figurative language michael tatum

Post on 03-Jul-2015






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Figurative Language


An alliteration is repetition of a single letter in the alphabet. Examples are Mystic Mountain Blueberry; Tuxedo T-shirt; Portly Penguins; Taco Tuesday Tomorrow.

A Metaphor directly compares two unlike things. Some examples are, This house is a prison. I am a glass case of emotion. This school is an after school program.

Simile compares one unlike thing using words of comparison, You’re like a miniature Buddha covered in hair. I am going to come at you like a spider monkey. My son is as strong as a lion.

Personification -speaking of something that is not human and giving it abilities as if it had human reactions.

Example: Tweety bird played basketball with the kids.

Hyperbole a great exaggeration used to emphasize a point and is used for expressive or comic effect. Not meant to be taken literally. I was so scared I couldn’t hear myself scream.

An idiom is a group of words whose meaning are different from the original meaning . Once it is repeated often it develops a new meaning of its own.

Example: He was sick in the mood.

Formation of a word from a sound. Who! Whooo! Whoa! Owl! Whoop! There it is. Boom boom, bang , and pop.

Ashley Parker, Will Ferrell Figurative Language, YouTube retrieved on October 13, 2014

Ms Meredith, Figurative Language In Movies, YouTube, retrieved on October 13,2014

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