females in video games: finding the 50% jonathan pryke · 2019. 7. 14. · female. this percentage...

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Jonathan Pryke


Females in Video Games: Finding the 50%

Jonathan Pryke

Jonathan Pryke



To Davey Wreden, for who I owe my resurgent love of video games to.


Special thanks to Neil White for guiding me through the process, and to Loading Bar: Server.


The phrase “Females make 50% of video game players” is used a lot, but why is it that on-

line gaming communities feel like they are predominantly male? The aim of this study is to

locate the source of this commonly used statistic, as well as gaining an understanding of

female portrayal within video games as well as player habits. The research question is what

percentage of “core gamers” are female, and does female behaviour differ to male behaviour?

In order to gain data, I recorded the number of females and males in a bar dedicated to video

games, as well as creating a survey surrounding player preferences. This survey was posted

onto gaming specific Reddit pages in order to find a more accurate percentage of female core

gamers. Using this information, the video game industry can evolve to cater for potential gaps

in the market.

Jonathan Pryke



Introduction - Page 5

Motivation - Page 5

Scope - Page 5

Theoretical Relevance - Page 6

Research Questions - Page 6

Chapter One - Gender Representation in Video Games - Page 7

Video Game Characters - Page 7

Female Gamers - Page 10

Chapter Two - Gender Representation and Behaviour in Dedicated Video Game

Settings - Page 14

Hypotheses - Page 14

Methods - Page 14

Results - Page 16

- Questionnaire Participants - Page 17

- Most Commonly Played Game - Page 18

- Time Spent Playing Video Games - Page 19

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- Most Commonly Used Gaming Platform - Page 20

- Genre Preference - Page 21

- Video Game Gratifications - Page 24

Chapter Three - The Future of Gendered Video Games - Page 30

Hypotheses - Page 30

4Keys2Fun - Page 31

Electronic Arts - Page 34

Player Types - Page 35

Conclusion - Page 35

The Importance of Research - Page 36

Appendices - Page 38

Bibliography - Page 39

Jonathan Pryke




I have been a video game enthusiast for as long as I can remember. Playing Goldeneye on the

Nintendo 64, at what could be considered too early an age, James Bond holding a pistol was

my go-to pose for every photograph that I was in. Lunchtime at school would consist of

myself and other boys dodging each other’s imaginary bullets, whilst making the cliché “pew

pew pew” sound effects. We would be counting down the hours till we could finally sit back

down, five inches away from the perfectly square television, role playing as Pierce Brosnan.

Two years later, during the period of anarchy near the Christmas holidays, when we were

allowed to wear non uniform and bring in toys, you would have been able to find me with

another group of boys, playing Pokemon together on our Game Boys, making Pokemon

badges out of lined paper and tape. Looking back retrospectively, girls were not involved at

all, and still now it feels like a rarity to hear the voice of a female player whilst playing on-

line. Therefore, I was sceptical when I heard that fifty percent of the people playing video

games were female. This is my problem statement and as a male I will be unintentionally

biased. However, I do not yet believe that this is not a misleading percentage.


The first purpose of this study is to understand where the commonly used statement, that fifty

percent of gamers are female, originated. The second purpose of the thesis is to carry out

primary research regarding female behaviour in video game playing and to compare these

results to those that have previously been done. By finding out this information we can gain

an insight into how the video game industry may change in the future, to cater for a larger

market that targets a female audience equally to a male audience.

Jonathan Pryke


Theoretical Relevance

I will be looking at, and taking inspiration from, texts such as “Still a Man’s Game: Gender

Representation in Online Reviews of Video Games” (Ivory, 2006), “An Examination of

Violence and Gender Role Portrayals in Video Games: Implications for Gender Socialization

and Aggressive Behaviour” (Dietz, 1998) and Anita Sarkeesian’s “Feminist Frequency”,

which looks at gender portrayal of video game characters. I will then also refer to studies and

think tanks that look into player behaviour within video games, and how these differ between

gender, such as the 2018 “Essential Facts about the Computer and Video Game industry”

published by the ESA, research carried out by The Quantic Foundry, and Statista. I will focus

particularly on two texts, which I compare to each other, as well as to my own primary

research. These texts are “Engaging girls with computers through software games” by Gorriz

and Medina (2002) and “Orientations to Video Games Among Gender and Age Groups” by

Greenberg et al (2010). The referencing of these texts along with my own primary research

will show the level of change in behaviour within video games and video game playing. By

identifying these changes, the video game industry can gain an insight into a more truthful

prediction of the future landscape.

