feb. 2010 essential wellness

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holistic publication


exploring pathways to inner peace, health & healing

www.esswellness.comfebruary 2010


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FeaturingHealing the Heart• It’s all about the heart, so become a love radiator

• Open to love

• Has low fat failed the test of time?

• Know your heart

2 www.esswellness.com

february 2010 3

inside staff

TO ADVERTISE: Dee LaFroth, Sales Manager, 715.259.3047, sales@esswellness.comCharge cards accepted.

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EDITORIAL InfOLynn S. LaFroth, Managing Editor, info@esswellness.comWriters Guidelines: www.esswellness.com

ART DIREcTORSunshine Sevigny, info@esswellness.com


4270 Honey Tree Pass

Danbury, WI 54830

© 2010. Essential Wellness is published by Twin Cities Wellness and was founded by Dee and Lynn LaFroth in 1995.

Advertising is accepted at the discretion of the publishers and does not imply endorsement. Views and information expressed in this publication belong to the writers and do not necessarily reflect the sentiments, policies, or editorial opinion of Essential Wellness.

Please request copyright reprint rights directly from the author. If permission is granted, please attribute Essential Wellness and the date of the issue.

february 2010HEALING THE HEART

4 About the Cover Artist: Rassouli’s art comes from his subconscious

5 From the Editor: Keep your hearts steady and open during these turbulent times by Lynn S. LAFROtH

6 It’s all about the heart, so become a love radiatorby CHunyI LIn

8 Has low fat failed the test of time? by AL WAtSOn

9 10th Annual Body Mind Life Expo comes to Minneapolis Feb. 27–28

11 Know your heart

by KEvIn DOHEny

13 Open to loveby LynDRA HEARn AntOnSOn


4 www.esswellness.com

R ASSOULI is a visionary art-ist who has a unique way of reflecting spiritual experience by expressing images from his subconscious onto canvas. He

often stimulates creativity by meditating at dawn watching the sunrise in a natu-ral setting, or by envisioning a mystical journey through a night sky. His style does not focus on what is literally seen by the artist, but by surrendering con-ceptually to what is felt on a deeper level.

Rassouli’s painting technique is known as Fusionart, a style that he has created and registered and is presently teaching many artists in Southern Cali-fornia. The main theme of Fusionart is cosmic unity. The painting style is de-rived from mysticism, near-eastern spiri-tuality, and a foundation in European painting technology.

The conceptual approach of Fusion-art has been developing in Rassouli since early childhood, and it is evident in his paintings, reliefs, architectural design, sculptures, book illuminations and mu-rals.

He was born in Isfahan, Iran and was raised in a historical home decorated

with murals and intricate floral designs. Inspired and encouraged by his mystic uncle, Rassouli developed an early appre-ciation for painting and mystical poetry, and spent endless hours taking lessons from classical and impressionist artists, and studying mysticism. Soon he discov-ered new ways to transform his subcon-scious images into forms that he could share with others.

Recognized as “the best student artist in Iran” at the age of 15, Rassouli was awarded a government grant to study painting in Europe. He migrated to the United States in 1963, where he studied painting and architecture at the Univer-sity of New Mexico, and was honored with the Leadership Award from the In-stitute of International Education.

Although he began his professional career as an architect, creating three-di-mensional structures to satisfy his artis-tic drive, Rassouli’s passion for painting persevered. Through time, he has created hundreds of artworks that have received global recognition for his unique Fusion-art style.

Rassouli’s worldwide exhibits include numerous solo and collective shows as well as international art expositions.

His most recent book, Inspirations of the Heart is an empowering book that fuses a collection of Rassouli’s artwork with meditative thoughts by Michael Beck-with, D.D. Selective paintings by Ras-souli appear in many books, including: June, Journey of Transformation and Lan-guage of Souls and on numerous maga-zine and book covers.

The mural entitled “Angel of Unity”—a painting that spans 55 feet tall by 1,100 feet wide—is one of Ras-souli’s latest creations. The angel watches passersby at the corner of Washington Blvd. and the pacific coast in the city of Venice, and has become a Southern Cali-fornia landmark viewed daily by thou-sands of residents and visitors.

