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Post on 13-Sep-2020






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2704 15th St • Box 564 • Columbus, Nebraska 68602-0564 • Phone: 402-564-2812 Email: fcstaff@federatedcolumbus.org • www.federatedcolumbus.org

Federated Church

Sunday, September 6th, 2020

Governing Council 2020 - Federated Church Elders

Marcia Grant, President (402-276-1428 ) Tim Warren, Vice President

Louise Moran, Secretary

Class of 2020 Class of 2021 Class of 2022

Linda Wheatley Gene Hahn John McClure

Doug Williams Marv Zoucha Renee Norris

Steve McClure Alison Wagner

Donna Augspurger Robin Lehr Financial

Administrators: Terry Millard Terry Norris

Welcome to Worship at Federated! We are called Federated because on July 2, 1914, Columbus’ Congregational

(now the United Church of Christ) and Presbyterian churches joined to serve as one congregation.

Prayer requests can be shared with the Church Office (402) 564-2812 to initiate a Prayer Chain with the Order of St. Andrew. The Prayer Chain is strictly confidential.

If you missed worship last week, visit www.federatedcolumbus.org for videos of worship and bulletins, and on TV: Spectrum Channel 1304 (HD)

Mondays 11:55am, Saturdays 11:55am and Sundays 7:55pm.

In case of an emergency, please contact the church office. Pastor Edward will be on vacation from August 3-16, 2020.

Federated Church Clergy and Staff

Rev. Edward Yang, Ph.D. Acting Head of Staff &

Associate Pastor for CYF edward@federatedcolumbus.org

Jim Rains Office Manager


Brenda Sand Temp. Christian Education Director brenda@federatedcolumbus.org

Chrissy Ford Bookkeeper & Publications Coord.


Lee Augustin, Organist Bob Arp, Chancel Choir Director

Stuart Gausman Bell Choir Director

Lay Pastor Antonio Garcia El Buen Pastor Fellowship

Mission Statement: We are called to nurture a growing relationship with God

by following the example of Jesus Christ.

THIS WEEK AT FEDERATED CHURCH Sunday, September 6 10:00am Sunday Worship Service, Sanctuary Monday, September 7 - Labor Day Church Office Closed Tuesday, September 8 1:00pm Lectionary Afternoon Bible Study, EC 8 & Online Zoom Meeting 6:00pm Christian Ed. Meeting, Zoom Meeting Wednesday, September 9 10:00am Staff Meeting, FH 11:00am Worship Planning Meeting, AD 2 4:30pm Lectionary Afternoon Bible Study, EC 8 & Online Zoom Meeting Thursday, September 10 6:30pm Thursday Worship Service, Sanctuary Friday, September 11 Saturday, September 12 Sunday, September 13 9:00am Education Hour, Ed Center & Upper Room 10:00am Sunday Worship Service, Sanctuary 11:00am Youth Ministry Committee Meeting, EC 8

Meals on Wheels Information! Federated church will have Meals on Wheels delivery the week of September 28 - October 2. Coordinator will be Jean Royer. 564-8012 or 910-6688.

Communion Elements will be available through Friday, September 4th from the Narthex refrigerator by the church office. We will be doing a ‘curb-side delivery’ each of those days if you prefer. Call the church office when you are ready for your elements and we will bring them to you in the Northwest parking lot. Communion will be available for the in-person services on September 3rd and 6th.

Education Hour will resume on September 13, 2020 at 9am.

Teachers and students will be commissioned during worship service that day.

More details to come soon!

