fetac monitoring report date of completion...by empower training and based on the information...

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FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


FETAC Monitoring Report

Date of Completion

18th December 2009

FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


Contents 1. Details of Provider 2. Education and Training Centre 3. Monitoring Visit Plan 4. Selected Sample 5. Evidence Reviewed 6. Assessment of Providers Quality Assurance System 7. Good Practice Identified 8. Areas for Improvement Identified 9. Conclusions and Outcomes

10. Provider feedback

FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


Monitoring Report


Name of Provider Empower Training

Address Newtown Manner New Orchard Road Kilkenny Co Kilkenny

Email Address stephen@empowertraining.ie Contact Mr. Stephen Doran Telephone 056 7756736

Type of Provider Established since 2002 Empower Training is a private provider

located at New Orchard Road, Kilkenny. This provider achieved FETAC Quality Assurance Registration in 2006 and offers programmes in the main related to Information Technology, Personal Effectiveness, Health, Childcare and Train the Trainer. Programmes offered can lead to FETAC component and in some instances FETAC Major Awards at level 3, 4, 5 and 6 on the National Framework of Qualifications. Where programmes offered are of more than three months duration this provider is subject to section 43 of the Qualifications( Education and Training) Act 1999

Forms of Programme Delivery

At the time of application for FETAC QA registration Empower Training delivered training in Centre/School/College and workplace locations. In the intervening period accelerated and distance learning opportunities have been added to the provider forms of delivery

FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


2. EDUCATION and TRAINING CENTRES (FETAC clarify whether all or just FETAC registered)


Number of Tutors/ Trainers/ Teachers

Number of Learners

FETAC Programmes


Newtown Manor New Orchard Road Kilkenny Co Kilkenny

10 500 to 800 per annum

Full list of programmes offered contained in appendix 1


Visit Start Date

3rd December 2009

Visit end date (if other)

Type of Visit Undertaken Initial Specific Focus see agreed sample page 5�


Procedures Monitored � B1: B1.2 B2: N\a B3: N\a B4: B4.1, B4.2, B4.3, B4.4 B5: B5.2, B5.4, B5.5, B5.6, B5.7, B5.9

B6: B6.1, to B6.11 B7: B7 B8: N\a B9: B9.1, B9.2, B9.3

Monitors Name FMO2

FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance



This provider was monitored by FETAC in early 2009. The purpose of the monitoring visit was to assess the overall effectiveness of the quality assurance system as implemented by Empower Training and based on the information provided in the original application.

Following the identification by FETAC of issues relating to forms of programme delivery including accelerated/distance learning it was agreed that a further monitoring visit would take place in December 2009.

In advance of the December site visit a desk monitoring was conducted during which the following documentation was reviewed:- Provider application form, evaluation consensus form, verification visit report, general, RPL and PFL correspondence, certification data, internal verification, external authentication and results approval panel reports, FETAC, February 2009 monitoring report. The scope and focus of the December 2009 site visit included in the main areas related to the following:-

� Follow up on Implementation of February 2009 monitoring report recommendations � B1 Communications � B4 Access Transfer and Progression � B5 Programme Development Delivery and Review � B6 Fair and Consistent Assessment of Learners (with focus on the Authentication

Process) � B7 Protection of Learners


Meetings Held

Staff (incl. Management)


Centres Visited Total Sample Total Sample Programmes Sampled/learner


Newtown Manor New Orchard Road Kilkenny Co Kilkenny

11 1 10 average per group

N\a The visit focus did not include meeting with learners on this occasion

FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


5. EVIDENCE REVIEWED Review Of Records Review Of Records In keeping with the agreed focus of the site visit the evidence/ records reviewed related to:-

1. B1 Communications Learner programme evaluation sheets, team meeting minutes, staff handbook, trainer tutor feedback sheets, tutor end of course report forms, website, staff induction packs and induction checklist. (The provider updated website went live on the day of the site visit the content of which was reviewed subsequent to the visit).

