fg magazine - fall 2011

Post on 13-Mar-2016






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Fashion, Beauty and Inspiration for people who aren't done!


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Fall Issue

Special Thanks To: Jody Watley for her encouragement, belief and expertise

Vanessa Chandler for the countless hours and her enormous talents Syd Fox for her quick fixes

To all my customers, friends and family for thier constant love and support!And last but not least my beautiful model, Katherine Kendall.

The opinions expressed here are those of the individual writer and not necessarily those of the publishers or management of FG Magazine. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Publication of the name or photo of any person or organization in FG Magazine should not be construed as an indication of that person’s expressed opinion. Advertisers and their agencies assume responsibility and liability for the content in their advertisement

in FG Magazine. Photographers work that is published in any advertising or editorial content within FG Magazine agrees to indemnify and save harmless the publishers from all liability, loss and expense due to a photographer’s failure to gain a model release.





WHO IS Franne Golde?

FRIENDSJody Watley & Franne Golde

FASHION FranneGolde.com




















FGON THE COVERKatherine Kendell in Leah Topby JUDE and SMAPs

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Special Thanks To: Jody Watley for her encouragement, belief and expertise

Vanessa Chandler for the countless hours and her enormous talents Syd Fox for her quick fixes

To all my customers, friends and family for thier constant love and support!And last but not least my beautiful model, Katherine Kendall.

All submissions to FG Magazine are welcome!Please send Photos, Articles, Products, Stories, Art or anything you want to share

to: submissions@frannegolde.comPlease read the submission guidelines on the FAQs page at www.frannegolde.com.



Letter from the Publisher:

What started out as a fun adventure into the unknown has become an exciting reality. I can’t believe this all began two years and six months ago when I volunteered to help with a fundraiser at my daughter’s school. Who knew this is where it would take me. That’s what I love about life. The surprises!

It’s been scary, hard work, staying positive when I wanted to cave, tackling numerous obstacles, shedding lots of tears and showing up even when I wanted to stay in bed, watch old movies and eat ice cream. But it’s also been exciting, invigorating, super fun, and I’ve met some fantastic people.

Seems like everyone I talk to lately is in the midst of reinventing themselves and changing their lives. I have so much respect for them and have learned that it comes down to two words, DO IT!

I’ve spent so much wasted time making excuses about why I can’t, how am I going to, who’s going to help me, what if it’s not good enough, who will come? blah, blah, blah. I kept remembering what I read in Randy Pausch’s book, “The Last Lecture.”

“The brick walls are not there to keep us out, the brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something.

The brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough. They’re there to stop the OTHER people.”

It is with heartfelt gratitude to everyone who helped make this a reality that I bring you frannegolde.com aka franne’s closet, my little slice of cyberspace where you’ll find my favorite clothes and accessories and if you choose to explore you’ll find out about my past, present and future. Probably more than you wanted to know!

FG Magazine is where I’ll share my favorite things, music, books, photos, inspiration, interview people of interest, and introduce you to several of my friends who are doing wonderful things. And of course there will be plenty of beautiful clothes to peruse and purchase.

Welcome and Enjoy!Franne

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Franne Golde?Who is

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Do you still write songs? Yes, I keep my toe dipped in the water. I recently walked into my husband’s studio to say good night and ended staying up till 2:30 AM writing with one of his artists. If I’m inspired, there is no stopping me. It’s in my blood! Late breaking News! I’ll be working on a Broadway Musical throughout 2012-13.

Of all the songs you’ve written, which is your favorite?It’s almost always the last thing I wrote. That said, I still get a chill whenever I hear “Nightshift” on the radio.

What is your passion? People. I love to connect, inspire and make people feel good. Whether it’s through my music, my stories, my website, sending a note, a package, an email or dressing the world, one at a time. Emotional connection ROCKS!

How did Franne’s Closet start? I think it’s always been in the ether. When I was in my twenties and had my first apartment, my friends would come over and we’d inevitably end up going through my closet and trying on clothes, kind of like dress up. I used to collect antique dresses for my stage performances and was always finding wonderful pieces in my travels. It just grew from there. I love turning friends on to my finds and watching them get as excited as I do!

