final assessment in mcom 536

Post on 07-Nov-2014






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This Final Assessment Paper was created as a reflection piece on the assignment completed in MCOM 536 Internet for Educators.


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MCOM 536 Internet for Educators- Final Reflection

Blair Thallmayer

East Stroudsburg University

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Topic 1 Email Exploration

The purpose of Email Exploration is to be sure that I am acquainted with the basics of

email: the kinds of things one should be able to do to be a “power user” of email. The only

problem is that people use different email programs so learning how to do certain tasks is unique

to the client being used. Therefore, using the help screen or contacting the Internet Service

Provider (ISP) or email client for help with some tasks is normal. Having basic emails skills,

like receiving and replying to messages, and forwarding messages, is something that all

educators should be knowledgeable about in today’s society. All of the information to teach

myself how to use an e-mail client was built into the help and options pages in the actual e-mail

client, making my life much easier. As the first assignment of the year, I found all of the

instructions to be worded perfectly, easy to follow, and great to serve as an ice-breaker of sorts.

Topic 2 Forums/listservs, Wikis, Blogs Evaluation

The task for topic two involved subscribing to at least two educationally related forums

or listservs; monitor at least two educationally related blogs; and monitor at least one

educationally related wiki. At first, I was unsure as far as what these terms meant, but through

search engines online, the definitions became easier. Reading forum posts and blog articles are

very valuable to my understanding of the usage of the web in teaching because they allow

teachers an outlet to exchange ideas or discuss their opinions. Wikis go even further by

combining plenty of ideas and lessons and definitions on a single page. Learning e-mail basics

was a good first step, and moving onto posting online seemed like a logical next step.

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Topic 3 Information Searches

Searching for information on the internet can be one of the most difficult tasks, or it can

be fairly easy, depending on how it is gone about. Using the various types of search tools and

search functions, information should familiarize teachers with new tools never used before, and

allow completion of an Internet Treasure Hunt. Using the search tools to complete the treasure

hunt of eleven questions was far from difficult. Given the search tools and search functions

beforehand made the assignment simple with clear directions because the information was

presented and available already by using familiarized tools with correct information.

Topic 4 Web Evaluation Rubric & Evaluation

Every web page must be evaluated based on a variety of criteria. The task was to become

acquainted with various evaluation processes, and apply those valuation techniques to your own

evaluations of web pages. Viewing web pages on a daily basis was a standard routine for me. I

understood that there must have been a set of guidelines that web designers have to follow in

order to create an appropriate and creative web site. However, I was never really sure of the

variety of criteria until this project. Now that I can identify the various evaluation processes, I

can apply those techniques to evaluating web pages. This will also benefit me when creating web

pages, as well as appropriately viewing websites for my future students.

Topic 5 Acceptable Use Policies

The task involving the Acceptable Use Policies included the parts of an AUP, and

highlighting responsibilities in the administration of the policy. Becoming familiar with the

AUP is another focus that educators should have obtained knowledge about. Currently I am not

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teaching in a classroom; therefore I created an outline to what I would teach to my students if I

were in a class about AUP. Personally, I always learn better by teaching others, so this task

improved my background on AUP as well as creating an outline on how I would teach others on

the topic. When I begin teaching, I will remember the outline I created, as well as researching

and collecting the schools AUP for future assignments and projects within the school. I did not

really understand, though, how this applied to learning from the Internet, other than that the AUP

can be accessed on the web.

Topic 6 Create a HTML page & FTP it to a student web space

Topic 6 was a terrific way to introduce and begin working with HTML pages and FTP

servers. Before this assignment, I had never created either a HTML web page, nor turned that

into FTP into a student web space. Having taken small steps with this first HTML assignment , I

felt extremely prepared for future HTML assignments. When embarking on new assignments

with unfamiliar software and directions, it is often frightening and challenging to recognize and

repeat until the practice is no longer necessary. Students, like myself, need to go beyond their

comfort zone, and discover as well as be assigned new experiences to develop growth as a


Topic 7 Create a Web Page & FTP it to a student web space

Topic 7 is the continuation of Topic 6, in the sense that Topic 6 was the introduction/

basic skills lesson on using HTML and FTP and now Topic 7 is to reinforce those skills using

individual creativity to display what a teacher web page should come across as. Having a sample

teacher-created home page that followed the same directions gave a clear visual for what the

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assignment was asking for. I like viewing sample projects before completing my own product,

due to my visual learning style. I need to see the final product of another to piece together my

own creation. This assignment was a great starting tool when creating teacher web-pages. I will

carry on the information from this assignment as well as continuing to learn more information

that will develop my own personal teacher web-page when I have my own classroom and am

teaching full time. In short this was overall the most interesting, valuable and enjoyable topic for

me during this class. As a teacher, I could create a teacher web-page for my students and parents

to keep as a communication tool outside of the classroom. I would post all assignments, projects,

academic/curriculum standards, classroom/school/district calendar of listed events, field trips,

educational resources, photos (if given permission) and the list goes on. In addition, it would be

visually appealing and written at the appropriate level of my readers.

Topic 8 Create a WebQuest

WebQuest format and assignment is something that I am very familiar with from my

undergraduate courses at East Stroudsburg University in the elementary and special education

departments. In the past my projects were created in Microsoft PowerPoint, so it was new to

learn an alternative way to creating something I already knew about. Developing a WebQuest on

a web-page was a new and fun experience. I enjoyed coming across many online resources for

building up Topic 8. There is just so much information on the web that you really need to make

sure it is correct. Topic 8 is another task that I will continue to develop on in my own learning as

a professional, as well as using it in my classroom when I begin teaching in addition to graduate

school course assignments. Not only did I take pleasure in learning some new information on a

recognizable theme for me but also benefited from fresh experiences.

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Topic 9 Collaborative Project Design

Collaborative Projects are very appealing and a motivating idea that I wished I completed

as a younger student. As the teacher I think conducting this would be even better. Collaborative

Projects are a great way for students to broaden their knowledge of their own environment and

world. Children, starting at a young age, begin making sense of the world around them.

Connecting educational content areas to a fun and global project will make students make more

bonds to their world. The directions for this topic were clear, however coming up with the actual

project proved to be more difficult than I initially thought. Still, the end result was a great

example of how students from different backgrounds can come together for the greater good of


Topic 10 Presentations & Links*

The purpose of this assignment was to create a list of websites that would be beneficial

for students that you teach or educators/peers. Topic 10 was a wonderful way to create a

classroom list of web-sites links that everyone could benefit from. It is always good to discover

things on your own, but it is also nice when others have the correct information you need. This

assignment will assist everyone in utilizing the internet for educational and professional

development purposes. Instructors can only do so much, that it is often useful to learn from


Extra Project

Add a Web 2.0 Component to your WebQuest. The purpose was to create a structure for

students to use it. The purpose of this Web 2.0 is a blog for students to continue on with the

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WebQuest I created as an alternative assessment. I created this Web 2.0 from, and

I found it from another class I am currently taking (MCOM 510). This was a great way to

develop another type of assessment using the same goals and objectives. Using forms of

alternative assessments is something that I will be frequently doing in the classrooms. Knowing

how to use the internet and the online resources available will make it easier to develop

assessments for all students.


Overall, I really enjoyed my experience in this course, as not only was the material

important to me as a teacher, but it was also fun to learn. We live in such a technologically

advanced country that to stay behind the new developments would be irresponsible, especially

when my job is to mold the minds of younger students. Of the topics throughout the course, I

would have to say that learning how to create a teacher webpage was my favorite. I had no prior

knowledge of building websites and now feel that I can create them for others.

top related