FFI: Visit www.rassouli.com




Rassouli’s art sourced from his subconscious

february 2010 5

W ELCOME TO the new Essential Well-ness! As you see we are now a magazine format which offers

a friendly size for reading. During the 15 years we’ve been publishing, this is the third time we’ve changed the size of the publica-tion although we’ve changed the look and the logo several times; we even changed the name once from Twin Cities Wellness to our current name. For the record, however, our legal company name remains Twin Cit-ies Wellness. This issue’s theme is Healing the Heart and covers issues from eating for heart health to living well emotionally.

PROcESS THE TRAumAOur format changes seem frivolous

compared to the magnitude of the earth changes now happening in the world. Our hearts have been pulled to Haiti during these past weeks as we watch TV cover-age of the earthquake aftermath. I can’t help but think we too will need to recover from the trauma we experience as we live the horror vicariously—unless we can pro-cess this in ways that heal the heart, open

the heart. Yes, we send money or help in other ways through donations and should continue this in a most generous way—but most important is keeping our hearts open as we helplessly watch the sad images, hear tragic stories, and imagine the smell of the thousands of rotting bodies the front load-ers haul to mass graves.

KEEP A cOmPASSIOnATE VIEwOur role as witnesses to this, or any

tragedy, is not to shut down, nor contract, but rather to open our hearts to the suf-fering of humanity and not turn away to watch a rerun of “Happy Days.” As we dis-till this shadow side of living within our-selves, we can create a more mature way of being in the world, a compassionate view that encompasses everyone as our sister, our brother. “There, but for fortune, go I.”

SEnD HEART-fELT THOugHTSI find it difficult to view the tragedy

of Haiti day after day and I find I want to switch the channel, watch easier program-ming, and say to myself, “I sent money,” as if that were enough. I don’t think it is help-ful to barrage ourselves with the horror but

to really understand and embody compas-sion during these kinds of events. It isn’t enough to witness the unfolding drama but rather to actively send thoughts of comfort and hope through your mind and especially through your heart to those in need.

KnOw THAT ALL IS wELLScience has proven that focused and

heartfelt emotion does “travel.” What we can do during this or any upcoming catas-trophe (after we’ve done all we can do from far away like donate), is to stay steady, heart open, and know that all is well—yes, even though appearances belie that. Send heart-felt thoughts of goodwill and comfort to those who suffer knowing that we are part of a collective consciousness and that those mind/heart greetings are being received and will help at the level we can help.

It’s all about heart-centered living now. When you live in your heart, bad things can hurt but cannot crush our spirits.

Lynn S. LaFroth is managing editor/co-publisher of Essential Wellness magazine and can be reached online at info@esswell-ness.com.


Keep your hearts steady and open during these turbulent times

6 www.esswellness.com

T HE HEART is such an amaz-ing organ. The heart pumps the blood that keeps us alive. The heart is our emotional center. Whether we aware of

it or not, the heart is truly a key player in every aspect of our lives.

Research by the Heart Math Institute and others has found that the heart is “a highly complex, self-organized informa-tion processing center with its own func-tional ‘brain’ that communicates with and influences the cranial brain. These influ-ences profoundly affect brain function and most of the body’s major organs, and ultimately determine the quality of life.”

From the very beginning of my qigong training more than three decades ago I was taught about the importance of the human heart. Not only for all of the reasons cited above but because the heart is the center of love and, most importantly, the center of unconditional love.

All of the great qigong masters I had the privilege of studying with agreed on this one critical point. If you want to be a great healer you must have great com-passion. You must have great love in your heart for those you are helping.

Gandhi said, “Love is the most power-ful force the world possesses.” In my ex-perience this is absolutely true in healing. Unconditional love is the most powerful healing energy. Even if you don’t always feel loving or loved, this unconditional love exists within you. Even if you don’t al-ways see this love in others, it exists within them too. It may be the tiniest of a spark at times but it is always there and can be fanned into a powerful flame.

What I want to share with you in this

article is a simple technique for fanning that spark into a life-changing flame. This is not so much a specific heart healing tech-nique as it is a technique for opening your heart and transforming your life.

