fdep scat report 05.03.13

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FDEP SCAT Report May 03, 2013 Page|1

05/03/2013 FDEP SCAT Report Team 4 Today’s Activities: Response Exit (RADC) surveys in Escambia County Division 1 segments FLES1-016, -017, -018 and -019. Team Members: Andrew Milanes – Polaris Earl Whibbs – FDEP Pedro Reyes - USCG Joe Crapanzo – READ Kyle Lent – ARCH Survey Conditions:

During today’s survey there were overcast skies, winds were east at 10 to 15 knots, and seas were 2-3 feet. The tide was mid and rising with low tide (0.1 ft) at 2:49 AM and high tide (0.7 ft) at 4:35 PM. There was a yellow flag.

Survey Summary: Team 4 performed Removal Actions Deemed Complete (RADC) surveys in Escambia County

Division 1, segments FLES1-016, FLES1-017, FLES1-018 and FLES1-019. All remaining NPS segments in Florida were removed from the response by the FOSC. Today’s surveys were conducted to document any oiling left behind.

The RADC survey in FLES1-016 had NOO. The segment met SCCP endpoint criteria for amenity beaches. Segment has been removed from the response by the FOSC.

The RADC survey in FLES1-017 found SRBs in the ITZ and STZ. There were 50 SRBs at sizes of 1.00 cm to 4.50 cm. The segment did not meet SCCP endpoint criteria for amenity beaches but the segment has been removed from the response by the FOSC.

The RADC survey in FLES1-018 found SRBs in the ITZ and STZ. There were 33 SRBs at sizes of 1.50 cm to 4.50 cm. The segment did not meet SCCP endpoint criteria for amenity beaches but the segment has been removed from the response by the FOSC.

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The RADC survey in FLES1-019 found SRBs in the STZ. There were 9 SRBs at sizes of 1.75 cm to 4.50 cm. The segment did not meet SCCP endpoint criteria for amenity beaches but the segment has been removed from the response by the FOSC.

Surface Oil Observed: Response Exit Surveys (RADC) FLES1-016- Amenity Beach (10:00 am to 10:11 am)

NOO FLES3-017- Amenity Beach (09:23 am to 09:54 am)

STZ – 4 SRBs in entire segment. Size 1.50 cm to 4.25 cm. Avg: 3.00 cm UITZ – 46 SRBs in entire segment. Size 1.00 cm to 4.50 cm. Avg: 2.25 cm Weight of SRBs recovered: 0.2245 lb.

FLES3-018- Amenity Beach (08:59 am to 09:22 am)

STZ – 10 SRBs in entire segment. Size 1.50 cm to 3.75 cm. Avg: 2.75 cm UITZ – 23 SRBs in entire segment. Size 1.25 cm to 4.50 cm. Avg: 2.25 cm Weight of SRBs recovered: 0.1525 lb.

FLES3-019- Amenity Beach (08:36 am to 08:58 am)

STZ – 9 SRBs in entire segment. Size 1.75 cm to 4.50 cm. Avg: 2.50 cm Weight of SRBs recovered: 0.1080 lb.

Team 4 Photos:

FLES1-017 SRBs

FDEP SCAT Report May 03, 2013 Page|3

FLES1-018 SRBs

FLES1-019 SRBs

FDEP SCAT Report May 03, 2013 Page|4

Treatment Recommendations: FLES1-016, 017, 018, and 019: No SCAT recommendations. Segments have been removed from the response by the FOSC. Tomorrow’s Plan Team 4: Response Exit (RADC) surveys in Escambia County Division 1, segments FLES1-020, 021, 022 and 023.


ARCH- Archaeologist ES – Entire Segment EZ – Entire Zone FLBA – Florida Bay County FLES – Florida Escambia County FLOK – Florida Okaloosa County FLGU – Florida Gulf County FLWA – Florida Walton County GINS – Gulf Islands National Seashore HBR- Hard Black Rubbery Tar Ball LITZ- Lower Intertidal Zone LSTZ – Lower Supra Tidal Zone LTZ- Lower Tidal Zone MIT - Mitigated MON - Monitoring MTZ – Middle Tidal Zone NAS – Naval Air Station NCP- National Contingency Plan NFT - No Further Treatment NOLA- New Orleans Louisiana NOO – No Observable Oil NPS – National Park Service NRA - Natural Resource Advisor NR I- Not ready for inspection OPS - Operations PIST – Pre-Inspection Survey Transmittal PHS – Post Hurricane Season READ- Resource Advisor RFI - Ready for inspection SCAT- Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Technique Team SCCP – Shoreline Clean-up Completion Plan SIR – Shoreline Inspection Report SRB – Surface Residue Ball STG – Stage STR – Standard Treatment Recommendation STZ – Supra Tidal Zone UITZ- Upper Intertidal Zone USCG- United States Coast Guard USTZ – Upper Supra Tidal Zone UTZ – Upper Tidal Zone **For clarification purposes, the teams notes described above are only the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's perspective. SCAT Teams are comprised of two additional parties besides the Department. BP as the responsible party and a Federal representative also weigh in on the final reports. Should you want an overall view of SCAT documentation, feel free to log in to NOAA's public SCAT database at http://www.restorethegulf.gov/erma-gulf-response to view locations the SCAT Teams have surveyed, levels of oiling and current status of the segments.

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