final dmadv

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 Final Dmadv


  • 8/13/2019 Final Dmadv


    DMADV Steps

    Define High level customer requirements and then Define project goals and objectives


    Establish key Measures of project success based on the key customer requirements


    Analyze design options


    Create the detailed construction design based on the chosen building design


    Construct and verify the design process


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    Business Case

    As we know nowadays because of the cost energy and make a friendly environment, peoplelooking for something new. This is about consumer requesting. Constructors are also verywelcome to find a way to sell better and most profitable way to sell. So green building it s anew way to make it happens . And we are as a designer, we design green building, this will befrom first sketch up to final proposal all in all, so we can sell our design to the constructors.

    I designed

    Construction of a Pasig Riverside Green Building condominium in downtownManila

    as 3 different ideas.

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  • 8/13/2019 Final Dmadv


  • 8/13/2019 Final Dmadv


    13 Oct.

    3 Nov.

    17 Nov .1Dec .

    22Dec .12 Jan.

    11 Agu.

    6 Oct. .



    22 Sep .



  • 8/13/2019 Final Dmadv


    Description Impact


    Mitigation Activities

    Lack of experience by the greenconstruction can lead to problemsobtaining LEED certification, delays andimproper material specifications.

    High High Consultants/Subconsultantsand Subcontractors.

    Financial risks low low The additional costs of greenbuildings may affectcompleting projects on timeand on budget, but must beweighed against the cost ofnot going green

    Mandates regarding LEED certificationbring an increased risk of legal liabilityfor green building design andconstruction professionals.

    Non Low Standard of Care/Legal


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  • 8/13/2019 Final Dmadv


    Identify Project Stakeholders


    Customer Current Role & Responsibilities

    ClientProvides the requirements budget, schedule, building design concept- Reviews and approves the whole project.

    Focus on LEED cooling and ventilation

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  • 8/13/2019 Final Dmadv


    Measurable Project Success Criteria

    Stakeholder Voices Success Criteria Success measure Target

    Client Favorable design Compliance to LEEDcooling and ventilation


    11 Focus on LEED cooling and ventilation

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  • 8/13/2019 Final Dmadv


    Analyze Idea Concepts

    Stakeholder Voices Requirements Idea 1 Idea 2 Idea 3

    Client Compliance to LEEDcooling andventilation


    NewShadingdeviceswhichabsorb theenoughsun insideof building


    Focus on LEED cooling and ventilation

  • 8/13/2019 Final Dmadv


    Quality Function Deployment (QFD)

    Radiant cooling (Idea 1)This method will absorb the heat inside the room and transform it to radiators under thefloor for chilled floor. The process of radiant exchange has a negligible effect on airtemperature, so this technology will absorb exceeded heat so air ventilation will be mucheasier with less energy. We have 2 options as our goal to QFD for clients:Option1 : comes with 15 radiators under the floor for every 20 square meters and that

    helps reduce temperature up to 12% but absolutely cheaper than option 2.

    Option 2: comes with 25 radiators under the floor for each 20 square meters and reducethe temperature up to 28%.

    Shading Device (Idea 2)Shading device is one of the cheapest method that we can design in a building to keepcooling inside according to VOC, it will increase occupant thermal comfort, reduce the

    glare, and increase architectural design.QFD options:Option 1 : we can do the shading devices in our design.Option 2 : we can specify each unit to use shading device for better performance butundoubtedly it will be exclusive for client and a bit expensive than option 1

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    Energy Efficiency Window (Idea 3)Energy Efficient windows are designed to keep cold air inside and saving energy inside byeliminating the need to overcompensate for air leakage and entry during both the summer andwinter months. Also it constructed to eliminate drafts. And protecting the home against leaks,drafts, and condensation.Energy Efficient Window don t require tinting in order to perform. Tinting can reduce visible lightand obstruct views. In the same way, The sun s harmful rays can fade artwork, paper, fabric,carpet, and wood. Energy efficient coatings on glass reduce ultraviolet (UV) rays by up to 75percent.Option1 : it comes with 2 layers of glass with Arcon inside that s why this window doesn t allowedto transfer temperature.Option2 :same window with option 1 but its require to have special frame that helps us to makebig and width window for towers and apartmentsOption3 : This method can be very cheap and popular for costumers it s a thin window and reducethe ray of sun 75% and we can use it in any house by changing window.