This technique can certainly help to heal your heart, both physically and emo-tionally. Even more than that, this tech-nique can help your family, your friends and everyone you encounter. What I want to teach you is how to be a Love Radiator.

STEP OnE: S.m.I.L.E, or, Start my Internal Love Engine

The simple act of smiling immediately helps your body to relax. A smile also sends a message to your brain to produce endor-phins, the body’s natural feel-good hor-mone.

And, most importantly, by smiling you help to open your connection to the un-conditional love in your heart. You start your love engine. A simple smile helps you open your heart.

STEP TwO: make your Love connection

Take three slow, gentle, deep breaths. Breathing slowly, gently and deeply is the key to uniting your mind, body and spirit. It is the only way to truly connect with the infinite and the limitless, unconditional love of the universe.

STEP THREE: Enhance the flow of unconditional Love

Visualize the light of a beautiful, golden sun coming from the center of the universe flowing into your body and col-lecting in your heart. Feel the warmth of this perfect light filling you up, filling you with joy, filling you with perfect peace.

STEP fOuR: Let your Love glow; be a Love Radiator

Allow this limitless, healing love of the universe to fill your heart to overflowing, radiating out to everyone and everything around you. You can visualize sending this Love directly to heart center of every per-son you encounter. You can visualize filling a room, a house, a building with this Love. Like a radiator filling a room with warmth.

This Love has no limits and it is always available to you.

It really is just this simple. I use this tech-nique every moment of every day. I hope you will choose to experience it. I find it to be the most wonderful and joyful way to live.

Chunyi Lin is a certified International Qigong Master with a master’s degree in holistic healing. He is the founder and creator of Spring Forest Qigong. He is also Director of the Spring Forest Center in Eden Prairie, MN. Master Lin is the coauthor of a #1 Amazon.com best-selling book, Born A Healer. He is also coauthor with Dr. Nisha Manek of the Mayo Clinic of a chapter on Qigong in the Textbook of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Second Edition. Two new independent research studies, includ-ing one by doctors from the Mayo Clinic, have found Chunyi’s Spring Forest Qigong techniques very effective in relieving chronic pain. A previ-ous research study found his Spring Forest Qigong techniques very effective in the treatment of de-pression and bipolar disorder. Visit him at www.SpringForestQigong.com & www.qissage.com.

by cHunyI LIn


It’s all about the heart, so become a love radiator

february 2010 7

8 www.esswellness.com

S INCE 1980, the U.S. low fat Dietary Guidelines have recom-mended that we consume up to 65 percent of calories as carbohy-drates—which includes fruit, fruit

juices, a variety of vegetables, grains, grain products, sugar, and high fructose corn syrup. According to the federal guidelines, a low fat, high carbohydrate diet would keep us thin and help us prevent diabetes and heart disease.

Decades later, we must ask, how are we doing? In fact, after three decades of low fat = good health, Americans are fatter and sicker than ever. We complied and lowered our fat intake but two-thirds of Americans are over-weight and a whopping 10 percent suffer from Type II diabetes. Heart disease has not gone down as promised, and slow, suffocating heart failure is the #1 Medicare expenditure.

I believe what’s wrong with the American diet has nothing to do with cholesterol and dietary fat; instead, it’s the over-consumption of carbohydrates —especially those easily digested refined carbohydrates made from highly processed grains and sugars, including high fructose corn syrup.

As an example, all dry boxed breakfast cere-als, regardless of how much sugar they contain, raise blood sugar (they are high glycemic). Blood sugar has a narrow healthy range. Chronically el-evated blood sugar—eating excess carbohydrates on a regular basis—is the common denominator of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

When you consume excess carbohy-drates, your body responds by flooding the bloodstream with insulin. Insulin escorts sugar (glucose) into our cells for energy and then directs the liver to turn the excess into body-made fats called triglycerides. Elevated triglycerides—not cholesterol levels—reli-ably predict the risk of heart disease.

Elevated blood sugar and triglycerides (body-made-fats) create systemic inflamma-tion in the body that damages arteries and leads to plaque buildup and sticky clot-prone blood. Excess carbohydrates—not cholesterol and di-etary fat —induce the blood fat abnormalities that signal increased risk of heart disease.

