feeder separation scheme of west discom, indore geographical map of west discom

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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What is Feeder Separation

Erection of 11 kV additional bays with VCB and Laying of 11 kV lines on 140 Kg 8 mtr long PCC poles with (rabbit) AAA conductor.

Installation of 25 kVA 11/0.433 kV DTR and its metering

Replacement of bare conductor of LT lines by AB cables, Conversion of LT line into HT line (HVDS), damaged service lines by PVC cables & providing new connections with meters

Consumer indexing and its updation in billing software

Asset mapping of HT & LT network using GPS

Certification of Distribution loss from Distribution transformer to Consumer Premises

Erection of 11 kV additional bays with VCB and Laying of 11 kV lines on 140 Kg 8 mtr long PCC poles with (rabbit) AAA conductor.

Installation of 25 kVA 11/0.433 kV DTR and its metering

Replacement of bare conductor of LT lines by AB cables, Conversion of LT line into HT line (HVDS), damaged service lines by PVC cables & providing new connections with meters

Consumer indexing and its updation in billing software

Asset mapping of HT & LT network using GPS

Certification of Distribution loss from Distribution transformer to Consumer Premises

Present Situation of Power Supply in Villages

West Discom Indore provides power supply to 12029 Nos villages. Agricultural pumps are normally provided 3 phase supply for six to eight hours & in remaining hours either supply is not available or 1 phase supply is being made available on 11 KV rural feeders so that pumps could not run but Domestic light and fan and other load of village may get supply. This is done by disconnecting one phase of the 11 KV supply. But this arrangement is not fruitful & effective. Cultivators normally make use of phase splitters to run their motors. This ultimately increases the loading of feeders abnormally. This also causes more failure of DTRs & PTRs besides interruptions. This results in dissatisfaction among villagers. Purpose of load shedding/ regulatory plan gets defeated. The LT system is lengthy and the existing HT/ LT ratio is only 1 :1.9 resulting in high technical losses in LT lines.

West Discom Indore provides power supply to 12029 Nos villages. Agricultural pumps are normally provided 3 phase supply for six to eight hours & in remaining hours either supply is not available or 1 phase supply is being made available on 11 KV rural feeders so that pumps could not run but Domestic light and fan and other load of village may get supply. This is done by disconnecting one phase of the 11 KV supply. But this arrangement is not fruitful & effective. Cultivators normally make use of phase splitters to run their motors. This ultimately increases the loading of feeders abnormally. This also causes more failure of DTRs & PTRs besides interruptions. This results in dissatisfaction among villagers. Purpose of load shedding/ regulatory plan gets defeated. The LT system is lengthy and the existing HT/ LT ratio is only 1 :1.9 resulting in high technical losses in LT lines.

Objectives of Feeder Separation

Uninterrupted, quality power supply to domestic rural consumers. By providing better quality and uninterrupted power supply, there would be over-all development of Rural mass that will improve their standard of living, improved economic condition thereby over-all development in the company area. Flattening of load curve in a judicial way. Therefore reducing the cost of power purchase and reducing the penalty for unscheduled interruption. Better energy accounting for agricultural consumption Reduction of T&D and AT&C losses System strengthening by improving the infrastructure Improved voltage profile to every Domestic Consumer Theft of energy will be practically minimized Failure of Distribution Transformers will almost be negligible Chances of adding illegal connections will be completely eliminated

Uninterrupted, quality power supply to domestic rural consumers. By providing better quality and uninterrupted power supply, there would be over-all development of Rural mass that will improve their standard of living, improved economic condition thereby over-all development in the company area. Flattening of load curve in a judicial way. Therefore reducing the cost of power purchase and reducing the penalty for unscheduled interruption. Better energy accounting for agricultural consumption Reduction of T&D and AT&C losses System strengthening by improving the infrastructure Improved voltage profile to every Domestic Consumer Theft of energy will be practically minimized Failure of Distribution Transformers will almost be negligible Chances of adding illegal connections will be completely eliminated

Approval Of Government of MPEnergy Department, Go MP, has conveyed principle sanction of feeder separation scheme vide L. No. 2995/13/2010 Dt. 05.04.2010. 

