final load calculations

Post on 06-Apr-2018






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  • 8/3/2019 Final Load Calculations


    Chapter 02

    Load Estimation Procedure

    2.1General Procedure for Load Estimation

    Following procedure is adapted to calculate Cooling load of the building.

    1. Solar Gain through Glass:Glass, being the major cladding material of most building, provides the most direct route for

    entry of solar radiation. For this reason, the proper estimation of heat gain through glass is

    imperative. Glass may be considered opaque to radiation for sources of surface temperature less

    than 2000C.Of the energy that is incident upon the glass, some is reflected and lost, some is transmitted

    through the glass, and some is absorbed by the glass as the energy passes through it. This small

    amount of energy raises the temperature of the glass, and the glass eventually transmits this heat

    by convection partly to the room and partly to the exterior.

    External Shading

    This is the best way of excluding the entry of direct solar radiation into a building. If the shade is

    completely opaque, all the direct radiation is prevented from entering through the window,

    although scattered radiation from the ground and the sky can still enter and must be taken into


    Internal Shading and Double-Glazing

    In tropical and subtropical climates, fixed, horizontal and external shades are effective because

    the sun is high in the sky for most of the day but in the temperate zone the lower solar altitudes

    that prevail for the majority of the time make them as much less used. For this reason, internal

    shading is much adopted and is essential for sunlit windows if air conditioning is to be


    Internal shades are often of the Venetian blind type and for these to give most benefit; they

    should be of a white or aluminum color and should have polished surfaces. They should be

    adjusted so that they reflect the rays of the sun back to the outside and so that no direct rays pass

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    between the slots. The blinds absorb some radiation, warm up and convex and radiate heat into

    the room. Blinds are most effective when fitted between sheets of double-glazing.

    The effectiveness of various combinations of shades and glazing is expressed in terms of a solar

    heat gain coefficient


    SHGF is solar heat gain factor (BTU/hr)

    A is corresponding area ()F is overall factor for solar heat gain through glass [1]

    Correction for SHGF [1]:

    Steel sash or not

    Multiply with 1.17

    Haze conditions

    For 10% hazy conditions


    +0.7% per 1000Ft

    For 1914 ft

    So correction factor will be

    Dew point increases from 66.8F

    Dew point difference

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    So,( )

    Thus correction factor for dew point

    Corrected solar heat gain factor:

    Overall Factor for solar heat gain through glass:

    Using table 16 of Carrier hand book


    Using ASHRAE table 3.22

    2. Conduction through Wall, Roof and Floor:Basically any building is composed of structures like walls, roofs, and floor. The heat transfer

    through wall and roof is similar as both structures are of the same nature and exposed to the same

    type of boundary conditions. For floors directly in contact with ground or over an underground

    basement that is neither ventilated nor conditioned, heat transfer may be neglected for cooling

    load estimates.


    Q is conduction gain (Btu/hr)

    U is overall heat transfer coefficient (table33)

    A is area of glass TD is temperature difference)

    3. Infiltration and Ventilation:Outdoor air that flows through a building is often used to dilute and remove indoor air

    contaminants. However, the energy required to condition this outdoor air could be a significant

    portion of the total space-conditioning load. The magnitude of the outdoor airflow into the

    building must be known for proper sizing of the HVAC equipment and evaluation of energy

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    consumption. For buildings without mechanical cooling and dehumidification, proper ventilation

    and infiltration airflows are important for providing comfort for occupants.

    Air exchange of outdoor air with the air already in a building can be divided into two broad

    classifications: infiltration and ventilation

    Infiltration is uncontrolled flow of air through unintentional openings such as cracks in the walls

    and ceilings and through perimeter gaps of windows and doors driven by wind, temperature

    difference and internally induced pressures. It is caused by a greater air pressure on the outside

    of the building than the inside. The amount of in filtered air depends on the pressure difference,

    the number, size and the shape of cracks involved; the number, the length and width of the

    perimeter gaps of the windows and doors; and the nature of the flow in the crack or gap (laminar

    or turbulent).