Remember, when you eat protein and fat (eggs fried in butter), you do not raise blood sugar and your body uses the protein and fat to make cells, tissues, and organs. (We are made of protein and fat.) While dietary fat is used for energy, it is also a precursor to important hormones and is a key structural component of the trillions of cell membranes that make up our bodies.

The only thing our bodies can do with excess calories from carbohydrates is convert them into body-made-fat (triglycerides). Excess carbohydrate consumption, which leads to el-evated blood sugar and chronically high insulin levels, disrupts homeostasis—creating injury, inflammation, and plaque in the arteries.

Artery plaques are a response to injury. Plaque is primarily smooth muscle cells, cal-

cium, connective tissue, white blood cells, and some cholesterol and fat. Proliferation of plaques may occur, not because of simple el-evations in blood cholesterol, but because of chronic elevations of blood sugar and insulin that directly damage or weaken the structure of the arterial wall.

Excess carbohydrate intake, especially sugar and high fructose corn syrup, leads to nutritional deficiencies, elevated homo-cysteine, emotional and physiological stress, and microbial infection. In addition, highly processed trans fatty acids (TFAs), and excess omega-6 fat intake and/or deficient omega-3 fats promote blood vessel damage and heart disease unrelated to blood cholesterol levels or natural dietary fat intake. Yes, just about everything you’ve heard about America’s most demonized nutrients—cholesterol and dietary fat—is wrong.

For more information, please call 1-800-229-3663 or go to www.dietHeartPublish-ing.com. Al Watson is a “patient advocate” with 20 years’ experience in the nutritional supplement business. He is author of Cereal Killer, the unintended consequences of the low fat diet.

by AL wATSOn


Has low fat failed the test of time?

february 2010 9

EACH YEAR, Minnesotans flock to the original Body Mind Life Expo for tips on staying healthy. In 2010, that information takes on extra

importance. If you think a trip to the grocery store takes

a big chunk out of the family budget, consider the costs of getting sick. From co-pays that cost more than a tank of gas to deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses that can exceed a mortgage payment, even getting the flu can be expensive. Healthcare costs in an already troubled econ-omy are providing many Minnesotans with more incentive than ever to find new ways to take better care of themselves.

STAyIng HEALTHyEach year, thousands of Minnesotans

attend the original Body Mind Life Expo at the Minneapolis Convention Center for ideas on staying healthy. This year, most will be looking for ways to do so on a budget.

As the largest health and natural prod-ucts consumer event in the Midwest, this expo is the ideal place to find experts who can provide mainstream and holistic advice on nutrition, physical fitness and disease prevention, as well as emotional and spiri-tual well being. This year’s expo, to be held Feb. 27-28, is expected to attract even more people eager to learn tips that will help them avoid spending time in a doctor’s office.

Prevention is the modern mantra. Americans spend more money than any other country on nutritional supplements, and are credited with having the greatest health awareness.

People also are looking for new ways to cope with the stress in their lives. Re-nowned spiritual teacher and author Leon-ard Jacobson will present two free seminars

10th Annual Body Mind Life Expo comes to Minneapolis Feb. 27–28

Expo continued on page 10

10 www.esswellness.com

at the expo to help people learn how to live in the present and achieve a deeper level of peace.

Want a career that works to support a more sustainable world? Green career ex-pert Barbara Parks will help you position yourself for playing a role in the growing green economy. Co-sponsored by Green Career Tracks and Womenventure.

Is it possible to become visibly fit? You deserve to be in the best shape possible! Discover a fun, easy and “green” way to tone and shape your body. Nationally-

recognized fitness expert Wendie Pett will help you become visibly fit mentally, physically and spiritually.

The Healthy Living Fashion Show by Hope Chest for Breast Cancer will help you discover the stylish way to go green with high-end active wear from Hope Chest for Breast Cancer. This event will be emceed by Twin Cities Live Co-Host Elizabeth Reis and Hope Chest for Breast Cancer Founder Barbara Hensley.