Why the closet? We all have so many things on our minds all the time. Who has time to think about what they’re going to wear. I like to find basic pieces that work by interchanging them with other classic pieces. I’m always looking for something stylish, comfortable, funky, chic and easy and that doesn’t look like everyone else. AND when I look good I feel good. It makes me confident and strong and we all need that.

When did you learn to speak Spanish? When I was about six years old. I had a nanny, Aurora, from Mexico, pretty unheard of at the time. She never learned English, so I had no choice. I consider it to be one of my greatest gifts. It has enriched my life immeasurably. I speak Spanish almost everyday of my life. More about Aurora in my forthcoming memoir.

Do you play any instruments or just sing? I play what I call songwriter piano. I can play my own songs, chords only, and I can play pop songs by ear, again chords only. I pretty much take a back seat to playing when I write as I work with such extraordinary musicians. A true regret. I do wish I could sit down and play anything. I should have listened to my mom when she begged me to take lessons.

What do you think makes you a good parent? Being a good listener, my intuition and unconditional love.

Isn’t that what we are all looking for, young or old.

My friend Lisa recently wrote this to me on Mother’s Day:A mother’s love - or to be successfully mothered creates secure attachment. This allows the receiver to go into the world feeling safe and loved. You carry it within you unconsciously, knowing that you’re not alone. It is the ultimate gift.” If someone feels secure and loved they can conquer the world.

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- Friends -

Jody Watley has been my friend for close to three decades. We met while collaborating on “Don’t You Want Me” for her album, “Jody Watley.” Over the years she has taught me many life lessons,

most importantly to go after my dreams, to keep moving forward, even when I hit a wall and just do it! Jody never ceases to amaze me with her wisdom, resilience, open heart and unconditional love.

She is currently writing the first in a series of novels and continues to perform worldwide.

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What do you value most in your friends?Honesty, loyalty, trust, unconditional love and knowing they are there for me no matter what.

What are three things you think make a friendship last?I have five - Listening, truth, forgiveness, no judgment and someone who calls you on your shit.

What’s your fondest memory of your oldest friend? That I got to see him again. That he told me I gave him the gift of music. That he played me the first three songs I ever taught him. That 40 years later I was able to help him when he needed me the most.

What are three of the most important lessons you’ve learned from your friends?Be kind to yourself. It’s okay to take a nap. Listen, listen, listen. Just be there. I have more than three -Forgive.

What are the most important lessons you’ve learned from your children?There are too many to count, but here are a few: Patience. Tolerance. Unconditional Love. How much saying I’m sorry means. It’s okay to cry in front of your child, they may even see you as stronger.

If you could change one thing about the world what would it be?Attitudes. Attitudes!One of my favorite quotes on friendship….“Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.”- Anais Nin

Photographed by: Katherine Kendall

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What do you value most in your friends?Acceptance to be who I am on good and bad days and I hope they feel the same.I love the quotes: “A true friend is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” “The road is never long while in the company of good friends.” Trust is also vital to any friendship or relationship.

What are three things you think make a friendship last?Empathy, honesty, being considerate of ones feelings and time. Basically, treating anyone as you wish to me treated is always a good principle. I have to add a fourth - a sense of humor. There’s nothing like laughter.

What’s your fondest memory of your oldest friend?I’ve never had a lot of friends, but there is usually an ease at being around them that is apparent from the start. It’s an unspoken quality hard to pinpoint but you just know, I can remember this dating back to elementary school. On my life’s journey one of my best friends was singer Jermaine Stewart who passed away in the 90’s. We shared so many laughs and so I recognize the importance of making good memories with friends. I loved his quick wit. I think sometimes we have certain friends for different reasons and each may serve a different friendship role. Jermaine and I ending up falling out and stopped speaking, after being best friends for over a decade. I’m happy we were able to talk and put the bad feelings behind us before he passed away, though our friendship was never the same - I loved him and wish he were alive. When Prince recently did his stint at The Forum, it made me think of the fun Jermaine and I had going to his shows there during The Purple Rain era, he kept talking his way into the best seats in the house. I admired that quality about him, the gift of gab.

I met Franne Golde as a songwriting colleague back in the 80’s and we’ve been friends since. We had a bond right away. Even if we didn’t talk for long periods of time, it’s always like it was just yesterday. As I said, true friends seem to have this unspoken acceptance and appreciation.