Research Questions

My research question is thus, what percentage of core gamers are female, and how does

player behaviour differ between gender? By finding commonalities, we can produce video

games that are more inclusive. This will allow opportunity for an even more prosperous


The first chapter is a review of the relevant literature that is mentioned above. This enables us

to achieve an understanding of the current situation regarding gender in video games, as well

Jonathan Pryke


as the gender of the players and their gaming habits. The second chapter explains my primary

research, which consists of a tally of male and female customers within a gaming orientated

bar, and a questionnaire posted onto gaming specific Reddit pages. The third chapter then

explores the results from this research, in an attempt to understand whether video games

should change, and if so, how should they change?

Chapter One – Gender Representation in Video Games

Video Game Characters

If we look at representation of gender in video games, it is necessary that we look at the

gender of their characters. “Still a Man’s Game: Gender Representation in Online Reviews of

Video Games” (Ivory, 2006), constructed a content analysis that used on-line reviews of

video games across multiple platforms to investigate the representation of their characters. As

mentioned by Ivory, the form of video games is ‘radically different’ to most other forms of

media and therefore complicates traditional measurement techniques. The investigations

carried out by those before him are known to be lacking thorough game-play, with users skill

level and time spent playing the game omitted. Therefore, Ivory’s approach allows us to see

results produced by those who are more familiar with video games, with a presumably larger


His results found that active female characters were mentioned in only 33% of the reviews

within his sample, whereas 75% of the reviews mentioned active male characters. “Active”

meaning that the player can interact with the character, or that the character has certain

interferences with the game-play. In regards to the playable characters, only 22% of the

reviews mentioned female characters, which is dwarfed by the 65% of reviews mentioning

male characters. With passive characters who make zero difference to the playability of a

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game, there was only a small difference in mentions within the reviews. Passive female

characters appeared in 9% of the reviews, whilst only 8% of the reviews had passive males

included. When researching sexually suggestive depictions of characters, Ivory found that

12% of the reviews, which mentioned female characters, also referenced their attractiveness

or sex appeal. Less than 1% of the reviews mentioning male characters made the same


The results that show a large difference between male and female characters support the

findings from a previous investigation titled “An Examination of Violence and Gender Role

Portrayals in Video Games: Implications for Gender Socialization and Aggressive

Behaviour” (Dietz, 1998). Although Dietz’s investigation is now outdated, Ivory reaffirms his

findings in “The virtual census: representations of gender, race and age in video games”

(Williams et al, 2009). However, results from the research that focused on the sexually

suggestive depictions is lower than what might have been assumed, which raises further

questions. Why were the female characters’ attractiveness not mentioned more? Could it be

due to a lack of sexualised characters, a disinterest in the sexualisation, or embarrassment to

mention an awareness? Ivory tells us that the reviews came from the ‘top rated’ and ‘most

popular’ games listed on Gamespot, but does not tell us which games specifically, therefore

we are unable to come to a more informed conclusion to why the sexualisation of characters

was not mentioned as much as what one may have imagined.

Feminist Frequency, created by Anita Sarkeesian, is an organisation that analyses “media’s

relationship to societal issues” (Feminist Frequency, 2018). As well as other data collections,

they examine the popular E3 press conferences that are held once every year. They record

every game that is showcased, at the large events, held by EA, Microsoft, Square Enix,

Ubisoft, Sony, Bethesda, PC Gaming and Nintendo Direct, with the aim being to find out

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what percentage of protagonists shown are female, male, multi or gender-ambiguous. The

results are illustrated below:

(Feminist Frequency, 2018)

From the past three years, Feminist Frequency state that 7-9% of games shown at E3 focus on

female protagonists. The results from this year’s conference show that there is no

considerable change, with 8% of the games focusing on women and 24% focusing on men.

However, it is also important to know what percentage of the audience were female, which

Feminist Frequency does not address. If the majority of the audience are male, it could be

argued that it would be nonsensical to not showcase their male orientated games more

intensely. As it is not possible to find out what percentage of the live audience was female,

looking to social media would be a logical alternative. Brandwatch are a data collection

company who gathered over one million mentions of the E3 conference across social media.

Their results state that on Twitter alone, only 23% of gender-categorised authors were

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female. This percentage is not representative of the commonly used statistic that 50% of

gamers are female, as reported by the ESA.

Female Gamers

The ESA is the Entertainment Software Association, which self describes itself as “dedicated

to serving the business and public affairs needs of companies that publish computer and video

games” (The Entertainment Software Association, 2018). The 2018 “Essential Facts about

the Computer and Video Game industry” states that 45% of gamers in the United States are

women. However they do not define the term “gamer”. It could be argued that to deserve the

title of a ‘gamer’ one would have to play video games a certain amount of time on dedicated

game platforms. These gamers would be labelled as core gamers, rather than casual gamers

who play on smart phones and wireless devices such as tablets, which amount to 60% of the

devices that US households play games on. The reports also states that 61% of the most

frequent game purchasers are male, which could imply that more females are using their

smart-phones to play games rather than using consoles or PCs, as many application based

games are free to download.

