a high-profile team from Melbourne, the University of Adelaide and Flinders to embed a mul�-disciplinary, transla�onal

program across the spectrum of gastrointes�nal cancer preven�on and early interven�on research. The team is working to submit an applica�on in 2013. Professor

Watson is a CI on the successful NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence, PROBE-NET: The Progression of Barre-'s Esophagus to Cancer Network, led by the University of

Queensland, which will result approximately $500,000 of research funding to his Flinders team.

Future planned collabora�ve funding applica�ons include a Collabora�ve Research Centre (CRC) bid in cancer survivorship 2013.


New Funding Ini�a�ves

Successful SAHMRI Beat Cancer Project Funding for 2012:

These are new funding schemes established under the SA Cancer Research Alliance. Successful recipients have sourced matching funding (a requirement of the

scheme) from a variety of sources, mostly external to the University.

FCIC Research Grant Funding for 2012:

FCIC secured $200,000 from Flinders Medical Centre Founda�on for a compe��ve, peer-reviewed funding round for cancer research. Of the 27 applica�ons

received, 13 received funding ranging from $12,500 to $17,500.

Professor Greg Barri, Molecular mechanisms of rapamycin ac�on on the liver, $92,319

Professor Bogda Koczwara Improving return to employment of cancer pa�ents treated with cura�ve intent chemotherapy -a randomised controlled clinical trial of a

shared care return to work rehabilita�on plan versus usual care, $48,085

Professor Carlene Wilson Web-based decision support for colorectal cancer preven�on, $40,000

Dr Olga Sukocheva Role of estrogen receptor signalling in oesophageal adenocarcinoma, $29,250

Professor Pam Sykes, Dr Rebecca Ormsby Study of radio-adap�ve responses in primary prostate and prostate cancer cells

Dr Michael Michael Crea�ng a cancer-figh�ng diet: oral delivery of therapeu�c small RNAs

Associate Professor Peter Macardle Use of the ImageStream X technology to determine protein co-localisa�on and transloca�on on the cell surface of

B lymphocytes.

Associate Professor Sonja Klebe, Professor Keryn Williams Specific and combined blockade of Aquaporin 1 and VEGF-A to inhibit neovascularisa�on in malignant


Professor Jonathan Gleadle, Dr Michael Michael Hypoxic Regula�on of Exosome Release by Cancer Cells

Professor Bogda Koczwara, Associate Professor Michelle Miller, Dr Lynne,e


The feasibility and outcomes of the tailored community based exercise and nutri�on interven�on for cancer


Dr Sco, Grist Assaying for cell cycle checkpoint dysfunc�on in familial breast cancer

Dr David Ross, Associate Professor Peter Macardle Immunological determinants of disease response in chronic myeloid leukaemia

Dr Carole Pinnock, Associate Professor Richard Woodman Delays in care of older men diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Dr Rebecca Ormsby, Dr Michael Michael Iden�fica�on of microRNA genes involved in regula�ng the low dose radia�on-induced protec�ve response from


Dr Ivanka Prichard, Professor Carlene Wilson, Dr Amanda Hutchinson The influence of family and peers on adolescents’ and young adults’ drinking behaviour

Dr Barbara Sanderson Characterisa�on of effects of an�-cancer compounds from sea anemone venom in breast cancer cell lines

Dr Kirsty Prior, Dr Angelita Mar�ni, Professor Bogda Koczwara Coordina�ng care for colorectal cancer pa�ents: Linking primary, secondary and ter�ary services



FCIC members con�nue to publish consistently well, with a 25% increase in publica�ons in 2011 compared with 2008. These data represent publica�ons in cancer and

cancer-related fields, not total member outputs.

FCIC publica�ons (2011-2012) are listed in appendix 2.

Publica�on Highlights

The following paper is the most highly cited paper in Muta�on Research - Gene�c Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis (as of August 1, 2012):

Wang, JJ, Sanderson, BJ, and Wang, H. Cyto- and genotoxicity of ultrafine TiO2 par�cles in cultured human lymphoblastoid cells. Muta�on Research - Gene�c

Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis 2007 628: 99-106

The following paper is the 23rd

most highly cited paper in J Med Screen (as of August 1, 2012):

Cole, SR, A Smith, C Wilson, D Turnbull, A Esterman, and G P Young. An advance no�fica�on le-er increases par�cipa�on in colorectal cancer screening. J Med

Screen June 2007 14:73—75; doi:10.1258/096914107781261927

Professor Pam Sykes and her team had the honour of presen�ng a podcast for the Interna�onal Radia�on Research Society on their paper published in the field’s prem-

ier journal.

Blyth, BJ, EI Azzamb, RW Howell, RJ Ormsby, AH Staudacher, and PJ Sykes. An Adop�ve Transfer Method to Detect Low-Dose Radia�on-Induced Bystander

Effects In Vivo. Radia�on Research 173(2):125-137. 2010

2008 2009 2010 2011

Books (A1) 0 1 0 0

Book Chapters (B1) 1 4 12 11

Refereed Journal Publica�ons (C1) 149 150 201 176


A major focus of FCIC over the last 3 years has been to develop the research environment for its members, to consolidate cohesion and s�mulate interac�on and

communica�on and raise the profile of FCIC among its members. Comple�on of the FCIC building is providing a focus for our research ac�vi�es across the Flinders

campuses and interest in joining, collabora�ng and networking with the Centre is growing. More recently, engagement with key external organisa�ons has also become

important to FCIC and our involvement with SAHMRI is ensuring FCIC is well posi�oned to take advantage of opportuni�es that arise on a state-wide level.

Facilita�ng Communica�on and Collabora�on within FCIC

FCIC Newsle2er

A monthly newsle-er is a major source of informa�on about ma-ers of relevance to FCIC members, including a message from FCIC Director, news and successes, profiles

of researchers, opportuni�es for funding, relevant mee�ngs and events of interest.

FCIC Seminar Program

FCIC is a major supporter of the weekly Flinders Clinical and Molecular Medicine Seminar Series, programming a monthly Cancer Seminar and organising ad hoc special

seminars as opportuni�es arise. These are an important element in a strategy that aims to bring members together to interact with a broad range of relevant research,

and also provide a forum for the educa�on and training of our young researchers.

FCIC Special Seminars:

FCIC Annual Research Day

FCIC Research Day is a major event in the FCIC calendar, bringing members together to showcase their research, and expose members to the breadth and depth of cancer

research across the Flinders campuses. 2010 Research Day was held in partnership with the inaugural FCIC Survivorship Conference, concluding with a Public Lecture by Dr

Jane Turner, University of Queensland. Professor Steve Wesselingh was the keynote speaker for Research Day 2011, outlining the SAHMRI vision for cancer research.

Newly appointment FCIC Director Professor Ross McKinnon provided his research vision for FCIC.

Research Day 2012 will be held in November.

4. Develop and maintain a produc�ve and s�mula�ng research environment, and network of

collaborators and partners.

2010 FCIC Survivorship Public Lecture, Dr Jane Turner, University of Queensland. ‘The Emo�onal Cost of Cancer: Dealing with Anxiety and Depression’.

2011 Professor Pam Sykes’ inaugural Strategic Professorship Seminar

2011 Professor Ross McKinnon’s inaugural Strategic Professorship Seminar

2012 Dr Himanshu Brahmbha-, Joint-CEO & Director, EnGeneIC, ‘Nanocells as versa�le vectors for targeted delivery of drugs, siRNAs or miRNAs for cancer therapy’

2012 Associate Professor John Mariadison, Head of the Oncogenic Transcrip�on Laboratory, Ludwig Ins�tute for Cancer Research, Aus�n Branch, Melbourne, ‘HDACs as poten�al

2012 Professor Peter Johnston, Branch Head, Medical Services Radia�on Branch, Australian Radia�on Protec�on and Nuclear Safety Agency, ‘The Nuclear Accident at Fukushima’

November 2012 Dr Laura Koehly, NIH, USA, ‘Using Social Network Analysis to Examine Communal Coping in Families at Risk for Hereditary Colorectal Cancer’


Special FCIC Events

2010 Inaugural FCIC Survivorship Conference was convened by Professor Bogda Koczwara. The event was a consumer-based day focused on issues faced by cancer

survivors, research relevant to survivors and hands-on workshops exploring various approaches to assist survivors including exercise, nutri�on, music therapy and


2012 FCIC Planning Day was held in March to explore possible models for FCIC research structures, examine strategies for centre cohesion and ‘adding value’, discuss

strategies for engagement with external cancer stakeholders, and iden�fy ‘icon projects’ for the centre. Associate Professor Pat Buckley, Dean of Research and Research

Educa�on, UniSA, was the facilitator for the day and brokered lively discussion which will be used to inform the FCIC strategic plan currently being draOed.

FCIC Survivorship Conference 2013 will be held in Adelaide in February. Professor Bogda Koczwara is the conference convenor and FMC Founda�on is the major sponsor

of the event. This will be the first na�onal conference for survivorship in Australia, and brings together researchers, clinicians and cancer survivors. Keynote interna�onal

speakers include Professor PaE Ganz, Director of Cancer Preven�on & Control, Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Centre, UCLA, USA, and Dr Lee Jones, Scien�fic Director of

Cancer Survivorship, Duke Cancer Ins�tute, USA.

Early Career Group Events

FCIC is a co-convenor of the Early Career Research Group in the Facul�es of Health Science and Science and Engineering. Special mee�ngs held in the School of Medicine

to encourage par�cipa�on from Health Science ECRs were well a-ended. These include the following presenta�ons from FCIC members:

Heroes or Role Models? Professor Graeme Young talked about the difference between them and their importance in helping him navigate a highly successful career path.


‘Diversifying your research networks – the more the merrier’. Professor Ross McKinnon, Director FCIC, discussed the importance of networking and how to make the

networks work for you. 2012

Partnerships and Collabora�ons


FCIC has developed an excellent rela�onship with SAHMRI. Professor McKinnon is the SAHMRI Beat Cancer Professor at Flinders and forms part of the Research

Leadership Group for the Beat Cancer Project, managed by SAHMRI. Professor McKinnon and Professor David Watson have been appointed to the Steering Commi-ee

overseeing the development of the SA Comprehensive Cancer Collabora�ve (SACCC). In addi�on, FCIC and SAHMRI are jointly developing a Drug Discovery Network in SA.

FCIC and SAHMRI are developing a Memorandum of Understanding to formalise the rela�onship.

Cancer Council SA

FCIC has strong links to Cancer Council SA (CCSA) through the funding of The CCSA Chair in Cancer Preven�on (Behavioural Science). Professor Carlene Wilson was

appointed to this posi�on in March, 2008 - a collabora�ve venture between Cancer Council South Australia and Flinders University which exists in recogni�on of the key

role preven�ve health strategies play in the primary and secondary preven�on of chronic disease, including many forms of cancer. The objec�ves of the posi�on are to

work with both sponsoring organisa�ons in extending understanding of the behavioural variables that influence risk of cancer and how knowledge of these variables can

be used to develop interven�ons that reduce incidence of cancer in South Australia.