What are three of the most important lessons you’ve learned from your friends?Being there to listen and to validate each other from time to time is a big deal. So many people are consumed by their own problems and never take a moment to listen without judgment to their friends.

It’s not always about giving advice, though as friends that’s what we tend to do a lot of. Sometimes, it good to just listen completely without interruption. Often people talk at each other and are already thinking of the point they want to make rather than just listening.

I also have learned if you have a problem, talk about it and get things out in the open instead of letting resentments or frustrations build up - which can ruin a friendship.

What are the most important lessons you’ve learned from your children?Learning to love animals and nature, being a good listener, laughing being a good neutralizer, and knowing when to give personal space. Perhaps it’s an unconditional love.

If you could change one thing about the world what would it be?No one would be allowed to tailgate, cut you off in traffic, or nearly run over people crossing the street. Their car would have a mechanism to squirt them with lemon juice, lol.

Gosh - just one thing? I guess like one of the prayers my children and I did when they were little and that would be that all bad people would be good people.

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BEAUTY MAKE-UPMy make-up MUSTS! By Franne

NARS MALIBU - cheek and lip color - When I was little and watched my mother put on make-up. I noticed that she always wore cream rouge. “It makes you glow. Powder just dries you out.” I guess I listened. My favorite is NARS!I wear Malibu.

CHANEL MASCARA - I only recently started to wear mascara again. I’d gone years without it, even when I dressed up. My go to has always been Maybelline, which I still use, but I recently had my make-up done at the Chanel counter and fell in love with their “Inimitable” mascara. Great length, separation and no clumps. Yes, it costs more, but I’m worth it!

NARS RISKY BUSINESS - I wear this straight out of the tube or over any number of my NYC pencils, which you can’t beat at $1.00 each. I’ve tried quite a few NARS glosses, but RISKY BUSINESS is my favorite!

OLE HENRIKSEN - Moisturizer - I met Ole in 1983, my friend told me I must get a facial from him. It was love at first sight. Ole gave me a moisturizer as I was leaving and almost 30 years later I’ve never used anything else on my skin. I always keep a couple of jars in my refrigerator so I never run out!

CHANEL CONCEALER - This is another product they used on me and

I fell in love with. Great coverage without looking cakey and dry. I still love my YSL, but this is a

wonderful addition. I never wear base so concealer is my staple.

P R E S C R I P T I V E S Custom Blend Powder

- LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS POWDER - I have used it since the early 80’s. A little concealer, my custom blend powder and I’m good to go. Of course like all products I fall in love with, my powder is only available online now, until they run out. I’m hoarding 6 containers as I write.

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Robin has been my beauty guru and friend for well over two decades. Her facials are out of this world. I always walk away glowing inside and out! I love her passion, how much she gives and how excited she gets when she turns me on to something new she’s found. She is always on the cutting edge and I, along with her who’s who clientele reap the benefits!

How did you get into the business of beauty?Ever since I was a kid, I loved product, packaging and fashion magazines. My mother used to joke that I would spend my allowance on lipstick and as an adult i have heard someone say that I would rather get a makeover than go to Paris. This is true, unless of course the makeover was in Paris!

You have so many celebrity clients. Do people find you by word of mouth.When I started at Ole Henriksen at Sunset Plaza,in the early 80’s, Ole had never advertised. Our business was all word of mouth mostly set off by the uber models of that time. Christie Turlington, Linda Evangelista and Naomi Campbell who were disciples of his. Although Ole and the brand are global, I still believe in the philosophy of referral. I always said my client list would make a great cocktail party!

What’s your favorite beauty product?I still have a real obsession for product, but if trapped on a desert island, I guess I would have to have Ole’s Truth Serum with me. It’s a vitamin for the skin that brings a clarity and luminosity to the skin unsurpassed.

What makes someone beautiful?Speaking of “truth serum”, it is clear that in life, the happiest person in the room is the most beautiful. Happiness.

What is your desert island must have?Oh, isn’t it true, Franne, great minds think alike. I’ve already answered this one! OH, but I must include Flax Seed Oil to that list. It is the only way to lubricate the skin from within. A tablespoon a day keeps the needle away!

What are your best beauty tips?Sleep, nutrition, spirituality, good friends, giving back and a great facialist.