Furthering the research of the statistic from the ESA, the Quantic Foundry conducted a

similar study with a sample size of over 270,000. The Quantic Foundry is a market research

company dedicated to what motivates video game players. Their results found that only

18.5% of the video game enthusiasts, involved in their study, were female. This correlates

with Brandwatch’s findings where only 23% of the gender-categorised authors were female.

This could be an indication as to what the results would be if the ESA were to define the term

“gamer” with more specificity. The Quantic Foundry believe this disparity is due to the

difference in research methods. As mentioned earlier, the ESA does not define what a gamer

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is, therefore someone who played minesweeper once in the last twelve months could be

included in their results. However, the Quantic Foundry’s results are, self admittedly, “biased

towards core gamers” as their participants would have had to have the motivation to complete

a “Gamer Motivation Profile” simply because they wanted to.

The Quantic Foundry also looked into what percentage of gamers were female within certain

genres. Below are their results:

(Quantic Foundry, 2018)

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They found that the genres with the highest percentage of female gamers were Match 3 and

Family/Farm Sim games. Match 3 games are puzzle games where the user has to manipulate

tiles so that they match and thus disappear. The Match 3 games used in The Quantic

Foundry’s survey were Candy Crush Saga, Bejeweled (series) and Farm Heroes Saga. The

results shown that 69% of the players playing Match 3 games were female. Joint highest at

69% were Family/Farm Sim games which included The Sims (series), Harvest Moon (series),

Animal Crossing (series), Story of Seasons and Stardew Valley.

These results could be used to reinforce the ESA report that states that 61% of the most

frequent game purchasers are male, as Match 3 games are typically free due to usually being

played on a smart-phone where dedicated hardware is not necessary. However, it must be

noted that players could play multiple genres, and Match 3 games are easily accessible as

well as not requiring long periods of time devoted to them, hence why a large amount of

people play them. Barbara Lanza, a game designer and gender theorist, claims this easily

accessible and interruptible type of game appeals to females casual gamers more that it does

to male casual gamers. Lanza goes on to say the following:

…boys and girls really aren’t the same, especially when they’re little…when they’re

young, they’re really not like each other. They’re looking for different things. Girls

are looking for experiences, and boys are looking for bragging rights. And also,

boys are looking for something that they can learn to do that mostly takes

perseverance… A girl will look at that and say, ‘Let me get this straight: you spent

three hours, three whole hours, pushing a button… (qtd. in Herz, 1997)

This does not mean it is what they play the most. Along with the survey being a self-

completed questionnaire, unlike ESA where they used more representative means, The

Quantic Foundry’s survey was worldwide. These two factors are possible reasons as to why

their results are so different. I believe it would be useful to compare the genre preferences

Jonathan Pryke


between females in the Western world to those in the East, specifically East Asia where e-

sports are a huge phenomenon.

When focusing on e-sports, there are many complaints regarding the small amount of

professional female gamers. However, there appears to be little numerical information about

the difference in numbers between professional female and male video game players. One

approach would be to note the difference in numbers on Twitch, a live streaming site where

players from around the world share their game-play and interact with viewers. Arguably,

there should be a direct correlation between professional female gamers and female twitch

streamers, as the live streaming site is often used to supplement a professional gamer’s

income, whilst training and attracting a fan base. According to data provider “Statista”, the

percentage of Twitch users that were female “as of 3rd quarter 2016”was 35%. However, it

should be noted that this is not the percentage of female streamers, but users who visited the

platform. If we are to assume this number is similar to that of professional gamers, why is it

so low if females make up 45% of video game players, as the ESA states they do? It could be

due to females generally preferring cooperation over competition (Gorriz and Medina, 2002),

which could explain the low numbers of professional female gamers. According to Gorriz

and Medina, male gamers are drawn to games that incorporate fighting and scoring, whilst

female gamers gravitate towards adventure and games with a narrative. Not the types of

games involved in e-sports. This conflicts with the study by Greenberg et al, whose results

found that males play video games for the following reasons: “competition, challenge,

arousal, diversion, social interaction and fantasy”, whilst females only play for competition.

Gorriz and Medina state that females do play for competition, however less so than males.

This could indicate that whilst males play for competition more, they also play for other

gratifications much more also.

Jonathan Pryke


Chapter 2 – Gender Representation in Dedicated Video Game Settings


Hypothesis 1: More males will be at the video game bar than females.

Hypothesis 2: Males will prefer “Physical” games to “Imagination” and “Traditional” games,

whereas females will prefer “Traditional” due to their similarities to app based games.

Hypothesis 3: Males will spend more time playing video games than females.

Hypothesis 4: Females will play more games using a mobile phone, or tablet, than males.

Hypothesis 5: Females will seek less competitive gratifications than males.