FCIC has a long standing collabora�ve rela�onship with CSIRO, with numerous formal and informal scien�fic collabora�ons over many years. The Adelaide Colorectal

Cancer Research Collabora�ve, a collabora�on that has been formalised under a Memorandum of Agreement between the three SA Universi�es and CSIRO, is an example

of this highly successful rela�onship.


Interna�onal Collabora�ons

Associate Professor Sonja Klebe

Prof Raphael Bueno, Harvard, USA. Collabora�ve project: Confirma�on of predic�ve

significance of AQP1 in mesothelioma; Length of collabora�on: 3 months.

Prof Victor Roggli, Duke University, USA. Collabora�ve project: Peritoneal mesothelioma in

Women; Length of collabora�on: 3 years.

Prof Francoise Galateau Salle, Caen University, France. Collabora�ve project: The interna�onal

Mesothelioma Panel Diagnos�c Criteria; Length of collabora�on: 3 years.

Volker Neumann, Uniklinik Bochum, Germany. Length of collabora�on: 1 year; Outcome of

collabora�on: Books completed.

Dr Carole Pinnock

Professor Mike Ka-an, Cleveland Clinc, USA. Length of collabora�on: 2 years.

Dr Changhong Yu, Cleveland Clinc, USA. Length of collabora�on: 2 years.

Professor Graeme Young and Dr Ying Hu

Prof Edward Hesketh and Dr Catherine Meplan, Newscatle University, UK. Collabora�ve

project: MICROGENNET; Length of collabora�on: 4 years.

Dr Geoffrey Margison, Manchester University, UK. Length of collabora�on: 3 years.

Professor Carlene Wilson

Dr Laura Koehly, Na�onal Human Genome Research Ins�tute, USA. Collabora�ve project:

Intergenera�onal Transmission of Food Habits; Length of collabora�on: 2 years.

Professor Pam Sykes

Ronald E Mitchel, Laura Bannister, Nicholas Priest, Atomic Energy Canada Ltd, Canada. Length

of collabora�on: 3 years, Funded by Atomic Energy Canada

G. Simone, E. Fra�ni, MA Tabocchini, G. Esposito, Ins�tuto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy.

Length of collabora�on: 1 year; funded by Enrico Fermi.

R. Amendola, M Balduzzi, ENEA Casaccia, Roma, Italy. Length of collabora�on: 1 year; funded

by Enrico Fermi.

E. Alesse, F Zazzeroni, L Fuci, Universita dell’Aquila, Italy. Length of collabora�on: 1 year;

funded by Enrico Fermi.

M. Balata, L. Ionnucci, Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italy. Length of collabora�on: 1

year; funded by Enrico Fermi.

Luigi Sa-a, INFN – Laboratori Nazionali di Frasca�, Italy. Length of collabora�on: 1 year;

funded by Enrico Fermi.

E. Azzam, R Howell, New Jersey Medical Centre, USA. Length of collabora�on: 4 years.

D Grdina, University of Chicago, USA. Length of collabora�on: 4 years.

N Parkinson, M Fischer, Systems Biology Laboratory, UK. Length of collabora�on: 3 years;

funded by SBL.

Professor Bogda Koczwara

Dr Lynne-e Jones, University of Otago, New Zealand. Collabora�ve project: Weight

management and exercise in cancer survivorship; Length of collabora�on: 2 years.

(See Appendices 3 and 4 for further Awards, Professional Service and Presenta�ons)

Collabora�ve Research Partnerships

FCIC recently hosted a visit by Mr David Claudie, Chairman of the

Chuulangun Aboriginal Corpora�on. David has collaborated with

researchers from UniSA including FCIC Director, Professor Ross

McKinnon on projects which involve collabora�ve partnerships

between pharmaceu�cal scien�sts at UniSA and the Northern Kaanju

Aboriginal people of Cape York Peninsula. These projects aim to help

these popula�ons develop sustainable livelihoods on tradi�onal

homelands. One successful project has combined Indigenous and

Western scien�fic knowledge of medicinal plants used in the

Northern Kaanju medicinal system to discover an�-inflammatory

plant-based extracts and novel an�-inflammatory compounds, which

are now undergoing commercial development programs. It is planned

to expand these projects in coming years to include Flinders

University and to broaden the focus to include new treatments for

cancer and for its associated issues including drug toxici�es.

David is pictured in the FCIC building with collaborators, Professor Ross McKinnon

(FCIC), Dr. Susan Semple (UniSA) and Dr. Bradley Simpson (UniSA).


Higher degree research students, both PhD and Master students, are a key part of our Centre, central to our educa�on, training and

workforce capacity goals, research outputs, and the growth and vibrancy of our research environment. (Also see Appendix 5)

Key ini�a�ves:

• FCIC has offered compe��ve scholarships for Honours and Top-Up Scholarships for PhD students supervised by FCIC members.

• FCIC engages ac�vely with student socie�es, PRISM and FMSS, to foster a vibrant student environment that is integrated into

the programs of the broader research environment.

• FCIC is a co-convenor of the Early Career Group in the Facul�es of Health Science and Science and Engineering. FCIC HDR

students are welcomed and encouraged to a-end relevant events as part of their professional development.

• FCIC con�nues to work with Flinders Clinical and Molecular Medicine to develop improved pathways for HDR recruitment. This

includes the planning and conduct of yearly HDR recruitment events. FCIC is in the process of establishing a Research Training

Commi-ee to cover all aspects of the HDR student experience at FCIC, including improved recruitment processes and cancer

training programs.

• The Academic Board approved the Masters of Public Health (Cancer Preven�on) in 2010, which was developed by Professor

Carlene Wilson. The first intake was 2011.


• Michelle Newman and Mark Lawrence won student prizes for oral presenta�ons at SA Australian Radia�on Protec�on Society, 2010.

• Michelle Newman won the Healthy Aging Poster Prize and Jean Winter won the Honours Presenta�on Prize at the ASMR Scien�fic mee�ng, 2010.

• Hamish King awarded the Unibooks Honours Scholarship, 2011. Karen Saxty and Katherine Tulloch were both awarded a $2,500 FCIC Honours Scholarship. Karen’s

project: Healthy Diet and behavioural changes in people who are at moderate to high risk of developing colorectal cancer - transi�onal model of change study.

Supervisors: Graeme Young, Kathryn Jackson, Carlene Wilson. Katherine’s project: Iden�fying the methyla�on status of the BRCAI gene promoter region in

peripheral blood of breast cancer pa�ents. Supervisor: Dr Andrew Dubowsky.

• Hamish King was awarded a Wellcome scholarship to undertake studies at Oxford in the 'Wellcome Trust D.Phil Programme in Chromosome and Developmental

Biology'. This is a pres�gious 4 year program that Hamish will commence in September 2012. Hamish is also the recipient of the Flinders University Medal for his

Honours degree, 2011. Dr Michael Michael was Hamish’s Honours supervisor.

• Hamish King was also awarded the Best Student Presenta�on at the '1st Adelaide Mee�ng Cell and Developmental Biology Mee�ng' presented by the Australia and

New Zealand Society for Cell and Developmental Biology in 2011.

• Vicki Poupoulas was awarded the pres�gious Peter Meffin Award as the highest ranked student entering a PhD in the School of Medicine. Vicki joins four former

recipients in the Flinders Centre for Innova�on in Cancer, Vicki Edwards, Robyn Meech, Sco- Grist and Ross McKinnon.

• Karen Humphreys won the best poster award at the 2012 Epigene�cs 4th Australian Scien�fic Conference, held at the Na�onal Wine Centre of Australia in

Adelaide, 7th-9th May. Karen is currently wri�ng up her PhD thesis, supervised by Dr Michael Michael, Prof Lynne Cobiac and Dr Richard Le Leu.

5. A&ract and graduate high quality HDR students.

Jing Jing Wang


GSK Student Excellence Awards

SA State Winner


• Jean Winter was awarded the Flinders University Medal for Outstanding Achievement (B.Sc. Hons) in 2009. Her supervisors were Professor Graeme Young and Dr

Richard Le Leu. Jean was also a recipient of the FCIC Top-up S�pend for her PhD Scholarship.

• Jing Jing Wang was a Ross Wishart Memorial Award finalist, 2012, the SA State Winner of the AusBiotech-GSK Student Excellence Awards, 2011, and a state finalist

in 2010.

• Jing Jing Wang is currently the Top Ten Cited Author in Muta�on Research (Gene�c Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis), an honour she has held since


• Involvement of members with the Medical Course is also highly valued. Professor Neil Piller does an outstanding job with his GEMP students, ensuring

interna�onal conference presenta�ons and publica�ons where possible. In 2012, four of Professor Neil Piller’s students were invited to present their research at

the 4th Interna�onal Lymphoedema Framework mee�ng in Montpellier, France: Kyra Sierakowski, GEMP3; Lachlan McFetridge, GEMP 3; Andrew Nathanson,

GEMP 3; and M Van Zanten, MSc. Lachlan was awarded the best innova�on and presenta�on.

• Dr Ben Blyth, an FCIC early career researcher, won a Young Inves�gator award for his oral presenta�on “The contribu�on of bystander effect to the risk posed by

low radia�on doses” at the 35th Conference of the Australasian Radia�on Protec�on Society, Adelaide, SA 17-20 October, 2010.

Since 2009, 18 students have completed their postgraduate research degree with FCIC

supervisors. Congratula�ons to these former students. Currently, we have three students

who are wri�ng PhD theses and are on target to submit before the end of the year.

2009 2010 2011 2012





































FCIC HDR Student comple�ons (up to February 2012)

2009 2010 2011 2012























Jo Anne























Cheng Sia



Liu Fei




































HDR Commencements (up to March 19, 2012)


6. Demonstrate impact and leadership in cancer control na�onally and interna�onally.

FCIC members con�nue to demonstrate na�onal and

interna�onal leadership in their fields, as recognised

by service on na�onal and interna�onal professional

commi-ees and advisory boards, service on editorial

boards and as editors of journals in their disciplines,

and invita�ons to present keynote addresses at

interna�onal and na�onal mee�ngs.

Recent highlights include the elec�on of Professor

Bogda Koczwara as President of the Clinical Oncology

Society of Australia (COSA), and awards for

outstanding achievement in their respec�ve fields to

Professor Ross McKinnon, recipient of the

Australasian Pharmaceu�cal Science Associa�on

Medal in 2011 and presenter of the pres�gious 2011

Nancy Millis Ora�on, and Professor Graeme Young,

awarded the Dis�nguished Research Prize of the

Gastroenterological Society of Australia in 2009.

Professor Ross McKinnon was also elected as a Vice-

President of the Federa�on of Interna�onal

Pharmacists in 2012.

Member contribu�on and leadership in state-wide

ini�a�ves include representa�on on all SAHMRI Beat

Cancer Project commi-ees and working par�es.