Over the years, the Body Mind Life Expo has become a trusted clearinghouse for health-related information. Those watching their pennies appreciate the fact that admission always includes free back-to-back seminars on everything from proper exercise techniques, weight man-agement and anti-aging tips, to the latest on the use of therapeutic essential oils and other fact-based ideas for taking control of your health.

People also spend quality time explor-

ing local resources including holistic ser-vices, environmentally-friendly products, stress-free vacation ideas, workshops and classes, counseling and motivational cen-ters, clinics, acupuncture/bodywork ser-vices and more.

Visit www.101expos.com for tickets and information. This year’s Body Mind Life Expo is made possible in part by 5 Eye-witness News, KSTC Channel 45, Krech Exteriors, the Wellness Advisor and The Edge: Soul of the Cities.

Expo from page 10







february 2010 11

T ERMINOLOGY IS a problem. “The Heart” means different things to different people: An organ that pumps blood, a chakra, shape, Human De-

sign center (dealing with ego), etc. Today, I invite you to see the “Heart” the way the ancients saw it—as the center or core.

LOOP Of THE LOSTLook around you. Really look! Are people

in a “good place?” I think not. Stress and stress-related conditions are at an all-time high, and unfortunately many people don’t even realize just how stressed they are until something happens. Why? Because people are DOing to “have”… and then they have to do… and do to have, etc. Is this a fulfilling life? Not!

THE fORgOTTEn PROgRESSIOn There are two very important things

which need to be in place before DOing. The first is KNOWing. A person must know who they are. This is not a “head level” knowing; it’s a heart level knowing—a really deep down, core knowing. A cer-tainty of who a person is now [note that “now” is built right into “know”]. The next step is BEing what/who you know you are.

And then the final step is in the DOing, which follows from the knowing and be-ing. In knowing, being, and doing, you will have. [If you can honestly state, “I know who I am, and I am what I do, and

do what I am,” you are “on the path.”]

A HARmOnIOuS SySTEmAs a picture is worth a thousand words,

I invite you to view the heart as the very center of you and everything else (your thoughts, feelings, physical body, and ac-tions) is built up in layers around that core. The Heart has a particular sound (more than just frequency). This “Heart Sound” is who you are, although it may (slowly) change and evolve over time. The other layers around the Heart have a sound as well, and when their sound is not harmo-nious with that of the Heart… well, that’s no more pleasant than listening to a C and C# being played together. What needs to be done is to discover the sound of the Heart (the KNOWing), and then bring the other layers into alignment with that sound (through the BEing and DOing).

gET gOIng!There are many methods and tech-

niques being taught and offered to get you in touch with your heart. The tried and true techniques of meditation and concen-tration are hard to improve on, yet every person is different, and so what works for one person may not be right for another. It’s a process, though, and although oth-ers can give you some pieces to the puzzle and guidance along the journey, in the end, only you can know who you are, and in so

knowing, BE and DO (and end up living harmoniously with you).

my gIfT fOR yOuAs an early Valentine’s Day gift to you,

I’ve uploaded the “Heart of the Universe” track (11:38) from my Touch the Heart CD. It’s available at http://www.soundmin-dbodyhealing.com/sound/TTH_Heart_of_the_Universe.mp3 (upper/lower case and underscore characters must be correct). Listen on-line, save it, download it to your MP3 player, or whatever. Enjoy!

Kevin Doheny, BA, CHT, MBT, is Founder and Center Director of Sound Mind & Body Heal-ing Center (and its subsidiary, Sound Mind & Body Productions) in Eagan, MN. A certified hypnotherapist and developer of the “Sound Hypnosis Process,” Kevin’s CDs and the personal sound/music he creates for people, frees thinking and develops self-mastery. Regular SMBHC eve-ning events are Sound Meditation (Mondays) and Heart Sounds (Thursdays). www.sound-mindbodyhealing.com or 651-688-2469.



