feb 26 2012

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Feb 26 2012 Bulletin




WEEKDAY MASSES MONDAY - FRIDAY: 6:30 AM & 9:00 AM TUESDAY EVENING: 7:00 PM Mass and Marian Devotions SATURDAY: 9:00 AM

SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Parents must be active, registered members of St. Pius X parish. Baptisms take place on the first and third Sunday of the month immediately following the noon Mass. Arrange preparation for baptism by calling the Parish Office.

SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Either the bride or the groom must be a registered, active parishioner of St. Pius X parish. Please make an appointment with one of the priests at least six months before the desired date.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday: 4:15 - 4:45 PM Seasonal Communal Celebrations: By appointment anytime

SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Upon request and communally twice a year. Please notify the parish office if anyone in your family is hospitalized, homebound or in a nursing home.

SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDERS For men interested in priesthood, please call 518-312-9397 or visit www.albanyvocations.org

CATHOLIC BURIAL For Catholic Burial Information contact the Diocesan Ceme-tery Office at 463-0134

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Friday 9:30 am-7:00 pm

Church of St. Pius X

23 Crumitie Road, Loudonville, New York 12211 462-1336 Parish Fax: 462-1338 Parish Website www.stpiusxloudonville.org

First Sunday of Lent February 26, 2012

“When I bring clouds over the earth, and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will recall the cove-nant I have made with you and all living beings.” Genesis 9 :15


A POWERFUL PROCLAMATION As we reflect on how we spend our time, we could well ask our-selves, “What would you want to be caught dead doing?” If we take seriously Jesus’ Gospel proclamation, if we chew on the words until they become part of us, we will find our answer. After coming out of the desert and learning of John’s arrest, Jesus knew it was time to act. Forty days of prayer and fasting had prepared him well. He knew exactly what he wanted to be caught dead doing. His desert experience had prepared him. Fully aware that his actions would put his life in jeopardy, he went to Galilee, where he made the powerful proclamation found in today’s Gospel. “THIS IS THE TIME OF FULFILLMENT” This is the time. Not tomorrow, or after Lent, or after you finish your degree, or after you feel a little better about yourself, or after you retire. This is the time and the place. Here, today, this minute, now. By your baptism, you are fulfilled. All you need to do is realize it. “The kingdom of God is at hand.” It is in the present moment, mirrored back to us many times each day. It is everywhere, even in the darkest corners of the world. To gain access to the king-dom, we just give ourselves to Jesus each morning, and examine ourselves in light of his love each evening. Submit and com-mit—day after day. “Repent, and believe in the gospel.” For those preparing for full Church membership this Lent, today’s message is especially liberating. When we drop our own agendas and tune in to God’s, miracles begin to happen. And if angels ministered to Jesus in the desert, we know that they will be there for us, too. So as we begin our Lenten observances, let’s listen openly and trustingly to the still small Voice whispering in the silence of the season and then pray for the courage to believe and act on what we hear. We will be changed, and the world along with us.

This Weekend 2012 Combined Diocesan Collection for the

Black and Native American and Latin American Missions We ask your continued support in the Diocesan Collection on February 25/26 for Black, Native American & Latin American Missions. In 2011, the Diocese of Albany received a grant of over $ 40,000 for its evangelization efforts with minority popu-lations. Funds from this collection support a range of pastoral projects and are used to help rebuild the Church of Latin Amer-ica and the Caribbean where natural disasters have devastated it in areas like Haiti, as well as improve catechesis, education and priesthood formation. ***************************************************

RCIA Rite of Sending

As we enter the Lenten Season please pray for our Catechumen and Candidates as they prepare to join us in Full Com-munion at the Easter Vigil. They will be joining others from across the Diocese on Sunday, February 26th at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception for the Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Con-version. We will celebrate the Rite of

Sending Forth at St. Pius X during the 10:00 am Mass on Febru-ary 26. This year we have one Catechumen, Alan Joseph and two Candidates, Anne Jung and Eric Kim who will enter into full Communion with our family of faith at the Easter Vigil. Thank You for your support and prayers, Maureen Kelly and the RCIA TEAM ***************************************************

New York State Catholic Conference Public Policy Day–

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

If you want to make a difference, and visit your state senator or assembly person, you're welcome to attend the New York State Catholic Conference's 2012 Public Policy Day on Tuesday, March 13th, at the Empire State Plaza Convention Center in Albany. NYSCC is the offi-cial public policy voice of the Catholic Church in the Empire State. There is no registration fee. Just go to www.nyscatholic.org/public-policy-day-information/ On that page, fill out the form and your registration will be confirmed from the Albany Dio-cese.