Professors Ross McKinnon and David Watson are also

members of the SA Comprehensive Cancer

Consor�um Steering Commi-ee.


Professor Graeme Young, Founding co-Director FCCPC

Professor David Watson, Founding co-Director FCCPC

AwardsAwards Professor Ross McKinnon

• Australasian Pharmaceu�cal Science Associa�on Medallist, 2011

• Millis Orator - AusBiotech Na�onal Conference, 2011

Professor David Watson

• South African Society for Endoscopic Surgery Interna�onal visitor to the Associa-

�on of Surgeons of South Africa. 2009

• Chinese An�-Cancer Associa�on Science and Technology Award– 3rd honor for

“The clinical study of surgical comprehensive treatment for esophageal cancer”

conducted by the Tianjin Chest Hospital, Tianjin, China – awarded 22/3/2010 for

“medical scien�sts and units which apply advanced scien�fic and technological

achievements to make outstanding contribu�ons in aspects of preven�on and

treatment of tumors”.

• Honorary Professor of Surgery, Tianjin Nankai Hospital, Tianjin, China, 2011

• Honorary Professor of Surgery, Tianjin TEDA Hospital, Tianjin, China, 2011

• Honorary Member, Shijiazhuang Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery,

China, 2011

Professor David Currow

• Na�onal Cita�on - Team Award – Outstanding Contribu�ons to student learning

Australian Learning and Teaching Centre, Flinders Offshore Pallia�ve Care pro-

gram in conjunc�on with Asia Pacific Hospice Network. 2010.

• Primary Care Interest Group – Best Presenta�on. ‘Does oxygen help to relieve the

sensa�on of breathlessness. A randomised controlled trial?’, Thoracic Society of

Australia and New Zealand Primary Care Interest Group prize for best presenta-

�on. Darwin, April, 2009.

• Does oxygen help to relieve the sensa�on of breathlessness. A randomised con-

trolled trial.’ American Associa�on Hospice Pallia�ve Medicine Best Paper Award.

Houston, March, 2009.

Professor Graeme Young

• Dis�nguished Research Prize of the Gastroenterological Society of Australia at its

50th Anniversary Celebra�ons in Sydney (October 2009).

• Adjunct Professor, Department of Gastrointes�nal Sciences, Chris�an Medical

College, Vellore India. December 8, 2009

• Elected Fellow of the American Gastroenterological Associa�on (AGAF), 2009.

• Elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineer-

ing (AATSE), 2008.


FCIC in the NewsFCIC in the News



Appendix 1—Members

Appendix 2— List of Publica�ons 2011-2012

Appendix 3— Awards and Professional Service

Appendix 4—Na�onal and Interna�onal Presenta�ons

Appendix 5— Student Poster and Oral Presenta�ons


Appendix 1Appendix 1

MembersMembers Alec Morley

Alexander Gallus

Alison Richards

Amanda Bobridge

Amanda Hutchinson

Ami-Louise Cochrane

Andrew Dubowsky

Andrew Rowland

Angelita Mar�ni

Anne Rogers

Anthony Morley

Barbara Sanderson

Belinda Fazekas

Ben Blyth

Ben Lewis

Bogda Koczwara

Bryone Kuss

Calida Neal

Carlene Wilson

Carol Beeke

Carol Grbich

Carole Pinnock

Catherine Abbo-

Chris Franco

Chris Karape�s

Damian Hussey

David As�ll

David Currow

David Ellis

David Roder

David Tamblyn

David Turner

David Watson

David Wa-chow

Dong Gui Hu

Douglas Henderson

Elisabeth Isenring

Elizabeth Chow

Elizabeth Kelle-

Emma-Louise Smith

Fiona Young

Ganessan Kichenadasse

George Mayne

Gino Saccone

Giordana Cross

Graeme Young

Greg Barri-

Henry Mar�n Harris

Hilary Mar�n

Inge Kowanko

Ingríd Belan

Jane Neill

Jane Upton

Janet Rice

Janis Ma�sons

Jeff Bowden

Jeff Bull

Joanne Lane

John Roddick

John Slavo�nek

Jonathan Gleadle

Jordan Li

Joylene Morcom

Jus�n Bessell

Kate Burns

Kathryn Burdon

Kirsten Benkendorff

Kris�n McLaughlin

Laura Nyskohus

Lesley Snell

Le��a Pimlo-

Libby Bambacas

Lisa Bea-y

Lisa Schmidt

Louise Taylor

Lynne Cobiac

Malcolm Bond

Melanie Sulda

Michael Brisco

Michael Michael

Monica Dremanis

Murk Bo-ema

Neil Piller

Nico Voelcker

Olga Sukocheva

Pam Sykes

Paul Bartley

Paul Drew

Paul Hollington

Paul Ward

Peter Bampton

Peter Loa

Peter MacArdle

Peter Mackenzie

Peter McDonald

Ram Seshadri

Rebecca Keough

Rebecca Ormsby

Richard Le Leu

Richard Reed

Rob Padbury

Robert Fraser

Robert James

Robyn Meech

Ross McKinnon

Sco- Grist

Shawgi Sukumaran

Stephen Clarke

Steve Birrell

Steve Cole

Stu� Srivastava

Sue Latham

Tanya Irvine

Tina KopsaOis

Ting Ting Wang

Tracey Wade

Tuck Yong

Vicki Edwards

Virginia Papangelis

Wei Zhang

Xin-Fu Zhou

Ying Hu

2011-2012 Cancer and cancer-related


Books (A1)


Meech, R., 2012. Interna�onal Review of Cell and Molecular

Biology, Netherlands: Elsevier Inc.

Book Chapters (B1)


Abbo$, C.A. & Gorrell, M., 2012. Dipep�dyl pep�dase 8. In

Handbook of Proteoly�c Enzymes 3rd Edi�on.

Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 3381-3386.

Flight, I., Wilson, C., & McGillivray, J., 2012. Turning

inten�on into behaviour: The effect providing cues to

ac�on on par�cipa�on rates in colorectal cancer

screening. In Colorectal Cancer: Book 2. Rijeka, Croa�a:

Intech, pp. 67-86.

Wilson, C.H. & Abbo$, C.A., 2012. Dipep�dyl Pep�dases:

Substrates and Therapeu�c Targe�ng in Human Health

and Disease. In Proteinases as Drug Targets. London,

UK: RSC Publishing, pp. 1-43.


Currow, D.C. & Abernethy, A.P., 2011. Management of

respiratory symptoms in people with cancer. In The

MASCC Textbook of Cancer Suppor�ve Care and

Survivorship. USA: Springer, pp. 107-114.

Donato, R., El-Merhibia, A., Gundsambuua, B., Maka, K.,

Formosaa, E., Wang, X., Abbo$, C.A., & Powell, B.C.,

2011. Studying permeability in a commonly used

epithelial cell line: T84 intes�nal epithelial cells. In

Permeability Barrier. New York, USA.

Dunn, K.I., Mohr, P., Wilson, C., & Wi$ert, G., 2011.

Australian consumer percep�ons of fast food: A

qualita�ve study. In Chocolate, fast foods, and

sweeteners: Consump�on and health. Hauppauge, USA:

Nova Science Publishers Inc, pp. 199-212.

Hook, A.L., Voelcker, N.H., & Thissen, H.W., 2011. Plasma

Polymer and PEG-Based Coa�ngs for DNA, Protein and

Cell Microarrays. In Cell-Based Microarrays Methods

and Protocols. New York, USA: Humana Press, pp. 159-


Hutchinson, A., Wilson, B., & Wilson, C., 2011. Nutri�on

educa�on in the workplace: impact on diet and health.

In Nutri�onal Educa�on. USA: NOVA Publishing, pp. 31-


Klebe, S. & Henderson, D.W., 2011. Early Stages of

Mesothelioma, Screening and Biomarkers. In Malignant

Mesothelioma. Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 169-193.

Markovic, E., Constantopoulos, K.T., & Ma�sons, J.G., 2011.

Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes: from early and

strategic development through the materials

applica�on. In Advances in Silicon Science. New York,

USA: Springer, pp. 1-46.

Piller, N.B., 2011. Alterna�ve Assessment and Measurement

Tools. In Lymphedema A Concise Compendium of

Theory and Prac�ce. London, UK: Springer-Verlag, pp.


Piller, N.B., 2011. Differen�al Diagnosis – General

Considera�ons. In Lymphedema A Concise

Compendium of Theory and Prac�ce. London, UK:

Springer-Verlag, pp. 119-124.

Piller, N.B., 2011. Other Contemporary Treatment

Modali�es. In Lymphedema A Concise Compendium of

Theory and Prac�ce. London, UK: Springer-Verlag, pp.


Watson, D.I., 2011. Par�al or Total Fundoplica�on for GERD

in the Presence of Impared Esophageal Mo�lity. In

Difficult Decisions in Thoracic Surgery: An evidence-

Based Approach. London, UK: Springer-Verlag London

Ltd, pp. 249-255.

Journal Ar�cles (C1)

*Bold denotes high impact journals in the field


*Abernethy, A.P. & Currow, D.C., 2012. Time-limited trials.

JAMA-Journal of The American Medical Associa(on,

307(1), 33-34.

*Allison JE, Fraser CG, Halloran SP, Young GP. (2012).

Comparing fecal immunochemical tests: improved

standardiza(on is needed. Gastroenterology. 142


Anderson C, Ward H, Sorich M, McKinnon R. (2012).

Pharmacogenomics and personalised medicine:

Consumer perspec�ves, lessons learned in Australia and

beyond. Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized

Medicine. 10(2): 170-177.

Bandaru, N., Zeile, S., Nambiar, M., Nussio, M.R., Gibson, C.,

Shapter, J.G., Jayaraman, N., & Voelcker, N.H. (2012).

Self-assembly of bivalent glycolipids on single walled

carbon nanotubes and their specific molecular

recogni�on proper�es. RSC Advances. 4(2):1329-1333.

Barreto SG, Saccone GT. (2012). Pancrea�c nocicep�on -

Revisi�ng the physiology and pathophysiology.

Pancreatology. 12(2):104-12.

Bazargan M, Hussey DJ, Schloithe AC, Blackshaw LA, Davison

JS, Toouli J, Saccone GT. (2012). Pain-related gene

expression profile during the onset and resolu�on of

caerulein-induced acute pancrea��s in mice.

Pancreatology. 12(1):41-3.

Bea$y, L.J., Adams, J., Sibbri$, D., & Wade, T.D. (2012).

Evalua�ng the impact of complementary and

alterna�ve medicine use on distress and QOL among

Australian women with cancer: A prospec�ve

longitudinal inves�ga�on. Complementary Therapies in

Appendix 2Appendix 2


Medicine. 20(1-2):61-69.

Bea$y, L.J., Koczwara, B., Kno$, V.E., & Wade, T.D. (2012).

Why people choose to not use complementary

therapies during cancer treatment: A focus group

study. European Journal of Cancer Care, 21, 98-106.

