felix baumgartner free fall from space

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Free Fall Felix Baumgartner Completes Red Bull Stratos 2012 Free Fall from

Space from Space

By Joshua Mhoon

Sunday, October 14, 12

Felix Baumgartner Completes Red Bull Stratos 2012 Free Fall from Space

• Felix Baumgartner came in first at the Red Bull Stratos Free Fall competition on Sunday, October 14th, 2012. He broke

Sunday, October 14, 12

First Record

• His first record was breaking the sound barier which is 639 miles per hour (pretty fast) but he traveled 833.9 miles per hour.

Sunday, October 14, 12

Second Record

• His second record was how high he dropped from his balloon.

• He departured his balloon at 128.100 feet above the Earth and more than 24 miles high.

Sunday, October 14, 12

Regular Parachutes

• Most people open their parachutes when they are between 2,000 and 3,500 feet in the air. How did he do it when it was -65 degrees and his heat was not working at this altitude and how fast he was coming down?

Sunday, October 14, 12

Flipping Around

• In the air at one moment for ten seconds he was doing flips and spinning like a bottle. Luckily he found control over himself. If he didn’t stop spinning he could have stopped breathing or died.

Sunday, October 14, 12

Third and final record

• His final record was opening his parachute. He opened his parachute 100 feet after the record before him.

Sunday, October 14, 12


• Now he is probably the most notable person this whole year.

Sunday, October 14, 12

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