Further Sankalp 2013 – feeder bifurcation, conveyed by Hon’ble Secretary (Energy), Go MP, Bhopal, vide letter No. 4096 Dated 21st May’2010 07 Nos Districts are to be implemented in first phase (1st June’2020 to 31st May’2012) and 07 Districts in second phase (1st January’2011 to 31st December’2012).  

The decisions taken in the meeting held in chairmanship of Hon’ble Energy Minister on Dated 10.5.2010 conveyed vide letter No. 3895 Dated 12.5.2010 specifically specifies that :-[1] For the success of feeder separation works, project management technique should be applied.[2] For feeder bifurcation works, project monitoring cell to be established in the Company. The Chief of the Cell should be of the level of Chief Engineer and Finance / Accounts Officer will also be posted in the cell. The DPRs should be technically examined at company level. It should be ensured that after execution of works, AT & C losses will be reduced.[3] After approval of tender and sanction from REC, works should be started floating tenders after June’2010.

Energy Department, Go MP, has conveyed principle sanction of feeder separation scheme vide L. No. 2995/13/2010 Dt. 05.04.2010. 

Further Sankalp 2013 – feeder bifurcation, conveyed by Hon’ble Secretary (Energy), Go MP, Bhopal, vide letter No. 4096 Dated 21st May’2010 07 Nos Districts are to be implemented in first phase (1st June’2020 to 31st May’2012) and 07 Districts in second phase (1st January’2011 to 31st December’2012).  

The decisions taken in the meeting held in chairmanship of Hon’ble Energy Minister on Dated 10.5.2010 conveyed vide letter No. 3895 Dated 12.5.2010 specifically specifies that :-[1] For the success of feeder separation works, project management technique should be applied.[2] For feeder bifurcation works, project monitoring cell to be established in the Company. The Chief of the Cell should be of the level of Chief Engineer and Finance / Accounts Officer will also be posted in the cell. The DPRs should be technically examined at company level. It should be ensured that after execution of works, AT & C losses will be reduced.[3] After approval of tender and sanction from REC, works should be started floating tenders after June’2010.

Main Benefits of Feeder Separation

Theft of energy will be minimized. Failure rate of Distribution Transformers will be minimized. Chances of running illegal motors during supply “OFF” period are completely eliminated. Significant reduction in T & D Losses Improved voltage profile to every Domestic Consumer. Presently due to lengthy LT line and voltage drop, the voltage received at the consumer end drops down. With the provision of DTR's near to the consumer’s group there will be improved voltage profile. The IRR of project is 19.56 % and pay back period 4 years and 3 months.

Theft of energy will be minimized. Failure rate of Distribution Transformers will be minimized. Chances of running illegal motors during supply “OFF” period are completely eliminated. Significant reduction in T & D Losses Improved voltage profile to every Domestic Consumer. Presently due to lengthy LT line and voltage drop, the voltage received at the consumer end drops down. With the provision of DTR's near to the consumer’s group there will be improved voltage profile. The IRR of project is 19.56 % and pay back period 4 years and 3 months.

Scope of Work

Providing engineering data, and drawing for Employer’s review, approval and records. Supply, testing, packing, transportation and insurance from the Manufacturer’s work to the site. Receipt, storage, insurance, preservation and conservation of equipments at the site. Fabrication, pre-assembly (if any), erection, testing and putting into satisfactory operation of all the equipments/ materials including successful commissioning. In addition to the requirements indicated in this section, all the requirements as stated in Technical specifications shall also be considered as a part of this specification as if completely bound herewith. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing all materials, equipments and services specified or otherwise, including survey, which are required to fulfill the intent of ensuring operability, maintainability and the reliability of the complete works covered under this specification. All services & activities required to be given contractually, by the Contractor, during warranty period.