In order to further the research and statistics discussed earlier, I thought that it would be

useful to measure the difference in numbers between females and males at a gamer orientated

location to target those who may be considered “core gamers” rather than “casual gamers”.

For four nights I visited a bar in Shepherd’s Bush, London, that is dedicated to video games.

The bar allows free access to multiple consoles, as well as showing broadcasts from live

streaming site Twitch. Each night I noted the number of males and females when I entered,

and again when I left, an hour later.

In order to gain some more data, including qualitative, I produced a self-completion

questionnaire that focuses on player behaviour and gaming preference. The survey was

posted onto game specific pages on the forum website, Reddit. This was a deliberate choice,

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in order to target core gamers, and to differentiate those from casual gamers that may play a

phone app-based game sporadically. The pages on Reddit that I chose to post my survey on

included “/gaming” and “/games”. The survey asks for the participant to include their age,

gender, which game they currently play the most frequently, how much time each participant

spends playing video games per day, what genres of video games they prefer and lastly a

multiple choice question for the reasons behind why the participant plays video games. The

multiple choice options for why the participant plays video games are from Greenberg et al’s

“Orientations to Video Games among Gender and Age Groups” (2010). As this study was

conducted in 2010, and its results conflicted with Gorriz and Medina’s “Engaging girls with

computers through software games.” From 2002, I believed that it would be interesting to see

if my own results would show any differences due to time that has since passed, or whether it

would reaffirm Greenberg et al’s findings. With the addition of Narrative and Violence, the

multiple choice options were: Competition, Challenge, Arousal, Diversion, Social Interaction,

Fantasy, Hi Tech, Realism and Ego. The justification for adding Narrative to the list of

choices was that I wanted to find out whether Gorriz and Medina’s findings regarding

females being drawn to narrative, more so than males, were still relevant. The reasoning

behind adding Violence as a choice was to see whether this common characteristic within

video games actually does entice a male audience.

I received a total of 154 responses to the survey, 61.7% were male, 33.8% were female and

4.5% identified as neither. Already, we are able to see there is a large difference in number

between male and female participants. However, as of January 2018, the percentage of male

Internet users in the United States, that also used Reddit, was 32%, whilst only 17% were

female (We Are Flint, 2018). Therefore, this is more likely due to Reddit’s demographics,

rather than a representation of gender within gaming.

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In regards to the age of the participants, they ranged from 14 to 44 years old. The most

common age of participants was 16 to 27 years of age, with the mode being 18 and the mean

average as 22.8 (to the nearest decimal point). If we examine the participants age between

genders, the average age for male participants is 22.4 and the average age for those who are

female is 23.7. I also separated the participants into age categories of 14-19 year olds, 20-24

year olds, 25-29 year olds and 30-35 year olds. I chose to omit the results given by

participants aged over 35 as there were not enough respondents and therefore would not be an

accurate representation of that age group.


Gaming Bar Attendance

Below is a chart showing the number of males and females in attendance at the gaming bar

(Table 1):

Date/Time Number of Males Number of Females

Thursday 1st November

20:00 14 6

21:00 10 5

Friday 2nd November

20:00 31 10

21:00 39 10

Monday 5th November

20:00 8 3

21:00 11 5

Wednesday 7th November

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20:00 2 3

21:00 4 2

If we put the results together, the mean value of males in attendance (to the nearest decimal

point) is 14.9, whilst the mean value for females is 5.5. Meaning that the percentage of

females equates to 27%. This number correlates with Statista and The Quantic Foundry more

closely than it does with the ESA’s figures. Although these results are similar to those

mentioned, the sample size is not. The amount of time spent in the gaming facility was short

and therefore could be seen as not reliable. It should also be noted that this gaming facility is

a public house and because of that it could be argued as to whether this is a gender neutral


Questionnaire Participants

Below is chart that shows the number of participants by gender, as well as age (Fig. 1):










14-19y 20-24y 25-29y 30-35y

Number Of Participants By Gender

Male Female

Table 1

Fig. 1

Jonathan Pryke


We can see that there is a large disparity between the number of male and female participants

for 14-19 year olds, as well as 20-24 year olds. The difference then begins to decrease as age

increases. This could be an indication of gender representation within the gaming community,

but again, could be a product of Reddit’s demographic.

Most Commonly Played Game

The most popular game currently being played is Read Dead Redemption 2. This is the most

played game for both male and female participants, however this is most likely due to its

recent release. If we are to ignore this title and look at the next most popular game that has

not been released so recently, it appears to be World of Warcraft. Below is the chart for the

most popular games played by the male participants, followed by the female participants

(Fig. 2 & 3):








Most Common Games Played By Males

Fig. 2

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Time Spent Playing Video Games

When looking at time spent playing video games per day (Fig. 4), the mean average for males

is 2.2 hours. This is less than the female participants who spend 2.5 hours. In regards to the

mode, for both genders it is 2 hours. These results differ greatly to those of Greenberg et al’s

which state that the average time spent by males is 18.56 hours a week, and only 8.16 hours

spent by females. As their results were collected in 2010, this could be a positive sign of

change that has occurred within the last 8 years. However, as the survey was shared on gamer

specific pages within the Reddit site, it does not take into account those who do not play

video games, which Greenberg et al’s does do.