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    Option 2Option 3

    Option 1

    Performance of Energy EfficientWindow in three differentoptions(Idea 3)

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    SITE PLAN:This is our site plan for both designs. Pasig River is running next to the site. We are going toconnect them with the main road and create easy access for our clients.

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  • 8/13/2019 Final Dmadv


    Design 2: Shading Devices

    New Shading devices which absorb the enough sun inside of building and distributethe light in the room

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    Design 3: Energy Efficacy Window

    Energy efficient window are designed to keep cold air and those types of windowsare multiple-glazed and they have low- E coatings. High quality edge spacers andframes are also common with energy efficient windows.

  • 8/13/2019 Final Dmadv


    Comparison of SolutionsPugh Matrix



    Pugh Selection

    Matrix Idea Options





    E-EW(Opt.3) Shading




    Radiant(Opt.2) AS-IS

    Compliance toLEED coolingand ventilation

    10 + + + + + s s s

    Reduce TheRay Of Sun 7 s s + s s s s s

    Sum ofPositives 4 1 1 2 0 0 0

    Sum ofNegatives 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Sum ofSames 2 0 0 0 1 1 1

    WeightedSum ofPositives

    10 10 17 10 10 0 0 0

    WeightedSum ofNegatives

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0

  • 8/13/2019 Final Dmadv


    Comparison of Features vs. NeedsQuality Functional Deployment for Idea 03

    Idea 3: EnergyEfficiency Window

    (Option 3)

    I m p o r t a n c e R a t i n g

    ( 1 t o 5


    L e s s

    d a m a g e t o

    f u r n i t u r e

    L e s s w e i g

    h t a n

    d L e s s

    c o n

    d e n s a t i o n

    B e t t e r c o m

    f o r t a n

    d N o

    d r a

    f t s

    I n c r e a s e

    d l i g h

    t a n

    d v i e w s

    E n e r g y C o s t S a v i n g s

    C u s

    t o m

    e r

    N e e

    d sCompliance to LEED cooling

    and ventilation 4 6 5 6 8 9

    Raw score 24 20 24 32 36Relative % 18% 15% 18% 24% 26%

    Importance Rank 2 3 3 3 3

  • 8/13/2019 Final Dmadv


  • 8/13/2019 Final Dmadv


    Design for LEEDCompliance

    SustainableDesign (ss)

    Comply Social,Economic, and


    eliminate negativeenvironmental


    create projects thatare meaningful


    Material andResources(MR)

    Manpower andtraining program

    Process automationrequirements



    Environmentalfilter Reuse water supply

    Energy Efficient


    Innovation inDesign(IN)


    New high techequipment

    IT systems &solutions

    Cost / RevenuePlan

    Design for LEED Compliance

    Focus on LEED cooling and ventilation

    We should show our window to engineer before installation so they will know this special window needspecial frame according to the options that we proposed so we don t have any other special task forthem.

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  • 8/13/2019 Final Dmadv


    How engineers will produce the window:

    1.ConceptualizationThe project team comes together at the earliest stage, they will talk about the size,form, thickness, length, width etc. of the window and they will predict the climateand the form of the building then according to that they will make decision.

    2.DesignCollaboration between the architect, contractor, and engineers allows for betterdecision making, helping to improve quality and better cooling and ventilation.

    3.implementation docs.Precise virtual models are automatically part of the design, helping to reduceuncertainty in documents and chose the best design of the window.

    4.ProduceBecause of careful early planning, team members are able to use best option ofthe windows according to plan, climate , budget etc. Construction can becompleted on schedule and on budget.

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  • 8/13/2019 Final Dmadv


    Energy-Efficient Window savingCompression of Energy-Efficient Window

    For Option 3

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  • 8/13/2019 Final Dmadv


    Window Material Comparison

    conventional windows Energy-Efficient Window

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  • 8/13/2019 Final Dmadv


    I want the building windows to look like these

    Glazed systems that occur on the ground floor, and typically include aluminum entrances.

    Installed between floor slabs, or between a floor slab and building structure above.

    Front Elevation

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    Building Faade

  • 8/13/2019 Final Dmadv


    Building Movement

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    How we will check the effectiveness of our design?

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    How we will check the effectiveness of our design?

    We divide it to 5 phases:

  • 8/13/2019 Final Dmadv


    What I appreciate are

    six sigma is customer driven

    Six Sigma addresses the entire process behind the production of an item orcompletion of a service, rather than just the final outcome

    What should improve:

    Six sigma is base on the statics or data so many people would fail to use real life experiences orcases to improve their own business.

  • 8/13/2019 Final Dmadv


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