Blinman, P., Grimson, P., Barton, M.B., Crossing, S.,

Walpole, E.T., Wong, N., Francis, K., & Koczwara, B.,

2012. The shortage of medical oncologists: the

Australian Medical Oncologist Workforce Study. MJA

Medical Journal of Australia, 196(1):58-61.

*Branford S, Yeung DT, Prime JA, Choi SY, Bang JH, Park

JE, Kim DW, Ross DM, Hughes TP. (2012). BCR-ABL1

doubling (mes more reliably assess the dynamics of

CML relapse compared with the BCR-ABL1 fold rise:

implica(ons for monitoring and management. Blood.


Breaden K, Hegarty M, Swetenham K, Grbich C. (2012).

Nego�a�ng Uncertain Terrain: A Qualita�ve Analysis of

Clinicians' Experiences of Refractory Suffering. J Palliat

Med. 2012 May 23. [Epub ahead of print]

Brindal E, Wilson C, Mohr P, Wi$ert G. (2012).

Percep�ons of por�on size and energy content:

implica�ons for strategies to affect behaviour change.

Public Health Nutri�on. Feb;15(2):246-53.

*Brisco MJ, Morley AA. (2012) Quan(fica(on of RNA

integrity and its use for measurement of transcript

number. Nucleic Acids Res. Jun 25. [Epub ahead of


Broadbridge VT, Karape�s CS, Price TJ. (2012) Cetuximab in

metasta�c colorectal cancer. Expert Review of

An�cancer Therapy. 12(5):555-65.

Broadbridge, V., Karape�s, C.S., & Price, T.J. (2012).

Cetuximab in metasta�c colorectal cancer. Expert

Review of An�cancer Therapy, 12(5):555-565.

*Callegari S, Gregory P, Sykes MJ, Bellon J, Andrews S,

McKinnon RA, de Barros Lopes MA. (2012).

Polymorphisms in the mitochondrial ribosome

recycling factor EF-G2mt/MEF2 compromise cell

respiratory func(on and increase atorvasta(n

toxicity. PLOS Gene�cs 8(6).

*Cicek MS, Cunningham JM, Fridley BL, Serie DJ, Bamlet

WR, Diergaarde B, Haile RW, Le Marchand L, Kron(ris

TG, Younghusband HB, Gallinger S, Newcomb PA,

Hopper JL, Jenkins MA, Casey G, Schumacher F, Chen

Z, DeRycke MS, Templeton AS, Winship I, Green RC,

Green JS, Macrae FA, Parry S, Young GP, Young JP,

Buchanan D, Thomas DC, Bishop DT, Lindor NM,

Thibodeau SN, PoHer JD, Goode EL; Colon CFR.

(2012). Colorectal cancer linkage on chromosomes

4q21, 8q13, 12q24, and 15q22. PLoS One. 7

(5):e38175. Epub 2012 May 31.

Clark, K., Smith, J.M., & Currow, D.C., 2012. The prevalence

of bowel problems reported in a pallia�ve care

popula�on. Journal of Pain and Symptom

Management, 43(6):993-1000.

*Clarke JM, Young GP, Topping DL, Bird AR, Cobiac L,

Scherer BL, Winkler JG, LockeH TJ. Butyrate delivered

by butyrylated starch increases distal colonic

epithelial apoptosis in carcinogen-treated rats. (2012)

Carcinogenesis. 33(1):197-202.

Currow, D.C. & Agar, M.R., 2012. Evidence-based prac�ce -

Where does the buck stop?. Journal of Pharmacy

Prac�ce and Research, 42(2):91-92.

Currow, D.C., Rowe$, D.S., Doogue, M.P., To, T., &

Abernethy, A.P. (2012). An interna�onal ini�a�ve to

create a collabora�ve for pharmacovigilance in hospice

and pallia�ve care clinical prac�ce. Journal of Pallia�ve

Medicine, 15(3):282-286.

Currow, D.C., Spruyt, O., & Hardy, J. (2012). Defining

Refractory Pain in Cancer for Clinicians and

Researchers. Journal of Pallia�ve Medicine, 15(1):5-6.

Currow, D.C., Tieman, J., Greene, A., Zafar, S., Wheeler, J.L.,

& Abernethy, A.P. (2012). Refining a checklist for

repor�ng pa�ent popula�ons and service

characteris�cs in hospice and pallia�ve care research.

Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 43(5):902-


Delaney, C., Saleem, H.A., Karape�s, C.S., & Spark, J.I.,

2012. Cura�ve resec�on and reconstruc�on of the

Inferior Vena Cava aSer extensive infiltra�on with low

grade endometrial stromal sarcoma. Phlebology. 2012

Feb 25. [Epub ahead of print].

Dias M, Depala K, Ward H, Ward M, Sorich M, Anderson C,

McKinnon R. A. (2012) Reforming pharmaceu�cal

educa�on to enhance the global uptake of

personalised medicine. Current Pharmacogenomics

and Personalized Medicine. 10(3): 231-238.

Dias M, McKinnon R. A, Sorich M. (2012). The impact of the

UGT1A1*28 allele on response to irinotecan: a

systema�c review and meta-analysis.

Pharmacogenomics. 10(8):889-899.

Disler, R., Currow, D.C., Phillips, J., Smith, T., Johnson, M., &

Davidson, P. (2012). Interven�ons to support a

pallia�ve care approach in pa�ents with chronic

obstruc�ve pulmonary disease: an integra�ve review.

Interna�onal Journal of Nursing Studies. Mar 7. [Epub

ahead of print]

Edwards, V., Benkendorff, K., & Young, F.M. (2012). Marine

Compounds Selec�vely Induce Apoptosis in Female

Reproduc�ve Cancer Cells but Not in Primary-Derived

Human Reproduc�ve Granulosa Cells. Marine Drugs,


*Fang, C., Bandaru, N., Ellis, A.V., & Voelcker, N.H. (2012).

Electrochemical fabrica(on of nanoporous gold.

Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22:2952-2957.

Fang, C., Ellis, A.V., & Voelcker, N.H., 2012. Electrochemical

synthesis of silver oxide nanowires, microplatelets and

applcia�on as SERS substrate precursors.

Electrochimica Acta, 59, 346-353.

*Fraser CG, Allison JE, Halloran SP, Young GP; on behalf of

the Expert Working Group on Fecal Immunochemical

Tests for Hemoglobin, Colorectal Cancer Screening

CommiHee, World Endoscopy Organiza(on. (2012). A

Proposal to Standardize Repor(ng Units for Fecal

Immunochemical Tests for Hemoglobin. J Natl Cancer

Inst. 104(11):810-814.

Grieger JA, Cobiac L. (2012). Comparison of dietary intakes

according to breakfast choice in Australian boys. Eur J

Clin Nutr. 66(6):667-72.

Grieger JA, Miller M, Cobiac L. (2012) Knowledge and

barriers rela�ng to fish consump�on in older

Australians. Appe�te. Jun 19. [Epub ahead of print]


Grieger, J.A., Kim, S.W., & Cobiac, L. (2012). Where do

Australian children get their dietary fibre?: A focus on

breakfast food choices. Nutri�on and Diete�cs.

Grieger, J.A., Sco$, J.A., & Cobiac, L. (2012). Cluster analysis

and food group consump�on in a na�onal sample of

Australian girls. Journal of Human Nutri�on and

Diete�cs, 25(1):75-86.

*Harding, F.J., Clements, L., Short, R., Thissen, H.W., &

Voelcker, N.H. (2012). Assessing embryonic stem cell

response to surface chemistry using plasma polymer

gradients. Acta Biomaterialia, 8:1739-1748.

Harvey NT, Heraganhally S, Au V, Ellis D, Klebe S,

Henderson DW. (2012). Idiopathic diffuse dendriform

pulmonary ossifica�on in a dental technician.

Pathology. 44(4):363-5.

*HochstaHer J, Hölzel M, Rohrmoser M, Schermelleh L,

Leonhardt H, Keough R, Gonda TJ, Imhof A, Eick D,

Längst G, Németh A. (2012) Myb-binding Protein 1a

(Mybbp1a) Regulates Levels and Processing of Pre-

ribosomal RNA. J Biol Chem. 287(29):24365-77.

Hu Y, McIntosh GH, Young GP. (2012). Selenium-rich foods:

a promising approach to colorectal cancer preven�on.

Current Pharmaceu�cal Biotechnology. 13(1):165-72.

Humphreys KJ, Cobiac L, Le Leu RK, Van der Hoek MB,

Michael MZ. (2012). Histone deacetylase inhibi�on in

colorectal cancer cells reveals compe�ng roles for

members of the oncogenic miR-17-92 cluster. Mol

Carcinog. Feb 5. doi: 10.1002/mc.21879. [Epub ahead

of print]

Hutchinson, A. & Wilson, C. (2012). Improving nutri�on and

physical ac�vity in the workplace: a meta-analysis of

interven�on studies. Health Promo�on Interna�onal,


Isenring, E., Bauer, J., Banks, M., & Miller, M.D. (2012).

Managing malnutri�on: how to treat and iden�fy

uninten�onal weight loss in adults. Medicine Today, 13


Javanparast, S., Ward, P.R., Carter, S., & Wilson, C. (2012).

Barriers to and facilitators of colorectal cancer

screening in different popula�on subgroups in

Adelaide, South Australia. Medical Journal of Australia,


Johnson, M.J., Abernethy, A.P., & Currow, D.C. (2012). Gaps

in the Evidence Base of Opioids for Refractory

Breathlessness. A Future Work Plan? Journal of Pain

and Symptom Management, 43(3):614-624.

Kam, L., Kno$, V.E., Wilson, C., & Chambers, S.K. (2012).

Using the theory of planned behavior to understand

health professionals' aUtudes and inten�ons to refer

cancer pa�ents for psychosocial support. Psycho-

Oncology, 21(3):316-323.

Kamal, A.H., Miriovsky, B.J., Currow, D.C., & Abernethy,

A.P. (2012). Improving the management of dyspnea in

the community using rapid learning approaches.

Chronic Respiratory Disease, 9(1):51-61.

*Kao, S., Armstrong, N., Condon, B., Griggs, K.M.,

McCaughan, B.C., Henderson, D.W., & Klebe, S.

(2012). Aquaporin 1 is an independent prognos(c

factor in pleural malignant mesothelioma. Cancer,


*Kao, S.C., Armstrong, N., Condon, B., Griggs, K.M.,

McCaughan, B., Maltby, S., Wilson, A.J., Henderson,

D.W., & Klebe, S. (2012). Aquaporin 1 Is an

Independent Prognos(c Factor in Pleural Malignant

Mesothelioma. Cancer, 118:2952-2961.

Kha$ak MA, Mar�n HL, Karape�s CS. (2012). Targeted

therapy for esophagogastric cancers: a review. Onco

Targets Ther. 5:91-102.

