fermat and euler theorems

Post on 21-Feb-2018






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  • 7/24/2019 Fermat and Euler Theorems


    Fermat and Eulers Theorems

    Presentation by Chris Simons

  • 7/24/2019 Fermat and Euler Theorems


    Prime Numbers

    A prime number is divisible only by 1 and


    For example: !" #" $" %" 11" 1#" 1%" &' 1 (ould also be (onsidered prime" but its

    not very useful)

  • 7/24/2019 Fermat and Euler Theorems


    Prime Fa(tori*ation

    To fa(tor a number nis to +rite it as a

    produ(t of other numbers)

    n = a * b * c,r" 1-- . $ / $ / ! / !

    Prime fa(tori*ation of a number nis +ritin0

    it as a produ(t of prime numbers) 1# . 11 / 1#

  • 7/24/2019 Fermat and Euler Theorems


    2elatively Prime Numbers

    T+o numbers are relatively prime if they have no

    (ommon divisors other than 1)

    1- and !1 are relatively prime" in respe(t to ea(h

    other" as 1- has fa(tors of 1" !" $" 1- and !1 hasfa(tors of 1" #" %" !1)

    The 3reatest Common 4ivisor 53C46 of t+o

    relatively prime numbers (an be determined by(omparin0 their prime fa(tori*ations and sele(tin0

    the least po+ers)

  • 7/24/2019 Fermat and Euler Theorems


    2elatively Prime Numbers Cont)

    For example" 1!$ . $#and !-- . !#/ $!

    3C451!$" !--6 . !-/ $!. !$

    7f the t+o numbers are relatively prime the 3C4

    +ill be 1) Consider the follo+in0: 1-51" !" $" 1-6 and !151"

    #" %" !16

    3C451-" !16 . 1

    7t then follo+s" that a prime number is alsorelatively prime to any other number other thanitself and 1)

  • 7/24/2019 Fermat and Euler Theorems


    A 8ittle 9it ,f istory

    Pierre de Fermat 51;-1>? that thee@uation xn yn. *nhas no non

  • 7/24/2019 Fermat and Euler Theorems


    istory Cont)

    ,ne of Fermats boo=s (ontained a

    hand+ritten note in the mar0in de(larin0

    that he had a proof for this e@uation" but it

    +ould not fit in the mar0in) e never

    published his proof" nor +as it found after

    his death) 7n 1>> Andre+ iles +or=ed

    out a proof of this e@uation usin0 advan(edmodern te(hni@ues)

  • 7/24/2019 Fermat and Euler Theorems


    Fermats 8ittle Theorem

    7fpis prime and ais an inte0er not divisible by

    p" then ) ) )

    ap-1 15modp6)

    And for every inte0er a

    ap a5modp6)

    This theorem is useful in publi( =ey 52SA6 and

    primality testin0)

  • 7/24/2019 Fermat and Euler Theorems


    Euler Totient Fun(tion: 5n6

    5n6 . ho+ many numbers there are

    bet+een 1 and n

  • 7/24/2019 Fermat and Euler Theorems


    Euler Totient Fun(tion Cont)

    As you (an see from 5$6 and 5%6" 5n6 +ill

    be n

  • 7/24/2019 Fermat and Euler Theorems


    Eulers Totient Theorem

    This theorem 0enerali*es Fermats theorem and is

    an important =ey to the 2SA al0orithm)

    7f 3C45a"p6 . 1" and a Dp" then

    a5p6 15modp6) 7n other +ords" 7f aandpare relatively prime"

    +ith abein0 the smaller inte0er" then +hen +e

    multiply a+ith itself 5p6 times and divide the

    result byp" the remainder +ill be 1)

  • 7/24/2019 Fermat and Euler Theorems


    Eulers Totient Theorem Cont)

    8ets test the theorem:

    7f a. $ andp. ;

    Then 5;6 . 5!

  • 7/24/2019 Fermat and Euler Theorems


    ,=aaaay ) ) ) So hat

    Eulers theorem uses modulus arithmeti(+hi(h helps to lay the foundation for 2SAen(ryption) To (onstru(t a personal (ipher

    =ey +e need an appropriate value +e +ill(all variableR) So" +e sele(t t+o very lar0eprime numbers Uand Vand multiply them)

    .B 5R6 . 5U

  • 7/24/2019 Fermat and Euler Theorems


    So hat Cont)

    e also define the variablesP and Q) P is an arbitrarynumber that is relatively prime to 5R). Qis the(al(ulated inverse ofPin 5mod 5R66)

    e usePandRto (reate a publi( =ey" and QandRto

    (reate a private =ey) This yieldsP/Q 15mod 5R6 6)

    The result is that too mu(h information is lost in theen(ryption due to the modulus arithmeti( to de(ipher a

    privately en(rypted 2SA messa0e +ithout the use of thepubli( =ey) Gnless the +ould

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