JOYS & CONCERNS If you have any joys or concerns, please share with the congregation by informing the office. Pray for the family of Glennard (Jerry) Dare, husband of Irene Dare, who passed away Sunday, August 23. A Memorial Service will be held at Federated at a later date. Pray for the Ternus Family (Lacey, Matt, Hailey & Addilyn) as several have tested positive for COVID19. Pray especially for Matt’s sister, Ashley Ternus, who is currently on a ventilator. Give thanks for successful breast cancer surgery for Jill McCormick, wife of Wayne McCormick. Jill is recovering at home with follow-up appointment in coming weeks.” Prayer of thanksgiving are offered for John Novotny’s deployment with Red Cross relief in Iowa, following derecho. John has completed this deployment. Pray for Elda Juhnke, mother of Kathy & Kenn Leischner, who has begun hospice care Pray for Carol Sand, mother of Mike & Brenda Sand, who has begun hospice care. Pray for Mary Sharpe who has been in a lot pain due to compression fractures. Pray for Sondra Burnett as she continues chemotherapy treatment for ovarian cancer. Pray for Karel Morris, sister of Marilyn & Ben Vrana, who continues chemotherapy. From Homestead Presbytery:

Cedar Bluffs Members of the Cedar Bluffs First Presbyterian Church give thanks for the blessings of protection thus far from COVID 19. No one from our congregation has been stricken by it and we are blessed to have a large enough sanctuary to spread out and worship together while following proper precautions. Although too small to support a full time pastor, we have two wonderfully dedicated pastors who regularly serve us the first three Sundays of each month and others who fill in the remaining one or two. Together they offer consistency as well as a variety of variety of styles and perspectives. Our assigned moderator of session volunteers additional pastoral services such as conducting weddings, funerals, hospital and home visits. We are a small but close knit church family who care for and take care of each other. Our primary concern is for the general state of despair in our world which desperately needs more faith in God and less hatred toward his children. God is good - all the time!

We Gather To Worship God Sunday, September 6, 2020

Hymns, Songs, Prayers, and liturgies in Bold are for the participation of the Congregation

Prelude Let Us Break Bread Together arr. Hayes

O How Blessed Are Ye Brahms Praise the Lord, His Glories Show arr. Travis Lee Augustin, Organ and Piano

Greeting & Announcements

Call to Worship UCC Worship Ways One: Praise God! All: Sing to God a new song! One: Give thanks to our Maker. All: We rejoice in our sovereign God. One: Let us praise God with dancing and music. All: Let the faithful sing for joy as we praise God together!

Opening Song All Good Gifts (from the musical Godspell) By Stephen Schwartz, performed by Bob Arp & Lee Augustin

Unison Prayer of Confession Gracious God, too often we take you for granted. When you call us to leave the situations that constrain us, we are too complacent to hear your voice, and too timid to leave what is familiar. Make us ready to go where you lead us.

Moment for Silent Prayer

Assurance of Pardon One: God’s grace is abundant, All: God’s love is never-ending. One: As children of God, receive forgiveness and blessing. All: Alleluia, amen!

Passing the Peace One: With forgiveness, we have peace with God and one another. May the peace of Christ be with you. All: And also with you. One: Please share a sign of peace with one another.

Listening for God’s Word

Children’s Sermon (Sun.) Brenda Sand, Christian Education Director

Prayer for Illumination Dave Melick, Liturgist (Sun.) Scripture Reading Gospel According to Matthew 18 : 15 – 20

One: This is the Word of God for the people of God. All: Thanks be to God!

Sermon Edward Yang, Pastor

Responding to God’s Word

Communion Song As We Break the Bread Althouse Performed by Chancel Choir on Oct. 4, 2015

Sacrament of The Lord’s Supper

Invitation to the Lord’s Table

Great Prayer of Thanksgiving and the Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Words of Institution

Communion of God’s People

Unison Prayer After Communion Ever-present God, just as Jesus promised to be among us when two or three gather in his name, be among us now that these offerings may be instruments of your love and justice. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Invitation to the Offering

Instrumental Doxology

Unison Prayer of Dedication We dedicate to you, generous God, our lives. Receive these offerings as a sign of our gratitude and commitment. Amen.

Closing Song I Am Yours iWorship DVD By Michael Neale


Postlude For the Beauty of the Earth arr. Larson

Special thanks to Tim Rathje for recording the service and Val Rathje for running PowerPoint.

CCLI License #1160936 One License #711910-A

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