What if your too exhausted to do anything before bed.What would be the one thing you should do?You know this one... YOU TOLD ME! A nice soft warm wash cloth used as a compress will loosen impurities and make you feel loved.

I love all your videos and how you show simple remedies found in your own kitchen that can work miracles. Being a Champagne lover I tried the champagne rinse. LOVE IT!!!!!!!! And so did my hair.

How do you come up with all of these amazing tricks? Well, being of Irish descent, anything with booze probably happened by accident (I hope my mom isn’t reading this from above). But, although I love a gift with purchase and the chrome and glass of the department store, nothing feels better than a wholesome beauty remedy made of fresh fruits and veggies that come right out of your own kitchen. That’s where the heart is.

Find Robin at: beautyhighway.com

My make-up MUSTS! By Franne

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BEAUTY-hair BEAUTY-anti-aging

Carlos Rodriguez, Celebrity Hair ColoristHair Re-Texturizing specialist at Sally Hershberger Los Angeles is my hair colorist. He is a true artist and one of the tops in his field. Everybody loves Carlos, from his celebrity clientele to everyday individuals. Whenever I leave his chair I feel like a million bucks! And, I love his little stash of mini Reese’s PB cups! The number one comment I get almost everyday is, “You have the shiniest hair. What do you do?” I do use a couple of pumps of Shu Uemura Oil before drying, but my secret weapon is Carlos Rodriguez. What magic do you perform to make my hair so shiny even after weeks of exercising, swimming in chlorinated pools, washing, blow drying and sunny LA life? It’s very important to use the right colorants for the individual hair needs. Some colorants lift, others deposit and it’s really important the formula is right for the individual and their lifestyle. Plus a couple of secrets. What brought you to this business of beauty?It was truly Providence! On a friends suggestion, I enrolled in a Cosmetology course with no idea of what I was getting into .Quickly I became the front runner in my group and my instructors would allow my to “do my thing” as they would say to me.“Kid, you got talent at this.” Twenty seven years later, I find myself to be a very Lucky Man. Did you ever imagine you’d be one of the most sought after colorists in Los Angeles and working with so many celebrity clients?I was mesmerized by those who came before me. I wanted to be just like them. The Best! I’m always amazed when I see a blond customer who has had several processes and her hair looks so luxurious, silky, smooth and shiny. Are you willing to tell us your secret?This is a secret. Respect for the hair is #1. Hair is just like a piece of fabric, when getting into lightening, bleaching and highlights it’s very important that process be done slowly. When a client says “I want it now.” I always know, I am not the person for them. Do you think the brand of color one uses makes a big difference?Most definitely, there are so many different manufacturers. In the salon I have a total of 7 different color lines to choose from. I develop a formula unique for each individual. What are your favorite hair color products?As a former L’Oreal Professional Educator, I am most loyal to them. What if someone can’t afford to go to someone like yourself? What would you suggest to them?If you have to head to the drugstore, stay within 1 to 2 shades of your natural color.

Otherwise it can turn into a color correction problem. Where you had hoped to save money, will end up costing you 3 to 4 times more to fix. I would also check out salons that have apprentice programs and model nights. These licensed and supervised apprentices generally work under highly skilled colorists and are months away from getting on the floor. The rates for this generally go between $35-$50 dollars. What’s is your desert island hair product?I love the conditioning Masque from Nigelle ER it truly makes even hair that feels and looks like (barb wire) silky smooth.

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Giving New Meaning to Self-Help: The ‘Autologous’ Face Fix

I stared at my friend’s face, a face I’d known for years, and something was different. She was positively dewy. Her skin looked radiant, fresher. The lines and furrows I watched grow deeper over countless hours of work and stress were softer, or smoother or something. There was nothing I could put my finger on, but she looked fabulous. She grinned. “Either you just had otherworldly sex or you did something, “ I blurted with my usual subtlety.

She leaned forward in that just-between-us way she has and confessed. “I had some work done.”

Work? This woman? The one who crumbled at the idea of a root canal let alone a scalpel in the face? Of course, like all women of a certain age, we’d talked forever about doing something to slough off a few years. But we agreed that short of stealing Ponce de Leon’s hip flask of youth elixir, we were too chicken to make a move. I was not only intrigued but jealous. “Give.”