*KhaHak, M.A., Townsend, A.R., Beeke, C., Karape(s, C.S.,

Luke, C., Padbury, R.T., Maddern, G.J., Roder, D., &

Price, T.J. (2012). Impact of age on choice of

chemotherapy and outcome in advanced colorectal

cancer. European Journal of Cancer, 48(9):1293-1.

Kist, A., Wakkie, J., Versteeg, R., Madu, M., ten Berge, J.,

Nikolic, A., Nieuwenhuijs, V., Porte, R.J., Padbury, R.T.,

& Barri$, G.J. (2012). Rapamycin Induces Heme

Oxygenase-1 in Liver but Inhibits Bile Flow Recovery

aSer Ischemia. Journal of Surgical Research. 176


Knez, M., Abbo$, C.A., & Stangoulis, J.C. (2012). The effect

of baking on prebio�cs,fructan and arabinoxylan, in

leavened and unleavened breads. Food Chemistry.

Koczwara, B., Barton, M.B., Walpole, E.T., Grimson, P.,

Blinman, P., Crossing, S., & Francis, K. (2012).

Workforce shortages in medical oncology: a looming

threat to quality cancer care. MJA Medical Journal of

Australia, 196(1):32-33.

*LaPointe LC, Pedersen SK, Dunne R, Brown GS, PimloH L,

Gaur S, McEvoy A, Thomas M, WaHchow D, Molloy

PL, Young GP. (2012). Discovery and valida(on of

molecular biomarkers for colorectal adenomas and

cancer with applica(on to blood tes(ng. PLoS One. 7


Li, J., Yong, T.Y., Hakendorf, P.H., Roberts, S., O'Brien, L.,

Sharma, Y., Ben-Tovim, D.I., & Thompson, C.H. (2012).

Simple clinical score is associated with mortality and

length of stay of acute general medical admissions to

an Australian hospital. Internal Medicine Journal. 42


Li, J., Yong, T.Y., McNeill, D., Spriggs, D., Fazel, M.,

Hakendorf, P.H., Ben-Tovim, D.I., & Thompson, C.H.

(2012). The prevalence of resuscita�on orders among

residents from aged care facili�es admi$ed to general

medical units. Geriatrics & Gerontology Interna�onal.


Li, J., Yong, T.Y., Rao, N., Choundry, M., Milton, C., Juneja,

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Taylor, A., Wilson, C., Slater, A.E., & Mohr, P. (2011).

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Interna�onal, Na�onal and State Professional Commi$ees

Professor Graeme Young Elected Fellow of the American Gastroenterological Associa�on, 1 January 2009 (AGAF).

Chair, the World Endoscopy Organisa�on (WEO; formerly OMED) CRC Screening Commi$ee, (second term), 2009-2013

Member, Partnership Framework Group, of the SA Health Research Reform Implementa�on Reference Group, SA Health, 2008-2009

Member, Medical Research Advisory Commi$ee, Australian Cancer Research Founda�on, 2007-

Chair, Research Commi$ee, State Cancer Control Network, SA, 2007-

Member, State Cancer Control Network of SA, Advisory Group, 2007-

Member, Program Advisory Group for the Na�onal Bowel Cancer Screening Program, Federal Department of Health and Aging, 2007-2011

Chair, Na�onal Bowel Screening (NBCSP) Steering Group, Southern Adelaide Health Service, 2007-

Member, Na�onal Bowel Cancer Screening Program State Reference Group, Department of Health, Government of South Australia, 2006-

Member, Cancer Clinical Network Steering Commi$ee, Department of Health, Government of South Australia, 2007-

Member, Na�onal Bowel Cancer Screening Program Monitoring Report Working Group, AIHW, 2006-2009

Chairman, Colorectal Cancer Screening Commi$ee, World Organiza�on for Diges�ve Endoscopy (OMED) (first term); 2005-2009

Professor David Watson Member, Steering Commi$ee, SA Comprehensive Cancer Collabora�ve, 2012-

Interna�onal Representa�ve (Africa, Asia, and Australia) - Membership Commi$ee of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (SSAT), 2009-2013

Member, Program Commi$ee for the 12th World Congress of the Interna�onal Society for Diseases of the Esophagus, Japan, 2010.

Member, Execu�ve Commi$ee of the Hepato-pancrea�co-biliary & Upper Gastrointes�nal Sec�on of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, 1999-2011

Member, Execu�ve – Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Sec�on of Academic Surgery, 2007-2010

Member, Execu�ve Australia and New Zealand Gastric & Oesophageal Surgery Associa�on (ANZGOSA), 2006-2011; Founda�on President 2006-2010

Faculty Member, Academy of Surgical Educators, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, 2011-

Chair, China-ANZ Commi$ee, 2012-

Member, RACS Interna�onal Commi$ee, 2012-

Appendix 3Appendix 3

Awards & Professional ServiceAwards & Professional Service

Interna�onal, Na�onal and State Professional Commi$ees

Member, Cancer Network Steering Commi$ee, 2007-2011; and Chair – Informa�on subcommi$ee (2008-2010) (South Australian Department of Health).

Member, South Australian Clinical Senate, 2007-2010

Member, Scien�fic Advisory Group, South Australian Cancer Research Collabora�ve (Cancer Council SA, SA Health, Universi�es of Adelaide, Flinders and South Australia),


Professor Ross McKinnon Member, Australian Research Council Excellence in Research in Australia Scru�ny Commi$ee, 2012.

Vice-President, Federa�on of Interna�onal Pharmacists, 2012.

Member, European Union-Australia Research Infrastructure Workshop – Biobanking/Transla�onal Health, Brussels, Belgium, 2012.

Federa�on of Interna�onal Pharmacists (FIP) Bureau Pharmacy Educa�on Steering Commi$ee, 2011-12.

Member, DIISR Australian delega�on to Australia/US Joint Policy Workshop on Science and Technology, Washington, USA, 2011.

FIP Host Madsen Medal Interna�onal Selec�on Commi$ee, 2009-2012.

FIP Board of Pharmaceu�cal Science, 2011-2012.

Interna�onal Pharmaceu�cal Federa�on Council (FIP), 2011-2012.

Member, Cancer Council Australia Oncology Educa�on Commi$ee, 2012.

Member, TGA Advisory Commi$ee on Prescrip�on Medicines (ACPM), Pharmaceu�cal Science Subcommi$ee, 2011-2012.

Member, TGA Pharmaceu�cal Science Subcommi$ee, 2005-2011

Board Member, Australian Ins�tute of Policy and Science (AIPS), 2011-2012.

Chair, FIP Pharmaceu�cal Sciences World Congress, Melbourne, 2014

ERA Biomedical and Clinical Health Sciences Research Evalua�on Commi$ee, 2010

Na�onal Facilitator, DIISR Transla�ng Health Discovery into Clinical Applica�ons SuperScience Project, 2010

Member, NHMRC Academy, 2010-2011

Member, Steering Commi$ee, SA Comprehensive Cancer Collabora�ve, 2012-

Member, South Australian Cancer Research Alliance - Research Leadership Group, 2012.

Member, CSIRO P-Health and Health Sector Advisory Boards, 2006-2010

Chair, SA Tall Poppy Campaign and Member, Australian Ins�tute of Policy and Science Board, 2007-2012

Member, Scien�fic Program Commi$ee, 73rd Federa�on of Interna�onal Pharmacists World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceu�cal Sciences, Bangkok, 2014.

Session Chair, 72nd Federa�on of Interna�onal Pharmacists World Congress, Dublin, 2013. Session Title: Managing pa�ents with cancer - the role of the pharmacist

Member, Scien�fic Program Commi$ee, 72nd Federa�on of Interna�onal Pharmacists World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceu�cal Sciences, Dublin, 2013.

Member, Scien�fic Program Commi$ee, Federa�on of Interna�onal Pharmacists Centennial Congress, Amsterdam, 2012.

Member, Organising Commi$ee, ComBio 2012, Adelaide

SA Science Excellence Awards Judging Commi$ee, 2006-2010

Professor Pam Sykes Founda�on Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Faculty of Science, 2010-

Founda�on Commi$ee, Faculty of Science, Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia, 2010-

Member, AINSE Specialist Commi$ee, Biomedical Science and Biotechnology, 2012-

Member of NHMRC Centres of Research Excellence Peer Review Panel A, 2012

Member of NHMRC Early Career Fellowship Peer Review Panels – Advisory Panel – Electromagne�c Energy, 2012-

Australian Society for Medical Research Mentor Program, 2009-

Member of Scien�fic Program Organising Commi$ee for Annual mee�ng of the United States Radia�on Research Society to be held in Maui, USA in September 2010.

Working group for design of proposed New Life Sciences Research Building at ANSTO, Lucas Heights, Sydney, Australia, 2010.

Professor Bogda Koczwara Clinical Oncological Society of Australia – member of COSA Council 2006-; Chair, Educa�on Commi$ee, 2005-; President, 2011-

European Society of Medical Oncology – regional representa�ve for Australia and Oceania 2006 - 2011; Member of Ethics Commi$ee 2008 – 2012;

Member ESMO Developing Countries Taskforce 2010 –

Medical Oncology Group of Australia – member of the Execu�ve 2004 – 2006; Chair, August 2006 – August 2009

Chair, The Cancer Council of Australia Oncology Educa�on Commi$ee, 2003-2008

Australian Society for Breast Disease - Co-opted member of the Execu�ve Commi$ee, 2011-

Advisory Panel, The Cancer Council South Australia Cancer Help Line

Member, Cancer Australia Quality and Professional Development Na�onal Advisory Group, 2007-

Member, Cancer Australia Intercollegiate Advisory Commi$ee, 2012-

Founda�on Member, SA Cancer Network Steering Commi$ee, 2007-, Chair, Infrastructure and Services Subcommi$ee, 2007–2009

Primary Care Collabora�ve Cancer Clinical Trials Group – inaugural member of Execu�ve Commi$ee and member of Scien�fic Advisory Commi$ee, 2009-

Professor Peter Mackenzie Elected member of the American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in 1987-

Fellow of the Interna�onal Union Against Cancer (UICC) 1995-

Member of NHMRC Grant Review Panel 3a, 2011

Member of NHMRC Academy, 2011

Interna�onal, Na�onal and State Professional Commi$ees

Member of the Scien�fic Advisory Board of the 16th North American Regional Mee�ng of ISSX. Bal�more, USA October 2009.

Member of the Interna�onal Advisory Commi$ee for the 18th Microsomes and Drug Oxida�ons mee�ng. Beijing, China. May 2010

Member of the Scien�fic Advisory Board for the 10th Interna�onal ISSX mee�ng. Toronto, Canada. Sep 2013

Professor David Currow Member, Na�onal Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Expert Reference Group on Cancer Treatments. June 2010 – June 2011.