Providing engineering data, and drawing for Employer’s review, approval and records. Supply, testing, packing, transportation and insurance from the Manufacturer’s work to the site. Receipt, storage, insurance, preservation and conservation of equipments at the site. Fabrication, pre-assembly (if any), erection, testing and putting into satisfactory operation of all the equipments/ materials including successful commissioning. In addition to the requirements indicated in this section, all the requirements as stated in Technical specifications shall also be considered as a part of this specification as if completely bound herewith. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing all materials, equipments and services specified or otherwise, including survey, which are required to fulfill the intent of ensuring operability, maintainability and the reliability of the complete works covered under this specification. All services & activities required to be given contractually, by the Contractor, during warranty period.

Survey(i) GPS Survey of the existing 11 KV line radiating from 33/11 kV S/s, distribution transformers and connected LT net work on the existing feeders shall be carried out. It will cover mapping of 11 KV line with locations of existing distribution transformers, existing LT net works (configuration of line should specifically be mentioned) along with the pole wise details of load for agricultural pump consumers having permanent, semi permanent and temporary pump connections and other categories of consumers ( like domestic, non domestic, industrial, water works etc). All existing distribution transformers will clearly be marked as mixed load, (agriculture with other load), only agriculture load and other category load (exclusive of agriculture load) distribution transformer. the data as above shall be prepared on shape file and same ought to be made CYMDIST compatible or any other equivalent or superior GPS compatible software for simulation, network analysis, and ‘what if’ analysis purpose.

(ii) Preparation of single line diagram with all the attributes, essential for simulation through CYMDIST software indicating the locations of 33/11 KV S/s, HT and LT poles, section wise distance, type of conductors, locations and capacity of distribution transformers & pole wise & DTR wise connected load, locations of individual permanent pump consumers and its load in HP, semi permanent pump consumers and its load in HP, temporary pump consumers and its load in HP. If there is any other category of load it should also be indicated including that for supply to ‘abadi’ area of the villages. The names of the consumers along with load are also to be given.

(i) GPS Survey of the existing 11 KV line radiating from 33/11 kV S/s, distribution transformers and connected LT net work on the existing feeders shall be carried out. It will cover mapping of 11 KV line with locations of existing distribution transformers, existing LT net works (configuration of line should specifically be mentioned) along with the pole wise details of load for agricultural pump consumers having permanent, semi permanent and temporary pump connections and other categories of consumers ( like domestic, non domestic, industrial, water works etc). All existing distribution transformers will clearly be marked as mixed load, (agriculture with other load), only agriculture load and other category load (exclusive of agriculture load) distribution transformer. the data as above shall be prepared on shape file and same ought to be made CYMDIST compatible or any other equivalent or superior GPS compatible software for simulation, network analysis, and ‘what if’ analysis purpose.

(ii) Preparation of single line diagram with all the attributes, essential for simulation through CYMDIST software indicating the locations of 33/11 KV S/s, HT and LT poles, section wise distance, type of conductors, locations and capacity of distribution transformers & pole wise & DTR wise connected load, locations of individual permanent pump consumers and its load in HP, semi permanent pump consumers and its load in HP, temporary pump consumers and its load in HP. If there is any other category of load it should also be indicated including that for supply to ‘abadi’ area of the villages. The names of the consumers along with load are also to be given.


(iii) In case the existing distribution transformer is supplying to both house hold consumers and agricultural pump consumers, the arrangement to be made to separate the supply of agricultural pump consumers from such distribution transformer, should be indicated, if necessary by proposing a new transformer at suitable location either for agricultural pump consumers or household consumers. In no case the agricultural pump consumers and house hold consumer shall be served from the same transformer. The house hold supply shall not cover the single bulb connection for lighting purpose allowed to the agricultural pump consumer.