2. B4 Access Transfer and Progression

Programme entry requirements, website, learner manuals, venue suitability checklist, programme meeting minutes, maintenance of resources and facilities criteria, work experience checklist, assignment/assessment deadline information reasonable accommodation information, course booking forms, career information. RPL Provider application re RPL, RPL policy and procedure

3. B5 Programme Development Delivery and Review (Focus on Healthcare Support Programme)

Programme duration and delivery method detail, programme module descriptors and programme specifications, overall programme schedules, work experience checklist, work experience supervisor declaration, end of programme tutor report forms 4. Fair and Consistent Assessment of Learners Learner assessment information on website and included in learner packs, assessment schedules/ time tables, assessment records, assignment submission statement, learner information on plagiarism, assessment appeals procedure

internal verification and external authentication reports

5. Protection for Learners Letter of arrangements in place with alternative providers

FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


Observation of Facilities and Resources A tour of the premises was not conducted during the site visit due to the specific nature of the visit. Other Evidence Noted This provider delivers training at the Kilkenny location, in the workplace and at hotel and education and training locations as required. In the selection of programme delivery locations and suitability selection criteria is utilized.

FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


6. Summative Assessment of the Provider’s QA System

Evaluation Criterion Evaluation

Good Practice ����

Area for Improvement


6.1 Effective Implementation of Quality Assurance Procedures � Is the provider implementing the quality

assurance procedures as agreed (including consistently implementing the procedures in the centres of a multi-centre provider)?



6.2 Effective Monitoring of Quality Assurance Procedures, and evaluation of effectiveness of the procedures � Does the provider systematically monitor its

progress towards achieving an appropriate range of quality goals and in particular further improving and maintaining the quality of its education and training provision?

� Is corrective action taken to remedy

deficiencies identified by implementation of the quality assurance procedures?

� Is the effectiveness of the quality assurance

procedures evaluated?

���� ���� ����


6.3. Effectiveness of Quality Assurance Procedures � Are the quality assurance procedures as

implemented effective in maintaining and improving the quality of programme design and delivery?



FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


7. Good Practice Identified

Policy Area Good Practice

Summary Statement(s) of Key Elements of Good Practice Identified in this Policy Area


FETAC monitoring results for February 2009 indicated that the monitor was satisfied in the main with communication systems in place however a recommendation was made that quality assurance issues should be included on agenda for management/trainer meetings to facilitate:

� Sharing best practice in teaching and assessment. � Tracking the internal monitoring of procedures. � Review of programmes and services.

It was further recommended that meeting minutes be recorded for said meetings. In order to address this recommendation the provider has organized staff meetings for which meeting agendas and minutes are recorded. This provider is in the process of planning/convening a full staff meeting to include tutors working at off site locations regionally. The December 2009 site visit results indicate that the following mechanisms are utilized in support of communications:

� Provider Website which has recently been updated to enhance and ensure the availability of relevant information

� Learner telephone surveys are conducted during which 35% to 40% of learners are contacted in order to obtain learner feedback

� Learner feedback sheets � Staff hand book � Learner manuals � Staff meetings held for which meeting minutes are

drafted � Tutor end of course report forms completed the

contents of which are considered in programme reviews

Equality No issues arising during February 2009 monitoring. Not

reviewed as part of the December 2009 site visit focus Staff Recruitment and Development

No issues arising during February 2009 monitoring. Monitoring results for December 2009 indicate that all staff engage in a one day induction training programme and are provided with an induction pack which contains details of terms and conditions of employment, tutor training aids, delivery style suggestions, assessment information etc. An

FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


induction checklist is utilized and induction training records are maintained.

Access, Transfer and


February 2009 monitoring recommendations indicated the need to revise and update the following as appropriate:-

� Staff and learner induction checklists � Course Literature � Consultants briefs � Website

The rationale for this recommendation was to ensure that all relevant information is available to stakeholders and to also ensure that learners are afforded the opportunity to make informed choices. As stated earlier the provider has introduced induction checklists and a review of the provider updated website conducted as part of the monitoring process revealed that the following information is available to stakeholders:- General Programme information

� Assignment/assessment deadline information � Reasonable accommodation information � Information on plagiarism � Assessment appeals procedure � Course Calendar � A selection of the provider FETAC Quality Assurance

policy details. � Course booking forms � Career information

Programme Specific Information � Programme duration and delivery method detail � Programme module information � Award details � Fees � Learner entry requirements

Information on related programmes/courses is also provided on the website along with links to additional relevant websites i.e. An Bord Altranais, FÁS etc. During the December 2009 site visit the provider indicated that hardcopy promotional / course materials are no longer utilised as all relevant information is now located on the website.