Most Common Games Played By Females

Fig. 3

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There appears to be no pattern linking playing time with age, however there is a notably

larger amount of time spent playing video games per day by 25-29 year old females

compared to their male counterparts.








Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

14-19y 20-24y 25-29y 30-35y

Hours Played Per Day

Fig. 4

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Most Commonly Used Gaming Platform

When playing video games, 60.4% stated that they used a PC to do so the most. This was

followed by 32.5% playing on console and 7.1% using a smart phone. The pie charts below

show the hardware used by females, and then by males (Fig. 5 & 6):

The charts show only a minor difference between the male and female participants. However,

it does show that even when targeting core gamers, female users are more likely to play app-





Console PC Smart Phone





Console PC Smart Phone

Fig. 5

Fig. 6

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based games and are less likely to spend money on advanced PC hardware that is needed to

play more technologically demanding games.

Genre Preference

With genre preference, I clustered the genres into three game types, replicating Greenberg et

al’s method, in order to compare results. The first type being “imagination” games, which

consists of Sci-Fi, Role Playing Games, Adventure, Fantasy, Open World, and Sandbox

games due to their “emphasis on imaginary lands”. The second type of game is “traditional”,

which includes Strategy, Puzzle, and Platformers. These have been labelled traditional as

they are video games that have been around for a long period of time, such as classic arcade

games. The third cluster is ‘physical’. This cluster includes genres that imitate “real world

physical competition”. Like Greenberg et al, I have ignored preference for simulation games

as they could apply to all of the 3 game types. This does not have an effect on the outcome of

the results as only three participants listed this specific genre. Below are the results for the

most preferred game type when all genders are included (Fig. 7):





imagination physical traditional

Fig. 7

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Undoubtedly, the “imagination” game type is the most popular, having a higher percentage

than the “physical” and “traditional” game types combined. To see how the results compare

to Greenberg et al’s we need to isolate the genders. Below are the charts to show the game

type preferences for females and males, independent from one another (Fig. 8 & 9):





imagination physical traditional





imagination physical traditional

Fig. 8

Fig. 9

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Other than “traditional” games, there is a large difference between the percentage of female

and male participants preference for “imagination” and “physical” games. Compared to

Greenberg et al, there are large differences. In their study they found that males preferred

“physical” games, with “imagination” games a close second. For females, they found that,

overall, “traditional” games were the most preferred, followed closely by “imagination”


If we then also filter the results by age (Fig. 10), we are able to see that the male preference

for “Physical” games declines with age, whilst preference for “Imagination” games generally

increases with both males and females, omitting the 25-29 year old category. Not only does

the male 25-29 year old category appear as an anomaly in regards to “Imagination” games,

both male and female respondents in that age bracket show a preference for “Traditional”

games, more so than the other age categories.












Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

14-19y 20-24y 25-29y 30-35y


Genre Preference By Age And Gender

Imagination Physical Traditional

Fig. 10

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Video Game Gratifications

The next set of results show what percentage of participants selected each option for what

gratifications they receive from playing video games (Fig. 11, 12 & 13):


Video Game Gratifications

Male Female











Female Gratifications

Fig. 11

Fig. 12

Fig. 13

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The most common gratification for males was narrative, followed extremely closely by

challenge which was only .2% less common. Narrative was also the most common

gratification chosen by the female participants, followed by diversion. The most notable

difference in percentage between the two genders is Competition, with a gap of 17.6%. The

gratification with the least amount of difference in percentage between the genders was

Diversion, being selected 0.3% more by females. The least common gratification selected by

females was Hi Tech (6.1%), followed by Violence (8.2%). The gratification selected the

least amount of times by the male participants was Ego (3.2%), followed by Arousal (12.8%)

and Violence (13.8%). Greenberg et al’s results state that Competition was the most common

gratification for both males and females, followed by Challenge.

It is also important to see how age alters the results for gratifications, and if they differ

between genders within the same age group. I have separated the participants into four

groups. These groups are 14-19 year olds, 20-24 year olds, 25-29 year olds and, lastly, 30-35

year olds. The results for these groups are below (Fig. 14, 15, 16 & 17):










Male Gratifications

Fig. 13

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14-19 Year Old's Gratifications

14-19y Male 14-19y Female




20-24 Year Old's Gratifications

20-24y Male 20-24y Female




25-29 Year Old's Gratifications

25-29y Male 25-29y Female

Fig. 14

Fig. 15

Fig. 16

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There is little difference between genders within the 14-19 year old age category, other than

Competition and Challenge. 57.6% of male participants in this age range selected

Competition as a gratification, whereas only 33.3% of females did. With Challenge, 78.8% of

the 14-19 year old males identified it as a gratification, 37.1% higher than the females.

