film website evaluation

Post on 28-Jul-2015






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Top Line.

Okay, so the top line is what people will see first! So, it’s pretty important! Because it’s the first thing people see, I wanted the title to be there! Also, it’s very conventional for that to be there! With the title at the top, people know what they’re looking at. Essential. Also on the top, we have the tagline kind of off centre and delicately noticeable. This is there to fill space, mainly. Also, it’s good to have it there, so people can reference and link it to the film! The buttons are there to mainly help people work there way around the site and there’s a webstore! Perfect for making money! The top line went pretty well! It looks good, simple and does what it’s supposed to!

Trailer And Feeds!

This is here for one main reason, advertisement! I figured the reason for a website is to advertise, so why not make that the most prominent feature on the website! Not only is it conventional to have the trailer there, but it really adds to the website! It gives it some volume to everything and stands out! Now, the Twitter Feed, Follow and Facebook Like buttons are really there to show use of Social Media, which is currently one of the biggest marketing techniques in use at the moment! By utilising them on the website, more people follow, more people see the follows and so more free advertising is done! Other than that, it’s quite a modern convention and so works quite well!

Poster And Text!

Unfortunately, this is the part I hated most about my website! Whilst it works and is quite conventional, it just doesn’t look right. I blame Wix for this, as it doesn’t have many text features, so there’s little room for editing! However, you have to make do! The poster position is good, despite the bad text. I’m creating an association, so if anyone sees either, then they know what they’re looking at and can really be informed about the film, before they’ve even seen it! Also, if they like the poster, they can easily take it from here and post it somewhere! More and more free advertising! This is what we want, make the audience advertise for us, so we get more public attention!

Bottom Line!

The bottom line is possibly the least important part of my website homepage, however it is fairly decent! It looks tidy, not out of place and symmetrical! It covers legal stuff (Really just the same throughout) and generally looks conventional! It gives the whole page an end and sits nicely to give the page even more volume!

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