    Ventilation is the intentional introduction of air from the outside into a building; it is further

    subdivided into natural ventilation and forced ventilation.

    Natural ventilation is the intentional flow of air through open windows, doors, grilles, and other

    planned building envelope penetrations, and it is driven by natural and/or artificially produced

    pressure differentials.

    Forced ventilation is the intentional movement of air into and out of a building using fans andintake and exhaust vents; it is also called mechanical ventilation.

    Most of the time the air introduced in to the building by ventilation is expressed in terms of air

    exchange per hour (ACH) [2].





    Is grains intensity difference (Grains/lb)

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    4. People (occupants):Human beings give off heat at a metabolic rate, which depends on their rate of working. The

    sensible and latent heat proportion of the heat librated for any given activity depends on the

    value of the ambient dry bulb temperature; the lower the dry bulb temperature the larger theproportion of sensible heat dissipated. Typical values of sensible and latent heat librations of heat

    are given in Table 3.4(ASHARE)



    Is human sensible heat gain Is number of people Is cooling load factor



    Is latent human heat gain

    5. LIGHTS:As lighting is often the major space load component, a precise account of this heat gain is

    required. The computation of this heat load is often very difficult due to the rate of heat gain at

    any given time being quite different from the heat equivalent of the power supplied

    instantaneously to these lights.

    Only part of the energy from light is in the form of convective heat that is picked up

    instantaneously by the air conditioning apparatus. The remaining portion is in the form of

    radiation which affects the conditioned space only after having been absorbed and rereleased by

    walls, floors, furniture, etc. This absorbed energy contributes to the space cooling load only after

    a time lag, with some part of energy still present and reradiating after the lights are switched off.

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    Is light intensity

    6. Ventilation bypass:Nearly 10% air that passes from the cooling coil by passes without conditioned. This by-pass air

    adds load in the room for the cooling purposes.



    Is bypass factor usually taken as 0.1 (10%)Latent

    7. Outdoor air heat gain:This includes the amount of energy required to condition the outdoor air to the required values of

    temperature and humidity.

    8. Total sensible heat:

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    9. Total latent heat:

    10.Total Load

    2.2 Load estimation for 2nd floor NANDO:

    Length Width Height

    ft. ft. ft.

    32.33 39.12664 7

    Area 1264.964397Volume 8854.750781no. of people 40

    1. Solar Gain through Glass:

    Table2.1 SHGF [1]

    Direction SHGF(Btu/hr)

    Latitude30 Latitude40 Latitude34(interpolation)

    NE 14 14 14

    SE 22 42 35.33

    Correction for SHGF:

    Steel sash or not

    Multiply with 1.17

    Haze conditions

    For 10% hazy conditions

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    +0.7% per 1000Ft

    For 1914 ft

    So correction factor will be

    Dew point increases from 66.8F

    Dew point difference

    So,( )Thus correction factor for dew point

    Corrected solar heat gain factor:

    NE SE

    Overall Factor for solar heat gain through glass:

    Glass specifications:

    Size Type single glass(single glaze)

    Light color

    Inside blend

    Thickness 10mm

    Using Table 16[1]

    Factor (F) =0.56

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    Using ASHRAE Table 3.22[2]

    Factor =0.55

    Table2.2 Overall factor (F) for solar heat gain through Glass (3.22) [2]

    Now, using

    SOLAR GAIN GLASS(radiation) in Btu/hr

    NE 224 14.11 0.55 1738.35

    SE 212.31 35.61 0.55 4158.20

    2. Conduction Through Glass(wall)

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    U is overall heat transfer coefficient =0.83

    Table2.3 Over all heat transfer coefficient (U) for glass in

    A is the area of all glass

    Conduction through Roof:

    Overall heat Transfer coefficient for roof is calculated as [3]

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    U-Factor calculations for Roof








