field instruction roster presentation angela marocco, project manager

Post on 06-Jan-2018






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How to sign into Google Docs Your inbox will look like the screenshot below. Next, click the array symbol in the upper right hand corner to access Google Apps and then click the triangle to access Google Drive. Step 1 Step 2


Field Instruction Roster Presentation Angela Marocco, Project Manager (

How to sign into Google Docs▪ First sign into your gmail account

▪ is a gmail account

Type your username/password on the U of M weblogin page

How to sign into Google Docs

Your inbox will look like the screenshot below.

Next, click the array symbol in the upper right hand corner to access Google Apps and then click the triangle to access Google Drive. Step 1

Step 2

You’re now in Google Drive

▪ Think of Google Drive as a place to store and edit files▪ You can make edits online to documents, spreadsheets

and presentations▪ Multiple users can edit and/or view documents

(depending on editing rights that the original owner sets)

How to access your field instruction rosterWhen accessing the Field Instruction Rosters/Logs for the first time, it

will be located under the heading on the left titled “Shared with Me” in a folder titled TFA Field Instructors' Resources.

▪Look for the folder under shared with me

“Shared with Me”

How to access your field instruction roster▪Once opened, the roster will look like this:

How to access your field instruction roster▪Find your roster tab at the bottom


Scroll to the right if needed

How the spreadsheet is organized▪Placement information (You will notice first name, last name and

cohort year are in “frozen columns” so that when you scroll to the right you can still see this information)

Frozen Column indicator

How the spreadsheet is organized▪ When you scroll to the right, you will notice orange and green shaded boxes. These boxes

are to record the dates/scores for field visits and dates for phone consults. Pay attention to the wording in each box to see the amount of visits and consults each corps member needs based off their cohort year or if they are a corps member of concern (CMC).

Check cohort year here

1st YR (2014) or CMC = 4 observations + 3 consults required, 2 extra visits and/or 2 consults, if needed

2nd YRs (2013) = 3 observations + 3 consults required, 1 extra visit and/or 1 consult if needed

3rd YRs (2012) = 3 observations + 1 consult required, 1 extra consult, if needed

How you know if you have a Corps Member of Concern (CMC)

▪ Check your corps member list and if any of the names are highlighted in a red or light yellow, that means you have a CMC.

▪ There’s also a column that will show you if the CM is on “probation (red)” or “watch list (light yellow)” and the reasons.

▪ There are various reasons a CM is classified a CMC (Field Scores (F), Attendance in Seminar (A) and/or portfolio assignment grades (P). We only share the CMCs with you that have field issues (although you might possibly see seminar related codes like A and P).

▪ If you have blanks highlighted in a beige color that simply means you have room on your roster in case we need to add a CM at a later date.

Red or light yellow color indicates CMC

This column shows their CMC status and reason codes

This beige color indicates space is available on this roster

Other details in the roster information▪The cohort column is colored coded by year (green for 2012, purple

for 2013 and blue for 2014)▪The region column shows a general region location of the school the

CM is placed at (also color coded)


Cohort year

Entering Dates and Scores into the Roster▪ Once a visit is COMPLETE, enter the date it occurred on. It’s best not to enter a date until

after the visit actually occurs. Once the score is calculated, enter the visit score. Not everyone will have the same amount of visits, it depends on their corps year and needs.

1st YR (2014) or CMC = 4 observations + 3 consults required, 2 extra visits and/or 2 consults, if needed

2nd YRs (2013) = 3 observations + 3 consults required, 1 extra visit and/or 1 consult if needed

3rd YRs (2012) = 3 observations + 1 consult required, 1 extra consult, if needed

Entering Dates and Scores into the Roster▪ Once a phone consult is COMPLETE, enter the date it occurred on. It’s best not to enter a

date until after the consult actually occurs. Not everyone will have the same amount of consults, it depends on their corps year and needs.

1st YR (2014) or CMC = 4 observations + 3 consults required, 2 extra visits and/or 2 consults, if needed

2nd YRs (2013) = 3 observations + 3 consults required, 1 extra visit and/or 1 consult if needed

3rd YRs (2012) = 3 observations + 1 consult required, 1 extra consult, if needed

How do I save changes?▪ Changes made in Google spreadsheets are all automatically saved for you every few

seconds. So, you won’t find a “Save” button anywhere in the spreadsheet. Once you make changes you can simply leave the document and all your changes will be automatically saved.

▪ The one exception to this rule is in that it’s best not to have a cell with a blinking cursor open in spreadsheets when exiting the spreadsheet, because that can cause that specific cell’s data to be lost. Just be sure your cursor isn’t blinking in a cell before exiting the spreadsheet. Hit enter to prevent this.

Simply close the tab or window to exit and changes are automatically saved

How can I save the resource folder to my Google Drive?"

It's important to save the TFA Field Instructors' Resources folder to your drive so that you can easily access it in the future. Once you open the folder, click "Open in Drive" in the upper right hand corner, which will put the folder in your umich Google Drive account.

How can I access this resource folder at a later time?

Adding this folder to your drive will allow you to easily access it in the future. After you add it to drive, you will find the TFA Field Instructors' Resources folder on the left hand side under "My Drive".

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