She gave. The magic is called the Selphyl System, a treatment that harnesses the body’s own healing and growth factors to restore the natural beauty of the face. It’s called a non-surgical “facelift” because it uses your own body’s platelet-rich Fibrin Matrix to soften and fill in hollows, lines, even smooth pre-jowl pouches. Because it’s autologous – you’re your own donor and recipient —and there are no foreign substances, there’s no risk of allergic or adverse reactions.

If I didn’t see the difference I would have thought Selphyl was mad hype. But the fact was her face was subtly transformed after only one treatment and it had been only a week. It takes two-to-three months for Selphyl to take full effect.

The process is simple. The patient donates a couple of ounces of her own blood. Through patented technology, it’s spun in a centrifuge that separates Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) from other matter floating around in the blood. This dense concentrate is transferred through a closed system to a second tube, which creates Platelet-Rich Fibrin Matrix.

All that’s left is to choose the spots you want to go after and inject the homemade (literally) serum. From beginning to end, the whole thing took about a half hour.

“In the first few minutes after the injections, I looked like I walked into a beehive,” she said. “But the bumps and swelling receded really fast. The needles are so small, there was no bruising either. “

More than that, there’s no place on the face (and hands) that it can’t be used. It’s not the stuff of radical transformation. Instead it’s sure and relatively steady. Like everything, Selphyl will work better on some people than others depending on age, skin type and issues. And there’s something about genuinely rejuvenating yourself with no artificial or manufactured materials that’s liberating. Comforting. Especially when the results are said to last at least 12 months with many doctors and patients reporting even longer-term effects.

On the other hand, while the technology is brilliant, it does require a doctor with a deep knowledge of facial structure and an artistic eye to achieve the most natural-looking results.

Tampa-based plastic surgeon, Dr. Bart Rademaker, who performed the Selphyl treatment on my friend, is hyper-sensitive to keeping the appearance organic. That means knowing how deep or shallow each injection should be, where each one should be placed and how much to inject at each site. With a practice grounded in his deepening understanding of the body’s remarkable restorative and regenerative capabilities, Rademaker said that Selphyl delivers consistent, beautiful outcomes without resorting to outside drugs or products. He’s become such an ardent advocate; he’s now training other plastic surgeons in the technology and technique.

I took another look at my friend. I could see that the gully that ran from her nose to her mouth had fleshed out and how the hollows under her eyes weren’t nearly as obvious. Even the little vertical lines than puckered her upper lip were softer, almost vanished. And while I studied her face, I plotted my first trip to Tampa. Hey, who knew the fountain of youth-iness was in my own body. I can’t wait to tap it.

by Anne Adams

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my cousin Zachary Kaufman, a member of the Board of Advisers of Indego Africa, turned me on to this wonderful organization. I am always looking for ways to help those in need and was thrilled to learn about this

groundbreaking group of people making waves. I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Deirdre McGuigan, US Retail Director of Indego Africa.

What is Indego Africa? Indego Africa is an nonprofit social enterprise that partners with women artisans in Rwanda on a fair trade basis to drive forward a sustainable and long term solution to systemic poverty in Rwanda. Indego connects these artisans to the international export market by selling their design conscious and fashion forward jewelry, accessories and home decor items at retailers across the country, as well as on its own E-Commerce site. Indego then returns 100% of the profits to the women through training programs in long term business skills such as literacy, financial management and entrepreneurship.

What is your role at Indego Africa and what is the best part of your job? I’m the U.S. Retail Director at Indego Africa, which means that I spearhead all of our large retail and design partnerships and also manage our E-Commerce and Wholesale businesses. I also work closely

with our awesome production team on the ground in Rwanda, managed by Rwanda Retail Director Sarah Manion, to develop new products and designs to keep our line fresh and innovative. The best part of going to work everyday for me is knowing that the connections and partnerships I make here in the US are providing real income and opportunity to these remarkable women in Rwanda.

Indego Africa has some really awesome products. Anything new this fall?The big news is that after months of intense prototyping and preparation, we received a purchase order from Anthropologie for more than 4,500 stylish winter scarves that will be sold across the U.S. and the UK starting in late September. If successfully executed, this will be the largest knitwear order ever to be exported out of Rwanda to the U.S. We’ve also launched a cool new line of bracelets and necklaces this summer (now available at http://shop.indegoafrica.org/) and continue to expand our partnership with Nicole Miller, who will travel to Rwanda this fall to meet with our partner artisans to develop a line of accessories and apparel for Summer 2012.