Challenge was the most selected gratification chosen by males in this age range, whilst

Narrative was the most selected for the females.

With the 20-24 year old category, there is still a difference between the genders seeking

Competition and Challenge, although, the gap between them is less than the 14-19 age

category. There is a 13.4% difference between males and females in regards to Competition,

and a difference of 15% for those who selected Challenge. The most popular gratification

was almost identical in percentage with both the male and female participants. Narrative was

selected by 68.4% of the males and 68.2% of the females. However, for females, Narrative

was joint highest with Fantasy.




30-35 Year Old's Gratifications

30-35y Male 30-35y Female

Fig. 17

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When looking at the next age group, 25-29 year olds, the differences between the two

genders become much more noticeable, highlighting multiple gratifications and not limited to

just Competition and Challenge. The most prominent difference in results between the two

genders, in this age category, is for Social Interaction. 53.8% of the male participants selected

it as one of their chosen gratifications, whilst only 10% of the female participants felt the

same. Like the younger groups, Narrative was the most chosen gratification by females,

whilst Diversion was the most popular among the males.

With the last age group, 30-35 year olds, the gratifications with the largest difference in

percentage are Diversion and Realism. 100% of males selected Diversion as a gratification,

whereas only 66.7% of females did the same. With Realism, 33.3% of the female participants

stated that they seek it in video games, whilst no male participants selected it at all. Like the

25-29 year olds, Diversion was the most selected gratification by the male participants, whilst

four gratifications were joint highest for the females. The gratifications were Challenge,

Diversion, Fantasy and Narrative.

If we look at male gratifications by age (Fig. 18), we can see an increase in the need for

Diversion as males get older. Fantasy, Challenge and Narrative are seemingly important to all

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age categories, however Fantasy appears to be a key factor to keeping older players interested

in particular.

With female gratifications (Fig. 19), there is a positive correlation with Challenge and age.

The same applies to Diversion, despite the slight drop within the 30-35 year old age group.

Like the male participants, Narrative remains constantly important for all age groups, along

with Fantasy, which is important to at least 50% of the females from each age category.




Male Gratifications By Age

14-19y Male 20-24y Male 25-29y Male 30-35y Male




Female Gratifications By Age

14-19y Female 20-24y Female 25-29y Female 30-35y Female

Fig. 18

Fig. 19

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It is important to note that although this research may be useful, like all research before it, it

does contains causes for concern. As the survey was posted on-line, it is necessary for the

participant to complete the form themselves. This brings about the opportunity for the

respondents to falsify their answers and to complete the survey more than once, resulting in a

set of results that are not legitimate. Although these circumstances could be possible, I am

confident that my results have not been altered by such occurrences, and that the high amount

of responses was due to the survey being up-voted on the gaming specific Reddit pages,

resulting in a large amount of Reddit users interacting with the hyper link that forwards the

user to the survey. Due to the Reddit post becoming so popular, it was necessary for me to

stop any more participants completing the survey, otherwise the amount of data would have

been unmanageable. Therefore it is also important to remember that although 154

respondent’s answers can be an indicator of a much larger group of people, it is an incredibly

small sample size.

Chapter 3 – The Future of Gendered Video Games


Hypothesis 1: More males will be at the video game bar than females.

My hypothesis that there would be more males at the gaming bar than females was correct.

As to why there were more males, could be due to it being a public house as explained in the

second chapter. However, it is most likely a product of the two. If less females are playing

video games that are not played on smart phones and tablets, it makes logical sense that there

would be less females at a bar marketed towards core gamers.

Hypothesis 2: Males will prefer “Physical” games to “Imagination” and “Traditional”

games, whereas females will prefer “Traditional” due to their similarities to app games.

Jonathan Pryke


My estimation that “Physical” games would be the most preferred genre for males was

incorrect, as was my hypothesis that females would prefer “Traditional” games. The findings

could be seen as encouraging, showing that both males and females enjoyed “Imagination”

games the most, reaffirming Nicole Lazzaro’s argument that “what is fun for both sexes is

more similar than different” (Kafai, 2015).

Hypothesis 3: Males will spend more time playing video games than females.

Although this hypothesis was incorrect, the questionnaire was directed towards core gamers

and not a generalised proportion of the public. If a broader group of respondents including

lesser game enthusiasts had completed the questionnaire, the results may differ. However, the

findings show that female core gamers play slightly longer than male core gamers, except for

the 30-35 year old age group.

Hypothesis 4: Females will play more games using a smart phone, or tablet, than males.