St. Pius X School $SCHOOL BUCK$ Program Purchases at the Colonie Center can help St. Pius X School reach our goal of earning one of the top cash prizes awarded in the $CHOOL BUCK$ program. Receipts within 60 days of purchase can be dropped in the box located in the gathering space in the church. Don’t wish to part with your receipt? You may have it stamped yourself at the Guest Services Desk located on the 1st floor. Thank you for your support! **************************************************

Cookies are Coming! Girls Scouts will be selling cookies after all Masses the weekend of March 17 and 18! We will have all your favorites … Thin Mints, Samoas, Tagalongs, Do Si Does, Trefoils, Dulche De Leches and Thank You Berry Much. Thank you for your support of the Girl Scout programs here at St. Pius!

************************************************** The Homeless Action Committee is holding its 19th Annual Sleep-a-thon in Townsend Park, Friday, March 2nd between 7 p.m. and 2a.m. Sleep-a-thon participants come to the park for at least one hour to get a better understanding of what life in the streets is like for persons who are homeless with nowhere to stay. Funds raised by the Sleep-a-thon will benefit the HAC' homeless housing program at 393 N. Pearl St. HAC needs to raise $11,000 per month in operating costs not covered by our grants. HAC's Single Room Occupancy (SRO) housing is critical in the city of Albany. It provides a room and meals for thirty people who previously were living on Albany's streets for years who are chronic alcoholics. Raising the fund to meet our monthly budget is of the upmost impor-tance for continued operation of the SRO. The SRO has dramatically improved the lives of its tenants, who once lived out on the streets 24 hours per day, seven days per week. the money raised will also support our Outreach Van program which provides food, clothing, blankets, refer-rals and transporting to people who are still living on the streets. For more information or those who whish to make a contribu-tion to the Sleep-a-thon the address is HAC 393 N. Pearl Street Albany, N.Y. 518-526-0544. Thank you for your gen-erosity in this matter.

Sunday School Classes: There are no classes Feb. 26 due to Winter Recess from school. … Enjoy! Sunday School Classes after the Winter Break are March 4 #16, March 11 #17 (turn clocks ahead 1 hr.), March 18 #18, and March 25 #19.

Progress Report #1 Parents, please sign the report and return it to your child’s Teacher. Thank You.

Reaching out for “Change for Change”: Our Sunday School Program will be participating in a “change for change” coin col-lection to help benefit the St. Francis Xavier Orphanage in Haiti. Letters will be sent home to parents on January 29 explaining the collection and asking for their participation. The children in grades 3-8 will see a short presentation about the orphanage on February 5. Coin containers will be available to parents/children on Febru-ary 12 at all entrances of the school during Sunday School classes. Please help support this “Change for Change” coin collection … little by little, penny by penny, we can make a change in a child’s life!

Safe Environment Training: On March 4, the children in grades 1, 4, and 7 will be attending a safe environment training using the guidelines from the Diocese of Albany. Parents will be sent letters in the mail explaining the outline of the training and inviting them to attend this session with their child.

Teacher’s Meeting: Our next Sunday School Teacher’s Meeting will be held on March 18 at 8:25 am in the Teacher’s Lunch room.

First Eucharist: Our Parent Meeting for First Eucharist will be held on Wednesday Evening, March 7 from 7:00 to 8:00 pm in the Parish Center. Fr. Farano will give a presentation on the Eucharist. Informational packets will be handed out about your child’s First Holy Communion. Children in St. Pius X School and the Sunday School Program should have a parent present at this meeting. Mass Times for the First Communion Mass will be given.

LENTEN RETREAT Evening of Reflection for Men “Spirituality and Steve Jobs!”

Wednesday, March 7, 6:00 – 8:30 PM Presented by: Fr. Jim Walsh,

Diocesan Director of Vocations, St. Joseph Provincial House, Latham

Sponsored by the Catholic Parishes of Colonie. Must register for the evening

Registration forms available in the gathering area and in the parish office.