Recognition of Prior Learning

In line with February 2009 monitoring findings Empower has made a formal application to FETAC to become a FETAC registered centre for RPL and has developed an RPL statement and policy and procedure documents.

Programme Development, Delivery

and Review

FETAC monitoring results for February 2009 indicated the need to improve tutor networking opportunities. A number of staff/management meetings have been convened since

FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


February and the provider is currently working towards organizing a full staff meeting to include tutors working in the regions to enhance tutor networking and to ensure that all staff are fully briefed/updated in the context of FETAC QA policy and procedure. As stated earlier forms of programme delivery had been extended to include accelerated/distance learning since the original application for FETAC, QA registration was made. In the context of Programme Development Delivery and Review the December 2009 site visit focused on the Healthcare Support programme. This programme is described as a distance learning programme by the provider and monitoring results indicate that the following mechanisms are utilised in the delivery of this programme:-

� 5 to 6 days face to face contact with learners for which attendance sheets are maintained and a delivery site selection criteria checklist is utilized

� Learner handbook provided to all learners � Overall programme schedules developed � Programme timetables drafted � Programme specifications developed in line with

FETAC module descriptor requirements � Work experience records maintained � Work experience supervisor declaration developed � Learner diary system developed � Learner records of achievement maintained � Learner Programme feedback obtained through

distribution of learner programme evaluation sheets and telephone survey

� End of programme report forms are completed by tutors

� Learners can submit assignments up to one year subsequent to commencement of programme.

Fair and Consistent Assessment of


FETAC monitoring conducted in February 2009 indicated that the provider should :- Comprehensively document an assessment (B6) protocol to include:

• Empower Training’s position on appeals, repeats, submission of assignments/projects, authorship, extenuating circumstances, assessment malpractice, plagiarism, etc.

To address the issues identified above the provider has included assessment information related to the following in the learner handbook and on the provider website:-

FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


� Provider policy on plagiarism � Assignment submission statement details � Assessment appeals procedure

The February monitoring report also indicated that the provider should:-

• Develop comprehensive procedures; role briefs, checklists, sampling strategies (which may vary for each assessment period), etc. for the Internal Verification and the External Authentication processes.

• Introduce a system of cross moderation/ peer review to assure consistency in marking between assessors and a system to formalise provision of learner feedback

December 2009 site visit results indicate that the provider is in the process of expanding information contained in the tutor hand book to include assessment guidelines for assessors contract/letters of agreement with contracted trainers as appropriate and QA policy and procedure documents. It was agreed that authentication should form part of the December 2009 monitoring focus and Internal Verification and External Authentication reports were available and reviewed as part of the monitoring process. It was also confirmed that the Kilkenny office is responsible for the authentication process for all training delivered.

Protection for Learners

This provider offers both short and long duration programmes. Letters of arrangement for Protection of Learners in the context of the Healthcare Support and Childcare programmes were available during the site visit.


contracting/Procuring Programme Delivery


Self Evaluation of Programmes and


As requested in the February 2009 monitoring report a self evaluation of programmes and services was conducted for which a self evaluation checklist, report and programme improvement plan was submitted to FETAC.

Summary of Good


Empower has endeavoured to act upon recommendations contained in the February 2009 monitoring report. Many of the recommendations have been addressed and work in relation to addressing outstanding issues is underway however a further review of quality assurance policy and procedure documents is required to ensure that :-

a) The policy and procedure documents comprehensively

FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


document the tasks involved in each procedure b) All FETAC Quality Assurance and assessment

guidelines and all good practice on the ground is fully reflected in said documents

8. Areas for Improvement Identified

Recommendations to Provider 8.1 Essential Recommendations (Required Action(s))

The provider must:

