film review - vocabulary workshop: fill in the gaps handout + answers

Post on 06-May-2015






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A complete free lesson plan and vocabulary workshop can be found here: The activity is based on a film review by Movieline ( and presents new words in context and with other words that they go with (i.e. horizontally). The visuals in the clip add a powerful element and help students to memorize the vocabulary easier and faster. The activity could also be used to introduse a possible rhetorical structure of an oral film review (possible because there are other ways to structure a review). Level: B2 Target skill: vocabulary Other skills involved: reading, listening, rhetorical structure of an oral film review.


Exercise based on a Film Review by Movielline Exercise is developed by Alina Dashkewitz:

Watch the film review of the Amazing Spider-Man 2 by Movieline and fill in the gaps with the missing


Watch the review here:

A complete free lesson plan and vocabulary workshop can be found here:

Now we have the Amazing Spiderman 2, you cannot keep this character down.

This time he is fighting three ______ , all of whom are interesting. Jamie Foxx is in this edition, he plays

Electro. Also we have the Green Goblin, who is back in the form of Peter Parker’s old friend, Harry

Osborn, this time played by Dane DeHaan, who is one of the best young actors, in my point of view. He

is ______ for this role and he is a complicated character. His father, who ran Oscorp, has died and that’s

played by Chris Cooper. Now who runs the company? Well, it is none other than the Green Goblin, as it

turns out to be, so that’s another _______ for Spiderman and then we have Giamatti along for the ride.

So with all these villains there have to be a lot of action.

This movie is filled with _______ special effects even for the Spiderman franchise. The movie is a lot of

fun. It is a little long I think but it is really going to _______ very young kids in particular. There are a lot

of _______ in this film, you can’t help this in this whole Spiderman world. It is full of some of the

corniest stuff of any superhero movie I’ve ever seen. But I kind of liked it, it all ____. And then once

again we have Sally Field as _______ as ever, you think she lives with this guy you think she’d figure out

like everybody else that he might be Spiderman. Even when she has to wash his uniform and he has an

excuse for that. You have to see it to believe it. And what also __________ is Emma Stone, here as Gwen

Stacy , the love interest for Peter Parker. These two are ______ together. Andrew Garfield and Emma

Stone and she is a much bigger part than in the first one. Also New York City is the ____ star of this

version. In the first Amazing Spiderman, a lot of time he spent in his house, in his room, in dark spaces.

Here he is really out and flying around and they really have fun with all the ______ and the flying and all

that stuff that goes on around New York. A lot of great action-set pieces and ________.

One little warning here, one major character may not survive this edition to live again in a _______.

We’re gonna have to find out, but I was kind of ______ and surprised. At ______ , the Amazing

Spiderman 2 is _______, especially if you are a fan of marvel comic books. It is one to see.

Exercise based on a Film Review by Movielline Exercise is developed by Alina Dashkewitz:


1. Villains

2. Well-suited

3. Challenge

4. Outstanding

5. Appeal to

6. Dumb lines

7. Fits

8. Clueless

9. Makes it work beautifully

10. Terrific

11. Major

12. Whooshing

13. Derring-do

14. Sequel

15. Shocked

16. At any rate

17. Worth seeing

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