film poster and magazine draft layouts

Post on 29-Jun-2015






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By Caitlin Reidy


For this draft I made the image the background to make it the main impactful piece on the cover, I also made sure it was the only image so that the readers eye wasn’t moved away.The tagline was placed just underneath the title of the film to show their relation; with the title at the top of the poster to tie the rest of it together. Also, I included to review quotes to make the film seem more credible; giving evidence and reason for the audience to see it. Furthermore, I put a billing block at the bottom of the poster as it is a normal convention of film posters; therefore it would make mine seem more realistic.


On my second draft I decided a different version of the layout whilst including the same features. The image was used as the background but only on the right hand side, leaving a space on the other which would be filled with a dark background that would blend into the image; making the image stand out and looking menacing and mysterious. I kept the title at the top of the page to set up what the posters about to the reader whilst moving the tagline to the bottom, below the image, making it separate whilst being able to re-enforce the topic of the film. Furthermore, I only placed one review quote on the poster so the poster isn’t too cluttered with text, allowing it to seem more mysterious and make the text seem more dramatic.


On this draft I made the image the background so it’s shown as the main attracter of the audience; describing the film itself. Instead of a review quote I used a ‘From the makers of...’ text box at the top of the poster as this would make the film seem more credible and would attract a wider audience of those who saw the previous films. The tagline is placed in the middle of the image to show its relation whilst the title is positioned at the bottom of the poster, being the last thing read to make it seem more dramatic and tense whilst not taking away from the main features of the poster.


After creating these draft layouts of how my poster will be positioned and what features will be used I have made crucial decisions to what I’ll include;I will definitely put a billing block at the bottom of the poster as it is a usual convention for all film posters and will therefore make it seem more realistic.I have decided to use my image as the background to my poster whilst allowing it to stand in the middle so it slightly blends into a plain, dark background that will cover the edges of the poster.Furthermore, I think the title will be positioned at the bottom of the page to make it seem less cluttered and place one or two review quotes around the poster to attract an audience and back up the films credibility.



On my first draft I placed the masthead at the top of the cover as it is a usual convention for magazines whilst placing the image as the background to draw the readers attention to it firstly.I only placed a few coverlines on the right hand side of the poster, towards the bottom, in order to leave most of the image uncovered.I also included a circular coverline to add variations to the magazine and make it seem more interesting; attracting the audience’s attention.


On the second draft I placed a coverline at the bottom and top of the page to border the page and fill its content; showing the amount of information contained within the magazine. The masthead was more centralised on this version to allow it to stand out and draw attention as the second most important element, from the image.The image is also centralised on this cover with the edges of the cover in a different background; which I will place as plain to allow the image to stand out further whilst giving more space for coverlines to see without taking away from the image.


For my third draft I put the masthead at the top of the page taking up the width; making it bold and stand out so it’s identified to the reader. I reused the idea of putting a circular coverline to make the cover more diverse and only used to plain coverlines which stood on the left hand side, opposite the circular one, so they didn’t take away from the image which is centralised and takes up most of the page. However, I made another varitation of a coverline at the bottom left-hand corner which placed another image on the cover to show the diverse information inside the magazine.


For my film magazine front cover I have decided that the masthead will be placed along the top of the page as this is a normal convention used in all other real magazines. Whilst having the image stand in the middle of the front cover; so it is the main attracter of the readers attention and have the coverlines placed around it within the corners of the page. I think I will use a circular coverlines as it adds variation to the page and makes it seem more exciting to the reader whilst have the rest as simple text coverlines.I will only be using one image on the page, as any more would make it seem too cluttered, and would have it relating to my film trailer.

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