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What’s next for Indego Africa? With demand for Indego Africa’s products skyrocketing and out profile growing rapidly, we are excited to enter fall with a number of promising events, partnerships and initiatives on the horizon. First off, we will be bringing two of our most inspiring artisan partners, Emelienne Nyiramana and Therese Iribagiza to the U.S. this fall. Emelienne and Therese, both Goldman Sachs and 10,000 Women scholars, will visit New York City and Washington, DC from Oct. 12th to Oct. 27th to meet with retailers, research the U.S. market, share their inspiring stories, and hang out with the Indego Africa supporter community! How can the Franne Golde community get involved?Shop! Starting this month you can buy our best selling Banana Steel Button Bracelets here at frannegolde.com. You can also check our current product line, including weekender bags, chunky bangles and traditional Rwandan baskets, at http://shop.indegoafrica.org. We are also seeking investments in the Emelienne fund, which will help us cover the costs of her historic trip. Finally, it’s always helpful to “like” Indego Africa on Facebook and/or generally spread the word about our mission. If anyone has any questions, I can always be reached at deirdre.mcguigan@indegoafrica.org






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From Me to You...

Take 10% off your first orderfrom FranneGolde.com

Use coupon code: FG-1527

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Outside of Her Own Closet.

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GEE WAWA LARUE HEEL - COMFY and stylish. Ever since my friend turned me on to Gee WaWa, I’m a diehard fan. They are like walking on air!Shown here in Charcoal.Available at: www.geewawausa.com

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GEE WAWA 3 ERIKA BOOT CLASSIC and I already know it’s comfortable. What could be bad?

PETTY LEOPARD ANKLE BOOTby Sam Edelman - I dare you!

GEE WAWA WOMEN’S MODA OPEN TOE OXFORD - Also comes in Black. Again, COMFORT and Style.

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Anne Adams

A my dear friend and co-author along with Pamela Madsen of Shameless! Fasten your seatbelt and don’t forget your vibra-tor!

Shameless is a big bawdy romp. But, in the writing, what’s between the lines is as important as what’s between the sheets: A not-so-quiet, funny and often stinging debate over morality vs. social mores, loving acceptance vs. cultural acceptability; individual boundaries vs. collective barriers. Pamela the Sexplorer embodies the conflict between emerging science (women want crazy, juicy sex) and the institutional voices that say that luscious inner wildness is suitable only for sublimation. Pam fights for her right to be a woman in full and comes out the slightly bruised but grinning winner with her husband and family happier for it. No one said finding your true nature was easy. But it can be one helluva fun ride.

Rebecca Skloot

Couldn’t put this book down. It’s a biography, a science lesson, history lesson, a mystery and a truly extraordinary story of the family she left behind. Henrietta Lacks was a poor, black woman whose cells were taken without her knowledge in 1951 during a surgery for the cervical cancer that would eventually kill her. They became one of the most important tools in modern medicine. Known as the HeLa cells, they were vital in developing countless medical miracles including the polio vaccine, gene mapping, cloning, and numerous cancer therapies. If you’ve ever been given a polio vaccine you have Henrietta to thank. Think about that!

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Mark NepoMark Nepo is a poet, philosopher and a life-long teacher who has written this amazing spiritual guide, “The BOOK of AWAKENING.”

After my morning walk I follow by reading a daily passage from this book. It is so inspiring and gives me something to meditate on and carry throughout my day. It’s one of those books that always seems to say, exactly what you need to hear.Regardless of what you believe I think you’ll find something wonderful in this book.

“…there are no wrong turns, only unexpected paths.” - Mark Nepo

Sandra Magsamen with Linell Smith

This book made me cry the first time I read it. It is one of my favorite books and I re-read it often. Al-though some might think of it as a children’s book, I think it’s a book for all ages. It is a great reminder of why we are here. And what we are here to do.

A great handbook for anyone who has one!

