fight the battle, have the mind of...

Post on 18-Aug-2020






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A PLACE TO CALL HOME January 14, 2018



The devil & his gang of demons work at tearing us down through many avenues: fear of not being good enough, not

having enough, not being smart enough….on & on & on. All lies! Jesus told the Pharisees in John 8, Why is my

language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. You belong to your father, the devil, & you

want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is

no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar & the father of lies.

When people don’t have Jesus, it is easy for them to buy into the devil’s lies & they can become depressed.

Depression is the devil’s way of keeping people down. It is very easy for people to lose hope, not to want to do

anything, to be lost inside themselves, not sharing life or looking for a positive future in that state of mind. When

you let Jesus take control He can help you overcome the depression & start a new life of reliance on Him & receive

the blessings of strength & faith found only in God. You will be able to glorify God Who has brought you through

the valleys of darkness in all things. It takes dedication & commitment to study of God’s word to renew our minds.

Do not be discouraged. God gave us spiritual armor described in Ephesians 6, to protect ourselves from the

influences of the evil one. The stronger your faith & reliance on Jesus, the stronger the armor!

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having

done all, to stand. (Jesus stood against the devil and won)

14 Stand therefore, having your loins girted about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

(Jesus did not lie, He was the truth and He provided the righteousness)

15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; (Jesus brought the good news and spread the

word that gave all of us a chance of eternal life)

16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

(Jesus faith in His Father never failed Him. He defeated the devil)

17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

Jesus provided the salvation, the Holy Spirit provided the sword of the word through mortal men, and we

must remember according to John 1: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word

was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not

anything made that was made. In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shown in darkness;

and the darkness comprehended it not.

God keep you and bless you all. Mary Bowden

Medly: I’LL FLY AWAY, I SAW THE LIGHT, DO LORD Everyone sings

Some glad morning when this life is o’er, I’ll fly away. To a home on God’s celestial shore, I’ll fly away. I’ll fly away O glory,

I’ll fly away. When I die hallelujah by & by, I’ll fly away. Just a few more weary days & then, I’ll fly away. To a land where

joys shall never end, I’ll fly away. C. I wandered so aimless life filled with sin I wouldn’t let my dear Savior in. then Jesus

came like a stranger in the night. Praise the Lord, I saw the light. I saw the light, I saw the light. No more darkness, no

more night. Now I’m so happy, no sorrow in sight. Praise the Lord, I saw the light. Jut like a blind man I wandered along

worries 7 fears I claimed for y own. Then like the blind man that God gave back his sight. Praise the Lord I saw the light. C.

I’ve got a home in gloryland that out shines the sun. I’ve got a home in gloryland that out shines the sun. I’ve got a home in

gloryland that out shines the sun, Look away beyond the blue. Do Lord, o do Lord, o do remember me. Do Lord,. O do

Lord, o do remember me. Do Lord, o do Lord, o do remember me, way beyond the blue. I took Jesus for my savior you

take Him too. I took Jesus for my savior you take Him too. I took Jesus for my savior you take him too, look away beyond

the blue. C.


Jesus on the mainline tell Him what you want. Jesus on the mainline tell Him what you want. Jesus on the mainline, tell

Him what you want. You can call Him up & tell Him what you want. You can call Him up, call Him up & tell Him what you

want. X2, Go on call Him up & tell him what you want. If you’re sick & ya wanna get well, tell Him what you want. X 2, Go

on call Him up & tell Him what you want. C. His line ain’t every busy, tell Him what you want. X2, Go on call Him up & tell

him what you want. C.

I CAN REJOICE Adam sings

Just take a look around & see what a mess this world is in for you & me. Oh, you may think the times are bad there’s a

reason I’m not crying, there’s a reason I’m not sad. I can rejoice, I can rejoice. When I’m feeling down I still can lift my

voice. When the skies begin to rain I won’t complain I have a choice. For I have Jesus in my heart I can rejoice. Gonna

live by faith, not by sight. Gonna leave the darkness & start living in the light. Gonna trust His word, gonna watch & pray.

All the worry in my heart can’t change the outcome anyway. C. Leave this world behind & I won’t worry anymore. I’ll leave

this world behind & I won’t worry anymore. I’ll leave this world behind & I won’t worry anymore. I have Jesus in my heart I

can rejoice. Oh, a hundred years from now, it won’t matter anyhow. A hundred years from now it won’t matter anyhow. A

hundred years from now, it won’t matter anyhow. I have Jesus in my heart I can rejoice. C. I can rejoice, I can rejoice.

When I’m feeling down I still can lift my voice. When the skies begin to rain I won’t complain I have a choice for I have

Jesus in my heart I can rejoice. Oh what singing oh what shouting. I have Jesus in my heart I can rejoice.


