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Post on 20-Jul-2020






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ACTSAn overview of chapters 1-13

…using Sermon notes

It all starts with _prayer______ The disciples went throughout the land _proclaiming__________ Jesus God's people were being _filled______ with the Holy Spirit

The TRAVELER’S Guide to Acts

• Jerusalem (1 - 7)• Judea and Samaria (8 - 12)• Uttermost part of the world (13 - 28)

The ARTISTIC Overview

Acts Part I

Author: LukeRecipient: TheophilusAudience: Believers everywhere and for all generationsPurpose:

1) History of the beginning of the church2) Blueprint for how to build and function as the church3) Encouragement power and victory in the midst of persecution and suffering

Key PointsPre-resurrection of JesusPost resurrection of JesusPeople Group JewsPattern of the church

Key PointsPeter – Acts 1-12 & Mary?Paul – Acts 13-28Pentecost – Acts 2Proselytizing Preaching Proclaiming

Proselytize: Convert, or attempt to convert from one religion, belief, or opinion to another.

Prophets – ActsPossessions – Acts 4:32-36Purging – Acts 5:1-6Persecution – Acts 5:17-8:3People problems Prejudice – Acts 6:1Positions or Roles in the church

“The 12” – Acts 6:2“The 7” - Acts 6:3

People Groups Non-Jews (Gentiles)

Key Verse(Acts 1:8) “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

Table Time 1) Share a special time of prayer that you can recall. What made it memorable?2) Share how you've seen the Holy Spirit at work

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