By this date

Develop an assessment plan for each programme offered and ensure the said assessment plans meet all FETAC award requirements Review and update as appropriate quality assurance procedures re B6.7.1, B6.7.2, and B6.10 to ensure they fully reflect FETAC award, quality assurance and assessment guideline requirements and all good practice on the ground Ensure that marking schemes and sampling strategies are developed in line with module descriptor requirements and agreed and documented in advance of assessment taking place Ensure that internal verification and external authentication reports drafted identify areas of good practice and areas for improvement. Ensure also that the Results approval panel report details agreed corrective actions as appropriate. Ensure that work experience supervisors are fully briefed and review and update as appropriate the work experience supervisors checklist to ensure that required specific learning outcomes are clearly identified and confirmed as addressed. Review and update as appropriate procedures re RPL to ensure they fully

28th January 2010 28th January 2010 All future programmes All future Authentication of assessment All future learner work experience participation

FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


describe the tasks involved in, provision of information to prospective RPL candidates, identification of suitable candidates, how past experience /learning will be verified, identification of acceptable types of evidence, portfolio development and mentoring. Ensure also that responsibility is assigned in relation to the tasks involved and that monitoring frequency is documented in said documents. Provide progress report to monitor Complete self evaluation of programmes and services and submit self evaluation checklist, report and programme improvement plan to FETAC. Ensure that the self evaluation process includes analysis of how FETAC 2009 monitoring recommendations were addressed

28th January 2010 28th January 2010 30th June 2010

Recommendations to Provider 8.2 Developmental Recommendations

The provider should consider

Proceeding with arrangements to hold a full staff meeting to include regional tutors and to provide tutor networking and QA briefing opportunities. Continuing expansion of the learner and tutor handbooks to include quality assurance policy and procedure documents and equality awareness information. Further updating website to include all rather than a selection of quality assurance policy documents. Review and update procedures re B4.1 to ensure that they reflect all good practice on the ground and to also to ensure that learners receive all relevant information in advance of and during participation in the programme. Utilisation of the FETAC QA procedure template in the context of presentation of procedures re RPL. Ensure also that procedures re RPL are inserted into the QA manual. Utilisation of FETAC templates re internal verification and external authentication reports Ensure that procedure implementation is internally monitored in line with commitment made in the procedure documents to support continuous improvement of the quality assurance

FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


system. Ensure also that internal monitoring records are maintained. A review of progammes currently offered against the FETAC programme register to ensure that all progammes offered are noted on said register

FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


9. FETAC Monitoring – Conclusions and Outcomes


Empower Training

Provider Registration No.


Date of Monitoring Visit

3rd December 2009

Type of Monitoring Visit

Specific focus

Monitoring Conclusions

Findings in this monitoring report indicate that the quality assurance procedures of this provider are moderately effective in maintaining and improving the quality of programmes and services. A number of issues for essential action and/or developmental areas for improvement require addressing and have been identified as a result of monitoring.

Monitoring Outcomes

1. Provider and staff commended on good practice in specific areas of quality assurance.

2. Provider to address essential recommendations as per schedule determined by the Monitor

3. Further developmental recommendations should also be addressed on a planned basis

4. Provider to undertake Self Evaluation within agreed timescale to report on improvement with particular attention to the recommendations made in the Monitoring report.

5. Provider to make progress reports to monitor within agreed timescales. (as per monitoring report)

6. FETAC monitoring in 1 year Monitor Date

FM02 18th December 2009

FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


10. Provider Feedback In this section the Provider, having participated in the Monitoring process, is invited to provide feedback following the completion of the Draft Monitoring Report by the FETAC Monitor. Feedback and Comments The monitoring process was conducted in a very professional and efficient manner. Empower was given ample notice of the date the monitor was due and also given details on what information and reports should be made available for the day. The monitor was very helpful during our monitoring visit and explained the monitoring process very well. The monitor gave a lot of positive guidance on the day on how to improve our key policies and procedures. The draft monitoring report arrived very promptly after the monitor’s visit which gave Empower sufficient time to update certain elements of our policies and procedures. The follow up from the visit has been very helpful clarifying what needs to be done going forward. The monitor’s feedback was very constructive and has helped greatly in helping us set out systems to continually improve our policies and procedures. Communication regarding recommendations was open and presented in a constructive manner. Empower felt that the process was very beneficial.

FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


Appendix 1 List of Programmes Offered

FETAC courses delivered by Empower

Module Name Course Code FETAC Level

Communications GF0001 3

Computer Literacy BF0133 3

Personal & Interpersonal Skills GF0032 3

Personal Effectiveness GF0033 3

Communications G10001 4

Personal Effectiveness G10033 4

Care of the Older Person D20180 5

Care Support D20164 5

Communications G20001 5

Customer Service D20151 5

Healthcare Support DHSXX 5

Occupational First Aid D20188 5

Palliative Care D20170 5

Personal Effectiveness G20033 5

Retail Selling B20037 5

Safety and Health at Work D20165 5

Supervisory Management L32199 5

Work Experience W2008 5

Working with Groups E20143 5

Advanced Supervision in Childcare DCXXX 6

Child Development D30005 6

Child Psychology N32957 6

Coaching B30206 6

Communications G30001 6

Early Childhood Programmes D30176 6

Gerontology N32963 6

Montessori Theory and Practice L32394 6

Practical Life Exercises L32393 6

Sensorial Education L32481 6

Social and Legal Issues in Childcare D30177 6

Supervision in Childcare D30178 6

Train the Trainer E30179 6

FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


FETAC Monitoring Report

Date of Completion

5th February 2009

FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance



1. Details of Provider 2. Education and Training Centre

3. Monitoring Visit Plan

4. Selected Sample

5. Evidence Reviewed

6. Assessment of Providers Quality Assurance System

7. Good Practice Identified

8. Areas for Improvement Identified

9. Conclusions and Outcomes

10. Provider feedback

FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


Monitoring Report


Name of Provider Empower Training


Newtown Manor New Orchard Road Kilkenny Co Kilkenny

Email Address liz@empowertraining.ie


Stephen Doran MD Liz Doran FETAC/QA Coordinator

Telephone 056 7756736


Type of Provider Empower Training, founded in 2002, offers training in personal development, leadership development, conflict resolution, supervisory management and facilitation skills. It has delivered programmes to the Public Sector, the Corporate Sector and SMEs. Empower registered with FETAC in 2006. In July 2008, it successfully applied for registration as a centre approved to offer specific FETAC awards on the basis of recognition of prior learning (RPL). Empower Training is not subject to Section 43 of the Qualification Act 1999, as it does not offer programmes of three months duration or more. It is registered with FAS and has links with Waterford Institute of Technology.

Forms of Programme Delivery

Centre based. External venues; hotels, conference centres, etc.

FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance




Number of Trainers

Number of Learners

FETAC Programmes Offered

Newtown Manor New Orchard Road Kilkenny Co Kilkenny

1 full-time 8 part-time

Jan ‘08/’09 2000

(200 FETAC)

L32199 L30163 GF0001 G10001 G20001 G30001 B20037 E20143 L30161

D20151 B30206 G20033 G10033 GF0033 BF0133 D20188 D20165 DHSXX


Visit Start Date

13th January 2009

Visit end date (if other)

Type of Visit Undertaken First

Procedures Monitored ���� B1: ���� B2: ���� B3: ���� B4: ���� B5: ����

B6: ���� B7: ���� B8: ���� B9: ���� B10: ����

Monitors Name FM01

FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


4. SELECTED SAMPLE Notes re Sample: Monitoring concentrated on a review of Empower Training’s QA documentation; policies, procedures and evidence (B1 to B10). In particular, a review was undertaken of procedures and evidence around the new assessment requirements for B6; Internal Verification, External Authentication, Results Approval, etc., and B10 (RPL). Assessment evidence submitted for the January ‘09 assessment period was available and a sample was reviewed. A review of QA documentation, available in FETAC, was undertaken prior to the visit. Notes re Sample: On the basis of:

• Recent Assessment – Jan ‘09 • QA Documentation & Evidence

Meetings Held

Staff (incl. Management)


Centres Visited Programmes Sampled/learner


Newtown Manor New Orchard Rd Kilkenny Co Kilkenny

Centre Manager (MD) FETAC/QA Coordinator Trainers (phone) Learners (phone)

‘08/’09 2000

(200 FETAC) 1 2

Train The Trainer (TTT)