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i met Robert Ferd Frank while I was recording my 2nd album at Criteria Studios in Miami. He was recording The

John Cougar album down the hall. We had a great time hanging out together and he has become an award-winning photographer. I’m extremely excited to share his work with you! More about: Robert Ferd FrankI’ve been shooting photographs and painting since 2000, self taught in both. I am fortunate enough to be surrounded by many talented local artists which have been a great influence on me. My painting techniques were developed by painting on art cars and watching others paint. My photography began with the introduction of the digital age. I became fascinated the use of Photoshop and various other programs for digital artwork. My obsession with the camera came later, somewhere around 2005.

My early years as an artist were focused mainly on music. I first played trumpet in high school, and my interest changed to rock & roll after the English invasion of the Stone’s and Beatles.

I played in a local band, the Aerovons, that recorded an album at Abbey Road in 1969. In the mid 70’s I hooked up with John Cougar (Mellencamp), and recorded four albums with him as his bass player.

All of my images are taken from a gut instinct. I see a beautiful moment, I react, and I take the picture, which can happen anywhere, anytime, and be any subject. It could be magical light, an expression, a combination of color or shapes, a special moment in life ...

I believe you need be in spirit of the image before the editing process begins to get the best results, otherwise the end product can turn out lifeless. Some images are edited immediately after I shoot them ... others wait until the time and energy is right.

Much of my current work is High Dynamic Range (HDR), a process which blends multiple exposures of the same image in special software. This is what gives my images an illustrated look. I put the final touches to the images in photoshop. I work intuitively, and let the process of editing the image take me where ever it takes me. The final reward for me is the print.

I like to title my images to give the viewer an interpretive starting point and leave the rest to be interpreted.

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If the Walls Could Talk

His photos can be viewed at:www.ferdworks.com

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The Walls of Ojai –

i met Matt and Donna Wall on a recent trip I took to Ojai. While taking my morning walk I noticed them sitting on their porch having brunch. We exchanged “good mornings” and they invited me into their charming home. Among other things I learned, they have been

married for 55 years, have 12 children, 34 grandchildren and are still very much in love. I asked what their secret was, Matt answered.

“The greatest challenge in our lives boils down to caring and hoping. We are alive and living in this world for only one reason. We are here in the moments so that we can have a chance to learn what true love is and practice it. True love is not a physical thing. True love is a knowing.”


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Not to spoil the ending, but everythings going to be alright... --saw this on my friend Lauren’s site, had to share!

Be a source of love and strength amid adversity.

The best things in life aren’t things” - Ann Landers

The Muse visits during the act of creation, not before. Don’t wait for her. Start alone.--Roger Ebert

The best things come in the worst packages.

When your memories outweigh your dreams you’re moving in the wrong direction.--Dr. Richard Berger

A mother’s love - or to be successfully mothered creates secure attachment, which allows the receiver to go into the world feeling safe and loved. You carry it within you, unconsciously knowing

that you’re not alone and it is the ultimate gift. -- Zlisa

Whether one believes in a religion or not, and whether one believes in rebirth or not, there isn’t anyone who doesn’t appreciate kindness and compassion.

-- Dalai Lama

20 years ago today I tripped on the fine line between life and death. My father died, it was literally the crossing of my childhood into my adulthood, even though my grandparents had passed a

couple years before, the innocence of childhood still remained. After my father passed, the veil was completely lifted. I saw true sorrow and understood despair from somewhere deep within. Now

looking back I see how much my life was shaped by this event, I see the impact was much greater than I ever could have imagined. The lasting effect that flutters through time almost invisible until

dates pop up. Realizing so much time has past, yet as the tears well up almost uncontrollably, I understand that this has impacted me beyond time and space, it delves into my soul leaving only a knowing of loss and a struggle to try to hold what cannot be held, searching for a way to trick the

universe into giving me back my dad.

Holding on and holding on tight, now 20 years later I want to let go of the sorrow and the pain. Birthing a new reality of love and compassion without the limits of loss and sorrow. Realizing that I know the loss and sorrow part quite well and now I choose to learn of love without the fear of loss. Understanding beyond comprehension. I love my father and he had to go, but I feel his spirit never really leaves mine, times ticks on and on, but the bond we share is eternal. I now see beauty in the

connection of all things, the bonds that fill the space in between,eternally floating about but never breaking.



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