    -in (INCHES) summer winter summer winter



    air(moving) 0.25 0.172 top side plaster 3 0.2 0.1 0.6 0.3

    3 RCC 6 0.08 0.08 0.48 0.48


    bottom side

    plaster 0.75 0.2 0.1 0.15 0.075

    5 inside air (still) 0.92 0.61

    6Total Resistance (Rt) 2.4 1.635

    7Overall U- factor (U) =1/Rt 0.42 0.61

    Higher value of U =0.61


    Total conduction,

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    3. Infiltration: Sensible


    This gives


    4. People:

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    Table 2.4 Heat gain by occupants w.r.t activity [2]



    5. LIGHTS:

    6. Ventilation bypass: Sensible

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    Is bypass factor usually taken as 0.1 (10%)


    7. Outdoor air heat gain:


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    Leakage losses =1%

    Now, Effective Room Sensible heat:

    Total sensible heat:


    Leak losses = 1%

    Effective room latent heat:

    Total latent heat:

    10.Total Load

    Safety factor= 10%

    Hence Total Load:

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    2.3 Load Calculation for Basement Floor

    Length 20.6 Width 18.83 Height 8.25 Area 387.89 Volume 3200.16 No of people 22

    sensible latent


    Infiltration950.45 1347.37

    people6050 2310


    ventilation bypass1176.12 1667.292

    outdoor air heat gain 10585.8 15005.63

    Total room sensible23212.59

    Total room latent23040.408

    Total room cooling

    load 46252.998

    Tons of Refrigeration 3.8544165

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    2.4 Load Calculation for Ground Floor

    Length 21.4 ft

    Width 33.97 ft

    Height 8.25 ft

    Area 726.96 ft2

    Volume 5997.40 ft3

    No of people 22

    sensible latent


    solar radiation(glass) 6389.302

    conduction (glass) 13867.83

    Infiltration4292.22 6084.74

    people6050 2310


    appliances 12000

    ventilation bypass 1176.12 1667.292

    outdoor air heat gain10585.8 15005.63

    Total room sensible75680.37

    Total room latent25907.14

    Total room cooling load101587.51

    Tons of Refrigeration 8.465625833

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    2.5 Load Calculation for 1st. Floor

    Length 31.66 ft

    Width 55.33 ft

    Height 8.25 ft

    Area 1751.75 ft2

    Volume 14451.92 ft3

    No of people 22

    sensible latent




    conduction (glass) 6826.5

    Infiltration1781.229 2525.107

    people6050 2310


    ventilation bypass1176.12 1667.292

    outdoor air heat gain 10585.8 15005.63

    Total room sensible37974.05

    Total room latent21991.54

    Total room cooling

    load 59965.59

    Tons of Refrigeration 4.9971325

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    2.6 Heating Load calculations:

    1. Solar Gain through Glass:2. Conduction through Wall, Roof and Floor:3. Infiltration and Ventilation:

    4. People (occupants):5. LIGHTS:6. Ventilation bypass:7. Outdoor air heat gain:8. Total Load

    Heat gain:

    Solar Gain through Glass:

    Conduction through Wall, Roof and Floor:

    People (occupants):



    Heat loss:

    Infiltration and Ventilation:

    Ventilation bypass:

    Outdoor air heat gain:

    Total Heating Load:

    Design conditions for heating load calculations:

    Month DecemberDate 15th

    Winter design DB 35.6 F

    Winter design WB 32.18

    Relative humidity 67.40%

    humidity ration 20.6grains/lb

    Dew point 26.6 F

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    [1]-Handbook of Air Conditioning System Design by Carrier Air Conditioning Company

    [2]-ASHRAE Fundamentals 1985

    [3]-Building Energy Code of Pakistan (ENERCON February 2008)

    [4]-Transient Analysis of Cooling Load of A Single Zone Building By Korbaga Fantu

    (Addis Ababa University School of Graduate Studies)

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