(iv) Based on the aforesaid survey and load details, the Contractor shall design the proposed 11 KV and LT line network. The proposed network shall give route and type of feeder either agriculture or abadi for new 11 KV line which shall be decided on the basis of techno-economic consideration and got approved by the Project Manager. Survey shall also be carried out for new proposed 11 kV feeders to separate supply of agriculture pump consumers from other category consumers. It should also identify the LT line in abadi area of villages where conversion from bare conductor to AB Cable is to be made and also specify the appropriate size / type of cable based on CYMDIST analysis. The route of new line should also indicate tap line, DP structures, angle locations and tapping locations and proposed distribution transformers 25 KVA, 11/.433 KV. The locations of the identified distribution transformers should be as close as possible to load centre, necessarily radiating at least two LT circuits and shall be fixed after carrying out simulation through CYMDIST. If necessary, the location of the existing distribution transformer could be proposed for shifting. The load of the transformers should be limited to 80% of the capacity. Survey should also be conducted for existing and proposed LT line in ‘abadi’ /agriculture area which will be connected to above DTR.

(iii) In case the existing distribution transformer is supplying to both house hold consumers and agricultural pump consumers, the arrangement to be made to separate the supply of agricultural pump consumers from such distribution transformer, should be indicated, if necessary by proposing a new transformer at suitable location either for agricultural pump consumers or household consumers. In no case the agricultural pump consumers and house hold consumer shall be served from the same transformer. The house hold supply shall not cover the single bulb connection for lighting purpose allowed to the agricultural pump consumer.

(iv) Based on the aforesaid survey and load details, the Contractor shall design the proposed 11 KV and LT line network. The proposed network shall give route and type of feeder either agriculture or abadi for new 11 KV line which shall be decided on the basis of techno-economic consideration and got approved by the Project Manager. Survey shall also be carried out for new proposed 11 kV feeders to separate supply of agriculture pump consumers from other category consumers. It should also identify the LT line in abadi area of villages where conversion from bare conductor to AB Cable is to be made and also specify the appropriate size / type of cable based on CYMDIST analysis. The route of new line should also indicate tap line, DP structures, angle locations and tapping locations and proposed distribution transformers 25 KVA, 11/.433 KV. The locations of the identified distribution transformers should be as close as possible to load centre, necessarily radiating at least two LT circuits and shall be fixed after carrying out simulation through CYMDIST. If necessary, the location of the existing distribution transformer could be proposed for shifting. The load of the transformers should be limited to 80% of the capacity. Survey should also be conducted for existing and proposed LT line in ‘abadi’ /agriculture area which will be connected to above DTR.


Consumer Indexing

Based on the data collected during the survey, the consumer indexing and asset mapping will be done. Consumers should be appropriately linked in the electrical network starting from LT pole to LT circuit to distribution transformer to 11 kV feeders and finally to 33/11 kV S/s. Formats for consumer indexing and assets mapping are enclosed in Annexure F. Pole numbering starting from existing 33/11 kV S/s to 11 kV feeder, distribution transformer and LT line will be done accordingly. The consumer indexing database shall preferably be furnished on acceptable database platform and the Contractor will also develop a suitable interface between Employer’s metering, billing, collection database with consumer indexing database. The interface must also have data editing and error reporting facility. The source code of such interface will be the property of the Employer.

The consumer indexing and asset mapping will be limited to the consumers connected to the 11 kV feeders, both existing and proposed covered under the scope of the works.

Based on the data collected during the survey, the consumer indexing and asset mapping will be done. Consumers should be appropriately linked in the electrical network starting from LT pole to LT circuit to distribution transformer to 11 kV feeders and finally to 33/11 kV S/s. Formats for consumer indexing and assets mapping are enclosed in Annexure F. Pole numbering starting from existing 33/11 kV S/s to 11 kV feeder, distribution transformer and LT line will be done accordingly. The consumer indexing database shall preferably be furnished on acceptable database platform and the Contractor will also develop a suitable interface between Employer’s metering, billing, collection database with consumer indexing database. The interface must also have data editing and error reporting facility. The source code of such interface will be the property of the Employer.

The consumer indexing and asset mapping will be limited to the consumers connected to the 11 kV feeders, both existing and proposed covered under the scope of the works.