I heard an old, old story how a Savior came from glory how He gave His life on Calvary to save a wretch like me. I heard

about His groaning of His precious blood’s atoning then I repented of my sins & won the victory.

O, victory in Jesus, my Savior forever. He sought me & bought me with His redeeming blood. He loved me ‘ere I knew

Him & all my love is due Him. He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood.

I heard about a mansion He has built for me in glory. & I heard about the streets of gold beyond the Crystal Sea. About the

angels singing & the old redemption story & some sweet day I’ll sing up there the song of victory. C.


When Jesus went to the wilderness to let the devil have his say even after 40 days & nights not worship would He pay.

Now 3 times satan tempted Him, he tried to be so slick. Then the Son of God spoke Holy words & the devil cut out real

quick. He went awalking down the road, he went awalking down the road. Walking down the road & he never looked

back again. He went awalking down the road, he went awalking down the road. Walking down the road & he never

looked back again. When Jesus saw a crippled man lying on his bed, because this man had friends of faith He leaned over

to him and said, “Now stand up son be of good cheer because I forgive your sins.” Then the man stood up on brand new

legs, grabbed up his bed & then. C. Now if your cares are worldly & the devil hangs around, but you want to fight

temptation let me tell you what I’ve found. You need to know the Savior, get on your knees my friend. Just turn you back

on the sin in your life, stand up, trust God & then. You go….C

+For more information about Western Star Cowboy Church, our

ministries or spiritual guidance; please contact one of our church


For Benevolence call one of the Elders.

Western Star Cowboy Church Leaders


Bobby Bowden – 817.880.5488

WOLF Pack Minister & Newsletter

Mary Bowden – 817.880.4210


Garry Tebbens – 817.829.0093 - Wes Robinson – 817.597.9453

James Fraizer – 469.410.2699 - Tye Kinnibrugh – 682.262.4856

Lay Pastors

Kenny Woodruff – 817.235.7202 - David King – 817.726.0147

Manny Cuevas – 817.874.2603 - David Sneed – 817.600.1436

Wranglers Ministry (ages 1 -12)

Mary Bowden; Coordinator – 817.880.4210

Open Gate Ministry (ages 13 –to young adult)

Sundays at 4:00 pm at the Bunkhouse

Manny Cuevas – 817.874.2603

WOLF Ministry (Woman Of Love & Faith)

Nita King & Mary Bowden


Please keep the church & all WSCC members in your daily


*Pray for our Pastor Bobby, the Elders, Lay Pastors,

Bible study teachers & our youth.

*Pray for our government, military members, fire,

police & emergency responders & their families.

*Pray for those families affected by the mud slides


Bible Study at Fellowship Hall on Wednesday Nights at 7 PM (Studying book of Acts)

Jan 14th: Pastor Bobby to preach

Jan14th: Wrangler class to start up again in the Fellowship Hall: Teacher schedule:

1st Sundays: Brenda & Wes Robinson, 2nd Sundays: Mary & Bobby Bowden,

3rd Sundays: Faith Shipman & Barbara Woodfuff, 4th Sundays: Renee & Dustin Loper

If anyone else would like to teach a Sunday, please let Mary know. Thanks!

Jan 21st: Pastor Bobby to preach

Jan 23rd: Elder & Lay Pastor meeting at Fellowship Hall at 7 PM

Jan 28th: Pastor Bobby to preach


The Nursery was a big success! WSCC got a seal of approval from 2 families last Sunday

who were able to use it. It is all about the families being able to bring their children, still

being able to hear the message & worshiping God. Thank you, Jesus for using the church

family to accomplish this important responsibility to our families with small children!


Your monetary gifts to God are used to cover the various monthly & annual expenses/missions of WSCC

where God in His ultimate wisdom brought all of us together to worship & praise Him.

Proverbs 3:9-10 tells us we will be blessed for blessing God.

Sunday, January 7, 2018 attendance: 90 Donations $2293.00


We need



for some

of our





David & Velma dancing at

their 50th wedding

anniversary party.


4 years ago, Diane & Velma sliding in

the snow

Helen wins Devotional at ugly Christmas

sweater contest

Sunday Morning Candlelight

service at WSCC for Christmas

Dave & Nita Christmas

greeting on horseback

Harper with guitar gift

Frazier Christmas gathering

Cyndi got camo! Almost couldn’t

recognize her in all those leaves! A visit from Santa for the Wranglers

Glenda Smith in

rehab – broken


Wes Robinson

in Hospital –

high blood


Sheila Patton is

in rehab in

Decatur –

broken leg &

collar bone

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