Jan ‘09 (all evidence present; observed one sample from one of three


FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance



Review Of Records

Quality Assurance Manual Course Registration File Course Evaluation File Course Attendance File External Examiners’ Reports Promotional Material Website Assignment Brief (TTT)

Observation of Facilities and Resources

Empower Training has recently moved to a two storey building which will accommodate both administration and training. It is in the final stages of establishing this accommodation. Reception, three meeting rooms and a file room are on the first floor. The ground floor accommodates three large training rooms, each with a coffee dock. There is wireless internet access throughout. The building is not serviced by a lift. Where learner access is a concern, training will be confined to the ground floor. Outside caterers will be engaged as the need arises. Outside venues, hotels, conference centres, client premises, etc are used for the majority of training delivered.

FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


6. Summative Assessment of the Provider’s QA System

Evaluation Criterion Evaluation

Good Practice

Area for Improvement

6.1 Effective Implementation of Quality Assurance Procedures � Is the provider implementing the quality

assurance procedures as agreed (including consistently implementing the procedures in the centres of a multi-centre provider)?



6.2 Effective Monitoring of Quality Assurance Procedures, and evaluation of effectiveness of the procedures � Does the provider systematically monitor its

progress towards achieving an appropriate range of quality goals and in particular further improving and maintaining the quality of its education and training provision?

� Is corrective action taken to remedy

deficiencies identified by implementation of the quality assurance procedures?

� Is the effectiveness of the quality assurance

procedures evaluated?

���� ���� ����

6.3. Effectiveness of Quality Assurance Procedures � Are the quality assurance procedures as

implemented effective in maintaining and improving the quality of programme design and delivery?



FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


7. Good Practice Identified

Policy Area

Good Practice

Summary Statement(s) of Key Elements of Good Practice Identified in this Policy Area


• Communications with all stakeholders driven by Sales

Policy and Operations Manual; website, brochures, email, phone, etc.

• Weekly team meetings. • Links established with local Chambers of Commerce,

Enterprise Boards, Skillsnet, local/regional industries, etc. • Significant endorsement of delivery by past learners; well

managed, feedback each day, schedules met, recommended to others, knew what wanted – got what expected.


• Empower Training is committed to equality, diversity and

reasonable accommodation. • Special requirements\facilitation flagged with learners by

Empower Training Consultants prior to registration.

Staff Recruitment and


• Staff induction process in place. • All staff may avail of any programme delivered by

Empower Training. • Personal and professional development encouraged and

supported by annual training budget. • Staff training and communications driven by Excellence

Through People (ETP).

Access, Transfer and


• Training Consultant team facilitates and supports ATP. • Benefits and certification of programmes clearly outlined in

literature, etc.

Programme Development,

Delivery and Review

• Comprehensive programme resource material observed

(TTT); regularly reviewed (informal) and amended. • H&S statement documented; H&S notice board; first aiders

and fire warden. • Completion and certification rates seen as indicators of

success/areas for improvement. • Venue checklist in operation; commitment to request

venue H&S statement going forward.

FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


• Formal learner evaluation process. • The appropriateness of programme resources, etc

endorsed by both learners and staff. • Commitment to formalising all trainer course evaluation


Fair and Consistent

Assessment of Learners

• Outline of learning outcomes by Empower training

consultants prior to registration. • Authorship statement and assignment receipt system in

place. • Clear assignment briefs (TTT). • Assessment plan/guidelines facilitated by QA

coordinator/subject expert. • Feedback to learners ongoing throughout programme


Protection for


• Empower Training is not currently subject to Section 43 of

the Qualifications Act 1999.


contracting/Procuring Programme Delivery

• Empower Training does not currently subcontract or

procure programme delivery from external sources.

Self Evaluation of Programmes and


• Empower Training has not yet completed a Self Evaluation

of its programmes and services. Self evaluation was due to be submitted in 2007.

Recognition of Prior


• Empower Training successfully engaged their agreed RPL

processes/procedures (May ’08) to certify 6 learners in Supervisory Management. A commitment has been given to review this experience before considering any other certification through RPL. Prior approval is required from FETAC if additional awards are to be offered on the basis of RPL.