Chair, CSIRO Health Flagship Review Commi$ee. July 2009

Member, ACORD (Australia & Asia Pacific Clinical Oncology Research Development) Workshop Organising Commi$ee. May 2009 –

Member, BreastScreen Australia Evalua�on Advisory Commi$ee. December 2006 –

Member, Expert Advisory Subcommi$ee of the Australian Popula�on Health Development Principal Commi$ee to the Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council.

October 2006 –

Member, Victorian Cancer Agency Research Funding Sub-commi$ee, 2009-

Member, Victorian Public Health Care Awards judging panel, 2009.

Professor Carlene Wilson Member, Social Science Expert Advisory Group for Food Standards ANZ.

Chair, Strategic Advisory Commi$ee: PANORAMA

Associate Professor Peter Bampton Member, SA Reference Group, a�onal Bowel Cancer Screening Program, 2006-09

Member, Gastrointes�nal Expert Wri�ng Group, Therapeu�c Guidelines Ltd. Australia, 2005, 2010

Member, Colonoscopic Surveillance aSer Polypectomy Subcommi$ee of the Cancer Council Australia Colonoscopy Surveillance Working Party on the Clinical Prac-

�ce Guideline for the Preven�on, Early Detec�on and Management of Colorectal Cancer, 2005 and 2010

Industry Advisory Board Membership, Janssen Australia, 2011-

Dr Michael Michael Member, Gene Technology Technical Advisory Commi$ee, Office of the Gene Technology Regulator, Department of Health and Ageing.

Associate Professor Chris Karape(s

Chair, Adelaide Cancer Trials and Educa�on Coopera�ve (ACTEC), 2008 - 2010

Chair, Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Gastrointes�nal Group, 2005 - 2010

Mr Jeff Bull Board Member, Gastroenterological Nurses College of Australia (GENCA),2009

Research Advisory Commi$ee of EnTox (Na�onal Research Centre for Environmental Toxicology)

Board member of The Peter Nelson Leukaemia Research Fellowship Fund Incorporated and fellowship interview panel, 1999-

Member of the Mee�ng Organizing Commi$ee (MOC), 3rd APISSX (Asia/Pacific Interna�onal Society for the Study of Xenobio�cs) mee�ng in Bangkok, Thailand,

May 2009. Judge of student poster presenta�ons.

Interna�onal, Na�onal and State Professional Commi$ees

Editorial Board Membership or Editorship

Professor Pam Sykes Associate Editor, Radia�on Research

Member of Scien�fic and Editorial Commi$ee of Interna�onal Journal Low Radia�on

Professor Simon Carney Clinical Otolaryngology, Editorial Board Member

The Open Otorhinolaryngology Journal, Editorial Board Member

ENT Masterclass, Editorial Board Member

The Otolaryngologist, Editorial Board Member

Professor David Watson World Journal of Surgery, Editorial Board Member, 2009-

World Journal of Gastroenterology, Editorial Board Member, 2009-

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology, Editorial Board Member, 2008-

BMC Gastroenterology, Sec�on Editor: Gastro-oesophageal disorders, 2011-

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery, Senior Editor, 2007-12

Professor Peter Mackenzie Editorial Board of DNA and Cell Biology, 1987-

Editorial Board of Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology, 1997-

Editorial Board of Molecular Pharmacology, 2000-

Editorial Board of Drug Metabolism and Disposi�on, 2001-

Editorial Board of Drug Metabolism Reviews, 2002-

Editorial Board of Current Drug Metabolism, 2005-

Editorial and Advisory Board of Drug Metabolism Le$ers, 2007-

Editorial Board of The Pharmacogenomics Journal, 2011-

Associate Professor Chris Karape(s Editorial Board of the Australian edi�on of Oncology Times

Editorial Board of Astra Zeneca Breast Cancer Updates

SA Regional Manager, Gastroenterological Nurses College of Australia (GENCA) 2009Board Member, Gastroenterological Nurses College of Australia (GENCA); Direc-

tor of Educa�on, 2009 - 2010

SA Commi$ee Member, Gastroenterological Nurses College of Australia (GENCA), 2010 - 2012

Commi$ee Member, Educa�on Commi$ee (Na�onal), Gastroenterological Nurses College of Australia (GENCA), 2011 - 2012

Editorial Board Membership or Editorship

Na�onal and Interna�onal Invited Presenta�ons

Professor Pam Sykes “Low dose radia�on and protec�on from cancer”. Royal Australian and New Zealand College if Radiologists Annual mee�ng, Perth, WA, 14-17 October, 2010.

“The never-ending research funding grant wri�ng cycle- Different op�ons and lessons learned”. The Engineering and Physical Sciences in Medicine and the Australian Biomedi-

cal Engineering Conference, Darwin, NT, 14-18 August 2011.

“The Trp53 gene is required for the low dose radio-adap�ve response in pKZ1 mouse transgene expression”. AINSE Radia�on 2012 Conference, Sydney, Australia, 15-17 Febru-

ary, 2012.

“The benefits of low dose radia�on and the hazards of the media”. Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Pathology Update 2012. Sydney, Australia, 9-11 March, 2012.

“Low Dose Radiobiology and Radia�on Protec�on – Where do the 2 meet? (Keynote speaker). 37th Annual Conference of the Australasian Radia�on Protec�on Society, Sydney

14-17 October, 2012.

Invited speaker, Systems Biology Laboratory, Oxford, UK, Mar 2009

Invited speaker, Atomic Energy Canada, Chalk River, Canada, April 2009

Invited speaker, Atomic Energy Canada, Chalk River Canada, May 2011

Invited speaker, Ins�tuto Superiore di Sanità, Rome Ins�tuto, Sep 2011

Australasian College of Physical Scien�sts and Engineers in Medicine, Public Forum, Perth, WA, July 2009

Professor David Watson Endoscopic fundoplica�on. Interna�onal Society of Diseases of the Esophagus Australasian Sec�on biannual mee�ng, Twin Waters, Queensland, February 2009.

Introduc�on to fundoplica�on. Masterclass in Fundoplica�on, Hospital Sungai Buloh, Selangor, Malaysia, May 2009.

New developments in endoscopic fundoplica�on. Masterclass in Fundoplica�on, Hospital Sungai Buloh, Selangor, Malaysia, May 2009.

Minimally invasive oesophagectomy. Annual Scien�fic Mee�ng of the College of Surgeons Academy of Medicine of Malaysia., Langkawi, Malaysia, May 2009.

Gastro-esophageal reflux – Surgical and non-surgical treatment. Annual Scien�fic Mee�ng of the College of Surgeons Academy of Medicine of Malaysia, Langkawi, Malaysia,

May 2009.

New technologies in surgery – How do we adapt? Annual Scien�fic Mee�ng of the College of Surgeons Academy of Medicine of Malaysia, Langkawi, Malaysia, May 2009.

Endoscopic, Laparoscopic and Thoracoscopic Surgery - can it reduce the morbidity of Oesophagectomy? Associa�on of Surgeons of South Africa, South African Society

for Endoscopic Surgery, and South African Society for Gastroenterology Mee�ng, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2009.

Long term outcomes following laparoscopic fundoplica�on - Do they stack up? Associa�on of Surgeons of South Africa, South African Society for Endoscopic Surgery, and South

African Society for Gastroenterology Mee�ng, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2009.

New Surgical Technology - From idea to rou�ne? Associa�on of Surgeons of South Africa, South African Society for Endoscopic Surgery, and South African Society for Gastroen-

terology Mee�ng, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2009.

The Surgeons approach to gastro-esophageal reflux. Associa�on of Surgeons of South Africa, South African Society for Endoscopic Surgery, and South African Society for Gastro-

enterology Mee�ng, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2009.

Interna�onal and Na�onal Invited Presenta�ons

Appendix 4Appendix 4

National and International PresentationsNational and International Presentations

Revision Surgery for Inadequate Weight Loss aSer Bariatric Surgery. Interna�onal Surgical Week, Adelaide, September 2009.

Revision surgery following fundoplica�on. Interna�onal Surgical Week, Adelaide, September 2009.

Long term outcomes following laparoscopic an�reflux surgery. World Congress of Gastroenterology / United European Gastroenterology Week, London, November


Designing a clinical trial – things to think about. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Annual Scien�fic Mee�ng, Perth, Western Australia, May 2010.

Management of reflux aSer obesity surgery. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Annual Scien�fic Mee�ng, Perth, Western Australia, May 2010.

Du�es of a Mentor – Developing Academic Esophagologists. 12th World Congress of the Interna�onal Society for Diseases of the Esophagus, Kagoshima, Japan, Sep-

tember 2010.

Expert Panel Par�cipant - Complicated GERD Case presenta�ons. 12th World Congress of the Interna�onal Society for Diseases of the Esophagus, Kagoshima, Japan,

September 2010.

Anterior Fundoplica�on. Conjoint Australia and New Zealand Upper GI and HPB Mee�ng, Queenstown, New Zealand, September 2010.

Obesity, reflux and cancer- what are the links. 3rd Asia-Pacific Gastroesophageal Cancer Congress, Kuala Lumpa, Malaysia, November 2010.

Management of Barre$'s esophagus - Current views on surveillance and management. 3rd Asia-Pacific Gastroesophageal Cancer Congress, Kuala Lumpa, Malaysia,

November 2010

Endoscopic ultrasound for oesophageal cancer – does it really change clinical decision making? Interna�onal Society of Diseases of the Esophagus Australasian Sec-

�on biannual mee�ng, Hobart, Tasmania, February 2011.

Update on outcomes of IsDEAS trials. Interna�onal Society of Diseases of the Esophagus Australasian Sec�on biannual mee�ng, Hobart, Tasmania, February 2011.

Wri�ng a successful grant applica�on. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Annual Scien�fic Mee�ng, Adelaide, South Australia, May 2011.

An�reflux surgery for Barre$’s oesophagus – Locking the barn aSer the has is burnt? Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Annual Scien�fic Mee�ng, Adelaide,

South Australia May 2011.

Degrees of fundoplica�on: evidence from randomized trials. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Annual Scien�fic Mee�ng, Adelaide, South Australia, May 2011.

Nankai Hospital, Tianjin China – invited lectures (Aug 2011 to Jan 2012) New Surgical Technology – from idea to rou�ne, Laparoscopic repair of giant hiatus hernia,

Laparoscopic anterior 1800 par�al fundoplica�on, Wri�ng a successful research grant applica�on.

Tianjin Chest Hospital, Tianjin, China – invited lectures (Aug to Dec 2011), New Surgical Technology – from idea to rou�ne, Laparoscopic repair of giant hiatus hernia,

Minimally invasive esophagectomy.

4th Hospital Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang, China – invited lectures (Aug to Dec 2011), Laparoscopic repair of giant hiatus hernia.

Management of Gallstones in Australia. Hebei and Tianjin Biliary Surgery mee�ng, Beidaihe, Hebei, China, Aug 2011.

Obesity Surgery in Australia. Tianjin Obesity Surgery mee�ng, Tianjin, China, Aug 2011.

Laparoscopic an�reflux surgery – clinical approaches and research direc�ons. Chinese Surgical Week 2011, Beijing, China, Sept 2011.