Time Schedule for activitiesThe time for survey, consumer indexing, and assets mapping; Completion and Commissioning of Facilities of all the Lots is eighteen (18) months from effective date as per following schedule:

Stage I - 70% survey, consumer indexing, and assets mapping; and Completion and Commissioning of Facilities or part thereof to the extent of 10% of the contract price within six (6) months of Effective Date. Stage II – 100% (cumulative) survey, consumer indexing and assets mapping within 9 months and Completion and Commissioning of the Facility or part thereof to the extent of 50% (cumulative) of the Contract Price within twelve (12) months of Effective Date. Stage III – Supply, installation testing, completion and commissioning of the Facility or part thereof to the extent of 100% (cumulative) of the Contract price within eighteen (18) months of Effective Date.

The time for survey, consumer indexing, and assets mapping; Completion and Commissioning of Facilities of all the Lots is eighteen (18) months from effective date as per following schedule:

Stage I - 70% survey, consumer indexing, and assets mapping; and Completion and Commissioning of Facilities or part thereof to the extent of 10% of the contract price within six (6) months of Effective Date. Stage II – 100% (cumulative) survey, consumer indexing and assets mapping within 9 months and Completion and Commissioning of the Facility or part thereof to the extent of 50% (cumulative) of the Contract Price within twelve (12) months of Effective Date. Stage III – Supply, installation testing, completion and commissioning of the Facility or part thereof to the extent of 100% (cumulative) of the Contract price within eighteen (18) months of Effective Date.

Methodology of Procurement

All equipments/material shall be sourced from reputed manufacturers only. All equipment/material offered shall be of reputed manufacturers only who have designed, manufactured, completely tested (type tested) for relevant Indian Standards and supplied the equipment/ material to various State Electricity Boards or other reputed utilities and which are in trouble free services at least at two different locations for a period of more than two (2) years as on the date of bid opening.

All equipments/material shall be sourced from reputed manufacturers only. All equipment/material offered shall be of reputed manufacturers only who have designed, manufactured, completely tested (type tested) for relevant Indian Standards and supplied the equipment/ material to various State Electricity Boards or other reputed utilities and which are in trouble free services at least at two different locations for a period of more than two (2) years as on the date of bid opening.

Turning Schedule

The contractor shall submit to MPPKVVCL Indore his manufacturing, testing and delivery schedules of various items within two weeks form the date of the letter of award in accordance with the delivery requirements stipulated schedule shall also include the materials and items purchased from outside contractors if any.

The contractor shall submit to MPPKVVCL Indore his manufacturing, testing and delivery schedules of various items within two weeks form the date of the letter of award in accordance with the delivery requirements stipulated schedule shall also include the materials and items purchased from outside contractors if any.

PERT Chart

The Contractor shall submit to the Project Manager a detailed programme of performance of the Contract in accordance with Sub-clause GCC 18.2 within fourteen (14) days after the Effective Date. The Contractor shall provide detailed bar chart for various activities to be performed for supply of materials and construction of lines and sub-stations. The completion and operational acceptance has to be achieved within the time limit prescribed above.

The Contractor shall submit to the Project Manager a detailed programme of performance of the Contract in accordance with Sub-clause GCC 18.2 within fourteen (14) days after the Effective Date. The Contractor shall provide detailed bar chart for various activities to be performed for supply of materials and construction of lines and sub-stations. The completion and operational acceptance has to be achieved within the time limit prescribed above.

Progress Report

During execution of the Contract, the Contractor shall furnish fortnightly & monthly progress reports to concerned division, circle and Project Manager of MPPKVVCL Indore in a format as specified by the Project Manager. The progress report shall be in a form acceptable to the Project Manager and shall indicate: (a) percentage completion achieved compared with the planned percentage completion for each activity; and (b) where any activity is behind the program, giving comments and likely consequences and stating the corrective action being taken.

During execution of the Contract, the Contractor shall furnish fortnightly & monthly progress reports to concerned division, circle and Project Manager of MPPKVVCL Indore in a format as specified by the Project Manager. The progress report shall be in a form acceptable to the Project Manager and shall indicate: (a) percentage completion achieved compared with the planned percentage completion for each activity; and (b) where any activity is behind the program, giving comments and likely consequences and stating the corrective action being taken.