Fee~ $10.00 per person ~ includes light dinner

Jesus Day – Saturday – March 24 – 9:30 to 12:00 Noon Jesus Day is a special mini-retreat day for children in the parish and school who are preparing for their First Holy Communion. An informational and sign-up sheet was in the First Reconciliation Parent Folder. Please send in the sign-up sheet to your child’s Teacher: Sunday School by March 4 and St. Pius X School by March 5. If you need another sign-up sheet, please ask your child’s Teacher or visit the Religious Ed Office in the school.


A special “Thank You” to everyone who was able to help our first aid supply/over the counter medication drive this month. We were able to ship 5 large boxes and a medium one to Holy Spirit and Holy Family parishes in Georgia. They are very appreciative of our help as they prepare for the guest agricultural workers’ safe arrivals.

Come join us for Eucharistic Adoration every Friday after the 9:00 am. mass until closing prayer at 7:00 pm. All are welcome. For more information about how to become a weekly or sub-stitute adorer, contact Peter Ranalli at 482 - 9087 or Margaret Purcell at 453 - 9302.

****************************************************** The Women’s Commission, of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany, invite you to participate in our 9th annual prayer service, From All Generations: Women Saying Yes to God, on Sunday, March 25, 2012 from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm at the newly renovated Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Church, Eagle Street, Albany. As part of our service we want to recognize women from throughout the Diocese who have lived their faith by saying “Yes” to God and serving their Parish community as they have been called and been able. We are asking each parish to acknowledge up to 15 women who have faithfully served in their Parish Community. We encourage you to nominate women who range from teens (age 13+) to mature adults (100+). Some examples of who might be acknowledged are: women who have the longest membership in your Parish commu-nity; women who are active in the Parish organizations or the com-munity; families where there are 3 (or more) generations of women from the same family serving the community. In short, we are ask-ing you to acknowledge women in your community whom you would like to see recognized for answering God’s call to service in their Parish community. Deadline for the receipt of nomination forms is Friday, March 16, 2012. All women nominated will receive a personal invitation to the March 25th prayer service where they will be recognized and hon-ored by Bishop Hubbard and the Women’s Commission. Nomination forms are available in the Parish Office and also in the gathering area. Please take a few minutes and complete the form with all the information about the nominees from your parish. Please return the nomination form by mail to: Women’s Commis-sion, C/O Ruth A Jojo, 626 4th Street, Troy, NY 12180 or email the data to: Womens.Commission@rcda.org. or drop it off in the Parish Office. If you have any questions please feel free to call Ruth Jojo at 518-272-6914 or send an email to the above email address. Thank you in advance for your assistance. *******************************************************

A Call to Communal Prayer In order to respond more consistently with compassion and prayer beyond our Sunday commitment, the names of those who are seriously ill are printed below.

Coordinator: Brian Evers Phone: 462-1336

E-Mail: spxyouth@nycap.rr.com


Marilyn Brizzell Michael Smith Jean & Stephen Mink

Donna Pailet Rose Laiacona Richard Malinowski

Paul Sullivan Karen Szesnat James S. Tomchik

Barbara Kosier Mark Farrell Colleen Clapper

John Szesnat June Gainer Fran Huba

Joseph Schmidt Trudy Eannello Tom Monahan

Robert Campbell Laura Depice James Gaetani

Jeanne Wilson Iris Marini John Massimilian

Natalie Rowan Maeve Leonard Benjamin G. Forenzo

Judy Delaney Jizziyah Skelly Loretta Maffeo

Bob Raffaele Tony Pazzolla Miriam Kleinberger

Henry Sleasman Anne Egan Charlotte A Wolfstich

Donna Shade Nathan Natale Jennifer Garland

Walter Novak Ed Burnham Mary Gottschalk

Virginia Wegner Judy Fues Mary Barner

Lynn Quackenbush Sandra Farrell Kerry Ann Beswick

Garrett Garrity Sue Brown Theodore Gorzynski

Hiland Doolittle Joan Morrison John Ikenhoffer

LindaDubayFiebke Susan Kenneally NicholasD’Alleva Valas

Kathleen Jones Ralph Randio Marilyn & John Gradoni

Katherine Novak Lewie Perkinson Elizabeth Newcomb

Carl Freze

Catholic Central High School will be hosting an open house on Tuesday, March 6, 2012 from 3:30 -7:00 pm for students and parents interested in grades 7-11. Come meet our faculty and students, tour our campus and learn more about Catholic Central. For more information, please call 235-7100 ext. 224

The United Irish Societies of the Capital Dis-trict will sponsor the Annual St. Patrick’s Day Mass at 9:00 am on March 17th at Blessed Sacra-ment Church on Central Ave. A reception will follow immediately in the School Hall. Everyone is invited to attend for refreshments and Irish Mu-sic. The Parade begins at 2:00 pm from Central and Quail Streets.