This hypothesis was correct, however the percentage of females who used a smart phone to

play games most often was much lower than I would have assumed. Only 3% more females

selected smart phone on the questionnaire than males, which I believe is due to the survey

being shared on gaming specific Reddit pages. As with the results for hours played, I would

hypothesise that more females would claim to play more smart phone and tablet based games

if the participants were more representative of the general public.

Hypothesis 5: Females will seek less competitive gratifications than males.

This was true as 17.6% more male participants selected Competition as a gratification that

they received from playing video games. I did find it interesting how little the male

participants valued Competition compared to Narrative, Challenge, Diversion, Fantasy and

how these were the top four gratifications chosen by the female participants also.

Jonathan Pryke



This sharing of gratifications and preference of genre sets up an understandably strong

argument regarding the unnecessary nature of targeting games towards a specific gender.

Nicole Lazzaro is the founder of XEODesign and widely recognised as an influential female

figure within video games. Lazzaro supports this argument and believes that although video

games attract a large amount of players worldwide, their “narrow range of offerings attracts a

smaller audience than possible” (2008). To combat this, Lazzaro states that video game

companies need to lose their obsession with catering for “extreme male-stereotyped play

patterns” and instead realise that both male and female gamers, of all ages, “just want to have

fun”. Lazzaro claims that market research asks the wrong questions, and ignores what video

game players most enjoy about games. To combat this, Lazzaro has created the

“4Keys2Fun”, which she believes if video games are to be successful, they will apply at least

3 of the said keys. These four keys are :

1. Hard Fun

2. Easy Fun

3. Serious Fun

4. People Fun

Hard Fun is the feeling of achievement, mastering a game that results in “personal triumph

over adversity” (Lazzaro, n.d.). For example, not being able to defeat the boss character until

after multiple attempts. Easy Fun can be seen as the curiosity that is created through an

interesting user face, a much more superficial gratification. Serious Fun is where the player

sees progression over time, for example, advancing through levels in Candy Crush Saga,

Jonathan Pryke


gaining rewards in the process. Lastly, People Fun is the amusement that comes with playing

with friends and fellow players.

According to this theory, World of Warcraft and Red Dead Redemption 2, the two most

popular games for both male and female survey participants, should have at least three of the

four keys. In regards to Hard Fun, there are bosses to beat, such as G’huun (Appendix A),

which take cooperation and possibly multiple attempts to defeat. World of Warcraft also

implements Easy Fun by allowing the player to customise their character, as well as allowing

them freedom of choice through their free roam settings. By implementing a levelling system,

Serious Fun is also a key, ensuring that the player sees a direct correlation between

progression and playing time. As World of Warcraft is an on line multi-player game, People

Fun is undoubtedly present. Without the help of other players, it would be impossible to

defeat bosses and therefore on line cooperation is a necessity.

Read Dead Redemption is similar in regards to the game becoming harder as you progress.

Like Rockstar’s notable Grand Theft Auto games, the player is allowed to roam freely as well

as allowing character customisation. As you progress through the game, you earn more

money and unlock items that are only available to the player once a considerable amount of

progression has been made. There is also an on-line mode which allows the player to connect

and play with other users.

These two games certainly correlate with Lazzaro’s theory. However, she does not give any

guidance on how these keys should be achieved. The way in which a game is made difficult,

or the way a player is supposed to interact with another could take many forms. For example,

does the difficulty take the form of defeating an opponent with violent means, or does it come

in a puzzle like form. Does the social interaction require cooperation or competition against

Jonathan Pryke


one another? Having these four keys do not stop video games from appearing to target a

particular demographic.

I believe that video game companies are making games that they would like to play

themselves, which happens to appeal to the “narrow” audience that Lazarro claims it be,

because they themselves are that narrow audience. In 2017, the majority of game developers

worldwide were male as only 21% were female (Statista, 2018). Jessie Cameron Herz

addresses this in a chapter titled “Boys versus Girls” from her book “Joystick Nation”.

Although the book was published in 1997, statistics from 2017 regarding gender diversity

among game developers show how her writing is still relevant. Herz is rightly doubtful that a

group of men could design a game “that resonates in the mind of a fourteen year old girl”and

as a consequence of this, the types of games created for girls can largely be placed into two

types. The first type being “boys games in drag” as Herz labels them, and the second type

being hyper-feminine. There is an obvious space being neglected for video games that appeal

to, and offer gratifications for, people of all player types. Rather than create video games for

groups of people that the creators cannot enter the minds of, Triple A (Appendix B) video

game companies should be pushing for a much more diverse catalogue of employees. This

could potentially lead to being able to cast a much wider net over a more diverse, and

consequently larger, audience.