Contract Performance Guarantee

The Contractor shall, within twenty-eight (28) days of the notification of contract award, provide a security for the due performance of the Contract i.e. BG of being 10% value of the contract price, in the format as given in Tender documents as in Section -6 Bank Guarantees and certificates, 5.1 Form of Performance Security, in favor of the owner and it shall guarantee the faithful performance of the contract in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in this documents and specifications. The bank guarantee shall be an unconditional and irrevocable Bank Guarantee from Scheduled commercial bank excluding Co-operative bank and Regional Rural banks, having paid up capital (net of any cumulative losses) of Rs. 100 crores or above (the latest annual report of the bank should support compliance of capital adequacy ratio requirement ) covering the advance amount.

The Contractor shall, within twenty-eight (28) days of the notification of contract award, provide a security for the due performance of the Contract i.e. BG of being 10% value of the contract price, in the format as given in Tender documents as in Section -6 Bank Guarantees and certificates, 5.1 Form of Performance Security, in favor of the owner and it shall guarantee the faithful performance of the contract in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in this documents and specifications. The bank guarantee shall be an unconditional and irrevocable Bank Guarantee from Scheduled commercial bank excluding Co-operative bank and Regional Rural banks, having paid up capital (net of any cumulative losses) of Rs. 100 crores or above (the latest annual report of the bank should support compliance of capital adequacy ratio requirement ) covering the advance amount.

Mobilization Advance

The Contractor shall, within twenty-eight (28) days of the notification of contract award, provide a security in an amount equal to the advance payment calculated in accordance with the Terms and Procedures of Payment to the Contract Agreement.

The security shall be in the form provided in the bidding documents or in another form acceptable to the Employer. The amount of the security shall be reduced in proportion to the value of the Facilities executed by and paid to the Contractor from time to time, and shall automatically become null and void when the full amount of the advance payment has been recovered by the Employer. The security shall be returned to the Contractor immediately after its expiration.

The Contractor shall, within twenty-eight (28) days of the notification of contract award, provide a security in an amount equal to the advance payment calculated in accordance with the Terms and Procedures of Payment to the Contract Agreement.

The security shall be in the form provided in the bidding documents or in another form acceptable to the Employer. The amount of the security shall be reduced in proportion to the value of the Facilities executed by and paid to the Contractor from time to time, and shall automatically become null and void when the full amount of the advance payment has been recovered by the Employer. The security shall be returned to the Contractor immediately after its expiration.

Inspection of Materials

MPPKVVCL Indore’s duly authorized representative and / or outside inspection agency on behalf of MPPKVVCL Indore shall have, at all reasonable times, access to the contractor / sub contractor premises or works and shall have the power at all reasonable times to inspect and examine the material and workmanships of the product during its manufacture and if part of the product is being manufactured or assembled at other premises or works, the contractor shall obtain, form MPPKVVCL Indore and / or his duly authorized representative, permission to inspect as if the equipment / material were manufactured or assembled on the contractor’s own premises or works.

MPPKVVCL Indore’s duly authorized representative and / or outside inspection agency on behalf of MPPKVVCL Indore shall have, at all reasonable times, access to the contractor / sub contractor premises or works and shall have the power at all reasonable times to inspect and examine the material and workmanships of the product during its manufacture and if part of the product is being manufactured or assembled at other premises or works, the contractor shall obtain, form MPPKVVCL Indore and / or his duly authorized representative, permission to inspect as if the equipment / material were manufactured or assembled on the contractor’s own premises or works.

Guaranteed Technical Particulars

The Guaranteed Technical Particulars of the various items shall be furnished by the contractor in one original and two (2) copies in the prescribed schedules of the Specifications for approval.  The data furnished in Guaranteed Technical Particulars should be the minimum or maximum value (as per the requirement of the specification) required. The contractor may guarantee a value more stringent than the specification requirement. However, for testing purpose or from performance point of view, the material shall be considered performed successfully if it achieves the minimum / maximum value required as per the technical specification. No preference whatsoever shall be given to the Contractor offering better / more stringent values than those required as per specification.