PASTORAL CARE “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the gospel.” + Today the church speaks a message of reconciliation through the readings. In Genesis, through Noah the Father offers us another chance to be His people. A reminder of His covenant forever appears throughout creation. What kind of covenant have you made with God? In Mark Jesus proclaims the time has come to live out our part of this covenant. We must repent and believe. This truth completely affects the way we live. This Lent, are you ready for a change? St. Peter brings the point home when he speaks of Christ’s redeeming act, the gift of salvation. It is Jesus who ulti-mately leads us to God for total and complete reconciliation. Are you willing to do your part? The journey of Lent calls us to renew our pledge to God. Like Jesus in the desert, for forty days, we have the opportu-nity to grow more deeply prayerful and strengthen our re-solve to do God’s will. It is time to begin the hard work of Lent! Don’t put it off! Start today, this very minute. The Lord wants to draw you close. He has need of you.

Repent! Be reconciled. Let Jesus lead you to God!


GOOD NEWS: Thank you to Mrs. Jeanne Cox’s fourth grade class at St. Pius X School who decorated clay pots filled with Valentine hearts. The St. Pius X Bereavement Committee used them for our Winter Warmth, Valentine’s Day Meal to give a festive touch to the tables. Afterwards they were distributed to the bereaved who participated in the evening event. Your kindness is a blessing to so many. Thank you.

NEEDED: Albany County Nursing Home needs facilitators to rotate leading the rosary on Mondays at 10 AM. Please call Jeanne Pitkin at 462-1336 for more information and to volunteer.

St. Peter’s Hospital Spiritual Care Office is looking for additional volunteers to distribute communion to Catholics who are hospitalized. Volunteers are needed for Mondays, Thursdays, Saturdays, or Sundays. Training is provided. Also the schedules are made way in advance and are deter-mined on your availability. For more information call Jeanne Pitkin at 462-1336.

UNDERSTANDING GRIEF AND LOSS, our Eight-Week Educational Bereavement Support Group contin-ues this Tuesday February 28th, 2012 at 10:15 AM. It is hosted at Our Lady of Assumption Parish, Latham. The weekly theme is “How Do I Cope?” For more information call Jeanne Pitkin at 462-1336.

NEEDED: Size 4X or 5X tops, sweaters, and slacks for a woman in a nursing home. Call Jeanne in the Pastoral Care Office if you can help, 462-1336.

Our Women’s Scripture Study/Faith Sharing Group will meet again on Wednesday February 29th, 2012. We will view and discuss the last session of Fr. Robert Barron’s amazing Catholicism Series. The focus is on “World Without End: The Last Things”. In the fol-lowing weeks we will explore women of the bible. If you are inter-ested in joining us on Wednesdays from 10 to 11:30, please call the Pastoral Care Office at 462-1336. Women Bible Study Lenten Project: We are collecting brightly colored scarves to send on to the abused and violated women of the Congo via Marian Hamwey, DC and the Diocesan Commission on Peace and Justice . The scarves are a sign of our encouragement and care for the self-esteem of women who have been raped and tortured. (See Evangelist Article 2/2/2012) They can be delivered to the Pastoral Care Office, if you would like to participate. For more information call Jeanne Pitkin at 462-1336.

At the Dominican Retreat & Conference Center: Monthly Dream Group with Sr. Carol Davis will be held Monday February 27th, 2012 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. Cost: $25. The Wisdom and Healing of Wilderness, part of the Heaven & Earth Series (1of 3) with Sr. Carol Davis will be held Wednesday March 7th, 2012 from 10 AM to 1 PM. Cost: $20 ($55 for all three days). Finding Joy in the Word of God, a Lenten Silent Retreat for Men and Women with Fr. Aedan McKeon, O.P. will be held from Friday March 9th to Sunday March 11th, 2012. Cost: $195 ($180 for sen-iors). For more information & to register call 393-4169. Caregiver Support Group – March 1st, 2012 from 2:30 to 3:30 PM at the Marjorie Doyle Rockwell Center (MDRC). To RSVP call 438-4164. Bereavement Group for Widowed meets Thursday March 1st, 2012 from 6:30 to 8 PM in the Varden Room at Our Lady of Assumption Parish. Call the facilitator, Diane Welsh, for more info: 783-8917. Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group - Friday March 2, 2012 from 9:30 to 11 AM at 4 West Plaza, Suite 405 Washington Avenue Ext. For more info call Jamie Mitchell at 438-2217 Ext. 209.

