final exam review: 2nd semester content. why did us fight the mexican american war ?

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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Final Exam Review: 2nd Semester Content

Why did US fight the Mexican American War ?

Texas was annexed; war provoked to gain land

How did Congress try to stop slavery in land gained from the Mexican American War ?

Wilmot Proviso: any land gained in war against Mexico would be free and not slave - it failed to pass

What are the geographic features of the Northeast?

Rushing rivers, rocky soil, good for industry

The benefits to industrialism were ?

Economic wealth, tech , stable employment;

Drawbacks ?

Pollution, child labor, overcrowded cities

Define Henry Clay’s American System.

Govt. to help build canals etc, National Bank, tariff

What was difficult in building the Trans.Railroad ?

Weather of Sierras, Indian Attacks, and

supply delivery was difficult

What were push and pull factors of immigration ?

War, famine, economy; freedom, jobs

Who were some progressive reformers and what did they do ?

Horace Mann

– education,

Jane Addams

–Hull House

Susan B. Anthony

- right to vote,

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

– Women’s rights

What were the key characteristics of the South ?

Slavery, slow wide rivers, fertile land

Who resisted slavery and how did they resist ?


– Underground RR,

Nat Turner

– violent rebellion

Frederick Douglass

- North Star Newspaper

Grimike sisters

- moral suasion

John Brown

- Harpers Ferry raid


– newspaper the Liberator

How do historians know the details of life during the westward movement ?

Letters, diaries, photos, newspapers

Who were famous abolitionists ?

Garrison, Grimike, Tubman, Truth, Douglass

What compromises made to avoid a civil war ?

Missouri Comp, Compromise of 1850, and Kansas-Nebraska Act

How was slavery justified ?

In Bible, existed since ancient times and

economic necessity, civilization given to slaves, cared for by owners

What were the causes of the Civil War ?

Economics, slavery, states rights

What are famous Lincoln documents and what do they say ?

Gettysburg Address; ideals of Dec. of Independence and

preservation of union requires the sacrifice

Emancipation Proclamation

free slaves in southern states, not border states, allow enlistment of African Americans

House Divided debate speech –

we will become all slave or all free, we will not fall

2nd inaugural address

malice toward none, charity toward all

What advantages and disadvantages did the North and South have to win the war ?

North: population, economy, transportation, factories weapons

South: Motivation to defend homeland; General Lee, military training

What battles are remembered from the Civil War and why ?

Antietnam, Gettysburg , Shiloh, Bull Run, Fredericksburg - # of deaths, turning points

What amendments were added to the Constitution during Reconstruction ?


What resources did the United States have that helped it to industrialize ?

Natural resources, immigrant labor, transportation, inventions

What political parties emerged on the West ?

Grangers, populists

Who are some famous industrialists and what area did the specialize ?







JP Morgan


What were the waves of immigration ?

Northwestern Europe, Southeastern Europe

Vocabulary terms to know

Wilmot Proviso ?

land gained in war with Mexico would be free

Manifest Destiny-

duty to move west and bring democracy

American System-

Henry Clay idea govt help build infrastructure, national bank necessary

Transcontinental Railroad-

Railroad connected east and west


voting rights


wanted to end slavery


journalists exposed negatives of ind. rev

Underground Railroad

-network of escape for slaves to Canada

Scorch and Burn-

destroy all in path from Atlanta to the sea by Sherman

Jim Crow laws-

Laws that segregated races


time of rebuilding nation and ensuring rights of freed slaves

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