Summary of Good Practice

Management and staff at Empower Learning are committed to ensuring quality delivery and fair and consistent assessment of learners. There was significant endorsement of provision by the learners interviewed. Many good practices, as outlined above, were observed.

FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


There is need to build on this current good practice and in future retain adequate levels of documentary evidence of procedure implementation (B1 – B10) to support the FETAC QA processes of monitoring, review, self evaluation and continuous improvement.

FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


8. Areas for Improvement Identified

Recommendations to Provider 8.1 Essential Recommendations (Required Action(s))

The provider must:

By this date

• Amend the FETAC QA Manual (methods

and evidence) to comprehensively reflect existing good practice in each of the Policy areas B1 – B10) and include examples of supporting documentation (detailed procedures, templates, checklists, etc.) as appropriate. Provide the monitor with a progress report by email.

• Complete a Self Evaluation, using the

FETAC guidelines/templates, and involve an external evaluator in the process, paying particular attention to the recommendations of this report.

• Comprehensively document an

assessment (B6) protocol to include: • Empower Training’s position on appeals, repeats, submission of assignments/projects, authorship, extenuating circumstances, assessment malpractice, plagiarism, etc.

• Comprehensive procedures; role briefs, checklists, sampling strategies (which may vary for each assessment period), etc. for the Internal Verification and the External Authentication processes.

Provide the monitor with a progress report by email, on the above as scheduled. This must indicate full compliance with ALL requirements in the B6 policy area.

• Revise/update, as appropriate, Induction

Checklist (staff/learners), Course Literature, Consultants brief, Website, etc, to include section headings and a documented position on equality, diversity, reasonable accommodation,

20th Mar ‘09 20th Mar ‘09 6th Mar ‘09

FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


RPL, entry requirements, protection for learners, access, transfer and progression, terms and conditions, etc.

• Ensure compliance with all Health &

Safety requirements.

6th Mar ‘09 With immediate effect.

Recommendations to Provider 8.2 Developmental Recommendations (Suggested Action(s)/ Areas for Development)

The provider should consider • Including FETAC QA regularly on the agenda of

management/trainer meetings, thereby providing a forum for formal discussion of FETAC matters. The minutes of these meetings will provide significant evidence of discussions, decisions, responsibilities, actions, etc.

• Facilitating FETAC trainer meetings (agenda, minutes, etc.) to facilitate:

� Sharing best practice in teaching and assessment. � Tracking the internal monitoring of procedures. � Review of programmes and services.

• Facilitating a comprehensive briefing of all FETAC staff on Empower Training’s commitment to meeting its obligations under FETAC QA (B1 to B10; policies, procedures, etc.). Thus ensuring the ownership by staff of the FETAC QA system and the embedding of a FETAC QA culture.

• Introducing a system of cross moderation/peer review to

assure consistency in marking between assessors.

• Formalising the feedback to learners process.

• Comprehensively documenting a learner induction process including a checklist verified by staff.

FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


9. FETAC Monitoring – Conclusions and Outcomes


Empower Training Newtown Manor New Orchard Road Kilkenny

Provider Registration No.


Date of Monitoring Visit

13th January ‘09

Type of Monitoring Visit


Monitoring Conclusions

Findings in this monitoring report indicate that the quality assurance procedures of this provider are moderately effective in maintaining and improving the quality of programmes and services. A number of issues for essential remedial action and/or developmental areas for improvement require addressing and have been identified as a result of monitoring.

Monitoring Outcomes

10. Provider and staff commended on good

practice in specific areas of quality assurance. 11. Provider to address essential remedial

recommendations as per schedule determined by the Monitor

12. Further developmental recommendations should also be addressed on a planned basis

13. Provider to undertake Self Evaluation within agreed timescale to report on improvement with particular attention to the recommendations made in the Monitoring report.

14. Provider to make progress reports to monitor within agreed timescales.

15. FETAC monitoring in 1 year

Monitor Date

FM01 5th February 2009

FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


FETAC Monitoring of Quality Assurance


10. Provider Feedback In this section the Provider, having participated in the Monitoring process, is invited to provide feedback following the completion of the Draft Monitoring Report by the FETAC Monitor. Feedback and Comments No Provider comment submitted.

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