From the Consultation Center: Forgiveness: A Heart’s Journey through Art, an Evening of Re-treat with Joan Horgan will be held Wed. Feb. 29 at 7 PM at St. Vincent de Paul Church De-Clutter, De-Stress Your Life, with Helen Volk will be held Monday March 5th, 2012 from 6 to 8:30 PM at the Pastoral Center. Cost: $10 ($12 after 2/27) Additional Materials Fee: $16.20. Adding POP (Power of the Positive) to your Life, with Rev. Dr. Ray Stees, MSW will be held Tuesday March 6th, 2012 at the pas-toral Center. Cost: $10 ($12 after 2/28) Poetry and Journaling for Peace, 6 weeks with Susan Riback will be held Wednesdays March 7th, and 21st, April 11th and 25th and May 9th and 23rd from 6:30 to 8:30 PM at the Pastoral Center. Cost $60 ($65 after 2/29) For more information or to register call 489-4431. The Independent Living Center of the Hudson Valley, Inc. is look-ing for Peer Outreach Volunteers to meet with nursing home resi-dents and provide them with objective information on community and home based services. Volunteers can be part of the disability and/or aging community. Training and mileage reimbursement are provided. Call Carrie Snyder Project Coordinator at 274-0701.

Family Perspectives by Bud Ozar: Jesus went into the desert to put his life in perspective. This lent, take a fresh look at a difficult relationship in your life. Concentrate on the positive things that person does, not just the negatives. Try to understand why their behaviors ‘bug’ you. Can you honestly share your feelings with them without attacking them? Make Lent a time to MEND and FORGIVE! ***************************************************

We respectfully remind everyone to observe the No parking areas on the parish grounds. These areas provide for everyone’s safety, and in case of emer-gency they provide access for emergency vehicles. Also, please park only within the lines designated as parking spaces. Areas outside of those lines are for emergency access. Thank you.


Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Albany February - April, 2012

Are you getting what you’ve earned? Let our certified tax preparers

do your taxes for free!* This service is provided to any family or individual with a household income not exceeding $50,000. Our fully trained volunteers will prepare your tax return and determine if you are eligible for valuable tax credits. For more information or to schedule an appointment call Catholic Charities at (518) 453-6650. * While most returns can be processed, some may be more com-plex and need referral to a more specialized preparer.


Marriage Encounter March Weekend in Cooperstown

March 10-11th Call #518-279-3243 or email mealbany@juno.com

Renew your love affair with your spouse.

CHANGE FOR CHANGE COIN DRIVE The St. Pius X Orphanage Committee is sponsoring an upcom-ing Coin Drive to raise money for the St. Francis Xavier Or-phanage in Haiti. We are hoping to get as many of our parish families as possi-ble involved in this fundraiser. As the Lenten Season ap-proaches, its never too early to start thinking about our Lenten offerings. Similar to the concept of a rice bowl, the committee will be handing out coin containers the weekend of February 11-12 after all masses. Considering the average Haitian family lives on less than two dollars a day, your spare change will go a long way. The Coin Drive will end on April 1st when families will be able to return their coin containers after masses. Parishioners will also have the opportunity to help count the change down in the parish center at 11am on Sunday, April 1st. We hope that parishioners and families of all ages will be able to join us for this intergenerational event! *************************************************** There are extra containers available at each of the church en-trances for our "CHANGE FOR CHANGE" coin drive. Con-tainers are due back at masses the weekend of March 31st- April 1st. Please consider joining us on Sunday, April 1st at 11:00am in the parish center to help us sort and count the change. Thank you for your won-derful support of the St. Francis Xavier Orphanage in Haiti. Please call Gayle Bou-chard at 436-0585 if you have any ques-tions. *************************************************** HISTORY OF SALVATION The first reading today continues the “history of salvation” nar-rative that we hear throughout Lent this year. Today’s story was among the best-loved in the Jewish tradition (surely Joseph told the story to young Jesus as he formed him in the ways of their faith); the early fathers of the Church were very fond of it as a means of explaining the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. The overall tone of the first reading, psalm, and second reading seems a little incongruous with the dazzling Gospel, until we remember that the Transfiguration was placed as the Gospel for this Sunday precisely to remind us of the glory that awaits those who live faithfully and obediently to the will of God. In the life of Jesus, it is a preview of the glory of his resurrection; for us it is a glimpse of the destiny of those who continue, as we heard in last week’s Gospel, to repent and believe in the Good News.