Roles and outcomes of surgery for gastro-esophageal reflux disease. Asia Pacific Diges�ve Diseases Week 2011, Singapore, Oct 2011.

Tianjin TEDA Hospital, Tianjin, China – invited lectures (Oct 2011). Healthcare in Australia. Laparoscopic repair of giant hiatus hernia.

Interna�onal and Na�onal Invited Presenta�ons

Achalasia - The argument for myotomy. South African Society for Endoscopic Surgery, Drakensburg, South Africa, Oct 2011.

Anterior fundoplica�on. South African Society for Endoscopic Surgery, Drakensburg, South Africa, Oct 2011.

Throat symptoms and reflux. Does fundoplica�on work? South African Society for Endoscopic Surgery, Drakensburg, South Africa, Oct 2011.

Total wrap with SG division is the gold standard for GORD surgery - argument for not dividing the short gastrics. South African Society for Endoscopic Surgery, Dra-

kensburg, South Africa, Oct 2011.

Endoscopic ultrasound. South African Society for Endoscopic Surgery, Drakensburg, South Africa, Oct 2011.

Reflux aSer bariatric surgery. South African Society for Endoscopic Surgery, Drakensburg, South Africa, Oct 2011.

Hiatal perils. South African Society for Endoscopic Surgery, Drakensburg, South Africa, Oct 2011.

West China (Huaxi) Hospital, Chengdu, China – invited lecture (Nov 2011). Minimally invasive esophagectomy, Nov 2011.

Laparoscopic treatment of diges�ve diseases. 2011 Na�onal Intes�nal Disease Congress & New Technique Forum of Diges�ve Endoscopy in Tianjin, China, Nov 2011.

Xiangya Meidcal University, Hunan China – invited lectures (Nov 2011). New Surgical Technology – from idea to rou�ne, Healthcare in Australia, From gastroesopha-

geal reflux to esophageal adenocarcinoma.

Extra-esophageal manifesta�ons of gastroesophageal reflux – challenges in diagnosis and treatment. Hong Kong Society of Upper Gastrointes�nal Surgeons Foregut

Disorder Workshop, Hong Kong, China, March 2012.

Laparoscopic repair of very large hiatus hernia. Hong Kong Society of Upper Gastrointes�nal Surgeons Foregut Disorder Workshop, Hong Kong, China, March 2012.

Laparoscopic revision fundoplica�on for dysphagia conversion of Nissen to posterior par�al fundoplica�on. Hong Kong Society of Upper Gastrointes�nal Surgeons

Foregut Disorder Workshop, Hong Kong, China, March 2012.

Endoluminal therapy gastroesophageal reflux: Does it work? Hong Kong Society of Upper Gastrointes�nal Surgeons Foregut Disorder Workshop, Hong Kong, China,

March 2012.

Large hiatal / paraesophageal hernia. Hong Kong Society of Upper Gastrointes�nal Surgeons Foregut Disorder Workshop, Hong Kong, China, March 2012.

Role of surgery in HGD and intramucosal cancer. Hong Kong Society of Upper Gastrointes�nal Surgeons Foregut Disorder Workshop, Hong Kong, China, March 2012.

An� Reflux Surgery 2012 –have we come of age? Epworth Barre$’s and Reflux Symposium, Melbourne, March 2012.

“Surgery is the only answer for reflux” – Surgeons View. Epworth Barre$’s and Reflux Symposium, Melbourne, March 2012.

EMR/Abla�on: A surgical view. Epworth Barre$’s and Reflux Symposium, Melbourne, March 2012.

Professor David Currow Invited Speaker, Ontario Pallia�ve Care Strategic Review. ‘How does a na�onal quality improvement framework work?’ Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2012.

Invited speaker, Canadian project on studying delirium. ‘How do we design trials for delirium?’ O$awa, Canada, 2012.

Invited speaker, Singapore Pallia�ve Care Research Conference. ‘Improving the quality of pallia�ve care’, Singapore, October, 2012.

Invited workshop speaker, American Associa�on of Hospice and Pallia�ve Care Annual Scien�fic mee�ng. ‘The prevalence and disease trajectory of breathlessness’;

‘Rou�nely collec�ng point-of-care outcomes data to improve clinical prac�ce in pallia�ve care’, Denver, Colorado, United States of America, 2012.

Interna�onal and Na�onal Invited Presenta�ons

Invited speaker, Canadian Ins�tutes of Health Research sponsored consensus mee�ng on descriptors of models of pallia�ve care service delivery. ‘Models of pallia�ve

care service delivery in Australia’, O$awa, Canada, 2012.

Invited speaker, First Interna�onal Pallia�ve Care Conference, King Fahd Hospital, Saudi Arabia, ‘What improved outcomes does pallia�ve care deliver?’; ‘Evidence-based

management of dyspnoea’, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2011.

Invited speaker, 18th Interna�onal Hong Kong Cancer Conference. ‘How to improve pallia�ve care for the whole popula�on’, Hong Kong, November 2011.

Invited speaker, 1st Interna�onal Seminar of the European Pallia�ve Care Research Centre and the EAPC Research Network. ‘Dyspnoea in cancer – pathophysiology, diag-

nosis and treatment’; ‘Pallia�ve care research in Australia’; ‘A cri�cal perspec�ve on European pallia�ve care research’, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2011.

Invited speaker, 14th World Lung Cancer Conference, ‘Using evidence to manage breathlessness’; ‘Assessment of outcome measures in suppor�ve care’ (Chairman’s in-

troduc�on), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2011.

Invited speaker, Royal Australasian College of Physicians Annual Scien�fic Conference, ‘The pallia�on of breathlessness’, Darwin, Australia, 2011.

Invited Speaker, 12th European Associa�on of Pallia�ve Care Conference, ‘Na�onal policy and pallia�ve care research – the Australian experience’; ‘Double blind, mul�

site, parallel arm, randomised controlled trial of ketamine for cancer pain’, Lisbon, Portugal, 2011.

Invited Lecture, ‘The return on research investment in pallia�ve care’, Inaugural Cicely Saunders Lecture, Dame Cicely Saunders Ins�tute, King’s College London. 2011.

Invited speaker, ‘Use of sertraline in breathlessness’; ‘Learning from studies in Breathlessness’, Interna�onal workshop on breathlessness, Kings College London, 2011.

Invited Keynote, ‘The return from investment in research in suppor�ve and pallia�ve care’, PRISMA (Reflec�ng the Posi�ve diveRsi�es of European prIori�es for reSearch

and MeAsurement in end of life care) European Pallia�ve Care Research Infrastructure, Brussels, 2011.

Invited speaker, ‘Transla�ng evidence into policy and prac�ce’, Na�onal Cancer Research Ins�tute Conference, Liverpool, England, 2010.

Keynote speaker, Na�onal Forum on Cancer Standards, Canadian Partnership Against Cancer CPAC). ‘Standards in Cancer Services’, Toronto, Canada, 2009.

Invited speaker, Australian Lung Cancer Conference, ‘How do we improve lung cancer outcomes?’ Adelaide, South Australia, 2012.

Invited lecture, South Australian / Northern Territory Branch Annual Scien�fic Mee�ng, Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia. ‘Pallia�ve Care Research’, Adelaide,

South Australia, 2012.

Invited Annual Lecture, Centre for Pallia�ve Care, ‘Poli�cs of pallia�ve care. Global perspec�ve: local response’, Melbourne, Victoria, 2011.

Keynote speaker, 10th annual research symposium, Centre for Pallia�ve Care Research and Educa�on (CPCRE). ‘Research in Pallia�ve Care – past, present and future’,

Brisbane, Queensland, 2011.

Keynote Speaker, Pallia�ve Care New South Wales Conference, Cessnock (Cyprus Lakes), 2010.

Professor Bogda Koczwara ‘Cancer Survivorship: Future direc�ons’. Australian Conference of Cancer Coordinators. Melbourne, March 2012.

‘Survivorship aSer colorectal cancer’. Clinical Oncological Society or Australia Trainee workshop. Perth, November 2010.

‘How to develop research ideas’. Clinical Oncological Society of Australia, Perth, November 2011.

‘Building sustainability into cancer centres – just a ques�on of money?’ Annual Cancer Centre Symposium. Sydney, September 2011.

Interna�onal and Na�onal Invited Presenta�ons

‘Beyond Cancer – living longer, living be$er aSer treatment’. – 3 public lectures delivered for Cancer Society of New Zealand. (August 2011 ) in Wellington, Blenheim and


‘Finding resilience in the cancer journey’. Cancer Society of New Zealand Annual Update, August 2011.

‘Chronic sequelae of cancer’. Cancer Society of New Zealand. Annual Update, August 2011.

‘How can survivors change the world’. Cancer Society of New Zealand. Annual Update, August 2011.

‘Survivorship aSer breast cancer’. Clinical Oncological Society or Australia Trainee workshop. Melbourne, November 2010.

‘Fer�lity and Cancer’. Gdansk Medical Academy. October 2010.

‘Cancer workforce in medical oncology’. Medical Oncology and Haematology Symposium. Adelaide. October 2010.

‘Survivorship program in South Australia’. Medical Oncology and Haematology Symposium. Adelaide, October 2010.

‘It is integrity – stupid. Medical Oncologists and the interac�on with the industry’. Medical Oncology Group of Australia Annual Scien�fic mee�ng. August 2010.

‘Suppor�ve Care in an Integrated Cancer Centre’. Integrated Cancer Centre Symposium. Melbourne. December 2009.

‘Financial toxicity – an (un)expected side effect of treatment?’ Medical Oncology Group of Australia Annual Scien�fic mee�ng. Canberra. August 2009.

Professor Carlene Wilson ‘Screening for colorectal cancer: the impact of tailored decision support delivered on the internet on psychological predictors of screening and on screening

par�cipa�on.’UICC Global Cancer Control World Cancer Congress “Connec�ng for Global Impact” August 27 to 30th 2012, Montreal Canada.

Carlene Wilson, Ingrid Flight (CSIRO), Ian Zajac (CSIRO), Deborah Turnbull (Uni of Adelaide) and Graeme Young

‘Behaviour change for cancer preven�on: Understanding habitual food choice and the influence of social context’. Social and Behavioural Research Group, Na�onal

Human Genome Research Ins�tute of the Na�onal Health Ins�tutes, Washington, DC. September 2009.

Professor Graeme Young ‘Detec�on of adenomas, value and novel biomarkers’. AMC Hospital, Amsterdam, August 2009 .

‘Preven�on of CRC by screening’, Washington University, St Louis, Aug 2009.

‘Strategies for preven�ng colorectal cancer’. Newcastle University, UK, Sep 2009.

‘Faecal Immunochemical Tests in CRC screening’, Dundee Screening Centre, Sep 2009.

‘Improving CRC Screening’. Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, Sep 2009.

‘Dietary regula�on of genomic instability’. Rowe$ Ins�tute, Aberdeen, Oct 2009.