The Guaranteed Technical Particulars of the various items shall be furnished by the contractor in one original and two (2) copies in the prescribed schedules of the Specifications for approval.  The data furnished in Guaranteed Technical Particulars should be the minimum or maximum value (as per the requirement of the specification) required. The contractor may guarantee a value more stringent than the specification requirement. However, for testing purpose or from performance point of view, the material shall be considered performed successfully if it achieves the minimum / maximum value required as per the technical specification. No preference whatsoever shall be given to the Contractor offering better / more stringent values than those required as per specification.

Main Duties of Supervision Consultant

1. The main purpose of the consultant is to provide support to Employer to ensure timely & successful implementation of the contracts to be awarded to prospective contractors for feeder separation in villages under the jurisdiction of the Employer.

2. The Consultant is expected to exercise control on cost, completion time, quality and workmanship of the following works under the project through:

(a) Monitoring and supervision of: - erection of 11 kV bay - erection of 11 kV line along with DP/ 4-Pole structure - installation of distribution transformers along with DTR

metering - relocation of existing distribution transformers at load


1. The main purpose of the consultant is to provide support to Employer to ensure timely & successful implementation of the contracts to be awarded to prospective contractors for feeder separation in villages under the jurisdiction of the Employer.

2. The Consultant is expected to exercise control on cost, completion time, quality and workmanship of the following works under the project through:

(a) Monitoring and supervision of: - erection of 11 kV bay - erection of 11 kV line along with DP/ 4-Pole structure - installation of distribution transformers along with DTR

metering - relocation of existing distribution transformers at load


Main Duties of Supervision Consultant

- conversion of existing LT lines to AB cable of suitable size - erection of new LT lines with AB cables for interconnection - replacement of service lines along with shifting and

installation of new meters at call- bell locations - conversion of existing LT lines into HVDS - Erection of new service lines & installation of meters for new

service connections(b) The prospective supervision consultants should study the

scope of work thoroughly, discuss with the Superintending Engineers of circle, if required, as they are expected to reflect the above requirement in their technical and financial proposal adequately besides.

(c) Undertake site visits independently and/or jointly with the Employer’s designated representative as and when required, as the case may be, in order to ascertain that the works are carried out according to prescribed specification;

- conversion of existing LT lines to AB cable of suitable size - erection of new LT lines with AB cables for interconnection - replacement of service lines along with shifting and

installation of new meters at call- bell locations - conversion of existing LT lines into HVDS - Erection of new service lines & installation of meters for new

service connections(b) The prospective supervision consultants should study the

scope of work thoroughly, discuss with the Superintending Engineers of circle, if required, as they are expected to reflect the above requirement in their technical and financial proposal adequately besides.

(c) Undertake site visits independently and/or jointly with the Employer’s designated representative as and when required, as the case may be, in order to ascertain that the works are carried out according to prescribed specification;

Project in Brief

Company LotsEstimated Cost

in Cr Rs

Proposed infra structure

New 11 kV line

11 kV bay with


Small DTR


LT on AB cable for inter-connectio


LT to AB cable

conversionEnergy Meter

Km No No km Km No

Phase I WZ, Indore 11 564.00 10130 790 10066 691 7543 310932

Phase II WZ, Indore

PKG I&II12 608.712 6548 779 14025 701 8945 285052

Total 23 1172.712 16678 1569 24091 1392 16488 595984

Company Lots

Estimated Cost

in Cr Rs

Proposed infra structure for 33KV

New 33/11KV Sub-Station

New 33/11KV Sub-Station

33/11 KV Aug. Power


33/11 KV

Addl. Power


New 33 kV line with

dog conductor

Temp 1.6MVA in to Per 1.6 MVA

Temp. 3.15

MVA into

Permanent 3.15 MVA

Temp. 5 MVA into



3.15 MVA

1.60 to

3.15 MVA

3.15 to

5.00 MVA

3.15 MVA

Km No No No. No. No No. No.