Know your heart

12 www.esswellness.com

ANIMALSminnetonka Animal HospitalDrs. Kaaren Howe, Leilani Hotaling, Amy Everly952-473-1239; Minnetonka, MN www.minnetonkaanimal.com

COACHING/COUNSELINGJudy Steele, mTPLife Coaching, Counseling, Healing612-590-3193; judy.steele@earthlink.net6311 Wayzata Blvd #310, St Louis Park MN 55416www.schoolforliving.org

COLONICS/COLON HYDROTHERAPYcarol Edel, c.c.T 952-474-2627; caroledel@gmail.com 2409 Lyndale Ave. S., Ecopolitan Restaurant Bldg.Minneapolis, MN

uptown colonicsThe Wellness Center, Nicole Zivalich, ND612-824-4041; Minneapolis, MN www.uptowncolonics.com

EDUCATIONThe meta Institute952-831-6382; Meta@metainstitute.comwww.Metainstitute.com

wind and water School of feng Shui612-823-5093www.windwaterschool.com HEALING THERAPIESbrigid’s HouseCenter of Peace for Body, Mind and Spirit218-732-5347500 Park Ave. So., Park Rapids, MN 56470www.brigidshouse.com

RETREATSfranciscan Spirituality center608-791-5296, fscenter@fspa.orgLa Crosse, Wisconsinwww.franciscanspiritualitycenter.org

SLEEP THERAPYmn craniofacial center midwayRoy V. Hakala, DDS651.642.10131690 University Av. W #390, St. Paul, MN 55104www.mncranio.com

wellness resource guide


Dee can help.715.259.3047 or sales@esswellness.com

february 2010 13

LOVE IS an essential ingredient in a healthy, happy life. Years ago in a college psychology class, I read about parent-less infants cared for in orphanages. It was dis-

covered that babies who received plenty of food but no handling or affection, failed to thrive. They were lacking love.

I remember longing for love as early as second grade. I had a crush on a tall, quiet but intriguing boy in my class at school. And there was Elvis Presley! It’s hard to remember many moments in my life when I wasn’t obsessing about some boy or man.

In my 30s, I had a great life with a dream job, a comfy home, a reliable car, and dear friends. I longed for true love but was a total failure in this one area of my life. The few romantic re-lationships I did have were drama-ridden, unhealthy, and burned out quickly.

What have I learned since then? When we are open to the love that is

available to us in every moment, we become magnets for love. A great way to be open to

love is to practice gratitude. I keep a daily gratitude journal where I write down at least five things I’m grateful for. It includes simple things like sunshine on a cold day, the cardi-nals who brave Minnesota winters and bring

col-or to our white landscape, a car that starts, a phone call with a friend, or the smile of a clerk that warms my heart.

The only barrier to great love is within us. In response to the dreaded question, “How come a nice girl like you isn’t mar-ried yet?” I used to say, “I just haven’t met the right guy.” I finally realized that I wasn’t meeting the right man because I

wasn’t the right woman. In my 40s, I stopped

pointing my finger at the external world and began

looking at my self. I discovered the keys to obtaining the love I

so desired. I learned that the dis-respectful men I got involved with mir-

rored my own lack of self-love. I realized that I was unavailable to true love because of my own fears and self-limiting beliefs.

At age 45, I met my beloved who treats me like a precious treasure. We have the kind of love I always longed for. Little did I know, true love had been available to me all along.

A powerful tool for opening to greater love is singing HU. Research has shown the healing power of sound. Religions have uti-lized songs and chants to evoke the divine

for centuries. HU (pronounced hue) is a love song to God. It can be used by people of all spiritual faiths to connect them with greater love. It can be sung silently or out loud, alone or with others.

When I’m stuck in a perspective that has me feeling unlovable, singing HU helps me to access a higher viewpoint. I can liter-ally feel the weight lift off me and my con-stricted heart opens.

In A Return to Love, Marianne Wil-liamson writes, “It is not our job to seek for love but to seek for all the barriers we hold against its coming.” More love is waiting for you, as well! Are you willing to let it in?

Lyndra Hearn Antonson coaches and con-sults with successful singles and couples who desire more love in their lives. She works by phone with individuals, couples, and groups. Lyndra has an MSW and was a licensed psy-chotherapist for 25 years. Feel free to visit her website at www.openingtolove.org or call 952.212.1682.