Electronic Arts

One video game company that appears to be making a conscious effort to incorporate more

females is Electronic Arts. In 2017, EA revealed that their CEO, Andrew Wilson, had

partnered with the United Nation’s HeForShe campaign. The HeForShe campaign is an

“invitation for men and people of all genders” to take a stand, in solidarity with women, to

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ensure the future holds a gender equal world (Heforshe.org, 2018). Other notable figures

partnered with HeForShe include Simon Pegg, David Tennant, Harry Styles and Eddie

Redmayne. By partnering with HeForShe, EA has set three commitments to “advance gender

equality” (Arts, 2017). To lead in the representation of women in games, empower an

inclusive culture for EA employees and promoting the gender equality movement through

their industry and their communities. This could be seen by some as tokenistic, however it is

also worth mentioning that in 2008 EA donated “The Sims 2” character library to a software

called “Storytelling Alice”, a program that aimed to interest girls into technology (Kelleher

and Pausch, 2007). This in turn shows EA’s commitment to gender equality is legitimate, and

already the diversity of their audience is greater than most. The Sims series is one of EA’s

most popular titles, and have themselves estimated that sixty five percent of the players are in

fact female (Sapieha, 2014). This shows that females are willing to buy games for a dedicated

console or PC if the game appeals to them. This in itself is an indicator that females may be

less inclined to spend money on dedicated hardware due to the narrow video game market,

rather than for societal reasons.

Player Types

Although it is important that video game companies address gender diversity, I believe it is

time to target less towards a specific gender, and instead to player types. Richard Bartle

addresses four player types within multi player games, in “Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, Spades:

Players Who Suit Muds” (1996). These four types of players are Killers, Achievers,

Explorers and Socializers. Killers gain pleasure by interfering and altering the experience for

other players. Achievers enjoy gaining rewards by winning via the rule based play. Explorers

interact with the world that the game has presented them with and Socializers form bonds

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with other players. I believe player types like these will soon be the new way in which users

will search for new games and therefore video game companies should begin to broaden their

target audiences.


It seems that when you dismiss casual gamers, the percentage of core gamers that are female

ranges from approximately 18.5 to 27% according to the Quantic Foundry, Brandwatch and

my own research from the dedicated gaming bar. Having learned from Anita Sarkeesian’s,

Feminist Frequency, that only eight percent of the games featured at E3 in 2018 featured

female protagonists, I didn’t expect to gain many responses from females due to the

seemingly unappealing and narrow range of choice. Although there were more male

respondents than female, the number of female participants was still an enlightening surprise.

Learning that both male and female participants of my survey most enjoyed “Imaginaton”

games was also a surprise to me, albeit positive, showing a commonality within the two

genders. In regards to the amount of time spent, finding out my hypothesis was incorrect and

that the amounts of time were very similar across both genders was partly expected due to the

survey being on Reddit and, like the Quantic Foundry, is biased towards core gamers.

Therefore playing time is not going to differ by large amounts. This can be applied to the

results stating that only a small minority of participants used a smart phone or tablet to play

games on also, as technologically demanding games that core gamers play would be unable

to run on such a device. In regards to gratifications, it was a positive realisation that gender

did not alter results to the extent that I first thought it might. Other than a slight increase in

males seeking competition, it appears that within the two groups of gamers, there are players

seeking the same multitude of different pleasures from video games.

Jonathan Pryke


The conclusion that I have drawn from my research is that video game companies need to

begin broadening their games to incorporate multiple player types, as well as increasing

female representation. In a time where the video game market is flourishing, it is also

becoming ever more competitive, and in order for studios to survive, larger markets are going

to be needed. Therefore, I believe future market research, carried out by video game creators,

need to explore player types, and ways in which all types can be fulfilled within one game,

rather than being segregated into games labelled as stereotypically male or female.

The Importance of Research

The research that I have carried out is important as it examines more closely the relationship

the video game industry has with females. I do not believe the commonly used, yet rarely

looked into, statement by the ESA is productive in making any change. It could be seen as

motivation for video game companies to start making more female tailored games, however if

already fifty percent of gamers are female, where is the motivation to change? In realising

that the statistic from the ESA is misleading and that the actual percentage of players who

could be considered as core gamers is much lower, game companies are more likely to push

for more women to embark in careers in the video game sector.

To further my own research I would focus in on different parts of the world to see if results

differ. South Korea in particular has a large and very successful e-sports community, and

being able to understand their motivation for playing video games would prove beneficial to

ensuring video games reach a market that does not end in the Western world.

I fear that failure to appeal to more than the twenty-something year old male, will result in

game over for many video game studios.

Achievement for most intentional pun unlocked.

Jonathan Pryke



Appendix A - A group of players defeat G’huun from World of Warcraft

(Nevermind, 2018)

Appendix B - Triple A or AAA is a term used for games that are created by a large

publisher. Similar to the definition of Blockbuster within film.

Jonathan Pryke



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