Lenten Program

Jesus – The Story

Tuesdays of Lent St. Pius X Parish Center

Following the 7:00 pm Mass

Presenter: Peter Avvento Director of the Amazing God

Initiative for the Diocese

Tuesday, Feb. 28th …...Jesus the Image of the Invisible God Tuesday, March 6th …...Jesus the Teacher and Story Teller Tuesday, March 13th ..Jesus the Healer and Wonderworker Tuesday, March 20th ...Jesus the Social Prophet and Mystic


Every Friday during Lent

Eucharistic Adoration 9:30 am~7:00 pm

Stations of the Cross and Benediction ~ 7:00 pm

Music for Weekend of February 25/26 Processional: 122– Led by the Spirit Offertory: 117– Ashes Communion: 456– We Remember Recessional: 207– Soul of My Savior Adult Choir: O God, You Know Me and You Search Me






SUN 2/26 Masses 8:00, 10:00 and Noon Sunday School RCIA

9:00 am 11:00 am

Church School Conf A

MON 2/27 Confirmation Workshops Festival Choir

6:30 pm 6:30 pm

P. Hall Church

TUE 2/28 AA Meeting “Jesus, the Story”

5:30 pm 7:30 pm

Conf B P. Hall

WED 2/29 Bible Study Adult Confirmation Children’s Choir Chime Choir Cub Scouts

10:00 am 7:30 pm 4:30 pm 4:00 pm 6:30 pm

Conf B Conf A Church Church P. Hall

THU 3/1 AA Meeting Boy Scout Meeting Adult Choir Sister Parish Committee Mtg.

7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 6:30 pm

Conf B P. Hall Church Conf A

FRI 3/2 Renew Adoration Stations of the Cross

7:00 am 9:30 am 7:00 pm

Conf B Chapel Church

SAT 3/3 Vigil 5:00 pm




6:30 9:00

Daniel R. Mencucci req. His Family Frank E. Cheeseman req. Wolfstich & Cheeseman Families Annette Passi req. The Bonanni Family Charles H. Tailleur req. The Bonanni Family Francis Murray req. His Family


6:30 9:00 7:00

Frances Senez req. The Fitzgerald Family Nicholas Morrell (B’Day) req. His Family Nancy Duffy req. Missy & Ted David Marion Lyons req. Missy & Ted David James Nolan (17th Anniv.) req. His Family James Kilcoyne req. The Harting Family Michael Doherty req. Martin Doherty and Family


6:30 9:00

Special Intention James M. Landers req. Barbara & Toni Rossi Phil Gara req. Rose Tangredi Thomas Mullen req. Marge & Barry Manning


6:30 9:00

Catherine S. Britton req. Her Family John Kwiatkowski req. Lisa & Keith Wratih Noreen Carnicelli req. Mr. & Mrs. John McAuliffe Rev. John Kennedy req. James G. Brennan Sean Galloway req. His Family

Fri 6:30 9:00

Richard Zandri req. Diane & Jerry Forenzo Jean Clements req. Nancy Styczynski Renee Nobel req. Matt Flanagan & Family Anita Millora req. Josie Miranda & Family


9:00 5:00

Joseph W. Quinn req. His Family Ginny Kopp req. Jeanne & Jim Conboy Phil Gara req. Tom & Elizabeth Christman Vigil

Sun 8:00 am, 10:00 am 12:00 Noon


First Reading: The sacrifice of Abraham, our father in faith (Genesis 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18). Psalm: I walk before the Lord in the land of the living (Psalm 116). Second Reading: God did not spare his own Son (Romans 8:31b-34). Gospel: This is my beloved Son (Mark 9:2-10).


5:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am Noon K. Bouchard AJ Villajuan C. Patrick S. Paeson

J. Bouchard RJ Villajuan M. Murray K. White T. Buff J. Rotello N. Audino E. Kimble

N. Buff M. Denisco A. Hormovitis M. McQuade


Eucharistic Ministers & Greeters Team 1

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