‘Preven�on of CRC by screening’, Aberdeen Hospital, Oct 2009.

‘Op�mising Popula�on Screening for CRC’. Na�onal Cancer Research Ins�tute, Birmingham, Oct 2009.

‘Survivorship care on the shoestring – prac�cal �ps for the �me poor clinician’. Cancer Society of New Zealand. August 2011.

Keynote address ISOPP XIII, ‘Building high performing cancer systems to improve cancer outcomes’. Interna�onal Society of Oncology Pharmacy Prac�ce, Melbourne,

Victoria. Australia, 2012.

Interna�onal and Na�onal Invited Presenta�ons

‘Planning for the Delivery of a More Effec�ve Oral Rehydra�on Solu�on to Improve Diarrhea Control Worldwide’. Gates Founda�on, London Second Planning Mee�ng.

Nov 2009.

‘Guidelines for evalua�on of new screening tests for colorectal and gastric cancers’, Gastro 2009 Working Party Report. World Congress of Gastroenterology, London

Nov. 2009.

‘Family based screening for bowel cancer’. Meet the expert session. World Congress of Gastroenterology, London Nov. 2009.

Professor Ross McKinnon ‘FIP-Ed: Reforming pharmaceu�cal educa�on globally’ (Keynote address), Pharmacists Associa�on of Cambodia, December 2011.

‘Transla�ng health discovery in to clinical applica�ons’, 2nd Australia-EU Research Infrastructure Workshop, Brussels, Belgium, June 2012.

‘Clinical trials infrastructure in Australia’, 2nd Australia-EU Research Infrastructure Workshop, Brussels, Belgium. June 2012.

‘Biosimilars/follow on biologics. What are the issues?’, Vascular Event 2011, Brisbane, July 2011.

‘Pharmacogenomics for the clinician’, Pharmacy Australia Congress (PAC11), Melbourne, October 2011.

“Genomics and Biologicals: Future issues”, 37th Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia Annual Conference, Hobart, November 2011.

Nancy Millis Ora�on: ‘Transla�ng Health Discovery into Clinical Applica�ons: An Australian perspec�ve’, AusBiotech Annual Mee�ng, Adelaide, October 2011.

APSA Medal Ora�on: ‘Integrate of perish, a perspec�ve on pharmacy research in Australia’, Australasian Pharmaceu�cal Science Associa�on Annual Mee�ng, Adelaide,

December 2011.

‘Personalised Medicine’, Human Gene�cs Society (SA Branch), September 2011.

‘Interna�onal perspec�ve on the English Bowel Cancer Screening Program’. London, Mermaid Conven�on Centre, Oct 2009.

‘Popula�on Screening for Colorectal Cancer; the Australian Contribu�ons’. AGW 50th Anniversary Celebra�on, Sydney Oct 2009.

‘Reflec�ons on a research Career; Bowel Health and the four pillars of colorectal cancer preven�on’. Dis�nguished Research Prize, AGW 50th Celebra�on, Sydney Oct


Interna�onal and Na�onal Invited Presenta�ons

Jean Winter Australian Society for Medical Research SA Annual Scien�fic Mee�ng, Adelaide, June 2010, High Dietary Protein and DNA Damage in the Mouse Colon:

Regula�on by Resistant Starch, Oral Presenta�on

Australian Society for Medical Research SA Annual Scien�fic Mee�ng, Adelaide, June 2012, Induc�on of Pro-mutagenic Adducts in the Colon and Risk for

Colorectal Cancer: Regula�on by Resistant Starch, Oral Presenta�on.

Environmental Mutagen Society Annual Mee�ng, Sea$le, Washington, USA, September 2012, High Dietary Protein and DNA Damage in the Mouse Colon:

Regula�on by Resistant Starch, Oral Presenta�on.

Jing Jing Wang ASMR SA Scien�fic Mee�ng 6th June 2012. Adelaide, Australia. “Inhibitory effect of α-mangos�n on prolifera�on and metastasis of human melanoma SK-

MEL-28 cell line" Oral Presenta�on.

AMSA-NZMSS 2012 Joint Conference 1st -5th July 2012. Hobart, Australia. “An�-prolifera�ve and an�-metasta�c ac�vi�es of Marine Sponges collected

from the South Australian Coastline", Oral Presenta�on.

AMSA-NZMSS 2012 Joint Conference 1st -5th July 2012. Hobart, Australia "Development of marine sponge and sponge cell biosensors of Euryspongia sp.

as a poten�al early warning system of environmental changes (temperature, pH, pollutants)", Oral Presenta�on.

AMSA-NZMSS 2012 Joint Conference 1st -5th July 2012. Hobart, Australia. "Predic�ng an�-cancer bioac�vity of marine sponges using untargeted metabol-

ic profiles", Oral Presenta�on.

AusBiotech 2011 Na�onal Conference. 16th -19th October 2011. Adelaide, Australia. “In vitro an�-skin cancer proper�es and mechanisms of ac�on of α-

mangos�n from the mangosteen pericarp", Oral Presenta�on.

Chemeca 2010. 26th -29th September 2010. Adelaide, Australia. “Compounds from pericarp of mangosteen (Garcinia Mangostana Linn.) induce cell cycle

arrest and apoptosis in human melanoma cells” Oral Presenta�on.

13th World Congress on Cancers of the Skin. 7th -10th April 2010. Madrid, Spain. “Evalua�on of an�prolifera�on proper�es of xanthones from pericarp of

mangosteen (Garcinia mangsotana L.) on human melanoma cells”, Oral Presenta�on.

Karen Humphreys Humphreys KJ, Cobiac L, Le Leu RK, Van der Hoek MB, Michael MZ. Histone deacetylase inhibi�on in colorectal cancer cells reveals compe�ng roles for

members of the oncogenic miR-17-92 cluster. Epigene�cs 2012 4th Australian Scien�fic Conference, the Na�onal Wine Centre of Australia, Adelaide,

South Australia, Australia, 7 – 9 May 2012. Best conference poster prize.

Humphreys KJ, Le Leu RK, Cobiac L, Michael MZ. Butyrate alters microRNA expression in colorectal cells. MicroRNAs and Non-Coding RNAs and Cancer

Keystone Symposia Conference, Fairmont Banff Springs, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 11 – 16 February 2011.

Humphreys KJ, Le Leu RK, Cobiac L, Michael MZ. Butyrate alters microRNA expression in colorectal cells. 31st Lorne Genome Conference, Mantra Erskine

Resort, Lorne, Victoria, Australia, 14 – 16 February 2010.

Humphreys KJ, Le Leu RK, Cobiac L, Michael MZ. Butyrate alters microRNA expression in colorectal cells. Australian Society for Medical Research Annual

Scien�fic Mee�ng, the Entertainment Centre, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, 9 June 2010.

Mafalda Dias Dias MM, McKinnon RA, Sorich MJ. UGT1A1*28 allele effect on irinotecan objec�ve response rate – systema�c review and meta-analysis. Human Genome

Mee�ng, Sydney, May (2012)

Appendix 5Appendix 5

Student Poster and Oral PresentationsStudent Poster and Oral Presentations

Veronika Bandara Veronika Bandara, Michael Michael and Jonathan Gleadle. ASMR SA Division: Annual Scien�fic Mee�ng 2011-Held in Adelaide Hypoxic regu-

la�on of miRNAs in cancer

K Bandara; M Michael; J Gleadle Advances in Hypoxic Signaling: From Bench to Bedside (Q4). Fairmont Banff Springs, Banff, Alberta Poster

Repression of Dicer expression by hypoxiaFebruary 12 - February 17, 2012

Si( Mubarokah Mubarokah SN, Meech R, MacKenzie PI, McKinnon RA, Ward MB. Genistein Increases UDP-Glucuronosyltransferase 1A8 expression in Sodium Butyrate-

treated Caco2 cells. ASMR State Branch Conference. June (2012)

Alex Staudacher Staudacher AH, Ormsby RJ, Blyth BJ, Bauer G, Sykes PJ. Detec�ng intercellular induced apoptosis of cancer-prone cells s�mulated by low dose radia�on in

vivo 55th Annual mee�ng of the Radia�on Research Society, Savannah, Georgia, USA. October 3-7, 2009

Staudacher AH, Blyth BJ, Ormsby RJ, Bauer G, and Sykes PJ. Intercellular induced apoptosis as a poten�al mechanism for low dose radia�on-induced pro-

tec�on from cancer in vivo. 56th Annual Mee�ng Radia�on Research Society, Maui, Hawaii, 25-29 September, 2010.

Michelle Newman Newman MR*, Blyth BJ, Bezak E, Sykes PJ and Ormsby RJ. Changes in global DNA methyla�on in three inbred mouse strains with differing radia�on sensi-

�vi�es. AINSE Radia�on 2012 Conference, Sydney, Australia, 15-17 February, 2012.

Newman MR, Blyth BJ, Sykes PJ and Ormsby RJ. Quan�ta�on of global DNA methyla�on levels in response to low dose radia�on exposure using high reso-

lu�on melt curve analysis. Epigene�cs 2009 Australian Scien�fic Conference, Melbourne, Australia. 1-3 December 2009.

Newman MR, Blyth BJ, Sykes PJ, Bezak E. and Ormsby RJ. Detec�ng changes in global DNA methyla�on levels in vivo following low dose radia�on expo-

sure. 56th Annual Mee�ng Radia�on Research Society, Maui, Hawaii, 25-29 September, 2010.

Newman MR, Blyth BJ, Bezak E, Sykes PJ, Ormsby RJ. The development of a novel assay to inves�gate changes in global DNA methyla�on levels in re-

sponse to radia�on exposure levels in vivo. 35th Conference of the Australasian Radia�on Protec�on Society, Adelaide, SA 17-20 October, 2010.

Newman MR, Blyth BJ, Bezak E, Hussey D, P.J. Sykes and R.J. Ormsby. The use of high resolu�on melt analysis to inves�gate radia�on sensi�vity and

changes to global DNA methyla�on in various mouse strains. 6th Chroma�n Structure and Func�on, 5-8 December, Aruba, 2011.

Mark Lawrence Lawrence MD, Sykes PJ, Staudacher AH, Blyth BJ, Ormsby RJ. The use of whole body irradia�on to reduce tumourigenicity in a murine prostate cancer

model. 35th Conference of the Australasian Radia�on Protec�on Society, Adelaide, SA 17-20 October, 2010.

Lawrence MD, Blyth BJ, Ormsby RJ, Bezak E, Tilley WD and Sykes PJ. Implica�ons of whole body radia�on exposure for prostate carcinogenesis in the

TRAMP mouse model. 14th Interna�onal Congress on Radia�on Research, Warsaw, Poland 28 August – 1 September, 2011.

Lawrence MD, Sykes PJ, Staudacher AH, Blyth BJ, Bezak E, Ormsby RJ. The use of whole body irradia�on to reduce tumourigenicity in a murine prostate


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