Open to love

14 www.esswellness.com

FEBRUARYLooking for Writers with SpiritFranciscan Spirituality Center (FSC) invites writers to submit essays, poetry, & fiction illustrating journeys of hope & personal/spiritual growth to a writing contest. Winners receive cash prizes & published in Essential Inklings. Information & submission guidelines www.fscenter.org

BEGINNING FEB. 11Massage & Shiatsu Career Info SessionsFeb. 11, 16, 25: 6 pm & Feb. 20: 10 am. Discover how you can have a rewarding career. CenterPoint Massage & Shiatsu Therapy School offers several programs for you to become a professional bodywork therapist. Shawn: 612-617-9090. www.CenterPointMN.com.

FEB. 13Massage Basics Workshop10 am–5 pm. Learn a variety of basic massage techniques for the head, neck, back, & legs. Great for stress reduction & relaxation. Take this workshop if you are considering a career in massage or enjoy working on family & friends. Register at 612-617-9090. www.CenterPointMN.com.

Feb. 13 & 14Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Care Techniques10 am–5 pm. Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Care is gentle & effective, & will help you to minimize fatigue, optimize energy, & maintain balance. Discover a daily practice for balancing & revitalizing yourself. NCBTMB 12 CE hrs. Register at 612-617-9090. www.CenterPointMN.com.

BEGINNING FEB. 16Traditions of Spiritual Guidance with Ed SellnerTuesdays, Feb. 16, 23, Mar. 2, & 9, 7-9 pm. $85. Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Av., St. Paul. Explore the rich spiritual resources found in old teachings & traditions from the history of humankind. 651-696-2788. http://wisdomwayscenter.org/spiritualguidance.aspx

BEGINNING FEB. 17Psychic Development Class Practical tools & information to help you manage your energy consciously & reclaim who you are with compassion. Access your soul’s guidance to heal & create your life. Wednesday evenings, February-November. Cindy Lehman, 612-669-1861. FFI: www.cindylehman.com

FEB. 18, MAR. 4 & MAR. 18 Faith as Pilgrimage with Dr. Bill McDonoughThursdays, 7-9 pm. $65. Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Av., St. Paul. Book study & conversation of Robinson’s novel Home. 651-696-2788. http://wisdomwayscenter.org/faith_as_pilgrimage.aspx

FEB. 25 A New Harmony: The Spirit, The Earth, & The Human SoulWith J. Philip Newell. 9:30–11:30 am, $25, at Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Av., St. Paul & 6:30–8:30 pm, $20, at Pilgrim Lutheran Church, 1935 St. Clair Av., St. Paul. 651-696-2788. http://wisdomwayscenter.org/jpn2010.aspx

FEB. 27 Christian Meditation Day of Contemplative PrayerDeborah Chernick & Susan Oeffling, CSJ. A day of contemplative prayer/sitting meditation offers a time to

deepen our existing practice. Spend a day in prayer & silence. 8:30 am–3:15 pm. $30. Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Av., St. Paul. 651-696-2788. http://wisdomwayscenter.org/christian_meditation_prayer.aspx

MARCHMAR. 3 Men’s Spirituality Series: Drumming the Soul AwakeJaime Meyer. 5:50-8 pm. $25 includes dinner. Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Av., St. Paul. Drumming & the taste of choice in our lives regarding transitions in every part of life. 651-696-2788. http://wisdomwayscenter.org/mens_spirituality.aspx

MAR. 5 Hurry! It’s About TimeToo much to do. Nothing getting done, & the “P” word (procrastination). It’s about time for a Healing Intensive with Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) practitioner Valerie Lis. Newbies O.K. Maintain confidentiality. RSVP unnecessary. 7-9 pm. Ivy Cottage, 33 4th St NW, Osseo. $20. 763-315-0086. www.coursesforlife.com

MAR. 13Shiatsu Basics Workshop10 am–5 pm. Discover how simple & effective Shiatsu Therapy is for relieving headaches, backaches, & stiff necks. Learn the basics to share with family & friends, or to explore a new career. Register at 612-617-9090. www.CenterPointMN.com

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• FFI: Dee, sales@esswellness.com, 715.259.3047


february 2010 15

CONNECTwith an ad in Essential Wellness Dee can tell you how.715-259-3047sales@esswellness.com

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