Phase II WZ,

Indore package


3 90.51 343 01 22 2 21 4 76 21

Total (Phase-

I&II) in Cr.1263.222

Award Status Phase-I

S. N.

Name of the


Name of O&M Division



Name of firm to whom turnkey contract awarded (Lowest bidder)

Award cost (In Cr.)

Date of Award

Date ofAgreem-


Date of issue of

Mobalisation Advance

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

1 IndoreIndore & Depalpur

IM/s Vishwa Infrastructures Services

Pvt. Ltd., 40.7730-11-2010 31-12-2010


2 IndoreMhow & Pithampur

II M/s NCC Limited, Hyderabad41.24

30-11-2010 16-12-201029-01-2011

3 DharDhar & Manawar

III M/s Vishwanath Project Ltd.,35.62

19-11-2010 01-12-201005-02-2011

4 Dhar Rajgarh IV M/s NCC Limited, Hyderabad26.61

18-11-2010 16-12-201005-02-2011

5 BarwaniBarwani & Sendhwa

V M/s Vishwanath Project Ltd.,63.01

4-12-2010 30-12-201031-01-2011

6 KhargoneKhargone – I & Khargone – II

VI M/s NCC Limited, Hyderabad55.17

30-11-2010 16-12-201029-01-2011

7 KhargoneBarwaha & Mandleshwar


M/s Vishwa Infrastructures Services Pvt. Ltd.,

59.5730-11-2010 16-12-2010


8 KhandwaKhandwa – I & Khandwa – II


M/s Vishwa Infrastructures Services Pvt. Ltd.,

75.2930-11-2010 16-12-2010



Burhanpur IX M/s Schaltech Automation (P) Ltd.,32.48

30-11-2010 16-12-201031-01-2011

10 Ratlam Ratlam X M/s Megha Engg. & Infra Ltd.,50.11

30-11-2010 30-12-201031-01-2011

11 Ratlam Jaora & Alot XI M/s Megha Engg. & Infra Ltd., 48.39 18-11-2010 21-1-11

12 M/s Megha Engg. & Infra Ltd.,

TOTAL Financial Commitment(in Cr) 528.26


Name of the DistrictName of firm to whom turnkey contract

awarded (Lowest bidder)

Total Contract

Price(Rs. in


Date of Award

Date of agreemen


1 2 3 4 9 10

XII Jhabua M/s Vishwa Infrastructures Services Pvt. Ltd., 48.29 01.08.2011 29.08.2011

XIII Alirajpur M/s Limited, 36.35 01.08.2011 25.08.2011

XIV Ujjain M/s Vishwanath Project Ltd., 53.32 26.07.2011 03.09.2011

XV Ujjain M/s Limited, 43.10 30.07.2011 25.08.2011

XVI Dewas M/s Vishwanath Project Ltd., 35.11 01.08.2011 03.09.2011

XVII Dewas M/s Limited, 35.91 01.08.2011 25.08.2011

XVIII Shajapur M/s Vishwa Infrastructures Services Pvt. Ltd., 47.34 01.08.2011 20.08.2011

XIX Shajapur M/s Vishwa Infrastructures Services Pvt. Ltd., 39.63 01.08.2011 20.08.2011

XX Shajapur M/s Schaltech Automation (P) Ltd., Secunderabad 37.06 01.08.2011 30.08.2011

XXI Mandsaur M/s Megha Engg. & Infra Ltd., 56.95 01.08.2011 02.09.2011

XXII Mandsaur M/s Megha Engg. & Infra Ltd., 59.99 01.08.2011 02.09.2011

XXIII Neemuch M/s Megha Engg. & Infra Ltd., 66.51 01.08.2011 02.09.2011

XXIV, Dhar Jhabua, Alirajpur &

KhargoneM/s Saisudhir Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd., 25.89 01.08.2011 27.08.2011

XXVKhandwa, Barwani, Burhanpur

& UjjainM/s Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd., Mumbai 28.88 01.08.2011 20.09.2011

XXVIDewas, Shajapur, Ratlam,

Mandsaur & NeemuchM/s Saisudhir Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd., 29.85 01.08.2011 27.08.2011


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